Rob Ager

Collative Learning / Rob AgerMarketing questionnaire – November 2015Please note: Although this questionnaire asks a lot of questions (some quite personal), please note that I have not asked for your name or address. The only link between this information and you will be the email address with which you send me the completed form. If this alone causes you concern about your privacy then feel free to use a temporary alternate email address to send the completed form. This will ensure there is no direct connection between you and the answers supplied. Your answers will be collated with other completed forms to help me identify the best ways of improving and marketing my work. Thanks. Rob Ager.Please forward your completed form country do you live in?How old are you?What line of work are you in?What kinds of hobbies do you have?Who are your favourite film directors?Who are your favourite artists?Who are your favourite bands / musicians?Who are your favourite fiction writers?Who are your favourite non-fiction writers?What are your favourite video games?What are your favourite movies?What are your favourite books?What are your favourite TV shows? (Please note these can be older shows not currently being broadcast)Who are your favourite politicians / public speakers?What other websites do you visit most frequently?What other Youtube channels are you subscribed to?What social media do you use?What news sources do you use to keep informed about world events?How would you describe your world views in terms of religion and politics? Are there any political parties or campaign groups / organisations that you support?How trusting are you of the funded mainstream media and our economic / political leaders?What are the social / global / political / economic issues that are of most interest to you?When did you first encounter my work?Had you heard about my work before hand? If so, from who and what did they say? What impressions were you given?What was the first video or article of mine that you viewed / read and what were your first impressions?How long after first encountering my work did you begin viewing / reading my other publications?What do you think are my best articles / videos?Do you only watch my videos, while ignoring my articles?How many of my articles / video have you viewed / read?How do you feel about the frequency with which I post new content?Since first encountering my work have you have you had any periods where you forgot about or lost interest in my work? What was the longest lapse and what resparked your interest?Have my publications had any significant impact on your general perceptions or how you live your life? If so, in what way?Are you subscribed to me on Youtube, and do you find Youtube notifications a sufficient way of keeping informed about when I have uploaded new videos? Do you follow me on Facebook and Twitter? If not, why not?When and where do you tend to view my work and on what kind of device?In a typical single sitting, how much time do you spend exploring my publications?Do you set aside time to access my work? If so, how frequently?Do you wait to be prompted / reminded to access my latest content? If so, what sources do you rely on?How often do you visit my website and which parts of the site do you go to?Are there changes you would like to see to the site?Have you ordered any of my offline material? If so, how many items approximately? If not, why not?Has my new digital download selling system made you more likely to buy my offline material? How have you found the downloading system?If you have purchased my offline work, which items did you find were most worth and least worth the purchase?How many times have you recommended my content to others and which of my content do you most frequently recommend?What kind of feedback have you received from people you’ve recommended my work to? Which articles or videos have they most liked, and did they then view / read more of my content?Have you discussed my work in online forums or other social media? If so, has this given you any insights that might be useful to me?What do you believe are the key traits that differentiate people who are and aren’t interested in my work?Where do you think would be the best places for me to advertise my work?How do you find the pacing, tone, level of detail and amount of external sourcing found in my content generally?How do you find the visual presentation of my videos? Would you prefer more eye candy? Is the technical quality of the footage sufficient for your enjoyment?Do you think I should personally appear in front of the camera more so as to make my videos more personal to the viewer?Have you found that my nationality / accent puts potential new viewers off of my work?Are you aware of the media coverage my work has received over the years and have you found that pointing others to that coverage increases their chance of taking interest in my work?How likely are you to take interest in a video / article I post that relates to a movie or other topic that you are not directly familiar with?What kind of content do you think I should produce that would be most easy for you to share with others?What do you think is the ideal length for my videos to be in terms of your personal enjoyment of them?Are there any other content creators whose work you find similar to mine (please name them) and what useful pointers do you think I could take from their work, if any?If I post both a text article and an audio presentation that are identical in content, which are you more likely to access?When I have post long articles accompanied by shorter video versions of the same content, which are you most likely to access?On a scale 0-10, with zero being totally disinterested and 10 being most interested, how do you rate your interest in the following potential future content from me?(Please insert number after each item and try to avoid just placing 0’s and 10’s as this will make it harder for me to form a hierarchy of most appealing content)Analysis of individual moviesAnalysis of TV showsCross analysis of themes in multiple moviesAnalysis of technical and aesthetic craft in moviesAnalysis of hidden meanings / subliminals in moviesAnalysis of characters, plot and general script writing in moviesAnalysis of films by your favourite directorsAnalysis of specific video gamesCross analysis of themes in multiple video gamesAnalysis of technical and aesthetic craft in video gamesAnalysis of hidden meanings / subliminals in video gamesAnalysis of characters and plot in video gamesMusic analysis Televised news media analysisAnalysis of newspapers and magazinesPolitics / historyCorruption and conspiracyCrime and justicePhilosophyHumour / parody videosShort fiction films made by meIndividual psychology – self-help / how to guidesMass psychologyAnalysis of art and/or animation?Please forward your completed form ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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