
ROOM #: 31 WEEKLY PLANNING FORM WEEK OF: 5/18/20-5/22/20


|Day of the Week |DAILY FOCUS |Follow up Activity ON DAILY FOCUS |Skill Building Activity |Play focus |

| |(Focuses on the unit’s student | |(Small group centers: |[Planting seeds for play activities (aka learning|

| |outcomes- lesson) | |Math, Literacy, cutting/ handwriting, Library) |centers)] |

|Monday | |Read Aloud: |MATH- |-Elmo’s World: Matching Baby Animals to their |

|Date: |Essential Question: |“What Will Hatch?” by Jennifer Ward |-Interactive Game: |Parent Interactive Game |

|5/18/20 |What are babies? | Objects | |

| | |4M | | |

| |Focus Question: | | |-Take a trip to the Bronx Zoo and observe the |

| |What can we learn about animal |-While reading the book, encourage |LITERACY- |baby animals and their parents: |

| |babies? |children to listen to the description and|-What Comes From an Egg? PBS Learning: | |

| | |guess what will hatch before turning the | children to discuss what they see. |

| |Daily Focus: |page. Encourage children to use the clues|arlychild-sci5/what-comes-from-an-egg/ |Invite children to create a list of all the baby |

| |-animals that hatch from eggs vs. |from the story to come up with their | |animals they observed. |

| |animals that give birth |answer. |HANDWRITING- | |

| |-animals that have many babies at |-After reading the story, encourage a |-TIME for Kids: From Egg to Animal |-Read Aloud: “Chickens Aren’t the Only Ones” |

| |once vs. animals that have one |discussion about animals that hatch from | |

| |baby at a time |eggs. Invite children to create a list of|al/ | |

| | |animals that hatch from eggs. Children |-Invite children to choose three animals they |-Interactive Game: Guess the Animal |

| |Read Aloud: “The Sheep Who Hatched|can draw pictures of the animals, write |read about and practice writing and/or typing | |

| |an Egg” |the names of the animals, or find |the names of these animals. | |

| | of the animals in books or | | |

| |-vg8lqgas |magazines. |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- | |

| | | |-Read Aloud: “Hatch Little Egg” | |

| | | | | |

|Tuesday | |Read Aloud: |MATH- |-Invite children to move like different animals |

|Date: |Essential Question: |“Duck on a Bike” by David Shannon |-Interactive Game: |(fly like a bird, walk on all fours like a dog, |

|5/19/20 |What are babies? | Shapes |swim like a fish, etc.). |

| | |Is | |

| |Focus Question: | |ergarteners |-Provide children with a magazine or newspaper. |

| |What can we learn about animal |-Before beginning the book, invite | |Ask children to look through the magazine to find|

| |babies? |children to read the title and look at |LITERACY- |animals. Ask children to circle each animal they |

| | |the cover of the book. Ask children to |-Read Aloud: “Owl Babies” |find in the magazine. |

| |Daily Focus: |describe and predict what they think is | | |

| |-How are animal babies and human |going to happen in the story. | |-Music and Movement: Walking in the Jungle |

| |babies the same? |-Ask children to answer the following | | |

| | |question: Do you think an animal could |HANDWRITING- | |

| | |really ride a bike? Why or why not? |-Letter of the Week: C |-Art Activity: Baby Frog Puppet |

| | |-Invite children to discuss what animals |Invite children to practice writing the letter |-Using a paper bag and markers or paint, invite |

| | |they read about in the story and ask them|C. Ask children to write the names of three |children to create a baby frog puppet. Invite |

| | |which animal they think would look |baby animals that start with the letter C. |children to put on a puppet show for their |

| | |silliest riding a bike. Invite children |-chick, cub, calf |family. |

| | |to create a picture of this animal riding| | |

| | |a bike. |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- |[pic] |

| | | |-Read Aloud: “Animal Babies” by Harry McNaught | |

| | | | | |

|Wednesday | |Read Aloud: |MATH- |-Baby Animals Song: |

|Date: |Essential Question: |“How Big is a Pig?” by Clare Beaton |-Interactive Game: Positional Words | |

|5/20/20 |What are babies? | |

| | |mk |ergarteners |-Invite children to create snakes using |

| |Focus Question: | |LITERACY- |playdough. To create your own playdough, use the |

| |What can we learn about animal |-Review opposites with children before |-Read Aloud: “Animal Strike at the Zoo” |following link: |

| |babies? |reading the story. Throughout the story, | |

| | |invite children to identify opposites. |s | |

| |Daily Focus: |-Invite children to work on identifying | |-Read Aloud: “A Book of Babies” |

| |-How are animal babies and human |opposites by playing the following |HANDWRITING- | |

| |babies different? |interactive game: |-Letter of the Week: S. | |

| | | children to practice writing the letter |-Music and Movement: Walking in the Forest |

| | |sites/ |S. Invite children to find five objects in | |

| | | |their house that begin with the letter S. Ask | |

| | | |children to collect these items and write out | |

| | | |the words. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- | |

| | | |-Read Aloud: “Animal Babies” by Eric Carle | |

| | | | | |

|Thursday | |Read Aloud: |MATH- |-Music and Movement: Animals in Action |

|Date: |Essential Question: |“Tale of a Tadpole” by Karen Wallace |-Interactive Game: | |

|5/21/20 |What are babies? | Objects by Category | |

| | |8g | children to gather stuffed animals from |

| |Focus Question: | |ergarteners |the house. Encourage children to care for these |

| |What can we learn about animal |-PBS Learning Video: How a Frog Becomes a| |animals as if they were their babies. What does |

| |babies? |Frog |LITERACY- |the animal eat? How do you care for the animal? |

| | | Aloud: | |

| |Daily Focus: |/ket-earlychild-sci1/how-a-frog-becomes-a|“Baby Animals” by Marfe Ferguson Delano |-Art Activity: Create a baby lamb using paper and|

| |-Who takes care of animal babies? |-frog/ | |cotton balls. Invite children to discuss how the |

| |-Who takes care of human babies? |-Invite children to create their own | |cotton balls feel as they glue them to the paper.|

| | |tadpoles using their fingerprints. |HANDWRITING- |[pic] |

| | | |-Invite children to practice writing the | |

| | |[pic] |following vocabulary words: | |

| | | |-sheep/lamb | |

| | | |-dog/puppy | |

| | | |-bear/cub | |

| | | |-kitten/cat | |

| | | |-rabbit/bunny | |

| | | | | |

| | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA | |

| | | |-Read Aloud: “If Animals Kissed Goodnight” | |

| | | | | |

|Friday | |Read Aloud: |MATH- |-Animal Alphabet Move and Groove |

|Date: |Essential Question: |“National Geographic Kids Look and Learn:|-Measuring Objects by Length | |

|5/22/20 |What are babies? |Baby Animals” | |

| | | |-Invite children to build a zoo using blocks, |

| |Focus Question: |Us |LITERACY- |playdough, etc. Ask children to build the |

| |What can we learn about animal | |Read Aloud: “Strictly No Elephants” |animals’ homes, |

| |babies? | | | |

| | |-Using the following link, invite | |-Art Activity: Create a Panda Puppet using a |

| |Daily Focus: |children to use their listening skills to|HANDWRITING- |paper bag and coffee filters: |

| |-Animal babies review |listen to various animal sounds and guess|-Invite children to practice writing the |[pic] |

| | |what animal makes each sound. |alphabet using all lowercase letters. Encourage| |

| | | to identify the sound each letter | |

| | |Ug |makes as they write. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA | |

| | | |-Read a book of your choice for 15 minutes. | |

Social/ Emotional- Week to Review

Early Learning Unit 1 Week 5

English: (1).pdf


Common Core Standards:

PK.MATH.10. [NY-PK.MD.1.] Identifies measurable attributes of objects, such as length or weight, and describes them using appropriate vocabulary (e.g., small, big, short, tall, empty, full, heavy, light)

PK.SEL.1. Regulates responses to needs, feelings and events

PK.ELAL.1. [PKRF.1.] Demonstrates understanding of the organization and basic features of print

PK.ELAL.3. [PKRF.3.] Demonstrates emergent phonics and word analysis skills


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