KI}IGDOM - Assemblies of Yahweh

The Thousand Year

Messianic Reign on Earth

by Elder Jacob O. Meyer

is a service mark and trademark of Assemblies of Yahweh, Bethel, PA 19507

? 1975, 2020

The Thousand Year

Messianic Reign on Earth

It is truly remarkable to observe

how many of the basic doctrinal

truths of the Scriptures have been

ignored or completely distorted

by denominational Chr-stianity.

Theological interpretations have

supplanted the plain and simple

Truths which were taught by our

Savior and the prophets of old.

Among these distortions of the true

Scriptural message we must place

the doctrine of the Kingdom of our

Heavenly Father Yahweh and its

establishment on this earth. If you

have never learned the importance

of this vital truth, which forms an

integral part of the message of salvation, you are missing one of the

concepts which our Heavenly Father

wishes you to understand.

From childhood almost everyone

is taught that when a man dies, he

goes immediately to heaven and lives

forever with the Savior. However, to

formulate a teaching such as this, a

multitude of Scriptures are ignored

which teach that a righteous government will be established on this

earth. This government will restore

this earth to its Edenic state. This

earth-ruling government will be

headed by our Savior Yahshua the

Messiah at His return and assisting

Him in governing will be the resurrected saints who have overcome

in this life. Let us examine some

of the Scriptures which teach us

these doctrines.

In the first five verses of Isaiah,

chapter 2, is painted a beautiful

picture of an earth at peace and

rest. Men have decided that they

have had their fill of war and have

turned their instruments of hate

and international murder into farming implements. They have decided

that there is no gain in being lawless, making war, and so they have

turned to completely lawful living.

All this has come about through the

intervention of Almighty Yahweh

in world affairs through sending

back to this earth His son, Yahshua

the Messiah, our Savior. On His

return from His Father¡¯s Heavenly

Kingdom, Yahshua our Savior has

established His capital, which is

to be the capital of all the world,

on Mt. Zion in Jerusalem, Israel.

From this central headquarters, He

will rule the world by His righteous

laws. However, in the intervening

years between now and then, there

will be a terrible time of world-wide

trouble, which Yahshua tells us that

if He were not to intervene in the

affairs of men, there would be no

human being left on the face of this

earth. This is what is prophesied in

the latter half of this 2nd chapter

of the book of Isaiah.

In this article, it will be our

purpose to describe the time when

the Kingdom of Yahweh will rule

on this earth. We shall omit a detailed review of the current trends

so evident in our decaying society,

such as the immorality, lawlessness,

perversion, and wickedness on every

hand. We wish to focus our attention to the time ahead, not so many

years in the future, when the earth

will be made new, when an era of

true peace will be established, when

righteousness will be reigning in the

hearts of the people, and this earth

will be restored to the potential for

which it was originally created. Such

an era can be created through the

righteous government of Almighty

Yahweh that He will send directly to

this earth through His son Yahshua

the Messiah.

This Kingdom of the Heavens on

this earth will at that time take over

the reins of World Government that

is depicted in the metallic image of

Daniel 2, and will inaugurate righteous rule for this strife-torn earth.

Let me read to you verse 44 of this

second chapter of Daniel. ¡°And in

the days of those kings shall the

Elah of heaven set up a kingdom

which shall never be destroyed,

nor shall the sovereignty of it be

left to another people; but it shall

break in pieces and consume

all these kingdoms, and it shall

stand forever.¡± What a great advantage will be enjoyed when a stable

government rules over this earth

and there will be no more military

corps, no more governments rising

and falling weekly, as they do now,

to keep the people of the world in a

state of tension, wondering if their

country¡¯s government is to be the

next to fall. We read in Daniel 2:35,

that the stone which crushed the

ten toes became a great mountain

and filled the whole earth. Then

we read in Daniel 7:17-18. ¡°These

great beasts, which are four,

are four kings, that shall arise

out of the earth. But the saints

of the Most High shall receive

the kingdom, and possess the

kingdom for ever, even forever

and ever.¡± If we adhere strictly to

the context of this passage we will

have to admit that the Kingdom

which is going to be governed by

the saints, which will last forever

and ever, will be the Kingdom which

Almighty Yahweh sets up with

Yahshua the Messiah at its head.

The Kingdom will be composed of

the remnants of the governments

that were established by men to rule

this earth. These governments have

allowed themselves to be influenced

by the mighty one of this world,

Satan the Devil. Down through

the annals of history since ancient

Babylon, through the empires of

Media-Persia, Greece, and Rome, the

nations of this world have been in

rebellion against Almighty Yahweh,

just as is prophesied in Psalm 2. In

the end times, worldly government

will culminate in the beast empire

described in Revelation 13, which

will be a latter-day resurrection of

the Roman Empire. When the Kingdom of Yahweh rules supreme, the

kings of the earth will pay homage

to the capital city, New Jerusalem,

and to the king, Yahshua the Messiah, Revelation 21:24. Satan will

no longer be able to influence the

governments of the earth because

he will come to his end in the lake

of fire (Revelation 20:10).

Turn with me in your own Bible

and we shall read together Isaiah

11, verses 1-10. ¡°And there shall

come forth a shoot out of the

stock of Jesse, and a branch out

of his roots shall bear fruit: and

the Spirit of Yahweh shall rest

upon him, the spirit of wisdom

and understanding, the spirit

of counsel and might, the spirit

of knowledge and of the fear of

Yahweh; and his delight shall

be in the fear of Yahweh; and he

shall not judge after the sight

of his eyes, neither decide after

the hearing of his ears; but with

righteousness shall he judge the

poor, and decide with equity for

the meek of the earth; and he

shall strike the earth with the

rod of his mouth, and with the

breath of his lips shall he kill

the wicked. And righteousness

shall be the girdle of his waist,

and faithfulness the girdle of his

loins. And the wolf shall dwell

with the lamb, and the leopard

shall lie down with the kid; and

the calf and the young lion and

the fatling together; and a little

child shall lead them. And the

cow and the bear shall feed;

their young ones shall he down

together; and the lion shall eat

straw like the ox. And the sucking child shall play on the hole

of the asp, and the weaned child

shall put his hand on the adder¡¯s

den. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain;

for the earth shall be full of the

knowledge of Yahweh, as the waters cover the sea. And it shall

come to pass in that day, that

the root of Jesse, that stands for

an ensign of the peoples, to him

shall the nations seek; and his

resting-place shall be glorious.¡±

You will note that the Kingdom

which is coming will be right here

on this very earth and not floating

around in space somewhere. Verse 9

of this 11th chapter of Isaiah states

that the earth shall be filled with

the knowledge of Yahweh as the

waters cover the sea. Verse 4 of

this same chapter states that the

Branch, the rod from the stem of

Jesse, will smite this earth with

the rod of his mouth. Verses 6-8

speak of the changed nature of the

animals which live on this earth.

These animals are to be found on

this earth, not in heaven! Please observe also that children are playing

with the animals whose nature is

naturally ferocious. Certainly, there

is no Scripture which explains that

children will be born in Heaven,

so we can only conclude that the

government which will be ruled

over by Yahshua the Messiah, the

descendant of Jesse, the Millennial

Kingdom, will be on this earth. It

will be a government which will

demand a change of character in

the people and a change of animal


Many people are fond of quoting from the passage of Scripture

in Matthew 5, which we commonly

call the Beatitudes. Most people

read right over this passage and

never seem to see the importance of

verse 5, which states: ¡°Blessed are

the meek: for they shall inherit

the earth.¡± If the earth is going

to be destroyed, as most people

today believe, then this inheritance

which the meek are to receive is a

rather empty promise. We might say

that Almighty Yahweh is playing a

joke on them. They are absorbing

persecution in this world, learning

humility, for a non-existent inheritance. It is time that we began to

read our Bibles and believe what

they say. They have a message

from our Heavenly Father, whose

Name is Yahweh. This message is

not some mysterious jumble which

has to be untangled and interpreted.

The Bible can be read and believed,

literally! When a passage of Scrip-

ture states that the meek shall

inherit the earth, we

can believe this message, because it is

coming from

the lips of


Ya h w e h

who created it.





m a y

open our

Bibles, we

find some

kind of promise to the True

Worshipers. These

promises NEVER refer

to any life floating around

in space, on some cloud playing a

harp. These promises always refer

to a life of everlasting existence in

the Kingdom of the Heavens on this

very earth. This earth will indeed

be the place on which the Millennial

government will be established. We

read in Proverbs 11:31. ¡°Behold, the

righteous shall be recompensed

in the earth: How much more

the wicked and the sinner!¡± How

different this teaching of the Scripture is compared with that which

you may have been taught from a

child! And yet, we can find almost

numerous passages of Scripture

which declare unequivocally that the

earth is to be the reward of Yahweh¡¯s

people. Among them we may refer

to Psalm 115:16, ¡°The heavens

are the heavens of Yahweh; But

the earth has he given to the

children of men.¡± In Psalm 78:69

we read, ¡°And he built his sanctuary like the heights, Like the

earth which he has established

forever.¡± Certainly, this earth will

stand forever and will be the basis

for a righteous government after

it has been rehabilitated. Here is

where the action will be!

Some time ago I sat in an evangelistic service which was being

preached by a rather well known

¡°The heavens

are the heavens

of Yahweh;

But the earth has

he given to the

children of men.¡±

PSALM 115:16

evangelist cousin of mine. In his

message, he was preaching on the

21st chapter of Revelation and, I

might add, making the same kind

of mistakes which are so common

among modern preachers. He stated,

without using any Scriptures to support his theory, that this earth was

going to pass away with some big

bang and completely disintegrate.

Then he stated that we, the saved

ones, would fly off into space to the

heavenly city. Next he read verse

10 which states, ¡°And he carried me away in the Spirit to a

mountain great and high, and

showed me the holy city Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven

from Elohim¡­.¡± I do not interrupt

services which are in progress,

however, I asked myself

just exactly where

this great and

high mountain

was if not on

this earth?

And then


n u m ber two

c a m e

right on

the heels

of this

one. Why

will we fly

away in space

to this city, if it

is depicted as coming down from Yahweh

out of Heaven? Perhaps

my cousin had never read in

Hebrews 11:10 that Abraham was

looking for this city also in his life,

and the city which he was looking

for has foundations. If it was not

going to land on this earth, it surely

would not need foundations. For a

city which will reach up into the sky

for a height of about 1,250 miles,

the foundations would have to be

very well built, and most prominent.

Revelation 21:19-20 bears this out

very well. We read there that there

will be 12 foundations in all, each

built of hard, precious stones.

All Yahweh¡¯s true people, those

who have accepted the Sacrifice of

Messiah for their sins, who have

washed their robes and made them

white in the Blood of the Lamb,

those who remain faithful unto

death, will have a part in this

world-ruling righteous Kingdom.

Let me read to you the 21st verse

of the third chapter of Revelation.

¡°He that overcomes, I will give

to him to sit down with me in

my throne, as I also overcame,

and sat down with my Father in

his throne.¡±

Let us now go also to the fifth

chapter of Revelation, verses 9-10.

¡°And they sang a new song, saying, You are worthy to take the

book, and to open the seals of


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