


No. |Date |Applicant |Project |Request |Stage 1

Response |Stage 2

Response | |1 |30/03/11 |Kingsway Hall Arts & Community Theatre Trust |Light equipment

• Construction of mezzanine floor and bar | £52,100 |Proceed to stage 2 |Declined | |2 |30/03/11 |Nacro Braintree Community Inclusion Sports Project |Sports equipment

• Facility hire

• Staff salaries |No amount specified |Declined | | |3 |30/03/11 |RAFA |Using PCSO's from Essex Police as Traffic Wardens |No amount specified |Idea forwarded to relevant TDC department for direct response | | |4 |31/03/11 |Essex Blind Charity |Salary of part time co-ordinator

• Rent for Clacton Centre |No amount specified |Possibility of providing TDC venue in Clacton to meet at reduced/no cost. | | |5 |31/03/11 |Neighbourhood Watch St. Andrews Road |Charge for car parking on the seafront

• Make sure the parking restrictions in Pier Avenue are adhered to

• Patrol the seafront so coaches do not park there |No amount specified |Idea forwarded to relevant TDC department for direct response. | | |6 |31/03/11 |The Ark Centre |Providing parenting, emotional and practical support to families to avoid the need for foster care |No amount specified

|Forwarded to ECC | | |7 |01/04/11 |Member of public |Repairs to dangerous and un-adopted roads in Brooklands and Grasslands in Jaywick |No amount specified |Declined | | |8 |01/04/11 |Holland-on-Sea Bowling Club |Resurface the pathway between the pavilion and the playing area of the bowling green

|No amount specified |Declined | | |9 |01/04/11 |The Salvation Army |Funding for food

• Overheads

• Laptops

• Support of TDC homeless and benefits support workers to attend the drop-in regularly for support for the project |No amount specified |Proceed to Stage 2 |Declined | |10 |04.04.11 |Harwich Electric Palace Trust |Complete digital projection installation system |No amount specified |Declined | | |11 |04.04.11 |Tendring Community Transport |Minibus

• Volunteer driver

• Vehicle running costs

• Administration costs |£20,000 |Proceed to Stage 2 |Declined | |12 |05/04/11 |Little Clacton Village Hall |Internal refurbishment and upgrade of facilities |£17,000 |Proceed to Stage 2 |Approved Awarded £17,000 | |13 |05/04/11 |Helping Hands (Project of the Volunteer Bureau for Tendring) |Office base

• 3 part time staff

• Volunteers from TDC to assist with project in emergency events i.e. bad weather and flu epidemics as carried out in 2009

|£27,550 |Proceed to Stage 2 |Approved

Awarded £7,000 | |14 |05/04/11 |PEG |To build an outside free to use gym

• Equipment

• Land required from TDC

• Maintenance of site |No amount specified |Proceed to Stage 2 |Declined | |15 |05/04/11 |FC Clacton Community Interest Company |Purpose built facility at new base |£50,000 - It is suggested that Rush Green Road grounds could save the Council money by leaving the grass to be a meadow park and save on maintaining the pitches. |Proceed to Stage 2 | | |16 |05/04/11 |Pier Avenue Baptist Church |Supply and installation of shower cubicles and toilets |Around £27,000 |Proceed to Stage 2 |Approved

Awarded £17,000 | |17 |06/04/11 |Mayday Self Help Groups |Funding to pay rent to TCVS |Approx £88 per month - no timescale given. |Declined | | |18 |06/04/11 |Volunteer Centre Tendring |Promotion from Councillors

• Support and advice from the TDC PR Manager

• Staff for 20 hpw from June 2011 to March 2013,

• Travel expenses

• Rent for additional library space |£26,602 |Proceed to Stage 2 |Approved

Awarded £26,603 | |19 |08/04/11 |The Salvation Army |Funding to carry on providing the luncheon club for the elderly five days a week |£5,000 to maintain this service for a year |Declined | | |20 |08/04/11 |Silver Dawn Carpet Bowls Club |Equipment |£2,000 |Declined | | |21 |12/04/11 |Neighbourhood Watch |Make the area cleaner

• Incorporate use of Martello Tower

• Tidy up the green

• Provide seating area

• Incorporate a garden along the west promenade

• Renewal of street furniture |No amount specified |Application withdrawn | | |22 |08/04/11 |Member of public |An A&E specifically for mental health to be run from Summit House. Funding needed for computer, phones, security cameras and specialist advice |No amount specified |Declined | | |23 |13/04/11 |Autism Anglia |3x Family support team salaries

• Venue hire

• Travel costs

• Refreshments

• Stationery

• Telephone

• Laptop |£3,554 funding for 6 workshops over 1 year |Declined. | | |24 |14/04/11 |The Colne Community School and College |Train student volunteers to support running of Brightlingsea Sports Centre (1)

• Student volunteers to clean litter from Manor Woods and footpaths of surrounding areas of the school (2)

Litter picking equipment required

• Student volunteers to create and maintain a wildlife garden in school grounds (3)

Equipment needed to clear, develop, maintain and secure the wildlife garden |No amount specified |Proceed to Stage 2

Provide equipment – no need for Stage 2

Declined | | | | | | | | |Delivered litter pickers 20/06/11 | | | | | | | | | |25 |18/04/11 |Clacton and District Occupational Workshop Society |To update an old heating system |£3,000 |Declined | | |26 |18/04/11 |Colne Community College |To fund the cost of qualifying 20 young people with a Royal Lifesaving Society (RLSS) National Pool Lifeguard Qualification |£1,500 |Proceed to Stage 2 |Approved

Awarded £1,500 | |27 |18/04/11 |Thorrington Parish Council |Improve maintenance of Hazel Close open space in Thorrington by regularly having the grass cut by a local company so this open space could be used more frequently

• 10 litter pickers so local residents who have volunteered to pick up rubbish from this open space can do so |£700 |Declined

Provide equipment – no need for Stage 2 | | | | | | | | |Delivered Litter pickers 20/06/11 | |28 |19/04/11 |The April Centre |Capital works to building

• Funding for an additional part-time Project Worker on a fixed term contract for two years |£36,420 |Declined. | | |29 |21/04/11 |Crossroads Care Tendring & Colchester |Funding to deliver 350 hours of respite care to families in the Tendring area who have children with autism |No amount specified |Declined | | |30 |26/04/11 |The Rotary Club of Manningtree Stour Valley |Funding to pay the educators salary and other minimal costs in running a mobile Life Education Centre classroom |No amount specified |Declined | | |31 |26/04/11 |Walton Community Forum |Funding to continue the appointment of a post to cover the Walton Community project office for two days a week for a further year |£5,000 |Declined | | |32 |27/04/11 |Harwich Football Club |An area to display information e.g. empty shop, display vehicle or market stall.

• Hire or to borrow display panels, DVD projector and screen

• Printing and publicity facilities |£1,000 to £2,000 |Declined | | |33 |28/04/11 |Frobisher primary & Nursery School |Funding to employ a design and planning company

• Funding for the installation and creation of the MUGA – Multi Use Game Arena

• Funding for floodlights |No amount specified |Declined | | |34 |28/04/11 |Tendring Time Bank (Connected Care Clacton and Jaywick and would be run by Tendring Volunteer Centre) |Software and licences

• Computer

• Salary for Project Co-ordinator

• Oncosts

• Travel

• Promotion/leaflets

• Office costs

• Stationery and phone |£53,573 |Declined | | |35 |03/05/11 |Sliver Supremes Majorettes |Funding for new uniforms and equipment |No amount specified |Declined | | |36 |03/05/11 |S.O.D.A (Support Organisations for Dovercourt Area) |Helps people with mental health issues in the area |£280 |Declined | | |37 |03/05/11 |Member of public |Using council buildings and council houses for solar energy

• Energy companies renting roof space off the council |No amount specified |Idea forwarded to relevant TDC department for direct response |Letter send 06/06/11 | |38 |03/05/11 |Member of public |Counselling service for clients with mental health issues that can’t afford the full fee

• Offering to provide one day per week at a cost of £50 per day to cover expenses. |£50 per day at one per week. |Declined | | |39 |05/05/11 |CLaCC – Changing Lives and Changing Communities |Delivery of a Theraplay program across Tendring for the most vulnerable young people.

• Therapeutic programme of interactive play focusing on nurturing, engagement and structure.

• Funding required for a professional Theraplay Therapist for one day per week.

• Project will run for two days per week, Mid Tendring Local Delivery group has agreed to fund the other day. |£9,000 per year |Declined | | |40 |09/05/11 |Signpost Tendring |Ultimately to part fund setting up a centre in Harwich Or allow the use of Council property to house the centre and facilitate the service

• Or fund and expand the current Harwich Outreach

• Or contribute towards any current Outreach Project |No definite amount given |Declined | | |41 |09/05/11 |Dumont Luncheon Club |Funding to provide transport to members

• Running costs such as hall hire |No amount specified |Declined | | |42 |10/05/11 |The Tendring Furniture Scheme |Funding towards materials to refurbish items to prevent the going to land fill

• Funding for another two mornings of advice from the skills trainer

• Hope to offer two apprenticeships at the end of the year to two young people to help them set up their own enterprise within the organisation |£8,905 |Proceed to Stage 2. |Approved

Awarded £9,124 | |43 |11/05/11 |Great Bentley Pre-School |All weather outside surface for the Early Years children and their families |£3,500 |Declined | | |44 |17/05/11 |Alresford Youth Project |Construction of basic skate park on parish council owned playing field |Up to £45,000

(fundraising has already commenced but figure not known) |Declined | | |45 |19/05/11 |Clacton Rugby Club |Design and install a new pitch and training area improvement to allow winter drainage and summer watering. Remove maintenance from TDC.

• Specialist advice needed

• Funding

• Equipment |No amount specified |Declined | | |46 |19/05/11 |Neighbourhood Action Panel |Venue costs

• Graffiti removal kits

• Activities for young people

• Advertising budget |£3,000 per annum |Declined | | |47 |19/05/11 |Alresford Village Hall Management Committee |Extra storage space for Youth Club and Bowls Club equipment at Village Hall and New toilet block |£15,000 |Declined | | |48 |19/05/11 |Tendring Youth Assembly (TYA) |Run a Battle of the Bands event on Clacton Seafront on August Bank Holiday weekend

• Extending hire of some of the air show services and facilities for the Battle of the Bands on Clacton Greensward

• Security, toilets, stage and PA system and sound engineer

• Hire of drum kit |£5,000 |Proceed to Stage 2 |Approved

Awarded £5,000 | |49 |19/05/11 |Jobcentre Plus |To run 5 ‘Get Tendring Working’ workshops a week |No amount specified |Declined | | |50 |20/05/11 |The Colchester Business Agency (COLBEA) |3 pilot courses on “becoming self-employed” for up to 15 people on each course, which will last 6 weeks. |£17,550 plus VAT |Proceed to Stage 2 |Declined | |51 |23/05/11 |Keltic Football Club |Funding for pitch fees for the forthcoming season |No amount specified |Declined | | |52 |24/05/11 |Clacton Rugby Club |Funding to provide its own facility then Clay Hall would not be needed by the club (the rugby club are the only club who use Clay Hall)

• Specialist advice and funding |No amount specified |In further discussions with Club. | | |53 |24/05/11 |Oaklea Montessori CIC |Set up cost to obtain the licence to deliver ‘Early Years +’ |£1,000 plus £250 for delivering each course |Declined | | |54 |25/05/11 |Clacton Cricket Club & Clacton Football Club |Refurbishment/maintenance of Cricket/Football Pavilion:

|£10,000 |Declined | | |55 |25/05/11 |Grand Theatre of Lemmings |Funding to develop and deliver the first of a series of outdoor community events including street theatre, visual arts, music and dance that engages young people and promotes community cohesion. |£5,000 and human resources |Declined | | |56 |31/05/11 |Bullers FC |Training equipment

• Funding towards football pitches |No amount specified |Declined | | |57 |31/05/11 |Windsor Table Tennis Club |Venue only for the use of the Table Tennis Club |No amount specified |Declined | | |58 |06/06/11 |Clacton Cricket Club & Clacton Football Club |For completion of project plan for both clubs for works on building. |£9,369 |Declined | | |59 |8/06/11 |Harwich Harbour |Football team for young teenagers

• Funding required for pitch fees, new kit and sports equipment |No amount specified |Declined | | |60 |13/06/11 |No Reply |Local music band

• Charity gig aimed at 16-19 year olds

• Requires the use of a venue such as the Town Hall or local theatre

• Requires the use of a lighting and sound advisor

|No amount specified |Referred to other group delivering similar to join forces. | | |61 |12/04/11 |Alresford Parish Council |Improvements to be made to sports and social facilities at the Village Hall and Pavilion. |£15,000 |Proceed to Stage 2 |Approved Awarded £15,000 | |62 |21/06/11 |Lucky Charms Equine and Community Therapy Centre |Based in Hertfordshire

|No amount specified |Declined | | |63 |30/06/11 |The Family Finance Project |Deliver financial capability training to vulnerable clients.

• Council Tax Benefit take-up campaign |2 years at £26,000 per annum |Proceed to Stage 2 | | |64 |04/07/11 |Clacton United Football Club and Clacton Cricket Club |For completion of project plan for both clubs for works on building, £10,000 already raised for works, volunteers will undertake most of the work

• CUFC will put up the football nets for games held at Vista Road, saving the council on going revenue. |£10,000 |Yet to be determined |Declined | |65 |07/07/11 |Walton Pre School |Refit of kitchen in Walton Youth Centre |£10-£15,000 |Declined | | |66 |11/07/11 |Member of public |£100 to go towards the cost of St. James Hall for a Health Awareness Day for Tendring specialising in Stroke, Heart and Breast and Prostate Cancer |£100 |Provide funding – no need for Stage 2 |Declined by applicant | |67 |11/07/11 |Family Support Clacton |Require 2 staff to be trained to a higher standard

• Specialised equipment

• Updating of current facilities such as toilets, seating, utensils and hoist

• Advertising

• Administrative costs |No amount specified |Declined | | |68 |11/07/11 |Neighbourhood Action Panel Tendring Rural South |Funding needed to maintain and develop activities of the panel. |£3-£4,000

Per annum |Declined | | |69 |13/07/11 |Clacton Community Project |Community to run 6 community gardens with the requested funds in Connaught Gardens, Albany Gardens and Lancaster Gardens including planting new plants, rose bushes, trees and improve pavements. Also commit to 4 Garden Clean Ups per year. |£20,000 |Yet to be determined |Withdrawn | |70 |18/07/11 |Great Bentley Village Hall |Funding to renovate badminton courts to enable a wider use of the facility |No amount specified |Declined | | |71 |18/07/11 |Dig it Grow |Based in Yorkshire |No amount specified |Declined | | |72

|18/07/11 |Family Support Clacton |Premises required with ground floor access of approx 1,750sq feet (minimum), first floor access via stairs or life with office space of 1,000sq feet (minimum) for office and admin use. Parking for 4-6 vehicles and access for disabled entrance. |No amount specified |Declined | | |73 |25/07/11 |Beyond Youth |Staffing and resource costs for Chance2Change project to deliver 8 cognitive behavioural therapy sessions and offer each individual 12 months support on completion of programme. |£15,000 |Declined - but offer of accommodation being developed. | | |74 |05/08/11 |The Junction (Tendring) Colchester |Funding for Young Peoples Advisory Board (YPAB)

Development including staff costs, production of monthly

newsletter and art material for a graffiti wall.

|No amount specified |Meeting arranged to discuss possibility of linking with TYA. | | |75 |05/08/11 |The Lord Taverners |Funding for local community groups to deliver weekly Street20 sessions

• Funding for local Street20 festivals

• Funding to qualify young people aged 16-25 as accredited cricket coaches

• Funding for management costs

• Funding for branded kit |£15,500 |Proceed to Stage 2 with the training for accredited coaches only. |Withdrawn | |76 |08/08/11 |Pop Up Shop for Clacton |Pop Up Shop initiative for Clacton town centre following the success of the same scheme in Dovercourt. |£35,000 |Withdrawn | | |77 |08/08/11 |Street Pastor Scheme |Training of 20 volunteers to listen and help those on the streets late at night

• Training of 20 people to create 4 teams so one will operate every Saturday night between the hours of 11pm and 3 am

• 20% reduction in crime and anti-social behaviour reported by Colchester scheme. |£9,487 |Proceed to Stage 2 |Approved


£8,487 | |78 |22/08/11 |Open Road Inclusion Ventures |MPACT programme is a psychological and educational brief intervention that takes a whole family approach in dealing with substance misuse which needs:

• Activity tables and chairs for craft activities;

• Tables and chairs for relaxation and social aspects of the activities;

• Play and activity equipment;

• Storage equipment;

• Fridge, freezer and domestic catering equipment;

• Art and craft, cooking, stationery consumables; and

Certificates and give-away consumables |No amount specified |Declined | | |79 |25/08/11 |Helping Hands |Support for a re-structured Helping Hands service for hospital transport for vulnerable elderly and disabled residents.

|£16,012 over two years |Proceed to Stage 2 |Approved Awarded £16,012 | |80 |25/08/11 |United Church Brightlingsea |Lunch prior to Fellowship meetings held weekly during Support for a re-structured Helping Hands service for hospital transport for vulnerable elderly and disabled residents.

|No amount specified |Declined | | |81 |30/08/11 |Nacro Clacton |Staff costs and delivery expenses for the period 1st October 2011 – 31st March 2012

• Development of volunteers/facility hire

|£7,288 |Declined | | |82 |05/09/11 |Clacton on Sea Sailing Club |To modernise the changing room and toilet facilities to bring them up to current health & safety standards |£15,000 |Declined | | |83 |05/09/11 |Brightlingsea Town Council |A scheme to assist good public transport links for everyone in Brightlingsea. Joint funding with Brightlingsea Town Council. |5,999 |Declined | | |84 |14/09/11 |Youth Theatre Performerz |The purpose of this project is to take a group of young performers to Biberach for a performance of Fame the musical in a town twinning project with |£3,000 |Declined | | |85 |14/09/11 |SureStart Tendring |Capital funding towards refurb costs to Dovercourt town centre Childrens Centre to include Dovercourt Cash office and provision for other services such as hot desk, benefit clinics etc |£45,000 |Declined – referred to ECC Big Society | | |86 |26/09/11 |Clacton United Football & Cricket Club |Funding to take on a 21 year lease to manage and run the Vista Road Playing Fields, equipment and running costs in year 1 |£25,000 |Proceed to Stage 2 | | |87 |12/10/11 |Helping to Influence Peoples Positive Outcomes (HIPPO) |Pilot project to assist in promoting peoples wellbeing through emotional, practical and constructive support. |No amount specified |Declined | | |88 |13/10/11 |Talkwood Recycling |Funding for the Allotment Project for equipment and a part time training officer to help disadvantaged people in the local community. |£19,000 |Declined | | |89 |19/10/11 |Rotary Club of Clacton on Sea |Funding for the Christmas Day Project, to provide support and the opportunity for social interaction, food, transport, entertainment and companionship for the elderly and vulnerable adults and young people. |£2,500 |Declined | | |90 |24/10/11 |Colne Housing |Funding to appoint a co-ordinator to develop Foundry Court into a more integrated service for the residents of Manningtree and the hinterland.

|£30-40K |Proceed to Stage 2 |Approved Awarded £25,174 | |91 |26/10/11 |Little Clacton Parish Council |Funding towards the creation of a new play area for the children of Little Clacton |£20,000 |Declined | | |92 |27/10/11 |Thorpe Parish Council |Funding towards skate park project |No amount specified |Declined | | |93 |31/10/11 |Tendring District Scouts |Funding to complete the interior of the new District Scout Headquarters |£50,000 |Declined | | |94 |15/11/11 |Clacton VCH Group |Funding to track down and record some 120 Second World War defence structures situated in Tendring (out of over 500 built at the time). This would complete the scheme – the others already recorded |£9,000 |Declined | | |95 |28/11/11 |St Andrews Church |Funding to adapt and extend the current building. The new annexe to provide suitable space for community groups such as under 5’s & carers, after school activity and holiday clubs. And also set up a support group for the bereaved and Alzheimer sufferers and their carers as well as increase frequency of Internet and Book Cafe |No amount specified |Declined initially

Re discussed August 2012 and up to £10,000 to be awarded once all other funding sources in place | | |96 |28/11/11 |ADP Theatre Group |Funding to help with promotion, improvement of school productions and training |No amount specified |Declined | | |97 |28/11/11 |Tickety Boo Cakes |Funding to be able to set up a project to teach all abilities including people with learning disabilities and the disadvantaged within the district sugar craft and cake decorating. |No amount specified |Declined | | |98 |07/12//11 |Lisa Scott |Funding to be able to provide driving lessons at a reduced cost to people on benefits. |£11,518 |Declined | | |99 |12/12/11 |Pier Avenue Baptist Church |To install solar panels on the main building and to use the funds generated to support the Enfold Project |Around £12,000 |Declined | | |100 |09/01/12 |Harwich Shanty Festival |Funding needed to secure foreign artists |No amount specified |Declined | | |101 |11/01/12 |RoSPA |Advanced driving skills training to avoid accidents and damage to public realm.

|It appears to be asking for a projector and screen and the cost of hiring a hall three times a year at £25 a time |Declined | | |102 |24/01/12 |EXTRA Support for Parents CIC |Funding to set up a network of parent led peer support groups |£25,013 |Declined | | |103 |31/01/12 |Energize Youth Festival |Funding to provide materials, equipment, tutors and advertising for the high energy youth festival “Energize” which is a day to encourage individuals, families, clubs and societies to join in together with various activities and provide them with new skills. |£4,000 |Declined | | |104 |01/02/12 |Buzz Training |To deliver a range of exercise classes to encourage people with mental health issues to benefit from a scheduled fitness programme with a view to improving health in Clacton, Harwich, Brightlingsea and Walton. Including information on healthy nutrition. Funding for venue hire, equipment and marketing needed. |£19,520 |Declined | | |105 |07/02/12 |Harwich Shanty Festival |Funding to buy costumes, stage props, advertising and to produce programmes for a Folk Ballad Opera at this years Harwich Shanty Festival. |No amount specified |Declined | | |106 |16/02/12 |Great Bromley Village Hall Trustees |Funding in order to complete the final part of the major project to refurbish the village hall. |£500 |Approved |Approved

2nd May

Awarded £500 | |107 |17/02/12 |Rock School Club Harwich |Funding to be able to increase apprenticeship opportunities in Harwich and broaden the skills of young people, so assisting employment in the area and reducing the level of NEET’s |£9,495 |To proceed to Stage 2 |Approved 2nd May. Awarded £9, 450 | |108 |23/02/12 |Brightlingsea Family Support |Funding to purchase disabled equipment to hire or lend to visitors to the town. |No amount specified |No – Declined at Stage 1 | | |109 |05/03/12 |St Osyth Parish Council |Composting toilet installation at community allotment. |£2,005 |Approved |Approved. Awarded £2,005 | |110 |05/03/12 |Dancing Giraffe CIC |The websites aim is to support, inform, challenge, inspire and empower disabled people through engaging editorial and comprehensive content, up to date reference and signposting together with user forums and active use of social media directly. |£2,000 |Approved |Approved. Awarded £2,000 | |111 |06/03/12 |12th Clacton Scouts |Funding for purchase of sword fencing equipment for children from age 6 to 18 to provide the children with an additional activity and to encourage fitness. |£2,231 |No – declined at Stage 1 | | |112 |08/03/12 |Lawford’s Little Pumpkins Pre-School C.I.C |Capital funding to extend on current setting to provide further childcare to the community for 50 weeks of the year. Funding to cover the costs of building costs including labour, materials and internal decoration. |No amount specified |No – declined at Stage 1 | | |113 |20/03/12 |Waterside Marina Management Company Ltd |Funding for cost of purchasing benches to provide seating to the public to view the estuary. |£300 |No – declined at Stage 1 | | |114 |21/03/12 |Tendring District Scouts |Funding towards the completion of phase 2 of constructing interior of new building for the Scouts. |£20,000 |No – declined at Stage 1 | | |115 |23/03/12 |Lifestagesuk |Funding towards support service for those who are in receipt of Self Directed Support, funding would be needed for payroll software and accounts, access to laptop and printer support costs, advertising and training costs. |Between £5,000 - £15,000 |No – declined at Stage 1 | | |116 |26/03/12 |Mrs Blake |In line with the Councils new recycling initiative stop issuing households with free black sacks for general rubbish to save money. |N/A |E-mail sent thanking for idea. | | |117 |27/03/12 |Great Bentley Village Hall |Funding to replace beyond repair cooker in village hall. |No amount specified |Max contribution offered £500 |Awarded


£500 | |118 |05/04/12 |Clacton Table Tennis Club |Present location is only available once a week for play/practice, club is looking for another location so the teams can play and practice a few times a week. |No amount specified |Advice given via e-mail. |

| |119 |10/04/12 |Great Bentley Parish Council |Equipment, materials, advice and funding is needed to provide a car parking facility for the village. |No amount specified |No – declined at Stage 1 | | |120 |10/04/12 |Mr Walker |Remodelling of Walton Police Station to become a resource centre for the elderly in the day and for vulnerable youth in the evening.

• £5,000 to establish charitable status, cash benefits, advertising costs and utility bills. |£5,000 |Proceed to Stage 2 | | |121 |10/04/12 |St. Nicholas Church Bell Ringers, Harwich |Funding to carry out repairs bells to preserve them at St. Nicholas Church. |£5,000 |No – declined at Stage 1 | | |122 |16/04/12 |The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Great Clacton |Funding for church volunteers to hold a picnic and entertainment for the local community to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. |£847 |No – declined at Stage 1 | | |123 |23/04/12 |Great Bromley Parish Council |Funding to purchase speed gun and associated equipment |£1,560 |No – declined at Stage 1 | | |124 |03/05/12 |St. George’s Church, Great Bromley |Funding to purchase 50 foldable chairs and a storage trolley to accommodate more people. |£1,200 |No – declined at Stage 1 | | |125 |24/05/12 |Signpost Tendring |Looking for funding to provide specialist resources to create a skills pathway into the boatbuilding industry or an industry that requires specialist skills creating sustainable employment in the district and be pro active in terms of supply and demand, employable skilled ready people. Funding required for capital for the project over a 3 year period, including a qualified trainer and support staff. |£63,848 |Proceed to Stage 2 |Declined 25 May 2013 | |126 |25/05/12 |Clacton Sports Club |Support for development of provision at Vista Road Playing Fields |£10,000 |Proceed to Stage 2 |Approved – Awarded £10,000 | |127 |28/05/12 |Essex Fire & Rescue Service |The project will be an event to raise safety awareness in an interactive environment to inform and educate older people on a range of relevant issues and threats including health, home and general safety that may affect their daily lives. |£1,000 |No – Declined at Stage 1 | | |128 |18/06/12 |Grassroots Charity | To establish a ‘community activities cash fund’ to be distributed as small grants to community and voluntary groups. |£5,000 |Declined at Stage 1 | | |129 |12/07/12 |Open Road |Funding for equipment to organise an Olympic style event for children and young people in Jaywick. Equipment needed:

• Play and activity equipment

• Art and craft, cooking and stationery consumables

• Certificates and give-away consumables

|£250 |Declined at Stage 1 | | |130 |18/07/12 |St. Osyth Preschool |Conversion costs to convert former public house into a preschool. |£20,000 |On-going discussions | | |131 |06/08/12 |Mr Ling |To provide 2 disabled parking spaces at the front of Ogilvie Hall in Lawford. |No amount specified |Declined at Stage 1 | | |63 |30/06/11 |The Family Finance Project

CAB |Deliver financial capability training to vulnerable clients.

• Council Tax Benefit take-up campaign |2 years at £26,000 per annum |Proceed to Stage 2 |Approved – Awarded £52,000 | |132 |30/08/12 |Ready Teddy Go 4Kidz Ltd |Aims to provide action and adventure for pre-school children. |No amount specified |Declined at Stage 1 | | |133 |10/09/12 |Clacton Rugby Club |Funding for a free standing cabin to supplement the two existing to deliver the rugby playing expansion. |£30,000 |Declined but panel would re-consider when rest of funding sources achieved | | |134 |13/09/12 |Tendring Hundred Riding Club |Funding to install a 30 metre by 60 metre fibre surface arena, connect and install flood lighting, install hard standing and entrance improvement, purchase maintenance equipment and a set of plastic show jumps to be able to use these facilities all year round to increase training and competitions. |£20,000 |Declined | | |135 |16/10/12 |Inclusion Ventures |Funding for additional youth workers and the hire of community centres to be able to continue to engage with children and young people who are considered to be hard to reach. |£20,000 |Proceed to Stage 2 |Approved – Awarded £20,000 | |136 |17/10/12 |Colchester Institute |Funding to secure Harwich Energy Skills Centre Project as there is a shortfall in capital funding. This project will develop training programmes meeting the requirements of employers involved in engineering and energy creation and will also provide further education courses as well as full apprenticeships, pre-apprenticeships and employability programmes from January 2013. The Central Government Funding awarded to this project requires the project to commence in January 2013 or be subjected to a claw back clause that would out the whole project in jeopardy. |£32,000 |Proceed to Stage 2 |Approved – Awarded £32,000 | |137 |21/09/12 |Walton and Frinton Yacht Club |Contribution towards the total cost of £450,000 which has been raised to rebuild and dramatically expand the facilities at the Yacht Club. The new club will become a centre of excellence, create employment and provide much needed conference and meeting space whilst ensuring additional opportunities to participate in the sport across all age groups and ability. |£20,000 |Declined at Stage 1 25 March 2013 but a further application for after build activities could be considered in the future. | | |138 |08/11/12 |Tendring Education Trust and Tendring Community Transport |The purchase of a mini bus to support The Tendring Enterprise Studio School (TESS) in Clacton, this provides vulnerable young people who are in danger of ‘dropping out’ with both academic and vocational opportunities for them to remain engaged with education and training. This mini bus will provide transport for these young people to be picked up from and dropped off at pre-determined bus stops across Tendring in partnership with local voluntary community transport providers. |£25,000 |Proceed to Stage 2 |Approved – Awarded £25,000 | |139 |22/11/12 |Market Field School |Deliver and develop ‘MAZE’ a therapeutic support service for families of children and young people with autism/additional needs 0-25 years |No amount specified |Declined at Stage 1 | | |140 |04/12/12 |The Wrabness Community Shop |Funding to provide a new community shop to provide a meeting place for villagers in the form of a licensed café bar. |No amount specified |No funding awarded but assistance offered regarding Community Right to Bid | | |141 |27/12/12 |Alresford Parish Council |The project aims to provide a skate park on the recreation ground in the village of Alresford, suitable for skateboard and BMX use. Total cost of project is £37,000, Alresford Parish Council is contributing £5,000, Alresford Youth Projects are contributing £2,000 and another funding body has been approached for £15,000.

|£15,000 |Pending – awaiting stats from mobile skate park | | |142 |03/01/13 |McGrigor Hall Management Committee |Replacement of flooring in the main hall which was has been damaged by rising damp. |£18,000 |Declined at Stage 1 | | |143 |12/02/13 |Grand Theatre of Lemmings |Programme to raise attainment and aspiration levels of young people and adults through craft skills and dance based activity to develop life skills such as confidence, fitness, teamwork, negotiation skills and resilience. Parents will engage in their children’s learning which will support family relationships. Funding needed for artists, materials, venue hire, sound system, portable dance floor, print run, CRB checks and travel.

|£3,500 |Declined at Stage 1 | | |144 |13/02/13 |Helping Hands |Potential volunteers will have the choice of ‘one to one’ help via libraries and community venues in the district or online through the national ‘do-it’ website which links to a local Volunteer Centre. There will also be a ‘3 way’ partnership with Essex County Council’s ‘Good for Essex’ project and the national ‘Do-It’ website. This will continue to match local volunteers, many of whom are unemployed or recovering from long term health to emerging projects in the community. Funding needed for office rent, office running costs, travel and upgrade on laptop. |£8,779 |Proceed to Stage 2 |Declined at Stage 2 23 May 2013 | |145 |19/02/13 |Little Clacton Village Hall & Harold Lilley Playing Field Trust |The project is to provide a new sporting facility that encourages young children to participate in sporting activities. Funding needed for a new unit comprising of changing room and toilet facilities.

|£20,000 |Declined at Stage 1 | | |146 |27/02/13 |Harwich Town Council in conjunction with the Skatepark User Group |Replacing the existing skatepark ramps and common areas, which are past their life expectancy, with new sprayed concrete ramps, providing a safer experience due to a far smoother, faster drying surface which would provide good traction and lessen damage to sports equipment. This would improve sustainability and durability as it is virtually maintenance free. |£35,000 |Invited to submit a Stage 2 04/07/14 following additional information for up to £12,500. |£12,500 approved 28/11/14 and ring fenced for 12 months whilst other bids determined. | |147 |08/03/13 |Chase Lane Nursery and Primary School, Dovercourt |Replace existing unusable, dilapidated swimming pool changing rooms with an all-purpose changing room, gym and multipurpose activity studio available for both school and community use.

|£30,000 |Invite to proceed to Stage 2 with an application for after build activities. |Approved 23 May 2013

£30,000 | |148 |08/03/13 |Tendring Education Trust |Job Jungle is a new programme which aims to show primary school pupils a purposeful future in which an exciting and rewarding career can be an achievable goal. Funding needed for printed materials and software licenses for a larger group of up to 25 schools (approx. 1000-1200 pupils) in the academic year of 2013/14. |£20,000 |Declined at Stage 1 | | |149 |15/05/13 |The Great Estate |Capital funding towards a temporary structure to deliver community benefits to the residents of Bockings Elm in advance of a new building being completed |£18,680 |Approved 02/09/13 |Approved 02/09/13 awarded £18,680 | |150 |16/05/13 |Great Bromley Cricket Club |Upgrade of facilities at cricket Pavilion |No amount specified | |Approved 04/07/14

Awarded £20,000. | |151 |29/05/13 |VTB |Delivery of emotional support and social well being to young people |No amount specified |Declined at Stage 1 | | |152 |05/06/13 |Local Delivery Group |Funding for a range of out of hours activities for school age children |£50,000 |Declined at Stage 1 | | |153 |24/06/13 |Tendring Time Bank |Funding for shop premises and office space. |£8-10,000 |Declined at Stage 1 but Officers to continue to work with applicants to develop concept. |Furniture donated | |154 |24/06/13 |Manningtree and District Business Chamber |Production of 10,000 leaflets to promote Manningtree businesses |£1.000 |Declined at Stage 1 | | |155 |24/06/13 |Clacton Canoe Club |8 Kayak packages to promote sport to young people |£5,000 |Proceed to Stage 2 |Approved 29/10/13 £5,000 | |156 |09/07/13 |Ramsey War Memorial Hall |Provision of new play equipment to recreation site and development of a bid for a new sports pavilion and village hall with changing facilities, showers and toilets. |No amount specified |Develop a partial Stage 2 |Approved 28/01/14 subject to conditions up to £40,000 | |157 |21/08/13 |Teen Talk |Support for the Harwich Hoody Festival – A Battle of the Bands and Information event organised by and delivered for young people in the whole of Tendring. |£1,000 |Approved up to £1,000 subject to conditions |Approved 02/09/13

£1,000 | |158 |12/08/13 |Little Clacton Village Hall and Harold Lilley Playing Field Trust |The project is to provide a new sporting facility that encourages young children to participate in sporting activities. Funding needed for a new unit comprising of changing room and toilet facilities. |No amount specified |Declined at Stage 1 |

| |159 |28/08/13 |Harwich Foster Carer’s |Funding to purchase/rent a beach hut for children in care in Harwich to use the beach hut as a base for children to have healthy and active lifestyles, be safe around the water, develop their social skills and have responsibility of looking after the beach hut. |No amount specified |Declined at Stage 1 | | |160 |09/09/13 |Rush Green Country Park FC Clacton |Funding to improve football facilities, create a country park, improve visitor facilities, carry out planting, picnic places, woodland walks, nature trails, links with local schools & community groups and install a miniature railway. |No amount specified |Declined at Stage 1 | | |161 |17/09/13 |Harwich Town Council in conjunction with the Skatepark User Group |Funding to replace all structures including ramps, quarter-pipes, benches, jump boxes in the skatepark. |No amount specified |Subject to additional information being provided an invite to submit a Stage 2 would be considered for a set sum. |Invited to Stage 2 04/07/14 for up to £12,500. | |162 |17/10/13 |Tendring Mental Health Services |Funding to deliver services from Summit House to support vulnerable residents with mental health/learning disabilities to support them back into work. |£12,000 |Declined at Stage 1 29/10/13 | | |163 |14/11/13 |Great Bromley Parish Council |Replacement of equipment safety flooring at Hare Green recreation ground. |£5,000 |Declined as not sufficient information to consider | | |164 |06/12/13 |Alton Park Junior School |Funding to enable purchasing of resources for the Payback team e.g. soil, wood, gardening equipment, building materials etc. |No amount specified |Deferred – 28/01/14 - Officers to seek clarity from applicant |Approved 5/9/14 awarded £1,000 | |165 |08/01/14 |Little Oakley Football Club |Funding to purchase and install a Third Generation Sports Pitch at Lt Oakley Memorial Club, providing state of the art facilities for Lt Oakley Football Club and other community organisations. |£40,000 |Considered 28/01/14 - Big Society could potentially be a minority funder and the panel would welcome a revised application in the future once all other funding required has been secured. Proceeding to Stage 2 September 2014 |Approved 5/9/14 Awarded £20,000 | |166 |17/01/14 |Harwich International Shanty Festival |Funding for the cost of workshop leaders, course notes and venue hire for workshops to be run during the festival, which would include shanty writing, storytelling, playing the bones and singing in public. |No amount specified |Declined at Stage 1 28/01/14 – Does not meet criteria. | | |

167 |05/02/14 |Alresford Angling Association |Funding towards the purchase of the currently leased land from owner and then to become a community limited company. |Not specified |Declined at Stage 1 25/04/14 Does not meet criteria

| | |168 |12/02/14 |Parent & Toddler Group |Funding for rent, insurance, heating, toys etc. to set up a parent & toddler group at the Crossways Church in Jaywick, |Not specified |Declined at Stage 1 25/4/14 – No sustainability. | | |169 |12/03/14 |Wrabness Parish Council |Funding specifically for four items of children’s play equipment to complete the upgrade of the children’s playground area. |£3,989 |

Move to Stage 2 |

Approved at Stage 2 – awarded £3,989 04/07/14 | |170 |07/04/14 |We are Music |Building on a successful pilot that helps young people achieve their potential through music, securing apprenticeships, work placements and related training courses. |£4,515 |Move to Stage 2 |Approved at Stage 2 awarded £4,515 04/07/14 | |171 |2/06/14 |Tendring Field Archers |Additional equipment to enable taster sessions and a pathway into the sport be offered to residents across the District. |£718.75 |Approved at Stage 1 |Approved at Stage 1 – awarded £718.75 on 04/07/14 | |172 |11/06/14 |True Colour Majorettes |Replacement of equipment which will enable the group to attract more members giving them sustainability in an area with limited youth activities |£1,000 |Approved at Stage 1 |Approved at Stage 1 – Awarded £1,000 on 04/07/14 | |173 |11/06/14 |Brightlingsea Museum |Capital contribution towards a potential £1.25 – 1.75m new build project to accommodate museum, retail and study and research facility to replace the existing building. |£20,000 indicative |Declined at this stage. Would invite a new capital application when balance of funding secured and accurate costs finalised. | | |174 |30/06/14 |Mayflower Project |£10,000 to deliver taster courses to NEET and those aged 16-65.Funding would cover tutor costs, accreditation costs, resources and sundry administration issues. |£20,000 |Decline at 4 July 14 meeting. | | |175 |30/06/14 |Tendring Education Trust |Requesting a contribution towards total costs of £89,000 to deliver school ready education to parents, early years providers and other agencies. Application includes capital and revenue request. |£25,000 |Declined in current format but Stage 2 invited for 50% of capital costs.

|Withdrawn by applicant 14/08/14 | |176 |02/07/14 |Walton on Naze brownies |Funding for summer project to include crafts, learning new skills, educational work sheets and activities. Funding for hire of the hall, lunches and equipment.

|£1,854 |Declined at meeting 5/9/14 | | |177 |24/07/14 |Mayflower Project (revised) |Funding to create up to 14 murals

fabricated from wood depicting Harwich

Maritime past secured to the wall of the

Trust and facing the A120.

|£7,400 |Move to Stage 2 agreed at 5/9/14 meeting |Approved – Awarded £7,400 at meeting 7/11/14 | |178 |7/7/14 |JAC |Funding to purchase the vehicle to produce grown as voluntary project to deprived areas of Jaywick and West Clacton. | |Move to stage 2 agreed at 5/9/14 meeting- awaited | | |179 |02/07/14 |Private individual |CIC to deliver Early Years provision at Hamford Primary School. | |Declined at meeting 5/9/14 | | |180 |18/08/14 |Mistley Cricket Club |Contribution towards replacement of

pavilion roof which would be the final

element of a total refurbishment of the club facilities which has been carried out recently |£10,000 |Move to Stage 2 agreed at meeting 5/9/24 |Approved – Awarded £10,000 at meeting 07/11/14 | |181 |20/08/14 |Gt Bromley Parish Council |Refurbish play equipment at Hare

Green recreation ground. |£20,000 |Initially Declined – not enough content to consider.

Re-submitted to be considered 28/11/14 | | |182 |27/08/14 |Brightlingsea Bowling Club |Contribution towards total build cost of £15,000 to provide a capital extension to provide additional changing rooms to club house to assist with visiting clubs during the summer season. This will enable to club to host more County matches, encouraging more visitors and spectators to the area.

|£7,000 |Move to Stage 2 agreed at meeting 5/9/14 |Approved – awarded £7,000 at meeting 07/11/14 | |183 |17/09/14 |Frinton and Walton Youth Football Club |Contribution towards the repair and refurbishment of the Frinton Park Playing Fields Pavilion. |£5,000 | |Approved – awarded £5,000 at meeting 7/11/14 | |184 |26/09/14 |Brightlingsea Town Council |Next phase of regeneration and improvements to Bayard Recreation Ground to include dressing room extension, new playground equipment and purpose built structure for storing equipment and fencing. |£97,500 |Declined at Stage 1 – meeting 07/11/14 | | |185 |26/09/14 |Open Road |Contribution towards capital costs to repair premises to enable building to open 2 additional days per week. |£19,519 |Invited to Stage 2 at meeting 07/11/14 |Approved

Awarded £19,519 at meeting 28/11/14 | |186 |24/09/14 |Olgivie Hall |Contribution towards essential repairs to village hall roof. |£17,000 |Invited to Stage 2 for up to £5,000 once all other funding secured at meeting 07/11/14 | | |187 |20/09/14 |1st Clacton Scout Group |Provision of a security fence to the scout hall. |£4,000 |Invited to Stage 2 for up to £2,000 once the balance of funding secured at meeting 07/11/14. | | |188 |20/10/14 |Brightlingsea Cricket Club |Replacement of artificial strip and purchase o bowling machine. |£9,000 |Invited to Stage 2 for £6,100 which is 50% of capital costs. |Approved 06/02/15 and awarded £7,600 | |189 |05/11/14 |Alresford Village Hall Committee ‘Facilities for all’ |Contribution towards ongoing Village Hall improvements with emphasis on disability access. |£10,000 |Invited to Stage 2 |Approved 06/02/16 Awarded £10,000 | |190 |10/11/14 |St Johns Church |Food hygiene courses for volunteers to staff a Community Centre café. |£700 | |Approved – course to be provided for 10 volunteers at meeting 28/11/14 | |191 |13/11/14 |Inclusion Ventures |Equipment to enable young people to be trained in basic DIY and gardening skills to carry out small repairs and improvements to gardens and property in Jaywick and West Clacton. |£981 | |Approved – awarded equipment and value to £981 at meeting 28/11/14 | |192 |17/11/14 |Youth Theatre Performerz |Funding towards production costs to stage 4 performances of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat. |£5,000 |Invited to Stage 2 |Approved 08/01/15 awarded £5,000 | |193 |19/11/14 |Grand Theatre of Lemmings |Capital costs to purchase equipment and props to sustain yearly carnivals. |£3,600 |Declined | | |194 |20/11/14 |Tendring District Scouts Association |Contribution towards final capital costs to building that serves 14 scout groups with 750 members and 190 adults. |£15,000 |Invited to Stage 2 |Approved 06/02/15 Awarded £15,000 | |195 |21/11/14 |Elmstead Grasshoppers Cricket Club |Replacement nets, enlargement of building, new rof, boiler and cladding. |£20,000 |Invited to Stage 2 for £10,000 |Approved – 24/04/15 Awarded £10,000 | |196 |25/11/14 |Parkeston Welfare Park Association |Contribution towards costs to develop a wildlife park with fishing facilities on a donated piece of land. |£10,000 |Move to Stage 2 |Approved – 06/02/15 Awarded £10,000 | |197 |02/02/15 |Inclusion Ventures |Gap funding to sustain delivery whilst awaiting £1m of external funding from Lottery and others. |£20,000 |Move to stage 2 |Approved 06/02/15 Awarded £10,000 | |198 |05/02/15 |We are Music |Capital costs for equipment to provide apprenticeships. |£3,255 |Move to Stage 2 |Approved 13/03/15 Awarded £3,225 | |199 |05/02/15 |Alresford Parish Council |Capital contribution towards zip wire for youth activity in village |£6,000 |Move to Stage 2 for £4,000 | | |200 |20/02/15 |St Osyth Parish Council |Purchase of a Speed Gun |£2,100 |Declined 13/03/15 | | |201 |25/02/15 |Matthew Townsend Productions PLC |2 years of funding to deliver cultural events in Tendring |£12,000 |Declined 13/03/15 | | |202 |25/02/15 |Links Karate Club |Contribution towards mats to enable more young people to join and for the club to visit other parts of District and Kit. |£6,649 |Invited Stage 2 towards mats £2649 at meeting 13/03/15 |Withdrawn | |203 |09/03/15 |Walton and District Allotment Association |£13,000 towards cost of log cabin to provide a space for educational visits. |£13,000 |Declined at Stage 1 13/03/15 | | |204 |09/03/15 |Gt Bentley Scouts and Guides |Cost of two fences to secure site. |£2,550 |Invited to Stage 2 for cost of one fence to secure area from carpark £1,420 |Approved 24/04/15 – Awarded £1,420 | |205 |13/03/15 |Holland on Sea Baptist Church |Replacement toilets |Contribution |Declined at Stage 1 but advice given | | |206 |13/03/15 |Harwich and Dovercourt High School |Full cost of creating a gym with equipment and refurbishment of existing room. |£35- 38,000 |Declined at Stage 1 | | |207 |12/03/15 |Bayard Recreation Ground |Contribution towards storage facilities for various clubs that use the site |Up to £10,770 |Invited to Stage 2 24/04/15 |Approved 16/07/15 Awarded £5,744 | |208 |16/03/15 |Mayflower Project |Murals on Harwich Town Station |£3,000 |Declined at Stage 1 24/04/15 | | |209 |17/03/15 |The Dance House |Contribution towards theatre costs for a production |£ |Declined at Stage 1 24/04/15 | | |210 |23/03/15 |Harwich Horse Rangers Association |Funds towards relocation of the facility that teaches horsemanship and riding for young people. |£ |Declined at Stage 1 | | |211 |13/04/15 |Community Voluntary Services Tendring |Contribution towards refurbishment of kitchen to enable many groups and organisations to utilise the facilities, promote their events and therefore become more sustainable. |£4,500 |Invited to Stage 2 24/04/15 |Approved 16/07/15 Awarded £4,475 | |212 |14/04/15 |Reptile and Amphibian Rescue and Education |To relocate reptile sanctuary to purpose built premises and extend educational visits |£ |Declined at Stage 1 24/04/15 | | |213 |16/04/15 |Grand Theatre of Lemmings |Contribution towards additional equipment to extend the performance skills workshops to more people over a wider area in Tendring, |£1,056 |Approved at Stage 1 |Approved 24/04/15 Awarded £1,056 | |214 |29/04/15 |Clacton Royalettes Majorettes |Funding to provide kit for 28 members including pomp oms, dresses and batons |£2,000 |Declined at Stage 1 16/07/15 | | |215 |25/06/15 |Lads Need Dads |Start-up project delivery costs to deliver a prevention service for boys aged 11 -15. |£22,100 |Declined at Stage 16/07/15 | | |216 |29/06/15 |Teen Talk |Contribution towards equipment to enable rooms to be more flexible and multi – functional. |£2,000 |Approved at Stage 1 16/07/15 |Approved 16/07/15 Awarded £2,000 | |217 |30/06/15 |Friends of Martello Tower |Costs of an Administrator for one day a week to deliver workshops. |£15,000 |Declined at Stage 1 16/07/15 | | |218 |07/07/15 |Harwich Indoor Bowls Club |Update of lighting to replace fluorescent tubes with LED lighting. |£8,000 |Declined at Stage 1 16/07/15 | | |219 |06/07/15 |Apricot Centre |Purchase of equipment for ongoing use and marketing and publicity. |£2,000 |Invited to Stage 2 for £1,000 for equipment 16/07/15 |Approved 13/10/15 Awarded £1,000 | |220 |08/07/15 |Parkeston Welfare Park |Further development of nature park and football pitch. |£2,500 |Invited to Stage 2 16/07/15 |Approved 13/10/15 Awarded £2,500 | |221 |01/09/15 |2nd Walton Brownies |Premises rental costs, craft materials and catering for an event for up to 150 girls. |£890 |Invited forward 13/10/15 for 50% of request to cover craft materials | | |222 |01/09/15 |The Maybush Inn |Contribution towards purchase of pub |£50,000 |Declined at Stage 1 13/10/15 | | |223 |09/09/15 |Alresford Parish Council |Contribution towards a compliant protective play surface and additional access gates to meet current safety standards. |£8,500 |Discussed at 13/10/15 – invited to Stage 2 |Approved 26/01/16 awarded £3,000 | |224 |25/09/15 |HomeStart Colchester |Purchase of a resource library to support the mentor service. |£2,000 |Declined at Stage 13/10/15 | | |225 |25/09/15 |HomeStart Harwich |Equipment to enable a piece of land to be cultivated and secured to enable delivery of a Forest School project. |£1,600 | |Approved 13/10/15 Awarded £1,600 | |226 |09/09/15 |Bentley Green Players |50% contribution towards a Lighting Truss to enable the hall to provide wider range of activities. |£2,471 |Invited to stage 2 13/10/15 |Approved 26/01/16 awarded £1000 | |227 |03/11/15 |Alresford Colne Rangers

|Contribution to new goal post. |£2,000 | |Declined 26/01/16 | |228 |01/12/15 |Only Cowards Carry |Funding for an Events Co-ordinator |£7,590 | |Declined 26/01/16 | |229 |01/12/15 |Brightlingsea Indoor Carpet Bowls Club |Contribution towards replacement mats |£800 | |Approved and awarded £500 26/01/16 | |230 |24/01/16 |Clacton VCH Group |Works to detail WW11 placements in District |£2,000 | |Declined 26/01/16 | |231 |25/01/16 |Lawford Parish Council |Contribution towards replacement car park surface at village hall |£3,000 |Invited to Stage 2 25/04/16 |Approved and awarded £3,000 27/06/16 | |232 |14/02/16 |Brightlingsea Regent FC |Renovations to ground at adhere to FA standards |£15,000 |Invited to Stage 2 25/04/16 |Approved – Awarded £10,000 27/06/16 | |233 |24/02/16 |Birch Hall Adventures |Materials for internal alterations |£3,000 | |Declined 25/04/16 | |234 |29/02/16 |Market Field School |Equipment and staff hours to deliver baseball to children with SEN |£1,761 | |Declined 25/04/16 | |235 |13/02/16 |Pier Avenue Players Drama Group |Contribution towards capital equipment |£897.60 | |Approved at Stage 1 and awarded 25/04/16 | |236 |11/04/16 |Harwich Rangers Association |Contribution towards capital costs to make premises more DDA compliant |£5,000 | |Declined 25/04/16 | |237 |11/04/16 |Thorrington Parish Council |Contribution towards replacement of Skate ramp | | |Declined at Stage | |238 |15/04/16 |Wix Parish Council |Contribution towards replacement play equipment |£11,188 |Invited to Stage 2 25/04/16 |Approved and awarded £11,188 on 27/06/16 | |239 |18/04/16 |Premier Foundation |Revenue funding for free school holiday programme in Walton on Naze |£13,780 |Declined 27/06/16 | | |240 |31/05/16 |Brightlingsea Allottment Holders |Accommodation to provide a learning area and composting toilet |£6,750 |Declined 27/06/16 | | |241 |20/06/16 |St Johns Church |Contribution towards hot cupboard for lunch club |£700 |Approved at Stage 1 |Approved and awarded £700 27/06/16 | |242 |06/07/16 |Only Cowards Carry |Full costs to employ staff |£15,822 |Declined 11/10./16 | | |243 |14/07/16 |Manningtree and Mistley Welcome Home and Memorial Fund |Repair entrance road and create car park |£32,000 |Declined 11/10/16 | | |244 |`1/07/`6 |HOPE not Hate |Full costs to employ a member of staff to deliver outreach |£15,000 |Declined 11/101/6 | | |245 |24/08/16 |Brotherhood Hall |Contribution towards capital costs to repair roof |£20,000 |Invited to Stage 2 |Approved and awarded £20,000 30/01/17 | |246 |28/07/16 |Trinity Methodist Church |Contribution towards total refurbishment of building |£30,000 |Declined at this stage – invited to submit when further developed | | |247 |24/08/16 |Harwich Boxing Club |Contribution towards replacement of equipment |£1,290 |Approved at Stage 1 |Approved and awarded £1,290 11/10/16 | |248 |10/09/16 |Foxash Walking Football Club |Costs for a 4G surface |unknown |Declined 11/10/16 | | |249 |03/11/16 |Gt Clacton Community Centre |Repairs to carpark |£10,000 |Referred meeting 30 January 2017 | | |250 |5/11/16 |School of Slam |Additional equipment to expand |£3,240 | |Approved -awarded £3,240 30/01/17

| |251 |28/12/16 |African Families in the UK |Costs of one week boat charter for young people |£3,000 |Declined 30/01/17 | | |252 |28/12/16 |We Are Music |Capital equipment to enable performances to be recorded | | |Approved and awarded £2,040 30/01/17

| |253 |20/01/17 |Teen Talk |Support to deliver continued enhanced service in Harwich |£30,000 |Invited to Stage 2 30/01/17

| | |255 |22/01/17 |Coppins Hall |Final amount to complete refurbish of ladies toilets |£2,750 | |Approved and awarded £2,750 30/01/17

| |


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