Tatum - Daily Agenda

Freshman English Grading ScaleHeath Tatum A – 90-100%Phone: 485-8292 B – 80-89%Email: heath.tatum@jefferson.kyschools.us C – 70-79%heathmcqueen@ D – 60-69%Website: U – Below 60%Course Description: This course is designed to be an extensive study of World Literature as well as various forms of pre-college writing as grounded in the Kentucky Core Academic Standards and ACT Quality Core. All writing will fall under the three primary modes: writing to learn, writing to demonstrate learning, and writing for publication. Primary writing will include argument, informative/explanatory, and reflective through literary analysis, speeches, and essays. Students will also have daily writing prompts/activities to practice supporting an argument. As a pre-college curriculum course, students will have regular ACT vocabulary, followed by bi-weekly quizzes, and grammar exercises to assist in writing technique. Finally, students will prepare for the ACT through regular English and Reading Passage practice.Grading: Students will be graded using the new JCPS grading scale and grades are weighted using the categories as determined by the district. There will be multiple assignments in each category and grades will be updated on a two-week basis if not sooner.Student Engagement – 20%Student Progress – 30%Student Mastery – 50%Major Texts: Prentice Hall Literature, Fahrenheit 451, Great Expectations, Animal Farm, Romeo and Juliet, Lord of the Flies, Night, The Odyssey (This list is subject to change). These texts will be supplemented with various fiction and non-fiction selections including essays, articles, short stories, and poetry.Major Writing: Persuasive speech, literary analysis, 3.5 essay, narrative. These will be supplemented with regular timed writings in various forms for various purposes.Primary 9th Grade Theme – Who Am I?Unit 1 – What factors shape our public and private identities?Unit 2 – How does adversity shape identity?Unit 3 – How do our identities shape the choices we make?Unit 4 – How do our ideas about others influence the choices we make?Unit 5 – How do the journeys I take in life influence my identity?Unit 6 – How do my relationships influence my identity?Supplies:Pocket Folder PaperPencils/PensHighlightersClassroom Policies and Procedures:Be on time, in your assigned seat, and prepared for class when the bell rings. Do not stand/gather at the door prior to the release bell.Bring all necessary materials to class.Cell phones should be off and put away during class.Clean/Straighten up before you leave class.Keep your hands to yourself.Do not write on furniture, walls, etc.Focus on English during English class.Be quiet when the teacher, speaker, or another student is talking. Do not interrupt. Treat others with respect.Use the restroom between classes. Hall passes to the restroom are for emergencies only. Be a good listener; raise your hand to speak.Label all your assignments at the top with your name, date, and assignment title.Follow all school rules. See the Code of Conduct.Make-Up Work – Students are allowed the number of days absent plus one additional day to make up any missed assignments for an excused absence. A running list of daily activities and assignments are kept on the board and also on Mr. Tatum’s website, along with uploaded handouts. Students are responsible for obtaining missed assignments and scheduling make-up quizzes or tests.Note - Learning Targets: The Kentucky Core Academic Standards in Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening will remain our focus throughout the year. Student Signature __________________________ Email Contact _______________________Parent Signature ___________________________ Email/Phone Contact _________________ ................

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