11th English Paper 1 Half Yearly Exam Answer Key 2017 ...


Thanjavur District


PART A(20 Marks)

Choose the correct options:

1. Outstanding

2. Be enough

3. Ability

4. Free

5. Common

6. Small

7. Daughter

8. Ac-ti-vi-ty

9. Central processing unit

10. Radio detection and ranging

11. Noun + Noun

12. White wash

13. International + Police

14. Specs

15. Genune

16. One who studies birds

17. Suffer quietly

18. Oppose

19. Carried out

20. Employment.

PART B (14 Marks)

I Appreciation Questions

21. a) The distance that travels in one year

b) hop ?stop

22 a) three

b) eager eye and willing ear

23 a) love

b) metaphor

24 a) an edible fish

b) metaphor

25 a) nightingale

b) welcome ? weary

26 a) no

b) we should be best

II Rewrite the sentence: 27. One day Harold Abbott saw a man who had no legs 28. The teacher advised the students not to waste their time. 29. Trying to imitate others, many people make themselves miserable. 30. Play well or you will not be selected.

PART C (21 Marks) I Answer the following. 31. Her dream came true in 1996, she became the mission specialist on STS 87 Columbia. It was

a 16 day mission 32. The first step to success is to set our goals clearly.

P.T. BASKAR, P.G Asst in English, GHSS, Swamimalai.

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33. Antony should repay the money within three months, otherwise Shylock would cut a

pound of flesh from Antony's chest.

34. Mercy blesses the giver and receiver. It makes both of them happy. So it is twice blessed.

35. Kesavan Nair cultivated fifty para paddy fields.

36. Professor Rinaldi was an Italian. He was a man of great learning. He had an artistic



37. Poem: Off To Outer Space Tomorrow Morning.

Poet : Norman Nicholson

38. Poem: The Solitary Reaper

Poet : William Wordsworth

39. Poem : Is Life But A Dream?

Poet : Lewis Carroll

40. Poem : Be the Best

Poet : Douglas Malloch

PART D ( 35 Marks)

41 Prose Paragraph

42 Poetry Paragraph

43 a) I congratulated him of his victory

b) If you are late again you will be punished

c) Neither Ajay nor Arun is present today

d) My father gave me a lot of advice

e) Please give me a one rupee coin

Correct and Edit the passage

Kalpana Chawla carved an identity for herself in an otherwise men's domain. She will always inspire many young women as she has paved the way for them to dream to think behind horizons and reach for stars. 44. Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition

1) to 2) of 3) of 4) with 5) over

Fill in the blanks with suitable tense

1) are 2) keep 3) happened 4) had 5) greeted

45 Identify the semantic field

a) Health

b) Sports

c) Agriculture d) Nutrition & Dietetics d) Travel

Complete the news items

3) independence

4) teach

5) creative

48. American English

a) vacation - holiday

b) cookies - biscuit

c) trucks - lorries

d) apartment - flat

e) druggist - chemist

Form Derivatives

a) hopeful - hopeless b) magician - magical c) peaceful - peaceless

d) employer - employee

e) kindless ? kindest

47 Modal/Quasi ? modal

a) May

b) would

c) can d) need e) used to

b) Homophones: diary - dairy

P.T. BASKAR, P.G Asst in English, GHSS, Swamimalai.

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