
Matt Stopa

Career Achievements

❖ Author of the popular Ruby book The Rapid Rubyist

❖ Led Development on Comcast’s highest traffic website my. (50th most trafficked in the US).

❖ Committed more code than the number 2, 3 and 4 coders combined at Ericsson and was 3.5 times as productive vs the team average.

❖ Led Architecture decisions on a project set to gross more than $50,000,000 a year in revenue.

❖ Architected and implemented a solution for an existing RoR/MongoDB app so that it could scale to 6000 requests per second and 400 million requests per day at a cost below $20,000 in total hardware costs.

❖ Wrote the Ruby Gem DevPanel, which provides in browser performance site stats for Rails 3 and 4.

❖ Worked in an Agile and Scrum environment for 8 years.


COMCAST - Rails - Node Architect

october 2015 - Present | Philadelphia, PA

(Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Polymer, MongoDB)

❖ Led development on Comcast’s highest traffic site to bring new features to market. Worked with ~20 Developers and QA members to coordinate releases and major features.

❖ Did major cleanup work to remove longstanding trouble code (lots of duplication, poor coding practices, etc).

❖ Took a very muddle merge processes and eliminated dozens of hours of wasted development time each week.

❖ Managed all code submitted to the app and acted as the gatekeeper. Developers did peer reviews as well but this ensured a standardized level of code quality throughout the entire app.

❖ Successfully led a greenfield project in Node.JS with our CMS team to manage handling the thousands of articles we serve to millions of customers each day.

Lead Rails Consultant - Rails Coders

october 2013 - OCTOBER 2015 | Denver, CO

(Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Rspec, EmberJS, HAML, CSS, Javascript)

❖ Helped an existing project to implement ticket sales statistic tracking background jobs via Resque and Redis.

❖ Worked with Merck to transform their internal intranet site from a Java to RoR based solution.

❖ Created dozens of API’s to wrap calls (essentially a facade) to SharePoint and other preexisting internal API’s. These API’s also functioned as a caching layer for read based calls.

❖ Created a super fast full text search lookup for employee names and other information. This was heavily based on PostGres’ full text search capability with a small caching layer on top.

❖ Connected Ember and EmberData to backend API’s to make a SPA as an interface for Employees and Executives

Senior Rails Consultant - Ciber / Oppenheimer Funds

September 2012 - October 2013 | Denver, CO

(Ruby, Ruby on Rails, MongoDB, Mongoid, Cucumber, Rspec, HAML, CSS, Javascript)

❖ Help to institute best practices in a 40 dev. Rails project that was lacking in leadership. (DRY, Keeping logic out of views, prevention of anti-patterns, etc).

❖ Worked closely with Oppenheimer VP’s to determine best practices to implement in the development process. This ranged from process level issues of how to have better a better merge workflow to training their in house developers on how to fix scaling issues.

❖ Gave presentations to the entire engineering department on Rails and general software engineering best practices.

❖ Interviewed potential hires both on a technical and personal basis.

❖ Fixed their slowest performing pages (removed iterative queries from views, implement page and app caching, etc).

❖ Dramatically refactored unmanageable code by abstracting logic from the views, fixing an obtuse implementation of the presenter pattern and adding caching where required among other things.

Lead Ruby Developer - Ericsson

August 2011 - September 2012 | Atlanta, GA

(Ruby, Ruby on Rails, MongoDB, Mongoid, Cucumber, Rspec, HAML, CSS, Javascript)

❖ Technically lead a team of developers at Ericsson in working with the consultancy HashRocket to produce high quality, scalable and modular code for their streaming video system. This includes streaming over set top boxes and over the interview (similar to Netflix).

❖ In 5 months became the largest individual code committer on Hash Rocket’s largest and longest ever project. Code output was greater than the number 2, 3 and 4 coders on the project combined. (Statistics and graphs available upon request).

❖ Added over 50 features to the Administration backend to allow the operator to manage movies, offers, end users, user subscriptions, etc.

❖ Tasked with ensuring quality in the codebase on par with Hash Rockets standards by reviewing other’s commits before they were merged into the master branch. This included ensuring proper Rubyisms were used, code was not duplicated, proper test coverage existed (Rspec and cucumber), methods were kept small, etc.

❖ Wrote the Virtual Machine Manager backend component which, through restful routes, read the desired state of a virtual machine from the admin interface and then work through the VMWare Ruby API to actually change the state of that virtual machine. This included sending feedback and statistics to the Administration UI as to the current state of a VM. Wrote the front end display of these statistics and states as well.

❖ Helped to architect and then implement much of the internal API’s for data gathering. This allowed us to poll one restful source rather than having dozens of apps (Ruby, Erlang, Java) all accessing the database on their own. This was programming to an interface of sorts.

❖ Refactored a number of overly complex areas of code, the understanding of which had cost the company a large amount of developer time in the past.

Senior Engineer (Ruby) - Vitrue

March, 2010 - August, 2011 | Atlanta, GA

(Ruby, Ruby on Rails, MongoDB, Mongoid, MySql, Cucumber, Rspec, Resque, Redis, HAML, HTML, Javascript)

❖ Worked to add features, address longstanding performance and usability issues on the company's primary product which is the most used product by Fortune 100 companies to manage their Facebook and Twitter presences (companies include Apple, Microsoft, MTV, Proctor & Gamble as well as Facebook itself).

❖ Worked on presentation tools for our data within Mongo DB and mysql to present data internally to our customers which manage more than 400 million Facebook fans. 

❖ Helped in developing the architecture to be used by our product to interface with internal web services for a move from multiple Rails applications performing similar jobs to a SOA platform, this includes interfacing with multiple services for such things as account management and integration with Facebook data.

❖ Rapidly built a full service administration interface, which allowed for numerous reports to be run and then have the results graphed. Also added general administration features which allowed for querying of customer and Facebook data by the support team in ways that would dramatically reduce the amount of time it takes to diagnose problems and help customers. Also added specific features that were designed to reduce the amount of developer time spent on support issues and make tasks accessible outside of the Rails console.

❖ Served as the point of contact to the internal support team when mission critical issues were found to help diagnose the problem and find a solution that works best for our customers and was deliverable in a timely fashion.

Senior Java Developer - Automated Logic (Carrier Corp) March, 2010-March, 2011 | Atlanta, GA

(Java, JUnit, XML, TCP/IP, Swing, Scrum)

❖ Worked on the industry leading HVAC product WebCTRL which is used by both Automated Logic and is a primary product for the Carrier Corporation allowing building managers to control all their HVAC equipment through the web.

❖ Was the primary developer on their desktop Alarm Client which immediately relays up to date information to users as to what alarms may be going on a property or on any of multiple properties.

❖ Supported the Web Development team to patch numerous long standing bugs and other issues.

❖ Worked on the award winning product Site Builder to add new functionality to user interface and database interactions.

Rails Engineer – Harkins Consulting

Oct, 2007 – March 2010 | Atlanta, GA

(Ruby, Rails, Javascript)

❖ Worked on a large variety of clients to rapidly prototype applications using Ruby on Rails and JQuery.

❖ Converted a millions of accounting records from a legacy database into a fully indexed MySQL based Rails app. This consisted of creating CRUD functionality for over 80 tables.

❖ Worked to help reduce Rails application bottle necks for a variety of companies and apps. This was typically accomplished by consolidating Active Record calls, caching data that was being regenerated multiple times during each request and in extreme cases de-normalization of data.

❖ Helped scale out apps

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