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Science 9-3 Course Outline

Program Overview:

• Broad scientific topics will be introduced in each unit and students will be responsible for understanding both the overall concepts as well as specific information that relates to each.

• Scientific concepts will be tied back to the “real world” in terms of technologies that are being used and developed. Also, the impacts these concepts and/or technologies have upon society and the environment will be discussed.

• Students will also be responsible for learning and/or honing a number of additional skills. These skills vary from specific lab procedures (how to use Bunsen burners, balance scales, litmus paper) to formal write up skills (how to draw graphs, present information in tables, critically evaluate a design) to any number of other skills picked up through scientific activities throughout the year (how to properly use tools, safety measures).

Course Overview:

The Science 9 program is broken down into outcomes, topics and units. Outcomes cover one specific idea. Topics tie together several related outcomes and finally, units are the overall topic that all topics/outcomes explore. The Science 9 curriculum is made up of five units of study, each of which will take between one and a half to two months to complete. When all of the units have been completed we will begin review for the final exam. The name of each unit, the order we will be doing them in, and where each can be found in Science in Action 9 are below:

Biological Diversity (Unit A; pgs 2-87)

Matter and Chemical Change (Unit B; pgs. 88-177)

Space Exploration (Unit E; pgs.366-475)

Environmental Chemistry (Unit C; pgs. 178-269)

Electrical Principles and Technologies (Unit D; pgs.270-365)


Labs and Science Fair 10%

Projects and Tests 70%

Final Assessment up to 20%

Final Assessments may constitute up to 20% of the final grade for students.  These assessments may include performance evaluations, practical exams, written tests, cumulative projects, etc. Provincial Achievement Tests may be used as a final assessment at the discretion of the teacher in consultation with the administration.  PAT results should count for no more than 20% of the student’s final grade.

All late assignments will be considered on an individual basis. Late assignments will need to be completed in order for students to demonstrate understanding of the outcome(s) covered. A late assignment is better than no assignment.  However, in order to ensure fairness to those students handing their work in on time, late assignments may be assigned a grade based on the corresponding quiz or test for that topic.


• Science in Action 9

• Teacher-made resources (notes, worksheets, labs, etc.)

• Teacher website

• Google Classroom

Teacher website:

All learning resources are available on my teacher website: bjhswoods.

If a student misses a day they will be expected to access the notes and presentation to catch up. They are also expected to make up any missed lab, assignment, or assessment on their own time (during a lunch hour or after school).

Google Classroom:

All electronic assignments will be assigned and submitted through our Google Classroom website.

How to join:

Students can log-in to Google Classroom at using their school log-in information and then entering the code: 9fqetv

Parents can request updates on their child’s assignment completion by emailing me at You will receive an email to “accept” my invitation and you can choose to receive daily or weekly updates on your student’s progress.

Other Information

Extra Help:

Some students find the jump from Grade 8 to Grade 9 Science difficult for certain topics. If you find you are struggling at any point, please see me for extra help during the following time:

Monday after school 3:25pm – 4:00pm

Tuesday after school 3:25pm – 4:00pm

If you have any questions now or at any time throughout the year, please contact me at: or 403-362-3524 ext. 402.


Attendance Policy:

Success in the course is based heavily on attendance, in-class participation and assignments. Attendance is therefore essential to student success. If a student is absent, they are expected to catch up using the online resources. If a student misses a lab, quiz, test, or in class assignment, they will be required to attend a lunch-time catch up session.

Classroom Expectations:

It is the expectation that students will adhere to the four core values of BJHS:

Mutual Respect, Responsibility, Cooperation and Honesty

throughout all class lessons and lab activities.

1. Come to class on time and be ready to work, learn and participate. This includes bringing the appropriate school supplies and course material.

2. Students will leave all cell phones and other electronic devices in their lockers. If brought to class they will be confiscated and sent to the office for pick-up at the end of the day.

3. Water is allowed in the classroom, but no food, pop, coffee or slurpees are allowed.

No food or drinks whatsoever in the lab for safety reasons, no exceptions.

4. Respect others and their property, including all classroom and lab equipment. Students will use appropriate language and vocabulary at all times.

Once you and your teenager have read through this document, please sign and return this last page to school with him or her.

Student Name (Print neatly): ____________________

Student Signature: ______________________

Parent Signature:________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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