Manningtree and District Royal British LegionMinutes of Branch No 3683 Meeting held on 8th April 2014ItemOpening AddressBy Whom1Jamie gave a short opening address and welcomed everyone to the meeting. He thanked The Red Lion for allowing us to us to use the facilitiesBranch ChairmanItemExhortationBy Whom2The meeting was opened with the exhortation, and a respectful silence was observed Branch ChairmanApologies and Attendance318 attended the meeting, with apologies being received from 13 others. Branch ChairmanMinutes4The Minutes of the previous (March 2014) meeting were read and unanimously approved:Proposed – Sharon RobinsonSeconded – Geoff DuckworthBranch SecretaryChairman’s Report5In summary Jamie spoke about:County Conference Unfortunately, following the annual renewal, the Essex February membership level had shown a marked fall (Sec’s note. This is in line with all annually renewing membership organisations and is due to a ‘lapsing’ process when DD rejections are processed as leaversTraining, including Branch ManagementNational WW1 events – See RBL websiteNewmarket Race Day – Tickets priced at ?10.50 and ?14.50, expressions of interest by 31st JulyRBL Info Centre to open in ColchesterFundraising and Ceremonial Events8th May – Clacton VE Day memorial service8th June – DDay event. Paperwork for road closures has been submitted for a service at the Manningtree war memorial14th June – Fun at Furze. Andy Robinson will head the branch involvement21st June – 1940s coffee morning with military vehicles and swing band at Foundry Court5th July – Skinnersfest. Although this clashes with the Colchester Tattoo, the date will remain unchanged Jul/Aug – Legionfest. TBCRemembrance Day – Submission made for parade/service in Manningtree on the actual day to avoid clash with Mistley and LawfordBranch Choir. Two rehearsals held so far for an August eventAffiliations. Dave Mitchell and Geoff Duckworth will act as Cadet liaison and (also) committee membersWW2 beach shell poppy pins available from JuneStandard and Accoutrements. A reduced requirement for one standard bearer would cost approx ?825. Jamie will confirmProposed – Andy BakerSeconded – Geoff DuckworthAll were in favourBranchChairmanItemVice Chair’s Report6Lee spoke about:Ardleigh Car Boot Sale. Date TBC, branch pitch will be free. Lee will collect donations and store in St Johns HallBranchVice ChairmanSecretary’s Report7Alan spoke about the RBL annual conference and standard bearer training. He also reminded the meeting about the dedication of the memorial to seafarers lost in conflict at sea – Orwell Quay, Ipswich at 15:00 Sat 12th AprilBranch SecretaryTreasures Report8IncomeBalance B/F ?1,876.52Received ?250.00Expenditure ?471.92Current Balance ?1654.60Branch TreasurerBranch Welfare9NTRBranch Welfare OfficerCounty Welfare Report10NTRCounty Welfare OfficerA Group11There is a meeting toward the latter end of AprilA Group RepsParade Marshals Report12NTRParade MarshalMembership Secretary Report13Membership currently stands at 59Membership SecretarySocial Committee Report14Sharon talked about:Coffee Morning – Shaping up wellFun at Furze timings confirmed as 1300 – 1700, volunteers to liaise with Andy RobinsonFestival of Remembrance tickets to be paid for by the Jun meetingSocial SecretaryPress Relations Officer15Sharon reminded the meeting about the article in ‘In Touch with Manningtree’PROPoppy AppealBy Whom16The 2013 fund now stands at ?7,141.47, although the Essex total is down year on year, the Manningtree total is upBuy Pins!!!!!!Door – door collector will be needed this year, Ann will provide details shortlyItemAOBBy Whom17Andy Baker said that the next committee meeting will be held 24th April and that ?200 in donations toward 3rd August event had been promised by Manningtree and Mistley councils (?100 each)Unfortunately there will be no fly past and ‘poppy drop’ in August as the micro pilot had been involved in a relatively serious accident and wouldn’t be flying for some timeNext meeting Tuesday 13th May 2014 at The Red LionKohima Epitaph18The meeting closed at 20.30hrs with the Vice Chairman reading the Kohima Epitaph. A respectful silence was observedChair Jamie Robinson Branch ChairmanAlan Saddington Branch Secretary_________________________ ___________________________ ................

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