|Title |Grant Finance Manager |

|Manager’s Title |WV Bosnia-Herzegovina National Director |

|Department |World Vision BiH |

|Location |Sarajevo |



|The Grant Finance Manager will be responsible to provide overall financial management of the anticipated CHF 8 million Strengthening the Role |

|of Local Communities (Mjesna Zajednicas/MZs) grant. This person will support the Grant project in establishing and implementing a strong |

|system of effective financial management of grant in accordance with approved budgets and accounting practices of both World Vision (WV) and |

|SDC based on the Cooperative Agreement. Grant Finance Manager will be responsible for coordinating with all sub-recipients (SRs) to ensure |

|full compliance with SDC financial reporting and requirements. This will include financial oversight of a significant small grants program. |


|% Time |Major Activities |End Results Expected |

|25% |PLANNING AND BUDGETING |Project establishes all budgets and revisions to donor’s |

| | |satisfaction by various due dates. |

|      |Lead the development of project operating budget and work | |

| |collaboratively with SRs to develop budget plans | |

| |Advise project teams on resource integration options to meet | |

| |grant requirements. | |

|25% |FINANCIAL IMPLEMENTATION in coordination with project |Sound financial controls result in WV and all partners |

| |partners |operating within financial regulations of donor. |

|      |Establish a project financial system that will include the |      |

| |following processes, among others: fund requests, bank | |

| |transfers, disbursements, record-keeping, reporting, and | |

| |forecasting of financial needs. | |

| |Ensure that funds are utilized following the agreed budget | |

| |plan as reflected in the approved Management Plan and in | |

| |compliance with lead agency and SDC regulations. | |

| |Review and consolidate the monthly, quarterly and annual | |

| |financial reports, and other reports required by the donor | |

| |and WV partnership in coordination with SRs. | |

| |Ensure timely disbursement to all SRs. | |

| |Analyze spending trends and provide recommendations to | |

| |Program Director and other team leaders. | |

|25% |Coordination and collaboration with Program Director, SRs, |Project leadership, including SRs, recognize and makes |

| |and other stakeholders on all finance related concerns |timely programmatic decisions in response to accurate |

| | |financial information. |

|      |Collaborate and work closely with the representatives of SRs |      |

| |for report preparation and discuss implementation concerns to| |

| |ensure quality performance and policies, protocols and | |

| |standards are met. | |

| |Provide advice to Program Director on issues related to donor| |

| |regulations and compliance to grant financial guidelines. | |

| |Participate in all activities initiated by the Lead Agency | |

| |and provide necessary financial information to Technical | |

| |Working Group (TWG). | |

| |Serve as the focal person for finance related concerns and | |

| |assistance with SRs and any issues related to budgets. | |

| |Liaise with Support Office, National Office and Regional | |

| |Office finance representatives regarding grant/budgetary and | |

| |cash management issues. | |

| |Liaise with M&E and Audit units to verify financial records | |

| |and to ensure funding is being maximized to achieve quality | |

| |programmatic results among all partners. | |

|25% |QUALITY ASSURANCE MECHANISMS ensuring effective financial |Project maintains clean audits. |

| |performance to meet program outcomes | |

|      |Review financial policies and procedures to ensure compliance|      |

| |to generally accepted Accounting Principles, WVI finance | |

| |policies, and government and other donor regulations. | |

| |Install and implement system to monitor actual expenditures | |

| |on a regular basis and institute corrective actions when | |

| |necessary to keep within proper budget levels. | |

| |Ensure timely and technically sound submission or reports | |

| |from SRs, and compilation for reports from lead agency to | |

| |SDC. | |

| |Ensure regular visits to all SRs to provide financial | |

| |guidance, monitoring and interventions where necessary. | |

| |Take leadership in the finance consultation meetings for all | |

| |SRs. | |

| |Respond to finance related queries of donor and Internal | |

| |Audit findings and recommendations. | |

| |Monitor SR response to donor relating to finance and | |

| |accounting. | |

| |Address government and Internal audits in partnership with | |

| |SRs and other team leaders, providing required information to| |

| |auditors and participating in the resolution of audit | |

| |results. | |


Minimum Education, Training and Experience Requirements to Qualify for the Position:

| |

|1. Degree in a related field, or a Bachelor’s degree with commensurate experience (5+ years) required |

| |

|Additional work experience required as a minimum qualification for this position. |

|5-8 years of accounting and/or grants management experience required, including experience with Swiss Agencies grant management. |

|Strength in financial planning, reporting, analysis and internal control |

|Proven ability in the management of large integrated programs in developing countries |

|Familiarity with Swiss Agencies programs and SDC regulations. Ability to integrate teams of professionals around common goals |

|Demonstrated accomplishment in working with host-country professionals, stakeholders and with donor colleagues in country |

|Leadership of large and diverse teams |

|Fluency in English is required . |

|Proficiency in using office software, especially Excel. |

|Ability to link financial documents with tangible programmatic performance and make recommendations for systems strengthening |

Preferred Skills, Knowledge and Experience:

|Academic, technical skills or other knowledge preferred for this position. |

|1. Working knowledge of relevant national languages preferred |

|2. BiH nationals are encouraged to apply. |

|3. Extensive travel required; must be willing to travel and work for periods of time to field project sites, including rural sites with few |

|amenities |

|Additional work experience preferred for this position. |

|Work in an international/domestic relief and development organization recommended |

|At least basic proficiency in SUN systems V.6 is preferred. |

|Ability to work independently with minimum supervision |

|Ability to multitask in a fast-paced environment |

|Excellent communication skills (both oral and written) at all levels. |

|Strong inter-personal and leadership skills. |

|Above average analytical and integrative skills |

| |

License, registration, or certification required to perform this position:

|Preferably a Certified Public Accountant or other similar professional accreditation |

|40 hours of continuing professional education required annually in this position |


Achieving Capabilities: Achieving quality results & service. Practicing accountability & integrity.

|1. Establishes a systematic course of action for self or others to ensure accomplishments of a specific objective. Determined priorities and |

|allocates time and resources effectively. |

|2. Balances the needs and interests of various stakeholders and makes decisions involving competing goals, objectives, and alternatives. |

|Prioritizes tasks and redirects work effort in response to changes in priorities. |

|3. Adapts easily to frequent change, varied working conditions and requirements, and to diverse individuals and groups. Willing to consider |

|new ideas and approaches and apply them creatively. Views problems from different perspectives. |

|4. Demonstrates concern for achieving or surpassing results against and internal or external standard of excellence, shows a passion for |

|improving the delivery of services with a commitment to continuous improvement. Identifies quantitative and qualitative performance measures |

|for area(s) of responsibility and analyzes, evaluates, and reports results objectively. |

| |

Thinking Capabilities: Thinking clearly, deeply and broadly. Understanding the Humanitarian Industry. Understanding World Vision’s mission and operations. Practicing innovation and change

|1. Identifies and analyzes situations and/or issues, considers options, develops and decides on solutions, recommends and/or implements and |

|monitors appropriate solutions. |

|2. Prioritizes keeping abreast of technical sector and related sector best practices. Integrates donor-relevant learning into the work of the |

|programme. |

| |

Self Managing Capabilities: Demonstrating Christ-centered life and work. Learning for growth and development. Maintaining work/life balance and effectiveness

|1. Demonstrates leadership and mentorship through word and/or deed. Models service to others before self-interest. |

|2. Participates and learns from opportunities within technical sector and related sectors to keep abreast of current best practice per donor |

|and similar standards. |

|3. Communicates with colleagues and supervisor regarding work/life balance needs and respects personal needs in the face of significant travel|

|obligations of the position. |

Relational Capabilities: Building collaborative relationships. Practicing gender and cultural diversity. Influencing individuals and groups

|1. Communicates and interacts effectively with people from other cultures, religions, geographies, and organizations; respects and adapts to |

|other cultures and seeks opportunities to learn about them to enhance relationships. Understands and respects different denominations and |

|religious traditions. |

|2. Establishes rapport with people easily, developing and maintaining a network of technical contacts that can be drawn upon. Offers |

|compromises and trade-offs to others as needed and appropriate to gain their support and participation. Proactively contacts others, despite |

|the risk of possible rejection. |

|3. Promotes and generates cooperation and teamwork among program staff, other staff within the organization, and collaborators within the |

|government and other institutions. |


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