Orthopedic orientation
Winter 2021
Orthopedic orientation
Here's help for your musculoskeletal system
All About Health / Winter 2021
Area orthopedics
focused on
If you've ever broken a
wrist, sustained a sports in-
jury or if you're aging -- and
you should be -- chances are
you have had or will one day
be in need of orthopedic care.
Staff photo / Allie Vugrincic
"Orthopedics is kind of From left, Emily Petro, registered nurse, first assistant; John Ricci, Mako plasty product specialist; ortho-
one of those areas in medi- pedic surgeon Dr. Ken Jones, and surgical technician Karen Ward demonstrate how to use the Mako robotic
cine that is always going to arm to assist in a knee replacement at Trumbull Regional Medical Center in Warren. Trumbull Regional is the
be needed because we hav- only hospital in Trumbull County to use the Mako technology, which assists surgeons with total knee and hip en't found a way to stop the and partial knee replacements, allowing for smaller, more precise incisions. aging process, and as peo-
ple age, the musculoskeletal he finished his residency al- replacement when they have are coming to surgery at
system wears out," said Dr. most 22 years ago. Along with exhausted other treatments, younger ages, which re-
Thomas Joseph, president of his brother, Dr. Tom Jones, such as supplements, over- turns them to a more pro-
the Youngstown Orthopaedic Jones has a private practice, the-counter medication and ductive life," he said.
Associates, which has offic- Northeast Ohio Orthopedics, joint injections.
es in Howland, Canfield and on North Road in Warren. "Total joint replacements QUICK TURNAROUND
Boardman. "You're always There, he treats anything are some of the most suc- Better implants are not
going to have bone injuries, from a broken wrist to torn cessful operations that are the only way joint replace-
and orthopedics is the spe- cartilage, carpal tunnel, and done -- not only nationally ment surgery has improved
cialty that deals with those rotator cuff problems.
but around the world -- in -- new technology and pain
kinds of injuries as well."
"I'm in the community," terms of patient satisfac- management allows pa-
Orthopedics is the treat- Jones said. "It's what the tion, improvement and qual- tients to get back on their
ment of the musculoskeletal community needs."
ity of life," said Dr. James feet and out of hospitals
system -- bones, muscles,
P. Jamison, a Youngstown faster.
joints and ligaments. It is a JOINT REPLACEMENT Orthopaedic Associates sur- In 2019, Trumbull
wide-reaching field that can Jones also works with geon specializing in adult Regional's team of eight
treat anything from the neck Trumbull Regional Medical reconstruction.
surgeons completed 497
Center in Warren in the In the past, joint replace- total knee and hip replace-
Subspecialties in ortho- Center for Joint Replacement, ment had been a solution ments, as well as additional
pedics include sports medi- which focuses on surgical to- only for adults older than 60 shoulder replacements and
cine, which mostly deals with tal hip and total and partial because of the limited lifes- revisions. The average rate
shoulder and knee injuries; knee replacements.
pan of implants. Joint re- of stay for patients was 1.5
hand and upper extremity; Patients who benefit from placement is now an option days -- meaning patients
spine; orthopedic foot and joint replacement procedures for some younger patients as were out of the hospital
ankle, which is more com- include those suffering from well, Jamison said.
by lunchtime the day after
prehensive than podiatry; or- osteoarthritis and avascu- "Implants are expected their surgery. The program
thopedic oncology, or the re- lar necrosis or those that to last 20-plus years without seeks to have joint replace-
moval of orthopedic tumors; have suffered a sports injury question, provided there ar- ment patients up and walk-
pediatric orthopedics; and or other type of traumatic en't any unforeseen prob- ing within four hours of
adult reconstruction.
joint injuries, according to lems," Jamison said.
their surgery.
Dr. Ken Jones, originally information from Trumbull Adults as young as 40 are "We can really push the
from Pennsylvania, has been Regional Medical Center. candidates for joint replace- patients to get moving,"
practicing in the area since People often turn to joint ment. "We have patients who said Jones, who added that
All About Health / Winter 2021
with spinal blocks and medi- patients to choose a coach -- a greater risk of infection
cations, patients often have a family member, caretaker or developing pneumonia,
very little pain for several or friend -- to assist them in according to Jones. He said
their post-operative recov- when he first started practic-
He said the key to getting ery. Coaches watch the same ing, it wasn't uncommon for a
patients home quickly with- pre-surgery video as patients total hip replacement patient
out complications is antici- so they know what to expect. to spend five days in bed.
pating their needs ahead of
time, instead of responding to
problems as they arise.
Still, recovery is a process
that involves physical thera-
py and the patient must put
in work to get their new joint
feeling normal. Jones said
patients can generally move
freely within three months,
but it can take a year to get
used to a total replacement.
"The important thing is
that it takes a lot of retrain-
ing of the joint," Jones said.
The patient's input is key --
which is why patients have
to be motivated and ready to
have their surgery.
Replacement orthopedic
navigator Peggy Rable, reg-
istered nurse, sees patients
through their joint replace-
ment journey. She asks
"They also come the day after when they go through their therapy session with the patient," Rable said. "They learn the same therapy. They learn how to assist the patient."
North Carolina native Jamison said that in his 23 years of practice, there has been a push to reduce patient hospital stays. Now, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, patients are eager to leave hospitals and surgical centers as quickly as possible.
Getting patients out faster has a lot of benefits, Jamison said. It minimizes the risk of complications like deep vain thrombosis, a condition where a blood clot forms in a vain deep inside the body.
Patients who spend more time in the hospital also have
PATIENT-FOCUSED While the Center for Joint Replacement aims to have patients in bed as little as possible, their rooms do come with a view -- from the eighth floor of Trumbull Regional Medical Center, patients can watch the sun rise or set over Warren. The rooms also have more exotic views, with each one themed to a different location. "Our quote is `Where your new hip or knee will take you,'" Rable said. "You could be in a room that has a beach in Hawaii or you could be in Italy. The patients seem to really enjoy that -- they're not just staring at sterile walls." The rooms also each have a sign announcing their "destination" and marking the
? Adult reconstructive -- hip and knee
? Sports medicine -- treatment of sports injuries, typically shoulder and knee
? Orthopedic oncology -- removal of orthopedic tumors
? Pediatric orthopedics -- treatment of musculoskeletal system in children
? Orthopedic foot an ankle -- typically more comprehensive treatment than podiatr y
? Hand and upper extremity
? Spine
SOURCE: Dr. James P. Jamison / Youngstown Orthopaedic Associates.
All About Health / Winter 2021
distance a patient has walked minimally invasive tech-
on their new joint. When the nique involves using fiberop-
center is not under COVID-19 tic cameras inside the joint so
precautions, patients are as- surgeons can view the area to
signed an airplane cutout that be operated on without see-
they can move across a wall ing it directly, according to
chart to track their distance. Joseph.
The chart can spur friendly Joseph said the recov-
competition between patients ery process for patients is
who want to walk further also more advanced than it
than their counterparts.
once was. The use of biolog-
The Center for Joint ics -- drugs derived from
Replacement rooms are all living organisms -- acceler-
private, with private baths. ate the healing process and
Patients sit in recliner chairs can lessen scar tissue and
after therapy, which also inflammation.
helps reduce surgical compli- One commonly known
cations, according to Rable. biologic is stem cells, which
"The patients are comfort- come from human bodies
able," Jones said, pointing or from embryonic fluid.
to "little things" that make Another biologic is platelet
patients' stays better -- they gel, which is obtained by tak-
do not have to wear a surgi- ing blood from a patient and
cal gown, the floor presents spinning it in a centrifuge to
Staff photo / Allie Vugrincic
and friendly atmosphere, and get platelet-rich plasma with Debbie Heydle of Hubbard performs therapeutic exercise two days
under normal circumstances, growth factors. The plate- after a bilateral hip replacement with help of physical therapy assistant
visitors can join patients in let gel is then injected back Gretchen Scherer of Struthers at Trumbull Regional Medical Center in
their rooms.
into the patient to facilitate Warren.
healing. Platelet gel has been
OTHER ADVANCES around for about 10 years, ac- excellence -- it was the first
for cording to Joseph, and is used in Ohio to achieve the Joint
Joint Replacement and at Youngstown Orthopaedics. Commission's Gold Seal of
Youngstown Orthopaedics
Approval for advanced cer-
both have the capability to
tification in total hip and
do Mako robotic-arm assist- Youngstown Orthopaedic total knee replacement. The
ed surgeries. The Mako at Association is the area's hospital is also a designated
Trumbull Regional Medical largest orthopedic group Blue Distinction Center + for
Center is the only one in with 10 surgeons and one knee and hip replacement by
Trumbull County, while physiatrist who takes care of Anthem Blue / Cross Blue
Youngstown Orthopaeadics non-operative musculoskel- Shield.
works with a Mako at St. etal paint. The entity has its Jones pointed to the uni-
Elizabeth Boardman Hospital own MRI machine, physical formity of the joint replace-
and the Orthopaedic Surgery and occupational therapy, ment program as a reason for
and DME bracing, or dura- its success.
"You use robotic assis- ble medical equipment brac- "When someone goes on
tance when you're preform- ing. Surgeons are trained an airplane, the pilots, no
ing a joint replacement to in subspecialties, allowing matter what airline you're
improve the precision and Youngstown Orthopaedics flying on -- they all have
accuracy," Joseph said.
to treat the whole spectrum the same checklist," Jones
With Mako robots, sur- of orthopedics in "one-stop said. Even though the sur-
Staff photo / Allie Vugrincic
geons can make smaller inci- shopping," according to geons at the Center for Joint Trumbull Regional Medical Center
sions, which means patients Joseph.
Replacement come from Or thopedic Navigator Peggy
can recover faster and have Youngstown Orthopaedics different practices, they all Rable, registered nurse, points to
smaller scars. Procedures done with the Mako show less implant wear and loosening
also works closely with the Orthopaedic Surgery Center, an ambulatory surgery cen-
adhere to the same overarching program -- though some parts are customized for in-
a "Venice" sign in the hallway of the orthopedic floor at Trumbull
and reduced blood loss, ac- ter in Youngstown, and has dividual patients.
Regional, which includes a mea-
cording to information from urgent care facilities in "My philosophy is that surement in feet to show patients
Trumbull Regional Medical Howland and Canfield that when everybody in the hos- how far they have walked. The floor
are focused on orthopedic pital is doing well, we all is inspired by travel and the theme
Another technology-based technique is arthroscopic surgery, also called arthros-
emergencies. The Center for Joint
Replacement at Trumbull
benefit. It's not about the volume or numbers, it's about the outcome," Jones said.
"where your new hip or knee will take you," with each room and
copy, used to diagnose and Regional Medical Center "It's about having a program corresponding sign representing a
treat joint problems. The has been recognized for its where the patients do well." different place.
All About Health / Winter 2021
Come get the relief you deserve at Trumbull Regional Medical Center. Our Center for Joint Replacement specializes in high-tech, minimally invasive robotic procedures that provide superior surgical outcomes. All to help get you back to your active, vibrant self sooner, stronger, and with less pain than you thought possible.
Learn more at ortho or call 330-841-9162.
All About Health / Winter 2021
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