Volume 6, Number 10

Volume 13, Number 09 September 2008

The Nugget

The Newsletter of the Mother Lode DX/Contest Club


What:..A new NCDXF Video

Where: Mountain Mike’s Pizza in Martell, CA.

When: Saturday, September 20rd at our regular time (The room is reserved from 11AM-3PM.)


Meeting agenda (Time “suggested”):

11:30 (Pre-meeting Board Meeting as needed)

12:00 Call to order and Agenda Review

12:05 Officer Roll Call

12:08 Old business

• Minutes review and acceptance

• Treasurer report, including presentation of proposed budget or issues

• Committee reports, if any

• Meeting dates (approve/amend)

• Recognition of achievements, milestones and other.

12:30 New business

• New Members?

• Contest planning—CQP and Sweepstakes

• Upcoming DX

• Station Improvements?

• Review action items

13:15 Guest Speaker/presentations:

15:00 Adjourn

Web Pages

I want to thank everyone involved in bringing the new web pages online: . Norm, N6JV, deserves particular mention for making it happen. Thanks, Norm.


I’m fighting for time to bring my station up to speed for CQP and SS this year. Between computer, interface and antenna problems, I seem to have plenty to do. I updated my EZNEC 3 to EZNEC5+ to design a fan dipole for 80m and 40m that will fit within 80 feet by drooping the ends of the 80m element(s). I also need to track down a problem that causes SWR to go infinite when using my SB-200. I have been using a microKeyer for several years, but have not been able to get a DVK working. I finally gave up on what seemed to be a soundcard issue (and especially a problem with my laptop only having a mic and headphone jack) and purchased a new microKeyer II with the built in sound card, only to discover that the problem persists. A complete lack of response from microHam has not added to my pleasure. In the end, it may simply be my old computer that really needs replacement. The DVK may not be essential, but it would save my voice. Hopefully it will all come together by CQP on the weekend of October 4. .


I have now been a ham for all of 6.5 years. That is one-half a solar cycle (on average). My DX aspirations have evolved into a hope for east coast 80m contacts and QSL cards from past contacts. The next DX event on my horizon is the CQ WW DX SSB the end of October, the weekend prior to SS CW. I’m anxiously awaiting some decent sunspots!

While waiting, I’ve been working on my QSL collection, and a few cards have been coming in, including a few from contacts made back in 2002 and 2003. A few of the memorable cards were HH4/W4WX (20m), P29KPH and P29ZAD (both 15m), and VP2MW (10m). 146 confirmed, 192 to go!

Good DX!

Last, but not least, thanks to our Vice President, Shirley AA6K, for filling in for me last month while I made a rare appearance at an NCCC meeting in Truckee. Of course our joint meeting with NCCC counts – but I had a bit more time to mingle at the Truckee meeting and pick up a few good tips for getting my station ready for this coming contest season.

Rich; NU6T@; 916-962-2431


With just a mouse click or two, ARRL members can now access the online QST magazine archive .

This new benefit -- a service of the ARRL Technical Information Service (TIS) -- provides PDF copies of all QST articles from December 1915 through December 2004, enabling members to view and print their favorite article, project and more. For many years, the TIS has provided members with assistance researching ARRL periodicals and publications, as well as providing members and non-members with article reprints for a small fee. Access to the new online digital QST archive is free for ARRL members, and is for their personal use only -- material in the archive may not be freely distributed or copied.

Member news/feedback/Announcements.

In my effort to continue to build up the new station, I now have the first of what will hopefully be four Beverages up. This one is East/West, 300 feet. Seems to be working.

Just got number 100 confirmed on 10 meters via LOTW. That gives me over 100 confirmed on 10/15/20. Currently sitting at 92 on 40 but only about 50 on 80. This is all LOTW. Total LOTW confirmed, mixed mode, 187. Working on that #200! Bob, W1RH

KI6CG/7 Montana had a nice 6 meter run on 12th of August, working 110 contacts in 2 hrs, 17 min. Most contacts were double hop to east coast. George, KI6CG

Dxpedition to three IOTAs:

OC-181 Garove - P29VLR (QSL via SM6CVX)

OC-041 Hermit - P29NI (QSL via G3KHZ) OC-025 Manus - TBA (QSL via K6HFA)


Al, AD6E - Derek, G3KHZ - Hugh, K6HFA - Luis, CT1AGF - Skip, W5GAI

Vacancy: We have one space left on the boat. If you are interested please email G3KHZ

Our trip to P29 (next month) *may* concentrate on low bands, 160 in particular.  I have arranged for a Titanex V160 and a small amplifier to be shipped there. However, shipping costs are significant and we are looking for donations to make this happen.  Do you need P2 on 160???  Let me know.. 73, Al  AD6E

Go to the link below for the DXpedition website with their schedule and all the current info. Good luck Al and crew! (ed)

I completed assembly of my MonstIR tonight. It is mounted to the tilt plate on the top of the tower. Tommorrow I will tilt the tower up and begin initial testing. The MonstIR will be at 110 feet when fully cranked up. I will be speaking on loop antennas at the Pacificon antenna seminar on the Friday before the convention.. Rick N6RK

As os last month, Rich, NU6T, has brought his Challenge score up to 160. With a bit of log checking, Rich has 165 DXCC worked with 146 confirmed, and 410 DXCC Challenge worked, with 336 confirmed. Rich is closing in on 5-band WAS with 47/48/50/50/45 worked 10m-80m and 46/47/50/49/44 confirmed. He is looking forward to CQP and SS to get over the top.de Rich, N6UT (congrats. ed)

Below is a shot of Norm, N6JV’s QTH. He’s in a residential area of Sacramento. On his 60’ of Rohn 25G, Norm has the capability of 10GHz, 903MHz, 6m, + 10-160M, all on one tower! Wow!

How does it all work? Lets just say this, Norm is # 1 honor roll, has achieved 9BDXCC, 5BWAZ and over 2650 band countries confirmed. I would say it all works pretty darn good. Wouldn’t you? For more pictures see Norm’s website at




First I would like to thank Norm, N6JV for his effort getting our “NEW” webpage setup. Don’t forget the new MLDXCC webpage is located at:

Check it out!

As you can see our NEW format will allow photos and I hope all of you will send me some photos of you, your station, your antennas, and anything that you think the club would enjoy seeing. Well, almost anything, (I just I can’t resist saying this) no nude photo’s please! Why? We don’t want of any of our members dying of un-controlled laughter. HI HI

I did play in the first weekend of the 10GHz contest, I friend snapped the photo below at the park-and-ride at Ponderosa and hwy-50, in Shingle Springs (a pretty good microwave spot). In the photo you can see my mighty 625mW rig and 20” dish. Since the photo was taken, and with Norms help, the dish and feed have been replaced with a 30” dish and an improved feed system. I will use the new configuration for the second half of the contest. What was the improvement you ask? 6 dB! Now, don’t you wish you could pick-up 6 dB that easy on your HF system?


The second half of the 10GHz contest is Sept. 20th and 21st, Lyle,K6QG and I will be atop Lawson Peak (thanks to Doug, N6BU for making it happen) prior to our meeting. We hope to be bragging about the DX we have just worked. We will also have our rigs with us, so if your interested, you can see what a 10GHz portable rig looks like.

HF, what’s that? I have not worked anyone HF lately; I hope the propagation gods smile favorably upon us the rest of this year. Or, it’s gonna’ be a damn boring DX season.

Lastly, Ginny, N6RER will operate the CQP from the W6SR QTH. So that will get me off my dead-butt and make sure the station is ready for the DX season and is working FB.

I offer the following with sincere apology to W6CF, Jim Maxwell (sk)


There once was LID named Foliage

Who loved the feeling of high-voltage

One day feeling lazy

He let his fingers go crazy

Which burnt his lazy-ass to a crisp

Enough for now, CU all the 20th………de Rick, W6SR

July 2008 Treasurer’s Report

Balance August 1, 2008 $717.07

Income: Dues 15.00

Expenses: Speaker lunch 8.22

Balance August 31, 2008: $723.85

Carolyn Wilson K6TKD, Treasurer

MLDXCC Meeting Minutes 23 August 2009.

In the Absence of President Rick Hill, NU6T, Vice President Shirley Rose, AA6K called the meeting to order at 12:30 PM. Attending were 11 members and 4 guests.

OFFICER ROLL CALL Officers present were V.P. Shirley Rose, AA6K, Director Dick Wilson K6LRN and Treasurer, Carolyn Wilson, K6TKD.

SECRETARY’S MINUTES AND TREASURER’S REPORT The secretary’s minutes of the July 26, 2008 meeting and the July 2008 Treasurer’s report were approved and accepted as printed in the August Nugget newsletter.

JOINT MLDXCC AND NCCC MEETING There was a general discussion about the meeting held jointly with NCCC in Stockton on July 26. The question was raised regarding a repeat at the same venue next year. Understanding the difficulties of gathering statistics about attendance from one gathering, the consensus was positive with the stipulation that there be more advanced publicity next time. A vote was taken and passed to continue with this plan.

MEETING DATES Review of the dates 9/20, 10/18 and 11/22 revealed a conflict with Sweepstakes so the November meeting was changed to 11/15. There will be no meeting in December.

WEBSITE A discussion was held about the website and webmaster. Several suggestions were made. Our guest speaker Rick, N6RNO said he handles sites for several organizations and he would be glad to work with us on this. He will get in touch with Norm, N6JV who has been talking with Jeff, WK6I.

PRESENTATION Shirley introduced Rick, N6RNO who is the new chair for the CQP contest, scheduled this year for October 4 and 5. He reviewed the contest history and pointed outt counties needing coverage this year. MLDXCC has won this contest for the past 10 years but Redwood Empire DX is right on our heels so get on the air and KB.

Shirley gave us a comprehensive review of the hazards and joys of assembling the STEPP IR, 3 element antenna (with the 30 – 40 add-on). Shirley chose this antenna because it covers 40 through 6, has only a 16 foot boom and weighs only 57 pounds.

His frustration started with the almost 6 month wait between ordering and shipment. He found the instructions to be the worst he has ever seen. He and his son were able to get it assembled and on the air by working a few hours each day for about a month. He gave a number of hints and tips to anyone planning to attempt this project. He is now very happy with the result.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:15 PM.

Carolyn Wilson K6TKD

Stand-in for Secretary


Old Foothill Flea Market

1st Sunday of each month at DeAnza College, intersection of I280 and State Highway 85.  The flea market is going under the name "ASVARA"

Livermore Swap Meet


NCCC Sprint 0230Z-0300Z, Sep 19

ARRL EME Contest 0000Z, Sep 20 to 2359Z, Sep 21

ARRL 10 GHz and Up Contest 0600 local, Sep 20 to 2400 local, Sep 21

Colorado QSO Party 1000Z, Sep 20 to 0400Z, Sep 21

South Carolina QSO Party 1300Z, Sep 20 to 2100Z, Sep 21

Washington State Salmon Run 1600Z, Sep 20 to 0700Z, Sep 21 and 1600Z-2400Z, Sep 21

QCWA Fall QSO Party 1800Z, Sep 20 to 1800Z, Sep 21

Feld Hell Sprint 2000Z-2200Z, Sep 20

144 MHz Fall Sprint 1900 local - 2300 local, Sep 22

NCCC Sprint 0230Z-0300Z, Sep 26

CQ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY 0000Z, Sep 27 to 2400Z, Sep 28

Texas QSO Party 1400Z, Sep 27 to 0200Z, Sep 28 and

1400Z-2000Z, Sep 28

222 MHz Fall Sprint 1900 local - 2300 local, Sep 30

October, 2008

NCCC Sprint 0230Z-0300Z, Oct 3

YLRL Anniversary Party, CW 1400Z, Oct 3 to 0200Z, Oct 5

TARA PSK Rumble Contest 0000Z-2400Z, Oct 4

NCCC Sprint 0230Z-0300Z, Oct 4

Oceania DX Contest, Phone 0800Z, Oct 4 to 0800Z, Oct 5

International HELL-Contest 1400Z-1600Z, Oct 4 (80m) and 0900Z-1100Z, Oct 5 (40m)

California QSO Party 1600Z, Oct 4 to 2159Z, Oct 5

432 MHz Fall Sprint 1900 local - 2300 local, Oct 8

10-10 Int. 10-10 Day Sprint 0001Z-2359Z, Oct 10

NCCC Sprint 0230Z-0300Z, Oct 10

YLRL Anniversary Party, SSB 1400Z, Oct 10 to 0200Z, Oct 12

Oceania DX Contest, CW 0800Z, Oct 11 to 0800Z, Oct 12

Pennsylvania QSO Party 1600Z, Oct 11 to 0500Z, Oct 12 and 1300Z-2200Z, Oct 12

North American Sprint, RTTY 0000Z-0400Z, Oct 12

NCCC Sprint 0230Z-0300Z, Oct 17

ARRL EME Contest 0000Z, Oct 18 to 2359Z, Oct 19

JARTS WW RTTY Contest 0000Z, Oct 18 to 2400Z, Oct 19

Stew Perry Topband Challenge 1500Z, Oct 18 to 1500Z, Oct 19

W/VE Islands QSO Party 1600Z, Oct 18 to 2359Z, Oct 19

Feld Hell Sprint 2200Z-2400Z, Oct 18

50 MHz Fall Sprint 2300Z, Oct 18 to 0300Z, Oct 19

Illinois QSO Party 1700Z, Oct 19 to 0100Z, Oct 20

Run for the Bacon QRP Contest 0100Z-0300Z, Oct 20

ARRL School Club Roundup 1300Z, Oct 20 to 2400Z, Oct 24

NCCC Sprint 0230Z-0300Z, Oct 24

CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB 0000Z, Oct 25 to 2400Z, Oct 26

10-10 Int. Fall Contest 0001Z, Oct 25 to 2359Z, Oct 26

NCCC Sprint 0230Z-0300Z, Oct 31

November, 2008

ARRL Sweepstakes Contest, CW 2100Z, Nov 1 to 0300Z, Nov 3

NCCC Sprint 0230Z-0300Z, Nov 7

WAE DX Contest, RTTY 0000Z, Nov 8 to 2359Z, Nov 9

JIDX Phone Contest 0700Z, Nov 8 to 1300Z, Nov 9

OK/OM DX Contest, CW 1200Z, Nov 8 to 1200Z, Nov 9

Kentucky QSO Party 1400Z, Nov 8 to 0600Z, Nov 9

CQ-WE Contest 1900Z, Nov 8 to 0500Z, Nov 9

NCCC Sprint 0230Z-0300Z, Nov 14

ARRL EME Contest 0000Z, Nov 15 to 2359Z, Nov 16

ARRL Sweepstakes Contest, SSB 2100Z, Nov 15 to 0300Z, Nov 17

Feld Hell Sprint 2100Z-2400Z, Nov 15

Run for the Bacon QRP Contest 0200Z-0400Z, Nov 17

YO International PSK31 Contest 1600Z-2200Z, Nov 21

LZ DX Contest 1200Z, Nov 22 to 1200Z, Nov 23

CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW 0000Z, Nov 29 to 2400Z, Nov 30

> > 425 DX NEWS < < <

13 September 2008 A.R.I. DX Bulletin No 906

5H - Arno, DL1CW is currently active as 5H3AP from Tanzania. Between 22 September and 1 October he will go and operate CW and RTTY from Mafia Island (AF-054). QSL via home call, preferably via the DARC bureau.

9H - Naoyuki, JK1FNL will be active from Malta (requested callsign 9H3F or 9H3FF) on 19-24 September. He plans to operate CW, SSB and RTTY on 40, 30 and 20 metres. QSL via home call. [TNX JK1FNL]

EI - Severe weather and sea conditions have prevented the EJ3HB team (EI4BZ, EI5GM, EI9FBB and G4AXX) from reaching Great Blasket Island (EU-007). Their new destination is Bere Island (EU-121), where they will operate as EJ9FBB, EJ5GM, EJ4BZ and EJ/G4AXX until 14 September. QSL via home calls. Check for updates ER - Celebrating the 600th anniversary of the city of Bendery, special event station ER600B will be active until 8 October. QSL direct only to RW6HS. [TNX RW6HS]

EU - Andrey/EU4AG, Cyril/EW4BY, Igor/EW4DX, Dmitry/EW4IDP and Alexander/EW4KA will be active as EW5WFF from Belarusian nature reserve Belovezhskaya Pushya on 12-14 September. QSL via EW4DX. Information on the "World Flora Fauna" (WWF) award programme can be found at [TNX RW3GW]

FM - Freddy, F5IRO has got a new work assignment on Martinique (NA-107) from 21 September through the end of February 2009. He plans to be active (presumably as FM/F5IRO) in his spare time, typically after 22 UTC and during the weekends. Expect him to operate CW, digital modes and some SSB on 40, 30 and 20 metres. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX F5NQL]

I - A group of operators from the Mediterraneo DX Club (namely Francesco/IK8LTB,Vitaliano/IW8PWO, Antonio/IZ8CCW,Massimiliano/IZ8EPY,Maurizio/IZ8GBQ, Leopoldo/IZ8HXG, Pasquale/IZ8IYX and Domenico/IZ8JAI) will be active as IQ8MD/pfrom Dino Island (EU-144) on 20-21 September. They will operate SSB, RTTY and some CW with three stations on 10-80 metres. Some of the operators are new to pile-ups, so please be patient! All of the contacts will be confirmed automatically via the bureau; direct cards should be sent to IZ8BGY. The web pages for the operation can be found at [TNX IZ8CCW]

I - IQ2IR (QSL via IZ2ELV) plus special callsigns II2UCI (QSL via IZ2DVI) and II2BIN (QSL via IW2KVT) will be aired on 23-28 September for the Union Cycliste Internationale's Road World Championships that will take place in Varese (). Expect activity on 160, 80, 40, 20,17, 15, 12 and 10 metres SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK31. Complete information on the relevant award can be found at (proceeds will be donated entirely to charity). [TNX IZ2DVI]

JA - Look for JF4CAD/1 to operate SSB on the HF bands and 6 metres from To Island (AS-008, JIIA AS-008-013) on 14-15 September. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]

JW - Look for JW7WCA (LA7WCA), JW8BCA (LA8BCA) and JW/LB9UE to be active from Spitsbergen (EU-026), Svalbard on 19-26 September. They will operate on 160-10 metres mainly SSB, with some CW. [TNX NG3K]

KL - Look for Michael, K6UMO/KL7 to be active from several Alaskan islands between 15 and 20 September. He will be on a cruise ship that stops at Kodiak (NA-019), Unga (not IOTA), Unalaska (NA-059), Kiska (NA-070) and Attu (NA-064). He will try to transmit from each island "for as long as the ship is in harbor (and it isn't dinner time)". QSL via home call. [TNX VA3RJ]

OH - Matti/OH1LWB, Hannu/OH1JJO and Jari/OH1BOI will be active as OH1AV/2 from Vormo Island (EU-097) on 12-14 September. QSL via OH1BOI, direct or bureau. [TNX OH1BOI]

OZ - Bernd, DL8AAV will be active as OZ/DL8AAV/p from Laeso Island (EU-088) on 16-27 September. QSL via home call.

T8 - Naito, JF2IWW will be active as T88IW from Koror (OC-009), Palau on 20-28 September. He plans to operate CW , SSB and Satellite on 80-6 metres. QSL via home call. [TNX NG3K]

TY - Sam, F6AML will be active from Benin on 12-24 September (licence to be issued upon arrival). He plans to operate SSB (+/- 3785, 7057, 14235, 18140, 21275, 24944 and 28444 kHz) and CW (+/- 3525, 7025, 10115, 14025, 18071, 21025, 24892, 28025 kHz) with 800 watts with a multiband vertical and an inverted V for 80m. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX NG3K]

W - The various facilities of Rockwell Collins' amateur radio clubs will host a special event on 20-26 September to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the incorporation of Collins Radio. Expect CW and SSB activity from W0CXX (Iowa), N0CXX (Iowa), W5ROK (Texas), W4CRC (Florida) and W6CXX (California), as well as from F6KNZ (Toulouse, France). QSL via operators' instructions. Further information can be found at

CANADIAN IOTA TRIP ---> Reg, VE7IG will be visiting and operating from La Madeleine Islands (NA-038, VE7IG/2), Miscou Island (NA-068, VE7IG/9) and Cape Breton Island (NA-010, CK7IG/1) between 19 September and the end of October. He might go also to Prince Edward Island (VE7IG/VY2). [TNX The Daily DX]

**** GOOD TO KNOW ... ****

CTC ---> The Croatian Telegraphy Club was founded on 12 December 2001 and currently gathers 1770+ members from all over the world. For further information please e-mail ctc@hamradio.hr or visit [TNX 9A3FO]

D9D ---> The 13-18 September IOTA DXpedition to Tok Island (AS-045) [425DXN 903] will have a log search, to be updated on a daily basis, at [TNX DS2GOO]

IOTA QSL CARDS ---> Manuel Fernando, CT1BXX has received a few QSL cards for IOTA contacts made in 2005 and 2006 that cannot be accepted for IOTA credit. Island activators please note that for credit to be given, the QSL cards must meet "normal standards" - this means that the island name should be printed (not handwritten) on the card.

LOGS ---> A log search for the recent R0L/p activity from Opasnyy Island [425DXN 904] can be found at [TNX IK2DUW]

NCDXC ---> The Northern California DX Club () has announced the slate of new officers elected for the 2008-09 term: AE6RR, Craig Bradley (President); W6RK, Risto Kotalampi (Vice President); K6KLY, Russ Bentson (Secretary); WT6X, Jose Picazo (Treasurer); W6EB, Jim Abraham; N6SJ, Steve Jones; K6YP, John Eisenberg (Directors). The NCDXC will be the sponsor of the 2009 Visalia DX Convention. [TNX AE6RR]

PIRATE ---> Tony, IK8VRH says he was not active during his recent visit to Kenya, as he was not able to get the licence. Consequently, all of the QSOs made with the station signing 5Z4/IK8VRH were with a pirate. Tony says he will return at his own expenses the direct cards received so far.

QSL MANAGER SURVEY ---> The survey conducted by The "Golist, QSL Manager List" () to determine the Top 5 QSL Managers (or QSL card handlers) has ended. There were over 200 managers entered by DXers around the world, and the Top 5 ranked by voter choice are W3HNK, G3SWH, IT9DAA,IZ8CCW and NI5DX.

QSL VIA IT9ABY ---> Marcello, IT9ABY says he is still able to confirm contacts made during his activity from Isola delle Femmine (EU-166) in 1994 and 1995.

+ SILENT KEY + Kenth Johansson, SM6DYK passed away on 26 August at 62 years of age. A well known DXer, he was the SK6M Contest Team leader. [TNX SM7BUA]

******* QSL ROUTES *******

5U5U Christian Saint-Arroman, Chemin de Mousteguy, F-64990 Urcuit, France

7L1FPU Kuniyoshi Nakada, PMR9292, 3-23-3, Minami-Oi, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, 140-0013, Japan

7X0RY Frantisek Pubal, c/o Zuzana Rybarova, P.O. Box 109, 11121 Praha 1,Czech Republic

7X4AN Mohamed Boukhiar, P.O. Box 30133, Barcelona 08080, Spain

9V1F1 S.A.R.T.S., Robinson Road, P. O. Box 2728, Singapore 904728,Singapore

DJ7RJ Manfred Willi Przygode, Hoisdorfer Landstrasse 50, 22927 Grosshansdorf, Germany

DL4DBR Teddy Barczyk, Pappelstrasse 34, 58099 Hagen, Germany

E73Y Boris Knezovic, P.O. Box 59, BA-71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina

EL2DX James Alpine, 8800 Monrovia Place, Dulles, VA 20189-8800, USA

ET3AA Ethiopian Amateur Radio Society, P.O. Box 60258, Addis Ababa,


IN3VZE Ely Camin, Corso 3 Novembre 136/2, 38100 Trento - TN, Italy

IO3TTT P.O. Box 1, 33057 Palmanova - UD, Italy

IZ3ETU Carlo Larosi, Via Catullo 25, 35036 Montegrotto Terme - PD, Italy

K4AF Pentagon ARC, P.O. Box 2322, Arlington, VA 22202, USA

PB7CW Theo Koning, Rosa Manusstraat 2, NL-1991SZ Velserbroek, The


SV2DGH Christos Sfyris, P.O. Box 4200, 57019 Perea, Thessaloniki, Greece

SV2HPP Nikos Livadiotis, P.O. Box 10291, 54110 Thessaloniki, Greece

VE2XB Michael Shaer, 4665 Beaconsfield Street, Montreal, QC H4A 2H8,Canada

VE3SRS Ken Halcrow, 1577 Zachary St., Orleans, ON K1C 6C7, Canada

ZA1KP Miftar Fana, P.O. Box 1439, Tirana, Albania

ZB2EO John J. Bautista, 47 Valiant House, Varyl Begg Estate, Gibraltar

ZC4LI Steve Hodgson, 4 Nikolau Michael Street, 5523 Dasaki Achnas, Cyprus

SB PROP ARL ARLP038 Propagation de K7RA, Seattle, WA September 12, 2008

A new sunspot, number 1001, emerged on Thursday, September 11. It is actually a single group with two small magnetic disturbances, and we hope not another like the last sunspot, a weak one barely emerging on August 21-22. It was so small that some observatories didn't count it, but it was a Cycle 24 spot.

August was much ballyhooed as the first time since 1913 that there was a month or more between the most recent sunspot appearances. Actually it was the first time that a whole calendar month went by with no spots. Of course, this doesn't really mean anything more than any other 30 day period with no spots, because the calendar is based on arbitrary beginnings and endings.

The US Air Force predicts a planetary A index for September 12-17 at 5, 8, 20, 12 and 8. Geophysical Institute Prague predicts quiet conditions September 12, unsettled September 13, unsettled to active September 14, unsettled September 15, quiet September 16, quiet to unsettled September 17, and quiet September 18.

John Shannon, K3WWP of Kittanning, Pennsylvania has made it a point to work at least one station a day for over 14 years, so far, using QRP CW and simple wire antennas. He notes that although he can work more DX at solar cycle maximum, propagation on a day to day basis is more reliable at solar minimum because it lacks the extreme geomagnetic storms which appear more often during greater solar activity. See his personal page at, .

Reg Beck, VE7IG of Williams Lake, British Columbia writes that he had a productive 6 meter summer season, including working 20 JA stations from 0113z-0143z on July 12, and 368 6-meter contacts overall from July 8 through August 16. Reg says propagation is great recently, and he has been running pileups of Europeans in the morning on 20 meter SSB and CW. August 26-29 he worked 41-45 stations a day, then 106 on August 30 and 84 on September 3, all in sessions from 20 minutes to less than an hour. Reg is north of 52 degrees north latitude, far enough north that around the Summer Solstice, sunrise to sunset is 1200z to 0421z.

Flavio Archangelo, PY2ZX of Jundiai in northeast Brazil says he has been having good luck with just a 20 meter dipole. Last Saturday, September 6, he worked several EA (Spain) stations around 1830z, then some OZ stations at 2000z. All were loud portable stations working Field Day. Around 1930z he heard DL stations much stronger, also heard HB stations, then signals faded after 2015z, but SM and F stations still heard. If you would like to make a comment or have a tip for our readers, email the author at, k7ra@. For more information concerning radio propagation, see the ARRL Technical Information Service web page at, . For a detailed explanation of the numbers used in this bulletin see, . An archive of past propagation bulletins is at, . Monthly propagation charts between four USA regions and twelve overseas locations are at, . Instructions for starting or ending email distribution of this bulletin are at . Sunspot numbers for September 4 through 10 were 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, and 0 with a mean of 0. 10.7 cm flux was 65.9, 65.2, 65.8, 66.6, 67.1, 67.1, and 67.2 with a mean of 66.4. Estimated planetary A indices were 33, 7, 7, 8, 8, 6 and 4 with a mean of 10.4. Estimated mid-latitude A indices were 17, 7, 7, 7, 9, 4 and 2 with a mean of 7.6.

MLDXCC 2008 Meetings 3rd Saturday (pending contest or other conflicts). Tentative Schedule below:

|October |18 |

|November |22 |

|December |20 |

| | |

Membership Criteria

Membership criteria may be obtained by writing the Secretary/Treasurer at:


PO Box 1073

Pine Grove, CA 95665-1073

The club’s website is:


Information may be reproduced provided credit is given MLDXCC.

2006 Officers of the MLDXCC

President, Richard Hill, NU6T


Vice President, Shirley Rose, AA6K roses@

Director, Dick Wilson, K6LRN


Director, Norm Wilson, N6JV


Director, George Campbell, KG6OJV


Treasurer, Carolyn Wilson, K6TKD


Secretary, Kay Anderson, K6KO


Nugget Editor, Rick Samoian,W6SR samoian@

QSL Manager, Norm Regan, WA6SJQ


Publicity Chairperson, Brandt Woodard, K6BEW. k6bew@

ARRL Awards Checkers

DXCC, Gary Stillwell, KI6T & Ken Anderson, K6TA

ARRL Sixth District QSL Bureau

P.O. Box 970 Fairfax, CA., 94978-0970

Comments or questions on this bureau's operation may be directed to kc6awx@ See the W6 Bureau home page ()


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