Due to her husband’s frequent absences, she began to write poetry which some of her brother-in-law copied and had published in England. Her works include Verses upon the Burning of our House, and In Honour of that High and Mighty Princess Queen Elizabeth. Her poems tended to be domestic or religiously related. FTP, name this New England Puritan woman, the first to have her works published in the United States, and author of The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America, By a Gentlewoman of Those Parts.

Anne Bradstreet


FTPE name these other American female poets.

10: This African American poet is most famous for I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.

Maya Angelou

10: Five of the seven poems actually published during her lifetime were in the Springfield Republican. She wrote over half her poems during the Civil War.

Emily Dickinson

10: Better known for her suicide and semi-autobiographical book The Bell

Jar, this woman was the first female poet to win the Pulitzer Prize.

Sylvia Plath


His real name is Armen Tamzarian, and he stole his current identity from his platoon sergeant during the Vietnam War, returning to this sergeant’s home town to comfort his mother, and has since had his identity legally changed. He still lives with this lady, and generally lives a bachelor life, although he has dated and even been engaged to one of his subordinates, Edna Krabapple. FTP, identify this principal of Springfield Elementary School.

Principal Seymour Skinner


FTPE, given the real name of a character from the Simpsons, give their more commonly-used moniker.

10: Herschel Pinkus Yerucham Krustofski

Krusty the Klown

10: Robert Underdunk Terwilliger

Sideshow Bob

10: Jeff Albertson

Comic Book Guy or CBG


This Frenchman, born in 1509, studied to be a lawyer at the University of Paris, and eventually became a pastor in Strasbourg in 1538. Unlike his contemporaries, he did not condemn usury, which some claim laid the groundwork for capitalism. The religion that he developed eventually became the modern Presbyterian Church, and he set up a revolutionary church in Geneva, where he headed a theocracy. FTP, name this European originator of the theory of predestination.

John Calvin


Name these founders of other Protestant churches, FTPE.

10: Church of England

King Henry VIII

10: Methodist

John Wesley

10: Baptist

John Smith


Early in the second book, a stool-carrying child wonders why his father’s fingers are always rusty. The child later trails his father attempting to illegally assist the progress of medical research. The corpse robbery failed, which enabled Jerry Cruncher to refute the claim of Solomon Pross, alias Barsad, that Roger Cly was dead, which in turn facilitated a little bit of blackmail on the part of Sidney Carton, which enables him to save the life of Charles Darnay, in FTP, what novel of the French Revolution by Charles Dickens?

A Tale of Two Cities


Identify these characters from A Tale of Two Cities FTPE

10: This bitter revolutionary encoded the names of aristocrats doomed to die in her knitting.

Madame Defarge (Prompt on Defarge)

10: This aristocrat is Charles Darnay’s father, and it is on account of his atrocious actions that Darnay is sentenced to death in France.

Marquis de Saint Evrémonde

10: This English banker is delivered the message “Recalled to life” in the first chapter of the book, indicating the discovery of the imprisoned Dr. Mannette.

Jarvis Lorry


Colorless and odorless in all of its states, this substance has many modern applications, including use in welding, ice coring, and inflating SCUBA suits. The first noble gas to be discovered, it got its name from the Greek for “inactive,” and only one compound, a combination with Hydrogen and Fluorine, has been created, although it has not been confirmed. Comprising about 1 % of the atmosphere, it is also the most abundant noble gas on Earth. FTP, name this element, the third noble gas, with atomic number 18 and symbol Ar.



FTPE, answer the following about the noble gases.

10: Noble gases are especially stable and unreactive because in their normal state, this is filled with electrons.

Valence shell

10: Until the creation of compounds of this noble gas in 1962, all noble gases were thought to be truly inert.


10: This is the heaviest of the noble gases, as well as the only radioactive one.



At the beginning of the Revolution, he departed for England so his training in his craft would not suffer. He was a success by 1782, largely due to the acclaim for “The Skater,” and in 1793 returned to the United States. Over the course of his career, he painted over a thousand paintings, most of them political figures of the early United States, but much of his time was taken up reproducing a series of iconic portraits of just one man. FTP, name this American painter of George Washington.

Gilbert Stuart


Identify these other early American painters FTPE.

10: This Boston portraitist is best remembered for his depiction of a pensive Paul Revere.

John Singleton Copley

10: This Philadelphian painted many historical scenes, including “The Death of General Wolfe.”

Benjamin West

10: This man had to kill his avian subjects before he painted them, somewhat at odds with the mission of the society named for him.

John James Audubon


It is often divided into two parts: the Battle of Freeman’s Farm and the Battle of Bemis Heights. In the latter, General Arnold arrived to swing the momentum in favor of the colonists. The battle ended when General John Burgoyne surrendered to General Horatio Gates. FTP identify this American Revolution battle, important for convincing the French to ally themselves with the United States in its independence effort.

Battle of Saratoga


In its history, the United States has fought five declared wars. For 5 points each, and an additional 5 for all correct, identify them. You will have 10 seconds to begin your answer.

5: War of 1812

5: Mexican-American War

5: Spanish-American War

5: World War I (WW1)

5: World War II (WW2)


In roots, it contains lateral rays and is located beneath the pericycle. During its formation, some cells lose their nuclei and acquire perforated top and bottom walls known as sieve plates. The continuous column of sieve tube elements is nourished and controlled by nucleated companion cells. FTP identify this vascular plant tissue, found near pith and xylem, that transports nutrients such as glucose.



FTPE identify the following parts of a plant cell.

10: These green, pigmented organelles are the sites of photosynthesis.


10: Inside the chloroplast are these flattened, membrane-bound sacs arranged in columns called grana.


10: The thylakoids are suspended in this liquid part of the chloroplast.



Pencil and paper ready. A math student wants to find the minimum value of the function[pic]. In order to do so, he could try plugging in many values or taking the derivative, but using the trigonometric identity for[pic]makes the problem much easier. FTP, what is the minimum value of[pic], remembering that [pic]. You will have 10 seconds.

0 (It simplifies to[pic])


Identify the following number, 30-20-10.

30: It is equal to 2 times the cosine of pi over 5.

20: It is the explicit value of one plus one over the quantity of one plus one over the quantity of one plus, etc.

10: It has been used in architecture, and is approximately equal to 1.618.

Golden Ratio, Divine Proportion, Golden Mean, Golden Section, Phi


It became a nation in 1918 following the defeat of Austria-Hungary, but was occupied by the Nazis from 1941 to 1945. Following the end of the second World War, it became a socialist federal republic similar to the Soviet Union. Its varied and constantly fighting ethnic groups were always a problem for this country, and they contributed to its breakup between 1991 and 1992. FTP, name this former Balkan country bordering on the Adriatic whose leaders have included Josip Tito (TEE-toe) and Slobodan Milosevic (SLOW-buh-dan mil-LOW-suh-vich).



FTPE, identify the capitals of these former Yugoslav states.

10: Serbia and Montenegro


10: Bosnia and Herzegovina (her-zeh-GOH-vee-na)


10: Croatia




Søren Kierkegaard wrote a long essay in his work Either/Or defending the claim that this was the greatest work of art of all time. It is set in seventeenth century Seville and centers around the immoral title character, his slaying of the Commander, his attempts to woo a betrothed woman, and eventual descent into hell. FTP, identify this 1787 work based on the legend of Don Juan, a famous opera by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

Don Giovanni


Identify these other Mozart operas, FTPE:

10: A continuation of Rossini’s The Barber of Seville, this opera premiered a year before Don Giovanni.

The Marriage of Figaro or Le Nozze de Figaro

10: This 1782 Singspiel opera tells the tale of Belmonte’s attempt to rescue his love Konstanze from the title location, which belongs to the Pasha Selim.

The Abduction from the Seraglio or Die Entführung aus dem Serail

10: A later example of Singspiel, this piece centers around Tamino’s rescue of Pamina with the aid of Papageno and the title item.

The Magic Flute or Der Zauberflöte


The Callendar effect is a special instance of it, determined by the vibration modes and absorption profiles of molecules. The literal type works by convection, though its common usage refers to the absorption of infrared radiation. In addition to albedo and blackbody properties, it accounts for a 33-degree increase from the earth’s expected surface temperature. FTP identify this phenomenon, demonstrated in the “runaway” type on Venus, caused by gases such as carbon dioxide.

Greenhouse effect


FTPE, identify the following layers of the atmosphere.

10: In this ozone-containing layer, 15 to 50 km high, convection is not possible because temperature increases with altitude.


10: Noctilucent (nok-ti-LOO-sent) clouds are found in this layer, which marks the lower limit for satellite orbits and is responsible for the combustion of meteors.


10: All weather occurs in this lowermost layer.



Born around 1540, this man was an ardent Protestant. He went to sea, and quickly took to it, eventually becoming a captain. He daringly attacked Cadiz, Spain in 1587. He led the defense against the Spanish Armada, and became the first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe. FTP, name this man whose ship was The Golden Hind.

Sir Francis Drake


Name these other explorers FTPE.

10: His crew was the first to circumnavigate the globe. The waters around the Cape of Good Hope are named for him.

Ferdinand Magellan

10: He discovered the Sandwich Islands.

James Cook

10: He was the first European to see the Pacific Ocean

Vasco Nunez de Balboa


Pencil and paper ready. For this tossup, assume the gravitational constant is 10 meters per second per second. A 100 kg roller coaster starts at rest, 10 meters above the ground. It then rolls without friction down a hill, then up a second hill, ending at a height of 5 meters. The final speed of the roller coaster can be determined by using conservation of energy, as the roller coaster starts with potential energy, and ends with equal amounts potential and kinetic energy. FTP determine the final speed of the roller coaster. You will have 10 seconds.

10 meters per second


Pencil and paper ready. Consider two cars, the first of which has mass 10 kg, and is traveling 10 meters per second, and the second of which has mass 5 kg, and is traveling 5 m/s. FTPE,

10: If the two cars collide head-on and stick to each other, what will the speed of the wreckage be? You will have 10 seconds.

5 meters per second

10: If both cars are travelling in the same direction, they collide and they stick to each other, what will the speed of the wreckage be? You will have 10 seconds.

25/3 meters per second (accept 8.3, 8.33, etc. meters per second)

10: In the preceding collision, how much energy was lost in the collision? You will have 10 seconds.

375 joules


At the time it was written, the author was being treated with ergot at a local hospital, although there is no proof the hallucinogenic properties of the fungus affected the author’s writing. The book has been the influence for many comic book characters, most notably The Incredible Hulk and Two-Face. FTP, identify this novel that centers around Gabriel Utterson’s investigation of the strange behavior and ultimate death of the title physician, who had created a potion that could change a man into the embodiment of his evil side.

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde


Identify these other “nasty combinations” from literature, FTPE:

10: These Orc-Human crossbreeds are created by and serve Saruman in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.


10: In the Wheel of Time series, these dark fusions of men and animals are just one of many servants of The Dark One, although they are among the lowest in standing.


10: This insane doctor plays god, creating several human-animal creatures while working on the titular island of a work by H.G. Wells.

Dr. Moreau


Its constitutionality was challenged by Mitch McConnell, but the Supreme Court upheld most of it. It struggled in the Senate, though its counterpart, Shays-Meehan, passed despite the opposition of the House leadership. This bill banned issue ads in the days before an election and modified the limits on hard money contributions, though its most famous effect was to ban soft money donations. FTP identify this 2002 Senate bill designed to reform campaign financing, sponsored by a Democrat from Wisconsin and a Republican from Arizona.

McCain-Feingold Bill (or Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 or BCRA)


FTPE identify the following related to campaigns.

10: This campaign style, which emphasized the humble beginnings of a candidate, was famously used by William Henry Harrison.

Log cabin campaign

10: This 1971 act created the Federal Elections Commission, and forced candidates to reveal sources of hard money donations.

FECA (or Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971)

10: This 1976 Supreme Court case ruled parts of FECA unconstitutional, allowing unlimited contributions to one’s own campaign.

Buckley v. Valeo


A film version of this novella was made in 1971, and Benjamin Britten also premiered an operatic version in 1973. Its main character is said to have been based on one of the author’s favorite composers, Gustav Mahler. It concerns the obsession of the main character for an Italian boy, Tadzio, and his pursuit of the boy even as the title city is struck with Asiatic cholera. FTP, name this Thomas Mann work about the writer Gustav von Aschenbach (GOO-stav fon ASH-en-bach).

Death in Venice


Name these other works of Mann FTPE.

10: Mann’s first novel, it portrays the fall of an old family in the German city of Lübeck (LOO-bek).


10: Written in 1924, it is one of Mann’s most well known books, concerning Hans Castorp’s visit to a sanatorium.

The Magic Mountain (or Der Zauberberg)

10: This book is Mann’s plea to America to help fight the Nazi regime, and was written in 1938.

The Coming Victory of Democracy


It occurred due to the expanding spheres of influence of the two states it involved. It featured both land and sea warfare, and some of this conflict between the two most powerful nation-states of the time occurred in Spain. The conflict started when the island of Sicily became disputed, and the conflict is separated into three distinct wars. FTP, name the series of wars held between Rome and Carthage, all of which Rome won.

The Punic Wars


Identify the following generals from the Punic Wars, FTPE.

10: This daring Carthaginian leader came closest to defeating Rome after crossing the Alps with his war elephants.

Hannibal Barca

10: This general was Hannibal’s brother.

Hasdrubal Barca

10: Hannibal’s Roman counterpart, this man was appointed proconsul. He defeated Hannibal on the plains of Zama outside Carthage.

Scipio Africanus


Although the newest W3C-approved version of this language follows all XML conventions, few have adopted this new standard, and the 4th edition of the original continues to be the standard used throughout the world. It was developed by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN in conjunction with his creation of the World Wide Web. FTP identify this language, used on the vast majority of web pages.

HTML (HyperText Markup Language)


FTPE, expand the following Internet-related acronyms.

10: XML

eXtensible Markup Language

10: HTTP

HyperText Transfer Protocol

10: PHP

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor


The defendant was a former high school football coach who was assigned as a substitute teacher, and the original prosecutors were good friends of the defendant. In hopes of bringing major press coverage, another friend of the defendant tried to convince H.G. Wells to act as the defense attorney, but it turned out he was not needed, as two prominent political figures attracted media from all over the country. FTP, name this 1925 court case, which showcased Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryan facing off over the issue of teaching evolution.

Scopes Monkey Trial


Answer the following about William Jennings Bryan’s political career, FTPE.

10: Bryan broke onto the political scene in the 1896 election by becoming the youngest major party presidential candidate and by giving this influential pro-silver speech.

Cross of Gold speech

10: In addition to the Democratic nomination in 1896, Bryan also received a Presidential nomination from this third party, whose only previous candidate was James Weaver.

Populist Party

10: Although Bryan was well liked, he lost the 1896 election primarily because of the unpopularity of the incumbent Democrats due to the presidency of this man.

Grover Cleveland


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