YEAR 9 SCIENCE – Light and SoundNAME: _______________________Paralowie R-12 SchoolINTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMESUnderstand that the electromagnetic spectrum is made up of different forms of light which differ by their wavelength.Understand the Law of ReflectionUnderstand the structure and function of the human eye.Understand that light refracts when it passes from one transparent substance to another.Answer the following questions which cover the topics from the past 3 weeks. You may use your textbook, any note-booking and may discuss quietly with the people around you to help you answer the questions.The scale that shows all the different types of light waves is called the:Electroradiation SpectrumWavelength SpectrumElectromagnetic SpectrumRadiation SpectrumThe wavelength of a wave is:The length of the entire waveThe distance between the wave and the light sourceA made up numberThe distance between successive crests of a waveThe part of the eye that is a ring of muscle and causes the size of the pupil to change is called the: CorneaIrisLensRetinaBelow is a diagram of a light ray striking a flat mirror. Draw the normal and the light ray that is reflected off of the mirror.Show where the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection are.Write a definition for the word transparent and provide two examples of transparent objects.Draw a labelled diagram of a human eye. Be sure to include the cornea, retina, optic nerve, pupil, lens and iris.When light passes from one transparent substance to another, it bends and changes direction. This bending of light is called refraction.True or false: when light refracts, the angle of incidence is the same as the angle of refraction.Light travels different speeds in different substances. Explain why this occurs.Amy is playing a game of pool. She has one ball left (the 8-ball) and wants to get it in the bottom-left pocket but her opponent’s balls are in the way for a straight shot. Using what you know about the Law of Reflection, explain how Amy could get her last ball into the pocket. Mark on the diagram the path that both the cue ball and the 8-ball would take.A satellite dish is found on top of a house and is often needed to receive internet signals from space. It is made up of a concave surface and a detector. The detector is placed on an arm that stretches out from the centre of the dish (shown on the diagram) to collect the signals that reflect off the concave dish. If the satellite was only made up of the detector and no concave dish, it would be difficult to line up the signals so they hit the detector perfectly. On the concave surface below, show how signals that hit the surface in straight lines are reflected.Explain why the concave dish is needed to help the signals reach the detector. ................

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