Minnesota State University Moorhead

Psych 202 Adulthood Assignment 10 points Due 4/24

Pick 2 of these questions to answer. Answers need to show thought and not be copied from text.

1. While walking across campus, you overhear two girls arguing about their lifespan development class. One girl states, "Because I am 18 years old, I am still considered an adolescent." The other girl replies, "I don't care if I am only 18 years old, I am not an adolescent. I pay my own way through college, so I am an adult." Assuming that the girls would listen to you, what would you tell them? What developmental stage are the girls in? What are the key markers in the United States that signal when an individual enters adulthood?

2. Compare and contrast the cognitive developmental stages of Jean Piaget and William Perry as they apply to adolescents who are transitioning into adulthood. Then discuss the proposed fifth stage ("Postformal Thought") to Piaget's theory.

3. You have been asked to address a local community group on developing meaningful relationships in young adulthood. Among the topics you have been asked to discuss are developmental norms in young adulthood, ways to recognize healthy and unhealthy relationships, and how to create healthy relationships. What will you tell these people?

4. While eating dinner, Lisa asks her husband, "How was your day?" Her husband, Cory, responds, "I had two meetings, finished a couple of little projects, and met with a new client." Cory then goes back to eating and picks up the newspaper to glance at while he finishes his meal. Lisa immediately becomes upset and cries, "You never want to talk to me!" Confused, Cory replies, "I thought we were done talking." Use your knowledge of gender and communication to analyze this interaction. What does Deborah Tannen and others’ research on women's and men's development tell us about differential approaches to relationships and intimacy?


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