HYPERLINK "" Windows Live Movie Maker OverviewImport files to WLMMFirst you want to import your files to Windows Live Movie Maker. Click on the “Add videos and photos” button. Now you can go to your folder and select any movie file you have shot.After you have imported your files you can go ahead and edit them. To ‘trim’ your movie (cut off parts of your shots) you click on edit trim tool trim your movie by dragging your cursor to your start and ending point as you can see underneath.You can drag your files to the top and bottom by just clicking on them and moving them around. You can also delete files you do not need by right clicking on that file and clicking on ‘remove’. Other than trimming your movie you can also add visual effects by going to the visual effects tab and you can add music by going to home add music.Difference between saving movie and saving PROJECT and saving MOVIEWhenever you would like to view your movie file, saving your project is not enough. You should save your movie instead. That way your file is converted to a .WMV file (which is a movie file). So if you want to put your movie online, save your MOVIE first as can be seen underneath.After you have saved your movie, you can upload your movie to YouTube. By using Windows Live Movie Maker, you can just directly upload your files to Youtube, by clicking the Youtube button on the homepage.If this for some reason does not work on your computer, go to , create a YouTube account (on the top right of the screen) and upload your movie by clicking the upload button or by going to this link. ................

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