
I. The War in the Balkans

(Italians seize ______________in 1940, invade ______________, but Greeks

push them back in early 1941

(annoyed by Italian failures, ______________ sends German forces to help

(Italians, Germans, Hungarians, Romanians and Bulgarians invade

and overwhelm ______________.

(______________ forces aid Greek defenses, but Greeks insist on defending

outdated defensive frontier: “______________”

(Greek forces decimated, British fight a retreating, running battle

down the peninsula, escape to island of ______________.

(German Fallschirmjäger (______________) forces dropped inland on Crete, British beach forces face attacks from rear and German landing forces on the coast

II. The War in North Africa

(1940-_________ launch offensives in ___________against British _____- geographic key to invading the Middle East/Oil resources

(Italians invade Egypt from _________ (South) and _________ (West) with

four to one odds, British (“_________________”) win stunning victory-but cannot follow up/many units deployed to Greece

(German forces arrive in Libya (__________________) under Gen. _________


(he had built a reputation as the commander of the elusive “__________________” (a panzer division) during the invasion of France

(he reorganizes Axis forces, pushes British back into _________

(he lays siege to port of _________ but cannot seize it

(_________ will not send more _________ and _____ for Rommel’s panzers, everything is to go to the new _________ offensive

(Rommel is a tactical genius, uses Anti Aircraft Guns(88mm)

as _________destroyers, stops British offensives by

jockeying around them/threatening supply lines (he becomes known as “The __________________”)

(1942 Offensive: Rommel drives into Egypt-

(wins Battle of _________/using a flank attack with his panzers: threatens to take _________

(loses Battle of __________________to British General _________

__________________, German forces flee westward

(Germans flee towards the hands of newly arrived _________

forces in __________________ Africa

(Operation _________: U.S. invasion of N. Africa, ________ French put up no real fight in Morocco/ Algeria (French


(retreating Germans smash Gen. ___________________________’s

inexperienced forces at __________________-

Germans buy time to escape to _________

(N. Africa belongs to the Allies/stepping stone to

Italy (Europe)

III. The Invasion of Russia

(Hitler plans massive blitzkrieg into Soviet Union/amasses _________ giant

Armies (Army Groups _________, _________and _________

(_________tanks, ______million men, ______% of German forces)

(German soldiers confident of victory/Hitler expects victory in

_________ months

(“Operation __________________” successful at first (June 1941 on)-

(Army Group North: German/Finnish forces lay siege to city of

__________________ (St. Petersburg) on the _________ Sea

(Army Group Center: drives through central Russia/approaches


(Army Group South: forces under _________ seize city of _________,

Ukrainians welcome them as liberators, port city of __________________ in the Crimea is under siege

(Problems: by October attack is stalling out

(Army Group North: cannot take Leningrad/defiant _________ aid

in building defenses, though 100,000’s starve

(Army Group Center: _______ bogs down German advance on

Moscow (“Operation Typhoon”)/Soviet Gen. _________ solidifies defenses/_________________ push back exhausted Germans

(Army Group South: “Operation _______”- German forces drive to

try to seize the ____ fields of the _____________-supplies in

Rumania are running out!)/a minor flanking attack is aimed at the city of _______________ on the __________ River

(The Battle of Stalingrad:

(German forces attack the city in August (1942)/brutal block-to-

block fighting breaks out/_________ insists the city be won!

(factory city reduced to ruins/soldiers battle in the _________

(Soviets shuttle more and more men in across the Volga/

they barely hold the _________ bank of the river

(German __________________ (and Russian) are astronomical

(110,000 Germans, probably twice as many Russians)

(Soviets break through German _________ north and south of the city

against weaker Axis forces (Hungarians and Romanians)

(German _______ Army trapped in the city/but fights on- receiving

supplies from two _________________

(Soviets nibble away at German forces from all angles/Hitler

says “No Surrender!”

(Ger. Gen __________ surrenders 90,000 men, most will never return home (die in Russian __________(labor camps) in Siberia)

(myth of German “invincibility” is exposed/now the Soviets will

make the advances against depleted German army

(Soviet oil in the South denied to the Germans/aircraft and

panzer ____________ will be in short supply


NAME: _________________________________ Period: _____

Military History- World War II in Europe

Chapter X Notes: Part II of III

Military History Class/SHS

General Erwin Rommel

German Panzer IV (Mark F)

British “Crusader” tank.

Soviet T-34 Tank

Soviet Infantry


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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