
Subject: Foods and Nutrition Name: Cathy ChanGrade: 9Topic: Review of quick breads/ intro to yeast bread with leavening experiment Objectives: SWBAT note the differences between quick breads and yeast bread with the quick bread review and leavening experiment as the introduction of the yeast bread unit. Students will note the differences by contrasting the ingredients used to prepare quick breads and yeast breads. Students will learn about various leaveners and gauge which ones are appropriate to use when making bread. Students will also learn basic scientific knowledge about the effects on leavening agents and gas formation. Related IRPs: A7: explain the functions of common ingredients in food preparation (D2: compare a variety of eating customs and etiquette)Resources: Demo booklet, leavening agents worksheet, leavening experiment: Ingredients and equipment:FOR EXPERIMENT: yeast, sugar, warm water, baking soda, vinegar, baking soda, water, custard cups, spoons FOR GINGER ALE: White sugar, yeast, ginger (grated), lemon juice, water, pop bottle (4L), jug of water, grater, measuring cups YouTube videos: (leavening agent) (fermentation)Things to set up: demo table: have all ingredients and equipment on hand, set up laptop and projector, hand out experiment “recipe” for each unit Estimated time (min)Activity3INTRO:Settle down Students read overview on boardCollect leavening agents worksheet Point to experiment “recipe” Hook: tell students that they are now scientists in a scientific lab (white lab coats if available) 5BODY:Debrief activity:Have all units doing a separate experiment Explain to students that they have to report to their findings to the class. Rule of 4/5: 1 recorder, 1 or all doing experiment, 1 facilitator, 1 reporter Have students come up to demonstrate their experiment *blue, yellow and purple will go last during presentation and only have to show their experiment4Have students come up to get all necessary ingredients 15Have students do activity and record findings Clean up25Have groups come up and do 2 min presentations and for other units to write down notes on worksheet Clean up 10-12Watch YouTube videos as summary and jolt down extra notes on scientific reasoning5 Review specific questions, answer student questions, if any 4CONCLUSION:Bring out ginger ale!Remind students the following day is going to be 2 demonstrations on how to make bread doughTotal: ~ 78Evaluation:Presentation:Whether presentation covers all necessary components of the worksheetStudent’s understanding of material via presentationsWhether the experiment was conducted properlyGroup cohesiveness Extra activities:Have students try to recreate ginger ale EXPERIMENTS FOR EACH UNIT:RED: Baking soda with water ORANGE:Baking powder with waterGREEN:Baking soda + vinegar and waterBLUE: Baking soda + lemon juice and water YELLOW:Instant yeast with hot water and sugarPURPLE:Instant yeast with cold water and sugar BLACK:Instant yeast with warm water and sugarLEAVENING AGENTS WORKSHEET:Baking soda with water:Mix ? tsp of baking soda with 1 cup of water What did you observe?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Baking powder with water:Mix ? tsp of baking powder with 1 cup of water What did you observe?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Baking soda with water and vinegarMix I tbsp. of baking soda with 1 cup of water, then add in one tbsp. of vinegarWhat did you observe?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Instant yeast with warm water and sugar Mix 2 ? tsp of yeast with 1 tbsp of sugar in warm water, waitWhat did you observe?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Instant yeast with hot water and sugarMix 2 ? tsp of yeast with 1 tbsp of sugar in hot water, waitWhat did you observe?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Instant yeast with cold water and sugar Mix 2 ? tsp of yeast with 1 tbsp of sugar in cold water, waitWhat did you observe?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Food Science TV video:What the two types of leavening agents:______________________ ______________________ All leavening agents release gas, which gets trap in dough which ten creates bubbles. The bubbles made by __________ come from ______which is released through the process of _______________. Chemical leavening agents are useful when __________________________________.___________ and _____________ are used instead of yeast for making ________________ because they release CO2 more quickly.Yeast is good for making ________ ____ because they hold onto the bubbles better.Acid base reactions are when a(n) ______ and a base to ____________ each other. The by-products are ___________ and _____________. Baking soda is used when an ____________component is present in a recipe.Baking powders already have a(n) ____________ component and a(n)____________component and a filler such as ___________. What are the two variety of baking powder found:__________________________________________Explain why you should mix the wet and dry ingredients separately:Name one thing you found interesting from the video:Food Science TV video (ANSWER KEY):What the two types of leavening agents:chemicalbiologicalAll leavening agents release gas, which gets trap in dough which ten creates bubbles. The bubbles made by yeast come from CO2 which is released through the process of fermentation.Chemical leavening agents are useful when you need something faster.Baking soda and baking powder are used instead of yeast for making quick breads because they release CO2 more quickly.Yeast is good for making thick dough because they hold onto the bubbles better.Acid base reactions are when an acid and a base to neutralize each other. The by-products are salt and water. Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is used when an acidic component is present in a recipe.Baking powders already have an acidic component and a basic component and filler such as cornstarch. What are the two variety of baking powder found:Single actingDouble acting Explain why you should mix the wet and dry ingredients separately:Name one thing you found interesting from the video: ................

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