

1) WHAT IS ISLAM? “the Koran”









Firstly, Islam is not a race, it is not a culture, and does not fit what dictionaries or religion experts describe a religion to be, however, it does closely resemble a sect, whereby a sect usually uses brainwashing to convince a large clan of people.

Islam, is people from many countries, it is not ran by a leader but is ran by a mere book named the Koran, unlike bibles and valid religions, Islam’s book “the Koran”, is politics and Law and the remainder are controls over people but hardly any religion element.

Why so many were brainwashed by this book, is because it is introduced to children, thus instilled so early they will be sure to believe it all, and, it has punishments if the kids do not believe or abide by it, thus forced “fear factor”, and no option to choose not to believe.

The Koran makes one thing clear, you are not a Muslim if you do not fully abide by the Koran, or you are a Muslim if you do fully abide, this is useful in evidencing there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim and many sections of the Koran show there shall be no moderate versions of the Korans words.

Almost every Non-Muslim who support Muslims have never read the Koran and are illiterate in what they say about Islam and Muslims, and would be shocked to learn what ALL Muslims think of them, I say ALL Muslims because you are not a Muslim unless you fully abide by the Koran per its words.

A strange religion because nearly every Muslim interprets the Koran differently and wrong, this was likewise confirmed on a TV panel by a Muslim leader, therefore the average Muslim do not understand the Koran fully enough to be considered accurate in their interpretations.

The Koran gets changed often by Muslim councils and Imams, further evidencing it is a religion of controls and manipulations.

Once read, the Koran has just a couple of main objectives.

• Take over of the world by Muslims

• Force the religion of Islam upon all non-Muslims or punish them if they refuse, and this often has created mass deaths, exactly like the start in Syria.

• Enforce Sharia laws to empower Muslim leaders and Imams

• Create an Islam-only economy

Brainwashing forced from a young age with punishments if one disobeys, therefore, Muslims genuinely believe in it all so deeply that nobody can make them realise it’s a fantasy religion, they are being conned en-mass.

Islam puts a fantasy book ahead of being a human, all other religions put being a human first.

When you start reading the Koran, you fast notice it’s almost 99% a book of controls over people.

Not only Sharia Law conflicts with our laws but so does the book itself conflict, even with our constitution, our sect 116 on religion, a freedom to recognize or not recognize religion versus Islam your forced to recognize their religion or be punished, two laws in one land is a pending disaster and division, so authorities hush up the breaches, pretty much like murdered local Muslim woman, they hushed it up that her partner had chopped off her fingers utilizing Sharia, and didn’t charge him for the fingers incident so as to not let it be seen that Government accepts Sharia, a conflicting law.

Sharia law is terrorism and criminal within itself, because, it does not require a court, judge or legal system, it can for example, let a husband be judge, jury, and executioner if he suspects his wife betrayed him, and hardly makes him justify his actions. Many non Islam courts have been wrongly accepting the Sharia defense therefore a miscarriage of justice. It is in the name of appeasement and contradicting the laws they are constituted to enforce, therefore creating two conflicting laws where one will be invalid for the court to cater for.


It is Important that every non Muslim reads this sector, especially the many who blindly support Islam or say how they are such nice people. I will give a few Koran quotes, and to check these online also backs up my claim that the religion has too many differing versions to be true or consistent, as many variants can be found on most sections of the Koran. Pay attention to different leaders differing interpretations and inconsistency.

2.190. Fight against those who fight against you in the way of Allah, but do not transgress, for Allah does not love transgressors.

2.191. Kill them whenever you confront them and drive them out from where they drove you out. (For though killing is sinful) wrongful persecution is even worse than killing. Do not fight against them near the Holy Mosque unless they fight against you; but if they fight against you kill them, for that is the reward of such unbelievers.

2.193. Keep on fighting against them until mischief ends and the way prescribed by Allah prevails. But if they desist, then know that hostility is only against the wrong-doers.

Thus, 190, 191, 193 mean that if you do not abide by Islam you’re an infidel and for being an infidel you are to be punished.

The next section indicates to attack the infidels in their neighborhoods, pretty much exacting to most recent terror attacks and EU no-go-zone suburbs, but leaders do not want to face this.

[9:123] Believers! Fight against the unbelievers who live around you;121 and let them find in you sternness.122 Know that Allah is with the God-fearing.123

Kill the infidel wherever you find them

[9:5] Once the Sacred Months are past, (and they refuse to make peace) you may kill the idol worshipers when you encounter them, punish them, and resist every move they make. If they repent and observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and give the obligatory charity (Zakat), you shall let them go. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.

Punish those who refuse to convert to Islam

[9:29] You shall fight back against those who do not believe in GOD, nor in the Last Day, nor do they prohibit what GOD and His messenger have prohibited, nor do they abide by the religion of truth among those who received the scripture, until they pay the due tax, willingly or unwillingly.

Do not accept any religion other than Islam

[3.85] And whoever desires a religion other than Islam, it shall not be accepted from him, and in the hereafter he shall be one of the losers.

Harm or kill those who criticize Islam, a Charlie “French” example

5:33 The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter

Do not hanker for peace with the infidels; behead them when you catch them, here is a good example on how their scholars have varying translations


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Chapter (47) sūrat muḥammad

Sahih International: So when you meet those who disbelieve [in battle], strike [their] necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds, and either [confer] favor afterwards or ransom [them] until the war lays down its burdens. That [is the command]. And if Allah had willed, He could have taken vengeance upon them [Himself], but [He ordered armed struggle] to test some of you by means of others. And those who are killed in the cause of Allah - never will He waste their deeds.

Pickthall: Now when ye meet in battle those who disbelieve, then it is smiting of the necks until, when ye have routed them, then making fast of bonds; and afterward either grace or ransom till the war lay down its burdens. That (is the ordinance). And if Allah willed He could have punished them (without you) but (thus it is ordained) that He may try some of you by means of others. And those who are slain in the way of Allah, He rendereth not their actions vain.

Yusuf Ali: Therefore, when ye meet the Unbelievers (in fight), smite at their necks; At length, when ye have thoroughly subdued them, bind a bond firmly (on them): thereafter (is the time for) either generosity or ransom: Until the war lays down its burdens. Thus (are ye commanded): but if it had been Allah's Will, He could certainly have exacted retribution from them (Himself); but (He lets you fight) in order to test you, some with others. But those who are slain in the Way of Allah,- He will never let their deeds be lost.

Shakir: So when you meet in battle those who disbelieve, then smite the necks until when you have overcome them, then make (them) prisoners, and afterwards either set them free as a favor or let them ransom (themselves) until the war terminates. That (shall be so); and if Allah had pleased He would certainly have exacted what is due from them, but that He may try some of you by means of others; and (as for) those who are slain in the way of Allah, He will by no means allow their deeds to perish.

Muhammad Sarwar: If you encounter the disbelievers in a battle, strike-off their heads. Take them as captives when they are defeated. Then you may set them free as a favor to them, with or without a ransom, when the battle is over. This is the Law. Had God wanted, He could have granted them (unbelievers) victory, but He wants to test you through each other. The deeds of those who are killed for the cause of God will never be without virtuous results.

Mohsin Khan: So, when you meet (in fight Jihad in Allah's Cause), those who disbelieve smite at their necks till when you have killed and wounded many of them, then bind a bond firmly (on them, i.e. take them as captives). Thereafter (is the time) either for generosity (i.e. free them without ransom), or ransom (according to what benefits Islam), until the war lays down its burden. Thus [you are ordered by Allah to continue in carrying out Jihad against the disbelievers till they embrace Islam (i.e. are saved from the punishment in the Hell-fire) or at least come under your protection], but if it had been Allah's Will, He Himself could certainly have punished them (without you). But (He lets you fight), in order to test you, some with others. But those who are killed in the Way of Allah, He will never let their deeds be lost,

Arberry: When you meet the unbelievers, smite their necks, then, when you have made wide slaughter among them, tie fast the bonds; then set them free, either by grace or ransom, till the war lays down its loads. So it shall be; and if God had willed, He would have avenged Himself upon them; but that He may try some of you by means of others. And those who are slain in the way of God, He will not send their works astray.

No religion with so many variations can be granted religion recognition, and such inconsistency makes irrelevant any Muslim who tries to debate which version is right or wrong, furthermore, it validates a female Islamic leader on a TV program who said most Muslims interpret the Koran wrongly or are confused.

Muslims must not take the infidels “non muslims” as friends vis vis


Sahih International: Let not believers take disbelievers as allies rather than believers. And whoever [of you] does that has nothing with Allah , except when taking precaution against them in prudence. And Allah warns you of Himself, and to Allah is the [final] destination.

Pickthall: Let not the believers take disbelievers for their friends in preference to believers. Whoso doeth that hath no connection with Allah unless (it be) that ye but guard yourselves against them, taking (as it were) security. Allah biddeth you beware (only) of Himself. Unto Allah is the journeying.

Yusuf Ali: Let not the believers Take for friends or helpers Unbelievers rather than believers: if any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah: except by way of precaution, that ye may Guard yourselves from them. But Allah cautions you (To remember) Himself; for the final goal is to Allah.

Shakir: Let not the believers take the unbelievers for friends rather than believers; and whoever does this, he shall have nothing of (the guardianship of) Allah, but you should guard yourselves against them, guarding carefully; and Allah makes you cautious of (retribution from) Himself; and to Allah is the eventual coming.

Muhammad Sarwar: The believers must not establish friendship with the unbelievers in preference to the faithful. Whoever does so has nothing to hope for from God unless he does it out of fear or taqiyah (pious dissimulation). God warns you about Himself. To God do all things return.

Mohsin Khan: Let not the believers take the disbelievers as Auliya (supporters, helpers, etc.) instead of the believers, and whoever does that will never be helped by Allah in any way, except if you indeed fear a danger from them. And Allah warns you against Himself (His Punishment), and to Allah is the final return.

Arberry: Let not the believers take the unbelievers for friends, rather than the believers -- for whoso does that belongs not to God in anything -- unless you have a fear of them. God warns you that You beware of Him, and unto God is the homecoming.

The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them


Sahih International: O Prophet, urge the believers to battle. If there are among you twenty [who are] steadfast, they will overcome two hundred. And if there are among you one hundred [who are] steadfast, they will overcome a thousand of those who have disbelieved because they are a people who do not understand.

Pickthall: O Prophet! Exhort the believers to fight. If there be of you twenty steadfast they shall overcome two hundred, and if there be of you a hundred (steadfast) they shall overcome a thousand of those who disbelieve, because they (the disbelievers) are a folk without intelligence.

Yusuf Ali: O Prophet! rouse the Believers to the fight. If there are twenty amongst you, patient and persevering, they will vanquish two hundred: if a hundred, they will vanquish a thousand of the Unbelievers: for these are a people without understanding.

Shakir: O Prophet! urge the believers to war; if there are twenty patient ones of you they shall overcome two hundred, and if there are a hundred of you they shall overcome a thousand of those who disbelieve, because they are a people who do not understand.

Muhammad Sarwar: Prophet, mobilize the believers for the battle. It will take only twenty of your men who are steadfast (in prayer) to defeat two hundred unbelieving men. Your two hundred men would defeat their two thousand; the unbelievers have no understanding.

Mohsin Khan: O Prophet (Muhammad SAW)! Urge the believers to fight. If there are twenty steadfast persons amongst you, they will overcome two hundred, and if there be a hundred steadfast persons they will overcome a thousand of those who disbelieve, because they (the disbelievers) are people who do not understand.

Arberry: O Prophet, urge on the believers to fight. If there be twenty of you, patient men, they will overcome two hundred; if there be a hundred of you, they will overcome a thousand unbelievers, for they are a people who understand not.

Terrorise and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an


Sahih International: [Remember] when your Lord inspired to the angels, "I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike [them] upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip."

Pickthall: When thy Lord inspired the angels, (saying): I am with you. So make those who believe stand firm. I will throw fear into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Then smite the necks and smite of them each finger.

Yusuf Ali: Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): "I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instil terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them."

Shakir: When your Lord revealed to the angels: I am with you, therefore make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.

Muhammad Sarwar: Your Lord inspired the angels saying, "I am with you. Encourage the believers. I shall cast terror into the hearts of the unbelievers and you will strike their heads and limbs;

Mohsin Khan: (Remember) when your Lord inspired the angels, "Verily, I am with you, so keep firm those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who have disbelieved, so strike them over the necks, and smite over all their fingers and toes."

Arberry: When thy Lord was revealing to the angels, 'I am with you; so confirm the believers. I shall cast into the unbelievers' hearts terror; so smite above the necks, and smite every finger of them!

Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorise the infidels


Sahih International: And prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you do not know [but] whom Allah knows. And whatever you spend in the cause of Allah will be fully repaid to you, and you will not be wronged.

Pickthall: Make ready for them all thou canst of (armed) force and of horses tethered, that thereby ye may dismay the enemy of Allah and your enemy, and others beside them whom ye know not. Allah knoweth them. Whatsoever ye spend in the way of Allah it will be repaid to you in full, and ye will not be wronged.

Yusuf Ali: Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know. Whatever ye shall spend in the cause of Allah, shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly.

Shakir: And prepare against them what force you can and horses tied at the frontier, to frighten thereby the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them, whom you do not know (but) Allah knows them; and whatever thing you will spend in Allah's way, it will be paid back to you fully and you shall not be dealt with unjustly.

Muhammad Sarwar: Mobilize your (defensive) force as much as you can to frighten the enemies of God and your own enemies. This also will frighten those who are behind them whom you do not know but God knows well. Whatever you spend for the cause of God, He will give you sufficient recompense with due justice.

Mohsin Khan: And make ready against them all you can of power, including steeds of war (tanks, planes, missiles, artillery, etc.) to threaten the enemy of Allah and your enemy, and others besides whom, you may not know but whom Allah does know. And whatever you shall spend in the Cause of Allah shall be repaid unto you, and you shall not be treated unjustly.

Arberry: Make ready for them whatever force and strings of horses you can, to terrify thereby the enemy of God and your enemy, and others besides them that you know not; God knows them. And whatsoever you expend in the way of God shall be repaid you in full; you will not be wronged.

END QUOTES. Take note: recent terrorism is under 8:60 which governments try and pretend to be radicalization and ignore 8:60

The Koran is full of many other sections that say if you’re an infidel “non-Muslim”, then your dirty and must be punished or killed. It also has a section saying it is okay to lie if it is to assist the aims of the Koran. It even says often not to kill but also often instructs to kill, very contradictory.

Muslims are genuine, they truly believe their religion like Christians or others believe in theirs, but brainwashed from a young age and Islam has threats of punishments for Muslims who choose not to believe. They are to lie to and deceive non Muslims whilst setting up ready for the final caliphate take-over of them. Hence we see a Prime Minister give them preferential invite to dinner at his house and let them pour this scheme upon him. It seems very successful with leaders and the media embracing the false deceptions whilst at the same time turning a blind eye to the visible bad signs of Islam and terror.


Muslims are to dislike, punish or kill non Muslims

Muslims are to lie or fake things in order to achieve the aims of the Koran

Muslims are to force non Muslims to convert to the Koran

Muslims are to only recognize Sharia law and no other

This means every non Muslim is a fool to embrace Islam and may as well convert to become Islamic and comply with Islam and the aforementioned texts. This means they have to break from their non Muslim families who do not share Islam religion. Creating family alienation is no religion at all but a control instead.

Are you prepared to have your child’s hand cut off for stealing? If not then you can not possibly give credence to Islam, for to convert is to comply and to comply is to accept your child’s hand to be cut off, or be killed if a partner suspects you of cheating, with the powers of judge and executioner to the male.



Islam is exactly as prior described, it is a sect dressed up as a religion, and it has a book which is more a statute book than a bible, a book of rules, laws, punishments, commands and control over people but dangerously encompasses politics.

A brainwashing of masses, so successful that many genuinely believe in it whilst failing to see centuries of trying to create the caliphate has failed, killed many and saw their main regions in permanent war and no infrastructure due to such.

It is only by accident that Islamic leaders finally look credible, the accident of a modern world being politically correct, granting too many unjustified freedoms, and protecting wrong doers, even leaders dining Muslim leaders to appease Islam, therefore Muslims via this, started factually seeing Islam being granted control over non Islam, the main aim of the Koran / Islam.

A good way of describing Islam is to speak as if one was a Koran follower and it will open up an interesting description matching my own. This is so BIZZARE because whilst studying Islam and making conclusions, I later watched an IMAM video’s preaching to their people exactly what I had concluded, telling them how to take over the world and Islamize it as shall be noted as I progress.

I have not had one non Islamic person able to win an argument with me on Islam, and can not find any Muslims with a consistent interpretation of the Koran etc, Therefore only the blind and illiterate have tried supporting Islam against my learning’s.

Islamic leaders stated the French Charlie cartoon writers must die for mocking their god, these requests went international, and, it finally occurred, Islam control over the media, and Sharia punishment applied to the maximum, death. We recently saw the Turkish Government whom seem to secretly be the leaders of ISIL, take over and even arrest Turkish media and staff, but the international media feared to question or highlight both these Islamic attacks on the media and their freedoms, therefore to the Muslims this is very empowering to know Islam has total control over international media, but the citizens were complaining about this media sell out.

Islam is the Koran, every Muslim abides by the Koran or can not be a Muslim, Thus any acts done pursuant to the Koran, is endorsed by EVERY Muslim unless they have relinquished being a Muslim. They are to lie in order to achieve the aims of the Koran, this means being nice and pretending bad Islam actions are not condoned by them, but remember the tell tale truth that every Muslim abides by the Koran or is no longer a Muslim, therefore, there can not be any such thing as a moderate Muslim although there will be many fools who can be tricked by that. And such fools have yet to read the Koran to discover they are the enemy of Islam.

Melbourne Victoria Australia, woman charged with killing then dumping her baby, she gets arrested but first thing she thinks of at such critical time is to grab a copy of the Koran and make sure the media see it. This is usually done to try on the judges or to try claim Sharia law to our non Sharia judges, it also does what many terrorism acts have done, it shows the religion of peace theory is not able to be applicable to anyone in particular.


Next page, Is a saved Muslim facebook group post of non-Muslim haters, potential terrorists, these posts are very common.


These are what our government and media call moderate Muslims or Muslims with mental illness, people our Australian Prime minister might likely invite to dinner at his lodge, and has done so. They are not radicalized, they merely abide by the Koran in regards to hating non Muslims / infidels. There is no sign of anyone re-writing the bad passages of the Koran.

Our governments granted all these people a visa knowing the Koran encourages these themes, and to cover up their bad choice the government call it radicalizations.

In NSW Australia, the government appeased Islam by altering our main legal document called a “statutory declaration” to add a conflicting law called Sharia law by adding a new clause stating : “certify the following matters concerning the making of this statutory declaration by the person who made it: [* please cross out any text that does not apply]

1. *I saw the face of the person OR *I did not see the face of the person because the person was wearing a face covering, but I am satisfied that the person had a special justification for not removing the covering, and

*I have known the person for at least 12 months OR *I have confirmed the person’s identity using an identification document and the document I relied on was …”


Terrorists identity protection, no face identity for Muslims and able to be identified by documents only, an outright national security breach and safety risk to non Muslims..

To empower Islam is to show every Muslim that the aims of the Koran are going to be successful soon via a caliphate succeeding. The basic main theme of the Koran is a caliphate designed to take over every global country and make them an abiding Islamic state. The organization called ISIL is one of many, they clearly stated to the world that they are doing just one thing, that being, strictly enacting the Koran to fully Islamize the world. ISIL have been consistent by killing all Christians, gays, and anyone who did not identify as a full abiding Muslim, and, in these planned terror acts was a plan to fool stupid modern nations into taking-in mass asylums without security checks so as its terrorists and people can start getting a big foothold in all countries, these are facts, they all occurred, no use holding up denial signs.

Governments appease Muslims in ways that make Taxpayers feel sickened, not just giving exemptions to break laws or to exploit taxation and donation and charity scams, but also assists them to create their own new separate Muslim-only economy, however, on the next pages you shall see just two pages of grants our government gave to appease Muslims but no other religion.



Separatist & segregating, totally appeasing. Therefore, to Muslims this shows our government is empowering Islam, that Islam is getting superiority over all non-Muslims which fits a caliphate perfectly.


A study of Islamic constitutions was a total structure made for the caliphate, one was made for the takeover of Australia which can be googled using the words “concit Muslim constitution of Australia”.

I can not find anything Islamic that is inclusive of non Muslims nor accepting of non Muslims, they will be punished or killed if any Muslim were to go public promoting non Muslims as their equal or as inclusive’s. Why is this so? This is why it is worrying to see media, ministers and leftists saying how great Muslims and Islam are, and are so uneducated that they fell for the lies and deceptions Muslims call Taqiyya.

It has sickened many people to watch non Muslims fall for this taqiyya. Here is a description of taqiyya written by an Islamic.

: The word "al-Taqiyya” literally means: "Concealing or disguising one’s beliefs, convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions, and/or strategies at a time of eminent danger, whether now or later in time, to save oneself from physical and/or mental injury.”A one-word translation would be "Dissimulation." Some Sunnis assert that al-Taqiyya is an act of pure hypocrisy that serves to conceal the truth and reveal that which is the exact opposite (of the truth). Furthermore, according to those Sunnis, al-Taqiyya constitutes a lack of faith and trust in Allah (SWT) because the person who conceals his beliefs to spare himself from eminent danger is fearful of humans, when, in fact, he should be fearful of Allah (SWT) only. As such, this person is a coward. "al-Taqiyya is with the tongue only; he who has been coerced into saying that which angers Allah (SWT), and his heart is comfortable (i.e., his TRUE faith has not been shaken.), then (saying that which he has been coerced to say) will not harm him (at all); (because) al- Taqiyya is with the tongue only, (not the heart)." "The nonbelievers arrested `Ammar Ibn Yasir (ra) and (tortured him until) he (ra) uttered foul words about the Prophet (S), and praised their gods (idols); and when they released him (ra), he (ra) went straight to the Prophet (S). The Prophet (S) said: "Is there something on your mind?”`Ammar Ibn Yasir (ra) said: "Bad (news)! They would not release me until I defamed you (S) and praised their gods!”The Prophet (S) said: "How do you find your heart to be?”`Ammar (ra) answered: "Comfortable with faith.”So the Prophet (S) said: "Then if they come back for you, then do the same thing all over again.”Allah (SWT) at that moment revealed the verse: "....except under compulsion, his heart remaining firm in faith...(16:106)"

Like as if Muslims will dare to outright say they are about to take over our countries and force us to convert or be punished? Of course they won’t, they are told to use taqiyya instead until the time comes to make the coup. Just as the Turkish leader did when couping himself in a fake coup, prepared to lie and kill his own people in order to create his desired objective, however, ISIL seem to be more honest and rare to see them utilise Taqiyya unless under defeat, thus flee cities dressed as women. Our Governments and media globally, are the biggest suckers of taqiyya.

As the writer of this book, I might shock some people by saying I do not hate Islam or its followers, I do not like them but do not hate them as all is fair in war, they openly start war and our leaders are fooled and make lies and excuses to appease the aggressors.

The Koran clearly states its aim, it also makes it clear they hate non Muslims thus a war and may the best and smartest win, so far Islam is winning in big fast strides, therefore I have to respect that, but I also know Muslims are sadly brainwashed from birth with threats of Sharia if they deviate, I also know they fully believe but even stronger than Christians, because Christianity puts human first and god as part of that, whereby Islam puts their god first even ahead of children and family and no human freedom at all, you cant own yourself the Koran owns you, Sharia owns you, the Muslim councils, imams and the rich Muslims own you. Thus most Muslims are mere puppets but just blinded from daring to think about it. I spoke online to a terrorist once, he hated Muslim leaders, virtually concurred with what I had just written, and said they destroyed the Islamic religion and its peoples.

There is no exceptions nor escaping of all I have so far written, they are facts, but still we see our leaders sell out to Islam and endanger all non Muslims, however, the arrival of new USA president contender D.J. TRUMP 2015-2016 is about to turn that corner, somehow he is more aware than most illiterate global leaders who refuse to read the Koran or study Islam, hopefully I can get him to read a copy of this book.

We see all countries say they have experts on Islam and terrorism, I am yet to see one, as they make me look like the only existing expert, and the reason is that I work on facts, unbiased, placed myself in both sides shoes, I never deny terrorism, I face it, study it, and never pass it off or try protect or defend terrorism. In fact a shock to everyone, it is not terrorism, it is administering Sharia and Koranic law which says the acts are legal and intended. Even courts take such arguments into account.

So, now you know what Islam is.

Next we move onto what Islam aims to achieve, what it stands for.

The Koran makes these things more than clear but our politicians and media seem to have problems reading a Koran and simply just do not want to, but the politicians and media will be two of their main first up victims, and appeasing Islam will just hasten their hate because Islam see appeasers as traitors. We saw gays support Muslims until as I forewarned the Gays learn Muslims want the gays to be killed, they do not hide it, and it is worded in the Koran.




Islam is a mere book, it is not a person or living god, it is a book with law, politics and controls over people. Once that controlling book is read in full, one can then say they know the main objectives of Islam / Muslims. Basically, it is all about creating a caliphate, a situation where Muslims can take over the whole world, and force every human to convert to Islam or be punished, pretty much how ISIL started off, and it set a domino effect creating mass asylum with no security checks so as Islam can expand. It was a huge success. Quite a simplistic but big ideology.

Modern ways have made a takeover caliphate easier than ever expected, political correctness, nannyism, free grants, assistance to breed, appeasements, religion exemptions and benefits and so on.

Let’s just see why recent events were so successful. To make a caliphate work, requires a big population, large control over a country, and construction of a separate economy. We have gifted all these to Islam.

I saw several global Imam Videos preaching to Muslims how to do all this and it matched all I had prior figured.

Plan no1 is creating Muslim enclaves, very powerful, make them like a civil war border to cities, see picture as sample on next page. This lets them all assimilate only with eachother, keeps their people away from non Muslims to prevent us corrupting them away from Islam, and place their kids in Islam-only schools to stop their kids being deviated from Islam. They control all businesses in enclaves, they force all new arrivals to live in an enclave so as the suburb population numbers are a majority of Muslims, the Imams preached this is done so as such enclave majority populace will ensure Muslims are elected in all local, state and federal elections. This has already started happening and quite a few elected, taking note the suburbs are already Islamic controlled by populace, however, their ready-made constitution shows civil war is imminent, a coup, this is interesting, and our anti terror authorities think this looks normal, but one Australian state WA, The police website list of registered security officers, 11,000 of 12,000 were all oddly Muslims, there is an obvious reason for this, plus all will be eligible for special gun and ammo permits, but imagine a security army of 11,000 people creating a civil war in each state via the following type adjoining enclave boundary lines, and also encompasses an airport. The line in yellow is the adjoining enclave boundary, very strategic in every state and matches what they are being preached, to form enclaves to get their own elected to power.


Another common indication of enclaves of one race domination is within the following suburb statistics showing for example how India sets up suburbs to be their enclave and hardly an assimilation but the construction of another arm of India.


A new Australian Muslim political party started up but went quiet, however, that will become a big issue very soon in many countries. The other main Objective required for the objective is to breed heavily. Many years ago a media person infiltrated Preston mosque in Melbourne Australia and reported they preached their people to breed as much as possible, even laughed at us funding them to breed to take over, so we fund them baby bonus, family payments, child care assistance and much more and they breed many kids per family, but this is dangerous, because it happens at a time all non Muslims are restricting breeding, having conception issues, no longer partnering and finding they cant afford to have kids, therefore most births in the last 5 years were Muslim, Muslim can cover Indonesian, India, Sudanese etc also, therefore when these kids reach 20yo they will be the generation majority populace, thus so far 5 yrs and looks like being Muslim dominant for many more years until governments wake up, because for centuries Islam and its caliphate attempts all involved mass breeding, a population majority control, after all, the main aim of Islam is to take over the whole world and convert the world populace to Islam by force. Again they do not hide this, but they laugh how dumb our leaders are, however they know I am trying to stop Islam but they seem to respect me, in fact very respectful of me even in vigorous debate, as I am unbiased, I even understand Islam better than most Muslims.

They can succeed in this caliphate, they will succeed if all governments do not start doing things in Trump style, it can be stopped, but no signs as yet that it will be stopped in time. The very people assisting them will be their victims, that is the most stupid part of all this.

The following can be googled under west Australian police security officer list, select security officer link, but for now here are just two pages as a sample.






11,000 of 12,000 should have sent alarm bells, I informed our agencies and leaders but no response.

I see all so-called agencies and terror experts, all asking why, what next, how do we stop this and that, but myself, I know all these answers, I have predicted all their acts and actions, and, I am likely the most experienced there is, as it requires being objective and unbiased and studying every conceivable area of Islam and terror etc.

Islam’s main objective is the caliphate, populate to a majority, use enclave population majority to get them elected, breed in masses to make future majority populace, use populace majority to force caliphate and force everyone to convert to Islam or be punished or killed. It is all written in the Koran so do not just take my word for it.

Everyone seems to just be letting Islam dictate control, they seem to control non Muslims already without having to try, likely thanks to leftists, media, and ministers.



I found and read the main Islamic constitution, it was much like the one written for Australia by HIZ BUT. It showed what the structure is once the caliphate has been successful, firstly it shows a coup of government will happen for certain, however, at current rate of Muslims being elected, and how many enclaves will soon all be assured having Muslims elected, by the time of final caliphate, they will already be a big part of govt making a coup very easy, but our leaders and authorities ignored my warnings and will later be shown up by what they ignored, in fact ministers and media are endangering and selling out their kids and families not just the majority populace. We see mass killings on the rise of late and they still do not get it, they still do not think allahu akbar used by all killers is a salute to the Koran not a salute to ISIL. They still do not get it that ISIL created the trick of mass asylum without security checks to spread Islam majority populace and breeding in other nations. However, their constitution was bigger than ours, its construction of government very different, no parliament style, almost like one or two big power players, the ministry will be the state Muslim councils and the local MP equivalent will be the local IMAMS. Islamic-only tax system, Sharia law only, and severe punishment for anyone who does not convert to Islam or obey Islam rules, no freedoms whatsoever. I have seen many Imam and Islamic council videos inviting their people to seminars of how to exploit taxation, please realise it is not illegal if a good loophole, however, I bought much to the attention of Government and authorities but they did not even bother to investigate or take them seriously. This problem of government ignorance is far beyond just the Islam matters. Here is what has been not only instructed but also placed into motion factually, it is the literal formation of a separate Australian economy, an Islam-only economy, mostly subsidised by the taxpayers. They are sheer brilliance thus credit due, more credit due because authorities do not want to look into it even though it involves $ billions. However, before I note these things, more recently the main Saudi middle east wealth holders added huge weight to this by saying they are getting out of oil and resources and now intend to spend $ trillions on buying big overseas monopolies en-mass, therefore the implications of that in light of the word caliphate is deadly. They already own things like airlines, why not buy all to dominate or control all air and people travel, already trying to buy our utility essential services, mass farm purchases, one was the size of our whole A.C.T capital, therefore imagine what $trillions can buy and being monopolies are money printing ventures but a huge control of various countries. We have no checks on such ownerships, many change name by deed poll to sound like Euro names or buy under company names that do not sound Islamic. Some sly info also points to them buying mass weapons secretly including fighter jets and missiles, they can easy afford them with years of oil wealth.

They were taught how to exploit government grants and tax loopholes and exploitations, much time and skill was put into these schemes, fake child care, rent property that has rear residence, only enroll your own kids, claim mass business tax deductions, make it part charity to get charity donation deductions etc, take in others kids as cash in hand, declare one or two. Mass exploitation of hairdresser skilled visa, we have too many but it stayed on skill shortage list, likely a corrupt influence in immigration department, thus enclaves are full of Muslim hairdressers, often up to 6 body builder looking hairdressers but not enough work for that many but on paper can look legit, these are mostly backdoor visa schemes for tomorrows terrorists, the real ones not the converts. Similar takeover of pizza shops another good front, use business visa, a cheap and easy to set up.

Muslim-only schools, massive taxpayer funding, many were caught with money being misappropriated, the signs obvious but ignored, mass $ millions missing, refusal to pay it back to the governments. Costly court cases, the school buses another tax scam, often use schools for after hours carnivals to raise extra funds, likely their schools are registered charities. The enclave Muslims trade only with eachother for plumbing, carpentry and so on, again keeping it all in their own economy, our authorities won’t dare look into it.

I checked most Islamic registered charities, they did not meet acceptance criteria, so I setup my own and made sure it was legitimate, the governing body ACNC who let them all pass a failed criteria rejected my more legitimate registration, they evidenced ACNC Islamic control within, by rejecting my registration and for no reason called me racist and started preaching Islam to me. I knowingly pushed and awoke a planted exec system within ACNC. And I behold these evidences in writing, and, my complaint to government about ACNC was met with no reply as expected. However, for such small populace percentage they now are a majority of charity registrants over all others, charities are a $113 billion per year institution, the exploitation huge, but government does not want to know about it or protect taxpayers. I also behold factual undisputable evidence Government protects Islamic halal frauds, so protective that a halal inquiry totally ignored my submission and failed to investigate elements I requested answers upon, but it was chaired by an Islamic politician, that was a huge public concern at the time and proved to be a well founded concern. I raised how most halal entities were a registered charity, I put to the inquiry and government, that charity no1 gets paid $25,000 per month halal certification fee, the business claims it as a business deduction but is also a registered charity thus a 2nd claim from taxpayer as donation deduction by passing it onto another Islamic charity thus claims a donation deduction of $25,000 plus it minimalises overall income, and that charity passes it onto another to claim same full $25,000 donation deduction on that very same $25,000, then pass it onto another and then another, all making a $25,000 donation deduction by passing on the one and same single $25,000, thus up to 10 entities claim the $25,000 tax donation deduction and gross income minimalisation, therefore, with a Muslim controlling the inquiry I can understand it being hushed up, but cannot understand why government and it’s agencies ignored it when raised with them. Tony Abbott, the prior Australian leader, started to act but was tossed out by the Turnbull leadership coup, therefore the Turnbull government protected the scams, the same leader who invited Muslim-leaders-only to dinner at the lodge gaining mass bad publicity and made the voters irate. Is he part of Islam? We might never get to know.

The donation scam is impressive, I admire it, but being a legal loophole, why did government not close it as it is open to not only just Islamics. The taxpayer is being mass defrauded via legal loopholes, yes legality can still create a fraud via deliberate exploitation, a set of multiple claims on same sum is a fraud, it is legal to rob a bank but not legal once you have committed it. It is the commission of an act that brings it into being.

I have evidenced government allowing Sharia law to conflict with our own laws but also an Islamic zakat tax to conflict with our tax laws. The constitution governing government only gives government tax raising powers, we all know that as it is common sense, but openly, Islamics raise their own tax for that prior mentioned separate Muslim-only economy, namely a zakat tax, it is enforced under Islamic law, it is published in admission by Islamic council web sites even how it is used and distributed, it can only be used and distributed to Muslims only, a separate economy. Why does government not feel this is a problem or act upon it as a breach? The Abbott leadership seemed intent to act upon it but maybe part reason why he was overthrown.

These things are happening in the EU also and the dollars add up very big and are going into the Muslim-only economy.

They have many non certified tradies and tradies with faked certification, many do not declare the income of jobs they do and take it as cash in hand, moreso via not writing receipts, they mostly service their own people who will not dob them in and accept the no receipt scheme. The schemes are brilliant but all drain our economy.

They were instructed to breed like flies, even many imam videos online preaching this, as it adds to caliphate population control but also their own economy, we fully fund them a dole, a baby bonus for 7 kids, family payment for 7 kids which is more than a bus drivers full time income, and child care benefits, utilise only their own childcare centres, they get Muslim-only schools funded by us but our kids are not permitted to attend, big dollars of funding gone missing and often in the news but no inquiry, even courts saying pay them even if caught ripping us off and government wont close the loopholes the courts exposed.

Islam has even opened Muslim-only aged care, large government funding, again separatist non assimilation and non Muslims ineligible.

The Islamic constitution says they will coup the government, we saw already many get elected but our constitution forbids it but government turns a blind eye, but soon the enclaves majority populace will see many suburbs with Muslim elected local, state and federal reps. Their own economy, mass scams ripping us off creating their own economy, their own army via registered security domination, and Saudi leaders buying up our main monopolies and controlling them makes a caliphate coup a sure success, but here we see government harping on saying it protects national security but public polls 90% saying stop islamisation. Donald Trump saying lets put a stop to all this, so do not write-off all I have written.

POWERS OF ISLAM, we saw an Islamic given the role of Australia Post CEO, he oddly earns more than anyone of same role globally and far more than our prime minister as a government lower order staffer, 4.8 million income for a man who created the biggest loss in the companies history thus not a performance pay increase, a self granted increase more like it, however, he made Islam a part of his role which was not in his job description, he started a drone mail scheme without consultation, he was never removed for his record loss and bad performance or excessive income, a protected species, but he was in the news citing to a big business leaders meeting canvassing they copy his lead and employ released terrorists, a clear breach of national security and his role, but government refused to reply me on this. The implication of terrorists in Aus post customs or other delivery services is just a disaster in the waiting, and in that period, also raised by me to government was a AFP news story where they said a terror suspect got over 300 weapons past Aus post customs by his own admission, and then add that hire released terrorists CEO scheme and it might explain that 300 weapons getting past. What would Donald Trump say to that equation? And, could he see us as an allied nation or a security threat to that allied force by Australia having the enemy within.

A look at all these things added together and enclaves being in a line of suburbs like a border, then compared to French and other countries enclave police no-go-zones due to violence if non Muslims try to enter, and their fast ways of getting elected to government, a caliphate coup looks too easy and national security non existent. Government keeps refusing to respond or investigate so how can they ever stop these things.

A caliphate and coup of our Government at this stage looks a certain easy success, we are too complacent, the PM invites their leaders to special dinners, say they are awesome good people, invited people the media said were dangerous and undesirable, he associates with this type at the same time as preventing aussie bikers from socializing without any suspicion against them with new biker laws, but why? It was because Islam has taken over most main biker gangs but government takes it out on all bikers whilst inviting worse to dinner at the lodge. How can Government enact national security when in bed with the enemy?

The world’s first main problems are in this order, government, media, and then Islam. Not in any other order, as something has to let Islam have the control.

Islam is on target of their leaders prediction of taking control of the globe by 2050, it cant occur unless governments let it, thus far, let it get to an almost unstoppable level from populace breeding, and being elected as ministers and so on. This is all national security risk of a very clear type. The caliphate fooled leaders and laid the main foundation via ISIL deliberately creating the asylum mass influx without security checks and the countries are stuck with them claiming UN rights rather than be deported back as deserters, and they admit both sides many terrorists are confirmed to have arrived via asylum.

ISIL told global governments it has infiltrated by asylum and visa schemes, governments and media know it became factual, but they still grant mass visas and asylum to Islam after knowing many terrorists are arriving within it. But they ignore national security and majority voter polls. Australia’s IMMIGRATION MINISTER is trying very hard to do his job but seems hindered because our leader says he will maintain the same migration systems, however, our Immigration minister who is our best next leader choice will get along very mutually with the new USA president Trump who shall win the pending election in USA.

What of our kids and their kids in the near future under Islam control, no freedoms, forced to abide by Islam or be killed or punished, women able to be brutalized by men and so on. The very idiots and leftists backing Islam now will have nightmares about that mistake later on and their family and kids hate them for assisting Islam. The media protect and appease Islam even after French journo’s being massacred. In my view those protecting Islam are terrorists in their own way.

Here is a ISIL media extract by ISIL media reporter of a main ISIL man starting this caliphate, and I will add to that some material hidden from the public and media to which I supplied to Federal police hours before Anzac day involving this terror recruiter. QUOTE ISIL REPORTER ON ABU AND CALIPHATE: My purpose is to establish the Caliphate," explained Hisbah Patrol Leader Abu Obida in the video. "And in order to make it happen in the way of the prophet we have to teach others what to do and what not to do."In the video, Obida is shown instructing a shopkeeper to remove a western-looking banner posted on the wall of his shop."If you put this photo up it means that you like infidels," Obida told him. "You must remove it."He is then shown telling a man to get his wife to change the fabric of her veil "because we can see what's underneath. She is your wife my brother, preserve her." Read more at



These are online plannings of a terror attack that authorities never make public to appease Islam, we have done them a favour by driving them to harder to detect underground web sites.

Buying up big land holdings is another way of caliphate, possession is 9 tenths of the law, oil rich Saudi leaders said they will now buy up all main global companies even land, it is well under way already.


Just one single purchase was a huge 250,000 hectares.

The main halal certification boss contradicts Islam and wants to sell what Islam forbids, even to handle it or make money off it seems a listed religion breach, therefore to start selling forbidden meat is a very big evidence of a Muslim-only economy starting here, after all, they now almost own and control most of our meat markets.


The Indonesian leader in Indonesia main press, stated halal in Australia made meat suddenly too expensive for Indonesia, he stated Governments should control halal not companies who abuse religion to make money. Our halal inquiry was a whitewash and also ignored this same recommendation and mass public disquiets. People are confused, they are thinking Islam is paying off our ministers or getting in too close with them. I reside in a main Muslim enclave and see many Muslims buying non halal meat and products evidencing it all as a money making myth, they ate our meat prior to this halal theme emerging. Since when does migration have a dietary obligation for granting visa’s. Why not just make halal without certification, don’t they trust eachother to make it and abide?..



Brainwashing played many roles in all this. Islam brainwashing, media brainwashing, and government and leftist brainwashing. These then lead to illiterate-others being brainwashed like business leaders and agency leaders etc.

Islam brainwashed it’s people by forcing Islam a book of forced control with punishment for non compliance upon its people from birth, they know no better at such baby age, it also removes all their freedoms, it will anger them seeing us have our freedom, part of the plan of course. But the Taqiyya as aforementioned makes them hide that anger and envy, and the Sharia forces them to hold strong. But what had this brainwashing not been forced upon them? They would be like us and not controlled by power seekers using a book of control called the Koran with gods on flying horses akin to the song I am Pegasus, fantasy land, maybe Muslim cat Stevens had it right, the peace train.

Our stupid governments think we can do as we did with troublesome Vietnamese etc and hope our ways finally make their ways change and it did, but not with Islam because unlike others, Islam has a book of controls and severe punishments if their people change and Muslim-only schools, economy, etc.

So, what if we offered them protection from Sharia? We do not, because recently a prior terror suspect was charged for murdering his partner, the police hid the Sharia part of the murder, he has cut off her fingers then killed her. They did not charge him over cutting off fingers but would if he had not been Muslim. Get it?

We conceal and protect Sharia rather than challenge it, expose it, and protect Muslims from it, that muslim woman had no protection from sharia. In fact courts have been allowing concessions for Sharia law.

We simply pretend the Sharia fingers being chopped off was nothing at all. So how the hell can a Muslim wanting to escape Islam have any hope, or a young Muslim girl able to refuse illegal genital mutilation etc?

Not only brainwash, but they teach people to utilise intimidation tactics, the “in your face theme” It is to show a mass dominance, they do things that can be done another way without getting in peoples faces, it happens globally, like blocking off streets for example knowing it blocks in local residents and cars, it makes them want to sell up so their own people can buy their property to grow the enclaves, but the numbers so big that local police can not stop them if they start trouble. See NSW Lakemba example below.



Islam does not brainwash the media, in fact it threatens them, knock us we kill you, hence France Charlie massacre. Is this fear plan what made the media defend, appease, and protect Islam and Muslims?

Muslims are not people, the word means: followers of Islam/Koran who refuse to recognize they are humans first and religion second. Thus they are controlled like a robot or computer operating system, one way or no way, the operating systems way. Cant blame them but can in a way for, still, in modern times, not being educated enough to realise they are brainwashed controlled by a mere book called the Koran with a zillion contradictive sections and interpretations, they would be better off as atheist.

The Caliphate looks successful only because stupidity modern times have allowed it, but will not be an ALLAH CALIPHATE BUT MORE LIKE AN ADVANTAGE TAKEN OF OUR MODERN POLITICAL CORRECTNESS.

Where did Allah get them? Without oil wealth they would be extinct, look at the middle east past and current, non stop war and damage, so bad there is no civilized infrastructure or progress nor freedoms, much was amongst their own towns and leaders, but arrive in the real heaven like Australia and abuse it because the book of deception says you can not have these freedoms and fun, you can have real virgins that exist rather than non existent ones when you die. There is no afterlife for Muslims, they die and rot like any other, and only their children live on from them. They should dedicate to their children not Allah, as when they die the virgins do not exist but their children do, but will they continue to mislead their children to make their same mistake and die on a deception, and also put Allah ahead of their own flesh and blood children.

The media try brainwashing readers that Islam is great, tells us we must suck big-time to them, tell us they do no wrong, but know nothing of what they tell.

The governments, elites, leftists and do-gooders do the same, but will be the first victims of Islam according to Islamic priorities. We saw gays defend Islam until Islam killed mass gays in USA because it offended them having gays tie themselves to Islam, the shooter even revealed this before his spree.

Desperate appeasing governments saying they are good people, terrorists are not tied to the Koran though factually have been in every case, Then try delude us it’s a mental illness not terrorism, a mental illness where every one of them saluted the Koran when killing by yelling allahu akbar, in Islam saying Allah is great and no other.

Some go beyond brainwashing like Merkel in Germany who seems more likely to be Islamic or funded by Islam, nobody with sanity can fathom why she has acted as she has.

Australia had the Lindt café siege, without implying anything, the halal certificate boss has not been noticed by me being in Australia since the day of that siege, he was said to say he was in the area then denied it soon after, his office was opposite the café conveniently and Lindt had recently withdrawn halal certification which could domino Cadbury etc, his spelling on facebook was out of the ordinary as if he was in some form of panic, but he sued Q-society as a business, so did not have to personally appear because he did not sue as a person but it gives an illusion he was in Australia. Since Lindt, he and halal went very quiet.


What sort of credible businessman would call consumers choice, hypocrites with addled brains in facebook? Whilst our very own Government and some big companies endorse him and his halal industry even after what he called their customers, even the halal inquiry ignore these rants but the inquiry was chaired by a Muslim who one minute says he is a full Muslim the next a Muslim not of the strict kind.


If you do not want halal you’re called a bigot with no intellect and drink too much beer, this is the halal main boss who makes a fortune by Government allowing halal to be forced upon us via deals between halal and supermarkets.


If you do not agree with mosques, the government and authorities allow Banks to breach discrimination laws, this incident by Bendigo bank “well publicized” has evidenced how controlled government and authorities are by Islam and companies heavily invested with them.


Government let them breach consumer laws, all receipts must be understandable in English for consumer and ATO staff, but are letting some shops issue Islamic receipts, this one sent to me by a woman who made a transaction in a NSW store.


A main university forces new Muslim toilet practices upon us with Muslim compliant female toilets making us conform but imposes upon us the undue cost of supplying and converting them, but visa criteria is not one of supplying Muslim ways to urinate.


The point is, look at all these concessions and exemptions, even exemptions to breach our laws by illegally allowing conflicting laws of our laws and Sharia law, whereby a Muslim can walk in a bank with their head covering but a non Muslim is not allowed to and will be in breach. This is all divisive, but it evidences the controls of the caliphate already grabbing a large foothold, a factual foothold and our government allowing all these wrongs, appeasing Islam. This empowers Muslims to witness Islam having higher priority and control over all non Muslims, it makes the aims of the Koran look like it will succeed in regards to the upcoming full caliphate.

None of all these incidents ever hit the media because the media appease Islam as well, therefore they were sources and verified via large groups and link resources etc, in fact the Government is likely blind to most via being out of touch.

However, a caliphate is a total takeover, a forceful Islamic takeover of the globe and enforces Islam as the religion for all. But it means a coup of our government and military.


The letters AL-AUSSIE are used by terrorists.

It was noticed councils were granting planning and building permits for mosques when they hadn’t yet saved a cent to build them, and these Muslim councils seem so unofficial using public yahoo email address, and are often a registered charity that usually does not fit ACNC charity registration criteria. One wonders why councils are not making sure they can already fund what they apply for.


At one stage a female Qantas employee was attacking non Muslims in facebook even said the common used terrorist phrase of allahu akbar, but these are supposed to be peaceful nice moderate Muslims right? If a non Muslim staff wrote that, Qantas would sack them.

Ceylan works for Qantas her profile declared see below post.


The next image is an openly truthful but common statement, however most the Muslims who will instigate the caliphate will be their younger ones, and until the call to arms they will try and use stupid converts, as using converts makes them laugh and say we even get their own to kill them. This is a very deranged attitude, but many live amongst us, you can not pick who are the most immediate dangerous ones. However, this book is to let people see all the things hidden from them, many were reported to our Authorities but nothing is ever seen to be done, and almost anyone they arrest seem to get let off and be shown to have not compiled a good case thus allowing Muslims to say they are being victimized. I think everyone will get what they deserve if they let the caliphate succeed, and that might shock people, but you reap what you sow and are responsible for what you sit back and let happen, may the smartest best side win, that is what any war ends up being. The samples supplied here are in mass quantity, therefore I only added a few to avoid the book becoming too cumbersome.

Our inexperienced Governments, the ones asking why, what, etc think terror acts are a mental illness, but any Muslim will say it is not, it is war, our own soldiers kill in war and so called terrorists are Allah’s soldiers as they can be self appointed. Most deliberately ensure they get killed during a terror act, they make this clear, they say it gets them a lot of virgins and an afterlife like a king, a land of too many kings can not exist. The book has brainwashed them, it has for centuries, these caliphate attempts occurred often over centuries, because the world has not outlawed Islam as an official religion, a forced religion even breaches our constitution, and most it’s Sharia breaches our laws but Sharia is hushed up by police when it occurs so does genital mutilation. But you must understand, they truly and strongly believe in their religion and its objectives and we just keep allowing it.

The non Muslims defending Islam are to be the first victims of Islam, they will be responsible for harm to their own kids and family, they will cry foul once it starts, pretty much like gays were supporting Islam then changed after the big gay venue massacre which made the Muslim stance on gays become highlighted. A Mexican stand off both sides hate the other, this is too divisive and can not co-exist as we are seeing.

So are these type facebook public posts the true evidence of the Koran and Islam, as it certainly matches what I read in the Koran. It is not as if they have hidden it, they know those who ignore it are their easy victims.




The Koran encompasses politics and law “Sharia law” whereby Sharia breaches non Muslim laws in many incidences. It is virtually prehistoric, stone age.

Reading the Koran was like a revisit to the Stone Age so was it’s structure, very much like old roman gladiator days, whereby we have refined our laws and rules, we have refined politics. The main objective of Islam is to take over politics and rule, that is made crystal clear but our leaders won’t read the Koran, nor our authorities it seems, so all agencies engaged to monitor terrorism will always be asking why all terror acts are occurring, and Muslims rightly laughing at them.

The Muslim woman in my suburb found dead with fingers chopped off, a known Sharia punishment, police made a brief mention but omitted that part from charges so as to appease Islam, but by doing so, is enforcing Sharia law and saying it is ok to chop fingers off or execute non Muslim women as well.

The police bought a male to court on terror charges, quite serious ones, the court appeased him and let him have bail, it ignored authorities and evidence and repeat incidents and even stopped further tracking of him by authorities, and tells us he will be fine as he is now deradicalised when he was not radicalized at all, he said what the Koran teaches, he hated Kaffirs, meaning non Muslim infidels and his plan intended to kill them. Deradicalisation offered him an electrical apprenticeship, how bizarre but if I made the same kill threats and plans I’d be in jail for sure, no apprenticeship. Again utter appeasements. It explains the big Hanson party vote and the loss of 14 Liberal seats but the liberals ignored all that, so out of touch they likely thought the backlash was by gay marriage advocates. Government is too far out of touch, almost every citizen agrees on that.

Mosques have Imams who preach the Koran, Sharia law and politics, they seem to alter the Koran to suit Muslim council leaders desired additions or additions enforced upon them to have enforced. Some Muslims told me these people ruin their religion by being corrupt, self serving and power players who use ordinary Muslims, Well that is all I see in it also. One was an alleged terrorist who said modern Muslim leaders are destroying the religion, but my read of the Koran shows these things are in the book mostly, thus another confused follower. There is no religion if everyone has a different interpretation of it and most do not even know all of the Koran and its laws.

Many are desert dwellers with no real education, many converse 5yo equivalent conversations, this too will make them feel indifferent in a civilized country.

I look at today’s Middle east, our forces are there, nobody knows who is good or bad or right or wrong, all towns at war with one or another, so many warring groups, army’s militants, rebels, all vying for control, a total uncivilized mess so we bring them here knowing no better. They do not seem to show appreciation but fast show expectation and claiming many divisive rights under a religion guise which can be solved overnight by denouncing Islam as a recognized religion. The Mosques are a danger because they preach many divisive things, again, hundreds of mosques were bombed or burnt down in just 2015-2016 globally, and why is that one has to ask.

Wise countries have started banning mosques, calling for Islam religion to be denounced, and a halt on Islamic migration. It was so strong that Austria and Poland elected anti Islam new governments, nobody thought that would succeed but it sure did.

Our Governments have been evading and ignoring divisive Islamic laws and politics, therefore empowering Islam over itself. Everything an isolated incident they say.

Why are you forbidden from wearing a Muslim head cover into a bank and they are not? The law says you can not because it hides your identity as a potential robber, but they are exempt, and then another breach, they say they allow the exemption on religion grounds but the constitution forbids government imposing any religion theme upon us. This is outright allowing Sharia law and Islamic control, it is so pathetic because a government minister can not cover his head in a bank either but he lets a Muslim be allowed to.

Of course voters are right to say our Government has handed control over to Islam a mere alleged religion and has authenticated Sharia law and religious observance.

We also cover up many Sharia punishments and executions and just paint them as the general offence and hide its motive and reason.

Government has forced halal upon us all, forced it upon religions who are forbidden to have halal, again Government invoking a superior religion by allowing main stores to sell halal only and the price increase to cover certification certificate costs, one processor was paying $25,000 per month certification, Indonesian leader said this certification increased the price of meat they bought from Australia, he said Government should control certification not exploiters exploiting their religion and he is a Muslim.

I deliberately certified halal for free legally to prove it shouldn’t cost $25,000 per month, I requested the minister to add the name to the government webpage list of endorsed halal certifiers but he failed to respond. And there seemed no selection criteria, it is as if they were added on an add hoc theme, add these minister.

Halal is not a substance or item it is a mere belief and process, government is endorsing an Islamic belief on its website. We are made to buy a belief and process in stores, in fact to animal welfare people they are forced to buy a cruel process product.

Their law and politics has its own taxation system and it’s own style of government, however when expedient for now, they will get as many Muslims elected to government as possible to ensure a smooth coup of ours when the time is right, and very soon every enclave electorate will have an elected Muslim government rep. Their planned governing has no ministers or ministry.

Islam via global appeasements have been surprised by the dream run, they say political correctness and leftists have made it too easy, but they have a plan B also, that being, grab full control of a few main EU countries, this will avail to them all their defense forces, but will still utilise people within the take over countries. Turkey will be their main base, it has just setup in readiness after a faked coup in which nothing added up and too much happened that had to be pre planned, and they have a good defense force in readiness. The Turkish leadership is not too smart therefore might fail soon or adopt a main ISIL strategist to control Turkey and oversee it all.

It has been widely known Turkey has fed ISIL weapons, ammo, fuel, and much more, even harbored them. They shot down a Russian jet because they had been capturing evidence footage of them assisting ISIL. It is also a reason why Turkey is desperate to get visa restrictions lifted to travel freely in the EU. The UN is now getting a little worried about Turkey.

We let them join our allied forces and the ability to learn our tricks and strategies etc. Turkey now made threats to send all it’s people to Greece and elsewhere and pretend they were refugees. By working with EU allied forces Turkey knows a lot about EU bases and what gear they have. ISIL admit they had people enlist in overseas forces to train as defense pilots, USA became a little suspicious when a few Muslim trained pilots just vanished, and Australia even has a Muslim leading our naval combat squadrons who has spoken out pro Islam a few times indicating a higher allegiance, we are too complacent on national security, we are hiring experts who are not experts, this I have proven.

I suggested to government several things, none have occurred, such as, stop all deed poll name changes, take Muslims out of sensitive combat and government computer access roles, ensure the constitution allegiance is complied with, and to make legislation so as magistrate courts do not hear federal terrorism cases and make it so there is no appeal to terror cases other than mistaken identity claims. Remove Australia Post CEO as a security precaution for canvassing big business to copy his lead and hire released terrorists, such in postal customs is deadly. They can use poor performance figures if required. Nobody has replied me on that nor investigated his public call to hire released terrorists, it is outside his role. Again they appease Muslims as a protected species but took others to court on lesser dangers than Aus Post promoting to hire terrorists.

What can one expect when the Prime Minister invites Muslims-only for special dinners at the lodge to celebrate a religion theme. The public outcry was massive.

We have people in charge who never read the Koran or its Sharia, never read what Taqiyya is, and are all saying we do not know why terrorism etc is happening, even it’s so called experts taking guesses with no facts, whereby I studied it all not just bits and pieces and confidently know the why’s. So why won’t they listen? Too many people in their pockets taking them for a ride laughing behind their backs when polls showed 80% think we shouldn’t let in more Muslims.

Its not racist, as a Muslim is not a race or culture and religion is not a visa criteria, a Muslim merely means a person who abides by a particular book, a book that is divisive to our ways via facts and many occurrences. Government admits terror can be any Muslim at any time. They have increased security in many places but say they are all good people and secure people.

I live in an enclave, they do not want anything to do with non Muslims or our ways, they have their own ways planned, but if I was elected as local rep they will be nice to me and assimilate with me as an exeption to achieve what they do by doing same with the PM and other reps, Taqiyya.

I am not uncomfortable with Muslims in this enclave because I know their aims, I know the Koran makes those aims clear, and I know via brainwashing they genuinely believe their way is right. A Mexican stand-off.

I will be dead by the main caliphate takeover date, it will happen by 2050 maybe 5 yrs earlier because we are allowing it a faster success, and their breeding plan is faster than they planned because non Muslims are hardly breeding, many sexually unable to breed, most new relationships are not lasting more than a few weeks whilst Muslims are breeding fast and funded to breed, the last5 years for a minority they have bred as a majority re: births, not forgetting many Indians and Sudanese etc are also Muslim and breeding fast, thus a 5 yrs majority Muslim breeding and at least 10 more years of same majority by age 20 the generations will be mostly Muslim, it is very smart, and is done by majority birth figures per year.

Parliament house is not protected from a coup, and very soon, all security officers will be Muslim, many police and armed forces, much land and monopolies bought and owned, every enclave electorate an elected Muslim rep, the enclaves are growing into more suburbs fast, the breeding rate will be a huge takeover assistant, their current separate economy will be bigger soon, and so on. We just let it all happen.

Donald Trump, Polish and Austrian governments are awake up to all this and taking the right actions, all came out of nowhere and were not expected to get into power. We sent ours a lesson in election but it was ignored in Australia. There will be a huge clash of Turnbull and Trump, it will harm the relationship between both countries, Trump will suggest Australians take on a new leader. Turnbull’s ignorance may see Hanson get elected if she runs a full candidacy.

The Australian government is in a dangerous position because it just takes one Lib or NAT to get peeved off and shift to Hanson and Turnbull loses senate control and Hanson gains an extra balance of power vote. Bernardi has a party group of over 50,000 Australians registered and very likely may even switch to Hanson with a few others and have more power than he currently does, see part quote:

Hi Brian, 

It’s been a busy few weeks for the Australian Conservative movement.

Firstly, with over 50,000 registrations, our movement already has significant support. Our challenge is to grow that interest in the years ahead and use our numbers to affect real change. Our new website has been commissioned and will utilise some of the best communication technology available. It is the same platform used by political and not-for-profit campaigns around the world and can adapt to our needs as the Australian Conservative movement grows. It will take a couple of months to be finalised but the extra time required to get it right is an investment in our future success.


George Christensen might also consider the same.

The Australian government is very fragile, an out of touch leader with no policy and election promises look broken. So desperate, he dived on NT boy’s home state government matter to take the spotlight off having no policy. He protects and appeases Islam and learned nothing why he lost 14 seats but his party is now like the ALP and shorten, they knew he was no good but kept him. He did clean up a big Turnbull voter revolt in votes. But when Government has people with no knowledge overseeing terrorism and Islam then we have huge problems and he will clash with Trump.

AUSTRAC business fraud authority knows more about Islam than the terror expert authority, that is a disgrace, and ASIO seem to know nothing. They will more likely go after me for writing this book and try pretend I am committing some act when in fact I side with nobody as being unbiased allows me to know all I do know.

Not long back many Muslims were saying bad things online, but authorities have alerted them to stop and use smarter methods of communications, scared them underground which is dangerous as it leaves much fewer clues and leads. They arrested a woman for some harmless Muslim comment but none of those listed earlier in this book who had worse posts were even actioned, again appeasing Islam and picking on non Muslims. Our governments and media have become anti Australian

The Koran shows a real Muslim can not fit in with non Muslims and if they did, they can no longer call themselves Muslim, are to be alienated by Muslims and likely some family, would have to move home and not go to mosques. That would be a very small percent who will convert away from Islam. So, they will say, oh we feel alienated because people do not like us for being Muslim, but they chose to be, they chose to be people who are not allowed to like or befriend non Muslims, get back what they give so to speak but they stay here, they stay here for that caliphate takeover. They choose to create division and non assimilation. Their Kids cant change over time because that is why they send them to Muslim-only schools so we cant de-program them.

Some Muslim kids will change and adopt our freedoms but will likely divorce their parents / family in doing so or have accepting parents, but we wont really know who is who. I have only met a few who seem to have adapted to our ways, and we won’t know if it is merely Taqiyya.



The Koran is the leader of Islam, a mere book of words, politics and law, however, someone wrote the Koran, a book of people control and dictatorship.

It seems the wealthiest Saudi sheiks are the religions main controllers, elements like ISIL are mere soldiers not powers.

Each country has its own Islamic council, in some cases a main council and sub councils in other states, and often they have meetings of all these leaders like a convention, and a ongoing conduit between them via various communication avenues. Then there is the Mosque Imams to preach their words and plans, they seem to invent additions to the religion constantly, thus keep creating the Koran. As we saw in earlier Koran INTERPRETATIONS FROM THEIR SCHOLARS, they often varied in interpretation therefore not consistent, hence a female Islamic leader saying most Muslims have conflicting versions of the Koran and Sharia, hardly a religion at all.

The Muslim councils are like an ISLAM treasury, a big business and accounting network, they master every loophole of the western world that can be found in fact sheer brilliance and our authorities just ignore it all if exposed. Also smart is how we fund Muslim-only schools that our kids are not eligible to use.

Most countries now have Islamic banks, we have very little control over them, therefore an asylum can arrive, be super wealthy but claim to have no money, the Islamic bank can hide that money for them if they desire, and likely explains why many asylums in my enclave within months of being accepted into the community somehow outright own a home and new car but government has them listed as financially poor. Alternatively they can leave it in a homeland bank and deduct using ATM here as an international transaction like we do when overseas. They also have no interest loans to Muslims. It is likely they have another exemption to our banking laws. It is also an easy conduit to send terror funding money overseas, the bank can play dumb and see it as a mere transaction.

All the ABOVE will be their government and treasury.



ISIL openly stated they are enacting one thing only, that being strict enactment of the Koran and its caliphate. There are no lies in that as all evidence suggests. In their eyes it is not terrorism it is enacting strict Islamic law, it only accepts strict believers and will punish those who are not be they claim they are Muslim or not, as to ISIL you have to be totally compliant to be a Muslim. The caliphate part of this enactment is the bigger picture and a huge success it fooled every leader.

The caliphate plan was to get as many Muslims to invade the EU as possible, Australia was an intended prime target until the Abbott Government saw through it and stopped the boats, in fact very shortly after I warned of that pending. Therefore EU was the remaining target and closer, the mass sudden killing of Christians was to use the political correctness of the EU knowing many countries will take in fleeing people without the usual security checks, most countries found these people fleeing were mostly Muslim and not Christians, the plan was a brilliant success, masses of fake passports found, they had to be made well prior in readiness, this was all planned, a master stroke, but a big piss-take on political correctness. So called Christians arriving demanding Halal food which Christians do not want. Therefore ISIL was a brilliant smokescreen, maybe the best ever invasion strategy in history it fooled all EU countries and the USA who all took in millions of Muslims each and still are. POPULATION has always been an ace card of caliphate attempts. Turkey played a big assistance role of good guy bad guy with a plan B of gaining EU access without a visa from the UN, a dangerous theme allowing invasion by international airline travel and refuse to return and numbers so big they wont be able to force a return. Any invaded EU country becomes a national security risk to Australia. Again a Donald Trump ace on USA policy.

ISIL leaders are mostly now in the EU and left the commanders to do the work and can command from abroad via intelligence networks. The EU and it’s economies can not sustain this un budgeted influx and will collapse making a takeover too easy whilst the Muslims rush their breeding program whilst governments still fund such breeding.

It is very simple to research caliphate, our leaders sure haven’t but is as clear as the sun in the sky what is happening once they read up on caliphate as this is their best attempt in centuries, it is a fast success and hard to reverse. Politicians and media endangering their family and kids lives in the short term future via total blindness.

These things are factually happening and in progress, ISIL even said they are doing it, therefore leaders can not deny they are in progress. They just keep hiring fake experts, jokingly many are so-called Muslim experts utilizing Taqiyya, they won’t listen to me but Abbott did and he made a big move that has given us some space.

It is my belief that our very good immigration minister is hamstrung by the leader’s decisions otherwise we would be better protected if he had free reign.

ISIL openly said before all this influx it will be getting many of its people into our countries and since admitted huge numbers have successfully infiltrated, they even said they will get them in our forces and police services and into elected government positions.

ISIL already were able to get these people into our ready made Muslim enclaves, the local Muslims will fund their living, give them jobs in Muslim businesses whilst they plan and recruit. We won’t catch the professional recruiters as they do not recruit converts.

ISIL ensured it destroyed most of its region so there is nothing to send people back to and use UN convention to utilise that theme. Places like France will find it impossible to round up asylums and return them plus their economies are about to collapse and huge voter revolts and civil unrests.

Turnbull says Muslim visas per usual, Trump says no visas until we figure Islam out. One is wise one is dangerous.

I am not yet convinced any anti Islam party will know what to do as it won’t work unless several avenues are adopted, as can be seen herewith there are various plans to counter, and they need a very good spokesperson, one who can make the media look stupid.

Muslims would like my assessment that their plan is a masterstroke of brilliance taking advantage of political correct leftist appeasers, people too stupid to read up what a caliphate is. The ISIL ignition tactic was genius. Credit where credit is due, so we have to wait and see if anyone is smarter and able to counter what is already deeply in progress. ISIL are enacting Islamic law and the Koran, they do not see it as terrorism, any terrorism is used to let Muslims see the power of Islam, nothing personal other than that, and the Muslims sure have seen this empowerment of Islam as being very successful. And prior to seeing a facebook post I put in this document, I already knew what that man was saying, he openly said all I had been saying is in progress, a total caliphate invasion and may the smartest and best win.



Women will be the biggest victims, however, ISIL have listed mass killing of children therefore to be taken very seriously, and also gay persons are another target..

As we saw the start of this was mass deliberate killing of Christians, this to Islam means any religion that isn’t Islam, however, it is likely people will be offered to convert to Islam or die, I read their constitution and the Koran, there are several forms one can take to be accepted by Islam but most are an impure form of Muslim more like a slave in status. Do not mock this because it has factually been happening and millions dead or displaced. They will make no different acceptance on any countries soil.

If you convert and allowed to survive, you lose all freedoms as Islam has none, you have to pray daily and attend religion events, you have to fast at Ramadan and abide by all Islamic rules and laws. And will likely see non stop Muslim to Muslim civil war as we have seen non stop in their region, they do not even get along with eachother.

Rape of non Muslim women is common and part of what will occur, so are severe beatings, no use Muslim women denying this as it happens a lot every day in EU.

Not much else to say on the effects, it is basically as I have written a very short chapter.

Confused? Today a judge let out a dangerous Islam prisoner citing he is worse in a radicalized prison than outside of prison, now, how does that make sense and why not segregate the prisoners to cut off that argument.

Governments and Media are the two main terrorist radcalising machines and the biggest promoters of continued and worsening terror acts.

Granting visa’s knowing of the divisiveness and terror elements, and still bringing them into other countries after terror leaders said they are getting many thousands through on those visa’s. The PM of Australia dined with Muslim leaders at his own invite but never invited the leaders of other religions after any of their occasions. The media and Govt protective and insulating publicity on Islam lets Muslims see they are the higher power per the words of the Koran, they glorify terror attacks to let Muslims see the powers of their leaders using terror to begin the caliphate, and such publicity attracts new recruits and converts, as nobody joins anything that has no fame or well documented reasons to join, in fact nobody would know ISIL etc existed if the media all refused to mention them, plus it would have stopped the empowerment drive.

How do you stop a caliphate? It is a simple process of several things and like a cake recipe all ingredients have to exist to succeed.

We can likely manage what currently has been granted citizenships.









Pauline Hanson an elected controversial politician who runs her own party “one nation” and has a few elected senators within it, was once set-up by governments and the justice system and jailed on what even my law studies showed the judge shouldn’t have found her guilty upon. At the time, I told everyone my high court studies, my specialty, shows the high court will overturn the matter and release her as they did. It was so cowardly to witness and was mass bullying from many who say they do not tolerate bullying, but they did this because her then-party nearly won the federal election to govern Australia, they also fear that she knows more than them on migration and Islamic issues and that it will cost the other party’s votes. 2016, lifted one nation party up a few cogs and was re-elected to the senate and had a few other of her candidates elected. The coward media and government members unduly keep attacking her for her valid genuine opinions and for representing those who voted her into office on a platform of anti Islam and less migration, two things that poll an 80% agreement by the majority populace but tainted by media etc painting her as something else via non stop attacks and put downs, and media editors wont enforce behavior rules as they breach by attacking her themselves, and same in the TV arena, she could be a very rich woman if she sued them often, likewise made no big deal on suing for wrongful imprisonment. One has to wonder why so many attack a person with a genuine aim that the majority want, or are they just brainwashed and created a hate Hanson theme. In her prior time in power on a similar platform she had to be given high cost extra security, this is because the government and media incite the Hanson hate theme, and had they not, she wouldn’t have those problems nor need that security and fewer voters brainwashed to dislike her.

Hanson’s re-election 2016 again bought the need for her to have costly extra security for all the same reasons because reps and media paint her like a target circle on a shooting range to attack people to hate her. See herald sun Aug 7th 2016 Captioned “High price to protect Pauline Hanson as she takes on Senate role”.

QUOTE: PAULINE Hanson cost taxpayers an estimated $1 million in police protection when she was previously a federal MP and will again qualify for security if threats are made against her in her new role as a Senate powerbroker.

Senator Hanson’s re-emergence as a political force has already forced NSW police to deploy to the ABC after ugly scenes outside the national broadcaster.

Hundreds of rival protesters gathered ahead of her appearance on the ABC’s Q&A program sparking arrests last month. END QUOTE

This is modern day Australia, government reps and media put a woman up as a target to the public so maliciously, that she needs police protection full time, this is to silence her representing the people who elected her to fight for the national majority populace desire to cut off Islam and also reduce migration at a time when jobless is a huge problem and all national infrastructure is overloaded. It is a gang mentality no different to recent Melbourne Sudanese apex gang mentality, cowardly and vicious. Incitement of harm to a mere sole woman is disgusting. This does not stop just here, as the government and police decided to appease Islam and protect Islam by trying to paint Australians as terrorists against Islam. One woman was charged for returning a reply to an insult against her, so trivial but didn’t charge the Muslim for starting it and saying worse to her, thus the appeasement protectionism, therefore, police wish to strengthen that theme now that Hanson and a few of her people just got elected, and therefore re-arrested an anti Islam campaigner to try make Australians look like the terrorists. He was arrested the prior year for things that could not fit a terror charge, a common charge on items thousands per year commit per importing gadgets. This week they arrested him again on Aug 6th 2016 and had a search warrant, arresting him admitting they have no evidence on him as yet, the raid was in hope they find evidence, in which does not fit the granting condition of a search warrant, it then opens him to be setup or false evidence planted or manufactured.

As the writer of this short book, I had facebook contact with that aforementioned woman and this man as they joined my large closed facebook group, many seem labeled as right wing when no such theme fits because they are just genuine ways of thinking, no wings about it. They also labeled him as a Terrorist before proving anything, this is to mislead public perception. However, upon arresting that man again, he was labeled right wing in hope a judge falls for labels.

QUOTE FROM ARTICLE 6-8-16 herald sun :

A RIGHT-wing anti-Islam extremist who was arrested in his underwear at his home in Melbourne’s north-west yesterday will face terror charges in court today.

Phillip Galea, 31, who has been affiliated to anti-immigration movements such as Reclaim Australia and the True Blue Crew, has been charged with collecting or making documents likely to facilitate a terrorist act and acts done in preparation for, or planning a terrorist act.

He appeared before a bail justice early this morning and was remanded to appear at Melbourne Magistrates’ Court for a filing hearing later today.

The charges come after he was questioned at length at the Australian Federal Police’s Melbourne headquarters.

Mr Galea was arrested by Special Operations Group members at his Ballarat Rd home in Braybrook about 1pm yesterday. Mr Galea was dragged into his front yard in his underwear and later treated by paramedics for a minor injury to his ankle which occurred during his arrest.

Mr Galea attended a June rally in Melbourne’s CBD in which Right and Left-wing groups attacked each other.

Yesterday, warrants were also executed in Bacchus Marsh and the regional town of Tatura, but no other arrests were made.

Counter-Terrorism Command Assistant Commissioner Ross Guenther said the Joint Counter-Terrorism Team (JCTT) had disrupted “something quite serious”.

Mr Guenther said the JCTT and its partners had been investigating the threat for several months and conducted raids as the situation escalated.

“We were concerned across a period of time that we received information that the threat to members of our community was escalating,” he said. “I’m happy to say we’ve interrupted something that was quite serious in terms of harm to our community.

“Earlier this year we received information that suggested there were individuals or an individual looking at either advocating the commission of harm against Victorian individuals or producing documents or materials that might lead to the causation of harm to members of the Victorian community,’’ he said.

He would not detail the threat being investigated.

“The threat was specific enough to cause us alarm. Whether one person was at risk or several people were at risk — I can’t say at this time.”

The Sunday Herald Sun understands there was no threat to a mosque.

Police will not rule out more suspects being questioned, but believe their primary concerns were thwarted with the raids.

Mr Guenther said the community should not be concerned about an attack, and confirmed that if charges were laid they would be under Commonwealth anti-terror laws.

Locals said Mr Galea was generally quiet and not known to be a troublemaker — until a police raid had brought him to their attention earlier this year.

Lucy Cuzzupe said he was often seen riding his bike around the suburb or smoking a cigarette at the front of his house, but was otherwise a low-key figure.

“He’s quiet, he keeps to himself,” Ms Cuzzupe said.

“Once I saw him riding his bike in his suit, I thought he might have been going to court ... that was after (the previous raids),” she added.

Masked AFP officers blocked off the footpath outside the house as forensics experts continued to search the property.


It seems the only extremism was by police not the person arrested and injured then dragged out in public in his underwear then painted in public media as a terrorist without having evidence of anything at that stage and taint the mans name nationally and to neighbors who said he seemed okay. Mass guns used by police, it was a deliberate media show, we do not employ police to be drama shows and leak the drama events to the media, this is another Islamic appeasement theme, but what drives them to do it or more a worry is WHO drives them to do it.

Maybe that man read a comment I made after the last raid on him saying if police are trying to set him up then set the police up, do and say things that will lead them to believe your going to do something but word it in a way that nothing wrong is committed, and if they are unduly monitoring you then they will act upon that trap and be made to look the fools they are. And this may be the case in the recent incident. However, they will set him up if that is the case to save face. And what if one day an Australian gets so annoyed at terrorism that they become counter terrorism, he will be no different to a soldier of ours in Afghanistan. These Islamic wars regardless of where they are, all sides even our own are judging and killing innocent people and do not know who the real good or bad sides are.

We won’t have all these problems if we just make Islam stay in the Middle East so they can sort out eachother, rather than spread their terror virus to here and the EU. We wouldn’t see our police setting up our own people and so on.

The public do not get to hear the plans world leaders or defense ministers etc conjure up. But this theme was plotted by authorities to be implemented internationally, the paint your own as terrorists and paint real terrorists as mental illness not terrorists, hence sudden Aus government inquiry to try paint terrorists as mental illness and same week internationally it was their sudden theme also, Therefore they are misleading the people of their countries.

Here is an overseas example this same week of another country appeasing a mass murder terrorist and preferring to arrest a citizen for calling him names while he was shooting people, how bizarre is that?

Quote: Brave man who stood up to Munich shooter now facing prosecution for 'INSULTING killer'

A MAN who famously stood up to the Munich shooter after he killed nine people is facing being charged by a prosecutor for insulting the killer.

Thomas Salbey, 57, saw the shooting happening from his balcony in the Bavarian capital on July 22. 

In an attempt to stop 18 year old Ali Sonboly from further slaughtering people, he swore at the shooter as he was standing in a car park below.

Sonboly shouted at him: "I am a German."

Footage of the feisty exchange went viral as thousands praised Mr Salbey for standing up to the deluded teenager. The plucky German also hurled a beer bottle at the attacker in a desperate attempt to stop him.

He said: “All I had was a beer bottle to throw at him, but if I had a gun I would have shot him in the head.”

Loner Sonboly had just shot dead nine people, mainly young teenagers he had lured to McDonald’s on the premise of free food. 

The German-Iranian also injured 16 others during the rampage before he killed himself a kilometre away from the Munich Olympiad shopping centre he carried the shooting out at.

Now, in a twist of German justice, Mr Salbey is now facing charges for standing up to the killer who shot himself in the head.

Florian Weinzierl, spokesman from the Munich State Prosecutor’s office, confirmed the Munich resident is being investigated.

He said the post-shooting exchange between Mr Salbey and Sonboly had no influence on their actions. What will be included in the charges remains to be established, as it whether they will be brought forward.

But Mr Weinzierl, suggested they could include “insults to the detriment of the dead.”

According to the spokesman, a court review will be completed soon. Shortly after the shooting, it was revealed Sonboly considered himself Aryan, despite his Iranian heritage, and held racist view, including a deep hatred for Turks and Arabs.

Iran is considered to be the home of the Aryan race and Sonboly was said to be proud of his Iranian ancestry despite his dislike for neighbouring countries in the Middle East.

The right-wing killer also said it was an “honour” to have shared his birthday - April 20 - with Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.

Materials found at the gunman's home also showed he had been hospitalised for three months to treat a mental health condition and was an avid player of violent video games.

One of the games, 'Counter Strike: Source', was a game "played by nearly every known rampage killer", according to the president of Bavaria's crime office, Robert Heimberger.

Detectives believe the gunman was also inspired by Norwegian mass killer Anders Breivik, and likely staged the shooting on the fifth anniversary of Breivik's massacre of 77 people.END QUOTE.

That was merkels Germany, where in that same week mass protests for her to resign over her Islam affiliation were called upon.

EU is at 'END of existence' Polish experts blast Merkel & claim 'Germans have had enough'

EUROPE is “at the end of its existence” following a summer of terror and the EU’s free movement policy, an ex-Polish counter-terror officer has warned.

However, we have some good agencies but the government seems to ignore their gathered intelligence on terror and Islam and has warned our leaders but met deaf ears, the PM likely has dined some culprits during his Islam only lodge invites for dinner.

AUSTRAC agency has a massive report of many Islamic frauds and terror matters, all are true and in progress but government ignore it all. The most recent was their warning of mass $ million sent from Australia to fund terrorism, but instead government rather arrest the aforementioned Australians with no evidence but in hope they can find some.


Aug 6th 2016 Increasing number of suspicious money transfers believed for terrorism funding referred to Australian agency.

AUSTRAC: ABOUT $78 million in suspicious money transfers, believed to be funding for terrorism, have been referred to Australian security agencies in the past year.

The figure is up $25 million on the previous year.

It comes as Australia and our near neighbor, Indonesia, are now swapping information about suspected terror money transfers at a rate of about three exchanges per month.

One example, where Australia asked Indonesian authorities about particular individual transferring money out of Australia, yielded a 300-page dossier from Indonesia.

The figures, from AUSTRAC (Australian Transaction and Reports Analysis Centre), the Federal Government body charged with fighting money laundering and terrorist financing, show a significant spike in the amount of money crossing borders to finance terrorism.

Austrac is currently monitoring more than 100 people suspected of a role in terrorist financing. In the last year 390 “suspicious matter reports”, totaling $78 million, were referred to national security agencies on suspicion of terrorist finance links.

Next week in Bali, Austrac and its Indonesian counterpart agency, the PPATK, will hold a counter-terrorism financing summit, attended by more than 200 officials from more than 20 countries. Attorney-General George Brandis and Justice Minister Michael Keenan will attend the summit which is expected to be opened by Indonesia’s President, Joko Widodo.

Mr Keenan told News Corp Australia that terrorist financing not only funds attacks and operations but also supports the terrorist enterprise, such as living expenses, travel and compensation for wounded terrorists.

“Cutting off the funds at the source can make a significant difference to national security in Australia, the region and internationally,” Mr Keenan said.

He said that in the past two years there had been a marked increase in the reporting of suspicious transactions by business.

At the Bali summit, a 40-page Regional Risk Assessment, looking at the cross-border flows of money for terror funding, the methods of movement and the challenges facing law enforcers in cutting off the money flow, will be released.

AUSTRAC’s National Manager, Intelligence, Dr John Moss, told News Corp Australia that the information exchange between Australia and Indonesia had increased significantly in the past few years. In the financial year just ended the two countries made 35 intelligence exchanges.

He said one of these related to an individual for whom a 300-page dossier was prepared and is now in the hands of police. The information included companies, networks and associates of the person providing a goldmine of intelligence for Australia.

“That gave us a whole lot of entities that no-one in Australia knew about that are now subject to an operational piece of work,” Dr Moss said. “The content of the analysis is still under investigation. But it painted enough of a picture for us to refer it to the (police).”

Austrac and its Indonesian equivalent have set up an exchange program whereby analysts from Australia work in Indonesia and vice versa.

Indonesia, which has hundreds of people fighting in Syria with Islamic State and dozens of terror suspects due out of jail soon, remains a major worry for Australian authorities, almost 15 years after the devastating first Bali bombing. It also struggles with how to deal with returning IS fighters, many of whom meld back into society with ease.

Dr Moss said that terrorism funding is difficult to detect, especially as the amounts involved can often be small and the most common way of funding regional terrorism is micro-financing.

“It doesn’t take a lot of money to organise bus tickets, transportation, especially in the region because the countries are so close together. The types of weapons used, be they firearms, a knife or a truck, all quite cheap and easily obtained.”

Cash-intensive economies, like those in the region, also make detection more tricky.

Dr Moss said the biggest challenge was the money being transferred, not through banks, but through the alternative remittance sector, the so-called mum and dad shops, known as Hawala, used to send money home in informal transfers.

“Even though they are still regulated they have wide reach to areas that surround conflict zones,” Dr Moss said.

In the last financial year, Austrac received about 80,000 suspicious matter reports and of these 390 were suspected to be terror-related.


I told our Prime minister and authorities they need to liaise with AUSTRAC as they know more than any other authority in regards to intelligence and even terrorism, the AUSTRAC reports are available online and highlight a large amount of elements exposed. The test is, that Government has not been seen tackling any of these crimes or evidences. “APPEASEMENT”.

Government and authorities appease and reward Muslim Sudanese violent criminals, we appease terrorists by giving them a lucrative job under the banner of deradicalisation policy, we arrest our own people without evidence to pretend they are terrorists when never created a terrorist act, did they let him qualify for deradicalisation, of course not, they will set him up for jail instead more likely. And if a Muslim is reported and evidenced for fraud or crime it is ignored but not ignored if you’re a non Muslim, this is just outrageous, the evidence so strong there is no need to take sides.

Recently in Australia the Prime Minister involved himself in a state jurisdiction matter that was not in his jurisdiction and called an inquiry over a boy in detention who beat up a 76 yo lady and many other bad offences including attacking guards, he had no confirmed footage, and failed to discover some incidents had already been investigated and dealt with but he did not know that and just called an urgent royal commission inquiry costing mass millions of dollars, then compare his priority of this and the above AUSTRAC report of over $70 million in Islamic crime plus all other listed AUSTRAC Islamic crimes taking that figure into the $ billions per year. APPEASEMENT. There is no other word or excuse for it.

These things make the Pauline Hanson theme look like an urgent essential, the open it up but not cover it up approach.

Governments who appease Islam are starting to get tossed out in all countries, therefore, by next elections almost all will be tossed out and quite a few are getting new debut party’s winning elections, they are creating their own downfall by appeasing Islam and ignoring their own people. These are reality facts, they are actually happening, like Poland and Austria to name a few. The sudden rise of Hanson in Australia is a first step lesson to Government which it ignored and therefore will feed her growth to become a full party of candidate’s next election with a winning possibility. Is than not a backfired plan? Try get everyone to hate someone but in doing so, get them liked even more, a little like the Donald Trump attack policy, his very attackers created his fame as the majority did not like nor agree with his out of touch attackers, especially a biased media. And again Islam played a big role in all that. And in the UK London governor election, it was turned into an Islam thing not a Briton thing. First task he did when elected was preach Islam, Sharia, and meddle into USA politics and has booked a trip to visit the USA president when totally irrelevant to her, likewise in Australia, Elected Muslim ALP Anne Aly first task was to promote Islam not Australia or local issues then requested a premature place in the ministry, they have another “Islam-pushing” fellow called Sam, he does more of a sly backstab attack on non Muslims, he has twice made these attacks on Pauline Hanson when in fact they are in different governments but he did it to push Islam upon everyone.

Too many games, too much appeasement, zero listening to the Majority, and police trying to paint the non Muslim Australians as the real terrorists, and therefore the caliphate is progressing faster and easier than expected, it would be a comedy if it wasn’t such a dangerous theme our governments are playing, however it will see them removed from office very soon, as has happened overseas.

What is a grave concern is government and intelligence agencies pertaining to terror and national security, failing to act upon why West Australia has 11,000 of 12,000 registered security officers as being Islamic, and why not consult the WA government and suggest they say upon all registration renewals, sorry we can not renew as our new policy deems the state only needs 2000 registered officers subject to annual review, and address how those registrations assisted pistol permits and other arms.

Gun owners won’t like this next part, but are they serious about Islam or not. There are two solutions to choose from, a total ban on any public firearm ownership except those on 2 or more acres and must reside on it or farm it, or, all existing owners can keep theirs but no more licenses granted to anyone accept the farm theme above.

All deregistered WA security officers should also lose their gun permits.

I “the writer” read the Koran in full, found many Muslims haven’t, government leaders and reps have not read it so cant possibly understand Islam which explains why they ask “why”, about everything and try paint them as compatible people, then the public non Muslims haven’t read it but see the divisiveness, conflicts, terrorism etc and do not like none of it polling 80%. Too lazy to study? Reliant on media who hide all the bad?

Well it might shock many and show my unbiased mind, because of late, I am starting to hope Islam wins and everyone starts learning what Christians suffered in the ISIL wars because they need a reality check for allowing all this to go too far, as I doubt I will still be alive then, but spent much time to study and warn them, unfortunately those who know what I do, might wear this themselves, but they know of this deaf ears theme also.

The very two main “first targets” are the one’s protecting them, the media and Governments. Both who fuel the fire, making the caliphate look more than a possible success. Too many signs showing but they keep making excuses and rapidly getting voted out and with the media losing subscriptions.


Just like Mormon, Jehovah witness etc, they are religion labels not a human element, the Koran preaches this to wrongly be the reverse. Muslim when deciphered fully, simply means a follower of the Koran, nothing more.


It is not even a culture, it is a huge sect. To most people they see the Middle East as Islam, it extends to nearby Indonesia and some Asian countries co-existing with Christians and other religions. Islam is virtually the intended caliphate world, the Koran and caliphate texts clearly indicate this.

Of late, per the instigation of caliphate, they have and still are making an insurgence into all countries to Islamise them, the exact meaning of caliphate and the modern ways have allowed this unchecked but now starting to see troubles.

At this point in time, the beginning foundations of this newest caliphate attempt has seen Islam invade all countries even as far as Australia, which they do via populating these countries, getting their people into enclaves to get their own people elected to all tiers of Government and start their own Islamic economy. Think for a moment, what would a group need in order to take over a whole country with or without war.

A read of Islam constitutions, which are larger than Australia’s constitution, evidences a coup of the Australian Government will occur but also other nations.

For now, so as to not confuse people, I shall only example Australia and how the caliphate has begun and in motion.

The caliphate is the smartest plan in history, it gets invented as time progresses and is devised by paying the smartest minds in many areas.

By happening in so many themes, it is easy to go un-noticed and our national security Authorities are incompetent, likely because they have never had much national security activity to gain experience.

So, let’s examine factual incidents already occurring and put them all together like national security and other responsible persons should have been doing. However AUSTRAC is wise to most of this but not being listened to, but each day their prior reports on Islam matters will be see as warning dangerously ignored. Lets see this current takeovers progress.

1} large land buys, one on its own was the size of our Act capital territory

2} Saudi leaders who are oil rich billionaires are moving away from oil and stated they will invest $trillions in buying out the worlds largest companies and monopolies including Australian ones

3) Workshops created to teach tax minimalisation and legal and illegal tax evasion

4) Imams on video caught preaching the people to run for politics at all levels to get Muslims elected, thus power over regions and politics

5) Muslims are instructed to create and reside in enclaves and to adjoin them like a border line, as we see, most Muslim enclave suburbs adjoin eachother in a line not a circle or square. These also ensure no3 is assured, election of Muslims by being the majority electorate populace.

6) Muslims implement a zakat tax, it has no legal tax raising powers but government turn a blind eye on this $billion dollar scheme and rather crack down on a small illegal tobacco grower raising funds from illegal crop

7) Mass tax evasion as aforementioned is taught,

• Fake child care institutions and shop fronts, growing fast as Authorities ignored my warnings of their existence until they made this accidental discovery,

• Taught to pretend they have trade qualifications and play the role, then only declare a few of the many jobs making most work cash in hand tax evasion

• Exploit visa system to get extremists a visa under exploitable things like hairdresser skilled visa, you see in my area many hair dresser stores with about 6 to 8 bodybuilding bodied men working as hairdressers complying initially to the visa. Same with Pizza shops, Taxi industry and others

• Zakat taxes are collected from Muslims to assist to create their own separate economy to build their infrastructure such as, Muslim-only schools, mosques, Muslim-only Aged care centre’s and much more, but still get most of these fully funded by government and the taxpayer when non Muslims are forbidden from Muslim-only services. Islam leaders were seen laughing at how stupid western world governments were, saying they are funding a caliphate against themselves.

• Taught to open tax rort and tax evasion shop front illusions like the aforementioned childcare, many only have their own kids enrolled in these faked centre’s, and collect mass grants and deductions and income minimalisation, also the hairdressers, pizza shops as the tax man find it impossible to check on food sale volumes, disability shop front services, community centre’s, even community school bus rorts, welfare agency grants, and much more

• They have and use their trained taxation accountants to assist these evasions and scams

• They have their own doctors for absentee certificates, migration visa medical reports and appeals, and to assist their drug cartels to get banned substances and so on, this is not to say all do that.

• They are instructed and assisted to create and buy up businesses to direct money into the Muslim-only economy via using all evasion and scams, most are legal loopholes taught to them, but initially are to use exploited funds to build all these

• They are advised to apply for charity and donation registration, the regulator ACNC seems to assist them by granting registration to many who do not meet criteria as tested personally with evidence of facts, it is used for tax evasion, to gain grants, to minimalise gross income taxability, and for mass legal tax fraud that our government ignored when made known to them. They also use these schemes to fund overseas extremists and to build local infrastructure. I will use a brief example by using the halal certification scheme and some other fake entities.

[Muslim meat company pays a laughable $27,000 per month for halal certification to a Muslim certifier company, both are registered for donations or charity or both, the meat company claims the $27,000 per month as business expense deduction, but also claims it as a donation deduction as the certifier is a donation registrant thus a $27,000 donation deduction off the tax payer. The certifier gets it free being a charity and donation registrant, he then passes it onto fake child care shop front Fatima’s childcare which is also charity and donation registrant, she uses that same $27,000 pass-on to likewise pass it on to a shop front Muslim welfare centre as a donation to the welfare centre so Fatima because she made a donation she gets a huge tax deduction of $27,000 and it is offset against her faked child care business incomes and comes out in front, then the welfare agency being both donation and charity registered then passes it on to another shop front who is registered and so on, up to 10 pass on’s of the one and same $27,000 creating massive deductions 10 times from taxpayers, minimalises all their gross taxable incomes and can likely return it back to the meat company . It is brilliant, a mass loophole, it is legal and government refuse to do its duty and close it.]

• Take over crime and drug networks, especially drugs as they are 1000% tax evasion cash in hand $billions. They do not care about drugs its about creating their new Muslim-only economy, They use a smart plan, they have people create mass labs in private homes, too hard to detect such large system, only small lots can get caught and not affect the big picture and are not made known to eachother. They have taken control in leadership of most biker gangs, organised robbery teams, car stealing and stripping rackets, and the cash all adds up to scary sums. This is a truer form of real organised crime than in other in past times. But our authorities appeasing Islam see them turn a blind eye.

• Take over security industry, as see on WA police website, sample supplied earlier, 11,000 of the 12,000 registered officers are Muslims, this assists to get guns, pistols, let drugs into night clubs, buy mass ammunition, and get jobs in sensitive areas including government security.

• Islamic banks in Australia, easy to transfer funds without question to terror cells, easy to hide large cash, and they do interest free loans to Muslims only.

• Instructed to get into Government jobs, access to government computers and abilities to operate things after a coup, and to get into our defence force jobs and security agencies, all in progress, many have completed the task.

• Instructed for the wealthy Muslims to mingle with the influential and politicians, wine, dine, socialize

There is much more and more than enough samples have been written to get the basic picture.

Therefore, in light of a Government coup and caliphate, an inner separate Muslim economy, ownerships and controls, access to important services, and power already elected to Government, these are very well progressed and building at rapid pace due to Governments turning a blind eye as well as falling for the wine and dine illusions, enough that a current Prime Minister invited Muslims-only to dinner at his lodge to celebrate a Muslim event.

Government think national security is stopping boat arrivals, but they use jets not boats now.

Islam’s plan is to create the power of a main populace with a far smaller populace whilst pretending to be committed citizens. What amazing plans though, a big separate economy and so much power to so few.

Their constitution shows a coup of Government is a certaintee, it has the new structure of government written in one version, and one of its main lead organizations wrote the Australian Muslim constitution which also clearly indicates the same.

So how does one coup our Government and how easy will it be?

A legal coup is to storm Parliament and form a new ready-made government,

Amazing laws were not devised to stop it being so simple.

At the time of the planned coup, Islam will have many elected reps already in government, this will be very useful to assist distractions and help setup the new government and are duly elected already with their part mandate, and soon they will have from enclave suburbs across Australia over 40 elected reps or more by then.

They set a date and a plan, they organise who to put in the new ministry, which after the coup the ministry will change to become Islamic council leaders and Imams like local MP’s. New law system “Sharia”, and the aforementioned constitution enforced.

This will be imposed on our children as Government only care about today during their period in office, but will affect their kids and families.

Parliament house has very slack security because Government are retarded on national security and do not even envisage a coup, therefore complacent even with too much evidence showing it is coming, it is even stated in the Koran that all countries shall be victim to this theme.

It matters not what hour they instigate the coup, they can do it after hours or during hours. They just have to walk in a new ministry and have relevant documents ready and form the new government, there is no elections with a legal coup.

This gets back to where I said they can do with such small populace as much as if they were the majority populace, which is why I say their plans are brilliant and easy to achieve.

To make the process more trouble free, they would likely capture the liberty of the Prime minister, deputy PM, defence minister, and maybe state police ministers and commissioners, not a big list, and hold them until the coup government is established legally. Such new government would abolish the states anyway on day one and plan to call Australia Islamic state, ironically a clue to the wording of what ISIL means.

No doubt a coup entity can be couped by another any time later, therefore masses of people will need a containment plan. No doubt mass civil unrests, hence the enclave suburbs are in a buffer line in the mid metro. By then no 11.000 security guards but hundreds of thousands, as they will guard military entities and parliament house with all they can muster, they have people already in centrelink, ATO and all important places to keep systems running as a ransom, by saying, try coup us and we block off all these systems, they can even shut down power supplies and only leave their enclaves with power, as they need a power to stop a reply coup.

The military can not act without a leader, its new leader will be Islam, they can walk out and it will suit them, as they will only allow Muslims in any new military.

Think this is fantasy? Look at the leader of Turkey and all the fast actions he created after a pretend coup, how he controlled military, police, schools, media and justice officers etc within just days.

By this time guns will be banned, only police and security and farmers will be able to have them, but, Muslims have been getting licenses and guns in mass numbers, nor will they hand them in if banned whilst all others comply. Thus at such time they will have mass weapons and accumulated ammunition. Our Authorities never check for mass ammunition sales by citizens nor can ensure they used anything they had purchased.

When a strict religion like Islam says it will take over the world, they have to be taken seriously as history shows they have tried the caliphate on many occasions over centuries, but now is the ultimate one as it is easier than ever before.

In 50 years today’s kids will read this and be angry it was never listened to by Governments and the people. Meanwhile we continue to let them set it all up and shall require more than just stopping some elements, it requires a few things which none can be omitted.

1. stop all Islamic migration and visas

2. denounce Islam as a valid religion and list it as cult status only as the high court and government did with Jehovah witness

3. per above, enforce all mosques to close and that they are a risk to harmony and security, they can practice beliefs at home without congregating

4. Stop our national donation and charity deduction system

5. deport any Muslim if they have a serious crime or terror record

6. do not let people of the sect be selected for government positions

7. do not let people of that sect be eligible to be elected to government

8. do not fund Islamic only schools, do not allow sect schools, this forces natural assimilation and hope for Muslim Kids we are saddled with.

Let’s call this containment.

Appeasing Islam:

Our Prime Minister of Australia gives Muslims more priority than anyone else it seems.

There was big public and media outcry when he invited Muslims-only for dinner at his lodge, but no other religion,


He also discriminated and appeased by gifting a Muslim-only grant for 10 Muslim-only football positions.


He also has special meetings with Islamic council leaders and always looks happier than usual


He has not put such effort into other races or religions, it is as if he is a Muslim or desires to become one.


Living in one of our main Muslim enclaves myself personally, unlike other alleged experts on Islam, you get to see all the things that government, police, and media cover up including hidden statistics. It is via sheer appeasement why it in fact gets covered up.

Some parts of the EU are worse and more progressed but made an international fact via media reports and footage, so bad, that non Muslims are told not to enter the suburbs and police made it a no-go-zone for police due to their cars being attacked, burnt or overturned using that prior mentioned “in-your-face-tactic”, instilling fear is a mainstay of Islam, ISIL utilise it to the maximum.

EU enclaves see most Muslims unemployed and not wanting to work, in Australia is similar but has a portion who do want to work and in fact advised to work in order to assist creating the Muslim-only economy, and, use the prior mentioned tax evasion, donation, and cash in hand scams, that does not mean all of them though. Certainly they still spend a percentage in our economy, often money that was not money earned but granted via centrelink.

A big worry as personally witnessed, is many came to the enclave as asylum declaring they had no money and are on welfare and family benefits, but suddenly have a new late model car each, and a fully owned new home. This means they had cash hidden at their homeland not declared to immigration and centrelink.

How does this slip past these agencies? Well, two methods, a simple debit card that can be used internationally as most can, and Muslim banks in Australia.

Per Sharia, Islamic banks have a duty to protect Muslims dealings, they can hide transactions or identities or filter cash through and choose to conveniently not record it, and however, most our local enclave non Islam banks are totally ran by Muslims.

Overlooked by government computer cross-checking with housing ownerships, like discover a new home of someone allegedly broke with no job unable to show earnings to have paid for that expensive asset.

Enclaves are riddled with crime, so badly that police agencies have Middle Eastern police squads, not Chinese or Italian squads, why is that so? The people of peace the government tell us. Of course living amongst it, I full-well know why these police exist.

Let me describe our local adjoining set of local Muslim enclaves with accurate facts, as I see police raids that never hit the media. AKA cover up appeasements, and let the readers be the judge on whether this is good migration policy for Australia.

Per prior words of the Koran they do not assimilate, they will assimilate if you are of use to their aims, be it drugs advantage, employment advantage that fits feeding the Muslim-only economy, or to buy from them if they open a store or shop.

They bought up our historical two local schools in my suburb and are now Muslim-only private schools meaning all others now have to make kids travel, not new schools but now own the primary and secondary school, we all fund both but forbidden to use the schools by not being Muslim. Government should not fund such with our tax-funds if we are barred from access. However, it is far worse, because, by allowing this, is creating bigger future problems via the Muslim kids being forcibly unable to assimilate and it ensures they are not swayed away from Islamic teachings or corrupted by us to deviate and makes them remain without personal freedoms. These are to be trained to be the main caliphate spearheads. Muslims are buying out most existing businesses even big supermarkets and control and manage them. This is useful per suburb control, earning for the Muslim-only economy, and they employ only Muslims so as more people can pay Islamic taxes, once trained, they replace with the new to train them, once trained they send them to jobs at non Muslim stores. Many are tradies without qualifications or faked ones, hard to detect, looks the part, a new van with company service on it not name, rock up dressed as a tradie, BS like a tradie, and get much work. They mostly get jobs by fellow community so they wont request a receipt nor dob them in if questioned. It keeps the cash in their own economy. They have created a huge stolen vehicle racket, I have even seen some with many different late cars often, and, police have admitted there is a big middle eastern car racket, in fact a judge stated the law was frustrated from adequate prosecutions saying it is so well organised. Many are stolen and imported, that means a slack system, others are sold as stolen to Islamic wreckers with ID tags removed so as to make big cash in hand wrecking them, but often the wrecker has a real genuine wreck and uses half a good stolen car to cut and shut the good half to replace the other cars damaged half and uses the written off cars original ID tags to rebirth it for resale at top price, or discount rate to fellow Islamists, hence why so many drive classy cars. Car theft increases our insurance.

Our local enclave has been labeled in the media as the shooting gallery, many drive by shootings, many shootings from cars in car chases, and one article police said they found guns and weapons in one in 10 cars, but rare they search cars for appeasement reasons.

At some stages there were random shootings at one per day. No use blaming me, I have nothing to do with all this, go look at the cause and those doing these things, because the do-gooder brigade and appeasers will try and say I am exaggerating and bigoted, for merely stating factual information without personal allegations.

The police also admitted Muslims have taken large control over biker gangs and drug cartel networks, this I have seen, and perfect for the Muslim-only economy cash in hand, undeclared big drug sales money, unlike our crims, theirs pay huge volumes to their main organizations, however the main treasury for Islamics seems to be the Muslim councils who manage and allocate fundings raised. Be it, the cash gets to them directly or via the unknown indirectly. Or, some goes direct to overseas militant cells like ISIL, again the simple debit card transfer or secretive money transfer using a Muslim-only bank will make it hard to trace and a bad bank will omit records of bad transactions to defy any audits. Weekly drug purchase money is huge, so huge nobody ever dared to estimate how much, and is all cash in hand as we will never see dealers etc making declarations of drug money to the ATO right. Therefore, Islam who do not like drugs, use drugs to make big fast money to fund their new economy and constructions and buy-outs, so profitable, the obvious comes next, drug wars for the bigger slice of all this easy cash, some has began already, wars for control means taking on triads, mafia, underworld, Russians and smaller networks, however, true to homeland form, Muslims seem to have inner drug supremacy wars between their own, Muslim crew versus Muslim crew.

Most violence in enclaves is often Muslim versus Muslim. In early migration days since the 60’s up to late 70’s there were local wars between Muslim turks and Muslim Lebanese, they seem to now be united for the sake of the caliphate, but some signs this is resurfacing especially in crime and drug networks. Their leaders will not mind as long as they still get their cut for the economy.

Regardless of Muslims as they are not the only main player, our authorities are letting them get super wealthy and drain our economy and rip us off with huge weekly drug sales dollars going to drug lords as cash in hand, it is like creating a big government deficit each day.

Muslims have better mastered the drug trade, they introduced a far smarter and harder to detect system of creating in-home drug labs, rather than one big lab easier to detect and big size means bigger punishment, they manufacture them in many private homes, often very up-class homes least suspected, Even witnessed some methods like enclave neighbor to neighbor using recycle bins to transport chemicals or finished products from one to the other, but stood out as unusual to take ones bin to another’s house etc on weekly or so basis. Once ready, a fellow courier pick up the batch, and drops it to a distributor, usually an infidel stooge they utilise like a houso and give them a small freebie cut, and these couriers rare to be searched driving $90,000 classy cars, but a few have been caught but will never dob in others.

The king pins can not get caught as they do not do these main tasks, and at most a small individual lab can get caught which is not a big breach and it wont lead police to any other of their labs as they are not made known to eachother, it is more organised than mafia style.

Muslims have started up as doctors, dentists, customs dept etc, they have the means to get the chemicals and drugs needed to produce illegal drugs in mass quantity, this is a big edge they have over others, again sheer brilliance. Another problem is corrupt police, and temptation for big money, many police turn a blind eye if the price is right, some have been caught from time to time, but now we have many Islamic police in which the Koran and Taqiyya forbid them acting against fellow Muslims, and can warn them what is coming because laughably when raiding Muslims they use Muslim squads or officers. No such thing for Chinese or Italian busts.

Drugs is why Muslims bought into the biker gangs and now run many of them, because they have big sales markets, thus the introduction to the right people in the king pin arena, a big short cut to the upper lords and big business transactions, controllers of dealers, sellers, makers and transporters. Transporters are usually Muslims in courier or post delivery who police never search such vans, and some work as spare parts couriers or wrecker car parts delivery drivers, they are allocated the deals on their local regular route usually not outside it.

This does not just mean Islamics as all other cells do these methods as well but our policing is not too bright and it has gone on for decades. I will share a personal evidence of long ago without indicating anyone. Firstly I do not do drugs and never thought they should exist, however when young I grew 2 big maraju-plants as a gardening experiment with an organic additive, they become trees not plants, huge, and was introduced to a courier/buyer, how it worked, I was to take a bag at a time to my work in motor trade, a spare parts delivery driver who would not look out of place would drop in pick up bag and hand over the CIH. Quite good amounts in fact, letting me see why people are lured to grow and sell. Great mortgage assistance, but was a test only but made some unexpected windfall off it, never did it again as I do not go for drugs. But what it did show, was that courier system, is almost undetectable by police, and since then even to this day, I see many car couriers doing drug runs, police will never even investigate such type of complaint if you said you see such activity.

The local enclave has many scams like childcare with no kids, school and community bus schemes, Islamic welfare and charity agencies, job placements, job training skills places etc all virtually as an inactive shop front for scam purposes, some occasionally have been caught out. Please do not get me wrong and label me using the word Muslim, as they gave themselves that label name, meaning Koran Follower, which I choose to classify as a sect. in fact to me the underworld is almost like a sect. I am making no race statements whatsoever other than a few examples where It said Chinese and Italian used as an international comparison.


Signs already are starting to show that enclaves will become like the Middle East, of Muslim denomination fighting other Muslim denomination, and localized civil war themes and destruction, just look at all towns in the Mid East it is like a war zone of shelled and damaged property, mass killings of a civil war type, and most cities under civil militant type wars to try gain control, they gain it then another challenges them for it later. The signs are all here, greed versus caliphate, and one asks how wise are Muslims knowing their culture and region has been nothing but death, destruction and no infrastructure compared to Australia for example with a better life proven, that it would be foolish to Islamise here and turn it into the same useless lifestyle they came from.

They are forbidden from thinking of that, but this is why I call them puppets of the wealthy who use them. If we denounce Islam as a valid religion, close mosques, and ensure Sharia is prevented, then these people will be able to see and enter the “real” better life honestly. But we toss fuel on the fire by appeasing and assisting the aforementioned to continue and worsen. If they do not like a religion denouncement they are free to return to their homeland, as per sect 116 of our constitution we owe theirs or others religions nothing.

Section 116 was deemed by it’s drafters to prevent exactly the problems that are now happening, a situation where a religion out of many religions starts to exercise powers over governments and its peoples. Also to prevent elected reps influencing their preferred religion upon others creating religion divides and favoritism, and a realization we also have atheists. Therefore 116 is zero compelled observance or concession to any religion other than acknowledge their religion personal allegiance but keep it irrelevant in others lives. They rightly deemed religion as a personal matter not a public matter, a voluntary matter not a forced matter, Islam’s Koran makes it a forced matter, and would be invalidated as a religion by the constitution drafters and classified as a wayward sect particularly due to its forced following policy.

If you recall the Australian images of how Muslim blocked off local streets and numbers too big for local police to control if they went wayward, that happens overseas, however what should concern our government and citizens, is how EU enclaves have become as they are more advanced than ours, like police no-go zones per enclaves, attacks on police, attacks on any non Muslims who enter the enclaves. I walked down a main enclave small local type mall, a short strip of about 30 shops, it stunk of everyone standing idle smoking, rubbish dumped everywhere, Muslim circumcision shop for male and female, Muslim staffed medical centre, but got stares as if soon we will attack you if you enter this zone, this mall to them is now like specialized territory. It also is aimed to drive non Muslims out of the area so as their own can take their place. We will soon get these EU situations as nothing is different between Muslims here and there, other than they are more established there and grabbing control. See links below for EU samples of what we are about to create in Australia.

This is total fact, view these and is this what our government should bring into Australia.

attacking French police

Random home attack

Mass ISIL support protest and threats to police and female reporter UK many had ISIL Flags

Scared citizens

Muslims toss away aid and abuse aid workers and rocks at police

Muslim mob attack police car and police and set police car on fire

Muslims deadly stoning of police Macedonia

German Muslim mob threaten beheadings

Muslims attacking many women

Muslim mob attack people and police scaring off police

There are thousands of these type videos online and the appeasing media never show any of them here or in affected countries.

This is not like saying we don’t have bad people, we do not have this gang mob mentality of such huge numbers of useless scum in those video’s.

They were taken in by EU leaders saying they are moderate Muslims fleeing persecution when most were in fact the enemy arriving. Moderate Muslims with such big groups, I think not and not one Muslim tried to stop the others is important evidence. There is not one Australian from any race who wants what is in these videos, some already is happening here, it started mild in EU also until confident numbers grew. After viewing the footage Australians will be upset knowing government are bringing all this to us in Australia. There were many videos of Muslim women attacking non Muslim women also. The Hidden Muslim rapes of non Muslim women are figures so high nobody will easily believe it, Sweden one in 10 women have been raped by recent arrivals. The government and police cover-ups of rape were shocking, also happening in Australia such cover-up appeasements. Don’t blame me or non Muslims as we don’t do this, the blame lays right where the footages evidences, Muslims, I do not have to knock them about it as their actions speak for themselves.

EU now want them out but too late, Australia has room to prevent it but wont act on it, instead granting as many Islamic visas as ever before and favor them over our allied nation applicants, how bizarre?

Pauline Hanson won the majority anti Islam vote and should now be the only party of such platform to keep it at the electable majority, and we need such party urgently and hopefully they are geared up for all that is in this book.

Former Australian Prime minister Tony Abbot and Immigration minister Peter Dutton working jointly saved Australia from much that was in those videos. It looks like weakening but not via the Immigration minister, it will be because of higher up.

Donald Trump in comparing these videos looks fully justified and wise with his Muslim stance, he is aware whilst other leaders have their head buried in the sand and not mentally bright. It seems they hate him for showing them all up, media included.



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