
Business Communication….EXAM 5….Question 1 of 40Trevor has considered his situation and has already decided what information he must include in the bad-news email he is about to draft. However, he is now stuck trying to decide whether he should jump right to the bad news or build up to it gradually. Which stage of the ACE process is Trevor engaged in?A. analyzingB. assessingC. composingD. contendingQuestion 2 of 40Galaxy Foods, a large manufacturer of snack products, learns that some of the items it labels as “nut-free” may actually have been contaminated by tree nuts. A press release expressing this news needs to be drafted, and the PR department decides to use the indirect organizational plan. This plan __________. ?A. is a good idea under the circumstances, as it will soften the impact of the bad newsB. is a strategic and forward-thinking move to preserve the positive image of the companyC. is inappropriate, as it runs the risk of obscuring the bad news that could endanger people's healthD. is not the best decision, as it will immediately alert the audience to the seriousness of the bad newsQuestion 3 of 40Which of the following would likely require persuasion? ?A. exchanging a sweater for one in a smaller sizeB. getting an extension on a deadlineC. congratulating a co-worker on her promotionD. giving a colleague the link to a website you think he'll find usefulQuestion 4 of 40While the __________ stage helps you make a persuasive plan, the __________ stage helps you put the plan into action and draft the message.A. analyzing; composingB. analyzing; evaluatingC. composing; analyzingD. composing; evaluatingQuestion 5 of 40One of the four goals of delivering bad news is to __________.A. state the news clearly, yet sensitivelyB. protect the audience's self-esteem by only hinting at the newsC. offend your audience if necessary to get the message acrossD. gloss over the facts that may cause legal complicationsQuestion 6 of 40Your audience's reaction to the bad news you must deliver __________.A. will not greatly impact the content that you develop for your messageB. will always be the same—angry and disappointed—so no additional analysis on this subject is necessaryC. can be exactly predicted using the ACE processD. should be anticipated by thinking about the situation from their perspectiveQuestion 7 of 40Which of the following is true about the indirect organizational plan?A. It is appropriate when bad news is unexpected.B. It is used when the message is relevant to health and safety.C. It may confuse, upset, or anger your audience as it conveys bad news too abruptly.D. It is used when the audience is unlikely to be surprised by the news.Question 8 of 40You need to send a persuasive message to a co-worker, but you want to receive the feedback immediately. Under these circumstances, which of the following would be the best medium for your message?A. an emailB. an instant messageC. a phone callD. a memoQuestion 9 of 40You need to write a letter to a customer denying a claim, as the customer is responsible for the problem that she is asking you to fix. In this situation, __________.A. the direct approach is best to buffer the bad newsB. the direct approach is preferred so that you get right to the point without introductory pleasantriesC. the indirect approach alleviates the need to phrase the bad news tactfullyD. the indirect approach can provide introductory information so it can be understood by the readerQuestion 10 of 40Being persuasive __________.A. is rarely required in your daily lifeB. involves understanding why your audience may resist your ideasC. means tricking your audience into doing what you wantD. is very unethical, and in some situations may even be illegalQuestion 11 of 40Angelina has to reject an employee's request for time off, and is trying to determine the best medium in which to deliver this message. She is also thinking about what the employee's reaction will be, and if there is anything she can say to soften the bad news. Angelina is engaged in which stage of the ACE process?A. analyzingB. addressingC. composingD. critiquingQuestion 12 of 40Your boss is in a hurry to leave, so she quickly delegates an assignment to you. She needs you to communicate some bad news to a number of people at different geographic locations. Though she wants the message to spread instantaneously, she wants to give the audience time to carefully consider a response. It's also a priority for her that the message doesn't come across as impersonal or evasive. After she has left, you realize that she didn't specify which medium she wants you to use for the message. Taking her considerations into account, you determine that a(n. __________ would be an appropriate medium to use. ?A. newsletterB. emailC. letterD. blog postQuestion 13 of 40Which of the following options is most likely to be used for reaching potential audiences you can't yet identify?A. group meetingB. emailC. telephoneD. blogQuestion 14 of 40During lunch with a friend, she tells you that her office recently implemented flex-time hours. It has been a positive change at her workplace, and you think that it would be great to have flex-timing at your office as well. You decide to approach your boss about this possibility. Which of the following would be best to include in an email to your boss suggesting the idea?A. I think a flex-time schedule would be good for me.B. Flex-time would give me more free time.C. I bet everyone would love having a more flexible schedule instead of the typical 9-5 work schedule.D. In other offices, the flex-time schedule has increased productivity and decreased turnover.Question 15 of 40Before __________ a bad-news message, __________ the situation by asking yourself several questions that might help you develop content and choose the best medium. ?A. analyzing; evaluateB. analyzing; composeC. composing; encodeD. composing; analyzeQuestion 16 of 40You need to email a co-worker to ask for her assistance on a project. In the context of this message, which of the following constitutes a refutation you could include in your request in anticipation of a possible objection?A. I really need your help right now, as my department is short-staffed.B. I won't be able to complete my project if you don't help me.C. While this may sound time-consuming, I will only need one hour of your time.D. If you decide to help me, then you will have to work overtime.Question 17 of 40In the ACE communication process, __________ involves thinking strategically about your purpose, desired outcome, business needs, audience and stakeholder needs, content needs, and medium choices.A. analyzingB. adjustingC. composingD. creatingQuestion 18 of 40In the analyzing phase of creating a message, you think about the purpose, desired outcome, and business result of your message. Which of the following best articulates the purpose of your message?A. to suggest the possibility of implementing a flex-time schedule in your officeB. to describe to your boss how your life would change with a flex-time scheduleC. to tell your boss how much your friend likes having a flex-time scheduleD. to improve employee productivity and job satisfaction by giving workers more balanced livesQuestion 19 of 40Which of the following medium options is recommended both for targeting a personal appeal to an individual and for communicating with large audiences?A. emailB. memoC. telephoneD. group meetingQuestion 20 of 40In which of the following situations should the indirect organizational method be avoided?A. in a message telling an employee that his approved vacation must be rescheduled due to an emergency in the office that will require his presenceB. in a message informing a customer that her faulty product cannot be replaced due to a shortage of stockC. in a message informing a client that, due to an unexpected personal situation, a company will not be able to meet a deadlineD. in a message communicating the recall of a particular model of car seat because of a defective latchQuestion 21 of 40When it comes to research, __________.A. students should be discouraged from using books, as they are less credible than online sourcesB. students often shun online information sources in favor of booksC. the drawback with online content is that it cannot be updated regularlyD. books are valuable resources, as they are often professionally written, reviewed, and editedQuestion 22 of 40Considering whether any web links are broken is a part of evaluating the source's __________.A. accuracyB. authorshipC. ageD. clarityQuestion 23 of 40In your research you consult Thomson One Banker, IBIS World, and Yahoo Finance. This means that you are using __________ to conduct your search.A. an online bookstoreB. online business research toolsC. general search enginesD. an online publication indexQuestion 24 of 40You enter the phrase flex-time schedule into Google and get about 313,000 results. Trying your search again, this time with quotation marks around the phrase, __________.A. will not lead to an exact matchB. will likely dramatically increase the number of resultsC. will result in a list of resources which include that exact matchD. will yield results that include any of those three words anywhere on the pageQuestion 25 of 40As you prepare to analyze a research question and topic, which of the following would be your best first move?A. considering whether there are options other than outsourcing the workB. asking entry-level employees how they feel about doing these tasksC. calling a few outsourcing service providers to get quotes from themD. finding out whether any of your competitors outsource this kind of workQuestion 26 of 40Which of the following aspects of determining what information you need is being targeted while doing background research to broaden your understanding of your topic's history, context, structure, and categories?A. analyzing the research question and topicB. identifying audience concerns and needsC. establishing the scope of the researchD. defining research activitiesQuestion 27 of 40Using the search string "cake recipe" - "egg" in a search engine would yield results __________.A. about either eggs or cake recipes, but not bothB. of cake recipes that mention eggsC. about both cake recipes and eggsD. of cake recipes that do not mention eggsQuestion 28 of 40When you are using a search engine, the main body of the results page is most likely to begin with sites __________.A. that are least relevant to your searchB. that are being accessed by other users at that very momentC. that are accessed least frequentlyD. that are frequently accessed or that most closely match your search termsQuestion 29 of 40Doing background research on your topic __________.A. is not advised for business researchB. should not include information about your topic's historyC. is vital, since you are required to include it in your final presentationD. can help you structure your researchQuestion 30 of 40When doing background research on your topic, the question "What else exists that serves similar purposes?" is about the topic's __________.A. categoryB. historyC. popularityD. contextQuestion 31 of 40Searching articles in online databases like LexisNexis and EBSCO Business Source Premier __________. ?A. bears little resemblance to searching the webB. is possible only if you personally purchase a subscriptionC. allows you to search more sources, though most are less reliable than general web pagesD. lets you specify that you only want articles that are peer-reviewedQuestion 32 of 40Which of the following tools will give you maximum access to the data and analyses published by Standard & Poor's and Hoover's?A. LexisNexis AcademicB. AltaVistaC. The Wall Street Journal IndexD. Business Week IndexQuestion 33 of 40Which of the following do you need to avoid in order to be an efficient researcher?A. evaluating your sources for credibilityB. using a library or bookseller to find relevant booksC. using only Google searches to find informationD. following leads found in good sourcesQuestion 34 of 40Which of the following questions is recommended for evaluating the authorship of a source?A. Do other sources agree with this information?B. Is the source published or sponsored by a reputable organization?C. Does the author acknowledge and respond to opposing points of view?D. How current is the information?Question 35 of 40You are working on your first research project at a new job; you discuss your work with a colleague who has been at the company for five years. She tells you that one of your sources will not be highly regarded by the professional audience to whom you will be presenting, and advises you to omit it. Which of the following sources is she most likely referring to?A. The New York TimesB. The Wall Street JournalC. U.S. Department of Labor dataD. WikipediaQuestion 36 of 40A deep web portal __________.A. finds only that information which is aimed at the publicB. accesses free information exclusivelyC. performs federated searches.D. omits information in publications that require a subscription.Question 37 of 40At your company, a number of routine office tasks are loosely shared among entry-level employees, who perform these duties in addition to their specific job descriptions. This often results in tasks being done late, poorly, or not at all. You suggest to your boss that outsourcing this work might be a good idea. He is interested, so he asks you to research and recommend a service provider. In this case, which of the following is the best example of a primary source?A. the website of an outsourcing service provider that you are consideringB. a Wikipedia article about the popularity of outsourcingC. a journal article about the impact of outsourcing on a company's bottom lineD. a research report discussing the effects of outsourcing on the overall economyQuestion 38 of 40You work in a small office of fewer than 20 employees with no dedicated IT staff. As the resident technical expert, you are called on to deal with computer issues and technology-related decisions. Lately this has been taking up more and more of your time and you feel that it is no longer an efficient arrangement. You speak to your boss about contracting with an IT company to oversee these needs, and she tells you to research some options. You find a website with some interesting information about this topic, plus the author is a well-known expert in the field. There is some useful data, for which the author has taken care to provide citations. There also are some promising links, but when you try to click them, they are broken or unavailable. You find that the page was last updated over a year ago. How will you evaluate this source?A. This source should be cited in your report, as it amply meets all three “A”s.B. This source has some accuracy issues, so it should not be cited.C. This source is not very recent, but given the nature of your research it is acceptable.D. This source fares well regarding authorship and accuracy, but is not current enough to be cited.Question 39 of 40Which of the following assignments would require you to conduct research and share the results?A. investigating why product sales are lowB. implementing a new code developed by your colleagueC. adding results you have just received to your reportD. organizing a marketing team meetingQuestion 40 of 40At your company, a number of routine office tasks are loosely shared among entry-level employees, who perform these duties in addition to their specific job descriptions. This often results in tasks being done late, poorly, or not at all. You suggest to your boss that outsourcing this work might be a good idea. He is interested, so he asks you to research and recommend a service provider. Which of the following best articulates the research question you have been asked to explore?A. Is it fair to make entry-level employees do this additional work?B. How can we train the entry-level employees so that they can perform these tasks in a more efficient manner?C. Which outsourcing service provider would be the best for us?D. Is outsourcing the best solution to our problem? ................

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