
Activity: 'Reading a Memo'

How you adapted the activity for your class:  To preteach synonyms I found a website where we could play some synonym games.  I typed up the activity with all the necessary information to access the site and the night before I went over the handout so that they were familiar with what they would be doing the next day.  I also had a list of words that I put on the board and we spent some time as a class familiarizing ourselves with their synonyms.  They caught on very quickly and were prepared for the computer activity the next day. 

I thought that the lesson was perfect for CLB 3.


1. Type in Username: eslstudent

2. Password: go

3. Click on the internet.

4. Google:

5. Click on 'List of Terms' to study the words used in the games.

6. After you have studied the list of terms click on 'Back to Activity'.

7. At this point you will see a horizontal list of games options:


8. Click on the MATCHING game.

9. Click on the words that you feel mean the same thing. If you're not sure you can check the print out of the 'List of Terms' that you got at the beginning of the class.

10. When you get a match the words will disappear and in their place you will see a picture of some sort.

11. Now go on and try to find the next pair. After you finish the game click at the bottom right where you see 'Start Over'. This will bring up a new matching game for you.

12. Just above the 'start over' box you will see the option 'show answers'. If you want to check you work at any time click onto this box and you will see all correctly paired words.

13. To get into a new game go up to the arrows in the top left corner of your computer screen. Click on the left arrow which is the pervious page arrow.

14. When you click on the left arrow it takes you back to the previous screen where you see all the game options listed in #7 of this handout.

15. If you click on the Flashcard game you will see a card with a word pop up.

16. Put your curser on that word and click. You will see its synonym take its place on the card.

17. Each time you want a new card click on the words, 'try again later'.

18. Now a new word will pop up. At this time take your curser and put it onto the word and click. You should see its synonym pop up.

19. To get back to the game options go back up to the top left corner and click on the left (back) arrow.

20. This will get you back to the list of game options.

21. Now try the game 'concentration'.

22. For this game you need to remember where the words are that you click on because they are all flipped over so that you can't see them.

23. Click on any two. You will get two words showing. If they are synonyms those two cards will disappear so that now you have two spaces.

24. If they are not synonyms then they will flip over so that you cannot see the words.

25. Now, click on one card. If it is a synonym of a word that you have already clicked on go back to that card and click. If they are synonyms the two cards will disappear or you will get a check mark indicating that this is a match. If they are not a match they will flip back over. When you have matched each word with its synonym click onto the 'start over' box. A new game will be on your screen.

26. This will be a test of your memory. You have to do your best to remember what cards you have clicked on and where they are located.

27. It's fun but you will be challenged. ENJOY!!


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