9th and 10th grade – APRIL 20, 2016 *all late/makeup work & corrections must be completed before April 29 for credit.Prayer song…and the wheel says… News: Work for 30 minutes per subject – then mark your time and move on to another subject. You may come back if you need to…TIME STARTS WHEN YOU START THE FIRST PROBLEM…PENCIL TO PAPER…getting ready does not count.I RECOMMEND YOU SET A TIMER.MATH TESTS = MONDAYSSCIENCE TESTS = FRIDAYSGEOGRAPHY TESTS = THURSDAYS for now…EVERY WEEKNBQUIZ/quiz = ANY DAY GLOGS DUE EVERY MONDAY!!Tests may need to be on other days if we are not quite ready on that day. – BY MERCYME15071251459200Geometry ===============================Let’s grade HW(AON) then put on your GLOG!Any from the back of the book that are not already checked prior to class are wrong.HW WAS: Do p.576 # 1-9 all then # 10-60 FC only!!FC = first column only so tonight do:10,14,18,22,26,29,32,35,39,42,46,49,53,54,58REMEMBER – GLOGS – DUE Monday…else=0REMEMBER TO MARK EVERY 30 MIN.Do p.576 # 1-9 all then # 10-60 FC only!!FC = first column only so tonight do:10,14,18,22,26,29,32,35,39,42,46,49,53,54,582.radicand4.30-60-90? triangle6.45-45-90? triangle8.cosine10.1314.√5718.3√322.6√326.31.632.x = 1942.0.305746.sin A = 3/5 = 0.6 ; cos A = 4/5 = 0.854.72.7?58.c = 6.7 ; m<A = 26.6? ; m<B = 63.4?So = -3 each answerQuestions?18,22,26,32,35,39,49,53,58L=49M=22,32,58S=18,2635=NA39=L#53. GIVEN: HYP = 10 ; ANGLE1 = 31? ; ANGLE2 = 90?28575004172860KNOW: ANGLE3 = 59?FIND? x,y 10 X5486400523059 31? YIF YOU ARE AT THE 31 – WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP TO THE X AND THE 10??THE X = OPP AND THE 10 = HYPSO OH SOH SIN = OPP/HYPSIN 31 = X/10 MULT BOTH SIDES BY 1010*SIN 31 = X USE CALC TO FINISH…SO X = ? = 5.150380749… ≈ 5.2NOW FIND Y … TWO WAYS!!PYTHAGOREAN THEOREM *OR* INVERSEYOU TRY IT NOW!!Madison will do it on the board…you will do it on your paper…math hw 4/20 = redo last nights hw all wrongon new paper not in spiral nbpto turn in the new work Friday – Friday = test 10 so make sure you can do the problems we did for hw Tuesday=Wednesday nights…Test will be Friday…math ch 10…So moving science test to Monday…Swapping math and science tests this week.Remember – FOR ALL CLASSES – to note every 30 minutes!!!option 1 = do 30 min on each class hw - start with math - then you must move on to another class…then come back if you need to…option 2 = there is no option 2!Geography WHERE AM I? YOUR HW WAS: 5 PARAGRAPHSHW IS: DO YOUR OTHER HW travel journal – your are going to plan and then write about a tour of Asia for you and 3 friends…starting place…cities you will visit…sites you will tour in each city…and moretodayrough out your travel map…look at a map of Asiacover 10 countries…only one city per country is required…4/20 = plot your trip! Name each city in each country that you want to visit…10Due Friday am b4 8 am= plot your trip! All by yourselfWord doc = list each country in Asia then beside each list the city you want to go to in that countryWord doc = “plot your trip – yourname” 15 most visited tourist attractions in Asia… of all countries in Asia…choose 10 countries/cities Biology = ANDREA BOCELLI & DAVID FOSTER HW was = ch 24 swb 24.2Answers needed for test: ProtectNutrientsOvarySpreading or dispersingFruitsShell ; seedBDACCXTRUESHEATHTRUETRUEGERMINATESPRINGTRUEFIREXXSO -4 EACH … ANY QUESTIONS?4/20 = CW=>HW: 24.3 DO MOST but skip 4, 21, 23, 24I will give you those…4/21 = HW: 24.4 SKIP 14we will go over the vocab in class on Friday HOMEWORK HOTLINE…KHAN…DR.MATH…PURPLEMATH…Lucy the Lobster says always be ‘prepared’…With a little clarified butter…heheheLeanne the Lemur says …stop whining - do all of your homework!!And keep that fossa away from me!!!!!!!!!Frank the Fossa! ................

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