
Forest Springs NorthPoliciesAs established in the original Neighborhood Covenants and continuing Bylaws, policy and operations for Forest Springs North are set and implemented by an incorporated Homeowner's Association, through its elected Board of Directors. The Board of Directors conducts the business of Forest Springs North. Portions of these policies may be changed, appended or deleted by actions of the Board. The Board of Directors has the following powers and duties: 1. Serve the common good and general welfare of the members of Forest Springs North. 2. Set, assess, levy, and collect the Annual Homeowners' Dues by July 1 of each year, for the fiscal year to follow. 3. Enforce the Neighborhood Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Bylaws by levy of fines, property liens, discontinuation of services and legal action, if-necessary. 4. Adopt and publish rules and regulations governing the use of the Common Area and facilities, and the personal conduct of each homeowner and their families and guests and to establish penalties for any infraction. 5. All other powers and duties as set forth in the Forest Springs North Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions, and Bylaws. 6. The president may appoint a member of the board should there be a vacancy. Any individual not elected during the annual meeting and appointed by the President of the Board will serve at the pleasure of the Board and may be removed with or without cause by a majority vote of the board. The Board may also appoint a member of the Board at such time as there becomes a need or vacancy. An individual who has been elected to the Board may be removed for cause with a majority vote. Cause is defined as, unethical behavior or actions taken by the individual that are not in the best interest of the Homeowners.No individual may serve on the Board of Directors or a Board appointed committee, if they are not a member of the Homeowners Association in good standing. Good standing is defined as, there are no open violations of the deeds and covenants and all financial obligations to the Home Owners’ Association have been met.In order to maintain trust, transparencies and solidarity, ALL Board action requires the majority approval on all matters. Voting my take place in regularly scheduled Board meetings, specially called Board meetings, via email or Texts. Such Board action shall be documented for audit purposes. I. Assessment of Annual Homeowners’ Dues All Forest Springs North residents are required to pay annual homeowners' dues. As of July 1, 2016, annual dues are $325.00. The fiscal year is set from July 1 to June 30. Invoices for dues are sent by Kentucky Realty by early June and due by July 1. If you have not received a bill for your dues by the Second week of June, you should contact Kentucky Realty. Dues are delinquent by August 1. If a resident moves into a home during the fiscal year, it is the resident's responsibility to determine if the dues for their residence have been paid. New residents may contact the Board in writing at the address provided on this website or by sending an e-mail to forestspringsnorth@. II Non-Payment of HOA Dues If the dues remain unpaid a penalty of 1% will be applied to each month the dues remain unpaid. Kentucky Realty will send out monthly statements which will include delinquent dues. If, by February 1, the annual dues for a property have not been paid, the Board of Directors will file a lien against the property and may discontinue basic services. Late fees will be assessed in addition to the late payment penalty for each notice mailed by Kentucky Realty; along with costs for filing of a lien and any subsequent release: it will be the owner’s responsibility to pay for any restoration of basic services.The Board of Directors takes very seriously its obligation to collect annual dues. This is the only income our neighborhood receives. We cannot maintain our budget and manage expenses without our income. We will treat non-payment of dues a serious offense. III. Trash Collection Services The Board of Directors has contracted with Republic Services to provide trash collection services. Trash collection fees will be included in the Homeowners’ Association Dues beginning July 1, 2007. FSN residents must communicate to Republic Services which services they wish to receive. Basic trash collection ONLY will be included in the dues. If you wish to receive recycling or yard waste services, you will need to contact Republic Services at 502-638-9000 to arrange that on an individual basis. Residents who do not pay HOA dues will not receive trash collection services. IV. Enforcement of Neighborhood Covenants and RulesCovenant Non-Compliance Identification – Non Board Members Problem Identification: All referrals of non-compliance by non-board members are to be communicated to the Board in writing (e-mail is acceptable), stating which covenant is at issue, the address of the property involved, date of the issue, and referrer's contact information. As soon as administratively possible after receiving a complaint, the issue will be investigated by a Board member. If it is found to be approved or valid, the Covenant Non-Compliance Process will begin by notifying Kentucky Realty to send a violation notice to the resident. As a matter of privacy, the referring resident will not receive feedback on actions taken. No member of Kentucky Realty will be used to report deed violations within the Neighborhood.Covenant Non-Compliance Identification – Deeds Committee If any Board member determines a resident should receive a deed violation notice from Kentucky Realty, the request should be sent to Kentucky Realty by email with one other Board member included within the email. That second Board member will confirm the violation and respond to Kentucky Realty and initial Board member with their approval or non-approval. Kentucky Realty, after receiving the second Board member approval, will prepare the violation notice and email a copy to both Board members prior to mailing the violation notice to the resident. Resident Covenant Non-Compliance Appeals ProcessIf the homeowner disagrees with the assessment of the deeds committee, the homeowner has 7 days to notify the Board of Directors of such disagreement. After such notification, the remaining board (non-deed committee) members will investigate and the homeowner will be notified of the findings. If the Board of Directors determines that the homeowner is correct, the issue is considered final. If, however, the Board of Directors determines that the deeds committee is correct in their findings, the home ownermust begin to address the non-compliance issueand the Covenant Non-Compliance Process will begin at this time. Covenant Non-Compliance Process Step1: An informal notice, letter and / or e-mail will be sent or placed in the resident’s paper box stating the nature of the non-compliance, the covenant that covers the issue, what is expected for compliance and the time frame for the resident to comply or to provide a written plan of action for compliance to the Board. Minor infractions should be resolved in 3 to 7 days. Larger items should be completed or scheduled within 30 days.Step 2: If the Non-complying resident does not meet the requirements of Step 1, a second informal post card, letter and / or e-mail will follow. The Notice will stipulate the time frame for the resident to comply or to provide a written plan of action for compliance to the Board.Step 3: In the event of a house that has fallen out of compliance, if the Non-complying resident does not meet the requirements of Step 2, a final notice of non-compliance of the boards’ choice will be delivered via US Mail with delivery confirmation. The Notice will stipulate the time frame for the resident to comply or to provide a written plan of action for compliance to the Board. Step 4: In the event of a house that has fallen out of compliance, if the Non-complying resident does not meet the requirements of Step 3 fines will be accessed in the amount of $100 to $250 depending on the nature of the violation. All fines are non-refundable and will be imposed. If within 10 days of the third notice, the fine has not been paid and correction of the problem begun, trash service will be stopped and the fine will begin to accrue daily interest capped at 1% per month until a settlement is reached. If the fine goes unpaid, the Board has the option to file a lien against the property and/or pursue legal action to protect other property owners. If the Board is forced to place a lien or pursue legal action, all costs will be borne by the Resident. Parking This is a clarification of Deed Restrictions II, Section 3.d. There will be no nuisance parking. Nuisance parking is defined by parking overnight for more than 3 days a month or blocking a neighbors garbage cans on the morning of garbage pickup (currently Monday). FSN reserves the right to have cars towed that are violate this policy. Yard sale signs and open house signsThis is a clarification of Deed Restriction II, Section 9. While FSN does have an annual neighborhood yard sale, we do permit residents to have additional individual yard sales, provided they do not become excessive. Yard sale signs and open house signs are permitted to be placed at the entrances of the neighborhood under the following conditions. Yard sale signs and open house signs must be free standing and should be no larger than standard poster board size (36” x 24”). Signs can be placed the day before the event and MUST BE removed by 5pm the day of the event. Signs cannot be taped to any street sign or street light post as it has caused damage in the past. Any damage repair cost incurred as a result of signs taped to street or light post will be billed to the resident. V. Board Meetings The Board of Directors usually meets once a month, on the second Thursday of the month. Board meetings are open to FSN residents while the Board is not in executive session. The Board respectfully requests that residents who wish to attend meetings contact the President of the Board prior to the meeting. VI. Retention of Records The Board of Directors maintains Meeting Minutes from each Board meeting and will make these minutes available at any time to any resident. The Board of Directors maintain financial records and employ an accountant to ensure financial accuracy. These Records may also be disclosed to residents upon written request.VII. Annual Homeowners' MeetingThe Board of Directors will schedule an annual meeting with all Forest Springs North residents. The purpose of this meeting is to review the annual budget and communicate any new and important information. Nominations for the Board of Directors by the nominating committee will be reviewed and the floor will be open for floor nominations, so as to allow elections for the Board during the Annual Meeting. A closed Board of Directors meeting will be held directly thereafter to determine the Board President and Vice President as well as Committee chairman. A summary of the topics presented and the discussion at the Annual Homeowners' Meeting will be available within 1 month after the meeting via the website: . In the event an individual does not have access to the website, a copy may be obtained via email at Forestspringsnorth@.*Policies revised by unanimous action of the Board on 9/20/2017*Policies revised by unanimous action of the Board on 6/07/2018*Policies revised by unanimous action of the Board on 11/7/2018*Policies revised by unanimous action of the Board on 3/14/19 ................

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