How to reset technicolor router password


How to reset technicolor router password

This is a complete list of user names and passwords for Technicolor routers. How To Login to a Technicolor Router Most routers have a web interface. This means that in order to login to them you start with your web browser. In general you login to a Technicolor router in three steps: The list of user names and passwords is below. How to Reset Your Technicolor Router Password To Default Settings If none of the passwords below work for you then you have 2 options: Please only reset your router as a last resort. Technicolor Router Password List Here is a list of all known Technicolor passwords and the router they were discovered on. Be sure to try them all! Technicolor Model Username Password 7230s blank admin C2000T CenturyLink admin located on bottom of router CGA0111 blank admin CGM4140COM admin password CGM4231MDC provided by ISP provided by ISP DJA0231 admin Telstra DPC3848V cusadmin unknown DPC3939 admin password EPC3940ADL admin password MediaAccess TG1100 FastWeb fastweb blank MediaAccess TG589vac v2 admin printed on router MediaAccess TG589vn v3 admin admin MediaAccess TG789vac v2 iiNet admin admin MediaAccess TGiiNet-1 admin admin TC7110 blank admin TC7200 admin admin TC7200 blank admin TC7200-U admin admin TC7200K admin password TC7200v2 admin admin TC7210 blank admin TC7210.dNZ blank admin TC7210.Z ziggo draadloos TC7230 admin admin TC7300 admin 4135279 TC8305C admin password TC8715D admin password TC8717T admin password TD5130 admin admin TD5130 v3 admin admin TD5136v2 admin admin TD5336 admin admin TG389ac admin admin TG582n admin SerialNumber TG582n TELMEX same as default WPA key, printed on router TG582n v2 MediaAccess access key on label access key on label TG582n v2 MediaAccess blank blank TG582n-O2 Administrator blank TG587n admin admin TG587n Administrator blank TG587n Administrator printed on label TG589vn v2 admin admin TG589vn v3 Administrator Printed on router TG784n Administrator blank or access key on label TG784n Administrator blank or the access key printed on label TG784n v3 Administrator printed on router TG784n v3 MaxisBB printed on router TG784n v3 meo meo TG788Avn STC admin admin TG788vn Administrator blank TG788vn Administrator blank TG788vn Administrator printed on router label TG788vn v2 MediaAccess admin admin TG789Bvn Admin unknown TG789Bvn Expert unknown TG789Bvn User unknown TG789vac MediaAccess admin admin TG789vac MediaAccess user user TG789vac v2 MediaAccess iiNet admin blank TG789vn admin blank TG789vn Administrator Blank or Printed on Routers Label TG797nv3 admin password TG799vacXTREAM admin printed on router TG799vn admin password TG799vn v2 Administrator printed on router TG799vn v3 Administrator printed on router TG800vac admin admin TG852n admin 1234 A complete list of usernames and passwords for Technicolor routers. Find Your Technicolor Router Password Finding your Technicolor router's user name and password is as easy as 1,2,3. Look in the left column of the Technicolor router password list below to find your Technicolor router model number. Look one column to the right of your router model number to see your Technicolor router's user name. You know the drill. Look another column to the right to find your Technicolor router's password. Great! You've found the password and username for your Technicolor router! What next? Login to Your Technicolor Router Using the Router Password Try logging into your Technicolor router using the username and password. Don't Know How to Login to Your Technicolor Router? You can login to a Technicolor router in three easy steps: Enter Your Technicolor Router IP Address Into an Internet Browser's Address Bar Submit Your Technicolor Router Username and Password When Prompted By Your Router For more information on how to login to your Technicolor router please see our Free Guides. Still can't login to your Technicolor router even when using the username and password for your router? Reset Technicolor Router Password To Default Settings (Use this as a last Resort!) Technicolor Router Password List Technicolor Model Default Username Default Password 7230sblank admin 7300bunknown unknown DPC3939admin password TC7200admin admin TC7200-Uadmin admin TC7210.dNZblank admin TC7230admin admin TC8305Cadmin password TC8715Dadmin password TD5130admin admin TD5136v2admin admin TG582nadmin SerialNumber TG582n-O2Administrator blank TG587nadmin admin TG587nadmin admin TG589vnadmin admin TG784nAdministrator blank or the access key printed on label TG788vnunknown unknown TG788vnAdministrator none TG789vnadmin blank TG799vnadmin password TG852nadmin 1234 If you've forgotten your router's password, acquired a used router, or are just helping out a friend with their setup, you can reset the router's password to its factory default. RELATED: How to View That Forgotten Wireless Network Password in Windows Routers protect their web interfaces--where you can configure their networking, parental control, and port forwarding settings-- with a default username and password. You can change these default passwords to something a bit more secure, but then it's on you to remember the credentials you've used. If you're working with a router for which you don't know the password, you'll need to reset the router to use its default settings, and then find out what those default credentials are. Find the Default Username and Password Before resetting your router to its default settings, you should first try using the default username and password to log in. It's possible that they were never changed in the first place. And since resetting the router resets all of its settings, it's worth trying those default credentials first. Besides, you'll need them anyway if you end up resetting the router to its factory default settings. There are several ways to find this information: Read your router's manual: Different models of routers--even ones from the same manufacturer--often have different username and password combinations. To locate the default username and password for the router, look in its manual. If you've lost the manual, you can often find it by searching for your router's model number and "manual" on Google. Or just search for your router's model and "default password." Look for a sticker on the router itself: Some routers--particularly those that may have come from your Internet service provider--ship with unique passwords. These passwords are sometimes printed on a sticker on the router itself. Try a common username and password combination: By default, many routers use a blank username and the password "admin" (don't type the quotes), the username "admin" and a blank password, or "admin" as both the username and password. Check : If you don't have the manual and the common defaults don't work, you can find a fairly comprehensive list of default usernames and passwords for various routers on . If the default credentials for the router don't get you in, then you'll need reset the router to it's factory default settings, so that you can use the default credentials. Reset the Router to Factory Default Settings Routers have a small, hidden button you can press to reset the router to its default factory settings. This resets any configuration changes you've made to the router--forwarded ports, network settings, parental controls, and custom passwords all get wiped away. After the reset, you'll be able to access the router with its default username and password, but you may have to spend some time configuring the router again. The exact process (and location of the reset button) vary from router to router. For best results, consult your router's manual for any model-specific instructions. However, the process is generally the same on most routers. First, look at the back (or perhaps the bottom) of the router. You'll see a special button labeled Reset. This button is often located in a depressed hole, known as a "pinhole," so you can't accidentally press it. To reset the router, you'll need to press this button (while the router is connected to power) and hold it down for about 10 seconds. After you release the button, the router will reset itself to the factory default settings, and then reboot. If the button is located in a pinhole, you'll need to use a bent paperclip or another long, narrow object to press and hold the button. After resetting the router, you can log in with the default username and password. How to Forward Ports Without Knowing the Password RELATED: How to Forward Ports on Your Router Do you just want to open the router's web interface and forward ports for a server, game, or other type of networked program? If so, you don't necessarily even have to know the password. This trick is also useful if you're using someone else's network and don't have access to the password. This works because many routers support Universal Plug and Play (UPnP), which allows programs on your computer to "ask" the router to open ports for them. If UPnP is enabled on the router, it will automatically open the port. If a program supports this option, you'll generally find it in its connection settings alongside the port configuration. NAT-PMP, which you may also see, is a similar way of automatically forwarding ports, but fewer routers support it. RELATED: How to Quickly Forward Ports on Your Router from a Desktop Application If you use a program that doesn't include integrated support for UPnP, never fear. You can use a program like UPnP PortMapper to quickly forward ports from a desktop application. You can forward any ports you like. Once you've reset the router's settings, you can log in with the default username and password and change its password from its web interface. Image Credit: tnarik on Flickr, William Hook on Flickr, and DeclanTM on Flickr

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