In the WOMB

In the Womb

(National Geographic)

The following questions are in order based on the movie. Listen and watch carefully.

1. How many sperm does a man produce per second?

2. How do the sperm find the egg?

3. When does conception occur?

4. Who determines the child’s sex?

5. What happens to the egg at day 1?

6. How many cells does a blastocyst have about day 5?

7. What are the inner cells of the blastocyst called?

8. How are these cells unique?

9. At 3 weeks the top of the folded tube becomes what?

10. What is the first organ?

11. When this organ forms what size is the embryo?

12. When does the baby’s body size catch up to its head size?

13. What purpose does the yolk sac serve?

14. What is an ultrasound?

15. How many types of cells does the 3 month old fetus have?

16. What percent of the fertilized eggs survive?

17. When does the fetus develop its own unique fingerprints?

18. What can the baby hear while in the uterus?

19. Can the baby see?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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