Ark Victoria Academy

?Year 9 Science Mastery Home Learning PackThis Pack is designed for 10 hours worth of learning.What does this mean? You will be revising the topics that you have been taught so far. These include:Cell biologyAtomic structure and separating techniquesPeriodic tableEnergy, work and power (conservation and dissipation)Organisation: animals the digestion systemOrganisation: animals and plantsFor each topic, use the resources in this pack. What do I need to know for these units? See the knowledge organisers and the flashcards given to you already, If you have access to the textbook on Kerboodle, use that too.Which words do I need to understand and use? Task: Go through all the knowledge organisers and flashcards and pick out the keywords. Add these to your glossary with a definition and use each one in a sentence. You might be able to use several words in one sentence.)What do I need to know about these topics?Once you have completed your learning, complete the questions included in this pack in worksheets How can I show that I understand this really well?Complete the activities. Check your answers using the guidance provided.Send your completed work back to your teacher for further feedback.?BiologyLesson 1B1 Cell structure and transport – Aiming for Grade 6 AimsYou should be able to: ?name and describe the function of cell features?describe how specialised cells are adapted to their function ?describe how substances move in and out of cells. Learning outcomesAfter completing this activity, you should be able to:?label the main parts of a plant and animal cell and describe their functions ?describe how cells are adapted to carry out their specific function ?describe how substances are transported in and out of cells.TaskLabel each cell diagram correctly.1…………………………………………………2…………………………………………………3…………………………………………………4…………………………………………………5………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Give the function of each cell part.(8 marks)Cell membraneChloroplastCell WallVacuoleCytoplasmNucleusMitochondriaRibosomesFill in the table to explain the function and special features of some specialised cells.(4 marks)Type of cellFunctionSpecial featuresRoot hair cellFat cellType of cellFunctionSpecial featuresCone cellXylem cellsCells need to move substances in and out. Water often moves across cell boundaries by osmosis. Dissolved substances also need to move in and out of cells. The two main ways this happens are by diffusion and active transport. Describe each of these three processes. aDiffusion(2 marks)bOsmosis(2 marks)cActive transport(2 marks)Explain how the organs of organisms are adapted to improve the efficiency of gas exchange. (4 marks)left47685700Lesson 2 B2 Cell division – Aiming for Grade 6AimsThe aim of this lesson is to help you revise the main topics in this chapter. By the end of this lesson you should be able to describe what happens in each stage of the cell cycle. You should know the differences between animal and plant cell differentiation. You should also know what stem cells are and the arguments for and against stem cell research.Learning outcomesAfter completing this activity, you should be able to:describe cell division by mitosisdescribe the differences between differentiation in animal and plant cellsstate arguments for and against stem cell research.Task 1 The cell cycleDraw a flow chart showing what happens at each stage of the cell cycle. Use diagrams to help you. Try to include the following words:Stage 1 – DNA, chromosome, sub-cellular structuresStage 2 – nucleus, chromosomes, protein fibresStage 3 – cytoplasm, cell membrane, daughter cellsAnimal and plant cell differentiationIn pairs write down the names of as many specialised cells as you can think of. Swap with your neighbour pair. Did they get any that you didn’t? The boxes describe some features of differentiation in plant and animal cells. Cut out the boxes and sort them into animal differentiation or plant differentiation. There are some blank boxes to see if you can think of any more features.Once you have checked that you have sorted your boxes correctly, stick into your books with the headings “differentiation in animals” and “differentiation in plants”.specialise early in lifemitosis is used for growth throughout lifeonly differentiate when cell has reached final positiondifferentiation is permanentmitosis is only used for repair in mature organismssome differentiated cells cannot dividedifferentiation is not permanent, on a sheet of paper draw around a pair of hands. On one hand write all the arguments for stem cell research and on the other hand write all the arguments against stem cell research. You may use your student books to help you.Discuss in your pair if you think stem cell research should take place. left72403300Lesson 3 B3 Organisation and the digestive system – Aiming for Grade 6AimsThe aim of this lesson is to help you revise the main topics in this chapter. By the end of this lesson you should know the names and functions of parts of the digestive system. You should also be able to describe how temperature affects enzyme action.Learning outcomesAfter completing this activity, you should be able to:state the names and functions of the digestive systemdescribe the effects of temperature on enzyme activity.Task 1 You will be identifying the names and functions of the parts of the digestive system. 2 You will be using maths skills to investigate the effect of temperature on enzyme action. Questions/task outputThe digestive system.Label the following diagram with the names of the parts of the digestive system.b Draw a table showing all the parts of the digestive system and their functions.A student carried out an experiment on the effect of temperature on enzyme activity. The table shows their results.temperature (°C)enzyme activity (arbitrary units)0010020153035405050556012700800aPlot a graph of the results on the paper below the questions. b i Describe the effect of increasing temperature on enzyme activity.………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………ii What is the optimum temperature of this enzyme?………………………………………………………..iii State all the temperatures that the enzyme does not work at.………………………………………………………..iv Can you suggest a reason why enzymes would not work at these temperatures?………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Lesson 4 B4 Organising animals and plants - Aiming for Grade 6left23434300AimsThe aim of this lesson is to help you revise the main topics in this chapter. By the end of this lesson you should know the names of parts of the heart and the names, structure and function of the blood vessels. You should also state what factors affect transpiration and how they affect it.Learning outcomesAfter completing this activity, you should be able to:state the names of parts of the heart.state the names and describe the structure and function of the blood vessels.state the factors that affect transpiration.describe how light intensity affects transpiration.Task The heart.Label the diagram below. You can use your student books to help you.bLook up a picture of an artery, vein, and a capillary. Use the information to complete a table to show the differences in structure and function. Include columns for the thickness of the walls, lumen, what the walls are made of and the functions of the blood vessels.2 aA student wanted to carry out an investigation to see how light intensity affected transpiration. Plan an investigation. Use the following headings to help you:Aim – what will you investigateList of equipmentDiagram of equipmentVariable that you will changeVariables that you will controlMethodTable of resultsbWrite a prediction for this investigation.……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………… cWhat other factors would affect this investigation and how would they affect it?……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Lesson 5 Checkpoint 1 Target 6035242500Aims In this activity you will revise the main ideas in Chapter C1 Atomic structure.Learning outcomescomplete the spider diagram showing the key ideas from this chapteradd your own pictures and bullet points to show the links between these ideas.TaskThe outline of a spider diagram on the following page shows the main ideas in this chapter. The spider diagram is split into eight sections – one for each of the double page spreads in your student book. Complete the diagram to show the key information from this chapter. Try to include some pictures and different colours in your spider diagram. Think about how the key ideas link together and try adding some arrows to link the topics together. Lesson 6 and 7 C2 The periodic tableleft19301200 Aims In this activity you will be able to revise the main ideas in Chapter C2 The periodic table. Learning outcomesAfter completing this activity, you should be able to:complete the revision cards showing the key ideas from this chapteradd your own pictures and ideas to your cards.TaskOn the following page there is a set of revision cards showing the main ideas in this chapter. There is one card for each of the double page spreads in your student book. Complete each card to show the key information from this chapter. Try and include some of your own information to each card. Add pictures and use different colours to make the cards more interesting.C2.1 Development of the periodic tableC2.2 Electronic structures and the periodic tableDaltonNewlandsMendeleevIn the modern periodic table the elements are C2.3 Group 1 – the alkali metalsC2.4 Group 7 – the halogensGroup 1 metals react with waterThe reactivity of Group 1 metals The reactivity of Group 7 elements Displacement reactionsC2.5 Explaining trendsC2.6 The transition elementsGroup 1 metals get more reactive down the group because Group 7 non-metals get less reactive down the group becauseThe transition metals have typical metals properties.They also:They are less reactive thanLesson 8 to 10 P1 Conservation and dissipation of energy – Aiming for Grade 6right18922900AimsYou will complete investigations into balls that bounce and/or balls that make craters in sand.Using liquid and coins, you will model processes where energy is transferred from one from to another. You will practise calculations involving gravitational potential energy, kinetic energy, elastic potential energy, work done, power, and efficiency. You will consider situations where energy is wasted, and how that situation links to the idea of dissipation.You will analyse data about different types of lamps.Learning outcomesAfter completing this activity, you should be able to:describe processes in terms of energy stores, and transfersdo calculations involving gravitational potential energy, kinetic energy, elastic potential energy, work done, power, and efficiency; including changing the subject of an equation.SafetyClear up any spillages of the liquid so they do not cause a hazard.EquipmentPart 1Bouncy ballsTray of sandMetre rulerDigital balance (to measure mass of balls)Graph paperPart 2Four 250?ml beakersColoured liquidPieces of card, about 8?cm ? 3?cm to use as labelsElastic bands to secure labels to beakersCoins or countersPart 3CalculatorTaskPart 1: Energy conservation and calculationsWhen you drop a ball on the floor it bounces, but when you drop it into sand it makes a crater. Choose one of these investigations, or complete both if you have?time.ADesign an investigation to find the percentage of gravitational potential energy transferred to the surroundings on each bounce of a ball on the floor. You will need to do the following:drop the ball from different heights onto the floorfor each drop height, calculate the initial energy in the gravitational potential store of the ballmeasure the height of the first bouncecalculate the energy in the gravitational potential store of the ball after the first bouncefind the difference between the initial gravitational potential energy and the gravitational potential energy after the first bouncework out the percentage of initial gravitational potential energy that is transferred to the surroundings by the first bounce: divide the amount of energy the ball has lost, after the first bounce, by the initial energy in the gravitational potential store, and multiply by 100%plot a graph showing the percentage of energy in the gravitational potential energy store that is transferred to the surroundings, against height of drop.You could extend the investigation by repeating the experiment on different surfaces.BDesign an investigation to find the relationship between the drop height of a ball and the diameter of the crater that it makes in sand. You will need to do the following:drop the ball from different heights onto a tray of sandfor each drop height, calculate the initial energy in the gravitational potential store of the ball measure the diameter of the crater formed in the sandplot a graph showing the diameter of crater against gravitational potential energy.You could extend the investigation by calculating the volume of the crater.You will need to devise appropriate methods to measure the height of the bounce (for both A and B) and the diameter of the crater (for B only).Part 2: Modelling energy transfer and dissipationModelling is a very useful way to understand what is happening in a process where you cannot see the detail of what is happening. You could model a ball falling to the ground like this:Step 1: Identify the store that has more energy at the start point – that is, before the ball is dropped.At the start there is more energy in the gravitational store.Step 2: Identify the store that has more energy at the end – that is, just before the ball hits the ground.At the end there is more energy in the kinetic store.Label beakers with the stores: gravitational and kinetic. Pour the liquid into the one at the start. Then transfer the ‘energy’ to the store at the end.Think which other stores might fill up as well. There is air resistance, so you could pour a little of the ‘energy’ into a third beaker labelled ‘thermal store of the surroundings’ too.AUse the method described above to model energy transfers in the two experiments in Part 1 of the Task.BAnother way of modelling energy transfer is to use coins or counters to represent small ‘units of energy’. Work out a way to model energy transfers in a process or device by just using the coins or counters.Part 3: Power and efficiencyLight bulb technology has improved considerably over the last 20 years. Many objects like traffic lights now use LEDs.AThe table shows the input power of three types of lightbulb at different light intensities. Draw a suitable graph to display the data. Light intensity in lumensPower of incandescent light lamp in WPower of CFL (energy saving) light lamp in WPower of LED light in W45040107.5800601510.01400752014.018001002518.028001504516.0QuestionsPart 1: Energy conservation and calculationsList the different types of energy store, and ways of transferring energy between stores.(2 marks)aDescribe what is meant by ‘work’ in science.(1 mark)bCompare the final energy stores between a ball which is dropped above the floor and bounces back to a portion of its original height, and another ball which is dropped and makes a crater in the sand below.(3 marks)cCompare the work done, both for the ball which is dropped above the floor and bounces back to a portion of its original height, and for the other ball which is dropped and makes a crater in the sand below.(6 marks)dIf you completed the investigation into the bouncing ball:Describe and explain the shape of the graph showing percentage of energy transferred to the surroundings against height of drop.(6 marks)eIf you completed the investigation into the craters:Describe and explain the shape of the graph of diameter of crater / volume of crater against gravitational potential energy.(4 marks)A student drops a spring onto the ground and the spring compresses. Energy is stored in a spring that is extended or compressed. The mass of the spring is?0.25?kg and the spring constant of the spring is 1?kN/plete the table.(6 marks)Start by calculating the gravitational potential energy.Think what has happened in terms of energy at the point where the spring is compressed.You will need to use the equation:elastic potential energy (Ee) ? ? spring constant (k) ? extension2 (e2).and change the subject of the equation to extension.Height dropped from in mGravitational potential energy, Ee in JElastic potential energy, Ee in JCompression of spring in m1.000.500.25State an assumption that you have made.(1 mark)Part 2: Modelling energy transfer and dissipationDescribe how you modelled energy with the coins.(3 marks)For all of the processes that you modelled some energy ends up in the surroundings.Name two processes that transfer energy to the surroundings.(2 marks)Explain why energy transferred to the surroundings is ‘dissipated’.(1 mark)Explain why the energy in the chemical store of the petrol in the fuel tank of a car that takes you to school is eventually dissipated.(3 marks)Part 3: Power and efficiencyWrite down two equations that you can use to calculate power.(2 marks)aComplete the table by calculating the power. (2 marks)DeviceEnergy in kJTimePowershower601 minuterefrigerator4.81 daylow-energy lamp2527 hourshairdryer57612 minutesbComplete the table and calculate the efficiency.(4 marks)DeviceUseful energy in JWasted energy in JTotal energy in JEfficiencylight bulb525kettle5002000television25002500car100400cExplain how you knew how to complete the middle three columns of the?table.(2 marks)Look at the graph that you plotted for Part 3 of the Task. Suggest and explain a link between the graph and the efficiency of each lamp.(2 marks)Answers1a(5 marks)1Cell membrane2Mitochondria3Cytoplasm4Nucleus5Ribosomes1b (8 marks)6Cell wall7Cell membrane8Cytoplasm9Mitochondria10chloroplasts11Nucleus12Ribosomes13Vacuole2(8 marks)Cell membraneControls what goes in and out of the cell.ChloroplastAbsorbs light energy to make food by photosynthesis.Cell WallMade of cellulose, strengthens the cell and gives it support.VacuoleFilled with cell sap. Keeps the cell rigid to support the plant.CytoplasmA liquid gel in which most of the chemical reactions needed for life take place.NucleusControls all the activities of the cell.MitochondriaRelease energy during respiration.RibosomesWhere protein synthesis takes place.1 mark for each correct row. Type of cellFunction Special featuresRoot hair cellAbsorbs water from the groundHas a projection which gives it a large surface area to collect waterFat cellStores fat as an energy supplySmall amount of cytoplasm and a large amount of fat. Few mitochondriaCone cellDetect colourContain a pigment that changes chemically in coloured light. Has a specialised synapse that connects to optic nerveXylem cellsTransport of water throughout the plantSpirals of lignin withstand the pressure of water moving up through the plantaThe net movement of particles of a gas or solute (1)from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. (1)bThe net movement of water (1)from an area of high concentration (of water) to an area of low concentration (of water). (1)cThe movement of substances against a concentration gradient/or across a cell membrane(1)using energy. (1)large surface area that provides a big area over which exchange can take place(1)thin membrane or being thin to provide a short diffusion path(1)efficient blood supply that moves the diffusing substances away from the exchange surfaces and maintains the concentration (diffusion) gradient(1)keep the area of gas exchange well ventilated, which makes has exchange more efficient by maintaining steep concentration gradients(1)B2 Cell divisionStage 1 – DNA replicates, number of sub-cellular structures increaseStage 2 – nucleus divides, chromosomes line up in the centre of the cell, chromosomes pulled to opposite ends of the cell, mitosisStage 3 – cytoplasm divides, new cell membrane forms, two identical daughter cells form(i) Stem, (ii) Both, (iii) Differentiated, (iv) Differentiated, (v) Stem, (vi) BothFor Against Stem cells were first discovered in 1978. Stem cells are unspecialised and can turn into any other type of body cells. It is thought that eventually we will be able to use stems cells to be able to replace faulty cells that cause diabetes and to replace nerve tissue damaged in accidents.Research is still at the early stage and much more research is needed to find out how stem cells can be made to differentiate. At present stem cells can only be extracted from early embryos or adult bone marrow. Many people disagree with the use of embryos for religious or ethical reasons. Using adult stem cells carries the risk of transfer of disease. Stem cell research has been slow and expensive but there have been some successes. Stem cell research has been used to successfully treat people suffering with macular degeneration.The future of stem cell research is unclear. The government has spent a lot of money on stem cell research already without many results. Many people object to the research. However some conditions have already been successfully treated with stem cells and small breakthroughs are being made all the time. Scientists are currently working on using stem cells to treat type 1 diabetes. Eventually it is hoped that stem cells could be used to treat everything from dementia to paralysis.Stem cells were first discovered in 1978. Stem cells are unspecialised and can turn into any other type of body cells. It is thought that eventually we will be able to use stems cells to be able to replace faulty cells that cause diabetes and to replace nerve tissue damaged in accidents.Research is still at the early stage and much more research is needed to find out how stem cells can be made to differentiate. At present stem cells can only be extracted from early embryos or adult bone marrow. Many people disagree with the use of embryos for religious or ethical reasons. Using adult stem cells carries the risk of transfer of disease. Stem cell research has been slow and expensive but there have been some successes. Stem cell research has been used to successfully treat people suffering with macular degeneration.The future of stem cell research is unclear. The government has spent a lot of money on stem cell research already without many results. Many people object to the research. However some conditions have already been successfully treated with stem cells and small breakthroughs are being made all the time. Scientists are currently working on using stem cells to treat type 1 diabetes. Eventually it is hoped that stem cells could be used to treat everything from dementia to paralysis.Aiming for Grade 62 bdifferentiation in animals:specialise early in life, differentiation is permanent, some differentiated cells cannot divide, mitosis is only used for repair in mature organisms.differentiation in plants:differentiation is not permanent, mitosis is used for growth throughout life, only differentiate when cell has reached final position.B3 Organisation and the digestive system 2 a(i) 50 °C (ii) 0 °C , 10 °C, 70 °C and 80 °CAiming for Grade 62 b iAnswer to include:Increasing enzyme activity with increasing temperature until its optimum followed by a decrease in enzyme activity.(ii) 50 °C (iii) 0 °C , 10 °C, 70 °C and 80 °C(iv) Temperature too cold for enzymes to function at 0–10 °C and enzymes denatured at 70–80 °Cdifferentiation is not permanent, mitosis is used for growth throughout life, only differentiate when cell has reached final position.B4 Organizing animals and plants – Teacher notes1 aCorrectly labelled heart diagram. bCompleted table of the structure and function of blood vessels.2There are no set answers to this question. You may need to give individual feedback.ChemistryC1 Atomic structureC2 the periodic tableC2.1 Development of the periodic tableC2.2 Electronic structures and the periodic tableDalton placed the elements in order of atomic weight.Newlands produced the law of octaves when he noticed similarities between every eighth element.Mendeleev placed the known elements into a table.He left gaps for elements that hadn’t been discovered and made detailed predictions about them.Mendeleev swapped the order of some elements so that elements with similar properties were in the same group.In the modern periodic table the elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number.Metals are found in the middle and on the left of the periodic table. Non-metals are found on the right of the periodic table.The number of electrons in the outer shell of an atom shows the group of the periodic table an element belongs to.C2.3 Group 1 – the alkali metalsC2.4 Group 7 – the halogensLithium, Li, sodium, Na, and potassium, K, belong to Group 1.Group 1 metals are also known as the alkali metals.The reactivity of Group 1 metals increases down the group.Group metals react with water to make a metal hydroxide and hydrogen.Sodium + water → sodium hydroxide + hydrogenFluorine, F, chlorine, Cl, bromine, Br, and iodine, I, belong to Group 7.Group 7 is also known as the halogens.Group 7 elements get less reactive down the group.Halogens undergo displacement reactions:Chlorine + potassium bromide → bromine + potassium chlorideC2.5 Explaining trendsC2.6 The transition elementsGroup 1 metals get more reactive down the group because: the atoms get largerthere is more shielding the outer electron is lost more easily.Group 7 non-metals get less reactive down the group because: the atoms get largerthere is more shieldingit gets harder to add an electron.The transition metals or transition elements have typical metal properties. They are hard, strong, and good electrical and thermal conductors. They also:form coloured compoundsare good catalystsForm ions which have different charges e.g., Fe2+ and Fe3+They are less reactive than the alkali metals.P1 Conservation and dissipation of energyPart 1: Energy conservation and calculationsStores: chemical, gravitational potential, kinetic, elastic, thermal;(1 mark)transfer methods: an electric current, using a force / doing work, heating(1 mark)aWork is done when a force moves an object through a distance.(1 mark)bThe energy in a gravitational store goes down in both cases.(1 mark)Above the floor: at the top of the bounce, the initial energy is transferred back to the ball’s gravitational store and the thermal store of the surroundings.(1 mark)Above the sand: the initial gravitational potential energy is transferred to the thermal store of the surroundings.(1 mark)cA force acts on each ball and does work as they fall.(1 mark)Each ball does work on the air to heat it.(1 mark)For the ball that hits the floor, the floor does work on the ball to deform it.(1 mark)Then the ball does work on the floor to move it upwards.(1 mark)For the ball that hits the sand, the ball does work on the sand to move it(1 mark)and to produce a sound.(1 mark)dThe graph should show that as the height increases the percentage of energy transferred to the surroundings increases.(1 mark)Then up to five from:greater height means more GPE(1 mark)greater height means ball goes faster before it hits the floor(1 mark)greater height means bigger force on ball (because momentum change is bigger)(1 mark)greater height means ball deforms more / more sound(1 mark)greater height means faster ball means more air resistance(1 mark)all of which mean more energy transferred to surroundings.(1 mark)eThe graph should show that as the GPE increases the diameter/volume of crater increases.(1 mark)Also:as GPE increases, ball goes faster before it hits the floor(1 mark)as GPE increases, bigger force on sand (because momentum change is bigger)(1 mark)as GPE increases, more sand is moved / makes bigger crater.(1 mark)aCompleted table – two marks for each correct column(6 marks)Height dropped from in mGravitational potential energy, Ee in JElastic potential energy, Ee in JCompression of spring in m1.002.502.500.0710.501.301.300.0500.250.630.630.035bNo energy is transferred to the surroundings.(1 mark)Part 2: Modelling energy transfer and dissipationAppropriate description – each coin represents an amount of energy.(1 mark)Coins move from one ‘place’ or store to another.(1 mark)Same total number of coins after as before represents conservation of energy.(1 mark)aTwo from: sound, friction, heating (2 marks)bIt is dissipated because it is no longer useful.(1 mark)cThe energy in the chemical store is transferred to energy in a kinetic store as the car accelerates.(1 mark)That energy is transferred to the thermal store of the surroundings when the car brakes.(1 mark)Energy is continuously transferred to the thermal store of the surroundings because it is heating the air and the road.(1 mark)Part 3: Power and efficiencyGraph plotted for the task:One mark for each:(2 marks)aCompleted table – all correct (2 marks), 1–3 correct (1 mark)DeviceEnergy in kJTimePower shower601 minute1000?W or 1?kWrefrigerator43?2001 day500?Wlow-energy lamp2527 hours10?Whairdryer57612 minutes800?WbCompleted table – one mark for each correct column (4 marks)DeviceUseful energy in JWasted energy in JTotal energy in JEfficiencylight bulb5202520%kettle1500500200075%television25002500500050%car10030040025%cThe law of conservation of energy says energy cannot be created or destroyed(1 mark)so the useful energy + wasted energy ? total energy(1 mark)The efficiency is indicated by the gradient of each line of best fit(1 mark)so the most efficient has the steepest line of best fit / produces the most light for the least power.(1 mark) ................

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