Japan’s Ambitions in the Pacific

• 1937 – _________________________ (head of Japanese army) launched a launched a full-scale invasion of China

• By 1941, Tojo and Japanese army had seized all of French, Dutch, and British colonies in Asia

• US cut off trade with Japan ( _______________________

Japan’s Aggression

• November 5, 1941 – Tojo ordered the Japanese army to ____________________________ on the US

• US broke Japanese secret codes to discover the planned attack but did not know when or where it would occur ( FDR sent military war warnings to bases in Hawaii, Guam, and the Philippines

• FDR believed if war was inevitable, then Japan would commit the first act

• Peace talks went on until December 6, 1941 when the US decoded a Japanese message instructing the Japanese diplomats to reject all US peace proposals ( “_______________________________” - FDR

Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor

• December 7,1941 – Japanese Attack on _______________________________ (Oahu Island of Hawaii)

• 1.5 hour attack

• Over ________________________ aircrafts launched from __________________- carriers

• US could not effectively mount a counterattack – ________________ Americans killed, ________________ wounded, 21 ships sunk (8 battleships), over 300 aircraft destroyed or damaged BUT 3 aircraft carriers were out at sea and were spared

US Response to Pearl Harbor

• “I never wanted to have to fight this war on two fronts. We haven’t the Navy to fight in both the Atlantic and the Pacific… so we will have to build up the Navy and the Air Force and that will mean that we will have to take a good many defeats before we can have a victory.” – FDR during attacks

• “Yesterday, December 7, 1941, ________________________________________, [the Japanese launched] an unprovoked and dastardly attack.” – FDR, address to Congress Dec. 8, 1941

• ___________________________ - Congress approved declaration of war against Japan ( 3 days later, ___________________and ________________________ declared war on US

Theaters of War

• War theater –

• _______________________________________ theater– German and Italian forces

• ________________________________________ theater – Japanese forces

Japanese Pacific Domination

• Jan-June 1942 – Japan conquered:

• Mainland: _____________________________________________, French Indochina, Malaya, Burma, Thailand, and a large region of China

• Pacific: Dutch East Indies, ________________________________________, Wake Island, the Solomon Islands, 2 ______________________________________________, and more

• General Douglas ___________________________________________________ – in command of Allied forces in the Philippines

• Losing ( FDR ordered him to return home ( “I shall return.”

• Spring 1942 – tide turns for Allies in the Pacific

• April 18, 1942 – _________________________

• Lieutenant Colonel ________________________________led 16 bombers in an air raid on Tokyo and other cities

• Pearl Harbor style air attack... Americans___________________, Japanese _________

Battle of Midway

• Midway – an island northwest of Hawaii

• Japanese code broken to reveal the planned attack on Midway

• Admiral Chester _______________________________________ to defend Midway

• June 3, 1942 – US scouts found Japanese fleet

• Nimitz sent American _____________________________________________ and _________________________________________

• Japanese could not react to bombers, all aircrafts remained on the decks ( Japanese lost 4 aircraft carriers and 250 planes

• Americans had “___________________________________________________________.” – Japanese official

• TURNING POINT in WWII in the Pacific in favor of the Allies ( “___________________________” to get closer to Japan

Allies on the Offensive

• August 1942 – 19,000 Allied troops stormed _____________________________________ in the Solomon Islands (“Island of Death”)

• Island hopped back to the __________________________ in Oct 1944

• “People of the Philippines: I have returned.” - MacArthur

The Japanese Defense

• Kamikaze – “_____________________________________________” – attack in which Japanese pilots crashed their bomb-laden planes into Allied ships

• Not used until 1944

• “a strange mixture of respect and pity” – Vice Admiral Charles Brown

• Despite the effectiveness of kamikazes…

• Lost 3 battleships, 4 aircraft carriers, 13 cruisers, and 500 men ( Japanese Imperial Navy severely damaged

Iwo Jima

• Feb-March 1945 - After success in Philippines, MacArthur and Allies turned to the island of Iwo Jima (“sulfur island”)

• Critical asset for Allies (

• Heavily guarded with 27,000 Japanese soldiers

• 6,000 marines died – most deadly battle in the Pacific at that time

• Only 200 Japanese survived

The Battle for Okinawa

• April 1945 – US marines invaded Okinawa

• an Island off of Japan (340 miles) - “____________________________________________”

• Allied ships suffered large kamikaze attacks, as well as large land casualties

• _______________________ Americans killed < ______________________ Japanese killed

• 2 Japanese generals committed suicide

• Allies one step closer to ____________________________

The Manhattan Project

• Allied victory at Okinawa opened the way for an invasion of Japan BUT Allied leaders knew Japanese troops would put up a strong fight to protect the island.

• Truman decided to use a new weapon – the atomic bomb developed by the ________________________________

• Truman didn’t know about project until POTUS

• Led by General Leslie Groves and American scientist, J. Robert ___________________________________________________

• ______________________ – 1st test (”a red-hot elephant standing balanced on its trunk.”

Truman’s Decision

• July 26, 1945 – Truman ordered military to make final plans to drop atomic bombs on 2 Japanese targets

• US warned Japan that it faced “_____________________________________________________” if it did not surrender immediately.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

• August 6, 1945 – ____________________________ (B-29 bomber) dropped “Little boy” over _____________________________________ (Japanese military hub) ( ceased to exist

• August 9, 1945 – ________________________ dropped “Fat Man” on _____________________ ( leveled half of city

• By end of 1945 – almost _______________________ people died of injuries because of the bomb itself or radiation

• _____________________________________ – Victory Over Japan Day aka “_______________” - Emperor Hirohito surrendered Japan

The Occupation of Japan

• 7 year American occupation of Japan (________________________) with ___________________ in command

• 7 Japanese officials sentenced to death (Tojo)

• 1,100 Japanese lower officials and guards arrested and tried

• Reshaped Japanese economy by introducing _______________________________ practices

• Oversaw the writing of a new constitution with suffrage for women and guaranteed basic freedoms ( _________________________________________________

America: The Story of Us – World War II Questions (Begin at 38:00)

1. Robert Oppenheimer heads the _____________________ Project, creating the atomic bomb.

2. During the war, whole ___________________ of civilians were bombed.

3. The temperature generated at the center of the explosion of an atomic bomb is 10 ______ times greater than the surface of the sun, turning the desert sand to _____________.

4. A day after the second bomb is dropped, the _____________________ surrender

5. Having survived the Great Depression and World War II, they were the Greatest ____________.

6. America had no real _____________________ in the world following this war…and became a superpower.


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