MONDAY 25th of MayTUESDAY 26th of MayWEDNESDAY 27th of MayTHURSDAY 28th of MayFRIDAY 29th of MayGood morning everyone!!! BENVINGUTS A L’ENGLISH WEEK!!Aquest any, viurem la setmana una mica diferent! Viurem la setmana d’anglès confinada!Cada dia us proposarem una activitat en anglès diferent:-un ball-una endevinalla-un embarbussament-una recepta-una històriaTotes aquestes propostes les trobareu cada matí al bloc de la vostra classe. Heu de saber que les activitats són totalment VOLUNT?RIES i SENSE RETORN!De totes maneres, si voleu compartir algun vídeo o activitat de les que feu ho podeu enviar tot en aquest email: ana.martinezro@Desitgem que gaudiu d’aquesta English Week! Una abra?ada a tots i totes!!!SHAKE YOUR BODY! Are you ready to dance? We will love to see your best moves. Follow step by step the choreography! You’re a great dancer … prove it! MOU EL COS!Estàs preparat per ballar?Ens encantarà veure’t com ho fas. Intenta seguir la coreografia! Ets un gran ballarí/na ... Prova-ho!! by step Si vols compartir els teus balls pots enviar-ho a la següent adre?a:ana.martinezro@ HAVE A NICE DAY!GOOD MORNING! Boys and girls! IT’S RIDDLE TIME! Do you need a little break with some fun riddles? Take a look at our riddlebut pay attention… A difficult riddle will challenge you! Good luck! Avui una endevinalla!!A veure si ets capa? d’endevinar-la....Et reptem a fer-ho!Bona sort!RIDDLE 1:What is full of holes but still holds water?RIDDLE 2: What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs?Si has trobat la resposta i vols enviar la solució pots fer-ho a la següent adre?a:ana.martinezro@ HAVE A NICE DAY! Gooooooood Morning!!!! TONGUE TWISTER Tongue to the left, now to the right, twist it around,Oh what a mess! Follow Lucy but don’t go crazy or her tongue twister will give you a blister. AVUI UN EMBARBUSSAMENT!!Llengua per aquí llengua per allà....A veure si sou capa?os de seguir a la Lucy i no us lieu al fer-ho!! Som-hi!She sells seashellsShe sells seashells by the seashore!Here is a video to help you practice: you may prefer to see this girl practice saying it!; THE CHALLENGE!I challenge you to say this tongue twister!Here, watch me do it: on! Show us how well you can do this tongue twister. Send us a videoand let’s see who can do it best!! Si ets valent/a i has aconseguit fer el TONGUE TWISTER i vols compartir-lo el pots enviar a la següent adre?a:ana.martinezro@ HAVE A NICE DAY!Good MORNING!!! BE OUR MASTER CHEF STARVING? Ok… Let’s feed that hunger!Karlos Argui?ano, Jamie Oliver or even you! Watch and follow our recipe/cooking class to become the best chef ever! How did it taste? Delicious, right? Or did it end up burned? Vols ser un bon cuiner/a?Tens gana? Doncs a veure si ets capa? de seguir la recepta que et proposa la Gemma!!!Proposta 1: ? Proposta 2: ’ha quedat bo?? Si vols compartir el resultat de la teva recepta pots enviar les fotos o el vídeo a la següent adre?a:ana.martinezro@HAVE A NICE DAY! LAST DAY! GOOD MORNING! STORYTIME We still can’t go out… But luckily we have a found a great way to make our time indoors enjoyable! Close your eyes, relax and listen! Let the words take you on a journey! Avui un conte! Estàs preparat per endinsar-te dins de la història??Vinga intenta relaxar-te i entendre aquest conte! A NICE WEEKEND! English week has finished! We really hope you liked it!See you soon!Kisses! English Team ? ................

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