What is the question? Source: Where did the document come from?Title of the Document:primary source OR secondary source?Date of the Document:Author’s Point of View:Author of the Document:SAY: Write quotes from the document.-3909834109This is just the facts as stated in the document. What does the document say that gives you information to help you answer the question? 00This is just the facts as stated in the document. What does the document say that gives you information to help you answer the question? -27517304165This is an inference. What does the quote or fact you wrote down mean in your own words? What do I already know or what can I learn from the document that is not “right there”?00This is an inference. What does the quote or fact you wrote down mean in your own words? What do I already know or what can I learn from the document that is not “right there”?MEAN: What do you think the quotes mean?MATTER: Why do the quotes matter? This is an opinion statement. How does the SAY and MEAN help you answer the question? What conclusions can you make with the Say and Mean information? So what is the MAIN IDEA of this document? This could be your concluding sentence. 86030852984500 ................

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