Yahoo stock symbol list download


Yahoo stock symbol list download

The purpose of this document is to explain how to use AmiQuote and AmiBroker in order to obtain quotes from Yahoo finance and sites. AmiQuote is a companion program to AmiBroker charting/analysis software. The main purpose of AmiQuote is to simplify and automate downloading daily and historical quotation data from free Yahoo! Finance (USA, major European exchanges and some other countries), (USA only) sites, MSN (USA and some European exchanges), Integratir (US stocks), Forex (Finam free site) Yahoo provides data in "Historical" and "Current" modes of AmiQuote. provides data in "Intraday" mode of AmiQuote. Preparing ticker list A ticker list is a simple text file which lists line by line the tickers you want to import. The AmiQuote ticker list file has .TLS extension. AmiQuote comes with prewritten ticker list for components of main NYSE and NASDAQ indices and a number of European indices/markets. Additional ticker lists are available on the starter page at: . You can use those pre-written ticker lists or you can customize them or write your own one. In order to edit existing .TLS file or write completely new one all you need is plain text editor such as Notepad or any other plain ASCII editor (not MS Word!). All you have to do is to write tickers you want to import line by line (single ticker in single line) and save the file. Please make sure that you are saving the file with .TLS extension. Otherwise AmiQuote will not load this file. Please note that Yahoo uses suffixes for non-US stocks. So in order to get quotes for non-US symbol you would need to add appropriate suffix to the ticker symbol. The suffixes in alphabetical order are (you can click on link to get the symbol list for each exchange) : .AS - Amsterdam, .AX - Australia (ASX), .BC - Barcelona, .BE - Berlin, .BO - Bombay, .BM - Breman, .BR - Brussels, .BA - Buenos Aires, .CL - Calcuta, .CR - Caracas, .V - CDNX, .CO - Copenhagen, .D - Dusseldorf, .F - Frankfurt, .H - Hamburg, .HA - Hanover, .HK - Hong Kong, .I - Ireland, .JK - Jakarta, .KA - Karachi, .KQ - Kosdaq, .KS - KSE, .KL - Kuala Lumpur, .L - London, .LM - Lima, .LS - Lisbon, .MA - Madrid, .MX - Mexico, .MI - Milan, .MU - Munich, .NS - NSE, .NZ - New Zeland, .OL - Oslo, .PA - Paris , .SN - Santiago, .SS Shanghai, .SZ Shenzhen, .ST - Stockholm, .SG - Stutgart, .TW - Taiwan, .TA - Tel Aviv, .TO - Toronto, .VA - Valencia, .VI - Viena, .DE - XETRA, .S - Zurich. Please note that also Yahoo and use different symbols for indices. The main difference is that Yahoo uses ^ (dash) prefix and uses $ (dollar) prefix. For list of indices provided by Yahoo please click here. For list of indices provided by Lycos/ please click here. Please note that recently Lycos/ stopped delivering free quotes and you need to have Livecharts subcription ($9.95/month) in order to use it. For more details see this Knowledge Base article. For list of symbols provided by MSN please click here. Downloading data In order to download the data please launch AmiQuote. Then please click on "Open" button in the toolbar (or choose File->Open menu) as shown in picture on the right. From the file dialog please choose one .TLS file (for example DIJA.TLS) and click Open button. The you will see the main screen of AmiQuote filled with the list of tickers loaded, as show in picture below. Choose appropriate Data Source - Yahoo Historical - allows you to download end-of-day histories upto current day (current day data appear few hours after session end) - Yahoo Current - allows you to download current day quotes (15-min delayed) during the trading session - Lycos/ Intraday - allows you to download intraday and daily historical data (1-min bars and up) - for US stocks/futures only. If you have choosen this mode you should also select the bar interval (see the limitations described below) - need Livecharts subscription ($9.95/month) - MSN Historical - allows you to download end-of-day histories upto current day (current day data appear few hours after session end) - Forex - allows you to download end-of-day and intraday (registered version) histories for the following currency pairs: EURCHF, EURGBP, EURJPY, EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCHF, USDJPY After choosing correct options please click on green arrow (or use File -> Start Download menu). The download process will begin. AmiQuote will display progress messages and status information including number of completed downloads and number of files left. At anytime you can stop download process with "Stop" button (red box). After finishing the download AmiQuote will automatically update the quotes in AmiBroker (if only AmiBroker is running in parallel and "automatic import" box in AmiQuote is checked. Limitations Intraday interval bar data (1-min, 5-min, 15-min, 60-min and 120-min) are available for US securities only. Historical data for international exchanges are usually much shorter than for US markets. Because intraday bar data are downloaded from servers the ticker symbols for indices are different than those used by Yahoo. For complete reference please check Intraday bar data are limited to 500 bars regardless of bar interval. In other words you always get 500 bars data, whenever these are 1-min, 5-min, 15-min, 60-min or 120-min data - so by choosing bigger interval you get data from more days. This is the limitation imposed by Livecharts server. Importing quotes into AmiBroker NOTE: This step is no longer necessary if you are using "automatic import" feature of AmiQuote. The explanations are provided only for users wanting to import selectively or re-import files downloaded in the past. First, please launch AmiBroker. From the File menu please select Import From ASCII option. You will see the following file dialog: In this picture I marked the most important items for easy identification. Marked with red is type selector combo-box ("Files of type"). In order to import AmiQuote files (those with .AQH and .AQD extensions you should choose AmiQuote Historical or AmiQuote Daily, or AmiQuote Intraday (.AQI) or AmiQuote MSN (.AQM) or AmiQuote eSignalCentral (.AQE) from the combo box (red arrow shows those options). After choosing right type you will see only files of appropriate type in the file list (blue arrow shows that). Now you can select one or more files from the list. Multiple selection is possible by holding CTRL key depressed while selecting the items with a mouse (you can also press SHIFT for choosing a range of files with a single click). Now when you are done choosing the files you want to import just click "Open" button. The import process will start and you will see progress bar showing the AmiBroker is importing the data. After finishing the import AmiBroker will automatically refresh symbol list and you will see updated tickers and charts. If anything goes wrong with the import process AmiBroker writes a log file called "import.log" and located in AmiBroker's main directory. You can watch this log file if you want to find out what went wrong (since import.log is simple text file you can open it with any text editor) Common questions Question Answer How can I edit my own ticker list (.TLS) file? You can create or edit .TLS using Windows Notepad. When saving a file simply give .TLS extension to the file (instead of the default. TXT) What about ready-to-use complete ticker lists for NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX? There are following ready-to-use ticker lists available for download: Further information For further information please consult AmiBroker User's Guide section "Data management - Importing data from ASCII file". In case of any further questions, comments and suggestions please use customer support page at This page is a detailed guide to finding and downloading historical data such as daily stock prices or index values from Yahoo Finance. Go to Yahoo Finance homepage: finance. At the moment and on my computer it looks like this. It may look a little different on your device, but the key sections will most likely always be there. To access historical data, we need to get to the quote page dedicated to the particular security we are looking for. There are several different ways how we can get to that page. How to Find the Right Symbol on Yahoo Finance Option 1: If it's one of the popular indices like the S&P500 or the Dow, the fastest way is to click on the particular quote shown below the search bar. Option 2: If you know the Yahoo symbol, you can enter it in the search bar. If you don't, just enter the company name, index name or some other relevant phrase. Yahoo will suggest things which you are most likely looking for and usually you will find the right security among the first few options. Just be careful with stocks ? some (especially the most popular ones) are traded on multiple exchanges in different countries. The exchange is shown on the right side of each suggested item. For instance, if you are looking for Microsoft stock as in the screenshot above, Yahoo will suggest the stock traded on NASDAQ (symbol MSFT, which is the one you are probably looking for), but also other issues traded in places like Frankfurt or Amsterdam. These are often traded in different currencies and the market data will be different from what you need. Option 3: If you haven't been successful with symbol search, you can try to find the security by clicking Market Data in the main horizontal menu and selecting the particular category. Option 4 ? the fastest if you know the Yahoo symbol: Type this URL in your browser address bar: Replace "MSFT" with the symbol you are looking for, obviously. Preparing the Historical Data Once you get to the right symbol's main page, it should look like this (I'll continue with the Microsoft stock example): Click Historical Data. Just below the main symbol menu there will be a few options to specify what data you want ? you can adjust the date range, data type (usually you want Historical Prices, which is set by default) and frequency (you probably want Daily, set by default). Don't forget to click Apply if you've made any changes. Then click Download Data, which is highlighted in the following screenshot: The website will offer a CSV file, usually named table.csv, which you can either save to your computer or immediately open. If you know the symbol, you can actually get the CSV file right away without having to interact with Yahoo Finance website ? just by typing the right URL into your browser. The URL is in this format: Again, replace "MSFT" with the symbol you want. It works for most symbols. This file will contain the entire history of daily prices available on Yahoo Finance for that symbol. Yahoo Finance Historical Data Format If you open the CSV in Excel, you can see the data format, which is usually Date, Open, High, Low, Close and Volume and Adjusted Close if applicable. Just a few things to note: Stock trading volume is sometimes very inaccurate. For some indices Volume shows complete nonsense (indices themselves don't have trading volume; the number shown can be the total volume of index components or stock exchange or whatever Yahoo thinks fits there). Adjusted Close is the Close adjusted for dividends, stock splits and similar corporate actions. For some purposes (such as historical volatility calculation) it is more useful than Close, for others Close is more appropriate. For most indices and securities which don't pay dividends Adjusted Close will be the same as Close. The data as provided by Yahoo Finance is sorted from newest to oldest. You will often want it sorted the other way, which is easy to do in Excel. Select all the cells with data and then in Excel main menu choose Data and in the lower menu click Sort. The Sort dialog window will appear, where you can choose to sort the data by Date, Oldest to Newest. Make sure to have the "My data has headers" option checked if you have selected the cells including the first header row. Besides sorting the data as you want, you can of course also delete the columns which you don't need, such as Volume and Adjusted Close. Saving the CSV as XLSX If you primarily do your data analysis in Excel, it is useful to save the file as a standard Excel workbook (xlsx) rather than CSV, because there is not so much you can do (and save) with a CSV in Excel. That's it. Now you have the data ready for further work.

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