9 -10:15

|8:50 – 9:00 |9:00 – 9:15 |9:15-10:00 |10:00-10:15 |10:15-10:30 |10:30-11:15 |11:15-11:45 |11:45-12:00 | |Monday

|Spiritual Reflection

For Christian families: Say the Lord’s Prayer.


Spelling Words for this week:











Use the look, check, cover write method.

Practice every day for a test on Friday!


Apostrophes for contraction.


Create a non-chronological report about any aspect of Ancient Greece.

(see notes at the bottom of the page)

Task One:

Research your chosen topic using encyclopedias or websites.

Search through Kiddle rather than google to be sure of your online safety.

There are some suggested websites at the bottom of this document.

Task Two:

Consider and plan your layout (without writing specific detail at this point).

Try to set it out in a similar way to we did in class.

Further notes at the bottom of the page. |PE

Activity One:

5 minute workout: Kids Workout 1

Activity Two:

Choose three of your own exercises and add them to three of the exercises from the video.

Complete each for 40 seconds with a ten second break between each one.

|Break |Maths

Recognising angles where they meet at a point, are on a straight line, or are vertically opposite, and find missing angles

Differentiated work: Lesson 1 – Missing Angles



How does the eye detect light?

Watch the video on the link below and explore the diagram by clicking on the different parts of the eye.



Pg. 52-63

• Clarify any vocabulary


• Summarise 3-5 key events


• Make a prediction for a chosen character

Write these down in your exercise book under today’s date.

| |

|8:50 – 9:00 |9:00 – 9:15 |9:15-10:00 |10:00-10:15 |10:15-10:30 |10:30-11:15 |11:15-11:45 |11:45-12:00 | |Tuesday

|Spiritual Reflection

For Christian families: Say the St Mary’s School Creed


Use the look, check, cover write method to practice your weekly spellings.


Apostrophes for possession.


Non-chronological report cont...

Task One:

Choose your ‘Main Title’ e.g. Mythological Medusa! Try to make it engaging to encourage the reader to read on.

Task Two:

Write your introductory paragraph – remember this is a general overview and introduction to the overall topic. It can also signpost items that you will cover in your report.

Remember to proof read your work for errors.


Learning to juggle: Lesson 1

Use this video to begin the first steps of learning to juggle. Juggling is a great way of engaging both sides of your brain, developing hand eye coordination and having t fun trying to conquer a new skill.

|Break |Maths

Combat SATs

Practice Reasoning and Arithmetic questions:

Lesson 2 – Combat SATs

Then play the Estimating Angles game:



Ancient Greece:

Greece is a country in Europe.

Take this European country quiz to correctly select as many different European countries as possible.

Good luck!



Pg. 64-76

• Clarify any vocabulary


• Summarise 3-5 key events


• Make a prediction for a chosen character

Write these down in your exercise book under today’s date.

| |

|8:50 – 9:00 |9:00 – 9:15 |9:15-10:00 |10:00-10:15 |10:15-10:30 |10:30-11:15 |11:15-11:45 |11:45-12:00 | |Wednesday

|Spiritual Reflection

Watch this story of David and Goliath


Use the look, check, cover write method to practice your weekly spellings.




Non-chronological report cont...

Task One:

Decide on 3 main paragraphs you will write about your topic.

Task Two:

Draft and edit your first main paragraph using the research you have found.


Activity One:

5 minute workout: Kids Workout 2

Activity Two:

Choose three of your own exercises and add them to three of the exercises from the video.

Complete each for 40 seconds with a ten second break between each one.

|Break |Maths

Comparing triangles and finding missing angles.

Differentiated work: Lesson 3 – Triangles



Recap what you learnt yesterday using this link from Monday.

Draw and label an image of the eye using the link above:

Underneath explain how the eye works.



Pg. 77-87

• Clarify any vocabulary


• Summarise 3-5 key events


• Make a prediction for a chosen character

Write these down in your exercise book under today’s date.

| |

|8:50 – 9:00 |9:00 – 9:15 |9:15-10:00 |10:00-10:15 |10:15-10:30 |10:30-11:15 |11:15-11:45 |11:45-12:00 | |Thursday

|Spiritual Reflection

Read the story of the Three Trees

(See resources) |GPS

Use the look, check, cover write method to practice your weekly spellings.




Non-chronological report cont...

Task One:

Re-read your work from yesterday and make any necessary changes.

Task Two:

Draft and edit your second main paragraph using the research you have found.


Learning to juggle: Lesson 2

Use this video to develop your throwing and catching skills.

1.Work on throwing one ball from one hand to another consistently.

2.Try step 1 but with your eyes closed. This is tricky! You will need endurance.

3.Follow the tip on the video to try to throw and catch two balls. |Break |Maths

Weekly Arithmetic

Spring Test 6:

Lesson 4 - Arithmetic



Christian Value: Endurance

Watch this video of Derek Redmond showing endurance and perseverance.

Write a short message to encourage others through difficult times or to overcome a challenge/setback. |Reading


Pg. 77-87

• Clarify any vocabulary


• Summarise 3-5 key events


• Make a prediction for a chosen character

Write these down in your exercise book under today’s date.

| |

|8:50 – 9:00 |9:00 – 9:15 |9:15-10:00 |10:00-10:15 |10:15-10:30 |10:30-11:15 |11:15-11:45 |11:45-12:00 | |Friday

|Spiritual Reflection

Recap what happened to Derek Redmond in the 1992 Olympics.

Ask your family members to think of a time when they have shown endurance.



Parent/Carer to test weekly words (record these in your book along with your score).


Relative Clauses:


Non-chronological report cont...

Task One:

Re-read your work from yesterday and make any necessary changes.

Task Two:

Draft and edit your third main paragraph using the research you have found.


Activity One:

5 minute workout: Kids Workout 1

Activity Two:

Choose three of your own exercises and add them to three of the exercises from the video.

Complete each for 40 seconds with a ten second break between each one.

|Break |Maths

SATs Revision Books

Line Graphs

Page 102-103

Pie Charts

Page 104-105

Learning games:



Create your own Google logo

Or find it here



Pg. 88-100

• Clarify any vocabulary


• Summarise 3-5 key events


• Make a prediction for a chosen character

Write these down in your exercise book under today’s date.

| |

Notes on non-chronological report:

Create a non-chronological report about any aspect of Ancient Greece. Follow a similar format to the one we have recently begun to complete in school but focus in on an area of interest to you. For example you may choose:

1. A particular Greek God or Goddess (Athena or Zeus)

2. A particular mythological creature (e.g. Medusa or Cyclops)

3. The Ancient Greek Olympics

4. Greek Thinkers

Day One

Task One:

Research your chosen topic using encyclopedias or websites (search through Kiddle rather than google to be sure of your online safety). These websites have some good information:

Task Two: Consider and plan your layout (without writing specific detail at this point). Try to set it out (in a similar way to we did in class):

1. Which areas will you focus on?

2. What could your subheadings be (remember questions as subheadings are particularly effective)

3. Which pictures/diagrams could you include – what caption will they have underneath?

4. Will you include fact boxes or lists or a ‘Did you know?’ section?

Aim to do your non-chronological report over two pages – a double page spread (see picture on next page as an example)



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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