Understand programme formats that use multi-camera production part 32.WWE Raw: Raw is a live weekly wrestling show which airs every Monday night in the USA, it’s the longest running episodic TV show ever and has been running on Monday night continuously since 1993. There are multiple cameras set up around the arena so all the action is covered.Constraints of studio/ Visual StyleThe show has a ten second delay so it’s much easier to predict when to cut, this can also be very useful as somebody might swear whenever this isn’t meant to happen on the show and can upset advertisers so because of the ten second delay, the editor is able to beep out the bad language. The WWE is essentially a travelling circus, weekly they travel from arena to arena across the United States and some parts of Canada to do their live Raw show, with the exception of the European and Asian tours, and the pay-per-views that take place every 4 weeks. The background is the same in every arena. The YouTube channel “How Stuff Works” did a great video called “How the WWE experience works” which looks at how the arena and the ring is put up. It requires a big team of people travelling with all of the equipment to make it work. Because raw takes place inside there isn’t many problems with filming the event, the layouts of the arenas in terms of the amount of chairs being used are the same so the camera layouts are also the same viewers InterestAbove the ramp where the wrestlers enter is the Titantron, this is a massive screen in which cameras filming the event inside of the arena get broadcasted, and this is also where the wrestlers entrance montage is played. This is good as it lets audiences in the arena watch from a better perspective. For the viewers at home, The Wrestlers talk towards the master camera during the filming, this is so the wrestlers talk directly to the audience watching at home even if their back is towards fans in the arena, the Titantron will also show backstage footage such as interviews and promos which will enhance the story. Usually the producers will leave the show on a cliffhanger or half way thru a match whenever they cut to advertisements, this is so the audience keep interested as to what is going to happen next. PlanningA lot of planning would go into camera movement especially for entrances; steadi cam would have to be used by camera operators who are right outside the ring. Constant communication between the camera operator and the director of the show is a must. There’s at least 10 cameras filming the event, there are also cameras set up backstage for interviews. Coverage Of ActionThere are many different cameras filming the action as it makes it a lot more exciting for the viewer seeing the fight up close and personal. Everything is well planned ahead of time so everyone knows what they are doing while the show is municating MeaningCameras will be filming the reaction of crowds during the show in order to influence the viewers response, for example, during the return of the rock in 2011 the camera was pointed at the audience, so whenever the rock’s music hit the crowd went crazy with excitement and shock. You can also see signs that the audience have made for the show to express their opinion of certain wrestlers. Based ProductionsThe Big Bang Theory is a studio based show that has been running since 2007, since then there has been nearly 200 episodes, it considered one of the most popular sitcoms running today. PlanningThe majority of the show is filmed in a studio in front of a live audience, there are a few sets that appear regularil, for example the main apartment and the office cafeteria.Since the show is recorded in front of a live audience there are great blooper reels of the cast trying to get a good take and improvising on the script that they already are working off. ConstraintsFor the most part, the cameras are shut down in their original position ands stay there until they have a new set, because of this studio filming is a lot easier than filming a massive live event as you won’t encounter as many problems, for example, you wouldn’t have to worry about the weather or the the difficulty of filming at a certain location. Since day one of shooting all of the lighting has been done to the room and really doesn’t need to change unless it’s nighttime or it’s a part of the story. They also use a green screen for the show whenever somebody is driving, this will also be set up in the studio. Visual Style/ Coverage of ActionThe downside of working in a studio is that you wouldn’t have as much freedom to move the camera around, there may not be enough room to move the camera around to get interesting shots, that’s why in sitcoms the camera shots and angles are generally basic. They would typically have a master shot of the entire set, close ups of the main actors and actresses in the scene and medium shots of the entire cast doing something, usually a camera can pan across and follow someone of relevance in the scene. Maintaining viewer interestThe main reason why people watch the show is for the comedy and don’t mind if the filmmaking is bland, As long as the filming is competent and the story makes sense the audience isn’t very demanding, sitcoms are in many ways cheap entertainment where the stars and the comedy are the primary focus. Communicate MeaningAlthough the camera is not pointed at the audience during the filming of the sitcom, you can hear the the audiences reactions to certain moments of the show, whether it be laughing at something funny, or sighing at something sad. In many ways this can be munipulative as these sound can be added in during post by the studio to convince people the show is funny or sad.Graham Norton Show: This is a talk show on the BBC which has been broadcasted since 2007. It’s one of the most popular talk shows on TV. Constraints Of Studio/ PlanningThe show is very similar to the big bang theory in that it is filmed in a TV studio in front of a live audience, the show is pre recorded during the day before being broadcasted later that night.The show will have the same lighting for every episode so lighting doesn’t need to be changed unless it’s a special episode, there are also several cameras filming the event one of which is on a crane. There is only one set on this show as it’s a talk show and isn’t telling a story like the big bang theory, there can be some episodes where comedy skits would be filmed outside of the studio and shown on the TV next to Graham but they are not a regular ocurrance.Visual StyleThe background is brightly coloured and the target audience is universal. It’s a lot easier to film in a studio rather than at a live event because you don’t have to deal with the difficulties of filming live while outside such as equipment malfunction or bad weather, the limitations are similar to the big bang theory in that there isn’t much room for creative filming while limited to a studio set. Coverage Of ActionFilming would be very similar to The Big Bang Theory in that everything will be shut down beforehand and kept in the same position for each episode, you would have close ups of the guest stars, a medium close up of Graham Norton talking, A wide shot of everyone on the set etc. The same can be said for the bands that perform, their stage is literally next to the talk show stage.Maintaining Audience Interest The audience watching this show however will not be too upset about the basic filming as they are watching this for the interviews and aren’t looking for something techniquely creative. The celebrities are the main attraction of this show, not the way in which the action is covered because not much action happens action wise, the majority of the time the celebrities will be seated just talking about funny stories and promoting their new movie or album. Communicating meaning to viewerJust like in The Big Bang Theory, audience reactions to the funny stories told on the show will be recorded, the editor will also cut to the reactions of the celebrities and Graham Notron to communicate meaning. ConclusionIn conclusion there are pros and cons for filming both live and in a studio. All four of the shows that I analysed have fast cuts which keep the audience interested in whats happening and have multiple cameras catching all of the relevant action to make the product as entertaining as possible. All four of the shows that I studied are targeted at a younger audience from childern to young adults. The biggest pro of filming in the studio is that you don’t have to worry about transportation of filming equipment. Filming outside can be extremely diffcult and become very expensive, filming inside of a studio environment is ideal because you won’t deal with half as many problems as you would when filming outside, things such as catering, weather, and equipment malfuncture are a few of the problems while filming outisde or even in a arena such as WWE. However studios can be very limiting, shows filmed on sets and behind blue and green screens lack the grit that your show or film would have if it had outside footage. Over the last few years movies that have been shot in a sterile environent such as the Star Wars prequels don’t hold up nearly as well as films with actual real environments and sets. BilbilographyVideo Production Handbook By Gerald Millerson and Jim OwensGreen day Bullet in a Bible the big bang theory youtube channel Green day youtube channelGoogle Images ................

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