
KS3 History Curriculum Map 2020-2021Autumn TermSpring TermSummer TermYear 7Historical Skills and Norman InvasionChronologyAnachronismsSourcesContenders to the throneBattles of Fulford and Stamford BridgeBattle of HastingsBayeux TapestryNorman ConquestHarrying of the NorthDomesday BookFeudal SystemCastlesLocal study: Conisbrough CastleMedieval England: Monarchy and Religion Life in Medieval EnglandThe Black DeathReligion in Medieval EnglandThe CrusadesHenry II and Thomas BecketMedieval England: Rebellions and RevoltsJohn and the Magna CartaWhere did Parliament come from?The Peasants’ RevoltWars of the RosesTudor EnglandHenry VII and securing the Tudor throneHenry VIII and his wivesHenry VIII and the ReformationDissolution of the monasteriesHenry VIII – tyrant or terrific?Bloody MaryElizabethan EnglandLife in Elizabethan EnglandThe Spanish ArmadaThe Age of ExplorationWas Elizabethan England a ‘Golden Age’?Year 8The Stuart MonarchyReligion in the Stuart periodGunpowder PlotWitch-craze in the 17th centuryCauses of the Civil WarCivil WarExecution of Charles IEmpire and Slavery during the Industrial periodBritain as empire buildersWas the British Empire a force for good?Triangular TradeThe Middle PassageLife on the PlantationsShould Britain apologise for their involvement in the Slave Trade?Modern day slaveryLife in Industrial BritainThe causes of the Industrial RevolutionFactory conditionsTransformation of cities and townsPublic HealthTransformation of transportPower, Politics and ProtestSwing Riots and LudditesTolpuddle MartyrsChartistsSuffragettesCauses of the First World WarEurope by 1914Assassination at Sarajevo Schlieffen PlanBritain’s involvement in the First World War Life during the First World WarRecruitmentTrench warfareBattle of the SommeLife on the Home FrontEnd of the War and remembranceYear 9Second World WarRoad to WarDunkirkBlitz SpiritLife during World War TwoStalingradHolocaustPersecution before 1939Resistance to the HolocaustConditions in the Concentration CampsKindertransportLiberation and remembranceWhitechapel – historical environment studyLife in WhitechapelPolice in WhitechapelJack the RipperWhy did the police fail to catch the Ripper?Developments in the policePost-War EuropeAtomic bombIdeological differencesWW2 conferencesDivision of GermanySuperpowers and the Cold WarBerlin BlockadeCuban Missile CrisisBerlin WallHow close was the world to nuclear war?Civil Rights in the USADiscrimination in the USAMontgomery Bus BoycottMartin Luther KingRole of Kennedy and JohnsonKS4 History Curriculum Map 2020-2021Autumn TermSpring TermSummer TermYear 10Paper 1 – Crime and PunishmentChanges and continuities in crimes, law enforcement and punishmentMedieval England 1000-1500Early Modern England 1500-1700Paper 1 – Crime and PunishmentChanges and continuities in crimes, law enforcement and punishmentEighteenth and Nineteenth England 1700-1900Modern day England 1900-presentPaper 2 – Early Elizabethan EnglandQueen, Government and Religion, 1558-69Challenges to Elizabeth at Home and Abroad 1569-88Paper 2 – Early Elizabethan EnglandChallenges to Elizabeth at Home and Abroad 1569-88Elizabethan Society in the Age of Exploration, 1558-88Year 11Paper 3 – Weimar and Nazi GermanyThe Weimar Republic, 1918-29Hitler’s Rise to power, 1919-33Nazi Control and Dictatorship, 1933-39Paper 3 – Weimar and Nazi GermanyNazi Control and Dictatorship 1933-39Life in Nazi Germany, 1933-1939Paper 2 – Superpower Relations and the Cold WarEarly tensions and development 1941-1958The Cold War Crises, 1958-70The End of the Cold War, 1970-91Exam PreparationRecap and Reviewing topicsExam practise Targeted Revision ................

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