EM Contact person
EM part of 5-Year Plan
|Emergency management initiatives of the UCEDD
*indicates initiative done in collaboration
with DDC or P&A |Collaborators |EM Initiative
Funding Sources |Information Dissemination | |
|Alaska: |Preliminary discussions about incorporating emergency management into|Municipality of Anchorage Department of Public |For training, the |No current information |
|Center for Human Development |our training curriculum and possible research. |health |Alaska Mental Health |dissemination. |
| | | |Trust Authority. | |
|Contact: Karen Ward | | | | |
| | | |Research funding not | |
| | | |identified. | |
|EM part of 5-Year Plan?: No | | | | |
|California: |As disability consultant for California Volunteers (California's |California Volunteers (California's AmeriCorps |None |Information disseminated |
|USC UCEDD at CHLA |Americorps States program) we work at a policy level with statewide |States Program) | |primarily through SCDD (CA's |
| |initiatives related to emergency response. | | |DDC) and California Volunteers.|
|Contact: Barbara Wheeler | |Center for Disability Issues and the Health | | |
| |We collaborated with one of CHLA's researchers on a submission to NIH|Professions (Western University) | | |
| |to study the preparedness of school personnel to evacuate students |June Kailes wrote one of the manuals related to| | |
|EM part of 5-Year Plan?: No |with disabilities when an emergency occurs. |emergency response for people with disabilities| | |
| | |which is used in the state. | | |
| |*The DDC works more closely with emergency management than we do. We|Brenda Premo, who is the Director of CDIHP, | | |
| |on occasion attend the same meetings. DD Act Partners has not made |sends us materials to disseminate to our | | |
| |this a priority for our collaborative work. |stakeholders. | | |
| | | | | |
| | |California State Council on Developmental | | |
| | |Disabilities | | |
|California: |We are involved, somewhat peripherally, through our work within |California Volunteers |None |Information disseminated |
|Tarjan Center for Developmental |national service and through the state DD Council. | | |through California State |
|Disabilities | |California State Council on Developmental | |Council on Developmental |
| |We attended an emergency management workshop aimed to exchange |Disabilities | |Disabilities |
|Contact: Olivia Raynor |information about the needs of the disability community as it applies| | | |
| |to planning for the state. | | | |
| | | | | |
|EM part of 5-Year Plan?: No |*The Deputy Director of the DDC is part of the state’s emergency | | | |
| |management team. We exchange information on an ongoing basis. | | | |
|Guam: |Though emergency management has become of great concern for the |Office of Homeland Security |ADD provided funding |No current information |
|Center for Excellence in |island, initiatives were not written into the current core grant work| |for the P&A to attend |dissemination. |
|Developmental Disabilities |plan. |Guam Police Department |the emergency | |
|Education, Research, and Service | | |management federal | |
| |*The P&A has taken the lead in planning emergency management |Guam Fire Department |meeting, however grant | |
|Contact: Heidi San Nicolas |initiatives to be implemented by the Tri Agency (P&A/DDC/UCEDD) | |funding is currently | |
| | |Guam P&A |not available, nor is | |
| | | |local funding to | |
| | | |support the initiative.| |
|EM part of 5-Year Plan?: No | | | | |
|Hawaii: |*Planning activities |Department of Health |Internal only at the |No current information |
|Center on Disability Studies | | |present. |dissemination. |
| |*Developing grants to expand resources |Department of Civil Defense | | |
|Contact: Martha Guinan | | |Have submitted two | |
| | |American Red Cross |grants for support. | |
| | | | | |
|EM part of 5-Year Plan?: Yes | |Hawaii DDC and P&A | | |
|Iowa: |CDD is part of Iowa's State Emergency Management Team. This team has |The lead agency for Iowa’s state team is the |The referenced state |CDD newsletters. |
|Center for Disabilities and |attended the two national meetings. |Office of Emergency Management and Homeland |agencies and community | |
|Development | |Security. Other entities include |EM offices. | |
| |CDD participated in first state meeting with community ER offices. |Department of Public Health | | |
|Contact: Jane Gay |The target audience of this meeting included consumers and staff from|Civil Rights Commission |IDPH is seeking federal| |
| |community |Department of Human Services |funding. | |
| | |Governor's office. | | |
|EM part of 5-Year Plan?: No |*Iowa's DDC and P&A agreed that CDD should represent the Iowa DD | | | |
| |Network at the national meeting ADD encouraged states to attend. |Iowa DDC & P&A | | |
| | | | | |
| |*DDC helps support Iowa COMPASS (Iowa's statewide I&R system | | | |
| |administered by CDD). COMPASS provides EM information. | | | |
|Kansas: |Glen White, the KUCDD Associate Director, is engaged in a host of |Centers for Disease Control |Centers for Disease |Dissemination via a website: |
|Kansas University Center on |activities related to emergency preparedness. The most visible are | |Control |
|Developmental Disabilities |activities identified on the 'Nobody Left Behind' web page at | | |g |
| | , the mission of which is to | | | |
|Contact: Glen White |investigate 30 randomly selected counties, cities, or boroughs in the| | | |
| |United States that have recently experienced a natural or man-made | | | |
| |disaster in order to: | | | |
|EM part of 5-Year Plan?: No |Determine if disaster plans and emergency response systems for homes,| | | |
| |businesses, and the community include the health, safety, and | | | |
| |survival needs for persons with mobility impairment | | | |
| |Identify the morbidity and mortality of persons with mobility | | | |
| |impairments in these disasters | | | |
| |Assess if there were any post-disaster changes to address the needs | | | |
| |of persons with mobility impairments | | | |
| |Identify emerging or Best Practices models for counties to assist in | | | |
| |disaster plans and emergency responses to meet the needs of persons | | | |
| |with mobility impairments in hopes of preventing injuries, saving | | | |
| |lives, and assuring Nobody is Left Behind. | | | |
|Louisiana: |*An unfunded statewide initiative, 'The Louisiana Delegates' |The Louisiana Delegates' Emergency Management |No external funding to |Dissemination via a list serve.|
|Human Development Center |Emergency Management Consortium' in collaboration with both the DDC |Consortium collaborators include: |date | |
| |and P&A. |Primary: UCEDD, DDC, P&A, LA Department of | | |
|Contact: | |Health and Hospitals (State Medicaid), LA | | |
|Sharon Holleran |*A Human Development Center-Advocacy Center (LA P&A) collaboration- |Department of Social Services, American Red | | |
| or |funded with Human Development Center discretionary funds. |Cross, LA Governor's Office of Elderly Affairs | | |
| | | | | |
|Joan Guillory | |Secondary: LA Assistive Technology Access | | |
| | |Network, National Alliance of the Mentally Ill | | |
| | |of Louisiana | | |
| | | | | |
|EM part of 5-Year Plan?: No | | | | |
|Massachusetts: |Through the National Service Inclusion Project, with funding from the|• CNCS (funding agency) |CNCS |website pages at |
|Institute for Community Inclusion |Corporation from National and Community Service, ICI: |• CNCS Training providers | | |
| |developed and conducts training, Emergency/Disaster Planning and |• state commissions and state offices | |TA on request from national and|
|Contact: Paula Sotnik |Response for and by People with Disabilities, for several state and |• those UCEDDs involved in NSIP activities | |community service |
| |national conferences | | |National Webinar (at least one |
| |facilitated action planning with LA and MS on inclusive disaster | | |per year) |
|EM part of 5-Year Plan? |planning and response | | | |
|No |conducted webinars in this topic | | | |
| |serve on a national service training provider committee | | | |
| |provides TA on the topic | | | |
| |website pages at | | | |
|Massachusetts: |*Shriver is currently working with state and national partners in the|Although our project is fairly new (started end|University of |
|Eunice Kennedy Shriver Center |area of emergency preparedness. Our project has three focus areas. |of calendar year 2006), we have already |Massachusetts Medical |rces/definition.html |
| |The three focus areas are provided below with a sample of activities.|developed collaborative relationships with |School | |
|Contact: Erin McGaffigan | |local providers as well as regional and state | |
| | |representatives from the Department of Mental | |p.htm |
| |Focus Area: Learn best practices. |Retardation. We have sent out a general | | |
| |Literature and web searches |request for stakeholder involvement to regional| |
|EM part of 5-Year Plan?: Yes |Analyze and report on best practices |consumer boards and self-advocates and will | |s/disaster/beprepared/mobilepro|
| |Conduct informational interviews with stakeholders Identify gaps in |continue to seek this involvement. | |gs.html |
| |planning at the national, state, community, and provider level | | | |
| |Write a white paper on gaps and potential future design of activities|For our cross disability efforts, our partners | |
| | |include the Massachusetts | |/introduction.html#who |
| | |Emergency Management Agency | | |
| |Focus Area: Increase individual emergency preparedness of people |Department of Public Health Office on | |
| |with developmental disabilities. |Disability | |CN/Newspage.shtm |
| |Assist DMR to review and strengthen Continuity of Operations (COOP) |Office on Elder Affairs | | |
| |plans |Executive Office of Public Safety. | |
| |Collaborate with stakeholders | | |dy/research.shtm |
| |Investigate efforts that are already in existence at the local level |On the national level, we continue to work with| | |
| | |the NASDDDS on the creation and piloting of the| |
| |Pilot National Association of State Directors of Developmental |emergency preparedness web-based assessment | |s/dev_disabilities/tf-developdi|
| |Disabilities Services (NASDDDS) tool to assess and strengthen |tool. | |sability.htm |
| |readiness | | | |
| |Develop a vision |The DD Council representative receives routine | |
| |Design materials and methods to improve individual preparedness |updates on our progress. |erica/getakit/disabled.|
| |Pilot tools and improve them |A representative from the Disability Law Center|html | |
| | |(P&A) sits on our personal preparedness | |
| |Focus Area: Work across disability groups to strengthen individual |workgroup. |room/publications/2005/|
| |preparedness. | |saving_lives.htm |hp/products/webcasts/ |
| |Attend meetings to this project is in line with regional, state, and | | | |
| |federal efforts | | |
| |Assist in planning cross-disability summits | | |MedCare/about.htm |
| |Participate in information sharing on promising practices | | |
| | | |trinabiblio/disaster-pl| |
| | | |anning.cfm | |
| | | | |
| | | |com/ | |
| | | | | |
|Maine: |*The DDC is our lead network partner in the area of emergency |Maine DDC |None |No current information |
|Center for Community Inclusion and |management. Our participation has been to provide input to their | | |dissemination. |
|Disability Studies |initiatives. | | | |
| | | | | |
|Contact: Lu Zeph | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
|EM part of 5-Year Plan?: No | | | | |
| | | | | |
|Minnesota: |Joint project with NASDDDS to develop an emergency preparedness |NASDDDS |For the joint project |Presentations at conferences |
|Institute on Community Integration |web-based instrument that state DD directors can use to assess their | |with NASDDDS, we are |and plans to write articles for|
| |state's readiness and inclusion of people with disabilities in |Minnesota state agencies |under contract with |various publications. |
|Contact: |planning for emergencies. | |this organization. | |
|Patricia Salmi |This instrument applies to six levels: Individual, service providers,| | | |
| |local/municipal authorities, county/regional authorities, state | |There are no funders | |
|or |agencies, and national emergency entities. | |for the state | |
| |It addresses three management levels: Preparing, responding, and | |initiatives. | |
|Charlie Lakin |recovering. | | | |
| |The content areas include: communication and coordination, | | | |
| |stakeholder involvement, shelter, transportation, collaboration with | | | |
| |emergency management agencies, workforce, power generation, | | | |
|EM part of 5-Year Plan?: Yes |identification and tracking, specialized supports, and evacuation. | | | |
| |This instrument will provide states with general reports as to how | | | |
| |their state is doing, or can produce specialized reports on specific | | | |
| |areas. | | | |
| |The instrument is scheduled to be piloted in late spring, early | | | |
| |summer and should be ready for states' use by fall, 2007. | | | |
| | | | | |
| |We are also involved in a state initiative that pulls together a | | | |
| |number of state agencies to examine and plan for inclusion of people | | | |
| |with disabilities in state emergency planning efforts. | | | |
| | | | | |
|Missouri: |*Joint planning with the Planning Council and P&A. |Missouri DDC & P&A |None |No current information |
|UMKC Institute for Human | | | |dissemination. |
|Development | |State Department of Transportation | | |
| | | | | |
|Contact: | | | | |
|Laura Walker | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
|EM part of 5-Year Plan?: Yes | | | | |
| | | | | |
|Montana: |GIS activities for multiple states including Montana. |None |UCEDD |Information will be posted on |
|The University of Montana Rural |Also involved in Campus activities to design emergency management | |RRTC | |
|Institute |procedures. | | | |
| | | | | |
|Contact: | | | | |
|Alexandra Enders | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
|EM part of 5-Year Plan?: No | | | | |
|New Mexico: |Research: 'Assessing the Impact of Hurricane Katrina on Persons with |American Association on Health and Disability |National Institute on |Katrina Study available at |
|Center for Development and |Disabilities'; - joint project with the University of Kansas funded | |Disability and |
|Disability |by NIDDR; 'Needs and Priorities of New Mexico Emergency Managers |University of Kansas |Rehabilitation Research|IDRR_FinalKatrinaReport.pdf |
| |Regarding Disability' | |(NIDRR) | |
|Contact: Anthony Cahill |Tip Sheets for First Responders: over 40,000 of these have been |New Mexico Office of Health Emergency | | |
| |distributed across the united States |Management; |Disability and Health |Tip sheets available at |
| |Development of Training Program for First Responders on Disability: | |Program, Centers for |
|EM part of 5-Year Plan?: Yes |this modularized, four hour training course will be piloted in the |New Mexico Office of Homeland Security |Disease Control and |sForFirstResponders.htm |
| |summer of 2007. It will focus on practical information for first | |Prevention | |
| |responders, and will be modeled on the Tip Sheets for First | | | |
| |Responders. | |New Mexico Office of | |
| |The Prepared Community: A Guide for Community-Based Preparedness and | |Health Emergency | |
| |Response: this three-part training program is designed to increase | |Management | |
| |the capacity of community-based organizations such as community | | | |
| |health councils to prepare inventories of resources that can be used | |New Mexico Office of | |
| |in a disaster and identify and locate individuals with disabilities | |Homeland Security | |
| |in their communities. | | | |
| |Training and Technical Assistance to States: on-site training and | | | |
| |technical assistance is being provided to states including Iowa, | | | |
| |South Carolina, Wyoming and Maine on establishing a state task force | | | |
| |on emergency preparedness and people with disabilities | | | |
| |New Mexico Task Force on Targeted Populations and Emergency | | | |
| |Preparedness and Response: the Center is co-lead on this task force | | | |
| |which is assessing state plans and making recommendations for | | | |
| |ensuring that the needs and priorities of people with disabilities | | | |
| |are met. | | | |
| |National Consortium on Disaster Planning and Emergency Response for | | | |
| |People with Disabilities: the Center is co-lead, with the American | | | |
| |Association on Health and Disability and the University of Kansas, of| | | |
| |this national organization that has held two national meetings. | | | |
|New York: |*We are working with the NYS DDPC, the P&A and the other 2 UCEDDS in |Jacobi Medical Center |None |Information disseminated |
|Rose F. Kennedy Center |NY State to determine what emergency plans are in place to assist | | |through the NYS DDPC. |
| |people with developmental disabilities |NYS DDPC and P& | | |
|Contact: Arnold Birenbaum | | | | |
| |We are attempting to get the cooperation of the staff in the new |The other 2 UCEDDS in NY State | | |
| |emergency room at Jacobi Hospital in the Bronx to learn about how to | | | |
| |better communicate with people with developmental disabilities. | | | |
|EM part of 5-Year Plan?: No | | | | |
|Oregon: |*Collaborative discussion and update with the DDC and P&A |Public Health |Self-funded; applying |we're still early in our |
|Oregon Institute on Disability & |Participation with at least one state task force | |to CDC (through our |process and not generating much|
|Development |Developed proposal to train EMS workers (one group of First |CDC |ODH) and applying to |information at this point; if |
| |Responders) on disability issues | |the state PHS |we get funding, we'll publicize|
|Contact: Charles Drum |Proposal to train CILs on developing personal plans Testimony to a |Centers for Independent Living | |through the PHS, CILs, our own |
| |joint legislative committee | | |listserv, DDCouncil, etc |
| |Student project on developing info sheets based on diagnostic |Oregon DDC and P&A (plan to take the pending | | |
| |condition |proposals to the DD Partners at our next | | |
|EM part of 5-Year Plan?: Yes | |meeting). | | |
|Pennsylvania: |We are currently involved in the following initiatives |Philadelphia pilot.: |As of 3/29/07 funding |
|Institute on Disabilities |City of Philadelphia Emergency Preparedness Review Implementation |All major government agencies of Philadelphia |negotiations are still |ondisabilities/ |
| |Task force, supporting all activities relating to Special Populations|Service provider agencies are being identified |being conducted and | |
|Contact: George Heake |Readiness Region Campaign (Tri State PA, DE, NJ) involving the |based on interest |have not been | |
| |counties surrounding the Philadelphia area, supporting all activities|Center for Preparedness, Research, Education |finalized. |
| |related to Special Populations, which includes TA for section 508 |and Practice (CPREP) | |ex.htm |
| |compliance. |PA Department of Public Health | | |
|EM part of 5-Year Plan?: Yes |*PA State Department of Health Emergency Preparedness Work group for |Philadelphia Department of Health | | |
| |Special Populations. |PA State Department of Health | | |
| |SPAR-GIS: Special Population Analysis and Research with GIS | | | |
| |initiative. |SPAR-GIS: Temple, Penn, Yale, John Hopkins, | | |
| |PA-Argonne Pilot: 5 County pilot of Special Population database |Columbia, Harvard, University of Montana, | | |
| |development with GIS Technology. The Special Population Planner (SPP)|University of New Mexico | | |
| |tool developed by Argonne National Labs is one of the primary tools | | | |
| |being used in the pilot. |Argonne National Lab: Emergency Preparedness | | |
| |Emergency Preparedness SIG at AUCD |Group and others. | | |
|South Dakota: |*We have a staff person on a state planning group. |State agencies and DD Network on the state |None |No current information |
|Center for Disabilities | |planning group. | |dissemination. |
| | | | | |
|Contact: Shelly Grinde | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
|EM part of 5-Year Plan?: No | | | | |
|Tennessee: |*Tennessee Stakeholders Meeting on Emergency Preparedness and |Stakehohlders' Meeting and follow up: |ADD UCEDD funding |TN UCEDD websites, Boling |
|Boling Center for Developmental |Response for Individuals with Functional Need. The Boling Center , |TN Department of Health | |Center list serves, UT College |
|Disabilities |in collaboration with the Vanderbilt University Kennedy Center, TN DD|TN Deptartment of Homeland Security |LEND (MCHB) |of Nursing list serve, |
| |Council, TN Disability and Law Center and multiple stakeholders, has |TN Emergency Management Agency | |Tennessee Disability |
|Contact: Ruth Roberts |participated in meetings to inform state and local emergency planning|TN Commission on Aging and Disability. |UT College of Nursing |MegaConference presentation |
| |to better meet the needs of people with disabilities and other | | |June 1, 2007 (Vanderbilt UCEDD,|
| |special needs. |Emergency Preparedness Seminar: |Federal Court |TN Department of Health, TN |
|EM part of 5-Year Plan?: No | |TN Emergency Management Agency | |EMA). |
| |Interdisciplinary Leadership Training Series. In April 2006, we |MS P&A (video connection) | | |
| |presented a 4 hour seminar entitled 'Emergency Preparedness: |TN Disability Law and Advocacy Center (video | | |
| |Mid-South Perspectives,' with representatives from TN Emergency |connection) | | |
| |Management Agency, MS Protection and Advocacy (video connection), TN |Department of Earth Sciences, University of | | |
| |Disability Law and Advocacy Center (video connection), and Department|Memphis (Center for Earthquake Research and | | |
| |of Earth Sciences, University of Memphis. The session was broadcast |Information). | | |
| |to sites across Tennessee. | | | |
| | |The Nursing Conference is presented in | | |
| |*At the Annual DD Nursing Conference sponsored by the Boling Center, |collaboration with the UT College of Nursing | | |
| |a representative from the TN Emergency Management Agency presented a |and the West TN DD Nurses Association. | | |
| |talk entitled 'What Nurses Should Know About Emergency Preparedness.'| | | |
| | | | | |
|Tennessee: |*Leadership in a state level emergency planning executive committee |Division of Health, Bureau of Licensure and |Pooled resources. |UCEDD newsletters |
|Vanderbilt Kennedy Center |focusing on improving services for individuals who are aging or have |Regulation | | |
| |disabilities and their families; | |NO additional |DD Network newsletters |
|Contact: Terri Urbano |*Chair of a related subcommittee re: emergency preparedness training |Division of Health, Emergency Medical Services |funding...though we | |
| |needs (for emergency responders and for individuals/families; | |need some |Stakeholders' meeting |
| |*A three part series on emergency preparedness in our Vanderbilt LEND| | |November,2006 |
|EM part of 5-Year Plan?: No |program; |DD Network members; | | |
| |*Planned presentations on a) the functional needs section of the | | |Presentations at the |
| |state plan and b) an individual/family oriented session on individual|Homeland Security; | |MegaConference |
| |preparation and response...these will be presented at the Tennessee | | | |
| |MegaConference representing more than 50 disability and advocacy |Tennessee Emergency Management Agency | | |
| |agencies; and | | | |
| |Author: The Complete Bioterrorism Survival Guide (Sentient |Commission on Aging and Disabilities | | |
| |Publications, 2006). | | | |
| | |All activities except the book are being | | |
| |Emergency preparedness is a priority goal of the DD network in |conducted in collaboration with the DDC, the | | |
| |Tennessee. |P&A and the other Tennessee UCEDD (the Boling | | |
| | |Center). | | |
|Texas: |Project REDD (Research & Evaluation on Disability and Development), |Project REDD: |AUCD | |
|Center on Disability and |whose mission is to conduct high-quality research and evaluation on |Texas Governor’s Office Advocacy Inc. |NDRN | |
|Development |the issue of disaster and its affects on individuals with |Disability Policy Consortium Texas Interagency |Dartmouth College | |
| |disabilities and their families, and provide research-based training |Interfaith Disaster Response | | |
|Contact: Laura Stough |and outreach on the topic of disability and disaster for communities,|Central Texas Voluntary Agencies Active in | | |
| |organizations, families, and individuals. |Disaster | | |
| |Publications: |Gulf Coast Voluntary Agencies Active in | | |
|Amy Sharp |The Texas Guide to Supports & Services for Individuals with |Disaster | | |
| |Disabilities and their Families Affected by Disasters (2006). |UT School of Social Work | | |
| |The Disability and Emergency Acronym Guide (2007). |National Center on Post Traumatic Stress | | |
|EM part of 5-Year Plan?: |Assisted the Disability Policy Consortium (Texas) with the planning |Disaster | | |
| |of a Disaster Preparedness Summit for People with Disabilities. |UT Southwest Medical School | | |
| |Collaborating with the Texas Interagency Interfaith Disaster |Texas Department of Health and Human Services | | |
| |Response, which is the disaster response agency for Central Texas |Independent Living Research Utilization | | |
| |VOAD, in integrating activities and collaborations with the |American Association on Health and Disabilities| | |
| |disability community. |as well as other organizations | | |
| |Laura Stough has been accepted at Dartmouth as a Fellow in the |UCEDDs at the University of New Mexico, the | | |
| |Disaster Research Education Mentoring program. |University of Kansas, and Utah State University| | |
| |Texas A&M University houses several other Centers with whom faculty | | | |
| |from the Center on Disability and Disaster are collaborating: | | | |
| |Texas Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN) | | | |
| |Hazard Reduction & Recovery Center (HRRC) | | | |
| |Integrative Center for Homeland Security | | | |
| |National Emergency Response and Rescue Training (NERRTC) | | | |
|Utah: |State Advisory Group for Special Needs Populations |State DD agency |ADD | |
|Center for Persons with |Guidebooks for agency preparedness and community collaboration |Texas A&M UCEDD |NIDRR | |
|Disabilities |Curricula for persona; preparedness |State SILC |ILRU | |
| |Computer modeling-egress for persons with disabilities from large |UT Homeland Security |CDC | |
|Contact: Judith Holt |venues (CDC and NIDRR) |UT Parent Center |state agencies | |
| |Training for First Responders |UT Family Voices | | |
| |Online course on Emergency Preparedness |Independent Living Research Utilization | | |
| |Presentations at regional and national conferences |(Houston TX) | | |
|EM part of 5-Year Plan?: Yes |Refereed publications | | | |
|West Virginia: |*National Service Inclusion Project-promoting inclusion of |VMC/Homeland Security Programs at West Virginia|NSIP-AUCD |Will be developing section of |
|Center for Excellence in |individuals with disabilities in volunteer activities related to |University | |CED web site. |
|Disabilities |emergency planning and response. |Bureau for Public Health, Office of Threat |Curriculum Development-| |
| |Participation in development of 'Special Needs Curriculum' for |Preparedness | | |
|Contact: Lori Risk |emergency planners, first responders, public health, disability |The Arc of Wood County |VMC/Homeland Security | |
| |organizations, consumer groups. |Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster |Programs Other | |
| |Participation on Special Needs Task Force with WV Bureau for Public |WV Commission for National and Community |activities-no specific | |
| |Health, Office of Threat Preparedness-Interagency group conducting a |Service/ Community Emergency Response |funding | |
|EM part of 5-Year Plan?: Yes |coordinated effort to develop a plan for including disabilities and |Volunteers (CERV) | | |
| |other special needs in emergency planning and response. |WV Dept. of Military Affairs and Public Safety | | |
| | |WV Office of Behavioral Health Services | | |
| | |WV Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | | |
|Wisconsin: |The Chair of our Consumer Advisory Committee (Carl DuRocher) | |ADD supported travel to|We are not doing a great deal |
|Waisman Center |participated as a member of the Wisconsin Team that attended the |The Wisconsin Department of Health and Family |the national |of promotion on our own |
| |national meeting on Emergency Preparedness in Washington DC, that ADD|Services has designated a staff person to be |conference. |part...Rather we leave that to |
|Contact: Dan Bier |was very involved with. The purpose of this meeting was to support |the lead for development of a State Plan. | |the state team leaders. |
| |state teams to develop a state plan. | | | |
| | | | | |
|EM part of 5-Year Plan?: No |Yes, both the state DDC and P&A had a representative attend the | | | |
| |conference referred to in the previous item. | | | |
|Wyoming: |Training Homeland Security Emergency Managers Training EMTs | |State Homeland Security| |
|Wyoming INstitute for Disabilities |statewide Co-sponsoring a conference on emergency evacuation of |State Homeland Security Department State |Department State | |
| |people with disabilities |Health Department |Health Department MIG | |
|Contact: Dave Schaad | | |Grant | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
|EM part of 5-Year Plan?: Yes | | | | |
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