
|Useful links | |Last week was National Superhero day. We |Play movement games with your body. You could|Draw around each other and label different |Create your own table maze or floor maze and |

| | |think you are all superheroes! Can you think |use songs like hokey cokey or if you’re happy|parts of your bodies. |create directions to get out of it. |

| | |what your superpower is? Are you incredibly |and you know it. Or you could make a movement|[pic][pic] |

| | |kind? Funny? Musical? Decide what your |dice like the one below. |ur-body/ | |

| | |superpower is and design an outfit for | | |

| | |yourself. You could draw it, or even make it |95281/ | | |

| | |from dressing up clothes or other craft | | | |

| | |resources in your house. | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Go on a rainbow hunt in your local area and |Watch the song and see if you can find the |Listen to this book about emotions. |Set up a doctor’s surgery/hospital role play |

| | |make a tally chart of how many you see in |monkey. | |area. Your toys could even be your patients! |

| | |each street. | |[pic] |

| | |[pic] |ist=PLisGMvEDQqYvdNtbcofKhzRk5FWAAtJUu&index=| | |

| | | |12 |Go on an emotion walk and try to walk as | |

| | | |Take your own photos or draw a picture of |though you are happy, sad, angry, excited, | |

| | | |your favourite toy on, in, under, in front |scared etc. Does your body change? | |

| | | |of, next to, behind various things. | | |

| | |Make toilet roll shadow characters and use |Watch this video about reduce, reuse, recycle|Read a book together and see if you can spot | Read one of your favourite books and see if |

| | |them to tell a story. |- |the emotions the character is feeling at |you can think of an alternative ending to it!|

| | | | |different points in the story. You could even|You could act out the ending or draw it. |

| | |[pic][pic] |Help sort out the recycling at home. You |make an emotion graph - [pic] | |

| | | |could even make signs for it! | | |

| | | | | | |



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