[Pages:2]NAME: ________________________

DATE: ________________________


YES/NO QUESTIONS (short answers):


Write short answers (with pronouns) for the questions below.

1. Q: Can you speak Spanish? A: Yes, _____________________________________ 2. Q: Could Mr. Stevens finish the report on time? A: No, _______________________ 3. Q: Could they go shopping? A: No, ______________________________________ 4. Q: Can a bat fly? A: Yes, ______________________________________________ 5. Q: Can your sister swim? A: Yes, ________________________________________ 6. Q: Can you swim? A: No, _____________________________________________ 7. Q: Could your brother drive a car last year? A: No, _________________________ 8. Q: Could people walk on the moon in 1969? A: Yes, _________________________ 9. Q: Can he read? A: Yes, _______________________________________________ 10. Q: Could she fix her bicycle? A: Yes, _____________________________________ 11. Q: Can Ms. Smith fly a plane? A: No, _____________________________________ 12. Q: Can fish swim? A: Yes, _____________________________________________ 13. Q: Can she cook? A: Yes, _____________________________________________ 14. Q: Could they find the hotel? A: Yes, _____________________________________ 15. Q: Can we go now? A: No, ____________________________________________ 16. Q: Can cats talk? A: No, _______________________________________________ 17. Q: Could they deliver the pizza? A: No, ___________________________________ 18. Q: Can we see the sun at night? A: No, ___________________________________ 19. Q: Could he find Stewart? A: Yes, _______________________________________ 20. Q: Can she answer the phone? A: No, ____________________________________

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ALL Things Grammar

Grammar Focus Yes/No Questions: `Can' and `Could' Level Intermediate


1. Yes, I can. 2. No, he couldn't. 3. No, they couldn't. 4. Yes, it can. 5. Yes, she can. 6. No, I can't. 7. No, he couldn't. 8. Yes, they could. 9. Yes, he can. 10. Yes, she could.

11. No, she can't. 12. Yes, they can. 13. Yes, she can. 14. Yes, they could. 15. No, we/you can't. 16. No, they can't. 17. No, they couldn't. 18. No, we can't. 19. Yes, he could. 20. No, she can't.

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