Here is how a paragraph explaining the voice recognition features of ONE vs PS4 The media features that come on Xbox ONE are point blank amazing. The Xbox One really kicked it up a notch to compete not just against video game consoles, but other electronics you may have in your home. In the Xbox ONE you can control your TV through voice recognition. Some may say who cares… however how many times can say: “I can’t find the remote” before you need to change the channel AMC for The Walking Dead. I believe this technology is advance for the game software when the software picks up with the technology of the hardware who knows where it might take game play. Imagine If I can speak in my game system to trigger an Air strike while playing a first person shooter. I believe voice recognition will play a huge part in this console war and be a great benefit not just through media but also to video games. You can talk to your Xbox One on the PS4 you get a speaker on your controller so it can talk to you. It is now the 21th century PS4 get with the times.Here is how a paragraph explaining the Features of PS4 vs ONE fighting back against the fact it does not have voice recognition. Do you really need voice recognition? How lazy can one person be, first we had the remote now voice recognition. PS4 is supposed to be a game console not your Direct TV box. When I turn on my PS4 I want to be able to play games not watch TV. Let’s face it Xbox is also made by Microsoft we know how revolutionary and reliable Windows 8 is. Let’s face it this voice recognition probably will not work and be a waste of software and hardware space. Here is a paragraph based on the controllers of PS4 vs ONE might look like?The new and much improved Dual Shock 4 is where the PS4 kicks the snot out of the XBOX ONE controller. Let me just ask some questions: Does your controller have a light that changes color every time you play? Does you controller have a built in battery? Does your controller have a built in touch pad? If you answered yes to all of these questions you’re holding a PS4 controller, if not your probably just holding a piece of crap called the Xbox One. Not only did PS4 upgrade the features on the controller but also upgraded the fit and feel of it as well. You can now get a good purchase on the controller with the longer grips. The triggers on the PS4 controllers are also more sensitive and react better than previous models.Here is a paragraph based on the controllers of XBOX ONE vs PS4 might look like?How long do you play video games at one time? Most of us play for 2-4 hours of video game at one given time. After extended period of time your hands start to cramp up and get tired. Therefore ergonomics of a controller is imperative to a game console. The XBOX One fits the hand perfectly, in fact more people prefer the Xbox controllers over the Play Station. Xbox has the controller right if you look at what PS4 had to do it was to catch up with XBOX during this new console war. The controller that was on the Xbox 360 was far superior to the PS3. Therefore Xbox took the ideal what is not broke do not fix it. So who gives a cow plop if the PS4 has more features such as a built in touch pad. What can I do with the touch pad that I can’t already do with the D-Pad or the joystick? The other controller that you have to think about is your body when using the Xbox One. Which uses just another feature that you’re PS4 does not have which is the KINECT. ................

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