
 Synthesis Task - Unit 6 - World War I Unit Compelling Questions What motivations and intentions shape US involvement in foreign affairs? To what extent did World War 1 affect American society socially, politically, and economically? Directions: On the flip side of this page is a graphic organizer that illustrates the causes and effects of the United States’ involvement in WWI. Using the specific directions below, fill out this graphic organizer. Causes: The causes of the United States entering WWI are labelled as: Zimmerman Telegram, Presidential Election of 1916, British Blockade, Lusitania, Unrestricted Submarine Warfare. In order to complete the graphic organizer, fill in the boxes under these terms explaining: Identify the term on top of the box - explain what the term or event on top of the box means or was A description of how the term or event above the box led to the US entry to WWI Effects: The effects of WWI can be divided into three groups - social, political, and economic. Below are a list of effects of WWI. Sort them & write them in the appropriate effect boxes in your graphic organizer. Add any further effects you generate on your own in the appropriate boxes. Effects of WW1 - USA: Government control of telephone, telegraph, and railroads War Industry Board is created to coordinate agricultural & industrial war efforts US becomes the “Workshop of the World” 16. Food rations are instituted Military Draft 17. Rise of xenophobia (fear of immigrants) Espionage & Sedition Act 18. Eruption of race riots (ex: Chicago 1919) Schenck v. United States 19. US leaves an isolationist stance Red Scare 20. US becomes a global leader FBI is created Palmer Raids & deportation of 600 “radicals” Many women quit domestic work and start working in factories Great Migration World wide banking capital shifts from London, England to New York City, USA War bonds are sold US senate doesn’t ratify the Treaty of Versailles or join the League of Nations Women’s suffrage Zimmerman Telegram Presidential Election of 1916British Blockade Lusitania Unrestricted Submarine WarfareUS entry to WW1Social Political Economic CauseCauseCauseCauseCauseEffectEffectEffectSynthesis Task - Unit 6 - World War I In a well organized essay, that includes an introduction, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion, explain your answer to the following synthesis question: What motivations and intentions shape US involvement in foreign affairs? To what extent did World War 1 affect American society socially, politically, and economically? You may use your graphic organizer to aid you with this synthesis task. Guidelines:In your essay, be sure to:Develop all aspects of the taskSupport your claims with relevant facts, examples, and detailsUse a logical and clear plan of organization, including an introduction and a conclusion that are beyond a restatement of the question ................

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