Important Note: This project was created by a freelancer coder, whom we hired to make an app for our own project. We have used this similar source code to publish many Android apps. Since we are not our selves are coder, the support we can provide is very limited. If you have experience working with Eclipse and Publishing apps for Android. This should be piece of cake for you. This little handy doc has information on how to Edit some of the important parts of the App. If you need information on how to sign up for a Google play developer account and how to publish Android apps using Eclipse. Please consider searching for it on sites like and we are very sure you will come across many good tutorials that can provide to you this information. From where to download the Eclipse? You will need this program to compile the project and create build that can be submitted to the Play storeDownload eclipse from this link: that refer this link to setup Android Environment in Eclipse: to import the project in Eclipse?Select import option from the Eclipse File menu. Then select Existing Android Code Into Workspace. In case if you come across any errors that are related to missing SDK or API livel, then make sure that the SDK have API level 9 that is android 2.3.1 and API level 17 that is Android 4.2.2. If you don’t have such sdk then please update it to that API level and then import the project and you should not have any error after importing the project.How to change the package name of the App?THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT STEP. You must perform this step. Package name is you’re unique identifier for the app. It must not be same for every app. So please remember to change the package name in this project. For changing package name you need to right click on the package name from the project structure. Now select refactor => rename to rename the project. Change the name you want. Please check below image for select and righ click on package name.After that open AndroidManifest.xml file, Select Manifest tab from bottom. Now change same package name there.Press cntrl+S to save the package name.After doing above step you will get red mark color on some of the Java file. Like below image. Simple open that java file and pressed cntrl+shift+O for import the required package name.How to Importing Missing Library for Admobs?To import missing library, you need to attached project in to eclipse with the same instruction that shows, how to import project in to Eclipse. After that you will have project in to eclipse workspace as like below image.Now, go to your main project (Make Money 100) and do right click and open Properties.After opening the properties, follow below steps to import the project library project into MakeMoney project.Select Android section from top left corner,Select add button then you will have all list of library project, select google_play_servier project from that list, so it will shown as mention in above image with number 3.Now, Press Apply and then Ok to import project.Done.Where to replace the App Icon, Background Image, Welcome Image, Buttons etc. Please mention the sizes of each required image and format and the location where it has to be replaced.Please check below attached image for where to change the required image for icon, welcome Image and Buttons. All the images are in different folder of their different drawable. For its size, you need to check the size of the image in each folders that you need to change, because each folder have different size accordingly to the requirements. Please check below image for more informarion of location.Most of the images are in drawable hdpi folder. So you can get the image from there and change it accordingly.How to locate the Database file, which program to use for editing it and how to edit it (Please show this with screenshots)Database file is available in the assets folder of the project. Please check below image for more information.You need to extract the database file from this “” file. After that you will get file named “mydatabase.db”. Use this file to change your data. Now, download SQLite Database Browser from below link: database “mydatabase.db” in to that software. (File=>Open database => Select file from its location)After importing the database file, you can open table called Stories to update the data as like below.Select Browse data to browse data you want to change.Now, Select stories table from dropdown menu as shown below:Now, you will have all record as shown in below image. Select the record that you want to change and double click on it. As show below:Now, you will get another popup window to change the content of selected data. You can simply change it and click apply changes as shown below:Now, you have done changing data. As same way you can change any data any time.How to change Ad mob details?As like parse details, you can change Ad mob from src/APP_PACKAGE_NAME/ file.Just open that file and change value of admob_id (For banner ad), Interstitial_id (For full screen ad).// Admob IDpublic static final String admob_id = "ENTER ADMOB BANNER PUB ID";public static final String Interstitial_id = "ENTER ADMOB INTERSTITIAL PUB ID"; How to enable or disable both types of Admob ads?To remove both ads, remove library of Google play store from the project. To remove library project check below instruction and check image below:Right click on the Project, select android tab, select Gooogle_Play_service_lib press remove button. Now select Apply button and then pressed OK button. Now, library project is removed from the app.After that clean the project.You will have red mark error on some pages (JAVA file).Just comment that red mark line in java file and you done. Please check below image for how you got red mark color in java files. Just remove that code or comment it.Now your app will not have ads in it.e.g.: below lines will be shown in red markadView = new AdView(this);adView.setAdSize(AdSize.BANNER);adView.setAdUnitId(API.admob_id);How to change the number of open to display the add mob interstitial ads?Check the below image in DetailsStoryActivity and in FavoriteStoryActivity and change the number from 7 to any other number after which number of topic opens you want to show interstitial ad. Please check below image for same.How to implement new database?If the database are same in mean of fields name and structure then there is nothing more to do with database. But if database structure is different then there is lot of work to do that I can’t explain here.Now if structures are same and only changes in data then you rename that database to “mydatabase.db” and put that database in to asset folder.Check below image in which, database is available within the zip file called You just need to change that file if the databases are same in fields.How to create new database?You must have any database file with you using that you can update it and create it anyhow you want. Please check below video for how to create and update database using SQLite Database Browser. you can check some screen shots below to check how to create database.How to change name of the app?[both types 1) below icon and 2) in the app}Below Icon:Open file from res/values/strings.xmlHere you have to change the app name. Just find below string and you can change it.<string name="app_name">Allah Names</string>Here “Allah Names” is the app name appear below app iconIn the app:Open file from res/layout/main.xmlSelect tab Graphical Layout from bottom of that screen.You have to double click on the main heading of that screen. Check image below:In above picture, bottom round circle shows graphical Layout and top round circle shows App name in the app.You just need to click on that app name and change the name of the app with below"Topics"How to change the URL of the pop-up message?I hope this is about to submit review for the app.For that, open file name src/APP_PACKAGE_NAME/ Just update the string with name: submit_review_url// Submit Review URLpublic static final String submit_review_url = "";NOTE: Right now this is removed from the code as per requested.How to dis-able the pop-up message? (Which area should be commented)?Just comment below all lines from MainActivity or from the activity where first listing of items are done.For my all clone projects the main listing activity is StoriesMainActivity.javaif(myPrefs.getBoolean("review", true)){ int count = myPrefs.getInt("count", 0) + 1; prefsEditor = myPrefs.edit(); prefsEditor.putInt("count", count); // value to store mit(); if(count >= API.app_review ){ AlertDialog.Builder clearConfirmDialog = newAlertDialog.Builder(this); clearConfirmDialog.setTitle(getResources().getString(R.string.app_nme));clearConfirmDialog.setMessage(API.review_message).setCancelable(false).setPositiveButton("Submit Now", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) {// Action for 'Yes' Buttondialog.cancel();String uri = API.submit_review_url; // you have to change this uriIntent myIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(uri)); startActivity(myIntent);}});clearConfirmDialog.setNegativeButton("Remind Me Later", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) {// Action for 'Yes' Buttondialog.cancel();/*String uri = API.submit_review_url; // you have to change this uriIntent myIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(uri)); startActivity(myIntent);*/prefsEditor = myPrefs.edit(); prefsEditor.putInt("count", 0); // value to store mit();}});clearConfirmDialog.setNeutralButton("Remind Never Later", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) {// Action for 'Yes' Buttondialog.cancel();prefsEditor = myPrefs.edit(); prefsEditor.putBoolean("review", false); // value to store mit();}});AlertDialog alert = clearConfirmDialog.create();//alert.setIcon(R.drawable.icon);; } }How to change the more apps link, Facebook like link?You have to just open src/APP_PACKAGE_NAME/ file and change the value of the below string for more app link and Facebook like link.// More Islamic app Linkpublic static final String more_app_url = "";// Like Linkpublic static final String like_url = ""; How to remove fb like link?You have to open src/res/layout/detail_story_layout.xml file. Now set visibility to gone where there is like button available. Please check below screen shot for same.Which images to change to clone the project?Different project need different images to change. Main images are to change icon of the app icon and welcome screen of the app.For App icon open different folder with in res folder with name like hdpi-drawable, ldpi-drawable, mdpi-drawable, xhdpi-drawable and xxhdpi-drawable and from there you can change the icon image with name icon.pgFor Welcome Screen you have to open same folder and change the image with name welcome_bg.pngOther images as per the project need to be changed on required places.Please check below screen shots that are required to change as per the project. (All files are from hdpi folder of the project)How to change the android app version?Open AndroidManifest.xml fileFrom that file you can change the app version and app version nameandroid:versionCode="4"android:versionName="1.3"Above string show the app version name and version number. Please check below image for same.After that, browse for the project that you need to import in eclipse.Select “Ok” and then “finish”. Now the project is imported in to Eclipse.Any good youtube video URL that shows how can one install eclipse and import a project and run on an Android SimulatorPlease check below urls for such information. version of the Android the app will run on? Minimum OS version?Minimum OS version that will support this app is 8. All the devices which have OS version above 8.0 can install this app and also run it. You can change that version from AndroidManifest.xml file. Please check below screen shot for sameOn the welcome page of the Project. How to define the tap area for the topic listing button and the favorites’ button.For define that area, you need to open welcome_screen.xml file from res/layout/welcome_screen.xml location. With in that file check two TextView that having their height and width. You can change it with respect to you want. Please check below image for same. ................

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