“Life Quotes” from Lutherans For Life

Life Quotes from Lutherans For Life

Congregational Bulletin Blurbs for January–December 2017

Share the For Life message all year long with Life Quotes!

• Life Quotes are quotations on life issues—many from LFL resources and publications—for use in weekly congregational bulletins. You are also free to use the quotations in your monthly newsletter.

• The quotes are dated but could generally be used any time.

• We ask that Life Quotes be printed as written, in their entirety.

• Life Quotes are available—free of charge—at .

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan (). All rights reserved worldwide. Scripture quotations marked NASB® are taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. ()

Note: Thank you for using Life Quotes in your weekly bulletin. You may also wish to regularly use the following text to offer hope and help to those hurting from an abortion decision.

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“Hurting from abortion? Word of Hope can help. word-of-; 888-217-8679.”

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January 1 “We are weary and overwhelmed by a multitude of life issues. Sometimes we are prideful after doubting God’s Word and trusting something else. As the culture decays and evil abounds, we may believe that God asks the impossible of us … In the face of evil, let it be said of us: Look! They remember ‘the Lord, who is great and awesome,’ and they ‘fight for [their] brothers … sons … daughters … wives, and … homes’ (Nehemiah 4:14).” Linda Bartlett, former president of Lutherans For Life – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

January 8 “So microscopic zygotes and embryos may not resemble adult human beings. They may not yet carry out any recognizably human activities. Nevertheless, scientific observations define them as nothing other than human lives, worthy of the same respect the Scriptures assign us all. They look and act exactly like a human being ought to in these beginning stages of her growth.” Rev. Michael W. Salemink, executive director of Lutherans For Life – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

January 15 “Every life has value because every life is someone created by God, redeemed by the blood of Jesus, and someone He either has called or wants to call into an eternal relationship with Him. It doesn’t have to be complicated! Amen.” Rev. Dr. James I. Lamb, former executive director of Lutherans For Life – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

January 22 “If unborn children are to be protected from death by abortion; if newborn handicapped children are to be protected from death by infanticide; if the elderly, the ‘non-productive,’ the dependent are to be protected from death by euthanasia; and if the sanctity of life is to be affirmed and protected, then our voice is essential.” Dr. Jean Garton, former president of Lutherans For Life – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

January 29 “Our unyielding belief that ‘every single life matters’ means that pro-lifers are immune to the eugenics temptation which rears its ugly head in many guises and which is always on the prowl for more victims. Why do you matter, I matter, we all matter? Just … because … we … are.” Dave Andrusko, National Right to Life – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

February 5 “Why do we speak up for those in the womb who cannot speak? Because they are created, redeemed, and little ones whom God wants to call.” Rev. Dr. James I. Lamb, former executive director of Lutherans For Life – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

February 12 “So marriage is a profoundly unique thing that is strengthened by years of shared experiences, trials, triumphs, challenges, and victories. The oneness of marriage is why Grandpa can start a sentence and Grandma can finish it. It’s why when she cries, he tastes the salt. It’s her knowing what’s wrong without him speaking a word. It’s two lives becoming one. It takes time, effort, sweat, and tenacity. But the rewards are like none other on earth.” Rev. Daniel Domke, Mount Calvary Lutheran Church, Huron, South Dakota – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

February 19 “What dwells and develops in pregnant wombs is no clump of cells, product of conception, parasite, piece of mother’s body, or potential anything. This little one is a full-fledged human being, made in the image of God and saved by the incarnation of Jesus Christ, to whom the Holy Spirit shows grace and in whom He creates faith. She is our neighbor and, God willing, His beloved child—a dear sister to us.” Rev. Michael W. Salemink, executive director of Lutherans For Life – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

February 26 “Yes, even in the eye of the storm when everything seems turned on its head, we can live L.I.F.E. (Live In Faith Everyday).” Lynette Auch, president of Lutherans For Life – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

March 5 “What do we teach our little children so that when they are older, sexual promiscuity and abortion will be unthinkable? They are very special because they are created, redeemed, and called.” Rev. Dr. James I. Lamb, former executive director of Lutherans For Life – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

March 12 “We are carved in the palm of His Hand, and the unborn child has been carved in the Hand of God from conception.” Mother Teresa – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

March 19 “You might think you’ve made mistakes that can’t be forgiven, you’ve been broken beyond repair, you’ve been lost in the eyes of the world. But God has loved you so deeply that He created you, He redeemed you, and He called you to new life through that same Holy One of Israel. Live this new life of faith to the glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, today and forever, Amen.” Rev. Paul J. Frank, Hosanna Lutheran Church and School, Mesa, Arizona – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

March 26 “The trap of a human philosophy and society shaped by merely utilitarian aims will always (and I mean ‘always’) lead to horror and hatred. Always. No matter how smart we get, how advanced our technical skills, how ‘scientific’ we think we are, the human person is more than what we can see. If we weren’t more than that, there would be no art, no beauty, no poetry. We are more than what we see!” Fr. Barnabas Powell, Cumming, Georgia – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

April 2 “What do we tell you young people as you struggle with temptations and tough choices, mood swings, and confused feelings about your identity? We want you to know whose you are and that you can make good choices because you are created, redeemed, and called.” Rev. Dr. James I. Lamb, former executive director of Lutherans For Life – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

April 9 “If you’ve ever done anything wrong or missed doing something perfectly, then you are not truly perfect, and you are going to die. It would be without God, but Jesus takes that weight and sentence off your record, onto His own shoulders. Anyone who wants forgiveness from God, peace with Him, Paradise opened—just look at Jesus. ‘Everyone who looks on the Son and believes in him should have eternal life’ (John 6:40).” Rev. Chris Cordes, St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Sleepy Eye, Minnesota – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

April 16 “The grace of God is more than a message: it’s a Person … His love given in crucified sacrifice changes minds, claims imaginations, heals hearts, and saves souls. His power shown in resurrected presence assigns infinite value to all bodies and ultimate sanctity to every human life. Not only will He treat the culture, He will cure the people, because He has defeated the devil and hell itself.” Rev. Michael W. Salemink, executive director of Lutherans For Life – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

April 23 “The human race was ‘hand-made’ by the most creative designer possible: God. We were made in HIS IMAGE, with HIS very BREATH within us! We truly are ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’ (Psalm 139:14).” Lynette Auch, president of Lutherans For Life – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

April 30 “Let’s whisper and let’s shout the hope of Christ. Let’s bring hope to those who have been deceived by the world to sin against God, themselves, and their child. Let’s help others look forward to the future with great hope and trust in the Lord of life.” Sherry Ellis, executive director of The Lighthouse Center of Hope, Iowa Falls, Iowa () – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

May 7 “What do we share with that unmarried, pregnant college freshman who is ashamed and afraid and sees only one way out? We share that she is loved and forgiven and not forsaken because she is created, redeemed, and called.” Rev. Dr. James I. Lamb, former executive director of Lutherans For Life – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

May 14 “As the Church of God it’s time we rightly extolled the vocation of motherhood, and it’s time we finally saw the resplendent majesty concealed therein. There is no greater vocation on earth for it is God’s chosen means to bring children into this world and, likewise through parents, to bring children into Christ’s kingdom of forgiveness through Holy Baptism.” Rev. Jonathan Conner, Zion Lutheran Church, Manning, Iowa – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

May 21 “We cannot be uncreated, unforgiven, unaccepted, unreconciled, unbaptized, unjustified, or uncalled any more than Jesus can be unborn, uncrucified, or unresurrected. His rising again and ascending into heaven ensures that His cross atonement will align and assimilate everything, and sooner rather than later.” Rev. Michael W. Salemink, executive director of Lutherans For Life – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

May 28 “God has given this walk of life, fatherhood and motherhood, a special position of honor, higher than that of any walk of life under it ... He distinguishes father and mother above all other persons on earth, and places them next to Himself.” Martin Luther in the Large Catechism – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

June 4 “God created man, male and female, for a threefold and trinitarian purpose: To live our lives to His glory, that’s one. To marry if God wills, that’s two. And to have children, that’s three. Marriage was created by God, not by society nor by government. Marriage is not a societal construct. Marriage was instituted by God. Family flows out of this wondrous God-created relationship of one man and one woman who are to live together for a lifetime. As such, they are to live as husband and wife, seeking God’s blessings which the Lord freely gives.” Rev. Daniel Domke, Mount Calvary Lutheran Church (LCMS), Huron, South Dakota – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

June 11 “What do we say to women and men crushed in the aftermath of an abortion decision? They are created, redeemed, and called, and therefore NOTHING can separate them from the love of God in Christ Jesus.” Rev. Dr. James I. Lamb, former executive director of Lutherans For Life – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

June 18 “Children, vulnerable and dependent, desperately need security, and it has ever been a duty and a joy of fatherhood to offer it. Being a father requires strength … and more than a little courage … to persevere, to fight discouragement, and to keep working for the family … With God’s grace, fathers find the patience to teach, the fortitude to provide, the compassion to comfort, and the mercy to forgive. All of this is to say that they find the strength to love their wives and children selflessly … Let us … express our thanks and affection to our fathers, whether we can do so in person or in prayer.” President Ronald Reagan, Father’s Day 1988 – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

June 25 “There is a logical slippery slope between euthanasia for adults and for children. If death is regarded as a ‘benefit’ for sick or depressed adults, then it is difficult to see why children should not be given this ‘benefit’ as well … Euthanasia and assisted suicide are contrary to the ethos of medicine, which is to care, not kill … We must … ensure that treatment is only withdrawn from patients of any age for a good medical reason. The motive for withdrawing treatment should never be to end a life.” Dr. Anthony McCarthy, SPUC Pro-Life – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

July 2 “We must be diligent and unceasing in prayer for our land—for the church, people, governments, and culture—to repent, seek God’s forgiveness, turn from wicked ways, and prosper by hearing the saving message of the Gospel which leads to life everlasting.” Lynette Auch, president of Lutherans For Life – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

July 9 “What do we share with the infertile couple desperately desiring a child? They are created, redeemed, and called, and they can trust in the ways and will of their God.” Rev. Dr. James I. Lamb, former executive director of Lutherans For Life – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

July 16 “God’s love edifies. It gives life. And you, my friend, are in the people business. You’ve been placed on this earth to share what people need most: enduring, true, life-edifying, divine love. You have been freed from a task-driven, striving-for-self-worth existence. God has called you His own. He has declared you precious in His sight and proven it by giving up His Only Son so you could be His own. Now you represent Him here on earth. You give what He has given you.” Rev. Dr. Gregory Seltz, speaker on The Lutheran Hour – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

July 23 “As God called Nehemiah to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls, God has called each one of us to be soldiers in His army to repair our portion of the ‘wall,’ by affirming life and speaking the truth of the Gospel with love to everyone who will listen, with the weapon of God’s Word in one hand and building material, like LFL resources, in the other.” Lynette Auch, president of Lutherans For Life – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

July 30 “The more we humans have learned about life, the more we’ve expanded technology, medicine, and prenatal skill, we still allow a philosophy of human autonomy that places personal preference over life … Personhood begins at conception. Period.” Fr. Barnabas Powell, Cumming, Georgia – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

August 6 “What can we say to those who miscarry a child they already know and love? They are created, redeemed, and called, and God holds them in His hands.” Rev. Dr. James I. Lamb, former executive director of Lutherans For Life – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

August 13 “As Christians, we have a responsibility to provide comfort to the sick, as we do not want anyone to suffer. That is why we promote work to improve palliative care so doctors will have better means to relieve suffering at life’s end until God calls us home to heaven where there is no suffering. Let us put our trust in Him.” Virginia Flo, regional director of Minnesota and national conference director for Lutherans For Life – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

August 20 A prayer for parents for their children: “Today I rededicate them to You. You designed and fashioned them, Father. Lord Jesus, You redeemed them. Spirit, You live in them. Keep them Yours now and always. Keep their guardian angels on duty, as You have promised. Help them grow into adults who will find joy in serving You and building Your kingdom. Lord, thank You for my miracle children.” Pastor Mark Jeske, () – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

August 27 “I know of obstetricians who have been doing abortions for many years who have broken down saying they cannot carry on any more. Despite all attempts at emotional neutrality, the heart does not work that way when you get a baby in front of you that colleagues on another floor of the same building would be trying to keep alive. [It is] extremely upsetting … for the doctors.” Dr. Trevor Stammers, formerly a senior lecturer in general practice at St George’s University Hospital, London – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

September 3 “In every task you tackle, at every moment in life, in whatever situation you find yourself, you have a calling, a vocation. You get to bless people. You get to show God’s love. You get to elevate the conversation, change the perspective, and bring dignity into a difficult world. You get to live in the life that He gifts you with, love meant for you, love meant for all.” Rev. Dr. Gregory Seltz, speaker on The Lutheran Hour – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

September 10 “What do we have to share with the frail elderly who wonder about God’s purpose for their lives? They are created, redeemed, and called, and as long as God gives them life, He gives their lives meaning and purpose.” Rev. Dr. James I. Lamb, former executive director of Lutherans For Life – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

September 17 “Every time you meet another human being you have the opportunity. It’s a chance at holiness. For you will do one of two things. Either you will build him up or you will tear him down. There are no useless, minor meetings. There are no dead-end jobs. There are no pointless lives. Swallow your sorrows; forget your grievances and all the hurt your poor life has sustained. Turn your face truly to the human before you and let her, for one pure moment, shine. Think her important, and then she will suspect that she is fashioned of God.” Walt Wangerin, pastor and author – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

September 24 “We have been freely received by the Lord God … Since He generously extends compassion and forgiveness to each human being, we receive as freely, respect as fully, and defend as fiercely as we have been received, respected, and defended.” Rev. Michael W. Salemink, executive director of Lutherans For Life – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

October 1 “To be weak, frail, vulnerable, and helpless does not reduce either your inherent worth or your ability to contribute meaningfully to the lives of those around you. In your weakness you can contribute great things. You can provide the opportunity to your loved ones to discover strength, compassion, and faith that they didn’t know they had. You can ease their fears about their own final days. You can pull families together that haven’t been together in a long time. You can simply be there so the ones you love can love you back.” Cheryl Magness, writer, musician, and homeschool mom – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

October 8 “Why do we strive to protect tiny embryos in Petri dishes or frozen in a fertility clinic? Because they are created, redeemed, and little ones whom God wants to call.” Rev. Dr. James I. Lamb, former executive director of Lutherans For Life – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

October 15 “When the God of the universe, Who created and redeemed us, calls us by name, claiming us as His very own and assuring us that nothing can snatch us from His hand, where we are engraved, could there be any more loving and comforting words when we are living life even in the midst of death?” Lynette Auch, president of Lutherans For Life – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

October 22 “The Eternal Being, who knows everything and who created the whole universe, became not only a man but (before that) a baby, and before that a fetus in a woman’s body.” C.S. Lewis in Mere Christianity – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

October 29 “I have people say, ‘We need to go out and see people saved.’ I’ve got news for you: They don’t even know that they’re lost … Where Luther nailed those theses on the door of the church, we need to be going to churches, Christian colleges, seminaries, Bible colleges in this day and age and nailing Genesis 1-11 on the doors because that’s where we’ve lost biblical authority.” Ken Ham, Answers in Genesis – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

November 5 “God calls us all to support widows and orphans, but that certainly does not mean every person is equipped to adopt a child. You can support a child in need without becoming his or her parent. Consider sponsoring a child overseas, going on a short-term mission trip to an orphanage, or financially supporting couples who adopt children through adoption grant-giving organizations. There are many ways to become involved.” Kim Laube, B.A., Lutheran Family Service, Urbandale, Iowa – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

November 12 “We live in H.O.P.E. – Having Optimism Pending Eternity. Because no matter what happens, we know that He loves us and our future is secure.” Diane Schroeder, former president of Lutherans For Life – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

November 19 “A child who has been adopted by loving parents knows from the outset that he is loved because he knows they chose him. He was not simply accepted because he was conceived and born into their midst but was sought out to become their child. God is like that with us! ‘Although it may appear outwardly that we make our way toward God, the joyful and wonderful truth is that it is God who comes to us’ (Matthew the Poor).” Abbot Tryphon, Vashon Island, Washington – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

November 26 “All that we call human history—money, poverty, ambition, war, prostitution, classes, empires, slavery—is the long terrible story of man trying to find something other than God which will make him happy.” C.S. Lewis in Mere Christianity – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

December 3 “God created you in the womb. He formed your very being. He called you by name for His great plans. He made your life new through the Holy One of Israel. God gave you a new heart through Christ. God has loved you so deeply—and He gives you the gift of life so deeply—that He gave you the heart of Christ. HIS heart beats within you. THAT is God’s gift of grace.” Rev. Paul J. Frank, Hosanna Lutheran Church and School, Mesa, Arizona – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

December 10 “As we bask in the glow of God Himself choosing, from His freedom and through His immeasurable power, to sanctify every aspect and moment of human life by taking flesh and passing through every stage of human growth and development, and sanctifying each of those moments, let’s do the very hard work of taking our faith seriously and, knowing God loves us and will always forgive every sin, let’s winsomely and gently live in such a way we show the world a better way.” Fr. Barnabas Powell, Cumming, Georgia.– A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

December 17 “The hinge of history can be found on a Bethlehem door.” Evangelist J. John – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

December 24 “So celebrate that divine-human Gift who has so changed your life by His Spirit. Praise Him for His gracious forgiveness and righteousness. Praise Him as the One who will one day transform the mortal into immortality. Indeed, He who was once a baby has changed and is changing lives and will one day change His whole creation.” Rev. David Fuerstenau, Holy Truth Lutheran Church, Ketchikan, Alaska – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

December 25 “God gave you what you couldn’t do for yourself. What a great Christmas gift you have in the unconditional forgiveness of your sins through the person and work of your Savior Jesus Christ! Thank You, God!” Rev. Mark Jeske, () – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

December 31 “Our failures won’t undermine the Lord’s reign. Others’ successes can’t overthrow it. This world will go on as long as God wills and will then give way to new creation. In Jesus we are guaranteed inclusion in it, as well as having the privilege of participating in His activity—not to assert superiority but to save our opponents from the devil’s deceptions and our neighbors from final destruction. Let’s exercise our majesty enthusiastically!” Rev. Michael W. Salemink, executive director of Lutherans For Life – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •




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