
CELEBRATION OF THE LITURGY OF THE WORD – IMMACULATE CONCEPTIONFor use in the home or in a small community when it is not possible to attend Mass.The dispensation to attend Mass is still in place in the Diocese of Camden.Adapted from Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest, the Roman Missal, and Book of Blessings (ICEL, USCCB),Pastoral Patterns (GIA), and Living Liturgy (LitPress)INTRODUCTORY RITESGather in a place where an environment appropriate for prayer can be created, or at the table before dinner. Instrumental music may be played or an appropriate song may be played or sung. Parish music directors should be able to provide additional appropriate song choices.A musician can lead one of the following songs or all can sing along to recording (YouTube, etc)Possibilities:Mary, Woman of the Promise Santa Maria del Camino (Espinosa) Magnificat (Stephan / Angrisano) Servant Song (McGargill) Holy is His Name (Talbot) Immaculate Mary Litany of Mary (Alonso) Ave Maria (Norbert) any other version of Ave MariaLet It Be Done to Us (Hurd) Let It Be Done (Muglia) LEADER: Today we celebrate Mary’s Immaculate Conception, the Patronal Feast of our Country and of our Diocese. Chosen by God to bear the Son of God, free from the stain of original sin from the moment of her own conception, Mary was uniquely qualified to carry Jesus in her womb. Because of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, we are all able to carry Jesus in our own hearts. Let Mary’s obedience therefore inspire us to give God our assent to bring Christ to the world. All make the sign of the cross as leader continues: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. ALL: AmenLEADER:Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Blessed be God forever.ALL: Blessed be God forever.LEADER:Let us Pray.All pray in silence for a short time, then leader continues:O God, who by the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin prepared a worthy dwelling for your Son, grant, we pray, that as you preserved her from every stain by virtue of the Death of your Son, which you foresaw, so through her intercession we too may be cleansed and admitted to your presence.To you belong all glory and honor and power both now and forever. Amen.LITURGY OF THE WORDThe readings and psalm are those assigned for the day in the Lectionary for Mass.Use as many readings as appropriate for the celebration. Visit for the readings for December 8.FIRST READING: The First Reading is proclaimed by someone other than the leader. Begin with “A reading from the Book of Genesis” and close with “The Word of the Lord.”THE RESPONSORIAL PSALM: The Responsorial Psalm (98) is sung or read.SECOND READING: The second reading is proclaimed by someone other than the leader. Begin with “A reading from the Letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians…” and close with “The Word of the Lord.”GOSPEL ACCLAMATIONIf not sung, omit and leader continues with Gospel.CANTOR: Alleluia! (Sing a favorite version of the Alleluia, and have all repeat)CANTOR: “Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women.” (All: Alleluia!)GOSPEL: The Gospel is proclaimed by the leader. Begin with “A reading from the Holy Gospel According to Luke” and conclude with “The Gospel of the Lord.”REFLECTION ON THE READINGS: Parish Catechetical Leaders can be consulted for appropriate materials and sources for reflection and sharing on the readings. The following options for reflection are provided but can be adapted as necessary by parishes. In addition, the pastor may wish to provide a homily which can be played or read by the leader at this time.LECTIO DIVINA (for more background and information on this type of prayer visit prayer-and-worship/prayers-and-devotions)Take a passage or a short phrase from one of the readings that stood out to you. Place yourself in the story. As you repeat the phrase, meditate on the people and the actions of the story. Have the leader read the Gospel again if necessary.Meditate on what this phrase means to you at this point in your life.Share your personal response to the text: Allow everyone to simply share their thoughts and feelings about what the text means to them. Dialogue and converse about each other’s responses after the prayer service over a meal.Take time in silence to personally encounter how God has touched you and those you are with through your meditation on this passage.QUESTION(S) OF THE WEEK Share together some or all of the following questions based on the scriptures:Has there been a time in your life when, like Adam, you were tempted to hide from God out of fear or shame?Where in your life are you now most in need of the angel’s words, “Do not be afraid”? In what concrete way can you bear Christ to the world this Advent season?After the reflections or sharing, a period of sacred silence for further meditation on the readings may be observed. PRAYER OF THE FAITHFULLEADER: With faith in God’s promises, let us now present our needs and petitions.READER: For our Holy Father, Pope Francis, and all bishops; that the church, in all it does may stand with the vulnerable, the weak, and the disenfranchised … READER: For leaders of our nation; that they find inspiration in our country’s patroness as they work to provide access to education, medical care, and clean water … READER: For the Diocese of Camden; that through the intercession of Mary we may grow in holiness each day …READER: For women who carry new life within them; that they have access to the prenatal care they need and that their babies may be kept safe from harm …READER: For all who feel ashamed by what they have done and for those may fear facing consequences; that they turn to God and find reconciliation and peace …READER: For all of us; that we may be found holy and without blemish as we await the coming of the Son of God … READER: For an end to the Covid-19 pandemic; For those who cannot join with their loved ones today; For researchers to be granted insight as they draw nearer to a cure, and for healthcare personnel to be strengthened as they care for those who are sick … READER: For all who have died, especially all victims of COVID-19, and for (mention any names…), may they know eternal happiness and peace in our generous and merciful God … LEADER: God of love, our refuge and our strength, hear the prayers of your Church, and grant us today what we ask of you, in faith, through Christ, our Lord.ALL: Amen.The Hail Mary may be prayed at this timeCONCLUDING RITELEADER: May the Lord bless us, protect us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life.ALL: AmenSIGN OF PEACEIf appropriate, all may exchange a sign of peace ................

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