
Thematic Unit: The Power of PositivityColleen Dunnet- English 11Viewing & Responding to visual mediums- Ted Talks, Kindness Diaries, Upload WorthyOutcomes: GCO #1: Students will speak and listen to explore, extend, clarify and reflect on their thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiencesGCO #2: Students will be able to communicated information and ideas effectively and clearly, and to respond personally and criticallyGCO #3: Students will be able to interact with sensitivity and respect, considering the situation, audience and purposeGCO #5: Students will be expected to interpret, select, and combine information using a variety of strategies, resources, and technologiesGCO 8: Students will be expected to use writing, and other forms of representation to explore, clarify, and reflect on their thoughts, feelings, experiences, and learnings; and to use their imaginationsDepending on which culminating major assessment you choose: GCO 9: Students will be expected to create texts collaboratively and independently, using a variety of forms for a range of audiences and purposesReading & Responding to written mediums- various articles and poems (Roots of Action, Issues of Ethics)Outcomes:GCO #6: Students will be expected to respond personally to a range of textsGCO 7: Students will be expected to respond critically to a range of texts, applying their knowledge of language, form, and genreGCO 8: Students will be expected to use writing, and other forms of representation to explore, clarify, and reflect on their thoughts, feelings, experiences, and learnings; and to use their imaginations GCO 9: Students will be expected to create texts collaboratively and independently, using a variety of forms for a range of audiences and purposes (e.g. ‘circle blogs’ where you read responses to guiding questions and then respond to their comments. You do this moving around in a circle, sitting at a new seat each time to read and respond to various guiding questions until you have done them all. The number of responses you will read will grow each time we rotate.)Assignments:Written responses-Worksheet handouts for responding to visual mediumsCircle ‘blogs’Formal paragraphsJournal Entries: Gratitude journalCulminating Major Assessment- Essay on Apathy (see Appendix A)Oral responses-Small and large group discussionsImpromptu questions: ‘quick thinks’Article presentationsCulminating Major Assessment- Ted Talk OR Upload Worthy, OR Formal Speech, OR Spoken Word Poem (see Appendix B) NOTE: Once you make your choice, you will receive a packet containing the assignment outline, rubric, and list of resources to help guide you. I will also meet with each group to give further support.Each student will have 3-4 informal assessments using this rubric; this will give you the opportunity to see how you are performing and to give you the opportunity to recognize areas for improvement. You will then have a formal assessment (it counts toward the 30% speaking strand) using appendix BEvery student should put forth their best effort EVERY class as you may not necessarily know that you are being informally assessed. You want to have an accurate indication of the scores you are achieving while participating in class.You will have a total of 3 SUMMATIVE assessments in the speaking strand including the culminating major one. These will be determined as we progress throughout the semester; however, they will be diverse in nature.Example:Student’s NameFormative: Activity #1“Quick Think” response to guiding questionFormative: Activity #2Homework Extension ActivityFormative: Activity #3Small Group Debate on an articleFormative: Activity #4Classroom discussionSUMMATIVEAssessment #1Article PresentationHolly-Lynn Bourgeois SP A M SP 9.5Colleen Dunnet BS A BSA5Appendix A-English 11- ESSAY ResponseApathy Thematic UnitRationale: Students will be expected to select, read, and view with understanding a range of literature, information, media, and visual texts.Outcomes: Read a wide variety of print texts recognizing elements of those texts that are relevant to their own lives and community.Address complex issues, present points of view backed by evidence, and modify, defend, or argue for positions in response to opposing points of viewMake connections between the ideas and information presented in literary and media texts and their own experiencesExplore the diverse ways in which texts reveal and produce ideologies, identities, and positionsIn addition to the afore-mentioned outcomes, which deal with your ideas and comprehension, you must also demonstrate the following:Use information from a variety of sources to construct and communicate meaningDemonstrate control of the conventions of written language in [the] final product[s]Apply a variety of writing/representation strategies to construct increasingly complex textsSelections to be considered:“Young People” –David Suzuki (argumentative essay)“Making a Difference” – June Callwood (persuasive essay)“Inauguration Speech”- Nelson Mandela ( formal speech)“Turning Powerful Stats into Art” – Chris Jordan (photo essay presentation) “The Antidote to Apathy” – Dave Meslin (presentation) “How I Started a Sanitary Napkin Revolution” – Arunachalam Muruganatham (presentation) “Photos that Bear Witness to Modern Slavery” – Lisa Kristine (photo essay presentation) “S is for Lisp” – George Watsky (spoken word poem) “Prison Reform in India: Inspirational Women” (inspirational and motivational speech) Tony Kaye (film)“Why Nothing is Wrong Anymore” – Meg Greenfield (argumentative essay)“Veiled Threat: The Women of Afghanistan” – Sally Armstrong (persuasive essay)“The World is Too Much With Us” – William Wordsworth (classical poem/ Petrarchan sonnet)“He Ain’t Heavy”- Bobby Scott and Bob Russell (song/ballad)“Human Family”- Maya Angelou (poem)Assignment: PromptYou must compose a 5 paragraph persuasive essay (800 - 1000 words) in which you respond to the following prompt:Apathy, or by extension detachment, has been defined and depicted in various ways throughout these works. Some seem to complement each other, while others appear to have differing points of view. Helen Keller wrote, “Science may have found a cure for most evils; but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all- the apathy of human beings.” Decide what you think apathy is and its effect on our immediate society, as well as on a global scale. In your response, use the works as support and a reference point for your position. Guidelines:This is to be personal but also formal in natureYou MUST use at least 6 different sources and from a range of mediums; one of your sources MUST be a poem. You may paraphrase or summarize an idea, use a brief and succinct quotation, use a statistic, etc….as a source. You MUST include a parenthetical notation.You will write this in class over 3 classes, be assessed, and then asked to type it and create the works cited page.You should be keeping notes on all of the works you study, so you will be permitted to create a one page (double-sided) bank of information and quotations in advanced as a homework assignment. Failure to accomplish this task will have a significant detrimental impact on your mark.The plagiarism and academic dishonesty policy will be strictly adheredScoring:I will be using the standard rubric for paragraph responses that has been used all yearAPPENDIX B-Assessment for Summative Speaking Strand ActivitiesScoreContentVocabularyDelivery Mastery You have mastery level public speaking skills.9-10CODE- MDemonstrates intense focus and maturity of thought; you have developed a strong and intelligent opinion/comment/insight/answer to a homework question, etc…Vocabulary suits the intended audience and activity (e.g. highly formal = very sophisticated versus volunteering answers to questions = may contain colloquialisms)You have an extensive knowledge and usage of words that exceed your peers.Volume & Clarity- speaks loudly and clearly enough for everyone to hear and understand;may be dynamicPacing- you speak with ease and words/thoughts seem to flow naturally and readily from your lips.Engagement- passionate, strong conviction, speaks with confidence commands the audience’s attentionSolid PerformanceYou communicate well but improvement is needed in target areas.7-8CODE- SPDemonstrates a commitment to the activity; you have developed an opinion/comment/insight/answer to a homework question/etc… that reflects some thought but may not necessarily be completely accurate or unique.Your vocabulary suits the intended audience and activity.You have a good knowledge and usage of words but can begin to stretch yourself by elevating your diction.Everyone can hear and follow you with ease.Pacing- you speak with relative ease with limited breaks in thought.You can improve on your engagement of the audience with more: confidence and/or conviction.AdequateYou communicate/participate orally well enough to be understood but need ample improvements.6-7CODE - ADemonstrates a difficulty making a commitment to the activity; your opinion/comment/insight/answer to the homework question/etc…may be extremely restricted or inaccurate however has some measure of merit.Your vocabulary may not always suit the intended audience and activity.You have a basic knowledge and usage of words but use too many overused and/or ‘empty’ words (e.g. stuff, thing, bad, good, etc…)People may have difficulty following you due to a lack of volume and/or your pacing may be too fast/slow.You may have pauses in thoughts and/or have difficulty in searching for the right words.You appear sincere but fail to draw in your audience on a significant level. You need to appear more passionate and/or interested in what you are saying.Below StandardYou fail to participate in a meaningful way and struggle to express yourself in front of others.5 and belowCODE - BSYou demonstrate an unwillingness or inability to commit to the activity; you failed to produce a viable opinion/comment/insight/answer to the homework question/ group activity/ etc….You fail to demonstrate an awareness of appropriate word choice.Your vocabulary is basic and often filled with slang and or empty words.People may have difficulty following you due to a lack of volume and/or your pacing may be too fast/slow.Your audience has the impression that you are disconnected/indifferent to what you are saying (e.g. monotone, lacking eye contact, bored, in pain). ................

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