YEAR 10 ICT TIME: 1h 30min

DEPARTMENT FOR CURRICULUM, RESEARCH, INNOVATION AND LIFELONG LEARNING Directorate for Learning and Assessment Programmes Educational Assessment Unit

Annual Examinations for Secondary Schools 2018



TIME: 1h 30min

Name: _____________________________________

Class: _______________

Answer ALL questions. Questions 1 to 4 are about Computer Essentials 1. Label the following software as Operating System or Application Software

[10 marks] 2. Using some of the above software titles complete the following exercise:

i. A program used to analyse and summarise numerical data:

ii. A program used to send instant messages:


A program used to organise and manage large quantities of data:


A program used to create slides to be displayed to a group of people:

v. A program used to create and edit documents:

vi. A program used to send electronic messages:

[6 marks]

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3. When users buy software they are duty bound to use it according to the conditions set out in the EULA.

a. What does the abbreviation EULA stand for?

________________________________________________________________. [1 mark]

b. Match the following types of licences to the descriptions listed below:



Open Source


Trial Version


The rights of the software are owned by an individual or business, usually a software developer.

The programmer creates a program and makes it available for others to use without cost. Other ii. programmers are also free to modify the source code and redistribute the modifications to users and developer community.

iii. Try before you buy software.

A free of charge software on which the author retains iv. the copyright. Usually, the author allows people to use

the software, but not sell it.

A free of charge copyrighted software, but which v. requires users to make a contribution in order to receive

technical help, documentation or upgrades.

[5 marks]

4. A network consists of a group of computers and other peripherals connected to each other.

List two important purposes of a network:

i. ________________________________________________________________

ii. ________________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

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5. Use the following terms to fill in the blanks:

wireless Kbps

data transfer rate


ISPs Intranet

instant messaging downloading


i. _________________________ is an Internet service that enables you to communicate using voice with another person/s.

ii. An _________________________ is a website accessible only by the organisation's members, employees or other people with authorisation.

iii. A private network that uses the Internet to connect remote sites or users together. Businesses often use it to communicate across multiple locations

iv. The _________________________ is commonly used to measure how fast data is transferred from one location to another.

v. ________________________ are companies that provide Internet service to users and other companies.

vi. _________________________ is an Internet service that enables communication using text with another person/s. The communication is real time using text instead of voice.

vii. The transmission speed of data is calculated in _________________________.

viii. _________________________ refers to the transfer of data from a local computer to a server.

ix. Students can get past-papers and other files from their respective school website. This transfer of data from a server to a local computer is referred to as _________________________.

x. _________________________ networks must be protected using a password.

[10 marks]

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6. Answer the following questions: a. The phone line can be used for broadband connection. List two (2) different

options for connecting to the Internet i. _____________________________ ii. ________________________________

b. Apart from download speed, list two (2) more important considerations when selecting an Internet service/subscription

i. _____________________________ ii. ________________________________

c. It is important that passwords are not shared with friends. List two (2) more good password policies

i. _____________________________ ii. ________________________________

d. Some type of software required frequent updating. List two (2) such software which needs to be updated regularly

i. _____________________________ ii. ________________________________

e. All computer users should be aware of environmental friendly guidelines related to the use of computing facilities. List two (2) energy-saving practices

i. ________________________________________________________________ ii. ________________________________________________________________

f. In terms of computers and printers, list two (2) items that can be recycled i. _____________________________ ii. ________________________________

g. People with special needs make use of specific hardware and software to help them work on a computer. List one (1) option which can help improve accessibility

i. ________________________________________________________________

[1 mark each ? 13 marks]

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The following questions are about spreadsheets 7. Look carefully at the diagram below, and answer the following question:

The manager of a company is working out the wages of his employees. If an employee works for more than 40 hours a week, he/she is entitled to overtime. Write down the function, the manager should use in cell H3, to output "Overtime" or "No overtime" accordingly.

____________________________________________________________________ [5 marks]

8. Write True or False next to the following statements about Microsoft Excel.

i. A filename can include a number as part of the name. ii. A number of workbooks grouped together form a worksheet. iii. To select adjacent cells you should use the SHIFT key. iv. To modify the User Preferences, you must click on File, Options. v. A Microsoft Excel file can only be saved as an Excel file.

True or False [5 marks]

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