Jan. 1 - This is the beginning of a brand new year;

The U.S.S. SHANGRI-LA is moored starboard side to her pier.

She is in San Diego, aboard the air station;

Berth Oscar-Papa is her real location.

The U.S.S. HORNET and the U.S.S. BENNINGTON are found close at hand, with other vessels and craft to protect our homeland.

The BENNINGTON has something the other ship’s lack - embarked is SOPA who is COMNAVAIRPAC.

This vessel, not wanting to be out done, is proud to be the host of COMCARDIV ONE.

Miscellaneous services are received from the pier; it does seem a pity that they cannot supply beer.

The U.S.S. SHANGRI-LA rests in peace at her moor, cause Yoke is set and the gas system secure. T. ASHWORTH, LTJG, USN

Moored starboard side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Jan. 2 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

1250hrs. Commenced fueling from YON-131.1

1612hrs. Completed taking on fuel from YON-131 and YON-91, having received 492,912 of NSFO.1

Jan. 3 - Moored starboard side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Jan. 4 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

1211hrs. COMPHIBPAC arrived.1

1223hrs. COMELEVENTHNAVDIS arrived.1

1227hrs. COMNAVAIRPAC arrived. COMFIRSTFLT arrived. COMCRUDESPAC and other naval officers arrived.1

1428hrs. The aforesaid commands departed.1

1625hrs. Commenced loading special weapons.1

2035hrs. Completed loading special weapons.1

Jan. 5 - Moored starboard side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Jan. 6 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

1446hrs. Class C fire in compartment C-0215-2L.

1452hrs. Secured from fire quarters.1

1958hrs. In accordance with BAR, EL SEGUNDO spd ltr 14716 of December 1957, 12 civilians of Douglas Aircraft Company reported aboard to observe the A3D carrier qualification.1

Jan. 7 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

0705hrs. Class A fire in compartment B-303-1L, damaging a golf bag and bulkhead paint.1

0800hrs. Underway for operating area in accordance with CINCPACFLT Note 03120 of 29 November 1957.1

0940hrs. Rendezvoused with YARNALL (DD-541) and stationed her a thousand yards astern while proceeding to operating area.1

1047hrs. Commenced flight operations in area A.1

1704hrs. Detached YARNALL (DD-541) to proceed on duty assigned.1

1715hrs. Conducted Z-4-N, steering from Secondary Conn.1

Positions: 1200 - Lat. 32-54.8N, Long. 117-46.2W; 2000 - Lat. 33-48.8N, Long. 117-01.6W.1

Jan. 8 - 0000hrs. Steaming independently in Operating Area A.1

0505hrs. Assumed tactical command of YARNALL (DD-541) and stationed her astern one thousand yards.1

0705hrs. Commenced launching aircraft.1

0900hrs. General Quarters.1

1020hrs. Secured from General Quarters.1

1624hrs. Completed flight operations.1

1700hrs. YARNALL detached to proceed on duty assigned.1

1905hrs. Commenced ECM exercises.1

2035hrs. Completed ECM exercises.1

2322hrs. Commenced sounding fog signals.1

2331hrs. Secured from sounding fog signals.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-53.8N, Long. 117-56.2W; 1200 - 32-48.8N, Long. 117-54W.1

Jan. 9 - 0000hrs. Steaming independently in Operating Area A.1

0600hrs. Rendezvoused with YARNALL.1

0700hrs. Commenced operating aircraft for carrier qualifications.1

1435hrs. Accident occurred at 1115 involving LCDR J. F. WESTER. Diagnosis: Sprain, lumbo sacrol. Patient injured due to rapid deceleration during carrier landing. Transferred to Naval Hospital.1

1459hrs. Launched one TF aircraft carrying LCDR ARNOLD, LT IRIS, and, by stretcher, LCDR WESTER.1

1703hrs. Launched COD aircraft with LTJG ARDIZZONE and ENS CONDOS onboard.1

1730hrs. Rendezvoused with BOYD (DD-544).1

1745hrs. BOYD assigned plane guard station.1

1850hrs. Resumed flight operations.1

1859hrs. Commenced night carrier qualifications.1

1938hrs. Completed night carrier qualifications.1

2122hrs. Completed flight operations. Detached BOYD to proceed on duty assigned.1

2245hrs. Commenced refueling YARNALL.1

2355hrs. All lines clear of YARNALL.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-58.5N, Long. 118-03W; 1200 - Lat. 32-56N, Long. 117-55W; 2000 - Lat. 33-03.4N, Long. 118-22.6W.1

Jan. 10 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with YARNALL (DD-541) in Operating Area A.1

0002hrs. Detached YARNALL to proceed on duty assigned.1

0616hrs. Commenced sounding fog signals; visibility 8/10 mile.1

0810hrs. Anchored in Berth 22, outer harbor, Long Beach, CA., in 8 fathoms of water, mud bottom, with 45 fathoms of chain on the starboard anchor. Secured sounding underway fog signals.1

0818hrs. Commenced sounding anchored fog signals.1

0925hrs. Commenced offloading ammunition.1

1020hrs. Secured sounding fog signals.1

1042hrs. Commenced sounding fog signals; visibility 3/4 miles.1

1132hrs. Secured founding fog signals.1

1245hrs. Completed offloading ammunition.1

1313hrs. Underway for NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

1956hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier M-N, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA. Ships present include BENNINGTON (CVA-20) and BOXER (CVS-21).1

Jan. 11 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier M-N, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

0730hrs. Commenced loading special weapons.1

1356hrs. Completed loading ammunition.1

Jan. 12 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier M-N, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Commenced offloading aviation gas, hoisted Bravo.1

0915hrs. Commenced taking on JP-5.1

1210hrs. Completed taking on 99,150 gallons of JP-5 and offloading 112,150 gallons of aviation gas.1

2000hrs. One person from Douglas aircraft and eleven other contractor personnel came aboard to observe carrier qualification trials.1

Jan. 13 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier M-N, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

0801hrs. Underway for the operating area in compliance with CINCPACFLT Note 03120 of 29 November 1957.1

0921hrs. Entered International waters.1

1051hrs. Rendezvoused with PORTERFIELD (DD-682).1

1100hrs. Commenced carrier qualifications.1

1430hrs. General Quarters.1

1645hrs. Commenced carrier qualifications.1

1712hrs. Secured carrier qualifications, recovered 3 A3Ds.1

1940hrs. Resumed air operations.1

2005hrs. Completed air operations.1

2113hrs. WILKINSON (DL-5) detached to proceed as previously directed.1

Positions: 1200 - Lat. 33-06.3N, Long. 118-12.6W.1

Jan. 14 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area off coast of southern California.1

0615hrs. Assigned PORTERFIELD (DD-682) to plane guard station.1

0819hrs. Conducting A3D carrier qualifications.1

0911hrs. Manned AA stations.1

0912hrs. Ceased air operations.1

1134hrs. Resumed air operations.1

1239hrs. Detached one A3D to NAS North Island.1

1328hrs. Ceased carrier qualifications having recovered 2 A3Ds.1

1329hrs. AA defense stations.1

1415hrs. Commenced gunnery exercise Z-6-G.1

1445hrs. Secured from AA defense, having fired 93 of VT ammunition.1

1506hrs. Commenced carrier qualifications.1

1710hrs. Ceased operating aircraft.1

1820hrs. Rendezvoused with KIDD (DD-661).1

1930hrs. Resumed air operations.1

2251hrs. A3D, Buno. 138914, sustained hard landing sustaining hydraulic leaks.1

2310hrs. Secured night carrier qualifications.1

Positions: 1200 - Lat. 32-02N, Long. 118-34.4W; 2000 - Lat. 32-03.5N, Long. 118-51.8W.1

Jan. 15 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area off southern California.1

0632hrs. Rendezvoused with PORTERFIELD (DD-682).1

0819hrs. Commenced receiving aircraft from the beach.1

0822hrs. Commenced launching aircraft for carrier qualifications.1

0835hrs. Ceased carrier qualifications with recovery of three aircraft.1

0930hrs. Commenced launching aircraft for carrier qualifications.1

1045hrs. Recovered one COD aircraft; COMCARDIV 1 embarked.1

1112hrs. Launched COD aircraft. Representative of Douglas Aircraft Incorporated embarked.1

1115hrs. Commenced carrier qualifications.1

1248hrs. Manned AA defense stations.1

1250hrs. Ceased air operations.1

1324hrs. Commenced gunnery exercise Z-3-G.1

1400hrs. General Quarters.1

1519hrs. Secured from General Quarters.1

1704hrs. Refueled PORTERFIELD (DD-682).1

2000hrs. Conducted night carrier qualifications.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 31-52.4N, Long. 118-47.5W; 1200 - Lat. 32-12N, Long. 118-36.3W; 2000 - Lat. 33-06.2N, Long. 118-19.7W.1

Jan. 16 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area off coast of southern California.1

0830hrs. Flight quarters. PORTERFIELD rendezvoused with this vessel.1

0900hrs. Conducting carrier qualifications.1

1745hrs. Rendezvoused with KIDD (DD-661).1

2000hrs. Conducting night carrier qualifications.1

2315hrs. Detached KIDD (DD-661) and PORTERFIELD (DD-682) to proceed on duty assigned.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-58.2N, Long. 118-13.7W; 1200 - Lat. 33-22.7N, Long. 118-04.8W; 2000 - Lat. 33-17N, Long. 118-40W.1

Jan. 17 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area off southern California.1

0534hrs. Commenced sounding fog signals.1

0600hrs. Flight quarters.1

0703hrs. Secured from flight quarters.1

0816hrs. Secured sounding fog signals.1

0830hrs. Detached PORTERFIELD to proceed on duty assigned.1


1120hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier M-N, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

1311hrs. Commenced loading aircraft on board.1

1405hrs. VAW-11, Det. C, reported aboard.1

1515hrs. Commenced hoisting aircraft; nine ADs and seven F3Hs.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-45.3N, Long. 117-40.5W.1

Jan. 18 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side Pier M-N, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

0825hrs. Commanding Officer, U.S.S. USHERWOOD came aboard.1

0832hrs. Commanding Officer, U.S.S. BRAINE (DD-630) came aboard.1

1030hrs. Commenced loading aircraft.1

1300hrs. Completed loading aboard eight F11F aircraft.1

1400hrs. Received onboard approximately one thousand Lion’s Club convention delegates for a tour of the ship.1

Jan. 19 - Moored starboard side to Pier M-N, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Jan. 20 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier M-N, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

0900hrs. Underway for the operating area in accordance with CINCPACFLT Note 03120 of 29 November 1957.1

1215hrs. PRICHETT (DD-561) rendezvoused with this vessel.1

1307hrs. Commenced launching aircraft for carrier qualifications.1

1540hrs. Completed recovering aircraft for carrier qualifications.1

1546hrs. Commenced maneuvering drill with PRICHETT.1

1717hrs. Secured from maneuvering drill.1

1740hrs. HALSEY POWELL (DD-686) rendezvoused with this vessel.1

1800hrs. Conducting carrier qualifications.1

1832hrs. Ceased carrier qualifications.1

1910hrs. Resumed carrier qualifications.1

2040hrs. Ceased air operations.1

2234hrs. Resumed air operations.1

2329hrs. Completed night carrier qualifications.1

2330hrs. Detached PRICHETT (DD-561) and HALSEY POWELL (DD-686) to proceed as previously directed.1

Positions: 1200 - Lat. 32-42N, Long. 117-48W; 2000 - Lat. 33-12.2N, Long. 118-28.5W.1

Jan. 21 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area off coast of southern California.1

0649hrs. Rendezvoused with HALSEY POWELL (DD-686).1

0800hrs. Conducting carrier qualifications.1

1430hrs. General Quarters drill.1

1535hrs. Secured from General Quarters.1

1900hrs. Rendezvoused with PRICHETT (DD-561).1

2305hrs. Secured carrier qualifications, having recovered one A3D.1

2310hrs. Detached PRICHETT and HALSEY POWELL to proceed on duty assigned.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 33-17.7N, Long. 118-36W; 1200 - Lat. 32-39.6N, Long. 118-52W; 2000 - 33-07.7N, Long. 118-20.4W.1

Jan. 22 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area off coast of southern California.1

0628hrs. PRICHETT rendezvoused with this vessel.1

0704hrs. Commenced launching aircraft for carrier qualifications.1

1350hrs. Ceased air operations.1

1435hrs. Refueled PRICHETT.1

1542hrs. Resumed carrier qualifications.1

1807hrs. Assumed OTC of HALSEY POWELL and assigned her to plane guard station.1

1900hrs. Commenced launching aircraft for night carrier qualifications.1

2212hrs. Detached PRICHETT and HALSEY POWELL to proceed on duty assigned.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-46N, Long. 118-46.3W; 1200 - Lat. 32-38N, Long. 118-56W; 2000 - Lat. 33-09N, Long. 118-14W.1

Jan. 23 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area off coast of southern California.1

0648hrs. HALSEY POWELL made rendezvous and took station.1

0700hrs. Commenced flight operations.1

1106hrs. During a crash landing onboard this vessel, LT L. A. WILLIAMS, USN, received a fracture and compression of vertebrae, T-11, no artery or nerve involvement. Transferred to Naval Hospital, San Diego.1

1326hrs. Refueled HALSEY POWELL.1

1450hrs. Conducting carrier qualifications.1

1642hrs. Completed carrier qualifications.1

2000hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

2230hrs. Detached PRICHETT and HALSEY POWELL to proceed on duty assigned.1

2352hrs. Secured from flight quarters.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-37N, Long. 118-32.2W; 1200 - Lat. 32-31N, Long. 118-47.2W; 2000 - Lat. 32-31.2N, Long. 118-29.3W.1

Jan. 24 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area off coast of southern California.1

0615hrs. Rendezvoused with PRICHETT.1

0647hrs. Commenced air operations.1

1059hrs. Completed carrier qualifications.1

1106hrs. Detached PRICHETT to proceed on duty assigned.1

1447hrs. Quarters for inspection, flight deck parade.1

1449hrs. Entered Inland waters.1

1548hrs. Secured from personnel inspection.1

1558hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-46.5N, Long. 118-50.1W; 1200 - Lat. 32-41N, Long. 118-36-2W.1

Jan. 25 - Moored starboard side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Jan. 26 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

1700hrs. Completed loading aircraft of CAG-11, having loaded eight ADs and four F3Hs.1

1715hrs. LTCOL H. G. RUSSEL, HEDAFFTC; LTCOL D. M. TAYLOR, 6515th FLDMAINTRON; LTCOL E. S. TURNER, HEDAFFTE; LTCOL W. A. WRIGHT, 6510th ABGRU; and MAJ J. V. DECOSTER, 6510th ABGRU; reported aboard from UCWR Edwards Air Force Base, CA., on TDY for the purpose of indoctrination in Navy aviation air operations.1

Jan. 27 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

0757hrs. Underway for operating area in accordance with CINCPACFLT Note 03120 of 29 November 1957.1

0918hrs. Entered International waters.1

1200hrs. Conducting air operations.1

1830hrs. Rendezvoused with COGSWELL (DD-651).1

1843hrs. Commenced night carrier qualifications.1

1933hrs. Ceased night carrier qualifications.1

2251hrs. Ceased carrier qualifications.1

2255hrs. Detached rescue destroyers to proceed on duty assigned.1

Positions: 1200 - Lat. 32-51.9N, Long. 118-09.5W; 2000 - Lat. 33-05.5N, Long. 118-09.2W.1

Jan. 28 - 0000hrs. Steaming independently in Operating Area B off the coast of California.1

0629hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

0702hrs. Lost power in bridge area due to electrical failure.1

0704hrs. Regained all power.1

1202hrs. Ceased flight operations. Manned all AA defense stations.1

1207hrs. SHIELDS (DD-596) took station.1

1210hrs. Commenced gunnery exercised Z-6-G.1

1335hrs. Completed Z-6-G. Secured from AA defense.1

1351hrs. Resumed air operations.1

1630hrs. Rendezvoused with COGSWELL (DD-651).1

1700hrs. Ceased flight operations.1

1855hrs. Commenced launching aircraft for carrier qualifications.1

2000hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

2320hrs. Detached SHIELDS (DD-596) and COGSWELL (DD-651) to proceed on duty assigned.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-35.2N, Long. 119-00.7W; 1200 - Lat. 33-00N, Long. 119-08.9W; 2000 - Lat. 33-01.2N, long. 118-55W.1

Jan. 29 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area off coast of southern California.1

0500hrs. Sounded flight quarters.1

0615hrs. Rendezvoused with SHIELDS (DD-596).1

0645hrs. Commenced air operations.1

1150hrs. Refueled SHIELDS (DD-596).1

1346hrs. Commenced launching aircraft for carrier qualifications.1

1401hrs. General Quarters.1

1514hrs. Secured from General Quarters.1

1534hrs. Ceased carrier qualifications.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-14N, Long. 118-35.5W; 1200 - Lat. 32-20N, Long. 118-23.7W; 2000 - Lat. 33-16.9N, Long. 118-46.8W.1

Jan. 30 - 0000hrs. Steaming independently in Operating Area A off coast of southern California.1

0611hrs. Rendezvoused with SHIELDS (DD-596).1

0649hrs. Commenced launching aircraft for carrier qualifications.1

1100hrs. Ceased air operations.1

1105hrs. Detached SHIELDS to proceed as previously directed.1

1608hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier J-K, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

1630hrs. Commenced offloading aircraft of CAG-11.1

1815hrs. Completed offloading aircraft of CAG-11.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 33-05N, Long. 118-28.4W; 1200 - Lat. 32-53.5N, Long. 118-06.3W.1

Jan. 31 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier J-K, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

0800hrs. Underway for operating area in accordance with CINCPACFLT Note 03120 of 29 November 1957, with the wives and the dependents of the officers and men embarked.1

1048hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1315hrs. Ceased flight operations.1

1342hrs. SHIELDS alongside for simulated refueling operation.1

1629hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier J-K, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

2031hrs. Phone report made of fire in compartment C-0204-M. Sounded fire quarters. Informed NAS Fire Department.1

2035hrs. NAS fire trucks arrived on the pier.1

2040hrs. Investigation of fire proved to be a closed compartment filled with steam from a leaking valve of a small steam line. No significant damage suffered by the compartment. Secured from fire quarters.1

Positions: 1200 - Lat. 33-00.3N, Long. 118-02.2W.1

Feb. 1 - Moored starboard side to pier J-K, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Feb. 2 - Moored starboard side to pier J-K, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Feb. 3 - Moored starboard side to pier J-K, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Feb. 4 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to pier J-K, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

0810hrs. Inspection party from BENNINGTON(CVA-20) reported onboard to conduct annual Administrative Inspection.1

1529hrs. Completed Administrative Inspection.1

Feb. 5 - Moored starboard side to pier J-K, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Feb. 6 - Moored starboard side to pier J-K, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

0800hrs. Full dress ship in the presence of HMCS ONTARIO (CLL-32) till her departure, on the occasion of the anniversary of Her Majesty the Queen of England accession to the throne.1

1015hrs. HMCS ONTARIO (CLL-32) stood out of the harbor. Undressed ship.1

Feb. 7 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to pier J-K, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

1252hrs. Commenced loading ammunition.1

1720hrs. Completed taking on 400 rounds of 5"/38 and a like amount of powder.1

Feb. 8 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to pier J-K, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

0852hrs. COMDESRON 15 came aboard for an official call.1

1049hrs. COMDESRON 15 left the ship.1

Feb. 9 - Moored starboard side to pier J-K, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Feb. 10 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to pier J-K, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

0907hrs. Underway for operating area in accordance with CINCPACFLT Note 03120 of 29 November 1957.1

1030hrs. Rendezvoused with DESDIV 151 for opposed sortie exercise.1

1210hrs. HOPEWELL (DD-681) and WEDDERBURN (DD-684) detached to proceed on duty assigned.1

1315hrs. Rendezvoused with PORTERFIELD (DD-682).1

1319hrs. Conducting carrier qualifications.1

1640hrs. Launched one AD, commenced carrier qualifications with four F11F aircraft from NAS North Island.1

1715hrs. Recovered four F11Fs. Completed carrier qualifications.1

1900hrs. Rendezvoused with MARSHALL (DD-676).1

1915hrs. Commenced night operations.1

2335hrs. Detached MARSHALL (DD-676) and PORTERFIELD (DD-682) to carry out assigned duties.1

2340hrs. Secured from air operations.1

Positions: 1200 - Lat. 32-25N, Long. 117-40.4W.1

Feb. 11 - 0000hrs. Steaming independently in Operating Area A off coast of southern California.1

0700hrs. Rendezvoused with MARSHALL (DD-676) in the southeast corner of area MM-12.1

1015hrs. Commenced flight operations.1

1400hrs. General Quarters.1

1515hrs. Secured fro general Quarters, having exercised in engineering drills.1

1725hrs. Ceased air operations.1

1835hrs. Rendezvoused with PORTERFIELD (DD-682).1

2000hrs. Conducting air operations.1

2115hrs. Secured air operations. Detached MARSHALL and PORTERFIELD to carry out assigned duty.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-51.6N, Long. 118-13.6W; 1200 - Lat. 32-32.7N, Long. 118-49W.1

Feb. 12 - 0000hrs. Steaming independently in Operating Area B off the coast of San Diego, CA.1

0817hrs. Commenced man overboard drill.1

0826hrs. Lifeboat in the water.1

0839hrs. Dummy recovered.1

0840hrs. Lifeboat recovered.1

0850hrs. Rendezvoused with MULLANY (DD-528).1

1019hrs. Commenced landing aircraft.1

1530hrs. Resumed air operations.1

2040hrs. Commenced sounding fog signals. Visibility reduced to two miles.1

2046hrs. Secured from fog signals.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-08.5N, Long. 118-36.2W; 1200 - Lat. 32-11.5N, Long. 118-28.3W; 2000 - 32-13.5N, Long. 118-37.2W.1

Feb. 13 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with MULLANY (DD-528) and STODDARD (DD-566) in Operating Area B off the coast of San Diego, CA.1

0532hrs. Launched three aircraft for carrier qualifications.1

1050hrs. F3H, Buno. 137028, piloted by LTJG J. GARLITZ, USN, crashed into the sea while being launched from the starboard catapult and sank in 550 fathoms of water. Maneuvering to clear pilot.1

1059hrs. The pilot was recovered and returned on board the helo.1

1330hrs. General Quarters.1

1415hrs. MULLANY detached to proceed on duty assigned.1

1437hrs. Secured from General Quarters.1

1640hrs. Rendezvoused with MULLANY.1

2352hrs. Secured from flight quarters.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 31-59.5N, Long. 118-31W; 1200 - Lat. 32-37.5N, Long. 118-40W.1

Feb. 14 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area off coast of southern California.1

0403hrs. Commenced carrier qualifications.1

0645hrs. Detached MULLANY to proceed on duty assigned. Assigned STODDARD to plane guard.1

0832hrs. Refueled STODDARD.1

1043hrs. Detached STODDARD for duty assigned.1

1610hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier M-N, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-35.7N, Long. 118-01.5W.1

Feb. 15 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier M-N, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

0930hrs. Commenced loading special weapons.1

1000hrs. Completed loading special weapons.1

Feb. 16 - Moored starboard side to Pier M-N, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Feb. 17 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to pier M-N, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

0720hrs. Received four A3D aircraft.1

0845hrs. Underway to operating area from NAS North Island, San Diego, CA., in accordance with Op Order 203-58, Orta 2-58.1

0905hrs. Sounded four short blasts as SHIELDS (DD-596) was close aboard on port bow.1

1036hrs. Commenced sounding fog signals as visibility decreased to 1 ½ miles.1

1600hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

Positions: 2000 - Lat. 31-12.2N, Long. 120-03W.1

Feb. 18 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with MULLANY enroute from San Diego to the operating area.1

0330hrs. Commenced air operations.1

1731hrs. Completed air operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 29-57N, Long. 121-52.8W; 1200 - 30-08.1N, Long. 121-43W; 2000 - Lat. 30-09.6N, Long. 121-55W.1

Feb. 19 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with MULLANY and STODDARD enroute to operating area.1

0025hrs. Received report of man overboard. All ships conducting search immediately.1

0043hrs. Quarters for muster. Man overboard evaluated as reported in error. Search continued.1

0200hrs. Ceased search with destroyers resuming previous stations.1

0530hrs. Commenced launching aircraft for training strikes.1

1048hrs. Ceased training strikes.1

1720hrs. MULLANY alongside for refueling.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 29-59N, Long 121-20.1W; 1200 - Lat. 29-57N, Long. 121-25W; 2000 - Lat. 30-23.8N, Long. 122-12.5W.1

Feb. 20 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with MULLANY and STODDARD in operating area off coast of southern California.1

0631hrs. Commenced flight operations.1

1108hrs. Refueled STODDARD.1

1617hrs. F11F, Buno. 141734, LT D. O. GUDAL, USN, pilot, crashed on landing, right landing gear collapsed, plane skidded length of flight deck, plane exploded at port forward catwalk. Assigned USS MULLANY (DD-528) to search area. USS STODDARD (DD-566) assumed plane guard station 1B. Left full rudder.1

1618hrs. Shifted rudder.1

1620hrs. Fire in 5" gun tubs and forward port catwalk.1

1623hrs. Fire extinguished.1

1700hrs. Recovered one COD aircraft from NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

1825hrs. Search discontinued. MULLANY assigned to plane guard station.1

1843hrs. Launched one COD aircraft. Completed flight operations.1

2048hrs. Absentees from all-hands muster held at 1900: PAYNE, D. E., AD3, USN, VA-156, and HADEMAN, C. (n), AN, USN, VF-114, were killed on board as result of F11F airplane crash, piloted by LT D. O. GUDAL, USN, this date. Pilot was also killed in crash. Pilot and plane not recovered.1

2157hrs. While working in 5" gun mount in port catwalk, DAVIS, R. L., AN, USN, was caught in flash fire caused by exploding F11F. Treatment administered by the Medical Officer. Disposition: transferred to Naval Hospital, San Diego, CA.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 30-01N, Long. 121-47.5W; 1200 - Lat. 30-25N, Long. 121-44.9W; 2000 - Lat. 30-48.5N, Long. 120-39W.1

AN Clandell HARDEMAN, VF-114, was swept over the side and killed in a crash on the flight deck. The ship was conducting carquals when the F11F sheared off its gear, went over the port side and exploded near the port side of the forward flight deck. HARDEMAN was transsected. (There may have been numerous other casualties including the pilot.)

Feb. 21 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with MULLANY and STODDARD in operating area off coast of Mexico.1

0333hrs. Commenced launching aircraft.1

0900hrs. Commenced launching aircraft for training strikes and fly-off.1

1107hrs. Completed air operations.1

1220hrs. Resumed air operations.1

1255hrs. Completed air operations.1

1533hrs. Entered Inland waters.1

1602hrs. Let go of starboard anchor go in 56 feet of water.1

1610hrs. Pilot came aboard.1

1617hrs. Anchor aweigh.1

1723hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

2035hrs. Low water casualty in boiler # 7. Shifted to emergency generator to restore electrical power. Boiler # 8 lit off.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-05N, Long. 118-42W; 1200 - Lat. 32-36.8N, Long. 118-08.2W.1

Feb. 22 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

0800hrs. Full dress ship in honor of George Washington’s birthday.1

Feb. 23 - Moored starboard side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Feb. 24 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

1015hrs. Diver over the side for repairs.1

1104hrs. Secured sea diver.1

1146hrs. Draft fwd. 27', aft 28' 6", mean 27' 9"; displacement 38,200 tons.1

Feb. 25 - Moored starboard side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Feb. 26 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

1029hrs. Diving barge came alongside to port.1

1037hrs. Manned AA defense stations.1

1044hrs. Secured from AA defense stations.1

Feb. 27 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

0340hrs. Fire reported in compartment C-312-L. Class A fire. Called away inport fire party.1

0345hrs. Fire reported out. Secured inport fire party.1

1100hrs. Official visit of RADM SPECK, COMTRAPHIPAC.1

1147hrs. COMTRAPHIPAC departed the ship.1

Feb. 28 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

1140hrs. Commanding Officer departed the ship on four days leave.1

Mar. 1 - Moored starboard side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Mar. 2 - Moored starboard side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Mar. 3 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

0825hrs. The Commanding Officer returned from four days leave.1

0956hrs. COMNAVAIRPAC arrived on official visit; broke his flag and hauled down the flag of COMCARDIV 7.1

1124hrs. COMNAVAIRPAC left the ship after an official visit.1

Mar. 4 - Moored starboard side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Mar. 5 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

0935hrs. Draft fwd 28' 10", aft 29', mean 28' 11". Displacement 40,400 tons.1

Mar. 6 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

0800hrs. Commenced loading aircraft from CVG-11.1

Mar. 7 - Moored starboard side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Mar. 8 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

0720hrs. Draft: fwd 31' 3", aft 29', mean 30' 1.5". Displacement: 42,600 tons.1

0844hrs. Underway in accordance with COMCARDIV 7 Op Order 204-58. Steaming in company with TG-16.1 composed of HOPEWELL (DD-681), BOYD (DD-544), KIDD (DD-661), MCDERMUT (DD-677), WEDDERBURN (DD-684), UHLMANN (DD-687). OTC is COMCARDIV 7 in this vessel.1

1014hrs. Entered International waters.1

Positions: 1200 - Lat. 32-31.2N, long. 117-17W; 2000 - Lat. 31-39.7N, Long. 120-17.2W.1

Mar. 9 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with TG-16.1 of COMCARDIV 7 and DESRON 15 enroute from San Diego to Pearl Harbor.1

0113hrs. A seaman from Third Division was relieved as helmsman due to difficulties with vision.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 31-11N, Long. 124-55.6W; 1200 - Lat. 30-49N, Long. 126-28W; 2000 - Lat. 30-04N, Long. 129-18.1W.1

Mar. 10 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with TG-16.1 enroute from San Diego to Pearl Harbor.1

0815hrs. All units of TG-16.1 detached to proceed on ISE.1

0946hrs. Man overboard drill.1

1030hrs. Secured from man overboard drill.1

1530hrs. Commenced refueling UHLMANN to port and MCDERMUT to starboard.1

1708hrs. BOYD alongside to port.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 29-16N, Long. 133-53W; 1200 - Lat. 29-02.5N, Long. 134-56.8W; 2000 - Lat. 28-34.2N, Long. 137-07W.1

Mar. 11 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with TG-16.1 enroute from San Diego to Pearl Harbor.1

0725hrs. Refueled HOPEWELL.1

0959hrs. Man overboard drill.1

1014hrs. Completed man overboard drill.1

1300hrs. General Quarters.1

1410hrs. Secured from General Quarters.1

1440hrs. Refueled KIDD to port.1

1452hrs. Refueled WEDDERBURN to starboard.1

1505hrs. The Governor of Colorado transferred by highline to WEDDERBURN.1

1429hrs. Governor of Colorado returned onboard.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 27-44.2N, Long. 140-14.5W; 1200 - Lat. 27-37.5N, Long. 140-46W; 2000 - Lat. 27-00N, Long. 142-20.8W.1

Mar. 12 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with TG-16.1 enroute from San Diego to Pearl Harbor.1

0900hrs. Commenced launching aircraft.1

1442hrs. Air defense stations.1

1556hrs. Secured air defense.1

1650hrs. Fire reported in Hangar Bay 2.1

1652hrs. Fire reported out.1

1725hrs. Due to rain, visibility was reduced to one mile; commenced sounding fog signals.1

1732hrs. Ceased sounding fog signals; visibility eight miles.1

1832hrs. Visibility reduced to ½ mile; commenced sounding fog signals.1

1842hrs. Visibility eight miles; ceased sounding fog signals.1

2148hrs. Secured from flight quarters.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 26-26.2N, Long. 144-37.1W; 1200 - Lat. 26-04N, Long. 145-10W; 2000 - Lat. 25-19.5N, Long. 148-04.9W.1

Mar. 13 - 0000hrs. Steaming as part of TG-16.1 enroute from San Diego to Pearl Harbor.1

0822hrs. Commenced air operations.1

0834hrs. Air defense stations.1

1106hrs. Secured from air defense.1

1315hrs. Completed recovering aircraft.1

1331hrs. General Quarters.1

1501hrs. Secured from General Quarters.1

Positions: 1200 - Lat. 24-14.5N, Long. 151-47W; 2000 - Lat. 22-54N, Long. 154-10W.1

Mar. 14 - 0000hrs. Steaming as part of TG-16.1 enroute from San Diego to Pearl Harbor.1

0348hrs. Commenced air operations.1

0349hrs. Ceased air operations.1

0800hrs. Air defense stations.1

1214hrs. Detached CARPENTER (DDE-825) to proceed on duty assigned.1

1534hrs. Let go the starboard anchor.1

1542hrs. Approximately 10 pilings adjacent to the forward camel and Pier F-13 were , caused by apparent strong wind of about 20 knots off this vessel’s port beam.1

1556hrs. Moored to Pier F-13, Ford Island, Pearl Harbor.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 21-29.2N, Long. 157-26W.1

Mar. 15 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier F-13, Ford Island, Pearl Harbor.1

0830hrs. Commenced loading ammunition.1

1727hrs. Completed ammunition.1

Mar. 16 - Moored starboard side to Pier F-13, Ford Island, Pearl Harbor.1

Mar. 17 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier F-13, Ford Island, Pearl Harbor.1

0803hrs. Underway from Pier F-13, Ford Island, Pearl Harbor.1

0855hrs. Entered International waters.1

1034hrs. MCCAIN (DL-3) rendezvoused with this vessel.1

1035hrs. Commenced air operations.1

1110hrs. Commenced Z-6-G.1

1200hrs. Completed Z-6-G.1

1300hrs. Commenced launching aircraft.1

133hrs. Recovered one COD aircraft with RADM MOORE, COMFAIRHAWAII embarked.1

1840hrs. COMFAIRHAWAII departed the ship via COD aircraft.1

1842hrs. Rendezvoused with RADFORD (DDE-446).1

2321hrs. Detached RADFORD and MCCAIN to proceed as previously directed.1

Positions: 2000 - Lat. 20-33N, Long. 157-56W.1

Mar. 18 - 0000hrs. Steaming independently in Operating Area C-8, Pearl Harbor.1

0606hrs. Rendezvoused with MCCAIN.1

0628hrs. Commenced air operations.1

1121hrs. COMCARDIV 7 returned onboard by COD aircraft.1

1300hrs. General Quarters.1

1411hrs. Secured from General Quarters.1

1738hrs. Secured from AA defense.1

1800hrs. Detached MCCAIN to proceed on duty assigned.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 19-30N, Long. 158-30W; 1200 - Lat. 19-54N, Long. 158-08W; 2000 - Lat. 19-59N, Long. 157-32.5W.1

Mar. 19 - 0000hrs. Steaming in Operating Area C-8.1

0700hrs. Rendezvoused with MCCAIN.1

0730hrs. Conducting air operations.1

1247hrs. CARPENTER (DDE-825) reported for plane guard duty. Detached MCCAIN to proceed on duty assigned.1

1618hrs. RADFORD (DDE-446) reported to plane guard station 3.1

1708hrs. Secured flight operations.1

1727hrs. Commenced Z-4-G gunnery exercise.1

1742hrs. Completed Z-4-G.1

1800hrs. CARPENTER detached to proceed as previously directed.1

1833hrs. Refueled RADFORD.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 20-02N, Long. 157-54.6W; 1200 - Lat. 20-07.2N, Long. 157-50.5W; 2000 - Lat. 20-05.5N, Long. 157-23.2W.1

Mar. 20 - 0000hrs. Steaming in Pearl Harbor Operating Area C-8.1

0730hrs. Commenced flight operations.1

1300hrs. General Quarters.1

1434hrs. Secured from General Quarters.1

1651hrs. F3H, Buno. 137029, rolled into port catwalk while being respotted, no damage estimated at this time.1 (See photo caption described in March 28th issue of Horizon located at end of 1958 information. The side number of the aircraft was 402.)

1845hrs. F3H, Buno. 137029, hoisted from the port catwalk and respotted on the flight deck.1

2030hrs. Commenced night air operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 19-32N, Long. 158-09W; 1200 - Lat. 19-47.8N, Long. 157-56W; 2000 - Lat. 19-57.2N, Long. 158-06.5W.1

Mar. 21 - 0000hrs. Steaming in Pearl Harbor Operating Area C-8.1

0030hrs. Detached CARPENTER and RADFORD to carry out assigned duty.1

0135hrs. Secured from flight quarters.1

0700hrs. Rendezvoused with CARPENTER.1

0800hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

0835hrs. Commenced Z-6-G.1

0924hrs. Completed Z-6-G.1

1503hrs. Completed recovering aircraft.1

1505hrs. Detached MCCAIN.1

1726hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier F-5, Ford Island, Pearl Harbor.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 20-04.2N, Long. 157-39.5W; 1200 - Lat. 20-45.5N, Long. 157-26.7W.1

Mar. 22 - Moored starboard side to Pier F-5, Ford Island, Pearl Harbor.1

Mar. 23 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier F-5, Ford Island, Pearl Harbor.1

0230hrs. By orders of BuPers, CDR W. E. LAMB reported aboard for duty in a flying status involving operational and training flight as Executive Officer.1

Mar. 24 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier F-5, Ford Island, Pearl Harbor.1

0759hrs. Underway for the operating area.1

0840hrs. Entered International waters.1

0930hrs. Steering various courses and speeds for approach to radar anchorage to conduct exercise Z-5-S.1

1012hrs. Completed radar anchoring drill.1

1100hrs. SPROSTON (DDE-577) made rendezvous with this vessel.1

1202hrs. Commenced flight operations.1

1904hrs. Secured from flight operations and detached SPROSTON.1

Positions: 1200 - Lat. 21-02N, Long. 158-00W; 2000 - Lat. 20-56.1N, Long. 157-46.8W.1

Mar. 25 - 0000hrs. Steaming independently from Pearl Harbor in assigned operating area in accordance with COMFAIRHAWAII Op Order 13-58. COMCARDIV 7 is embarked in this vessel.1

0630hrs. SPROSTON rendezvoused with this vessel.1

0700hrs. Commenced launching aircraft.1

1216hrs. Completed air operations.1

1224hrs. Commenced air defense exercise.1

1225hrs. Detached SPROSTON.1

1400hrs. General Quarters.1

1520hrs. Secured General Quarters.1

1745hrs. Secured from air defense. Rendezvoused with SPROSTON for refueling.1

1845hrs. Rendezvoused with MCCAIN.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 20-12.2N, Long. 158-54.2W; 2000 - Lat. 20-38N, Long. 158-31.5W.1

Mar. 26 - 0000hrs. Steaming in assigned operating area off Pearl Harbor.1

0220hrs. Commenced air operations.

1600hrs. MCCAIN detached to proceed on duty assigned.1

1603hrs. O’BANNON (DDE-450) rendezvoused and was assigned plane guard.1

2000hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 20-04.7N, Long. 158-29W; 2000 - Lat. 20-04.8N, Long. 158-13.2W.1

Mar. 27 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with SPROSTON and O’BANNON in the operating area.1

0430hrs. Completed air operations.1

0437hrs. Detached O’BANNON to proceed on duties assigned.1

0439hrs. Detached SPROSTON to conduct ISE.1

0821hrs. Commenced engineering casualty drill.1

1125hrs. Rendezvoused with SPROSTON.1

1135hrs. Completed engineering casualty drills.1

1200hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1350hrs. Refueled SPROSTON.1

1600hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1800hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1830hrs. FLETCHER rendezvoused.1

1841hrs. Commenced night carrier qualifications.1

2250hrs. Secured from air operations.1

2254hrs. Detached SPROSTON and FLETCHER to proceed on duties assigned.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 20-16N, Long. 158-50.8W; 2000 - Lat. 20-45N, Long. 158-33.8W.1

Mar. 28 - 0000hrs. Steaming independently in assigned operating area.1

0730hrs. SPROSTON rendezvoused and was assigned plane guard station.1

0830hrs. Commenced air operations.1

1308hrs. General Quarters.1

1324hrs. Commenced firing Z-5-G.1

1445hrs. Secured from General Quarters.1

1826hrs. MCCAIN rendezvoused.1

2320hrs. Ceased recovering aircraft. Detached MCCAIN and SPROSTON to proceed on duties assigned.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 20-05N, Long. 158-41.3W; 1200 - Lat. 19-58N, Long. 158-31W; 2000 - Lat. 20-41.7N, Long. 158-32W.1

Mar. 29 - 0000hrs. Steaming in assigned operating area.1

0755hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier F-12, Ford Island, Pearl Harbor.1

Mar. 30 - Moored starboard side to Pier F-12, Ford Island, Pearl Harbor.1

Mar. 31 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier F-12, Ford Island, Pearl Harbor.1

0804hrs. Underway for operating area.1

0848hrs. Entered International waters.1

1238hrs. RADM MOORE, COMFAIRHAWAII, was piped aboard this vessel and received full military honors.1

1300hrs. General Quarters.1

1443hrs. Secured from General Quarters.1

1509hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1725hrs. Ceased flight operations.1

1745hrs. SPROSTON rendezvoused and was assigned plane guard station.1

1800hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

2230hrs. MCCAIN and SPROSTON detached to proceed on duties assigned.1

Positions: 1200 - Lat. 20-26.5N, Long. 158-28W; 2000 - Lat. 20-13.2N, Long. 152-56W.1

Apr. 1 - 0000hrs. Steaming independently from operating area to Pearl Harbor.1

0825hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier F-5, Ford Island, Pearl Harbor.1

1227hrs. Underway for operating area to conduct Operational Readiness Inspection.1

1306hrs. Entered International waters.1

1317hrs. Commenced man overboard drill, Z-11-S.1

1346hrs. Secured from man overboard drill.1

1434hrs. Anchored in 41 fathoms of water in F-4, sand and coral bottom, with 60 fathoms of chain to the port anchor.1

1455hrs. Underway steering various courses and speeds to clear anchorage.1

1600hrs. Rendezvoused with MCCAIN and SPROSTON.1

1635hrs. Refueled SPROSTON to starboard.1

1718hrs. Commenced ECM drill with SPROSTON and MCCAIN.1

1830hrs. General Quarters.1

2010hrs. Secured from General Quarters.1

2011hrs. Commenced Z-10-CM and Z-11-C exercises.1

2015hrs. Detached SPROSTON for rendezvous at 0330.1

2135hrs. Completed Z-10-CM. Detached MCCAIN for ISE.1

2300hrs. Commenced full power build up for engineering drill.1

Positions: 2000 - Lat. 20-28.5N; Long. 158-02W.1

Apr. 2 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area conducting Operational Readiness Inspection.1

0330hrs. Rendezvoused with SPROSTON and MCCAIN.1

0401hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

0635hrs. SPROSTON detached to proceed on duty assigned.1

0640hrs. Sounded air defense.1

1735hrs. SPROSTON rendezvoused.1

2147hrs. Completed air operations.1

2205hrs. Detached SPROSTON and MCCAIN to proceed on duty assigned.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 19-53.1N, Long. 158-20.1W; 1200 - Lat. 19-41.3N, Long. 158-26W; 2000 - Lat. 19-47.7N, Long. 158-12.5W.1

Apr. 3 - 0000hrs. Steaming independently in assigned operating area.1

0530hrs. SPROSTON and MCCAIN rendezvoused.1

0600hrs. Commenced flight operations.1

0630hrs. Air defense stations.1

0742hrs. Commenced Z-4-G.1

0822hrs. Completed Z-4-G.1

1035hrs. General Quarters for ORI battle problem.1

1236hrs. Secured from General Quarters.1

1323hrs. COMFAIRHAWAII departed the ship by COD aircraft.1

1505hrs. Detached SPROSTON upon completion of air operations.1

1626hrs. Entered Inland waters.1

1800hrs. Moored port side to Pier F-12, NAS Ford Island, Pearl Harbor.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 20-02.8N, Long. 159-01W; 1200 - Lat. 20-18.5N, Long. 158-33.9W.1

Apr. 4 - Moored port side to Pier F-12, NAS Ford Island, Pearl Harbor.1

Apr. 5 - Moored port side to Pier F-12, NAS Ford Island, Pearl Harbor.1

Apr. 6 - Moored port side to Pier F-12, NAS Ford Island, Pearl Harbor.1

Apr. 7 - 0000hrs. Moored port side to Pier F-12, NAS Ford Island, Pearl Harbor.1

0729hrs. COMFAIRHAWAII came aboard to conduct ORI critique.1

0959hrs. Underway from Pearl Harbor in accordance with COMSEVENTHFLT message 181430 of March 1958.1

1042hrs. Entered International waters.1

1202hrs. Commenced Z-23-G and Z-28-G.1

1513hrs. Finished Z-23-G and Z-28-G.1

1517hrs. Secured from air defense.1

1656hrs. Changed course to 324. Took departure for Yokosuka, Japan.1

Positions: 1200 - Lat. 20-59.7N, Long. 158-16.9W; 2000 - Lat. 22-41.6N, Long. 159-40.9W.1

Apr. 8 - 0000hrs. Steaming independently enroute from Pearl Harbor to Yokosuka, Japan.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 24-41N, Long. 164-37.9W; 1200 - Lat. 25-14.5N, Long. 166-09.1W; 2000 - Lat. 26-18N, Long. 169-19W.1

Apr. 9 - 0000hrs. Steaming independently from Pearl Harbor to Yokosuka, Japan.1

2116hrs. This vessel crossed the International Date Line.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 28-04.2N, Long. 174-04.4W; 1200 - Lat. 28-42N, Long. 175-41W; 2000 - Lat. 29-05.1N, Long. 179-32W.1


Apr. 11 - 0000hrs. Steaming independently from Pearl Harbor enroute to Yokosuka, Japan.1

1330hrs. Received JOHNSTON, V. L., FN, from FRANK KNOX (DDR-742) for treatment. Diagnosis: acute appendicitis.1

1342hrs. FRANK KNOX stood clear to starboard.1

1456hrs. Visibility decreased to two miles due to fog. Commenced sounding fog signals and stationed lookouts in the eyes of the ship.1

1509hrs. Visibility increased to 5 miles. Ceased sounding fog signals.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 30-26N, Long. 175-43.5E; 1200 - Lat. 30-44N, Long. 173-25E; 2000 - Lat. 31-48N, Long. 170-39E.1

Apr. 12 - 0000hrs. Steaming independently enroute from Pearl Harbor to Yokosuka, Japan.1

0900hrs. General Quarters.1

1000hrs. Abandon Ship drill.1

1039hrs. Secured from General Quarters.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-45N, Long. 165-25E; 1200 - Lat. 31-07.5N, Long. 163-50E; 2000 - Lat. 33-44.1N, Long. 160-45.5E.1

Apr. 13 - 000hrs. Steaming independently enroute from Pearl Harbor to Yokosuka, Japan.1

1836hrs. Commenced fog signals as visibility decreased to one mile due to fog and rain.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 34-07.5N, Long. 156-10.6E; 1200 - Lat. 34-17.5N, Long. 154-38.2E; 2000 - Lat. 34-37N, Long. 151-04E.1

Apr. 14 - 0000hrs. Steaming independently enroute from Pearl Harbor to Yokosuka, Japan.1

1326hrs. Visibility reduced to one mile. Commenced sounding fog signals.1

1332hrs. Visibility increased to 12 miles, stopped sounding fog signals.1

1410hrs. Visibility reduced to ½ mile, commenced sounding fog signals.1

1413hrs. Visibility increased to ten miles, stopped sounding fog signals.1

1432hrs. Visibility reduced to one mile, commenced sounding fog signals.1

1436hrs. Visibility increased to ten miles, stopped sounding fog signals.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 34-46.5N, Long. 146-59E; 1200 - Lat. 34-41.2N, Long. 145-35E; 2000 - Lat. 34-38.5N, Long. 142-17.9E.1

Apr. 15 - 0000hrs. Steaming independently enroute from Pearl Harbor to Yokosuka, Japan.1

0500hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

0545hrs. Completed flight operations.1

0811hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier 8, Naval Base, Fleet Activities, Yokosuka, Japan.1

0924hrs. COMCARDIV 7, RADM L. B. SUTHERLAND, broke his flag in this vessel.1

Apr. 16 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier 8, Naval Base, Yokosuka, Japan. Ships present include PLATTE (AO-24), ELDORADO (AGC-11), CASTOR (AKS-1), MATHEWS (AKA-96) and various units of the U. S. Pacific Fleet.1

1029hrs. COMDESRON 13 paid official visit to COMCARDIV 7.1

1045hrs. COMDESRON 15 left the ship.1

Apr. 17 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier 8, Naval Base, Yokosuka, Japan.1

PHIBGROUP 1, RADM STELTLER, came aboard for an official visit. Band and honor guard were paraded.1

1047hrs. PHIBGROUP 1, RADM STELTER, left the ship.1

1051hrs. Destroyer Flotilla, West Pac, RADM RIVERO, came aboard for an official visit. Band and honor guard were paraded.1

1116hrs. Destroyer Flotilla, West Pac, RADM RIVERO, left the ship.1

1406hrs. VADM YOSHITA came aboard for an official visit. Band and guard paraded.1

Apr. 18 - Moored starboard side to Pier 8, Naval Base, Yokosuka, Japan.1

Apr. 19 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier 8, Naval Base, Yokosuka, Japan.1

1030hrs. COMNAVFORJAPAN, RADM WORTHINGTON, came aboard for an official visit. Band and guard of honor were paraded.1

1105hrs. COMNAVFORJAPAN, RADM WORTHINGTON, left the ship.1

1115hrs. CDR R. E. MITCHEL, (MC), USN, reported aboard for duty.1

Apr. 20 - Moored starboard side to Pier 8, Naval Base, Yokosuka, Japan.1

Apr. 21 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier 8, Naval Base, Yokosuka, Japan.1

0835hrs. Underway for the operating area in accordance with COMCARDIV 7 Op Order 205-58.1

0910hrs. Anchored in 29 fathoms of water in Anchorage B-136.1

1116hrs. Underway from anchorage.1

1320hrs. BLUE (DD-744) and CUNNINGHAM (DD-752) detached to proceed on ISE.1

1430hrs. Commenced launching aircraft for refresher operations.1

1830hrs. Completed air operations.1

Positions: 2000 - Lat. 34-15.5N, Long. 138-26E.1

Apr. 22 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with BLUE (DD-744), CUNNINGHAM (DD-752), and MCKEAN (DD-784) enroute from Yokosuka, Japan, to operating area.1

1147hrs. Recovered COD aircraft.1

1335hrs. Refueled MCKEAN to port.1

1542hrs. Refueled BLUE to starboard.1

1647hrs. Refueled CUNNINGHAM to starboard.1

1846hrs. MCKEAN and CUNNINGHAM detached to proceed as previously directed.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 33-07.2N, Long. 134-39.5E; 1200 - Lat. 32-48.4N, Long. 134-42E; 2000 - Lat. 32-04.8, Long. 134-13E.1

Apr. 23 - 0000hrs. Steaming as before in operating area.1

1354hrs. Refueled EVANS (DD-754) to starboard.1

1432hrs. Commenced highline transfer of civilian C. D. ROBERTS, Jr., and CDR J. W. BENHON, Jr.1

1540hrs. Detached EVANS to proceed as previously assigned.1

1850hrs. MCKEAN (DDR-784) rejoined formation.1

2022hrs. BLUE detached by order of CTG-77.4 1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 29-37.5N, Long. 132-48E; 1200 - Lat. 29-06.1N, Long. 132-30E; 2000 - Lat. 27-57N, Long. 131-31.2E.1

Apr. 24 - 0000hrs. Steaming as before in operating area.1

0400hrs. BLUE rendezvoused.1

0820hrs. Detached BLUE, CUNNINGHAM, and MCKEAN for ISE.1

1000hrs. Draft: fwd 29' 9", aft 31' 3", mean 30' 6". Displacement: 40,994 tons.1

1500hrs. CUNNINGHAM and MCKEAN rendezvoused with this vessel.1

1600hrs. Commenced tactical maneuvering drill.1

1702hrs. Completed tactical maneuvering drill.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 26-02N, Long. 129-35.5E; 1200 - Lat. 26-03.5N, Long. 129-39.8E; 2000 - Lat. 25-30.6N, Long. 129-48.9E.1

Apr. 25 - 0000hrs. Steaming as before in operating area.1

0621hrs. Refueled from PLATTE (AO-24).1

1001hrs. Commenced replenishment from GRAFFIAS (AF-29).1

1122hrs. Commenced loading stores from JUPITER (AVS-8).1

1404hrs. Conducting air operations.1

1721hrs. Completed air operations.1

2105hrs. Secured from flight quarters.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 25-22N, Long. 128-25E; 1200 - Lat. 25-00.8N, Long. 127-59.2E; 2000 - Lat. 24-41.5N, Long. 128-11.5E.1

off Okinawa. SHANGRI-LA and store ship GRAFFIAS set a new replenishment record by transferring 117 tons of provisions in 31 minutes.

Apr. 26 - 0000hrs. Steaming as before in operating area.1

0800hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

0945hrs. Completed flight operations.1

0955hrs. Conducting Z-11-G.1

1015hrs. Air defense stations.1

1224hrs. Secured from air defense stations.1

1305hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1740hrs. Rendezvoused with BLUE and CUNNINGHAM.1

2149hrs. Completed all landings.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 26-35.3N, Long. 129-13.1E; 1200 - Lat. 26-31N, Long. 129-13E; 2000 - Lat. 25-25.5N, Long. 128-54.5E.1

Apr. 27 - 0000hrs. Steaming as before in operating area.1

1307hrs. DESRON 13 left the ship by helo.1

1607hrs. Refueling MCKEAN to starboard and BLUE to port.1

1717hrs. Refueling CUNNINGHAM to starboard.1

1847hrs. Fire was reported in compartment A-0208-M. Proved to be fire alarm sounding due to excessive temperature. Called away fire party.1

1857hrs. Secured from fire quarters.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 24-06.7N, Long. 136-36.5E; 1200 - Lat. 23-55.1N, Long. 125-36.3E; 2000 - Lat. 22-53N, Long. 124-33.2E.1

Apr. 28 - 0000hrs. Steaming as before in operating area.1

0400hrs. Commenced flight operations.1

0512hrs. MCKEAN and BLUE detached to exercise independently.1

0830hrs. Manned all AA defense station for Z-2-B.1

1119hrs. Secured from AA defense.1

1445hrs. Completed landing aircraft.1

1450hrs. BLUE, CUNNINGHAM, and MCKEAN rendezvoused with this vessel.1

1813hrs. Received COATS, FN, from MCKEAN by helo for medical treatment.1

1850hrs. Fire on flight deck caused by wet start in F3H.1

1855hrs. Secured from fire quarters.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 22-07N, Long. 122-48E; 1200 - Lat. 22-17.2N, Long. 122-47.7E; 2000 - Lat. 21-04N, Long. 121-25.2E.1

Apr. 29 - 0000hrs. Steaming as before in operating area.1

1140hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1655hrs. Refueled CUNNINGHAM to starboard and BLUE to port.1

1831hrs. Refueled MCKEAN to starboard.1

1910hrs. MCKEAN detached to proceed on duty assigned.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 19-23.8N, Long. 119-49.5E; 1200 - Lat. 19-24.8N, Long. 119-50E; 2000 - Lat. 19-09.5N, Long. 120-16.2E.1

Apr. 30 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with DESRON 131, less EVANS and MCKEAN, enroute from Okinawa Operating Area to Subic Bay, P.I.1

0624hrs. Commenced refueling from CALIENTE (AO-53).1

1330hrs. Commenced flight operations.1

2248hrs. Completed recovery of all aircraft.1

2300hrs. Detached CUNNINGHAM to proceed on duty assigned. BLUE took station directly ahead.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 19-09.5N, Long. 120-16.2E; 1200 - Lat. 16-14.5N, Long. 118-05E; 2000 - Lat. 16-17.9N, Long. 118-11E.1

May 1 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with TG-77.4 composed of SHANGRI-LA and BLUE enroute from Okinawa Operating Area to Subic Bay, P.I.1

0759hrs. Commenced air operations.1

1515hrs. Detached BLUE to effect engine repairs.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 16-06N, Long. 119-08.9E; 1200 - Lat. 15-42N, Long. 119-13.8E; 2000 - Lat. 15-29N, Long. 119-05E.1

May 2 - 0000hrs. Steaming as before enroute from Okinawa Operating Area to Subic Bay, P.I.1

0515hrs. Commenced launching aircraft.1

0622hrs. Completed air operations.1

0630hrs. Detached BLUE and CUNNINGHAM.1

0851hrs. Moored to Leyte Wharf, NAS Cubi Point, P.I. Let go port anchor, 20 fathoms of chain out in 55 feet of water, mud and sand bottom.1

May 3 - 0000hrs. Moored to Leyte Wharf, NAS Cubi Point, P.I.1

1712hrs. CAPT M. H. BUASS, USN, COMDESDIV 12, embarked on BAUSELL (DD-845), came aboard and paid his respects to the flag.1

May 4 - Moored to Leyte Wharf, NAS Cubi Point, P.I.1

May 5 - 0000hrs. Moored to Leyte Wharf, NAS Cubi Point, P.I.1

1515hrs. One F11F aircraft, side number 108, went into water off the runway at Cubi Point. Pilot: LTJG NUNN. No survivors.1

LTJG H. F. NUNN, VA-156, F11F, killed in crash at NAS Cubi Pt., Philippines. The F11F crashed into Subic Bay. The tail of the plane was out of the water. The canopy was broken but not opened. (Assumed pilot eaten by sharks.)

May 6 - 0000hrs. Moored to Leyte Wharf, NAS Cubi Point, P.I.1

1920hrs. Report of fire in number 1 fireroom from spontaneous combustion of rags, extinguished without damage.1

May 7 - 0000hrs. Moored to Leyte Wharf, NAS Cubi Point, P.I.1

1311hrs. Fire reported in compartment C-417-A, called away the fire party.1

1315hrs. Secured from fire quarters. Alarm due to welder setting off electrical alarm circuit.1

1810hrs. Fire reported in compartment B-0401-E, fire party called away. Investigation revealed Class C fire in air conditioning motor.1

1832hrs. Secured from fire quarters.1

May 8 - 0000hrs. Moored to Leyte Wharf, NAS Cubi Point, P.I.1

0800hrs. Commenced loading ammunition.1

1140hrs. Completed taking aboard approximately 15 tons of gun and aircraft ammunition.1

May 9 - Moored to Leyte Wharf, NAS Cubi Point, P.I.1

May 10 - Moored to Leyte Wharf, NAS Cubi Point, P.I.1

May 11 - Moored to Leyte Wharf, NAS Cubi Point, P.I.1

May 12 - 0000hrs. Moored to Leyte Wharf, NAS Cubi Point, P.I.1

1006hrs. Underway for Subic Operating Area in accordance CTG-77.4 message 081116Z of 8 May 1958.1

1108hrs. BLUE assigned station A.1

1330hrs. Commenced launching aircraft.1

1745hrs. Rendezvoused with CUNNINGHAM and BLUE.1

2000hrs. Conducting night flight operations.1

Positions: 1200 - Lat. 14-48.5N, Long. 119-58.4E; 2000 - Lat. 15-46.5N, Long. 119-17E.1

May 13 - 0000hrs. Steaming in Subic Operating Area in company with CUNNINGHAM and BLUE. OTC is COMCARDIV 7 embarked in this vessel.1

0800hrs. Commenced launching aircraft.1

1515hrs. BLUE detached to proceed on duty assigned.1

1530hrs. Manned AA defense stations.1

1600hrs. Conducting Z-3-G.1

2057hrs. Completed air operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 15-42N, Long. 119-28E; 1200 - Lat. 15-17.9N, Long. 119-35.9E; 2000 - Lat. 14-41.2N, Long. 119-19E.1

May 14 - 0000hrs. Steaming in Subic Operating Area in company with BLUE and CUNNINGHAM.1

0633hrs. Commenced refueling CUNNINGHAM and BLUE.1

0830hrs. Commenced flight operations.1

2030hrs. Two aircraft missing.1

2253hrs. BLUE is 090, two miles. CUNNINGHAM is 270, two miles. Commenced searching for two missing A4Ds.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 15-34N, Long. 119-23.1E; 1200 - Lat. 15-25N, Long. 119-25.9E; 2000 - Lat. 15-49N, Long. 119-20E.1

LTJG W. R. MATHEWS and LTJG A. D. MORTON, VA-113, lost at sea in the South China Sea. Both pilots were flying A-4Ds and were operating together. It was assumed that they collided in mid-air.

May 15 - 0000hrs. Steaming in Subic Operating Area in company with BLUE and CUNNINGHAM. BLUE is 090, two miles. CUNNINGHAM is 090, two miles. Conducting search for two A4Ds aircraft.1

0320hrs. BLUE is detached on a bearing of 215 to investigate debris reported by searching aircraft.1

0500hrs. Sounded flight quarters.1

0600hrs. Commenced launching aircraft.1

0603hrs. Detached BLUE and CUNNINGHAM to conduct expanded square search.1

0630hrs. Maneuvering on various courses and speed to remain in area of lifeboat while searching for debris.1

0800hrs. Steaming as before while searching for missing A4Ds and launching rescue planes.1

1524hrs. Commenced approached on GRAFFIAS (AF-29).1

1640hrs. Completed loading stores.1

1702hrs. Transferred one patient by highline to this ship.1

1716hrs. BLUE and CUNNINGHAM detached to conduct engineering exercises.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 15-56N, Long. 119-21.1E; 1200 - Lat. 15-44.7N, Long. 119-20.2E; 2000 - Lat. 16-11.5N, Long. 119-01.8E.1

May 16 - 0000hrs. Steaming independently in Subic Operating Area.1

0430hrs. Rendezvoused with BLUE and CUNNINGHAM.1

0607hrs. Commenced refueling from GUADALUPE (AO-32).1

0805hrs. Detached GUADALUPE to proceed as previously assigned.1

1034hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1145hrs. Gunnery Department at air defense.1

1553hrs. Anchored in Anchorage 94 at Subic Bay, P.I. in 20 fathoms of water with mud bottom. Had 100 fathoms of chain at the water’s edge.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 14-24N, Long. 119-20.2E; 1200 - 14-26.1N, Long. 119-57E.

May 17 - 0000hrs. Anchored in Berth 94, Subic Bay, P.I. Ships present: HANCOCK (CVA-19), FRONTIER (AD-24), NAVARRO (APA-215), and various units of the Pacific Fleet.1

0739hrs. Underway for local Subic Bay Operating Area in accordance with COMCARDIV 1 Op Order 302-58.1

0745hrs. Maneuvering on various courses and speeds while conducting tactical maneuvering drills with HANCOCK, DESDIV 131, and DESDIV 12. OTC is CTF-77 in HANCOCK.1

1133hrs. Commenced air operations.1

Positions: 1200 - Lat. 15-23N, Long. 119-32E; 2000 - Lat. 16-04N, Long. 119-13E.1

May 18 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with HOPEWELL, KIDD, RICHARD B. ANDERSON, BLUE, ALFRED A. CUNNINGHAM, FRANK E. EVANS, and AGERHOLM in Subic Bay Operating Area. OTC and CTF-77 is COMCARDIV 1 embarked in HANCOCK.1

0635hrs. Conducting tactical drills.1

1010hrs. Man overboard drill.1

1900hrs. Commenced launching aircraft.1

2000hrs. Conducting air operations.1

2227hrs. Took waiting station 2,000 yards astern of GUADALUPE (AO-32).1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 16-20.9N, Long. 117-47E; 1200 - Lat. 16-06N, Long. 119-01E; 2000 - Lat. 15-15.1N, Long. 118-58.5E.1

May 19 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with HANCOCK, ST. PAUL, HOPEWELL, KIDD, RICHARD B. ANDERSON, BLUE, ALFRED A. CUNNINGHAM, AGERHOLM, and FRANK E. EVANS in formation 62.1

0142hrs. Commenced refueling from GUADALUPE (AO-32).1

0906hrs. Anchored in Subic Bay, P.I. with 80 fathoms of chains at the waters edge to the port anchor, mud and sand bottom.1

May 20 - 0000hrs. Anchored in Subic Bay, P.I.1

0950hrs. A group of twenty-nine foreign military leaders from seven Asian nations embarked for a three-day weapons demonstration. Rendered full honors and fired a salute of seventeen guns.1

1018hrs. Underway for operating area in accordance with COMCARDIV 1 Op Order 302-58. Conducting opposed sortie.1

1620hrs. Commenced man overboard drill.1

1634hrs. Completed man overboard drill.1

Positions: 1200 - Lat. 14-44.6N, Long. 119-54.8E; 2000 - Lat. 16-38.5N, Long. 119-35.3E.1

May 21 - 0000hrs. Enroute from Subic Bay, P.I. to Buckner Bay, Okinawa. Steaming in company with DESDIV 151, DESDIV 131, ST. PAUL, and HANCOCK.1

0900hrs. Commenced flight operations.1

0930hrs. Vice Chief of Naval Operations arrived via helo.1

1318hrs. Vice Chief of Naval Operations departed the ship.1

1655hrs. CINCPAC arrived, rendered honors; paraded honor guard and band.1

1715hrs. Refueling BLUE to port and EVANS to starboard.1

2107hrs. Completed air operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 20-44N, Long. 121-01.8E; 1200 - Lat. 21-00.9N, Long. 120-47E; 2000 - Lat. 21-23.9N, Long. 121-40E.1

May 22 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with TF-77 enroute from Subic Bay, P.I. to Buckner Bay, Okinawa in formation 40.1

0915hrs. Commenced launching aircraft.1

1355hrs. Refueled from KAWISHIWI (AO-146).1

1455hrs. Manned AA defense stations. Commenced small drone exercise.1

1603hrs. Commenced air operations.1

1607hrs. Secured from AA defense.1

1720hrs. Secured air operations, shifted to Formation Hotel Hotel.1

2020hrs. Detached UHLMANN and KIDD to proceed as previously directed.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 23-52.2N, Long. 125-18E; 1200 - Lat. 23-51.1N, Long. 125-28.3E; 2000 - Lat. 24-48N, Long. 126-31E.1

May 23 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with TF-77, formation 40, enroute from Subic Bay, P.I. to Buckner Bay, Okinawa.1

0949hrs. Formed Formation Golf-Golf for Regulus demonstration.1

1050hrs. Anchored in Anchorage B-175, B-176, B-184 and B-185 in Buckner Bay in 8 3/4 fathoms of water, fine sand bottom, with 45 fathoms of chain to the starboard anchor. Ships present include HANCOCK, ST. PAUL, TOLEDO, and SALISBURY SOUND.1

1230hrs. CINCPAC and twenty-nine foreign military leaders from seven Asian nations departed by helo upon completion of three-day weapons demonstration.1

1313hrs. Underway from Anchorage B-175, Buckner Bay, Okinawa, in accordance with COMCARDIV 1 Op Order 302-58.1

1919hrs. Refueled from CALIENTE (AO-53).1

1950hrs. Rearmed from CHARA (AKA-58).1

2317hrs. Replenished from GRAFFIAS (AF-29).1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 24-54.5N, Long. 127-44.3E; 2000 - Lat. 25-34.8N, Long. 129-07.8E.1

May 24 - 0000hrs. Steaming in Formation 62 along the port side of GRAFFIAS while replenishing.1

0038hrs. Replenishment completed.1

0057hrs. Steering 280, speed 25 knots to proceed independently to port.1

0635hrs. Anchored in Anchorage B-172, B-173, B-186 and B-187, Buckner Bay, Okinawa, in 10 fathoms of water, fine sand bottom, with 60fathoms of chain to the anchor. Ships present: DUVALL COUNTY (LST-728), ST. PAUL, SALISBURY SOUND.1

May 25 - Anchored in Anchorage B-172, B-173, B-186 and B-187, Buckner Bay, Okinawa.1

May 26 - 0000hrs. Anchored in Anchorage B-172, B-173, B-186 and B-187. Buckner Bay, Okinawa.1

0732hrs. Underway in accordance with COMCARDIV 7 Op Order A4-3, serial 067, for operating area.1

1225hrs. Guard mail transferred to CUNNINGHAM by highline.1

1716hrs. Commenced Z-13-CC. OCE is TOLEDO (CA-133).1

1822hrs. BLUE, EVANS, and Toledo rendezvoused with this vessel.1

2143hrs. Detached BLUE and EVANS to proceed on duty assigned.1

Positions: 1200 - Lat. 25-55.5N, Long. 128-25.9E; 2000 - Lat. 25-35.8N, Long. 129-10E.1

May 27 - 0000hrs. Steaming in Okinawa Operating Area in company with TOLEDO and CUNNINGHAM. OTC is CTG-77.4 embarked in this vessel.1

1300hrs. General Quarters.1

1301hrs. Simulating ABC attack.1

1428hrs. Secured from General Quarters.1

1736hrs. BLUE and EVANS rendezvoused with this vessel.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 25-21.5N, Long. 129-37.5E; 1200 - Lat. 25-06.5N, Long. 129-55.5E; 2000 - Lat. 24-44.2N, 129-15.5E.1

May 28 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with CUNNINGHAM, BLUE and EVANS enroute from operating area south of Okinawa to Hong Kong, B.C.C.1

0715hrs. Detached EVANS and CUNNINGHAM for ISE.1

0726hrs. BLUE assigned plane guard station.1

0800hrs. Conducting air operations.1

1803hrs. Refueling BLUE and CUNNINGHAM.1

1859hrs. Refueling EVANS.1

1946hrs. Commenced launching aircraft for group tactics.1

2305hrs. Completed air operations.1

2312hrs. BLUE detached to proceed on duty assigned.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 21-46.9N, Long. 127-36.4E; 1200 - Lat. 21-55.6N, Long. 127-35.4E; 2000 - Lat. 21-36.2N, Long. 126-12E.1

May 29 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with CUNNINGHAM enroute from operating area south of Okinawa to Hong Kong.1

0600hrs. EVANS and BLUE rejoined formation.1

0759hrs. Conducting air operations.1

1700hrs. Completed recovering 13 aircraft.1

1730hrs. Commenced test of VT projectiles.1

1800hrs. Completed test of VT projectiles, having fired 20 rounds.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 21-37.5N, Long. 124-07E; 1200 - Lat. 21-31.5N, Long. 123-44.5E; 2000 - Lat. 21-31.5N, Long. 123-02.5E.1

May 30 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with BLUE, EVANS and CUNNINGHAM enroute from operating area south of Okinawa to Hong Kong.1

0520hrs. PLATTE (AO-24) rendezvoused with this vessel.1

0627hrs. Commenced refueling from PLATTE.1

1009hrs. All lines clear of PLATTE.1

1518hrs. Recovered one aircraft.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 22-19.8N, Long. 120-05.9E; 1200 - Lat. 22-28N, Long. 119-21E; 2000 - Lat. 22-16.5N, Long. 117-26E.1

May 31 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with BLUE, EVANS and CUNNINGHAM enroute from operating area south of Okinawa to Hong Kong.1

1009hrs. BLUE, EVANS and CUNNINGHAM proceeded into Hong Kong.1

1015hrs. This vessel ordered to operate independently.1

1200hrs. Commenced sounding fog signals. Visibility ½ mile.1

1236hrs. Ceased sounding fog signals. Visibility increased to 10 miles.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 22-13N, Long. 114-25E; 1200 - Lat. 22-13.9N, Long. 114-47.5E; 2000 - Lat. 22-10.5N, Long. 115-53.6E.1

Jun. 1 - 0000hrs. Steaming independently in Hong Kong Operating Area.1

1050hrs. Commenced Pinwheel Operation.1

1055hrs. Ceased Pinwheel Operation.1

1148hrs. Moored to Buoy 2, Man-of-War Anchorage, Hong Kong, B.C.C., in 6 fathoms of water. Ships present include DESRON 13, KAWISHIWI, FLOYDS BAY (AVP-40), NAVARRO (APA-215), HMS BULWARK (CV-8), HMS NEWCASTLE (CL-76). SOPA is COMCARDIV 7 in this vessel.1

Jun. 2 - Moored to Buoy 2, Man-of-War Anchorage, Hong Kong, B.C.C.1

Jun. 3 - Moored to Buoy 2, Man-of-War Anchorage, Hong Kong, B.C.C.1

Jun. 4 - 0000hrs. Moored to Buoy 2, Man-of-War Anchorage, Hong Kong, B.C.C.1

0900hrs. COMCARDIV 7 left the ship to pay an official visit.1

0940hrs. COMCARDIV 7 returned from official visit.1

1100hrs. Commodore, Hong Kong paid an official visit on COMCARDIV 7.1

1124hrs. Commodore, Hong Kong departed after official visit.1

1130hrs. COMCARDIV 7 left the ship to pay an official visit to Commodore, Hong Kong.1

1220hrs. COMCARDIV 7 returned from an official visit to Commodore, Hong Kong.1

Jun. 5 - Moored to Buoy 2, Man-of-War Anchorage, Hong Kong, B.C.C.1

Jun. 6 - 0000hrs. Moored to Buoy 2, Man-of-War Anchorage, Hong Kong, B.C.C.1

0953hrs. Draft: fwd 29' 8", aft 29' 6", mean 29' 7". Displacement: 41,600 tons.1

Jun. 7 - 0000hrs. Moored to Buoy 2, Man-of-War Anchorage, Hong Kong, B.C.C.1

0753hrs. Air Officer Commanding, Hong Kong, arrived onboard with aide.1

0938hrs. Underway for sea as a unit of TG-77.4 in compliance with COMCARDIV 7 Op Order 302-58.1

1115hrs. Completed sortie from Hong Kong Harbor. BLUE, CUNNINGHAM, MCKEAN and EVANS took station in screen.1

1532hrs. All lines clear to starboard having completed refueling CUNNINGHAM, BLUE, EVANS and MCKEAN.1

Positions: 2000 - Lat. 19-50N, Long. 114-40.5E.1

Jun. 8 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with MCKEAN and CUNNINGHAM enroute from Hong Kong to assigned operating area.1

0633hrs. BLUE rendezvoused with this vessel.1

1032hrs. Recovered one COD aircraft.1

1245hrs. BLUE, MCKEAN and EVANS were detached. CUNNINGHAM took plane guard station.1

1300hrs. Commenced air operations.1

1528hrs. Air Officer Commanding, Hong Kong, departed this vessel.1

1830hrs. Rendezvoused with KAWISHIWI, EVANS, BLUE, and MCKEAN.1

1918hrs. Commenced refueling from KAWISHIWI.1

2131hrs. Man overboard starboard side, Lat. 16-00N, Long. 116-01E.1

2144hrs. Life guard destroyer CUNNINGHAM sighted man and maneuvered to pick up.1

2226hrs. Destroyers continuing search for man overboard. Lost sight of man. Man’s name is MANEKE, M. P., SA, USNR.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 16-49.2N, Long. 114-54E; 1200 - Lat. 16-30N, Long. 115-48.1E; 2000 - Lat. 16-50N, Long. 116-08.9E.1

SHANGRI-LA and oiler KAWISHIWI (AO-146) set a refueling at sea record of 7655 barrels-per-hour during routine transfer.

Jun. 9 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with TG-77.4 composed of this vessel and DESDIV 131 and KAWISHIWI operating in the South China Sea in accordance with COMCARDIV 7 Op Order 302-58.1

0040hrs. KAWISHIWI (AO-146) departed on duty assigned. EVANS ordered to continue search for man overboard along with BLUE. MCKEAN maneuvering to picket station.1

0626hrs. Launched SAR aircraft.1

0750hrs. Recovered two aircraft.1

0804hrs. Search postponed pending more favorable weather.1

1554hrs. Set AA defense.1

1830hrs. CTG-77.4 message 090430Z: search for MANEKE, M. P., SA, USNR, discontinued having concluded that man drowned.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 0800 - Lat. 16-06.8N, Long. 116-08.5E; 1200 - Lat. 15-18.2N, Long. 116-10.2E; 2000 - Lat. 15-54.5N, Long. 116-09.2E.1

Weather conditions: water temperature throughout the day was around 85-87 degrees. Wind direction was 235 most of the time. Visibility was unlimited most of the day. Barometric pressure was 29.72. Air temperature was in the low to mid 80s.1

Jun. 10 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with TG-77.4 composed of this vessel and DESDIV 131 operating in the South China Sea.1

0630hrs. Commenced air operations.1

1530hrs. Fire reported in compartment A-0208-M.1

1535hrs. Secured from fire quarters.1

1649hrs. Completed air operations.1

1732hrs. Refueled EVANS to starboard and CUNNINGHAM to port.1

1827hrs. Refueled BLUE.1

1920hrs. Refueled MCKEAN.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 16-57.8N, Long. 118-07.5E; 1200 - Lat. 16-46N, Long. 118-01E; 2000 - Lat. 16-10.6N, Long. 117-20.6E.1

Jun. 11 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with BLUE, MCKEAN, CUNNINGHAM and EVANS.1

1309hrs. MCKEAN came alongside to port for light transfer.1

1350hrs. MCKEAN was detached to proceed on duty assigned.1

1749hrs. Launched Combat Air Patrol 1.1

1900hrs. Recovered Combat Air Patrol 1, completed air operations.1

2330hrs. Recovered two aircraft.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 17-20.8N, Long. 114-35.4E; 1200 - Lat. 18-01N, Long. 114-33.3E; 2000 - Lat. 19-18.5N, Long. 115-50.8E.1

Jun. 12 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with BLUE and EVANS.1

0433hrs. Operating aircraft.1

0800hrs. Conducting air operations.1

1200hrs. Conducting air operations.1

1800hrs. Conducting air operations.1

1943hrs. Refueled BLUE to port.1

2030hrs. Refueled EVANS.1

2115hrs. Conducting air operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 20-00N, Long. 117-02.2E; 1200 - Lat. 20-01.5N, Long. 117-22.8E; 2000 - Lat. 21-04.9N, Long. 118-16.2E.1

Jun. 13 - 0000hrs. Steaming as before conducting air operations in company with BLUE and EVANS.1

0400hrs. Conducting air operations.1

0800hrs. Conducting air operations.1

1200hrs. Conducting air operations.1

1308hrs. Completed air operations.1

1520hrs. Commenced transfer of ammunition from CHARA (AKA-58).1

1711hrs. Refueled from MISSPILLION (AO-105).1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 21-09N, Long. 119-35E; 1200 - Lat. 21-59N, Long. 119-28E; 2000 - Lat. 21-48.2N, Long. 120-18.1E.1

Jun. 14 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with CUNNINGHAM, MCKEAN and BLUE.1

0056hrs. Launched two aircraft.1

0139hrs. Man overboard port side. Maneuvering to recover man.1

0142hrs. BLUE and CUNNINGHAM commence search.1

0212hrs. CUNNINGHAM recovered man over board.1

(Deck logs of USS ALFRED A. CUNNINGHAM for this date show the man’s name as M. F. MABIN, RM3, that he was picked up at 0210, and that he was suffering from shock and fright.)

1200hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1600hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1845hrs. CUNNINGHAM on starboard side for handline transfer of guard mail.1

2200hrs. Secured from Operation Knockout.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 22-00N, Long. 123-37.1E; 1200 - Lat. 22-35N, Long. 124-37E; 2000 - Lat. 23-12.7N, Long. 126-45.9E.1

Jun. 15 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with TG-77.4, composed of BLUE, EVANS and MCKEAN, operating in the Philippine Sea.1

0430hrs. CUNNINGHAM rejoined the formation.1

0730hrs. Passed what appeared to be a wing tank from a jet aircraft at position 25-28.1N, 129-05.8E.1

1230hrs. Refueled BLUE to starboard and MCKEAN to port.1

1326hrs. Refueled EVANS to starboard.1

1708hrs. Fire reported frame 1, 01 level.1

1721hrs. Fire reported on Number 3 Elevator, flight deck level.1

1740hrs. All fires out, secured from fire quarters.1

1742hrs. CUNNINGHAM detached to proceed on duty assigned.1

2150hrs. BLUE and MISSPILLION rendezvoused with this formation.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 25-32.2N, Long. 129-18.1E; 1200 - Lat. 26-17N, Long. 129-15E; 2000 - Lat. 26-45.1N, Long. 129-40.1E.1

Jun. 16 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with MISSPILLION (AO-105) and DESDIV 131 in the north Philippine Sea enroute to Iwakuni, Japan.1

0532hrs. Refueled from MISSPILLION.1

1057hrs. Replenished from GRAFFIAS (AF-29).1

1420hrs. This vessel ordered to proceed independently.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 28-13N, Long. 130-50E; 1200 - Lat. 29-19N, Long. 131-36E; 2000 - 31-49N, Long. 132-14.5E.1

Jun. 17 - 0000hrs. Steaming independently enroute to Iwakuni, Japan.1

0723hrs. Anchored in Berth B, Iwakuni, Japan, in 15 fathoms of water, mud bottom, with 90 fathom of chain to the port anchor.1

0905hrs. Commanding General, First Marine Air Wing, made official call on COMCARDIV 7. Rendered honors.1

0930hrs. Commanding General, First Marine Air Wing, departed. Rendered honors.1

Jun. 18 - Anchored in Berth B, Iwakuni, Japan.1

Jun. 19 - Anchored in Berth B, Iwakuni, Japan.1

Jun. 20 - Anchored in Berth B, Iwakuni, Japan.1

Jun. 21 - 0000hrs. Anchored in Berth B, Iwakuni, Japan.1

1552hrs. Underway in accordance with COMCARDIV 7 Op Order 303-58 enroute to operating area via the Inland Sea.1

2230hrs. Sighted DESDIV 11, composed of CRAIG (DD-885), ORLECK (DD-886), and PARKS (DD-884).1

Position: 2000 - Lat. 33-20.4N, Long. 131-55.5E.1

Jun. 22 - 0000hrs. Steaming independently enroute from Iwakuni, Japan to Yokosuka, Japan.1

0525hrs. Rendezvoused with DESDIV 11.1

0700hrs. Commenced flight operations.1

0800hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1200hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1600hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

2000hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

2229hrs. Completed flight operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-48N, Long. 134-35.8E; 1200 - Lat. 32-33.8N, Long. 135-38.7E; 2000 - Lat. 33-01.1N, Long. 137-04E.1

Jun. 23 - 0000hrs. Steaming enroute from Iwakuni, Japan to Yokosuka, Japan via operating areas in company with PARKS, ORLECK, and CRAIG.1

0446hrs. ORLECK detached.1

0613hrs. PARKS assumed plane guard station. CRAIG was detached.1

0630hrs. Commenced air operations.1

1352hrs. Anchored in Berth E-3, Yokosuka, Japan, in 23 fathoms of water, mud and sand bottom, with 90 fathoms of chain at the waters edge. SOPA is COMCARDIV 1 embarked in HANCOCK.1

1605hrs. Took on approximately eight tons of aircraft and gunnery ammunition.1

1753hrs. Underway for operating area in accordance with COMCARDIV 7 Op Order 303-58.1

2030hrs. Commenced air operations.1

2235hrs. Completed air operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 34-35.6N, Long. 139-42.6E; 1200 - Lat. 34-52.1N, Long. 139-46E; 2000 - Lat. 34-46.6N, Long. 139-43.7E.1

Jun. 24 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with PARK, CRAIG, and ORLECK.1

0800hrs. Conducting air operations.1

0927hrs. Commenced gunnery exercise Z-6-G.1

1024hrs. Completed Z-6-G.1

1045hrs. Secured from air defense stations.1

1200hrs. MANATEE (AO-58) rendezvoused with this formation.1

1313hrs. Refueled from MANATEE.1

1600hrs. Conducting air operations.1

1606hrs. PARKS and CRAIG detached to operate independently within radar range.1

1800hrs. Conducting air operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 34-19N, Long. 140-24.8E; 1200 - Lat. 34-36.9N, Long. 140-49E; 2000 - Lat. 35-03.2N, Long. 141-04E.1

Jun. 25 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with PARKS, CRAIG, and ORLECK enroute from Operating Area C to Yokosuka, Japan.1

0644hrs. Anchored in Berth E-3, Yokosuka, Japan, in 23 fathoms of water, mud and sand bottom, with 90 fathoms of chain to the port. Ships present include HANCOCK and various units of the Pacific Fleet.1

0830hrs. Underway for sea as a unit of TG-77.4 in compliance with COMCARDIV 7 Op Order 303-58.1

1104hrs. Completed launching ten aircraft.1

1134hrs. ST. PAUL (CA-73), PARKS, CRAIG and ORLECK rendezvoused with this vessel.1

1600hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1800hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

2000hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

Positions: 1200 - Lat. 34-46N, Long. 140-07E; 2000 - Lat. 35-30N, Long. 141-42E.1

Jun. 26 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with CTG-77.4, embarked in this vessel, with ST. PAUL, PARKS, PERKINS (DD-887), CRAIG and ORLECK in op area south of Honshu.1

0800hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1153hrs. ST. PAUL, ORLECK, CRAIG and PERKINS detached to operate independently.1

1200hrs. Conducting air operations.1

1600hrs. Conducting air operations.1

1723hrs. ST. PAUL, ORLECK, CRAIG and PERKINS rejoined formation.1

1740hrs. Completed air operations.1

1800hrs. Refueled PARKS to starboard and ORLECK to port.1

1905hrs. Refueled PERKINS to starboard.1

2300hrs. ORLECK detached to proceed to station for electronics countermeasures exercise.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 35-43N, Long. 142-41E; 1200 - Lat. 35-25N, Long. 142-41E; 2000 - Lat. 34-26.5N, Long. 141-25.5E.1

Jun. 27 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with ST. PAUL and DESRON 11.1

0808hrs. This vessel detached to proceed independently to Yokosuka anchorage.1

1225hrs. Anchored in Yokosuka Harbor, Japan, in 35 fathoms of water with 75 fathoms of chain at the deck’s edge, starboard anchor, in sand and mud bottom.1

1250hrs. Underway in accordance with COMCARDIV 7 Op Order 303-58.1

1450hrs. PERKINS joined this vessel and was assigned plane guard station.1

1600hrs. Conducting air operations.1

1716hrs. Sounding fog signals due to ½ mile visibility.1

1844hrs. Ceased sounding fog signals.1

2300hrs. ST. PAUL rendezvoused with this formation.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 34-46N, Long. 140-17E; 1200 - Lat. 35-17.3N, Long. 139-45E; 2000 - Lat. 34-47.1N, Long. 140-24.6E.1

Jun. 28 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area in company with PARKS, CRAIG, and PERKINS. ST. PAUL in station bearing 270, 1500 yards.1

0726hrs. ST. PAUL detached to operate independently within radar range.1

0736hrs. PARKS and PERKINS detached to operate within radar range. CRAIG ordered to plane guard station.1

0902hrs. Launched one COD aircraft.1

1002hrs. Conducting maneuvering exercises.1

1116hrs. Secured flight quarters.1

1952hrs. Commenced approach to port side of MANATEE (AO-58).1

2021hrs. MANATEE sounded four short blasts and informed OTC that she had steering casualty. Commenced emergency breakaway and maneuvered 1500 yards on the port bow of the oiler.1

2034hrs. MANATEE reported steering control regained. Commenced maneuvering at various courses and speeds to stand by stern of oiler.1

2125hrs. Commenced refueling from MANATEE.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 34-59N; Long. 141-06.5E; 1200 - Lat. 35-28N, Long. 141-45E; 2000 - Lat. 35-00N, Long. 141-08E.1

Jun. 29 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with MANATEE, ST. PAUL, and DESDIV 11, in operating area off the east coast of Honshu. This ship is alongside MANATEE receiving fuel.1

0115hrs. All lines clear.1

0130hrs. CRAIG and PERKINS detached.1

0313hrs. MANATEE detached.1

0623hrs. ST. PAUL detached to proceed as previously directed.1

1310hrs. ORLECK and PARKS joined formation.1

1446hrs. Detached ORLECK and PARKS to rendezvous at 34-50N, 139-40E.1

1710hrs. PARKS and ORLECK rendezvoused with this vessel.1

2000hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

2400hrs. Commenced flight operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 35-06N, Long. 140-46.2E; 1200 - Lat. 35-03N, Long 141-01.5E; 2000 - Lat. 34-48.5N, Long. 139-36.2E.1

Jun. 30 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with DESDIV 11, less CRAIG and PERKINS, enroute from operating area to Yokosuka, Japan. PARKS is in plane guard station 1, ORLECK is in plane guard station 2.1

0025hrs. Completed flight operations. Detached ORLECK and PARKS to proceed as previously directed.1

0717hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier 8, Yokosuka, Japan. Ships present include HANCOCK, ST. PAUL and various units of the Pacific Fleet.1

Jul. 1 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier 8, Yokosuka, Japan. Ship’s heading is 130. Ships present include PHILIPPINE SEA (CVS-47), ST. PAUL, PRAIRIE (AD-15), JUPITER (AVS-8), and MOUNT KATMAI (AE-16).1

0931hrs. Commander, Destroyer Flotilla 1, RADM RIVERO, arrived onboard.1

0946hrs. Commander, Destroyer Flotilla 1 departed.1

Jul. 2 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier 8, Yokosuka, Japan.1

1430hrs. RADM TERAI, Yokosuka Regional District Commandant, paid an official visit on Commander, Task Force 77.1

1445hrs. Diver entered water, port side, frame 69, to accomplish underway repairs.1

1455hrs. RADM TERAI departed the ship. Rendered honors.1

1500hrs. CTF-77 departed the ship to pay an official visit on Yokosuka Regional District Commandant.1

1530hrs. Diver and diving operation secured. CTF-77 returned to ship from official call.1

Jul. 3 - Moored starboard side to Pier 8, Yokosuka, Japan.1

Jul. 4 - Moored starboard side to Pier 8, Yokosuka, Japan.1

Jul. 5 - Moored starboard side to Pier 8, Yokosuka, Japan.1

Jul. 6 - Moored starboard side to Pier 8, Yokosuka, Japan.1

Jul. 7 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier 8, Yokosuka, Japan.1

1105hrs. Commanding Officer left the ship to call officially on COMSEVENTHFLT.1

1152hrs. Commanding Officer returned aboard ship.1

Jul. 8 - Moored starboard side to Pier 8, Yokosuka, Japan.1

Jul. 9 - Moored starboard side to Pier 8, Yokosuka, Japan.1

Jul. 10 - Moored starboard side to Pier 8, Yokosuka, Japan.1

Jul. 11 - Moored starboard side to Pier 8, Yokosuka, Japan.1

Jul. 12 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier 8, Yokosuka, Japan.1

0751hrs. Underway for sea as a unit of TG-77.4 in compliance with COMCARDIV 7 Op Order 304-58.1

1007hrs. LARSEN (DDR-830) rendezvoused with this vessel.1

1200hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1752hrs. Refueled BLACK (DD-666).1

Positions: 1200 - Lat. 34-45N, Long. 140-00E; 2000 - Lat. 34-29.8N, Long. 139-45.4E.1

Jul. 13 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area south of Honshu, Japan in company LARSEN (DDR-830) and BLACK (DD-666).1

1200hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1707hrs. Completed air operations.1

1830hrs. Refueled LARSEN to port and BLACK to starboard.1

2107hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

2155hrs. Secured from flight quarters.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 33-09.8N, Long. 136-49E; 1200 - Lat. 33-35.9N, Long. 138-00E; 2000 - Lat. 334-11.9N, Long. 138-22E.1

Jul. 14 - 0000hrs. Steaming independently enroute to Yokosuka, Japan.1

0632hrs. Anchored in Berth E-3, Yokosuka, Japan, in 23 fathoms of water, mud and sand bottom, with 105 fathoms of chain to the port anchor.1

Took on fuel while at anchor.1

1209hrs. Underway from Yokosuka, Japan for operating area.1

1600hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1800hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1910hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

Positions: 2000 - Lat. 35-02.5N, Long. 139-11.5E.1

Jul. 15 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area south of Honshu, Japan in company with LARSEN and BLACK.1

0800hrs. Commenced flight operations.1

0952hrs. DESDIV 92 came aboard.1

1015hrs. DESDIV 92 departed.1

1325hrs. Refueled BLACK to port and LARSEN to starboard.1

1800hrs. Completed landing aircraft.1

1945hrs. Commenced Zig Zag Plan 13.1

2138hrs. Ceased zigzagging.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-27N, Long. 137-08.5E; 1200 - Lat. 33-21.5N, Long. 138-59E; 2000 - Lat. 33-13.8N, Long. 141-59.8E.1

Jul. 16 - 0000hrs. Steaming in East Honshu Operating Area to 35N-150E in company with BLACK and LARSEN.1

0400hrs. Commenced Zig Zag Plan 13.1

1159hrs. Ceased zigzagging.1

1212hrs. Commenced launching aircraft.1

1241hrs. BLACK assumed plane guard station.1

1400hrs. General Quarters.1

1500hrs. Secured from General Quarters.1

1600hrs. Commenced Zig Zag Plan 13.1

1900hrs. Sighted unusual aerial object at 34-42.5N, 148-23E. Object transmitting a very brilliant white flash of 2 seconds duration, four seconds period, was soundless, had no apparent contour, was on a northerly heading, passed directly overhead, was observed for 40 to 50 seconds from 15 degrees above the horizon off the port beam and was apparently below a scattered cloud layer and apparently traveling at a very high speed.1

1936hrs. Ceased zigzagging.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 34-03.5N, Long. 145-10E; 1200 - Lat. 34-13.2N, Long. 146-29E; 2000 - Lat. 34-46.5N, Long. 148-38E.1

Jul. 17 - 0000hrs. Steaming in East Honshu Operating Area 225 in company with BLACK and LARSEN.1

0420hrs. Commenced Zig Zag Plan 13.1

0725hrs. Ceased zigzagging.1

0738hrs. Commenced recovering aircraft.1

0759hrs. Resumed Zig Zag Plan 13.1

0930hrs. Commenced refueling DESDIV 92, port and starboard. LARSEN to starboard, SPROSTON (DD-577) to port.1

1045hrs. Refueled BLACK.1

1127hrs. Completed transfer of personnel from LARSEN via this vessel to BLACK. Total of fourteen personnel plus baggage.1

1300hrs. General Quarters.1

1359hrs. Secured from General Quarters.1

1445hrs. Recovered two aircraft.1

1530hrs. Recovered one COD aircraft, having two on deck.1

1609hrs. Launched COD aircraft.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 34-53.5N, Long. 149-25.5E; 1200 - Lat. 34-43N, Long. 148-40E; 2000 - Lat. 35-47N, Long. 148-32E.1

Jul. 18 - 0000hrs. Steaming in TG-77.4 composed of BLACK, PARKS, LARSEN, and SPROSTON in operating area east of Honshu, Japan.1

0615hrs. Rendezvoused with replenishment group, with MANATEE as guide.1

0750hrs. Refueled from MANATEE (AO-58).1

1016hrs. Launched one COD aircraft.1

1211hrs. Replenished from REGULUS (AF-57).1

1530hrs. Completed taking on stores from REGULUS, having received 100 net ton.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 34-49.1N, Long. 150-00.5E; 1200 - Lat. 34-12.5N, Long. 149-31E; 2000 - Lat. 33-17.1N, Long. 148-11E.1

Jul. 19 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with TOLEDO, SPROSTON, LARSEN, BLACK, and PARKS.1

0815hrs. ORLECK joined formation. COMDESRON 1 embarked. COMDESRON 1 became TU-

0848hrs. COMDESRON 1 came aboard for visit with staff.1

0938hrs. Commanding Officer of TOLEDO came aboard for visit with staff.1

1035hrs. COMDESRON 1 and Commanding Officer of TOLEDO departed the ship.1

1300hrs. General Quarters.1

1304hrs. Recovered two COD aircraft.1

1421hrs. Launched one COD aircraft.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 34-53.5N, Long. 149-57E; 1200 - Lat. 34-21.2N, Long. 148-49E; 2000 - Lat. 33-46N, Long. 147-29E.1

Jul. 20 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area east of Honshu, Japan, in company with SPROSTON, ORLECK, TOLEDO, LARSEN, and PARKS.1

1431hrs. Refueled from MANATEE (AO-58).1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 35-00N, Long. 148-11E; 1200 - Lat. 35-03N, Long. 149-58.5E; 2000 - Lat. 34-37.2N, Long. 149-23.9E.1

Jul. 21 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area east of Honshu, Japan, in company with TOLEDO, PARKS, LARSEN, SPROSTON and ORLECK.1

1555hrs. Recovered TOLEDO’s helicopter for storage during heavy weather.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 34-30.8N, Long. 147-01.9E; 1200 - Lat. 32-28N, Long. 147-05.8E; 2000 - Lat. 31-10N, Long. 147-09E.1

Jul. 22 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with TG-77.4, composed of TOLEDO, ORLECK, PARKS, LARSEN and SPROSTON, operating at sea in accordance with COMCARDIV 7 Op Order 201A-58.1

0753hrs. Launched TOLEDO’s helicopter for its return.1

0900hrs. Commenced launching aircraft.1

0906hrs. Completed launching two F11Fs, two A4Ds, four ADs and one A3D.1

0954hrs. Completed launching four F3Hs, two ADs, one A3D, and one A4D.1

1359hrs. Commenced recovering aircraft.1

1415hrs. AD-5N, Buno. 134998, of VAAW-35, pilot: LTJG J. G. ROLLINS, USN. Crew: LAYMAN, L. K., PRMAN; HOBBS, C. C., ATAN, crashed in the sea off the port beam smashing landing mirror at Lat. 38-38.5N, Long. 147-20E, and sank in 3200 fathoms of water.1

1420hrs. Helicopter recovered one enlisted man and brought him aboard.1

1425hrs. SPROSTON (DDE-577) recovered pilot and crew member. All members of crew recovered safely and without injury.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 28-59N, Long. 147-11E; 1200 - Lat. 28-43.1N, Long. 147-14.5E; 2000 - Lat. 29-27N, Long. 147-11E.1

Jul. 23 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area southeast of Honshu, Japan in company with ORLECK, SPROSTON, TOLEDO, PARKS, LARSEN, and SWENSON (DD-729).1

1300hrs. General Quarters.1

1415hrs. Secured from General Quarters.1

2142hrs. Emergency respot for S2F aircraft recovery.1

2222hrs. Recovered S2F aircraft.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-08.5N, Long. 147-08E; 1200 - Lat. 32-09N, Long. 148-16E; 2000 - Lat. 32-18.1N, Long. 150-16E.1

Jul. 24 - 0000hrs. Steaming in vicinity of 32-00N, 148-00E in company with SPROSTON and ORLECK.1

0551hrs. Launched one S2F aircraft for return to PRINCETON (CVS-37).1

0730hrs. Commenced refueling from NAVASOTA (AO-106).1

1300hrs. General Quarters.1

1400hrs. Secured from General Quarters.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-04N, Long. 147-34.5E; 1200 - Lat. 32-12.5N, Long. 147-53.3E; 2000 - Lat. 31-58N, Long. 147-26.5E.1

Jul. 25 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with TG-77.4 composed of COMCARDIV 7, DESRON 1, made up of ORLECK, O’BANNON (DDE-450), SPROSTON (DDE-577). Also in company are TOLEDO and four destroyers. Operating in operating area southeast of Honshu, Japan.1

0812hrs. Recovered two helicopters from PRINCETON (CVS-37) carrying CTG-70.6.1

1012hrs. Launched two of PRINCETON’s helicopters carrying CTG-70.6.1

1200hrs. TOLEDO detached to proceed as assigned.1

1414hrs. Recovered two COD aircraft.1

1751hrs. BRAINE (DD-630), SWENSON (DD-729), LARSEN (DD-830), BLACK (DD-666), and PARKS (DD-884) detached to form TU-

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-07N, Long. 143-12E; 1200 - Lat. 32-00N, Long. 142-01E; 2000 - Lat. 32-06.2N, Long. 139-03E.1

Jul. 26 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with TG-77.4 composed of ORLECK and SPROSTON. Operating at sea in accordance with COMCARDIV Op Order 201-A-58.1

1100hrs. Commenced launching aircraft.1

1110hrs. AD-6, Buno. 139679, crashed to port and sank. The pilot, LT D. A. DAHLMAN, USN, was recovered uninjured by helicopter and returned aboard at 1117hrs. Area of crash Lat. 32-02N, Long. 145-31E.1

1310hrs. Completed recovering aircraft.1

1541hrs. Refueled SPROSTON to port and ORLECK to starboard.1

1600hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1800hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1830hrs. Completed flight operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-09.5N, Long. 144-09.1E; 1200 - Lat. 32-02.8N, Long. 145-36.5E; 2000 - Lat. 31-39.8N, Long. 146-55.2E.1

Jul. 27 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with ORLECK and SPROSTON in the operating area east of Honshu, Japan.1

0654hrs. Refueled from PONCHATOULA (AO-148).1

0812hrs. Launched the COD.1

0934hrs. COMCARDIV 15 arrived by helicopter.1

0953hrs. COMCARDIV 15 returned to PRINCETON (CVS-37) by helicopter.1

1130hrs. ORLECK came alongside to after-starboard for transfer of personnel and the mail.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-37.1N, Long. 148-00E; 1200 - Lat. 32-52N, Long. 148-31.3E; 2000 - Lat. 32-47.5N, Long. 149-25E.1

Jul. 28 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with BREMERTON, SWENSON, BLACK, SPROSTON, LARSEN, ORLECK and PARKS.1

CDR D. G. MILLER (XO ?) departed the ship for duty at Patuxent River Naval Air Test Center.1

0801hrs. Commenced launching aircraft.1

1200hrs. Conducting air operations.1

1600hrs. Conducting air operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-39.2N, Long. 148-54.9E; 1200 - Lat. 32-45.5N, Long. 149-23E; 2000 - Lat. 32-41.8N, Long. 148-21.8E.1

Jul. 29 - 0000hrs. Steaming in vicinity of 32N-148E in company with BREMERTON, PARKS, ORLECK, SPROSTON.1

0800hrs. Conducting air operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-51N, Long. 145-04.3E; 1200 - Lat. 32-41.5N, Long. 144-30E; 2000 - Lat. 30-48N, Long. 144-39.5E.1

Jul. 30 - 0000hrs. Steaming in vicinity of 30N-143E in company with BREMERTON, PARKS, ORLECK, SPROSTON.1

0819hrs. Refueled from PONCHATOULA (AO-148).1

0835hrs. COMCARDIV 15 came aboard this vessel by helicopter.1

1259hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1300hrs. General Quarters.1

1405hrs. Secured from General Quarters.1

1547hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1800hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1840hrs. Completed air operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 30-21.3N, Long. 143-16.2E; 1200 - Lat. 29-50N, Long. 146-46E; 2000 - Lat. 29-56.3N, Long. 141-38.5E.1

Jul. 31 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with TG-77.4 composed of BREMERTON, ORLECK, SPROSTON, SWENSON and LARSEN.1

0800hrs. Conducting air operations.1

1115hrs. ORLECK alongside for personnel transfer.1

1215hrs. Conducting air operations.1

1600hrs. Highline transfer with JOHN R. CRAIG.1

1800hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

2315hrs. Completed flight operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 30-29N, Long. 139-09.5E; 1200 - Lat. 30-32.2N, Long. 138-01E; 2000 - Lat. 30-43.5N, Long. 138-48E.1

Aug. 1 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with TG-77.4 composed of BREMERTON, ORLECK, PERKINS and CRAIG in operating area south of Honshu, Japan.1

1134hrs. Transferred material from this vessel to SUSSEX (AK-213).1

1530hrs. ORLECK alongside for highline transfer to port.1

1728hrs. Fire in compartment A-0208-M, frame 40-55, port side.1

1731hrs. Secured from fire quarters.1

1900hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

2311hrs. Completed launching aircraft.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-04N, Long. 134-16E; 1200 - Lat. 31-54.6N, Long. 134-54.4E; 2000 - Lat. 32-02.7N, Long. 136-27.2E.1

Aug. 2 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with TG-77.4 composed of BREMERTON and six destroyers.1

0017hrs. A3D aircraft crashed off port side of ship, bearing 050. Used left full rudder to maneuver clear, then resteadied on 230, threw two smoke bombs, one night life ring with light attached over side, plus one flare. Lat. 31-52.5N, Long. 135-56E. Plane reported upside down in water. Red flare reported fired from vicinity of plane. Rescue destroyers reported seeing one man in raft. Crash occurred when arresting gear snapped and plane went off the angled deck. Plane, Buno. 138935. LCDR A. N. MCMILLIAN, USN, pilot. CRAIG and PERKINS conducting search for remaining two crewmembers. CRAIG reported having one man aboard; LAMBERT, T. (n), AQ1, USN.1

0129hrs. Witnesses to plane: NEWMILLER, W. D., SA, 2nd Division; MUTHERSBAOGH, W. B., SA, 2nd Division; and SELF, R. P., SA, OI Division. All saw the red flare.1

0150hrs. Crewmembers of crash identified as LCDR A. N. MCMILLIAN, USN; LTJG G. E. GILMORE, USN; and LAMBERT, T., AQ1, USN.1

0545hrs. Launched two helicopters to aid destroyers in search.1

0716hrs. Recovered search helicopters.1

0755hrs. TOLEDO (CA-133) joined formation.1

1001hrs. SWENSON refueled to port.1

1003hrs. Refueled BLACK to starboard.1

1315hrs. OTC detached this vessel with plane guard destroyer LARSEN to conduct air operations.1

1415hrs. Commenced operating aircraft in accordance with daily air plan. Steering various courses while remaining in the vicinity of 32N-136E.1

1719hrs. Completed flight operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 31-57.5N, Long. 136-11E; 1200 - Lat. 31-51.5N, Long. 135-56.8E; 2000 - Lat. 31-58.6N, Long. 136-46.8E.1

LCDR A. N. MCMILLIAN and LTJG G. E. GILMORE, VAH-4 Det-C, A3D, lost at sea, Philippine Sea. The plane went off the angle deck. It was discovered that the arresting wire that the plane caught was set for an AD Skyraider. It was the only wire that was set in that manner.

Aug. 3 - 0000hrs. Steaming enroute from South Honshu Operating Area to 32N-142E, in company TOLEDO, BREMERTON, CRAIG, PERKINS, ORLECK, LARSEN, SWENSON, BLACK.1

0820hrs. Launched helicopter to carry Chaplain to ORLECK.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-11.8N, Long. 140-22E; 1200 - Lat. 32-27.8N, Long. 141-04E; 2000 - Lat. 33-31.5N, Long. 142-22E.1

Aug. 4 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with TG-77.4 composed of TOLEDO, ORLECK, CRAIG, SWENSON, BLACK, LARSEN, PERKINS. Operating at sea off the coast of Japan in accordance with COMCARDIV 7 Op Order 201-A-58.1

0639hrs. Refueled from PONCHATOULA.1

0810hrs. Received 8202 barrels of NSFO and 107,236 gallons of aviation gasoline, and 118,984 gallons of JP-5.1

0910hrs. Rearmed from MAUNA KEA (AE-22).1

0948hrs. CTG-70.4 made an official visit to CTG-77.4 aboard this vessel via helicopter.1

0955hrs. Completed receiving eleven short tons of ammunition from MAUNA KEA.1

1015hrs. CTG-70.4 departed.1

1127hrs. Received replenishment stores and transfer of personnel from REGULUS (AF-57).1

1828hrs. Received transfer of cargo from POLLUX (AKS-4).1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-17.5N, Long. 141-49E; 1200 - Lat. 32-57.5N, Long. 141-29.8E; 2000 -Lat. 34-16.5N, Long. 141-28.1E.1

Aug. 5 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area south of Honshu, Japan in company with TOLEDO, ORLECK, CRAIG, SWENSON, BLACK, LARSEN AND PERKINS, forming TG-77.4.1

0800hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1200hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1600hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1800hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1807hrs. Completed flight operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 33-06N, Long. 138-51E; 1200 - Lat. 33-02.4N, Long. 138-57.5E; 2000 - Lat. 32-16.9N, Long. 137-04.8E.1

Aug. 6 - 0000hrs. Steaming in South Honshu Operating Area in company with LARSEN and CRAIG. OTC is COMCARDIV 7 embarked in this vessel.1

0551hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

0742hrs. Manned air defense stations.1

0834hrs. Secured from air defense stations.1

1200hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1629hrs. CRAIG detached to proceed as previously directed.1

1657hrs. Completed flight operations.1

1800hrs. Refueled LARSEN to starboard and BLACK to port.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 31-51.5N, Long. 134-21E; 1200 - Lat. 32-12.5N, Long. 134-39E; 2000 - Lat. 32-01.9N, Long. 132-58E.1

Aug. 7 - 0000hrs. Steaming independently in Bungo Suido approaching the channel Iyo Nada, Japan.1

0659hrs. Anchored in Berth B, Iwakuni, Japan, in 11 fathoms of water, mud bottom, with 75 fathoms of chain to the port anchor. Ships present include LARSEN, BLACK, and various units of the Pacific Fleet.1

Aug. 8 - Anchored in Berth B, Iwakuni, Japan.1

Aug. 9 - Anchored in Berth B, Iwakuni, Japan.1

Aug. 10 - 0000hrs. Anchored in Berth B, Iwakuni, Japan.1

Underway for operating area as a unit of TG-77.4 in compliance with CTG 77.4 message dtg 090605Z.1

Positions: 2000 - Lat. 32-00.2N, Long. 133-16.5E.1

Aug. 11 - 0000hrs. Steaming in the area south of Honshu, Japan with TG-77.4 composed of this vessel, LARSEN and BLACK, operating at sea off the coast of Japan in accordance with COMCARDIV 7 Op Order 309-58.1

0627hrs. Refueled from TOLOVANA (AO-64).1

0900hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1200hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1300hrs. General Quarters.1

1402hrs. Secured from General Quarters.1

1600hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1800hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1818hrs. Completed flight operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-25.5N, Long. 135-52.2E; 1200 - Lat. 32-41N, Long. 136-25.5E; 2000 - Lat. 32-39.5N, Long. 137-32.5E.1

Aug. 12 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area southeast of Honshu, Japan with ANDERSON (DD-786), BLACK, LARSEN and SWENSON.1

1155hrs. Detached for ISE.1

1659hrs. Conducting flight operations. SWENSON (DD-729) plane guard.1

1931hrs. Completed flight operations.1

Positions: - 0800 - Lat. 34-10.2N, Long. 141-03.9E; 1200 - Lat. 34-30.2N, Long. 141-25E; 2000 - Lat. 343-25N, Long. 142-16.3E.1

Aug. 13 - 0000hrs. Steaming in accordance with COMCARDIV Op Order in operating area east of Honshu, Japan, in company with ANDERSON, LARSEN and SWENSON.1

0702hrs. Launched helicopter for guard mail run to destroyers.1

0745hrs. Detached ANDERSON and SWENSON for ISE. LARSEN assumed plane guard.1

0800hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

0820hrs. Drilled at air defense.1

1151hrs. Maneuvering on various courses and speeds to remain within ten miles of stationary PIM 36N-144E.1

1300hrs. General Quarters for damage control training.1

1440hrs. Received patient onboard from ANDERSON by helicopter for dental treatment.1

1615hrs. Refueled SWENSON to port and LARSEN to starboard.1

1700hrs. Refueled ANDERSON to starboard and transferred dental patient back to ANDERSON by highline.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 36-14N, Long. 144-25E; 1200 - Lat. 36-00.5N, Long. 143-57.3E; 2000 - Lat. 36-07N, Long. 144-06.9E.1

Aug. 14 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with TG-77.4 composed of SHANGRI-LA, SWENSON, LARSEN, and ANDERSON operating at sea off the east coast of Honshu, Japan.1

0953hrs. Conducting tactical maneuvering drills.1

1157hrs. Staying within ten miles of stationary PIM 36-15N, 144E while conducting air operations.1

1752hrs. Completed day flight operations.1

1916hrs. Night flight operations canceled.1

1917hrs. Commenced preparations to launch CAP.1

1930hrs. Ceased preparations for launching CAP and set CAP Condition 3.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 37-12.9N, Long. 140-01E; 1200 - Lat. 36-16.2N, Long. 143-56E; 2000 - Lat. 36-27N, Long. 144-05.8E.1

Aug. 15 - 0000hrs. Steaming off east coast of Honshu, Japan in company with SWENSON and ANDERSON.1

0710hrs. Highline transferred one officer and ten enlisted men to ANDERSON (DD-786).1

0800hrs. Conducting air operations.1

1931hrs. Rendezvoused with TOLOVANA (AO-64).1

2041hrs. Refueled from TOLOVANA.1

2113hrs. Commenced highline transfer of guard mail, movies and stores.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 36-44.5N, Long. 142-57.8E; 1200 - Lat. 36-28N, Long. 142-41.5E; 2000 - Lat. 35-46N, Long. 142-46E.1

Aug. 16 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area east of Honshu, Japan in company with MANSFIELD (DD-720), LARSEN and SWENSON.1

0014hrs. TOLOVANA was detached to proceed as previously directed.1

0705hrs. Launched helicopter on morning guard mail trip.1

0722hrs. Recovered helicopter.1

0920hrs. Launched helicopter to MANSFIELD.1

0945hrs. Recovered helicopter with COMDESRON 9 aboard.1

1000hrs. Conducting air operations. Recovered COD with COMFAIRJAPAN onboard.1

1200hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1303hrs. COMDESRON 9 departed via helicopter.1

1425hrs. COMFAIRJAPAN departed via COD.1

1600hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 35-17.5N, Long. 145-07.3E; 1200 - Lat. 34-52N, Long. 145-04E; 2000 - Lat. 34-44.2N, Long. 144-36.3E.1

Aug. 17 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area east of Honshu, Japan in company with MANSFIELD, LARSEN and SWENSON.1

0805hrs. Launched helicopter for guard mail run.1

0826hrs. Recovered helicopter.1

1235hrs. Refueled SWENSON to starboard.1

1700hrs. Helicopter made guard mail run.1

1716hrs. Recovered helicopter.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 36-43N, Long. 147-10.9E; 1200 - Lat. 36-28N, Long. 146-09.2E; 2000 - Lat. 35-33.1N, Long. 144-08.1E.

Aug. 18 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with TG-77.4 composed of MANSFIELD and LARSEN operating at sea off the east coast of Honshu, Japan.1

0743hrs. Refueled MANSFIELD to port and LARSEN to starboard.1

1000hrs. Conducting air operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 35-45N, Long. 141-57E; 1200 - Lat. 35-38.2N, Long. 141-58.1E; 2000 - Lat. 36-13N, Long. 141-58E.1

Aug. 19 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area east of Honshu, Japan in company with LARSEN and MANSFIELD.1

0607hrs. SWENSON (DD-729) joined formation.1

0910hrs. Detached MANSFIELD, SWENSON and LARSEN for ISE.1

0925hrs. Conducted engineering casualty drills.1

1128hrs. Electrical fire in aircraft 514, an AD, extinguished by CO2.1

1200hrs. Conducting air operations.1

1600hrs. Conducting air operations.1

1800hrs. Conducting air operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 35-54.5N, Long. 144-07.3E; 1200 - Lat. 36-06N, Long. 144-12E; 2000 - Lat. 35-34N, Long. 143-52.4E.1

Aug. 20 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area east of Honshu, Japan in company with MANSFIELD, LARSEN and SWENSON.1

0633hrs. Commenced replenishing stores from PICTOR (AF-54).1

1012hrs. Refueled from TOLOVANA (AO-64).1

1345hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1600hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 35-34.8N, Long. 142-57.1E; 1200 - Lat. 34-50.3N, Long. 142-45.5E; 2000 - Lat. 35-14.7N, Long. 141-43E.1

Aug. 21 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with TG-77.4 composed of MANSFIELD, LARSEN and SWENSON enroute from operating area east of Honshu, Japan to Yokosuka, Japan.1

0446hrs. Launched aircraft to proceed to NAS Atsugi, Japan.1

0815hrs moored port side to Pier 8, Yokosuka, Japan. Ships present include FRONTIER (AD-25), MAUNA KEA (AE-22), CASTOR (AKS-1) and various other units of the Pacific Fleet. SOPA is COMCRUDIV 3 embarked in COLUMBUS (CA-74).1

Aug. 22 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier 8, Forrestal Causeway, Yokosuka, Japan.1

0600hrs. Quarter Master of the Watch reported blood stains in gun tub 54. LTJG WHITMORE conducted an investigation.1

0700hrs. Trail of blood led to a seaman apprentice who had a self-inflicted two inch laceration of the right wrist, sometime after midnight. Man was treated and placed in medical ward.1

Aug. 23 - Moored starboard side to Pier 8, Forrestal Causeway, Yokosuka, Japan.1

Aug. 24 - Moored starboard side to Pier 8, Forrestal Causeway, Yokosuka, Japan.1

Aug. 25 - Moored starboard side to Pier 8, Forrestal Causeway, Yokosuka, Japan.1

Aug. 26 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier 8, Forrestal Causeway, Yokosuka, Japan.1

1134hrs. Underway for operating area in accordance with COMCARDIV Op Order 201-B-58.1

1458hrs. Commenced recovery of aircraft.1

1616hrs. Completed recovery of aircraft.1

Positions: 2000 - Lat. 34-16.2N, Long. 138-43E.1

Aug. 27 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with TG-77.4 composed of MANSFIELD and BLACK enroute from Yokosuka, Japan to operating area in the vicinity of Okinawa.1

0815hrs. Refueled BLACK to port and MANSFIELD to starboard.1

1300hrs. General Quarters.1

1440hrs. Commenced air operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 31-11N, Long. 134-51.1E; 1200 - Lat. 30-08.2N, Long. 133-34.9E; 2000 - Lat. 27-50.5N, Long. 133-03E.1

Aug. 28 - 0000hrs. Steaming in the operating area off the east coast of Okinawa in company with BLACK and MANSFIELD.1

1323hrs. Alongside NAVASOTA (AO-106) for refueling.1

1450hrs. SWENSON (DD-729) rendezvoused with this formation.1

1650hrs. Helicopter on deck with COMDESRON 9.1

1744hrs. COMDESRON 9 departed via helicopter.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 25-34.5N, Long. 127-34.4E; 1200 - Lat. 25-02N, Long. 126-29E; 2000 - Lat. 24-20.8N; Long. 126-04E.1

Aug. 29 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area southeast of Okinawa in company with MANSFIELD, BLACK and SWENSON.1

0340hrs. Exercised the crew at General Quarters.1

0518hrs. Secured from General Quarters.1

1215hrs. Rendezvoused with LEXINGTON (CVA-16) with COMCARDIV 5 embarked plus TWINING (DD-540), AMMEN (DD-527),and SHIELDS (DD-596).1

At 0100 the sea state was 3 feet, picked up to 12 feet at 1700, 11 feet at 2100, and 10 feet at 2300 and 2400.1

There were several minor injuries that were treat in Sick Bay due to the heavy seas on this date.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 24-43N, Long. 125-51E; 1200 - Lat. 25-34N, Long. 125-16E; 2000 - Lat. 25-26N, Long. 125-54.4E.1

Aug. 30 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area southwest of Okinawa with COLUMBUS (CA-74), LEXINGTON, SHIELDS, AMMEN, TWINING, BLACK, SWENSON and MANSFIELD.1

1100hrs. Formation made of SHANGRI-LA and her screen, PRINCETON and her screen, and LEXINGTON and her screen.1

1151hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1300hrs. General Quarters.1

1410hrs. Secured from General Quarters.1

1600hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1800hrs. Commenced preparations to refuel destroyers.1

1850hrs. Scheduled fueling canceled.1

2000hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

Sea states on this date from midnight till 0500 were 10 feet; 8 feet until 0700; 7 feet at 0800 and 0900; 6 feet at 1000 thru 1200; 9 feet at 1600 thru 2400.1

Positions: Lat. 0800 - Lat. 24-06.9N, Long. 125-05.8E; 1200 - Lat. 23-53.8N, Long. 128-03.2E; 2000 - Lat. 23-47.3N, Long. 123-13.5E.1

Aug. 31 - 0000hrs. Steaming in accordance with COMCARDIV 7 Op Order 201-B-58 in company with BLACK, MANSFIELD and SWENSON operating southwest of Okinawa, operating with LEXINGTON and her screen and PRINCETON and her screen.1

0408hrs. Commenced zigzagging.1

0557hrs. Completed zigzagging.1

0617hrs. Refueled SWENSON to port and MANSFIELD to starboard.1

0739hrs. Refueled BLACK to starboard.1

0800hrs. Commenced air operations.1

0831hrs. AD-6, Buno. 135379, pilot LTJG P. R. LOUELLEN, USN, crashed into the sea and sank at Lat. 24-13.5N, Long. 122-15E, in 600 fathoms of water.1

Pilot recovered by MANSFIELD (DD-728) in satisfactory condition.1

1300hrs. COMCARDIV 7 departed by helicopter to call on COMCARDIV 5.1

1424hrs. COMCARDIV 7 returned via helicopter.1

1839hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1958hrs. Completed flight operations.1

Sea states from midnight to 0200 were 9 feet; 7 and 8 feet til noon when they again reached 9 feet; in the evening between 2000-2300 were 7 feet. Winds in the high 20s and low 30s throughout the morning.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 24-15N, Long. 122-50E; 1200 - Lat. 23-50N, Long. 122-41E; 2000 - Lat. 24-04.2N, Long. 123-05.3E.1

Sep. 1 - 0000hrs. Steaming in the operating area east of Taiwan in accordance with COMCARDIV 7 Op Order 201-B-58 in company with BLACK, LARSEN, SWENSON, and MANSFIELD.1

0604hrs. This task group and PONCHATOULA and MAUA KEA rendezvoused.1

0645hrs. Commenced refueling from PONCHATOULA. Took on JP-5.1

0858hrs. Commenced loading ammunition from MAUNA KEA (AE-22).1

1000hrs. COMCARDIV 7 departed by helo to call officially on COMCARDIV 5.1

1103hrs. COMCARDIV 7 returned.1

1200hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 23-42.2N, Long. 122-43.5E; 1200 - Lat. 23-08.2N, Long. 122-31E; 2000 - Lat. 31-15.8N, Long. 121-35.5E.1

Sep. 2 - 0000hrs. Steaming enroute to operating area in northwest Lingayan Gulf via Bashi Channel in accordance with COMCARDIV 7 Op Order 201-B-58 in company with SWENSON, BLACK, MANSFIELD and LARSEN.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 18-21.5N, Long. 118-51.1E; 1200 - Lat. 18-08.5N, Long. 119-01E; 2000 - Lat. 18-16.8, Long. 118-14E.1

Sep. 3 - 0000hrs. Steaming in South China Sea west of Luzon in company with LARSEN, MANSFIELD, SWENSON and BLACK.1

0235hrs. Locked shafts 1 and 4 to effect repair on high pressure drain in forward plant.1

1437hrs. No. 1 shaft back in commission.1

1440hrs. No. 4 shaft back in commission.1

1627hrs. Rendezvoused with PONCHATOULA (AO-148), MANATEE (AO-58), and MAUNA KEA (AE-22).1

1702hrs. Commenced refueling from PONCHATOULA.1

1822hrs. Completed receiving fuel oil.1

1918hrs. PONCHATOULA, MANATEE and MAUNA KEA were detached to proceed on duty assigned.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 17-08N, Long. 118-42E; 1200 - Lat. 18-06N, long. 118-41.6E; 2000 - Lat. 19-55.6N, Long. 119-12.8E.1

Sep. 4 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area southwest of Taiwan in company with BLACK, MANSFIELD and LARSEN.1

0800hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1047hrs. Fire on flight deck when the port engine of A3D, Buno. 138965, burst into flames. The fire was extinguished and there were no injuries. Circumstances: explosion occurred upon the aircraft’s recovery, due to fuel leak.1

1200hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1300hrs. General Quarters.1

1352hrs. Secured from General Quarters.1

1545hrs. Due to an accidental discharge of the 20mm tail gun on an A3D, the following three men received injuries as follows: TRIMAR, B. R., AN, USN, laceration, right thigh; KISSELBURG, K. G., AN, USN, puncture wounds to right lower leg and left outer thigh, left lower leg; THOMPSON, E. E., AN, USN, laceration, left forearm. Location: flight deck, aft, starboard side. Treatment: wounds cleaned, x-ray, 1/2cc of tetanus, retained in Sick Bay for observation.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 21-05.5N, Long. 120-07E; 1200 - Lat. 21-21.5N, Long. 119-59E; 2000 - Lat. 21-35.3N, Long. 120-09.8E.1

Two A3Ds belonging to HEAVY ATTACK SQUADRON 4, DET. C, were involved in separate freakish accidents. The first, piloted by LT H. SELIGMILLER with crew members LTJG J. CARPENTER, AD1 A. C. ANDERSON and AMC E. CONKLIN. In coming aboard it made what appeared to be a normal approach and landing, except for a slight vapor trail streaming from the port engine nacelle. Upon arrestment, this same engine exploded and caught fire. The crew escaped through the upper hatch and jumped to the flight deck on the starboard side of the aircraft. The fire fighting crews managed to put out the fire, but not before the wing, engine nacelle and flight deck were scorched. The aircraft was moved and the second A3D was recovered.

During re-spot and simultaneous efforts to clear the second A3D's tail 20mm guns, observers on the 07 level reported a strange muffled sound, similar to a 12 gauge shotgun blast. One of the lookouts reported that he saw three men fall to the flight deck and others scurrying for cover.

A 20mm shell had remained in the gun chamber during the clearing process and fired. the ricocheting bullet fragments injured AA Ken KISSELBURG, AA Ernest THOMPSON and AA Bobby TRIMAR, all of V-4 Division. None were seriously injured.

Sep. 5 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area southwest of Taiwan in company with LARSEN and BLACK.1

0800hrs. Conducting air operations.1

1445hrs. Upon completion of recovery of aircraft, HANCOCK (CVA-19) and her escorts moved to assume position astern of this vessel to facilitate transfer of personnel to this vessel by helicopter.1

1515hrs. Transfer of personnel completed. Opened range to HANCOCK.1

2000hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

2148hrs. Completed flight operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 21-52N, Long. 120-01E; 1200 - Lat. 21-49N, Long. 120-04E; 2000 - Lat. 21-41N, Long. 120-09.6E.1

Sep. 6 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area south of Taiwan with LARSEN and BLACK.1

0658hrs. Refueled from TOLOVANA (AO-64). Received JP-5, av-gas, and black oil.1

1000hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1200hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1600hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1657hrs. Completed final recovery.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 21-02N, Long. 120-11E; 1200 - Lat. 20-59N, Long. 120-19E; 2000 - Lat. 21-03.9N, Long. 119-48.5E.1

Sep. 7 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area south of Taiwan in company with LARSEN and BLACK.1

0930hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1200hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1600hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1809hrs. Completed flight operations.1

2300hrs. Launched CAP aircraft.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 21-23N, Long. 120-58E; 1200 - Lat. 21-38.2N, Long. 121-09E; 2000 - Lat. 21-40N, Long. 120-58E.1

Sep. 8 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area south of Taiwan in company with LARSEN and BLACK.1

0045hrs. Completed recovering two aircraft.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 21-41.2N, Long. 121-11.9E; 1200 - Lat. 21-26.2N, Long. 120-36.7E; 2000 - Lat. 21-44.2N, Long. 120-18.5E.1

Sep. 9 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with TG-77.4 composed of BLACK and LARSEN operating off coast of Taiwan.1

0616hrs. Rendezvoused with TU-73.3.2, composed of CIMARRON (A)-22), PICTOR (AF-54), CHARA (AE-58).1

0655hrs. Commenced rearming from CHARA.1

0733hrs. Ammunition loading completed having received 17.37 tons.1

0802hrs. Commenced receiving stores from PICTOR. Received 126 tons of stores.1

1020hrs. Refueled from CIMARRON.1

1154hrs. TU-73.3.2 detached to proceed on duty assigned.1

1601hrs. COMCARDIV 7 left the ship for an official call on COMCARDIV 1 embarked on HANCOCK.1

1651hrs. COMCARDIV 7 returned aboard.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 22-12N, Long. 120-10.5E; 1200 - Lat. 22-54N, Long. 119-40E; 2000 - Lat. 21-26N, Long. 120-27.9E.1

Sep. 10 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with LARSEN and BLACK off the coast of Taiwan.1

0845hrs. Fire in PL boat, Hangar Bay 3.1

0852hrs. Fire extinguished with CO2 and foam. Class C fire. A seaman apprentice was injured when he removed the burning bucket from the well deck. He received second degree burns on the right hand.1

0935hrs. CO2 inflatable life raft accidently released and went over starboard side. Recovered by LARSEN.1

1000hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1200hrs. Conducting air operations.1

1328hrs. Air defense stations.1

1418hrs. Secured from air defense stations.1

1602hrs. Upon recovery, the nose gear of F11F, Buno. 141782, broke, no injuries.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 22-35.4N, Long. 121-49.5E; 1200 - Lat. 22-32.9N, Long. 121-41.5E; 2000 - Lat. 22-25.2N, Long. 122-04.8E.1

Sep. 11 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area southeast of Taiwan in company with BLACK and LARSEN.1

0930hrs. General Quarters.1

1015hrs. Secured from General Quarters.1

1515hrs. Refueled LARSEN to port and BLACK to starboard.1

1750hrs. COLUMBUS (CA-74) reported to COMCARDIV 7 for duty.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 22-31.8N, Long 121-50.8E; 1200 - Lat. 21-53.3N, Long. 121-07E; 2000 - Lat. 21-27.2N, Long. 120-23.1E.1

Sep. 12 - 0000hrs. Steaming south of Taiwan with TG-77.4 with LARSEN, BLACK and COLUMBUS.1

0545hrs. Rendezvoused with CUSHING (DD-797). BLACK was detached to proceed as previously directed.1

0800hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

0936hrs. Held fire drill in aircraft on flight deck.1

0939hrs. Secured from fire drill.1

0944hrs. Fire in main refrigeration compartment C-610, between frames 166 and 167, caused when an electrical motor ignited av-gas fumes that were in the area .1

0954hrs. Secured from fire quarters.1

1215hrs. While working on the flight deck, MALOY, J. J., AN, USN, received a contusion of upper part of both legs when two tractors came together and he was pinned beneath them. Treated by Medical Officer and kept in Sick Bay.1

1229hrs. The following personnel were injured while investigating av-gas fumes which exploded in the main refrigeration compartment at 0943 this date: LCDR J. B. SHUMATE, USN, received second degree burns of both ankles, treatment administered by Medical Officer, placed on Binnacle List; WOLFE, F. R., MM1, USN, received second and third degree burns, trunk, arm and neck, treatment by Medical Officer and placed on sick list; CWO4 J. P. HUGHES, USN, received second and third degree burns over entire body, simple fracture of the comminuted right tibia, laceration of left forehead and skull fracture, emergency treatment by Medical Officer, evacuated by COD to Ryukus Army Hospital, Okinawa.1

1600hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1729hrs. Completed air operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 21-46.5N, Long. 121-02.2E; 1200 - Lat. 21-59N, Long. 121-13E; 2000 - Lat. 21-51.5N, Long. 121-13.1E.1

An explosion in the ship's main reefers machinery room was responsible for the death of a warrant officer and serious injuries to another crewman. CWO John HUGHES died as a result of severe second and third degree burns. MM1 Frederick WOLFE, A Division, was seriously burned. He was transferred to the Army Hospital at Okinawa. He was then transferred to the Naval Hospital at YOKOSUKA. Memorial services were held onboard for CWO HUGHES on Thursday morning, Sep. 18.

Sep. 13 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with TG-77.4 composed of COLUMBUS, LARSEN and CUSHING operating south of Taiwan.1

0524hrs. LOS ANGELES (CA-135) joined this task group and upon order of the OTC, proceeded to station.1

0815hrs. In a short and informal change of command ceremony, CAPT. K. E. TAYLOR, USN, assumed command of SHANGRI-LA in accordance with BuPers orders 8/8/038647. CAPT W. C. SHORT, Jr., was relieved of duties of Commanding Officer of SHANGRI-LA and ordered to report COMCARDIV 7 for duty as Chief of Staff and Aide in accordance with BuPers orders 9/8/042482.1

0855hrs. COLUMBUS and LOS ANGELES were detached for ISE.1

0915hrs. Commenced launching two aircraft for logistics flight to NAS Cubi, Luzon.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 20-53N, Long. 120-29E; 1200 - Lat. 20-55.5N, Long. 120-18.8E; 2000 - Lat. 21-08.24N, Long. 120-36.5E.1

Capt. Keith E. TAYLOR relieved Capt. Wallace C. SHORT, Jr., while the ship patrolled the waters just south of Formosa during the Quemoy crisis. SHORT and TAYLOR were not strangers. When SHORT was the CO of VB-5 aboard the YORKTOWN, CV-5, in the spring of 1942, TAYLOR was his exec. During that time, SHORT was awarded 3 Navy Crosses and TAYLOR won a DFC and a Navy Cross. Before USS CHARGER (CVE-30) was mothballed, TAYLOR served as her exec and then CO. He came to the SHANGRI-LA after being CO of the USS PINE ISLAND (AV-12). SHORT reported to COMCARDIV 7 as Chief of Staff.

Sep. 14 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with TG-77.4 composed of COLUMBUS, LARSEN and CUSHING operating at sea south of Taiwan.1

0515hrs. Rendezvoused with TU-73.3.2 composed of CHARA (AKA-58), CIMARRON (AO-22), POLLUX (AK-54).1

0643hrs. Alongside POLLUX for taking on stores.1

0841hrs. Refueled from CIMARRON.1

1201hrs. Replenishment group detached to proceed as previously directed.1

1255hrs. COLUMBUS and CUSHING detached to proceed as previously directed.1

1419hrs. Commenced recovering aircraft.1

1422hrs. Recovered two aircraft.1

1510hrs. RADM R. S. CLARKE, USN, COMCARDIV 5 and CTF-77, came aboard to call officially on COMCARDIV 7.1

1602hrs. COMCARDIV 5 (CTF-77) departed the ship.1

2200hrs. COLUMBUS detached to proceed as previously directed.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 20-16.2N, Long. 120-18.8E; 1200 - Lat. 20-58.2N, Long. 120-52.9E; 2000 - Lat. 21-48.9N, Long. 120-32.9E.1

Sep. 15 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with TG-77.4 composed of LARSEN and CUSHING, operating at sea south of Taiwan.1

0800hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1200hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1815hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 21-55.8N, Long. 120-29E; 1200 - Lat. 22.0N, Long. 120-20.9E; 2000 - Lat. 22-09N, Long. 120-17E.1

Sep. 16 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area south of Taiwan in company with LARSEN and CUSHING.1

0715hrs. Refueled CUSHING to port and LARSEN to starboard.1

0825hrs. CUSHING detached for ISE and LARSEN took plane guard station.1

0855hrs. Air defense stations to conduct Z-2-G.1

0900hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1106hrs. Secured from air defense.1

1133hrs. Completed air operations.1

1158hrs. ESSEX (CVA-9), COWELL (DD-547) and LYMAN K. SWENSON (DD-729) rendezvoused with this formation.1

1224hrs. Commenced transfer by helicopter of officers from ESSEX to this vessel for conference.1

1339hrs. COMCARDIV 7 left the ship by helicopter to call officially on Commanding Officer, ESSEX.1

1421hrs. COMCARDIV 7 returned from ESSEX.1

1445hrs. Completed transfer of officers between ESSEX and this vessel.1

1715hrs. BLACK rendezvoused with this formation.1

1800hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

2353hrs. Completed flight operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 21-25.2N, Long. 120-49.1E; 1200 - Lat. 21-29.5N, Long. 120-31.4E; 2000 - Lat. 21-07N, Long. 120-46.6E.1

Sep. 17 - 0000hrs. Steaming south of Taiwan in company with ESSEX, LARSEN, SWENSON, BLACK, COWELL and CUSHING.1

0752hrs. Maneuvering while ESSEX conducting flight operations.1

1015hrs. Commenced flight operation in accordance with daily air plan.1

1024hrs. Air defense for purpose of conducting Z-2-G.1

1159hrs. Secured from air defense.1

1331hrs. Completed day air operations. Commenced maneuvering while ESSEX conducted air operations.1

1500hrs. ESSEX completed day air operations.1

1827hrs. Landed and launched ESSEX helicopter to transfer officer to CUSHING.1

1859hrs. Maneuvering while ESSEX conducting air operations.1

2000hrs. Maintaining station on ESSEX while ESSEX conducting flight operations.1

2140hrs. ESSEX completed flight operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 21-32N, Long. 121-10E; 1200 - 21-34.6N, Long. 120-42.1E; 2000 - 21-35N, Long. 120-35.2E.1

Sep. 18 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area south of Taiwan in company with ESSEX, LARSEN, SWENSON, BLACK, COWELL, and CUSHING.1

0600hrs. Rendezvoused with TU-73.3.2 composed of TOLOVANA (AO-64), CHARA (AKA-58), and CIMARRON (AO-22).1

0648hrs. Alongside TOLOVANA for transfer of J-71 engine and to receive av-gas and black oil.1

1000hrs. Memorial services were held for CWO J. P. HUGHES, USN.1

1152hrs. Replenishment group detached.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 21-15N, Long. 120-42.2E; 1200 - Lat. 21-44.1N, Long. 120-07.7E; 2000 - Lat. 20-59.4, Long. 121-14.9E.1

Sep. 19 - 0000hrs. Steaming off the coast of Taiwan with TG-77.4 composed of ESSEX, BLACK, LARSEN, SWENSON, CUSHING, and COWELL.1

0730hrs. SWENSON detached for ISE, BLACK assigned plane guard for SHANGRI-LA, LARSEN assigned planed guard for ESSEX.1

0800hrs. Maneuvering while ESSEX conducting flight operations.1

0825hrs. COWELL detached for ISE.1

1200hrs. Steaming as before while conducting flight operations with ESSEX.1

1900hrs. Maneuvering while ESSEX conducting night flight operations.1

2000hrs. Steaming while ESSEX conducting night flight operations.1

2149hrs. ESSEX completed night flight operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 22-35.7N, Long. 122-21E; 1200 - Lat. 22-29.8N, Long. 122-35.5E; 2000 - Lat. 22-31.1N, Long. 122-25E.1

Sep. 20 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area southeast of Taiwan in company with ESSEX, BLACK, COWELL, and SWENSON in accordance with COMCARDIV 201-B-58.1

0200hrs. LOS ANGELES (CA-135) joined the formation.1

0645hrs. Refueling BLACK to starboard and SWENSON to port.1

0800hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

0815hrs. Completed launching twenty-three aircraft.1

1620hrs. DESDIV 101 composed of SHERMAN (DD-931), ROYAL (DD-872), HALE (DD-642), and ROWAN (DD-853) rendezvoused with this station. COMDESRON 10 embarked in SHERMAN assumed command of TU-

1900hrs. Conducting air operations.1

2000hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

2043hrs. Completed flight operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 22-45.3N, 122-05.8E; 1200 - Lat. 22-47.5N, Long. 122-13.2E; 2000 - Lat. 22-31N, Long. 122-01.2E.1

Sep. 21 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area southeast of Taiwan.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 21-07.5N, Long. 120-21E; 1200 - Lat. 21-51.9N, Long. 120-08.3E; 2000 - Lat. 21-06.5N, Long. 121-11.2E.1

Sep. 22 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area southeast of Taiwan.1

0616hrs. Rendezvoused with TU-73.3.2 consisting of TOLOVANA (AO-64), GRAFFIAS (AF-29), JUPITER (AVS-8), and CHARA (AKA-58).1

0717hrs. Took on aviation stores from JUPITER.1

0905hrs. Received provisions from GRAFFIAS.1

1036hrs. Refueled from TOLOVANA.1

1342hrs. Received five tons of aviation ammunition from CHARA.1

1600hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1800hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

Positions: Lat. 21-05.5N, Long. 120-15.5E; 1200 - Lat. 21-06.2N, Long. 120-56E; 2000 - Lat. 22-23.8N, Long. 122-07.7E.1

Sep. 23 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area southeast of Taiwan in company with ESSEX, SHERMAN, ROYAL, HALE, ROWAN, SWENSON, LARSEN, BLACK, and COWELL.1

1100hrs. LARSEN, COWELL, BLACK, SWENSON, HALE and ROWAN were detached for division tactics and ISE. ROYAL and SHERMAN were designated plane guards for this vessel and ESSEX respectively.1

1230hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1300hrs. General Quarters.1

1401hrs. Secured from General Quarters.1

1600hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 22-51.1N, Long. 122-01.7E; 1200 - Lat. 22-42.9N, Long. 122-56.1E; 2000 - Lat. 22-55N, Long. 122-34.5E.1

Sep. 24 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area off southeast coast of Taiwan.1

0630hrs. Shifted guide to ESSEX as that vessel conducted flight operations.1

0930hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1200hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 21-07.5N, Long. 122-16E; 1200 - Lat. 21-15.5N, Long. 122-36.7E; 2000 - Lat. 21-22N, Long. 121-53.1E.1

Sep. 25 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area southeast of Taiwan.1

0630hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

0800hrs. Conducting flight operations 1

1900hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

2000hrs. Conducting flight operations.

2141hrs. Upon recovery of A3D, Buno. 138923, its nose wheel collapsed without injury to the crew. Completed recovery of aircraft.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 22-22.7N, Long. 121-40.1E; 1200 - Lat. 22-25.8N, Long. 121-44E; 2000 - Lat. 21-39.7N, Long. 121-11.2E.1

Sep. 26 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area south of Taiwan.1

0930hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1037hrs. Rigged the barricade for emergency recovery.1

1050hrs. F11F, Buno. 141797, piloted by CDR J. L. FRUIN, USN, made emergency landing in the barricade. No apparent injuries to pilot. Starboard landing gear collapsed.1

1100hrs. Flight deck cleared of barricade and damaged aircraft.1

1134hrs. Completed recovery of twenty aircraft.1

1340hrs. Rendezvoused with TU-73.3.2 consisting of TOLOVANA and CHARA.1

1652hrs. Refueled from TOLOVANA. Received aviation fuel and fuel oil.1

1930hrs. TOLOVANA and CHARA proceeded on duty assigned.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 20-40.5N, Long. 121-00.8E; 1200 - Lat. 21-07.8N, Long. 121-38.4E; 2000 - Lat. 21-32.5N, Long. 121-55E.1

CDR 'Pappy' FRUIN, CO, VA-156, made a barricade landing with an F11F, side number 102.

Sep. 27 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with TG-77.4 consisting of ESSEX, SHERMAN, SWENSON, ROWAN, BLACK, ROYAL, HALE, LARSEN, and COWELL in operating area southeast of Taiwan.1

0630hrs. LEXINGTON (CVA-16) joined formation and took station. TWINING, SHIELDS, INGERSOLL and MARSHALL took station on LEXINGTON.1

0702hrs. CHARA and TOLOVANA joined formation.1

0758hrs. Transferred CARDIV 7 staff, personnel and gear to CHARA (AKA-58).1

0952hrs. COMCARDIV 7 shifted his flag from this vessel to LEXINGTON.1

1010hrs. This vessel detached from TG-77.4 to proceed to Buckner Bay in accordance with CTG-77.4 message 253302Z and COMSEVENTHFLT 221406Z of September 1958. Ships in company are SWENSON, LARSEN and BLACK.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 22-08N, Long. 120-52.9E; 1200 - Lat. 21-31.3N, Long. 121-38.3E; 2000 - Lat. 22-52.3N, Long. 123-38.6E.1

Sep. 28 - 0000hrs. Steaming enroute to Buckner Bay in company with LARSEN, SWENSON, and BLACK.1

1725hrs. Anchored in center of Berth B-175, B-176, B-184, and B-185, Buckner Bay, Okinawa, in 9 fathoms of water, mud bottom, with 75 fathoms of chain to the port anchor. Ships present: HELENA (CA-75) with COMSEVENTHFLT embarked, AJAX (AR-6) with COMSERVRON 3 embarked, PONCHATOULA (AO-148), GREGORY (DD-802), PRICHETT (DD-561).1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 24-56.8N, Long. 126-29E; 1200 - Lat. 25-31.5N, Long. 127-12.7E.1

Sep. 29 - 0000hrs. Anchored in Buckner Bay, Okinawa.1

0125hrs. Received reports of the following injuries: Marine corporal lost upper tip of right ear from a human bite in a fight with an airman on the flight deck. Marine was treated for the amputation and returned to duty; the airman was put in the brig.1

1000hrs. Underway for Yokosuka, Japan in accordance with CTF-77 message 180540Z in company with LARSEN and BLACK.1

1257hrs. Airman involved in the flight deck fight with marine was released from the brig.1

1300hrs. General Quarters.1

1315hrs. Commenced engineering casualty drills.1

1402hrs. Secured from General Quarters.1

Positions: 1200 - Lat. 26-25N, Long. 128-18E; 2000 - Lat. 28-13.6N, Long. 130-31.1E.1

Sep. 30 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with LARSEN and BLACK enroute from Buckner Bay, Okinawa to Yokosuka, Japan.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 30-44.8N, Long. 134-02E; 1200 - Lat. 31-37.8N, Long. 135-12.1E; 2000 - Lat. 33-24.5N, Long. 137-30.1E.1

Oct. 1 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with LARSEN and BLACK enroute from Buckner Bay, Okinawa to Yokosuka, Japan.1

0500hrs. Entered restricted waters.1

0858hrs. Moored starboard side to Piedmont Pier, Berth 12, Yokosuka, Japan. Ships present: MAGOFFIN (APA-199), SEMINOLE (AKA-104), CASTOR (AKS-1), SHERMAN (DD-931), HALE (DD-642), SPROSTON (DDE-577), RADFORD (DDE-446), CARPENTER (DD-825), O’BANNON (DDE-450), FLETCHER (DDE-445), CATAMOUNT (LSD-17), LARSEN (DDR-830), BLACK (DD-666), RICE COUNTY (LST-1089), SOMNER COUNTY (LST-1148), TOM GREEN COUNTY (LST-1159), WINDHAM COUNTY (LST-1170), WEST CHESTER COUNTY (LST-1167).1

1448hrs. Commanding Officer left the ship to make an official call on COMNAVFORJAP.1

1759hrs. Commanding Officer returned to the ship.1

Oct. 2 - Moored starboard side to Piedmont Pier, Berth 12, Yokosuka, Japan.1

Oct. 3 - Moored starboard side to Piedmont Pier, Berth 12, Yokosuka, Japan.1

Oct. 4 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Piedmont Pier, Berth 12, Yokosuka, Japan.1

0900hrs. Commenced loading aircraft.1

1058hrs. Completed loading two F3Hs and one AD.1

Oct. 5 - Moored starboard side to Piedmont Pier, Berth 12, Yokosuka, Japan.1

Oct. 6 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Piedmont Pier, Berth 12, Yokosuka, Japan.1

0915hrs. Divers commenced working and inspection of ship’s screws and bottom.1

1230hrs.. Diving operation secured.1

Oct. 7 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Piedmont Pier, Berth 12, Yokosuka, Japan.1

1625hrs. Hoisted A4D, Buno. 142247, aboard from a barge.1

Oct. 8 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Piedmont Pier, Berth 12, Yokosuka, Japan.1

1100hrs. RADM F. S. WITHINGTON, COMNAVFORJAPAN, came aboard to pay an official call on the Commanding Officer.1

1132hrs. RADM F. S. WITHINGTON left the ship.1

1752hrs. Hoisted one F11F, Buno. 142220, aboard.1

1823hrs. Fired reported in compartment B-0705-L, between frames 93 and 96, on the 07 level. Class C electrical fire.1

1834hrs. Fire reported under control, secure from fire quarters.1

1855hrs. Fire in compartment B-0705-L was reported by RALPH, R. R., SFM2, USN, was reported as starting while welding and sparks ignited insulation.1

Oct. 9 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Piedmont Pier, Berth 12, Yokosuka, Japan.1

0750hrs. Underway for operating area in accordance with COMSEVENTHFLT message 300810Z of September 1958.1

1001hrs. BUCK (DD-761), BLACK, and LARSEN rendezvoused with this vessel.1

1300hrs. General Quarters.1

1400hrs. Secured from General Quarters.1

Positions: 1200 - Lat. 34-42N, Long. 139-12E; 2000 - Lat. 33-34.6N, Long. 136-57E.1

Oct. 10 - 0000hrs. Steaming in accordance with Commanding Officer, SHANGRI-LA Op Order 201-A-58 in company with BUCK, BLACK and LARSEN enroute from Yokosuka, Japan to Taiwan Operating Area.1

0800hrs. Air defense stations.1

0940hrs. Commenced Z-6-G.1

1133hrs. Completed Z-6-G.1

1216hrs. Secured from air defense.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-00N, Long. 133-50E; 1200 - Lat. 31-46.7N, Long. 132-58.5E; 2000 - Lat. 29-55.5N, Long. 130-45.1E.1

Oct. 11 - 0000hrs. Steaming with BUCK, LARSEN and BLACK enroute from Yokosuka, Japan to Taiwan Operating Area.1

0730hrs. Detached LARSEN and BLACK for ISE, during day air operations, to remain in visual range. BUCK took plane guard station.1

0755hrs. Conducting air operations.1

1230hrs. AA defense stations.1

1300hrs. Commenced Z-2-G.1

1330hrs. Secured Z-2-G.1

1411hrs. F11F, Buno. 141748, VF-156, pilot LTJG G. C. SCHWENDEMAN, USN, crashed into the sea at lat. 28-07.5N, long. 126-50E, bearing 355 true, distance 54 miles. Pilot was observed to eject at 10,000 and later observed in a raft apparently uninjured. LARSEN and BLACK ordered to area of crash.1

1526hrs. Completed day air operations. Set course 342, speed 26 knots. Proceeding to area of crash.1

1544hrs. LARSEN reported pilot in sight.1

1602hrs. LARSEN picked up pilot and reported that pilot has no apparent injuries.1

1730hrs. Refueled BLACK to starboard.1

1746hrs. Refueled LARSEN to port.1

1747hrs. Launched helicopter for personnel and equipment transfer to destroyers.1

1800hrs. LTJG SCHWENDEMAN returned to this ship from LARSEN by helicopter.1

1828hrs. Refueled BLACK to starboard.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 27-42.3N, Long. 127-15.3E; 1200 - Lat. 27-41.1N, Long. 127-06.1E; 2000 - Lat. 27-37.6N, Long. 127-21.1E.1

Oct. 12 - 0000hrs. Steaming enroute from Yokosuka, Japan to Taiwan Operating Area in company with BUCK, BLACK and LARSEN.1

0700hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

0715hrs. GREGORY (DD-802) rendezvoused with this formation and took plane guard station. BLACK and LARSEN were detached for operations.1

0815hrs. Conducting air operations.1

0857hrs. Commenced carrier qualifications for two TF aircraft.1

0944hrs. Completed carrier qualifications.1

1002hrs. CAPT C. T. DOSS, USN, COMDESRON 17, came aboard to call on the Commanding Officer.1

1125hrs. COMDESRON 17 departed.1

1245hrs. Conducting air operations.1

1803hrs. Refueled GREGORY (DD-802).1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 24-06.1N, Long. 127-21E; 1200 - Lat. 24-03.3N, Long. 127-29E; 2000 - Lat. 24-00N, Long. 128-19E.1

Oct. 13 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with GREGORY operating at sea southeast of Okinawa.1

0550hrs. Rendezvoused with TU-73.3.3 consisting of PASSUMPSIC (AO-107) and CHARA (AKA-58).1

0555hrs. BUCK, LARSEN and BLACK rendezvoused with this formation.1

0629hrs. Refueled from PASSUMPSIC.1

0957hrs. Took on ammunition from CHARA. Received 18 tons of ammunition.1

1600hrs. Conducting air operations.1

1800hrs. Conducting air operations.1

2000hrs. Conducting air operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 23-59.5N, Long. 127-55.5E; 1200 - Lat. 23-56.7N, Long. 128-10E; 2000 - Lat. 23-26.1N, Long. 127-55E.1

Oct. 14 - 0000hrs. Steaming at sea southeast of Okinawa.1

0820hrs. Transferred machinery by highline to BLACK.1

1200hrs. Conducting air operations.1

1600hrs. Conducting air operations.1

2030hrs. GREGORY and LARSEN rendezvoused with this formation.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 24-08.5N, Long. 127-15E; 1200 - Lat. 23-42.8N, Long. 126-50.5E; 2000 - Lat. 23-39.5N, Long. 127-19E.1

Oct. 15 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with GREGORY, BUCK, BLACK and LARSEN enroute to operating area northeast of Luzon in accordance with COMSEVENTHFLT despatch 300810 of September 1958.1

0827hrs. Refueled destroyers.1

1335hrs. Fire in compartment B-423-A.1

1340hrs. Fire out in compartment B-423-A. Secured from fire quarters.1

1600hrs. COLLETT (DD-730), DE HAVEN (DD-727), and MANSFIELD (DD-728) rendezvoused with this formation.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 22-49N, Long. 124-41E; 1200 - Lat. 22-22.1N, Long. 123-53.5E; 2000 - Lat. 21-05.2N, Long. 122-45E.1

Oct. 16 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with MANSFIELD, DE HAVEN, COLLETT and GREGORY enroute to operating area northeast of Luzon.1

0700hrs. Conducting air operations.1

0729hrs. Made emergency recovery of one aircraft with fuel leak.1

1320hrs. Rendezvoused with TU-73.3.2 consisting of TOLOVANA and MAUNA KEA (AE-22).1

1358hrs. Refueled from TOLOVANA.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 19-58.5, Long. 124-17.5E; 1200 - Lat. 20-14.5N, Long. 123-10.5E; 2000 - Lat. 21-28.2N, Long. 123-37.5E.1

Oct. 17 - 0000hrs. Steaming enroute to operating area 25-57N, 126-03E, in company with MANSFIELD, GREGORY, COLLETT and DE HAVEN.1

0800hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1200hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1300hrs. General Quarters.1

1403hrs. Secured from General Quarters.1

1600hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1800hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

2055hrs. Completed flight operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 24-26N, Long. 125-24E; 1200 - 24-31.1N, Long. 125-50.5E; 2000 - Lat. 24-52N, Long. 127-15.5E.1

Oct. 18 - 0000hrs. Steaming in vicinity of 25N-128E, in company with GREGORY and DE HAVEN.1

0800hrs. Refueled DE HAVEN to starboard and GREGORY to port.1

1000hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1200hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1630hrs. Conducting flight operations 1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 24-56.5N, Long. 127-35.8E; 1200 - Lat. 24-46.5N, Long. 128-00E; 2000 - Lat. 25-50N, Long. 128-00E.1

Oct. 19 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with TU-77.4.1, composed of SHANGRI-LA and MANSFIELD at sea south of Okinawa in accordance with SHANGRI-LA Op Order 201-B-58.1

1630hrs. Refueled COLLETT to starboard and MANSFIELD to port.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 24-53.5N, Long. 128-12.5E; 1200 - Lat. 25-08.5N, Long. 128-59.2E; 2000 - Lat. 24-42.7N, Long. 129-56.5E.1

Oct. 20 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with TG-77.4 composed of this vessel, MANSFIELD and COLLETT operating southeast of Okinawa.1

0800hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1107hrs. Conducting ship handling drills.1

1140hrs. Completed ship handling drills.1

1200hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1600hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1639hrs. Fire reported in C-417-A.1

1647hrs. Secured from fire quarters.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 24-42.7N, Long. 127-56.8E; 1200 - Lat. 24-58.1N, Long. 128-11E; 2000 - Lat. 23-00N, Long. 128-54.6E.1

Oct. 21 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with MANSFIELD and COLLETT in the operating area southeast of Okinawa.1

0400hrs. GREGORY and DE HAVEN rendezvoused with this unit.1

1245hrs. Refueled GREGORY to port and DE HAVEN to starboard.1

1345hrs. Refueled COLLETT to port and MANSFIELD to starboard.1

1455hrs. Air defense stations.1

1500hrs. Conducting air operations.1

1600hrs. Conducting air operations.1

1706hrs. F3H, Buno. 137020, VF-114, pilot CDR William A. MACKEY, USN, crashed into the sea off the port beam at lat. 23-37N, long. 124-05E, and sank in 1100 fathoms of water.1

1707hrs. COLLETT and helicopter commenced search for pilot.1

1713hrs. Pilot recovered by helicopter and delivered onboard, injuries to pilot: abrasion to left side of face and sore chest.1

2101hrs. Completed flight operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 23-27.4N, Long. 125-33.5E; 1200 - Lat. 23-22.3N, Long. 123-52.5E; 2000 - Lat. 23-42.7N, Long. 123-51.5E.1

Oct. 22 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with DE HAVEN, COLLETT, MANSFIELD and GREGORY in operating area east of Taiwan in accordance with Op Order 201-A-58.1

1154hrs. Refueled from PONCHATOULA (AO-148).1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 23-18N, Long. 122-35E; 1200 - Lat. 23-23N, Long. 123-46E; 2000 - Lat. 22-53.5N, Long. 124-33.2E.1

Oct. 23 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area east of Taiwan.1

1300hrs. General Quarters.1

1430hrs. Secured from General Quarters.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 23-13.9N, Long. 122-58.3E; 1200 - Lat. 23-35.5N, Long. 123-20.2E; 2000 - Lat. 23-49.3N, Long. 124-29E.1

Oct. 24 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with DE HAVEN and GREGORY in the operating area east of Taiwan.1

0645hrs. Rendezvoused with TU-73.3.1 consisting of HASSAYAMPA (AO-145), MOUNT BAKER (AE-4) and FIREDRAKE (AE-14).1

0736hrs. Refueled from HASSAYAMPA.1

1100hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1200hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1600hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1830hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

2005hrs. Completed flight operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 23-29N, Long. 123-09.4E; 1200 - Lat. 23-32.1N, Long. 123-24.8E; 2000 - Lat. 22-25.2N, Long. 122-58E.1

Oct. 25 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with COLLETT and MANSFIELD in operating area east of Taiwan.1

0912hrs. Conducting air operations.1

1200hrs. Conducting air operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 23-09.8N, Long. 122-39.5E; 1200 - Lat. 23-18N, Long. 122-57E; 2000 - Lat. 23-18.9N, Long. 123-45.3E.1

Oct. 26 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area east of Taiwan.1

Weather: Winds start at 28 knots in the morning, hit 40 knots at 1330, 42 knots at 1400, mid-30s through the evening, 38 knots at 2400. Sea states start at 10 feet at 0100, 12 feet through most of the day, 16 feet for the last few hours of the day. Ceiling is 1000 feet most of the day. Barometer starts at 29.89 and ends 30.09.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 24-04N, Long. 125-03E; 1200 - Lat. 23-29N, Long. 124-36.3E; 2000 - Lat. 22-57N, Long. 123-59E.1

Oct. 27 - 0000hrs. Steaming

Weather: Winds are high 20s and 30s throughout the day, ending at 25 knots at 2400. Wave heights 13 feet through 1700, hit 14 feet til 2100, 13 feet at 2400.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 24-01N, Long. 124-43E; 1200 - 23-30.2N, Long. 124-35E; 2000 - Lat. 23-48.8N, Long. 123-52.8E.1

Oct. 28 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area northeast of Taiwan with MANSFIELD and COLLETT.1

0630hrs. DE HAVEN rendezvoused and took station.1

0640hrs. Rendezvoused with ZELIMA (AF-49), FIREDRAKE (AE-14), and HASSAYAMPA.1

0823hrs. Commenced taking on stores from ZELIMA.1

0834hrs. Stopped taking on stores from ZELIMA due to high seas.1

0943hrs. Refueled from HASSAYAMPA.1

Weather: wind was 27 to 30 knots, hit a high of 32 knots at 0800; hit 33 knots at 1300; 32 knots at 1400, 32 knots at 1600, 32 knots at 1900, 24 knots at 2400. Sea states were 12 and 13 feet throughout the day.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 22-57.8N, Long. 123-31.9E; 1200 - Lat. 23-08.5N, Long. 124-08.5E; 2000 - Lat. 24-08N, Long. 124-39E.1

Oct. 29 - 0000hrs. Steaming with DE HAVEN and MANSFIELD east of Taiwan.1

0800hrs. Conducting air operations.1

1300hrs. General Quarters and commenced battle problem exercise.1

1357hrs. Secured battle problem exercise.1

1410hrs. Secured from General Quarters.1

2230hrs. BENNER (DDR-807) joined the formation.1

Weather: Wind in the high 20s most of the day; sea state was 12 feet at 0400, then 8-9 feet the rest of the day.

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 23-30.5N, Long. 124-22.1E; 1200 - 23-21N, Long. 124-25.5E; 2000 - 23-18N, Long. 123-01E.1

Oct. 30 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with MANSFIELD, DE HAVEN and BENNER off the east coast of Taiwan.1

1015hrs. COLLETT rendezvoused with this formation.1

Weather: winds in the high 20s throughout most of the day, 1600 winds are in 30s, 2000 and 2100 winds are 34 knots. Waves are 8 feet till 0300, 10 feet at 0400, then 12, 13 and 14 feet for the rest of the day.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 23-09N, Long. 122-43E; 1200 - Lat. 23-45.8N, Long. 122-42E; 2000 - Lat. 24-56.4N, Long. 122-40.3E.1

Oct. 31 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with TG-77.4 composed of COLLETT, DE HAVEN, MANSFIELD, and BENNER in the operating area off the northeast coast of Taiwan.1

0750hrs. Fire reported in compartment B-0101-9CL.1

0815hrs. Secured from fire quarters, no damage reported.1

1120hrs. Transferred fuel and supplies to MANSFIELD.1

1221hrs. Refueled COLLETT.1

1303hrs. Refueled and transferred stores to DE HAVEN.1

1401hrs. Refueled BENNER.1

Weather: Winds in high 20s - low 30s; sea states are 14 feet then start to subside in late afternoon but never get below 10-11 feet.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 26-24N, Long. 123-35E; 1200 - Lat. 26-46.4; Long. 123-56E; 2000 - Lat. 27-47.9N, Long. 124-59E.1

Nov. 1 - 0000hrs. Steaming in the East China Sea with TG-77.4 composed of MANSFIELD, DE HAVEN, COLLETT and BENNER in accordance with SHANGRI-LA Op Order 201-B-58.1

0530hrs. Rendezvoused with TOLOVANA (AO-64).1

0750hrs. Refueled from TOLOVANA.1

0759hrs. Man washed over the side from TOLOVANA, commenced breakaway from TOLOVANA. Maneuvering to clear TOLOVANA.

0815hrs. DE HAVEN reports man recovered and apparently not seriously injured.1

(Apparently weather was such that the ships never got back together for fueling that day.1)

1630hrs. TU-73.3.1 composed of TOLOVANA and RAINIER detached to proceed as previously assigned.1

2105hrs. Elevator no. 2 was damaged by a wave. While watching a movie in Hangar Bay no 2, the following injuries were sustained due to the wave: RAWLINGS, B. F., AN, USN, received a concussion when he was knocked into a bulkhead during the scramble to get out of the way; treated by medical officer and placed on Binnacle List; READ, G. J., MMFN, USN, received a contusion of the left chest when he was knocked down and struck his side during the scramble to get out of the way; treated by medical officer and placed on Binnacle List; BEACHNER, K. E., SN, USN, received laceration over the left eye when he was knocked down during the scramble to get out of the way; treated by medical officer and restored to duty; MOORE, A. E., GM2, USN, dislocated his left shoulder when he was pushed into the bulkhead during the scramble to get out of the way; treated by medical officer and placed on Binnacle List; FLANAGAN, J. E., RD2, USN, sprained his left ankle when he was knocked down during the scramble to get out of the way; treated by medical officer and returned to duty.1

Weather: 2100 - winds were 35 knots; sea state 14 feet. During the morning up to 0700, the waves were 10-12 feet; 14 feet for the rest of the day until 2200 and 2300 when it reached 15feet. Winds were in the high 20s (28-29) in the early morning and then low 30s, hitting 39 knots during 0900-1500, 38 knots at 1800, 35 knots from 1900 -2100.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 27-57.8N, Long. 124-51.2E; 1200 - 27-27.3N, Long. 124-53.6E; 2000 - Lat. 26-05.8N, Long. 125-08.8E.1

Nov. 2 - 0000hrs. Steaming in company with TG-77.4 consisting of MANSFIELD, COLLETT, DE HAVEN and BENNER enroute from operating area in East China Sea to Buckner Bay, Okinawa.1

0900hrs. COMDESRON 9 with MANSFIELD and COLLETT detached to proceed to Buckner Bay.1

Weather: Sea states were 13-14 feet all day; winds were high 20s to low 30s all day. Winds subsided about mid-morning on the 3rd.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 25-02N, Long. 126-06.8E; 1200 - Lat. 25-32.4N, Long. 126-31.3E; 2000 - Lat. 25-53.2N, Long. 127-45.8E.1

Nov. 3 - 0000hrs. Steaming enroute from operating area in East China Sea to Buckner Bay, Okinawa.1

0649hrs. Refueled from TOLOVANA (AO-64).1

0923hrs. Commenced launching aircraft for fly away.1

1142hrs. Anchored in center of Berths B-173 and B-174, Buckner Bay, Okinawa, in 9 3/4 fathoms of water, fine sand and shale bottom, with 60 fathoms of chain to the starboard anchor. Ships present include: CALVERT (APA-32), HASSAYAMPA (AO-145), MAGOFFIN (APD-199), SPINAX (SSR-489), TOLOVANNA (AO-64), RAINIER (AE-5), FIREDRAKE (AE-14), DE HAVEN, BENNER and HAMUL (AD-20).1

1400hrs. Commanding Officer left the ship to call officially on COMDESFLOT 1.1

1457hrs. Commanding Officer returned to the ship.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 25-53N, Long. 127-56E.1

Nov. 4 - 0000hrs. Anchored in Buckner Bay, Okinawa.1

1000hrs. RADM H. WEATHERWAX, USN, COMDESFLOT 1, came aboard to return the official call of the Commanding Officer.1

1539hrs. TICONDEROGA (CVA-14) dropped anchor in B-175.1

Nov. 5 - 0000hrs. Anchored in Buckner Bay, Okinawa.1

0710hrs. Underway in company with GREGORY and MARSHALL (DD-766) in accordance with COMSEVENTHFLT message 040202Z of November 1958.1

Positions: 1200 - Lat. 27-01.9N, Long. 129-02E; 2000 - Lat. 28-48.8N, Long. 131-14.9E.1

Nov. 6 - 0000hrs. Steaming enroute with GREGORY and MARSHALL enroute from Buckner Bay to Yokosuka, Japan, in accordance with COMSEVENTHFLT message 040202Z of November 1958.1

1507hrs. Launched two aircraft.1

1900hrs. For approximately 15 seconds, sighted a succession of several flashes of red light similar to a signal light on or near the horizon, bearing 075 true. Each flash was accompanied by a general illumination of the sky in that sector, these illuminations being white and similar to heat lightning. This phenomenon was sighted by all officers on watch on the bridge and members of the signal bridge watch. Only one unidentified surface contact in that area at the time, its position at 1900 being 356 true, 30,000 yards.

1909hrs. Aforementioned contact, bearing 348, 28,000 yards.1

1914hrs. Contact bearing 342, 25,300 yards and evaluated as dead in the water.1

SHANGRI-LA’s course at this time was 049.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 31-27N, Long. 134-46.8E; 1200 - Lat. 32-11.9N, Long. 135-43.3E; 2000 - Lat. 33-36.2N, Long. 137-46.8E.1

Nov. 7 - 0000hrs. Steaming enroute from Buckner Bay to Yokosuka, Japan.1

0607hrs. MARSHALL and GREGORY detached to proceed as previously directed.1

0623hrs. In the channel in Tokyo Bay.1

0645hrs. Visibility decreased to one mile. Commenced sounding fog signals.1

0732hrs. Visibility increased to 5 miles. Stopped sounding fog signals.1

0835hrs. Moored starboard side to Berth 12, Piedmont Pier, U. S. Naval Base, Yokosuka, Japan. Ships present are BENNINGTON (CVA-20), PRINCETON, COLUMBUS, JUPITER, CASTOR.1

Nov. 8 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Berth 12, Piedmont Pier, Yokosuka, Japan.1

0744hrs. Received fuel oil from CASING (YO-47).1

Nov. 9 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Berth 12, Piedmont Pier, Yokosuka, Japan.1

0656hrs. Underway for Pearl Harbor in compliance with COMSEVENTHFLT message 070114Z of November 1958.1

1132hrs. Draft: fwd 31' 2", aft 30' 6", mean 30' 10". Displacement: 43,800 tons.1

Positions: 1200 - Lat 34-46.6N, Long. 141-12.2E; 2000 - Lat. 34-46.8N, Long. 145-19.2E.1

Nov. 10 - 0000hrs. Steaming independently from Yokosuka, Japan to Pearl Harbor on course 091, speed 21 knots.1

0702hrs. Changed speed to 30.5 knots. Making preparations for full power run.1

0800hrs. Commenced full power trial run.1

1030hrs. Ceremony honoring the 183rd birthday of the U. S. Marine Corps held on the forward mess deck, 1stLT D. G. BISHOP, detachment Commanding Officer, officiating, Commanding Officer SHANGRI-LA present, LCOL J. B. JIPE, senior Marine officer present.1

1207hrs. Completed full power run. Commenced lowering super heat.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 34-47.5N, Long. 150-27.5E; 1200 - Lat. 34-25N, Long. 153-10E; 2000 - Lat. 34-10N, Long. 156-43.5E.1

Nov. 11 - 0000hrs. Steaming independently from Yokosuka, Japan to Pearl Harbor.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 33-36.4N, Long. 161-16.5E; 1200 - Lat. 33-14.5N, Long. 162-54E; 2000 - Lat. 32-37N, Long. 165-52E.1

Nov. 12 - 0000hrs. Steaming independently from Yokosuka, Japan to Pearl Harbor.1

0230hrs. Passed DESRON 9 in MANSFIELD, in company with COLLETT, DE HAVEN, and BENNER.1

1300hrs. General Quarters.1

1441hrs. Secured from General Quarters.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 31-44.5N, Long. 170-39.8E; 1200 - Lat. 31-16N, Long. 172-04.6E; 2000 - Lat. 30-29.4N, Long. 175-15E.1

Nov. 13 - 0000hrs. Steaming independently from Yokosuka, Japan to Pearl Harbor.1

Weather: Winds in high 20s almost all day. Sea states were 12 in the early morning, 14 feet up to 1600, 13 feet from 1700 to midnight.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 29-18N, Long. 179-14E; 1200 - Lat. 29-01N, Long. 179-11W; 2000 - Lat. 28-34N, Long. 176-03W.1


0100hrs. Set all clocks ahead one hour to conform to plus 11, Xray time.1

0953hrs. Launched two helicopters.1

1000hrs. Conducted test firing of VT fuzes.1

1030hrs. Completed VT fuze test firing.1

1041hrs. Recovered both helicopters.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 27-08N, Long. 172-02W; 1200 - Lat. 26-37N, Long. 170-36W; 2000 - Lat. 25-39N, Long. 167-42W.1

Nov. 14 - 0000hrs. Steaming independently from Yokosuka, Japan to Pearl, Harbor.1

0716hrs. Entered area about ½ mile visibility. Posted bow lookouts, commenced fog signals.1

0724hrs. Clear of low visibility area.1

0750hrs. Visibility reduced to three miles due to fog. Commenced sounding fog signals. Stationed bow lookouts.1

0756hrs. Visibility increased to horizon. Ceased sounding fog signals, secured bow lookouts.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 24-14N, Long. 163-51W; 1200 - Lat. 23-49N, Long. 162-23W; 2000 - Lat. 22-54N, Long. 159-54W.1

Nov. 15 - 0000hrs. Steaming independently from Yokosuka, Japan to Pearl Harbor.1

0658hrs. Entered Inland waters.1

0815hrs. Moored port side to berth F-12, NAS Ford Island, Pearl Harbor. SOPA is COMCARDIV 3 embarked in BON HOMME RICHARD.1

0835hrs. Commenced offloading of ammunition from No. 3 elevator to barge moored to starboard side..1

0850hrs. COMFAIRHAWAII arrived to call on the Commanding Officer.1

0910hrs. Customs officials were received aboard to carry out routine inspection.1

0913hrs. COMFAIRHAWAII departed.1

1140hrs. Custom officials departed ship, having completed routine inspection.1

1745hrs. Ceased transporting ammunition.1

1800hrs. Received aviation gasoline from YOG-665.1

2040hrs. Received black oil from YO-114.1

2344hrs. Fire reported on camel under after brow on port side.1

2350hrs. Fire extinguished by ship’s fire party. Secured from fire quarters.1

Nov. 16 - 0000hrs. Moored port side to berth F-12, NAS Ford Island, Pearl Harbor.1

0800hrs. Commenced transferring ammunition.1

1245hrs. Completed offloading 325 tons of gun and aircraft ammunition.1

1705hrs. Received black oil from YON-89.1

Nov. 17 - 0000hrs. Moored port side to berth F-12, NAS Ford Island, Pearl Harbor.1

0734hrs. Underway for Alameda, CA., in compliance with COMNAVAIRPAC message 071943Z of November 1958.1

Positions: 1200 - Lat. 21-52N, Long. 156-41W; 2000 - Lat. 23-46N, Long. 153-42.7W.1

Nov. 18 - 0000hrs. Steaming independently enroute from Pearl Harbor to Alameda, CA.1

1300hrs. General Quarters.1

1434hrs. Secured from General Quarters.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 27-27N, Long. 147-32W; 1200 - Lat. 27-26N, Long. 147-33.5W; 2000 - Lat. 29-11.2N, Long. 144-37.7W.1

Nov. 19 - 0000hrs. Steaming independently enroute from Pearl Harbor to Alameda, CA.1

0920hrs. Draft: fwd 28'6", aft 32', mean 30'3". Displacement: 42, 594 tons.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 31-28.9N, Long. 139-35.9W; 1200 - Lat. 32-14N, Long. 138-03W; 2000 - Lat. 33-31.2N, Long. 135-13W.1

Nov. 20 - 0000hrs. Steaming independently enroute from Pearl Harbor to Alameda, CA.1

0618hrs. After surface lookout observed a big red ball with a fiery tail pass over the ship and fade out on the horizon. Initial sighting was approximately 290 relative, position angle 45, last sighting was approximately 150 relative, position angle 10.1

2149hrs. Loss normal power. Shifted to auxiliary power. Steering control shifted to after steering.1

2158hrs. Normal power regained.1

2206hrs. Steering control shifted to the bridge.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 35-08N, Long. 131-05W; 1200 - Lat. 35-39.4N, Long. 129-32W; 2000 - Lat. 36-44.8N, Long. 126-01.8W.1

Nov. 21 - 0000hrs. Steaming independently enroute from Pearl Harbor to Alameda, CA.1

0355hrs. Visibility reduced to one mile due to fog. Commenced sounding fog signals.1

0705hrs. Ceased sounding fog signals.1

0752hrs. Entered Inland waters.1

0757hrs. Passed under Golden Gate Bridge.1

0805hrs. Passed Alcatraz Island abeam to port, distance 300 yards.1

0823hrs. Passed under Bay Bridge.1

0830hrs. Passed Mission Rock abeam to starboard.1

0902hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier 3, NAS Alameda, CA.1

0920hrs. Commenced offloading VA-156 and VAH-4.1

1100hrs. Completed offloading of VA-156 and VAH-4.1

1240hrs. Underway for NAS North Island, San Diego, CA., in accordance with COMNAVAIRPAC message 071943Z of November 1958.1

1335hrs. Entered International waters.1

1405hrs. San Francisco Lightship abeam to starboard.1

1447hrs. Visibility reduced to one mile. Commenced sounding fog signals, one prolonged blast every two minutes.1

1748hrs. Visibility increased to four miles. Ceased sounding fog signals.1

1959hrs. Visibility decreased to 150 yards. Commenced fog signals.1

2250hrs. Visibility increased to 2 to 3 miles. Continued sounding fog signals.1

Positions: 2000 - Lat. 36-04N, 122-06.8W.1

Nov. 22 - 0000hrs. Steaming independently from NAS Alameda, CA., to NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

0903hrs. Commenced fog signals, visibility 100 yards.1

0948hrs. Visibility unlimited, ceased fog signals.1

1222hrs. Sighted small craft displaying SOS. Coast Guard notified.1

1245hrs. Entered Inland waters.1

1423hrs. Moored port side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA. Ships present: KEARSARGE (CVA-33), SPERRY(AS-12), BEXAR (APA-237), NEREUS (AS-17), PAUL REVERE (APA-248) and various units of the Pacific Fleet.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-56N, Long. 119-03W; 1200 - Lat. 32-37.5N, Long. 117-23W.1

Nov. 23 - Moored port side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Nov. 24 - 0000hrs. Moored port side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

0800hrs. Commenced offloading CVG-11.1

1158hrs. Commanding Officer returned onboard after making an official to VADM A. M. PRIDE, USN, COMNAVAIRPAC.1

Nov. 25 - Moored port side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Nov. 26 - 0000hrs. Moored port side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

2000hrs. RADM H. H. CAULDWELL, USN, COMCARDIV 1, broke his flag on this vessel.1

Nov. 27 - Moored port side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Nov. 28 - Moored port side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Nov. 29 - Moored port side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Nov. 30 - 0000hrs. Moored port side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

1525hrs. Water sprinkler system in Hangar Bay 3 activated momentarily due to causes unknown. System returned to normal with no apparent damage.1

Dec. 1 - Moored port side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Dec. 2 - Moored port side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Dec. 3 - Moored port side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Dec. 4 - Moored port side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Dec. 5 - Moored port side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Dec. 6 - Moored port side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Dec. 7 - Moored port side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Dec. 8 - Moored port side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Dec. 9 - Moored port side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Dec. 10 - Moored port side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Dec. 11 - Moored port side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Dec. 12 - 0000hrs. Moored port side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

1414hrs. Sounded fire quarters. Circumstances: a yard welder secured his fire watch and commenced welding the overhead of compartment B-0205-1-L. Sparks started a minor Class A fire that was immediately extinguished.1

1430hrs. Secured from fire quarters.1

Dec. 13 - Moored port side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Dec. 14 - Moored port side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Dec. 15 - Moored port side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Dec. 16 - 0000hrs. Moored port side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

1051hrs. Draft: fwd 30', aft 27' 1", mean 28' 6.5". Displacement: 38,600 tons.1

Dec. 17 - 0000hrs. Moored port side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

1427hrs. Group Captain ROBERTS, RCAF, came aboard to call on the Commanding Officer.1

1508hrs. Group Captain ROBERTS, RCAF, departed the ship.1

Dec. 18 - 0000hrs. Moored port side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

2100hrs. Accident report: It was reported by JOHNSON, A. R., leading welder from NRF, that at about 1900, the fire doors between Hangar Bays 2 and 3 had been shut resulting in the following damage to NRF equipment: one 440-volt line had been cut, one air line had been cut, and one welding and power transformer had been tipped over. The Command Duty Officer, CDR R. J. CELUSTKA, detailed LT R. W. BARNARD, Air Department Duty Officer, to investigate the incident. The 440-volt line and the air hose were repaired. The transformer was still being used in its tipped-over attitude with no apparent damage. There was no damage to ship’s equipment and no injuries.1

Dec. 19 - Moored port side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Dec. 20 - Moored port side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Dec. 21 - Moored port side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Dec. 22 - Moored port side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Dec. 23 - Moored port side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Dec. 24 - Moored port side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Dec. 25 - Moored port side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Dec. 26 - 0000hrs. Moored port side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

1529hrs. SWANK, L. A., SA, USN, fell overboard from starboard side of fantail. Man swam to pier and returned onboard. No apparent injury.1

Dec. 27 - 0000hrs. Moored port side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

1400hrs. Fire was reported in compartment A-209-SL. Fire was a Class A fire caused by heat of exhaust pipes leading from the emergency diesel generator, setting fire to three buckets.1

1420hrs. Secured from fire quarters.1

Dec. 28 - Moored port side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Dec. 29 - 0000hrs. Moored port side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

1313hrs. Underway for the purpose of turning the ship around and mooring starboard side to the same berth.1

1411hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

1907hrs. Dock Sentry reported hearing a sound which sounded like a cry for help. OOD was notified. Two battle lanterns were used to search the waterline on the starboard side where the sound was thought to be heard. The seal beam light was used. Results of search negative. 1

2130hrs. Call heard by Dock Sentry entered in log at 1907 was reported by ELLIS, SA, as being a loud conversation between ELLIS and an unknown person on the 06 or 07 level of the superstructure.1

Dec. 30 - 0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

1035hrs. Fire reported on YG barge alongside the fantail. Fire was assumed to be in a trash bin of the barge. Assistance was given by lowering two fire hoses. Results: no damage.1

1200hrs. COMCARDIV 1 shifted his flag from SHANGRI-LA to RANGER (CVA-61).1

Dec. 31 - Moored starboard side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1


1. General. “Ready Stature” was the byword for the first quarter of fiscal 1958. Because of international unrest during this report period. SEVENTH FLEET units maintained a high degree of readiness for combat. SHANGRI-LA sortied from Yokosuka on July 14. As tension mounted in Lebanon, the ship stood ready to thwart any Communist move. Following the coup in Iraq, the embarked aircraft were readied for immediate strike assignments. The Air Department and AIR GROUP were at flight quarters and the TASK GROUP was in electronic silence 24 hours a day.

SHANGRI-LA anchored at Iwakuni on 7 August for three days of much needed “R & R” for the crew. Departing Iwakuni on 10 August, still maintaining a high degree of combat readiness, the ship and air group resumed routine training flights and operations.

SHANGRI-LA made a scheduled call at Yokosuka on 21 August. The Chinese Communist bombardment of Kinmen shortened the inport period and the ship departed on 26 August, proceeded to a position near Taiwan, and participated in a passive defense of the Nationalist Chinese. Aircraft were flown in the Taiwan Straits to demonstrate to the Communists that required action could be taken to defend the Nationalist Chinese. Fighter aircraft were armed with Sidewinder missiles at all times. Condition CAP was maintained to support TASK FORCE 72 if required. This posture of readiness was maintained throughout the month of September.

2. Supply.

a. Underway PROVISIONS Replenishments were conducted during this report period utilizing only two replenishment stations. The employment of the ship required that a Condition ONE CAP be maintained during replenishments. Because of the mission time of fighter aircraft, the ship maintained a capability of recovering the CAP one hour after launch. These requirements precluded the spotting of all aircraft on the flight deck. Supplies were staged and struck below so that the hanger bays were free to the movement of aircraft at all times.

b. Ship’s Store reported sales in the amount of $166,670.58 of which $19,168.85 constituted a new record for vending machine sales. These sales produced a quarterly profit record in the amount of $24,899.43, however, this vessel was at sea 72 of the 92 days in the quarter.

3. Air Department. The first shipboard barricade engagement of an F11F Tiger occurred on 26 July. The aircraft suffered only minor damage.

4. Operations Department During the reporting period, approximately 17% of the ship’s total landings were from CCA. A total of 401 Carrier Controlled Approaches were made to SHANGRI-LA’s flight deck, seven of which were under actual IFR conditions.

5. Miscellaneous.

a. In a fund raising drive conducted by our first class petty officers, the officers and men contributed $4,876.00 to the San Diego Children’s Home completing the amount required to finance a new home in Kearney Mesa. The new home will name its playground SHANGRI-LA in appreciation of the contribution made by this vessel.

b. Amateur talent from the ship competed in the “All Navy Talent Contest”in Yokosuka. Two of the acts were awarded 30 days temporary duty touring most of the U.S. military installations in Japan.

Personnel on board at end of reporting period 7/1/58 - 9/30/58:

| | | | | |

| |Aviators |Air Pilots |Other |Total |

| | | | | |

|Officer |33 |0 |86 |119 |

| | | | | |

|Enlisted |0 |0 |1,754 |1,754 |

During the period 7/1/58to 9/30/58: miles steamed - 26,671; fuel consumed: ship’s fuel - 4,906,705 gallons; aviation fuel - 115/145: 184,132 gallons, JP-5: 1,438,519 gallons. Carrier landings - report period: 1,700; since conversion: 18,000; since original commission: 32,000+. Catapult launchings - report period: 1,200; since conversion: 19,000.

SHANGRI-LA received the COMAIRPAC award for EXCELLENCE IN OPERATIONS for fiscal 1958 during the report period 7/1/58 to 9/30/58.2


During this cruise, VF-114 flew F3Ds as the all weather fighter squadron. Also during this cruise, a Mig overflew the ship at night. During the Quemoy crisis, the Taiwanese used the Sidewinder missile in combat for the first time.


1 Ship’s deck logs.




January 31st issue:

1. SHANGRI-LA Completes Carquals; Prepares For Admin Inspection. SHANGRI-LA will return to her home port at North Island today at about 4:30 p.m. after completing carrier qualifications of Carrier Air Group 11 yesterday and annual Family Day Cruise. After being in port only on weekends for the last four weeks, the ship will be fast to the dock until February 9 for the ship’s upkeep and administrative inspection. This past week the ship conducted a four day SECNAV Guest Cruise and is conducting a Family Day Cruise for dependents today. Thirty-one guests of the Secretary of the Navy from all walks of life witnessed the week’s operations and it is estimated that more than 1,000 dependent guests are aboard today. The ship got underway at 8:00 a.m. Monday, with air operations commencing at noon and continuing regularly each day in the morning, afternoon and evening. Darken ship and night steaming exercises were also held each day during this week’s operations. In addition to air operations, other highlights of this week’s schedule were gunnery exercises on Tuesday, refueling USS SHIELDS on Wednesday along with General Quarters and rerigging the barrier and barricade on Thursday. After returning Thursday afternoon to disembark the SECNAV guests, the crew granted overnight liberty, and the ship left this morning with families to witness the jobs of their spouses aboard. SHANGRI-LA will next get underway February 10 and participate in STRIKEX 2-58 through February 21, but will return to San Diego on the weekend between the two weeks. In port for the next two weeks after STRIKEX operations, the ship will be making preparations to deploy to WESTPAC about March 8, 1958.

2. VF114 Demon Pilot Killed In Miramar Ground Collision. An airplane crash claimed the life of LTJG Gene G. FAULHABER of VF-114 near the Miramar Naval Air Station, the squadron’s home base, last Wednesday morning (Jan. 29). LTJG FAULHABER, flying an F3H-2N Demon had a ground collision east of the air base. At the time of this writing the cause of the accident had not been determined, according to the squadron’s Executive Officer, LCDR W. C. HARTUNG. LTJG FAULHABER, at 21, was the youngest officer in the squadron and had been with the Executioners for the last 12 months. He was unmarried and a native of Fort Scott, KS. The date of memorial services was not available at this writing.

3. Ship Hosts 31 SECNAV Guests; 4 Day Operation Witnessed. A group of 31 tired, but enthusiastic guests of the SECNAV dragged themselves down the SHANGRI-LA forward brow yesterday afternoon (Jan. 30) to return to the restful complexes of the business world after four days of observing carrier operations. They had come to see for themselves how the Navy operates and they had been shown. But climbing the endless ladders began to show in their legs as they rediscovered muscles they hadn’t used in years. Though a bit weary, a constant stream of compliments and praise of SHANGRI-LA poured from the departing guests. They had been invited aboard by the Commandants of the 8th, 9th, and 11th Naval Districts on behalf of the SECNAV as a sort of reward for their support and continued interest in the Navy. During the week they saw SHANGRI-LA perform a normal operating schedule, as she readied herself for the forthcoming cruise. Air operations, refueling of a destroyer, general quarters, and antiaircraft firing were included on the week’s schedule. The guests reported aboard Sunday afternoon (Jan. 26) and attended a ‘no-host’ dinner at the North Island Officers Club that evening. Getting underway Monday (Jan. 27) at 8 a.m., the guests observed the ship leaving port. The rest of the morning was followed with coffee in the wardroom with the Executive Officer, CDR G. H. WEBER, and sweating out the lack of wind along with the ship’s officers. Following lunch with the crew in the general mess, the guests were left bugeyed from their first glimpses of the Skyraiders roaring off the ‘cats’ and qualifying with their landings. Mr. Rob Roy of Dallas, TX., was quick to note, “anybody can fly off this thing using those catapults, but it’s getting back on that counts.” Tuesday saw half the guests eating lunch in the CPO mess and half with the PO1s. The group raved about the meals with Mr. F. J. FLAUGH of Benton Harbor, MI, advising the wardroom officers, “You should have a meal with the Chiefs; they know how to feed.” His diplomacy prompted him to quickly add that he didn’t mean the officers’ meals were bad. A morning tour of the Engineering Department, more air operations, and an antiaircraft firing drill were followed by a tour of the Gunnery Department. The climbing of ladders was beginning to take its toll by then and Mr. A. R. JOHNSTON of Victorville, CA., had to borrow a leather punch from the Hobby Shop to adjust his belt to his shrinking waistline. Wednesday, the guests toured Navigation and the Medical and Dental spaces. The highlight of the day’s activity came alongside to refuel. Summing up his observations to that point, Mr. A. O. AWES of Dan Diego commented, “I knew the Navy men played hard, but I never knew that they worked so hard.” And what a magnificent team!” Thursday marked the final day of the cruise and they visited the Operations and Supply Departments. About 1500 they observed the entering of port and were disembarked at North Island around 1630. Mr. Cal Rector of El Centro, representing the 11th Naval District gave the general opinion of the group on the efficiency of the crew when he said, “ You haven’t got enough room to write down what I could say on the efficiency of the crew, her officers and Captain. I am surprised at the amount of work that is put out. It doesn’t seem possible they do all that they do in one day. Everybody has been very courteous and I’ve enjoyed the cruise very much.”

4. All Weather Fighter Squadron 114 Gets Workout For Far East Cruise. All Weather Fighter Squadron 114, fly the F3H-2N Demons, which means “an evil spirit” according to the dictionary, recently reported aboard to work out for SHANGRI-LA’s forthcoming Far East cruise. Led by LCDR William A. MACKEY, Commanding Officer, and LCDR William C. HARTUNG, Executive Officer, the Demon drivers’ home base is at NAS Miramar. Designated the “Executioners”, VF-114 has eight planes, 18 officers and about 95 enlisted men aboard. This squadron, which recently completed a Far East cruise aboard USS ESSEX, is widely known in flying circles for their accuracy in firing rockets and various types of missiles. VF-114's official insignia, the “Executioners”, is composed of a yellow background, an executioners mask in the center atop of a bomb, with a crossed rocket and machine gun.

5. Five Edwards AFB Officers Observe Air Ops on Shang. SHANGRI-LA played host this week to five officers from the Air Research and Development Command, Flight Test Center, Edwards Air Force Base. The group consisted of four lieutenant colonels and one major. LCOL Harold G. RUSSELL, from Altoona, WI, is the Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff in charge of Operations. LCOL Donald M. TAYLOR os the Commander, 6515th Field Maintenance Squadron and lives in Beverly Hills, CA. LCOL Egbert S. TURNER, Jr., is the Material Officer on the Air Force Flight Test Center Staff. He calls his home Syracuse, NY. LCOL Wallace A. WRIGHT is originally from White River Junction, VT., but now call his home Santa Anna, CA. He is the Deputy Base Commander at Edwards AFB. The Major in the group is MAJ James V. DECOSTER, the base Communications Officer, 6515th Air Base Group. He is from Albany, OR. The officer ere aboard for indoctrination in Navy air operations and carrier orientation.

March 7th issue:

1. CVA-38 Departs For WESTPAC; Hawaii First Port Of Call. SHANGRI-LA, accompanied by six destroyers, will depart on its third post-war Far East cruise ................

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