The Verb IR (to go) - Quia

The Verb IR (to go)

April 19th ? May 10th

There are three things you need to remember about this verb:

It is totally irregular. Once you conjugate it, you will not recognize it as "ir" except when it is used in the infinitive form.

This verb always takes a preposition (a, con, sin, para, por, etc.) Although we are using it in the present tense, it always has the connotation of an action that will

be taking place in the near future (equivalent to "I am going to...").

Yo voy (I go)

T? vas (you go)

Ud. va (you go) El va (he goes) Ella va (she goes)

Nosotros/as vamos (we go)

Vosotros/as v?is (you/plural go in Spain only)


van (You/plural go in L.A.)


van (they/masculine go)


van (they/feminine go)

Note: As any other verb in Spanish, Ud./?l/ella and Uds./ellos/ellas share the same verb endings, so you may want to add the pronoun to make the meaning more clear.

A. Ir + a + infinitive is used to talk about what you are going to do:


- Nosotros vamos a correr esta tarde

We are going jogging this afternoon.

-Ellas van a

estudiar espa?ol.

They are going to study Spanish.

-T? vas a


You are going to draw.

-Yo voy a


I am going to cook

B. Ir + a + place is used to talk about destination


-Yo voy a

la iglesia con mi novia los domingos.

- I go to church with my girlfriend on Sundays. (by using "los" you are implying "every Sunday")

-Nosotros vamos a la biblioteca despu?s de la clase. -We are going to the library after class.


Note: We only have two contractions in Spanish: A + el = al

De + el = del

Ejem: -Mi familia va al cine los jueves. -El domingo voy al parque con mis amigos.

C. The "nosotros" form of the conjugated verb can also mean: Let's.


?Vamos al cine!

-Let's go to the movies!

?Quieres ir al cine? ?Vamos!

-Do you want to go to the movies? -Let's go!


-Let us go!!


Vamos a practicar! I ?Ad?nde van? Where are they going?

1. Lucinda ______ a la estaci?n del tren todos los d?as. 2. Mike y yo _______________ a la iglesia los domingos. 3. Doug & Sam _____________ al cine los s?bados. 4. Sylvia ________________ a la cafeteria por la tarde. 5. T? _________________ a la clase de espa?ol los jueves. 6. Rose ________________a la biblioteca por la ma?ana. 7. Brenda y Leona ______________al restaurante despu?s de la clase. 8. Judy y Patricia _____________ a la estaci?n de polic?a por la noche. 9. Lynda, Mike y yo _____________a la tienda de regalos el s?bado. 10. Uds. _______________ a la estaci?n de gasolina todos los d?as.

Vamos a practicar! II

Tell where the following people are going:


Carlos/clase de karate =

Carlos va a la clase de karate

1. Sam/restaurante 2. Mike y yo/biblioteca 3. Sylvia/clase de baile 4. T?/gimnasio 5. Yo/cine

6. Ud./centro comercial 7. Carlos y t?/museo 8. Ud. y yo/zool?gico 9. La Sra. Davey/parque 10. Pen?lope/tienda de regalos


Note: The preposition with (con) in Spanish changes with the first and second person of the singular (i.e., "yo" and "t?):

We do not say: Vas con "yo" ? but vas "conmigo". We do not say: Voy con "t?" ? but voy "contigo".

It does not change with any other personal pronoun:

Voy con ?l -

I am going with him

Voy con ella -

I am going with her

Voy con Ud. -

I am going with you (formal)

Voy con Uds. -

I am going with you (all of you)

Voy con ellos -

I am going with them, etc., etc., etc.

Vamos a practicar! III

?Con qui?n vas?

Who are you going with?

Write a sentence saying who is going with whom to a certain place. Ejem:


Argelia va al cine con Mike.

Argelia is going to the movies with Mike.

1. Lucinda/Sam 2. Leona/yo 3. Patricia /t? 4. Mike 5. Pen?lope/yo 6. Brenda/t? 7. Sylvia/Rose 8. Argelia 9. Mike 10. Doug

Museo/Sylvia Tienda de regalos/Brenda Zool?gico/Doug y Sam Restaurante/Argelia Zapater?a/Rose Estaci?n de gasoline/yo Zool?gico/t? Cine/Mike y t? Restaurante/Brenda, Leona y Sylvia Centro Deportivo/Mike, Sam y Pen?lope


Vocabulary for things to do:

?Ad?nde vas? ?Con qui?n vas? ?Cu?ndo vas? Ir con

Contigo Conmigo Voy con..... Va con....... Va con...... Ir de pesca Ir de compras Ir al parque

Ir al parque de diversions Ir al gimnasio Ir al campo Ir al cine Ir al centro commercial Ir a una fiesta Ir a la playa Ir a la alberca/piscina Ir a jugar .........

Beisb?l Futb?l Basketb?l Tenis

Where are you going? Who are you going with? When are you going? going with

With you With me I am going with..... He/she is going with..... (Ud.) You are going with..... going fishing going shopping going to the park

going to the amusement park going to the gym going to the country going to the movies going to the mall going to a party going to the beach going to the swimming pool going to play....

baseball football basketball tennis

More things to do:

Ir a un concierto Ir a tomar caf? con un amigo Ir de excursion Ir a una boda Ir al zool?gico

Ir + a + Visitar un enfermo Ir + a + Cenar con un amigo Ir + a + Visitar un museo Ir + a + Dar un paseo en barca Ir + a + Visitar una exposici?n Ir + a + Hacer un picnic Ir + a + Dar un paseo

going to a concert going to get coffee with a friend going camping going to a wedding going to the zoo

going to visit a sick friend going to dine with a friend going to visit a museum going for a canoe/boat ride going to visit an exhibit/ a gallery going on a picnic going for a stroll


Expresiones de frecuencia:

-Cada d?a/ semana/mes/a?o

-every day/week/month/year

-todos los d?as/semanas/ meses/a?os

-every day/week/month/year

-todas las horas/semanas

-every hour/week

-todos los (day of the week)

-every (day of the week)

-los (domingos)

-every Sunday

-generalmente/por lo general









-never ever

-a veces/alguna veces


-a menudo/muchas veces


-casi todos los d?as

-almost every day

- todas las ma?anas

-almost every morning

- todas las noches

-almost every night

-la mayor parte de las veces

-most of the time

-por la ma?ana

-in the morning

-por la tarde

-in the afternoon

-por la noche

-at night

-del amanecer al anochecer

-from dawn to dusk

-de vez en cuando

-once in a while

If you want to describe when actions take place sequentially or in relation to other actions, you can use

the following phrases:

Primero Luego/despu?s M?s tarde Finalmente Por ?ltimo

-first -then/afterwards -later -finally -finally

En primer lugar/segundo lugar/tercer lugar -in first/second/third place



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