
A Medico-Biblical Solution to Stress: Entering God’s Rest/Una Solución Medico-Bíblica al Estrés: Entrar En El Descanso De Dios

|I was recently requested to give a presentation on a common medical condition and|Se me pidió recientemente el dar una presentación sobre una condición médica |

|present its management not only from a medical but a biblical perspective. So, I |común y presentar su manejo no sólo desde un punto de vista médico, pero también |

|chose, based on my personal experience, and statistics, what I believe is at the |desde una perspectiva biblica. Por lo tanto, he elegido, basado en mi experiencia|

|root of many medical issues of our age. The topic I chose was stress, and I |personal, y estadísticas, lo que creo es la raíz de muchos problemas médicos de |

|would like to share it with you. |nuestro tiempo. El tema que elegí fue el estrés y me gustaría compartirlo con |

| |ustedes. |

| | |

|Stress Management from a Medico-Biblical Perspective |El Manejo Del Estrés Desde Un Punto de Vista Medico-Bíblico. |

| |Los efectos del estrés para nuestra salud: |

|The effects of stress to our health: | |

| |El estrés es la reacción del cuerpo a cualquier cambio que requiere un ajuste o |

|Stress is the body's reaction to any change that requires an adjustment or |respuesta. El cuerpo reacciona a estos cambios con respuestas físicas, mentales y|

|response. The body reacts to these changes with physical, mental, and emotional |emocionales. |

|responses. | |

| |El estrés es una parte normal de la vida. Muchos de los eventos que nos ocurren y|

|Stress is a normal part of life. Many events that happen to us and around us -- |ocurren alrededor de nosotros -- y muchas cosas que nosotros mismos hacemos -- |

|and many things that we do ourselves -- put stress on your body. We can |ponen estrés en nuestros cuerpos. Nosotros podemos experimentar el estrés de |

|experience stress from our environment, our body, and our thoughts. |nuestro entorno, nuestros cuerpos y nuestros pensamientos. |

| |¿Cómo afecta el estrés nuestra salud? |

|How Does Stress Affect Our Health? | |

| |El cuerpo humano está diseñado para experimentar el estrés y reaccionar a el. El |

|The human body is designed to experience stress and react to it. Stress can be |estrés puede ser positivo, nos mantiene alerta y listo para evitar el peligro. No|

|positive, keeping us alert and ready to avoid danger. However, stress becomes |obstante, el estrés se convierte en negativo cuando una persona se enfrenta a |

|negative when a person faces continuous challenges without relief or relaxation |desafíos continuos sin alivio o relajación entre los desafíos. Como resultado, la|

|between challenges. As a result, the person becomes overworked and stress-related|persona se siente con exceso de trabajo y la tensión relacionada con el estrés se|

|tension builds. |acumula. |

| |Estrés que sigue sin alivio puede conducir a una condición llamada distress |

|Stress that continues without relief can lead to a condition called distress -- a|(angustia) -- una reacción de estrés negativo. Distress puede conducir a síntomas|

|negative stress reaction. Distress can lead to physical symptoms including |físicos como dolores de cabeza, malestar estomacal, presión arterial elevada, |

|headaches, upset stomach, elevated blood pressure, chest pain, and problems |dolor de pecho y problemas para dormir. La investigación sugiere que el estrés |

|sleeping. Research suggests that stress also can bring on or worsen certain |también puede desencadenar o empeorar algunos síntomas o enfermedades. |

|symptoms or diseases. |El estrés también se convierte en perjudicial cuando la gente usa alcohol, tabaco|

| |o drogas para tratar de aliviar su estrés. Desafortunadamente, en lugar de |

|Stress also becomes harmful when people use alcohol, tobacco, or drugs to try and|aliviar el estrés y devolver el cuerpo a un estado relajado, estas sustancias |

|relieve their stress. Unfortunately, instead of relieving the stress and |tienden a mantener el cuerpo en un estado estresado y causan más problemas. |

|returning the body to a relaxed state, these substances tend to keep the body in |Considere lo siguiente: |

|a stressed state and cause more problems. Consider the following: |*Cuarenta y tres por ciento de todos los adultos sufren efectos adversos de la |

| |salud por el estrés. |

|*Forty-three percent of all adults suffer adverse health effects from stress. | |

| |*Desde el setenta y cinco por ciento hasta el 90% de las visitas al consultorio |

|*Seventy-five percent to 90% of all doctor's office visits are for stress-related|médico son debidas a dolencias y quejas relacionadas con el estrés. |

|ailments and complaints. |*El estrés puede desempeñar un papel en problemas tales como dolores de cabeza, |

| |presión arterial alta, problemas del corazón, diabetes, enfermedades de la piel, |

|*Stress can play a part in problems such as headaches, high blood pressure, heart|asma, artritis, depresión y ansiedad. |

|problems, diabetes, skin conditions, asthma, arthritis, depression, and anxiety. |*La Administración de Seguridad y Salud (OSHA) declaro que el estrés es un riesgo|

| |del lugar de trabajo. El estrés cuesta a la industria estadounidense más de $300 |

|*The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) declared stress a |mil millones anuales. |

|hazard of the workplace. Stress costs American industry more than $300 billion | |

|annually. |*La prevalencia de vida de un trastorno emocional es más del 50%, a menudo debido|

| |a las reacciones de estrés crónicas sin tratar. |

|*The lifetime prevalence of an emotional disorder is more than 50%, often due to |Nuestros cuerpos están cableados para reaccionar ante el estrés de maneras |

|chronic, untreated stress reactions. |destinadas para protegerse contra las amenazas de depredadores y otros agresores.|

| |Estas amenazas son raras hoy en día, pero eso no quiere decir que la vida está |

|Our bodies are hard-wired to react to stress in ways meant to protect us against |libre de estrés. |

|threats from predators and other aggressors. Such threats are rare today, but | |

|that doesn't mean that life is free of stress. |Por lo contrario, nos enfrentamos, sin duda, a múltiples demandas cada día, tales|

| |como asumir una enorme carga de trabajo, tratar de cubrir nuestros gastos, cuidar|

|On the contrary, we undoubtedly face multiple demands each day, such as |de nuestras familias, etc. Nuestros cuerpos tratan a estas llamadas molestias |

|shouldering a huge workload, making ends meet, taking care of our families, etc. |menores como amenazas. Como resultado, nosotros podemos sentir como si estamos |

|Our bodies treat these so-called minor hassles as threats. As a result we may |constantemente bajo asalto. Pero nos podemos defender. Nosotros no tenemos que |

|feel as if we are constantly under assault. But we can fight back. We don't have |dejar que el estrés controle nuestras vidas. |

|to let stress control our lives. |¿Cual es la respuesta natural del estrés? |

| | |

| |Cuando nos encontramos ante una amenaza percibida -- un gran perro nos ladra |

|What is natural stress response? |durante nuestro paseo por la mañana, por ejemplo -- el hipotálamo, una pequeña |

| |región en la base del cerebro, pone en marcha un sistema de alarma en nuestros |

|When we encounter a perceived threat — a large dog barks at us during our morning|cuerpos. A través de una combinación de señales hormonales y nerviosas, este |

|walk, for instance — our hypothalamus, a tiny region at the base of our brains, |sistema le indica a las glándulas suprarrenales, ubicadas encima de los riñones, |

|sets off an alarm system in our bodies. Through a combination of nerve and |a liberar una oleada de hormonas, incluyendo la adrenalina y el cortisol. |

|hormonal signals, this system prompts our adrenal glands, located atop our |La adrenalina aumenta nuestro ritmo cardíaco, eleva la presión arterial y aumenta|

|kidneys, to release a surge of hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol. |el suministro de energía. El cortisol, la hormona del estrés primario, aumenta |

| |los azúcares (glucosa) en la sangre, mejora el uso de nuestro cerebro de la |

|Adrenaline increases our heart rate, elevates our blood pressure and boosts |glucosa y aumenta la disponibilidad de las sustancias que reparan los tejidos. |

|energy supplies. Cortisol, the primary stress hormone, increases sugars (glucose)| |

|in the bloodstream, enhances our brain's use of glucose and increases the |El cortisol también frena las funciones que podrían ser no esencial o perjudicial|

|availability of substances that repair tissues. |en una situación de lucha o huida. Altera las respuestas del sistema inmunológico|

| |y suprime el sistema digestivo, el sistema reproductivo y los procesos de |

|Cortisol also curbs functions that would be nonessential or detrimental in a |crecimiento. Este complejo sistema de alarma natural también se comunica con las |

|fight-or-flight situation. It alters immune system responses and suppresses the |regiones del cerebro que controlan el estado del ánimo, la motivación y el miedo.|

|digestive system, the reproductive system and growth processes. This complex | |

|natural alarm system also communicates with regions of your brain that control |¿Qué pasa cuando la respuesta natural del estrés se vuelve loca? |

|mood, motivation and fear. | |

| |El sistema de respuesta al estrés del cuerpo es generalmente autolimitado. Una |

| |vez que una amenaza percibida ha pasado, los niveles hormonales vuelven a la |

|What happens when the natural stress response goes haywire? |normalidad. Como los niveles de adrenalina y cortisol bajan, su frecuencia |

| |cardiaca y la presión sanguínea retornan a sus niveles basales, y los otros |

|The body's stress-response system is usually self-limiting. Once a perceived |sistemas reanudan sus actividades regulares. |

|threat has passed, hormone levels return to normal. As adrenaline and cortisol |Pero cuando los factores de estrés están siempre presentes y nosotros nos |

|levels drop, our heart rates and blood pressures return to baseline levels, and |sentimos constantemente bajo ataque, la reacción de lucha o de vuelo se mantiene |

|other systems resume their regular activities. |encendida. |

| |La activación a largo plazo del sistema de respuesta al estrés - y la posterior |

|But when stressors are always present and we constantly feel under attack, that |exposición excesiva al cortisol y otras hormonas del estrés - puede afectar casi |

|fight-or-flight reaction stays turned on. |todos los procesos de nuestros cuerpos. Esto nos pone en mayor riesgo de |

| |numerosos problemas de salud , incluyendo: |

|The long-term activation of the stress-response system — and the subsequent |-Ansiedad |

|overexposure to cortisol and other stress hormones — can disrupt almost all our |-Depresión |

|bodies’ processes. This puts us at increased risk of numerous health problems, |-Los problemas digestivos |

|including: |-Enfermedad del corazón |

| |-Los problemas del sueño |

|-Anxiety |-El aumento de peso |

|-Depression |-Memoria y concentración deterioro |

|-Digestive problems |Es por eso que es tan importante aprender maneras saludables de lidiar con los |

|-Heart disease |factores de estrés en su vida. |

|-Sleep problems | |

|-Weight gain |¿Porqué reaccionamos al estrés de la forma que lo hacemos? |

|-Memory and concentration impairment | |

|That's why it's so important to learn healthy ways to cope with the stressors in |Nuestra reacción a un evento potencialmente estresante puede ser diferente de |

|our lives. |persona a persona. Cómo reaccionas a los factores de estrés en nuestras vidas |

| |puede ser afectada por factores tales como: |

|Why we react to life stressors the way we do? |*Genética: Los genes que controlan la respuesta al estrés mantienen a la mayoría |

| |de la las personas en un nivel equilibrado, sólo de vez en cuando prepara al |

|Our reaction to a potentially stressful event maybe different from person to |cuerpo para luchar o huir. Las respuestas de estrés excesivas o deficientes |

|person. How we react to stressors in our life is affected by such factors as: |pueden provenir de pequeñas diferencias en estos genes. |

| |*Las experiencias de vida: Reacciones de estrés fuertes a veces se remontan a |

|*Genetics: The genes that control the stress response keep most people on a |eventos traumáticos. Las personas que han sufrido negligencia o abuso en la niñez|

|fairly even keel, only occasionally priming the body for fight or flight. |tienden a ser particularmente vulnerables al estrés. Lo mismo puede decirse de |

|Overactive or underactive stress responses may stem from slight differences in |las víctimas de delitos violentos, sobrevivientes de accidentes de avión, el |

|these genes. |personal militar, agentes de policía y bomberos. |

| |Nosotros podemos tener algunos amigos que parecen relajados acerca de casi todo y|

|*Life experiences: Strong stress reactions sometimes can be traced to traumatic |otros que reaccionan fuertemente ante el menor estrés. La mayoría de las |

|events. People who suffered neglect or abuse as children tend to be particularly |reacciones a los factores estresantes de la vida caen en algún punto entre esos |

|vulnerable to stress. The same is true of victims of violent crime, airplane |dos extremos. |

|crash survivors, military personnel, police officers and firefighters. |Aprender a reaccionar a las presiones de la vida de una manera saludable: |

| |Los eventos estresantes son un hecho de la vida. Y nosotros no podemos ser |

|We may have some friends who seem laid-back about almost everything and others |capaces de cambiar nuestra situación actual. Pero podemos tomar medidas para |

|who react strongly at the slightest stress. Thankfully, most reactions to life |controlar el impacto que estos eventos tienen en nosotros. |

|stressors fall somewhere between those extremes. |Nosotros podemos aprender a identificar lo que nos estresa y cómo cuidar de |

| |nosotros mismos física y emocionalmente frente a situaciones de estrés. |

|Learning to react to life stressors in a healthy way: | |

| |Estrategias de manejo del estrés: |

|Stressful events are a fact of life. And we may not be able to change our current| |

|situations. But we can take steps to manage the impact these events have on us. |*Comer una dieta saludable y hacer ejercicio regular y dormir bien |

| |*Practicar técnicas de relajación o aprender a meditar (la oración y lectura de |

|We can learn to identify what stresses us and how to take care of ourselves |la palabra de Dios) |

|physically and emotionally in the face of stressful situations. |*Fomentar amistades sanas |

| |*Tener un sentido del humor |

|Stress management strategies: |*Buscando ayuda profesional cuando sea necesario |

| |*Concentrar nuestra mente en todo lo que es bueno porque "pues como [el hombre] |

|*Eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise and plenty of sleep |piensa dentro de sí, así es." (Proverbios 23:7). |

|*Practicing relaxation techniques or learning to meditate (prayer and reading the| |

|word of God). |"...piensen en todo lo verdadero, en todo lo que es digno de respeto, en todo lo |

|*Fostering healthy friendships |recto, en todo lo puro, en todo lo agradable, en todo lo que tiene buena fama. |

|*Having a sense of humor |Piensen en toda clase de virtudes, en todo lo que merece alabanza. Sigan |

|*Seeking professional counseling when needed |practicando lo que les enseñé y las instrucciones que les di, lo que me oyeron |

|*Concentrating our minds on what is good "for as he thinks in his heart, so is |decir y lo que me vieron hacer: háganlo así y el Dios de paz estará con ustedes."|

|he..." (Proverbs 23:7). |(Filipenses 4: 8-9). |

| | |

|"...whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and | |

|seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, | |

|whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence,|La recompensa para aprender a manejar el estrés es la paz de la mente y --tal |

|if there is anything worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of |vez-- vidas más larga, saludables, y más llenas de gozo; mis tres metas |

|these things [fix your minds on them]. Practice what you have learned and |principales para mi vida y la de mis pacientes. |

|received and heard and seen in me, and model your way of living on it, and the | |

|God of peace (of untroubled, undisturbed well-being) will be with you." |Mario A. Jiménez, M.D., B.S.E.E. |

|(Philippians 4: 8-9). |Certificado por La Academia Americana de Médicos Familiares |

| |Fuentes: |

|The payoff for learning to manage stress is peace of mind and — perhaps — longer,| |

|healthier and more enjoyable lives, my three main goals for my life and the lives| |

|of my patients. | |

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|Mario A. Jiménez, M.D., B.S.E.E. | |

|American Academy Board Certified Family Physician | |

|Sources: | |

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|If you are a Christian, do you have doubts that God can use a doctor to heal you?|Si usted es un Cristiano, ¿tiene dudas de que Dios puede usar a un médico para |

|To start giving an answer to the Biblical solution to stress, I believe that it |curarlo? |

|is important to clarify the role of the physician from a Biblical perspective, |Para empezar a dar una respuesta a la solución bíblica para el estrés, creo que |

|since there is a great deal of misinformation about this topic among Christians. |es importante aclarar el papel del médico desde una perspectiva bíblica, ya que |

| |hay una gran cantidad de información errónea sobre este tema entre los |

|Unfortunately, I have come across many Christian brothers and sisters that |cristianos. |

|misunderstand the importance of a physician in their lives. Some of them have | |

|lost their lives or that of love ones by not seeking the help of a doctor at the |Por desgracia, me he encontrado con muchos hermanos y hermanas cristianos que |

|proper time. They wrongly believe that going to a doctor counter acts their faith|entienden mal la importancia de un médico en su vida. Algunos de ellos han |

|in the miracles of God, when this could not be any further from the truth. To |perdido la vida o la de sus seres queridos por no buscar la ayuda de un médico en|

|understand the role of a physician in one’s health, we just need to turn to the |el momento adecuado. Ellos creen erróneamente que ir a un médico actúa en contra |

|Bible, and read a book that unfortunately has been omitted in many versions of |de su fe en los milagrosde Dios, cuando esto no podría estar más lejos de la |

|our protestant brothers, Ecclesiasticus, or Book of Sirach. |verdad. Para entender el papel de un médico en la salud de uno, sólo tenemos que |

| |recurrir a la Biblia y leer un libro que, lamentablemente, se ha omitido en |

|“Hold the physician in honor, for he is essential to you, and God it was who |muchas versiones de nuestros hermanos protestantes, Eclesiástico, o Libro del |

|established his profession. From God the doctor has his wisdom, and the king |Sirácida. |

|provides for his sustenance. His knowledge makes the doctor distinguished, and |“Respeta al médico por sus servicios, pues también a él lo instituyó Dios. El |

|gives him access to those in authority. God makes the earth yield healing herbs |médico recibe de Dios su ciencia, y del rey recibe su sustento. Gracias a sus |

|which the prudent man should not neglect; was not the water sweetened by a twig |conocimientos, el médico goza de prestigio y puede presentarse ante los nobles. |

|that men might learn his power? He endows men with the knowledge to glory in his |Dios hace que la tierra produzca sustancias medicinales, y el hombre inteligente |

|mighty works, through which the doctor eases pain and the druggist prepares his |no debe despreciarlas. Dios endulzó el agua con un tronco para mostrar a todos su|

|medicines; thus God's creative work continues without cease in its efficacy on |poder. Él dio la inteligencia a los hombres, para que lo alaben por sus obras |

|the surface of the earth. My son, when you are ill, delay not, but pray to God, |poderosas. Con esas sustancias, el médico calma los dolores y el boticario |

|who will heal you: flee wickedness; let your hands be just, cleanse your heart of|prepara sus remedios. Así no desaparecen los seres creados por Dios, ni falta a |

|every sin; offer your sweet-smelling oblation and petition, a rich offering |los hombres la salud. Hijo mío, cuando estés enfermo no seas impaciente; pídele a|

|according to your means. Then give the doctor his place lest he leave; for you |Dios, y él te dará la salud. Huye del mal y de la injusticia, y purifica tu |

|need him too. There are times that give him an advantage, and he too beseeches |corazón de todo pecado. Ofrece a Dios sacrificios agradables y ofrendas generosas|

|God that his diagnosis may be correct and his treatment brings about a cure. He |de acuerdo con tus recursos. Pero llama también al médico; no lo rechaces, pues |

|who is a sinner toward his Maker will be defiant toward the doctor.” (Book of |también a él lo necesitas. Hay momentos en que el éxito depende de él, y él |

|Sirach [Ecclesiasticus] 38:1-15) NAB. |también se encomienda a Dios, para poder acertar en el diagnóstico y aplicar los |

| |remedios eficaces. Así que un hombre peca contra su Creador, cuando se niega a |

|Do you want PEACE? Here is the secret: fix your mind in what is good: |que el médico lo trate.” (Eclesiástico 38:1-15). |

|"...whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and | |

|seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, |¿Quieres tener PAZ? Aquí está el secreto: fija tu mente en lo que es bueno: |

|whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence,|"...piensen en todo lo verdadero, en todo lo que es digno de respeto, en todo lo |

|if there is anything worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of |recto, en todo lo puro, en todo lo agradable, en todo lo que tiene buena fama. |

|these things [fix your minds on them]. Practice what you have learned and |Piensen en toda clase de virtudes, en todo lo que merece alabanza. Sigan |

|received and heard and seen in me, and model your way of living on it, and the |practicando lo que les enseñé y las instrucciones que les di, lo que me oyeron |

|God of peace (of untroubled, undisturbed well-being) will be with you." |decir y lo que me vieron hacer: háganlo así y el Dios de paz estará con ustedes."|

|(Philippians 4: 8-9). |(Filipenses 4: 8-9). |

| | |

|God wants to give us rest, and that is why He sent Jesus to this world. Jesus is | |

|inviting us today to enter this rest: "Then Jesus said, Come to me, all of you | |

|who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke |Dios nos quiere dar descanso, y es por eso que envió a Jesús a este mundo. Jesús |

|upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will|nos invita hoy a entrar en este reposo: "Entonces Jesus les dijo, Vengan a mí |

|find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you |todos ustedes que están cansados de sus trabajos y cargas, y yo los haré |

|is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30). |descansar. Acepten el yugo que les pongo, y aprendan de mí, que soy paciente y de|

| |corazón humilde; así encontrarán descanso. Porque el yugo que les pongo y la |

|The result of entering God’s rest is to live longer, healthier and more enjoyable|carga que les doy a llevar son ligeros." (Mateo 11:28-30). |

|lives, becoming living parts of the fulfillment of God’s promises: “See, I will |El resultado de entrar en el reposo de Dios es vivir vidas más largas, más |

|create new heavens and a new earth…Never again will there be in it an infant who |saludables y más llenas de gozo, convirtiéndonos en partes vivientes del |

|lives but a few days, or an old man who does not live out his years; the one who |cumplimiento de las promesas de Dios: "Miren, yo creo cielos nuevos y una tierra |

|dies at a hundred will be thought a mere child; the one who fails to reach a |nueva....Allí no habrá niños que mueran a los pocos días, ni ancianos que no |

|hundred will be considered accursed” (Isaiah 65: 17, 20). |completen su vida. Morir a los cien años será morir joven, y no llegar a los cien|

| |años será una maldición." (Isaías 65:17,20). |

|The Biblical Solution to Stress: Entering God’s Rest |La Solución Bíblica al Estrés: Entrar En El Descanso De Dios |

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|(Note: I am not only a spokesperson, but also a client/patient). |(Note:No soy solo un portavoz, sino tambien un cliente/paciente). |

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|I. To understand God’s rest, we need to understand our triune nature: body |I. Para entender el reposo de Dios, tenemos que entender nuestra naturaleza |

|(represented by the heart), mind, and soul. |trina: cuerpo (representado por el corazón), la mente y el alma. |

|YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND|Amaras al Señor tu Dios con todo tu CORAZON, y con toda tu ALMA, y con toda tu |

|WITH ALL YOUR MIND (Mat 22:37). |MENTE (Mateo 22:37). |

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|God made the following promises which in Christ Jesus they came to pass (2 Cor. | |

|1:20): |Dios hizo las siguientes promesas que en Cristo se cumplieron: “pondré en ustedes|

|“A new heart I will give you, and a new spirit I will put within you; and I will |un corazón nuevo y un espíritu nuevo. Quitaré de ustedes ese corazón duro como la|

|take out of your flesh the heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I |piedra y les pondré un corazón dócil. Pondré en ustedes mi espíritu, y haré que |

|will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes and be |cumplan mis leyes y decretos” (Ezequiel 36:26). |

|careful to observe my ordinances” (Ezekiel 36: 26-27). | |

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|"For the Word that God … is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the | |

|dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] Spirit,… exposing |"Porque la Palabra que Dios ... es más cortante que toda espada de dos filos, que|

|and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts ((mind)) and purposes of |penetra hasta la línea divisoria del aliento de vida (alma) y [el inmortal] |

|the heart ((our body’s response to these thoughts))" (Hebrews 4:12). |Espíritu, ... exponiendo y separando y analizando y juzgando los pensamientos |

| |((mente )) y las intenciones del corazón ((respuesta de nuestro cuerpo de estos |

|“Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your Spirit and |pensamientos)) "(Hebreos 4:12). |

|soul and BODY be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord |"Y el mismo Dios de paz os santifique por completo; y vuestro Espíritu y vuestra |

|Jesus Christ” (1 Thessalonians 5:23 NASB). To harmonize Mat 22:37 with Ezekiel |alma y CUERPO, sea guardado irreprensible para la venida de nuestro Señor |

|36: 26-27, 1 Thessalonians 5:23, and other passages that mention similar terms, |Jesucristo" (1 Tesalonicenses 5:23 NVI). Para armonizar Mat 22:37 con Ezequiel |

|here Spirit and soul = New Spirit, and BODY= mind and heart (body’s main organ of|36: 26-27, 1 Tesalonicenses 5:23, y otros pasajes que usan terminos similares, |

|response to thoughts). |aquí Espíritu y alma = Nuevo Espíritu y CUERPO= mente y corazón (organo principal|

| |de respuesta del cuerpo a los pensamientos). |

|Now, we are already a new creature in our New Spirit, but we need to bring this | |

|reality to our world through the renewal our minds: "Do not be conformed to this |Ahora, ya somos una nueva criatura en nuestro Nuevo Espíritu, pero tenemos que |

|world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern |traer esta realidad a nuestro mundo a través de la renovación de nuestras |

|what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect" (Romans 12:2). |nuestras mentes: “Y no os adaptéis a este mundo, sino transformaos mediante la |

| |renovación de vuestra mente, para que verifiquéis cuál es la voluntad de Dios: lo|

|"And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being |que es bueno, aceptable y perfecto” (Romanos 12:2). |

|transformed into His likeness with ever increasing glory which comes from the | |

|Lord, Who is the Spirit!" (2 Corinthians 3:18). "Love has been perfected among |"Por tanto, nosotros todos, mirando con el rostro descubierto y reflejando como |

|us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, |en un espejo la gloria del Señor, somos transformados de gloria en gloria en su |

|so are we in this world" (1 John 4:17). |misma imagen, por la acción del Espíritu del Señor" (2 Corintios 3:18). "De esta|

| |manera se hace realidad el amor en nosotros, para que en el día del juicio |

| |tengamos confianza; porque nosotros somos en este mundo tal como es Jesucristo" |

|II. Now that we understand our triune nature, we can better understand how to |(1 Juan 4:17). |

|enter God’s rest: | |

|We enter God’s rest through the renewal of our minds, and through our ordeals, |II. Ahora que entendemos nuestra naturaleza trina, podemos comprender mejor la |

|God teaches us to trust in his already won victory on the cross; that in Christ |forma de entrar en el reposo de Dios: Entramos en el reposo de Dios a través de |

|Jesus, all of God's promises come to pass (2 Cor. 1:20); that our children are |la renovación de nuestras mentes, y por medio de nuestras tribulaciones, Dios nos|

|separated for the service of God: they are Holy and Sanctified (1 Cor. 7:14); |enseña a confiar en que ya ganó la victoria en la cruz, y que en Cristo Jesús, |

|that all of our children will follow the Lord and great will be their prosperity |todas las promesas de Dios se cumplen (2 cor. 1:20); que nuestros niños son |

|(Isaiah 54:13); and that they will come back to our house, the house of God, as |separados para el servicio de Dios: son Santos y santificados (1 Corintios 7:14),|

|promised in Jeremiah 31:16-17. We rest in His promises, and like Joshua today we |que todos nuestros niños seguirán al Señor y grande será su prosperidad (Isaías |

|say: as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15). I BELIEVE in |54:13 ), y que Dios lo hará volver a nuestra casa, la casa de Dios, como se había|

|God's promises and enter His rest as promised in Hebrews 4, so we come boldly to |prometido en Jeremías 31:16-17. Descansamos en sus promesas, y al igual que Josué|

|the very throne of God and stay there to receive his mercy and to find grace to |hoy decimos: yo y mi casa serviremos a Jehová (Josué 24:15). CREO en las promesas|

|help us in our times of need. |de Dios y entramos en su reposo, como se prometió en Hebreos 4, por lo que, |

| |confiadamente entramos al trono de Dios y permanecemos allí para recibir su |

| |misericordia y encontrar gracia que nos ayude en nuestros momentos de necesidad. |

|This is the position of those who are in Jesus: | |

|"The Lord (God) says to my Lord (the Messiah), Sit at My right hand, until I make|Esta es la posición de los que estamos en Cristo: |

|Your adversaries Your footstool. The Lord will send forth from Zion the scepter |"El SEÑOR le dijo a mi Señor: «Siéntate a mi derecha, hasta que ponga a tus |

|of Your strength; rule, then, in the midst of Your foes. Your people stand ready |enemigos bajo tu poder». El SEÑOR extenderá desde Sión la autoridad de tu reino |

|on your day of battle. “In holy grandeur, from the dawn’s womb, fight! Your |hasta que domines a tus enemigos. De buena gana tu pueblo se ofrecerá cuando |

|youthful strength is like the dew itself” (Psalm 110:1-3). |juntes tu ejército. Se pondrán sus uniformes de gala, se reunirán temprano en la |

| |mañana; te rodearán y no se apartarán de ti." (Salmos 110:1-3) Palabra de Dios |

| |para Todos (PDT). //Jehová dijo a mi Señor: «Siéntate a mi diestra, hasta que |

| |ponga a tus enemigos por estrado de tus pies.» Jehová enviará desde Sión la vara |

| |de tu poder: «¡Domina en medio de tus enemigos! Tu pueblo se te ofrecerá |

| |voluntariamente en el día de tu mando, en la hermosura de la santidad. Desde el |

| |seno de la aurora tienes tú el rocío de tu juventud.» (RVR1995) |

| | |

| |"quien habiendo subido al cielo está a la diestra de Dios; y a él están sujetos |

|"[And He] has now entered into heaven and is at the right hand of God, with [all]|ángeles, autoridades y poderes" (1 Pedro 3:22). |

|angels and authorities and powers made subservient to Him" (1 Peter 3:22). | |

| | |

|"In this [union and communion with Him] love is brought to completion and attains|"En esto se ha perfeccionado el amor en nosotros, para que tengamos confianza en |

|perfection with us, that we may have confidence for the day of judgment [with |el día del juicio, pues como él (Jesús) es, así somos nosotros en este mundo" (1 |

|assurance and boldness to face Him], because as He (Jesus) is, so are we in this |Juan 4:17). |

|world" (1 John 4:17). | |

| | |

|"For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His | |

|Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren" (Romans 8:29). |"Porque a los que de antemano conoció, también los predestinó a ser hechos |

| |conforme a la imagen de su Hijo, para que El sea el primogénito entre muchos |

|"For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might |hermanos" (Romanos 8:29). |

|become the righteousness of God" (2 Corinthians 5:21). | |

| |"Cristo no cometió pecado alguno; pero por causa nuestra, Dios lo hizo pecado, |

|"He is the source of your life in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from |para hacernos a nosotros justicia de Dios en Cristo" (2 Corintios 5:21). |

|God, and righteousness and sanctification and redemption" (1 Corinthians 1:30). | |

| |"Pero Dios mismo los ha unido a ustedes con Cristo Jesús, y ha hecho también que |

|"On that day you will ask in my name. I do not say to you that I will ask the |Cristo sea nuestra sabiduría, nuestra justicia, nuestra santificación y nuestra |

|Father on your behalf; for the Father himself loves you, because you have loved |liberación" (1 Corintios 1:30-31). |

|me and have believed that I came from God...I have said this to you, so that in |En ese día pediréis en mi nombre, y no os digo que yo rogaré al Padre por |

|me you may have peace. In the world you face persecution. But take courage; I |vosotros, pues el Padre mismo os ama, porque vosotros me habéis amado y habéis |

|have conquered the world!" (John 16:33). |creído que yo salí del Padre…Estas cosas os he hablado para que en mí tengáis |

| |paz. En el mundo tenéis tribulación; pero confiad, yo he vencido al mundo!" (Juan|

|III. If we are in Christ, we have already overcome the world, and we are |16:26-27, 33). |

|spiritually sitting in heavenly places with Him. With this truth in mind, every | |

|tribulation that comes our way is just an opportunity to exercise the power we |III. Si estamos en Cristo, ya hemos vencido al mundo, y estamos espiritualmente |

|already have in Christ to replace evil with good, and bring heaven to earth. What|sentados en lugares celestiales con él. Con esta verdad en mente, cada |

|is meant for our harm, God then uses for our good, because of His love for us, |tribulación que se nos presente es sólo una oportunidad para ejercer el poder que|

|and because we allow Him to direct us to walk in His purpose for our life (Romans|ya tenemos en Cristo para reemplazar el mal con el bien, y traer el cielo a la |

|8:28), which is to destroy the works of the evil one: ..."For this purpose the |tierra. Lo que era para nuestro mal, Dios usa a continuación, para nuestro bien, |

|Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil" (1 John |a causa de su amor por nosotros, y porque le permitimos dirigirnos a caminar en |

|3:8). As a matter of fact, the whole creation is waiting for the manifestation |su propósito para nuestra vida (romanos 8:28), que es el destruir las obras del |

|of the son's and daughters of God: "The whole creation waits breathless with |maligno: ... “Para esto apareció el Hijo de Dios, para deshacer las obras del |

|anticipation for the revelation of God’s sons and daughters" (Romans 8:19). |maligno" (1 Juan 3:08). De hecho, toda la creación está esperando la |

| |manifestación de los hijos e hijas de Dios: "Porque el anhelo profundo de la |

|Jesus' purpose to destroy the works of the devil must be the purpose of EVERY |creación es aguardar ansiosamente la revelación de los hijos e hijas de Dios" |

|SINGLE CHRISTIAN. I do not know about you, but I am tired of this guy lying to |(Romanos 8:19). |

|us, and giving us the illusion that he is winning. As far as I remember, greater | |

|is Jesus who is in us, than the devil who is in the world, and who has been |El propósito de Jesús para destruir las obras del maligno debe ser el propósito |

|already defeated with all his angels: "[God] disarmed the principalities and |de cada uno de los cristianos. Yo no sé ustedes, pero yo estoy cansado de este |

|powers that were ranged against us and made a bold display and public example of |tipo mintiéndonos, y dándonos la ilusión de que está ganando. Por lo que yo |

|them, in triumphing over them in Him and in it [the cross]" (Colossians 2:14-15).|recuerdo, mayor es Jesús que está en nosotros, que el maligno que está en el |

| |mundo, el cual ya ha sido derrotado con todos sus ángeles: “habiendo cancelado el|

| |documento de deuda que consistía en decretos contra nosotros y que nos era |

|Not matter how bad our circumstances can look; this is just an illusion. We can |adverso, lo ha quitado de en medio, clavándolo en la cruz. Y habiendo despojado a|

|begin to experience heaven on earth, when we remain in Christ, walking according |los poderes y autoridades, hizo de ellos un espectáculo público, triunfando sobre|

|to His purpose for our lives. As one of the greatest woman of our times, Mother |ellos por medio de El" (Colosenses 2:14-15). |

|Theresa, once said: "we are not called to succeed but to persevere." |No importa lo mal que nuestras circunstancias puedan parecer, esto es sólo una |

| |ilusión. Podemos comenzar a experimentar el cielo en la tierra, cuando |

|Satan's strategy is to cause us anxiety bringing tribulations to our lives, but |permanecemos en Cristo, caminando conforme a su propósito para nuestras vidas. |

|Jesus' prescription is that we cast all our anxieties on Him, laying them at the |Como una de las más grandes mujeres de nuestro tiempo, Madre Teresa, una vez |

|feet of the cross. When we believe, like Joshua and Caleb did, that not matter |dijo: "nosotros no estamos llamados a tener éxito, pero ha perseverar. " |

|how big our adversaries look, God has already given them into our hands, we can |La estrategia de Satanás es de hacernos ansiosos trayendo tribulaciones a |

|walk fearlessly and conquer the promise land (bring heaven to earth: "thy kingdom|nuestras vidas, pero la prescripción de Jesús es que echemos todas nuestras |

|come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven). For we conquer him [satan] |ansiedades sobre Él, poniéndolas a los pies de la cruz. Cuando creemos, como |

|by the blood of the Lamb, the word of our testimony, for we do not cling to life |Josué y Caleb hicieron, que no importa lo grande que nuestros adversarios sean, |

|even in the face of death (Revelation 12:11). |Dios ya los ha entregado en nuestras manos, podemos caminar sin miedo y |

| |conquistar la tierra prometida (traer el cielo a la tierra: "vénganos tu reino, |

| |hágase tu voluntad así en la tierra como en el cielo). Porque a él [satanás] lo |

|The door to the evil one is in believing the lie that God does not care for us, |vencemos por la sangre del Cordero, la palabra de nuestro testimonio, y porque |

|that he does not love us, which causes anxiety in our hearts and leaves us prone |nosotros no nos aferramos a nuestras vidas, incluso en frente de la muerte |

|to satan’s attacks. When this lie comes into our minds, we only need to put our |(Apocalipsis 12:11). |

|attention to John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only |La puerta del maligno está en creer la mentira de que Dios no se preocupa por |

|Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” |nosotros, que no nos ama, lo que provoca ansiedad en nuestros corazones y nos |

|"Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, so that he may exalt |deja propenso a los ataques del maligno. Cuando esta mentira entre en nuestras |

|you in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you. |mentes, sólo tenemos que poner nuestra atención en Juan 3:16: "Porque tanto amó |

|Discipline yourselves, keep alert. Like a roaring lion your adversary the devil |Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su Hijo unigénito para que todo aquel que en él cree|

|prowls around, looking for someone to devour. Resist him, steadfast in your |no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna." |

|faith, for you know that your brothers and sisters in all the world are |"Humillaos, pues, bajo la poderosa mano de Dios, para que El os exalte a su |

|undergoing the same kinds of suffering. And after you have suffered for a little |debido tiempo, echando toda vuestra ansiedad sobre El, porque El tiene cuidado de|

|while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, |vosotros. Sed de espíritu sobrio, estad alerta. Vuestro adversario, el maligno, |

|will himself restore, support, strengthen, and establish you. To him be the power|anda al acecho como león rugiente, buscando a quien devorar. Pero resistidle |

|forever and ever. Amen" (1 Peter 5:6-11). |firmes en la fe, sabiendo que las mismas experiencias de sufrimiento se van |

| |cumpliendo en vuestros hermanos en todo el mundo. Y después de que hayáis sufrido|

|"Having cancelled and blotted out and wiped away the handwriting of the note |un poco de tiempo, el Dios de toda gracia, que os llamó a su gloria eterna en |

|(bond) with its legal decrees and demands which was in force and stood against us|Cristo, El mismo os perfeccionará, afirmará, fortalecerá y establecerá. A El sea |

|(hostile to us). This [note with its regulations, decrees, and demands] He set |el dominio por los siglos de los siglos. Amén." (1 Pedro 5:6-11). |

|aside and cleared completely out of our way by nailing it to [His] cross. [God] |"Él anuló el acta de los decretos que había contra nosotros, que nos era |

|disarmed the principalities and powers that were ranged against us and made a |contraria, y la quitó de en medio clavándola en la cruz. Y despojó a los |

|bold display and public example of them, in triumphing over them in Him and in it|principados y a las autoridades y los exhibió públicamente, triunfando sobre |

|[the cross]" (Colossians 2:14-15). |ellos en la cruz" (Colosenses 2: 14-15). |

| | |

|Jesus carried the cross of our sins, so we could carry our crosses of purpose, | |

|the works he has prepared for us since the foundation of the world: “For we are | |

|what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared | |

|beforehand to be our way of life" (Ephesians 2: 10). | |

|"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also|Jesús cargó la cruz por nuestros pecados, para que nosotros podamos cargar |

|lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with |nuestras cruces de proposito, las obras que ha preparado para nosotros desde la |

|perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and |fundacion del mundo: |

|perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the |“Porque somos hechura suya, creados en Cristo Jesús para hacer buenas obras, las |

|cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God"|cuales Dios preparó de antemano para que anduviéramos en ellas" (Efesios 2:8-10).|

|(Hebrews 12:1-2). |"Por eso, nosotros, teniendo a nuestro alrededor tantas personas que han |

| |demostrado su fe, dejemos a un lado todo lo que nos estorba y el pecado que nos |

| |enreda, y corramos con fortaleza la carrera que tenemos por delante. Fijemos |

| |nuestra mirada en Jesús, pues de él procede nuestra fe y él es quien la |

|The cross of our purpose is light and leads to life: |perfecciona. Jesús soportó la cruz, sin hacer caso de lo vergonzoso de esa |

|“If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their |muerte, porque sabía que después del sufrimiento tendría gozo y alegría; y se |

|cross and follow me. For those who want to save their life will lose it, and |sentó a la derecha del trono de Dios" (Hebreos 12:1-2). |

|those who lose their life for my sake will find it. For what will it profit them |La cruz de nuestro proposito es liviana y nos lleva a la vida: |

|if they gain the whole world but forfeit their life? Or what will they give in |"Si alguno quiere ser discípulo mío, olvídese de sí mismo, cargue con su cruz y |

|return for their life?" (Matthew 16:24-26). |sígame. Porque el que quiera salvar su vida, la perderá; pero el que pierda la |

| |vida por causa mía, la encontrará. ¿De qué le sirve al hombre ganar el mundo |

|“Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will |entero, si pierde la vida? ¿O cuánto podrá pagar el hombre por su vida?" (Mateo |

|give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and |16:24-26). |

|humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, | |

|and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30). |"Vengan a mí todos ustedes que están cansados de sus trabajos y cargas, y yo los |

| |haré descansar. Acepten el yugo que les pongo, y aprendan de mí, que soy paciente|

|God consoles us in our present sufferings and afflictions, so we can console |y de corazón humilde; así encontrarán descanso. Porque el yugo que les pongo y la|

|others: |carga que les doy a llevar son ligeros" (Mateo 11: 28-30). |

|"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies | |

|and the God of all consolation, who consoles us in all our affliction, so that we|Dios nos consuela en nuestros sufrimientos y aflicciones para que nosostros |

|may be able to console those who are in any affliction with the consolation with |consolemos a otros: |

|which we ourselves are consoled by God" (2 Corinthians 1: 3-4). |"Alabado sea el Dios y Padre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, pues él es el Padre que|

| |nos tiene compasión y el Dios que siempre nos consuela. 4 Él nos consuela en |

| |todos nuestros sufrimientos, para que nosotros podamos consolar también a los que|

|God prepared a purpose for our lives, a race is set before us, and He gives us |sufren, dándoles el mismo consuelo que él nos ha dado a nosotros" (2 Corintios |

|His grace to accomplish our purpose and finish our race. |1:3-4). |

|"But each of us was given grace according to the measure of Christ’s gift. | |

|Therefore it is said, “When he ascended on high he made captivity itself a |Dios preparó un propósito para nuestras vidas, una carrera esta delante de |

|captive; he gave gifts to his people." (Ephesians 4:7-8). |nosotros, y El nos da su gracia para cumplir con nuestro propósito y acabar |

| |nuestra carrera. |

|"The gifts he gave were that some would be apostles, some prophets, some |“Pero a cada uno de nosotros fue dada la gracia conforme a la medida del don de |

|evangelists, some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of |Cristo. Por lo cual dice: «Subiendo a lo alto, llevó cautiva la cautividad, y dio|

|ministry, for building up the body of Christ, 13 until all of us come to the |dones a los hombres.” (Efesios 4:7-8). |

|unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to maturity, to the | |

|measure of the full stature of Christ." (11-13). |"Y él mismo constituyó a unos, apóstoles; a otros, profetas; a otros, |

| |evangelistas; a otros, pastores y maestros, a fin de perfeccionar a los santos |

|"...whenever you face trials of any kind, consider it nothing but joy, because |para la obra del ministerio, para la edificación del cuerpo de Cristo, hasta que |

|you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance; and let endurance |todos lleguemos a la unidad de la fe y del conocimiento del Hijo de Dios, al |

|have its full effect, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking in nothing.|hombre perfecto, a la medida de la estatura de la plenitud de Cristo" (11-13). |

|If any of you is lacking in wisdom, ask God, who gives to all generously and |"...tened por sumo gozo cuando os halléis en diversas pruebas, sabiendo que la |

|ungrudgingly, and it will be given you. But ask in faith, never doubting, for the|prueba de vuestra fe produce paciencia. Mas tenga la paciencia su obra completa, |

|one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind; for the |para que seáis perfectos y cabales, sin que os falte cosa alguna. Y si alguno de |

|doubter, being double-minded and unstable in every way, must not expect to |vosotros tiene falta de sabiduría, pídala a Dios, el cual da a todos |

|receive anything from the Lord" (James 1: 2-8). |abundantemente y sin reproche, y le será dada. Pero pida con fe, no dudando nada;|

| |porque el que duda es semejante a la onda del mar, que es arrastrada por el |

|"Therefore, since we are justified by faith, we have peace with God through our |viento y echada de una parte a otra. No piense, pues, quien tal haga, que |

|Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have obtained access to this grace in which we|recibirá cosa alguna del Señor. El hombre de doble ánimo es inconstante en todos |

|stand; and we boast in our hope of sharing the glory of God. And not only that, |sus caminos." (Santiago 1: 2-8). |

|but we also boast in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, |"Puesto que Dios ya nos ha hecho justos gracias a la fe, tenemos paz con Dios por|

|and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not|medio de nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Pues por Cristo hemos podido acercarnos a Dios|

|disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the |por medio de la fe, para gozar de su favor, y estamos firmes, y nos gloriamos con|

|Holy Spirit that has been given to us" (Romans 5: 1-5). |la esperanza de tener parte en la gloria de Dios. Y no sólo esto, sino que |

| |también nos gloriamos de los sufrimientos; porque sabemos que el sufrimiento nos |

| |da firmeza para soportar, y esta firmeza nos permite salir aprobados, y el salir|

|"even when we were dead through our trespasses, [He] made us alive together with |aprobados nos llena de esperanza. Y esta esperanza no nos defrauda, porque Dios |

|Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up with him, and made us sit|ha llenado con su amor nuestro corazón por medio del Espíritu Santo que nos ha |

|with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the coming ages he might|dado" (Romanos 5:1-5). |

|show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. |"aun estando nosotros muertos en pecados, nos dio vida juntamente con Cristo (por|

|For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not your own doing, |gracia sois salvos). Juntamente con él nos resucitó, y así mismo nos hizo sentar |

|it is the gift of God— not because of works, lest any man should boast" |en los lugares celestiales con Cristo Jesús, para mostrar en los siglos venideros|

|(Ephesians 2:5-9). |las abundantes riquezas de su gracia en su bondad para con nosotros en Cristo |

| |Jesús, porque por gracia sois salvos por medio de la fe; y esto no de vosotros, |

|The race set before us or the cross of purpose that we should carry is personal, |pues es don de Dios. No por obras, para que nadie se gloríe," (Efesios 2:5-9). |

|and one of the worst things that we can do is to compared with others, for our | |

|standard is Christ alone. Let us learn from Saul’s mistake, so we do not fall in|La carrera puesta delante de nosotros o la cruz de propósito que debemos cargar |

|the same mistake: |es personal, y una de las peores cosas que podemos hacer es que nos comparemos |

| |con otros, porque nuestro punto de comparación es solamente Cristo. Aprendamos de|

|"As they were coming home, when David returned from killing the Philistine, the |los errores de Saúl, para que no caigamos en el mismo error: |

|women came out of all the towns of Israel, singing and dancing, to meet King |"Sin embargo, cuando las tropas regresaron después que David mató al filisteo, de|

|Saul, with tambourines, with songs of joy, and with musical instruments.[b] 7 And|todas las ciudades de Israel salieron mujeres a recibir al rey Saúl cantando y |

|the women sang to one another as they made merry, “Saul has killed his thousands,|bailando alegremente con panderos y platillos. 7 Y mientras cantaban y bailaban, |

|and David his ten thousands.” 8 Saul was very angry, for this saying displeased |las mujeres repetían: «Mil hombres mató Saúl, y diez mil mató David.» 8 Esto le |

|him. He said, “They have ascribed to David ten thousands, and to me they have |molestó mucho a Saúl, y muy enojado dijo: —A David le atribuyen la muerte de diez|

|ascribed thousands; what more can he have but the kingdom?” 9 So Saul eyed David |mil hombres, y a mí únicamente la de mil. ¡Ya sólo falta que lo hagan rey! 9 A |

|from that day on" (1 Samuel 18:6-9). |partir de entonces, Saúl miraba a David con recelo" (1 Samuel 18:6-9). |

| | |

|IV. If we understand our position in Christ, we can rest in His finished work, | |

|and thus conquer stress. But if stress is still getting the best of us, we need |IV. Si entendemos nuestra posición en Cristo, podemos descansar en su obra |

|to take a look at what could be causing this. One of the main causes of stress |terminada y así derrotar al estrés. Pero si el estrés todavía está obteniendo lo |

|and unrest in our souls is condemnation or unforgiveness. Many psychosomatic |mejor de nosotros, tenemos que echar un vistazo a lo que podría estar causando |

|(involving both the mind and the body) sicknesses are caused by condemnation or |esto. Una de las principales causas de estrés y malestar en nuestras almas es la |

|unforgiveness because the conscience is saying, “You/they have done wrong. |condenación o la falta de perdón. Muchas enfermedades psicosomáticas (que implica|

|You/they must be punished. How can your/their sin not be punished?” |tanto la mente como el cuerpo) son causadss ​​por la condenación o la falta de |

|Self-condemnation and self-unforgiveness go hand in hand with our condemnation |perdón, porque la conciencia está diciendo: "Usted /ellos han hecho mal. |

|and unforgiveness of others. |Usted/ellos deben ser castigados. ¿Cómo no puede tu/su pecado ser |

| |castigado?"Auto-condenación y falta de auto-perdón van de mano en mano con la |

| |condenación y falta de perdón a los demás. |

|Many times we hate and condem in others what we see in ourselves. In psychology, | |

|we call this phenomenon, projection. Often, we project onto others the sins for |Muchas veces odiamos y condenamos en los demás lo que vemos en nosotros mismos. |

|which we feel condemned ourselves. But not matter what, in the end, any kind of |En psicología, llamamos a este fenómeno, proyección. A menudo, proyectamos en los|

|condemnation or unforgiveness in our hearts causes undue stress in our bodies, |demás los pecados de los que nos sentimos condenados nosotros mismos. Pero no |

|and it may lead to different types of sicknesses. Nonetheless, once again, God |importa que, al final, cualquier tipo de condenación o falta de perdón en |

|has given us the solution to this problem in Christ: |nuestros corazones causa estrés innecesario en nuestros cuerpos, y esto puede |

| |conducir a diferentes tipos de enfermedades. No obstante, una vez más, Dios nos |

|"For if the blood of goats and bulls, with the sprinkling of the ashes of a |ha dado la solución a este problema en Cristo: |

|heifer, sanctifies those who have been defiled so that their flesh is purified, |"Porque si la sangre de los machos cabríos y de los toros, y la ceniza de la |

|14 how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered|becerra rociada sobre los que se han contaminado, santifican para la purificación|

|himself without blemish to God, purify our conscience from dead works to worship |de la carne, 14 ¿cuánto más la sangre de Cristo, el cual por el Espíritu eterno |

|the living God!" (Hebrews 9:13-14). |se ofreció a sí mismo sin mancha a Dios, purificará vuestra conciencia de obras |

| |muertas para servir al Dios vivo?" (Hebreos 9:13-14). |

|We must never forget how great a sacrifice Christ has done for us, so we can rest| |

|in His finished work, not just for our hope of rest in Heaven (salvation), but so|Nunca debemos olvidar cuán grande es el sacrificio que Cristo ha hecho por |

|that we can walk in victory in this life. |nosotros, para que podamos descansar en su obra terminada, no sólo para nuestra |

| |esperanza de descanso en el cielo (la salvación), pero para que podamos caminar |

|"For the love of Christ urges us on, because we are convinced that one has died |en victoria en esta vida. |

|for all; therefore all have died. And he died for all, so that those who live |"Pues el amor de Cristo nos apremia, habiendo llegado a esta conclusión: que uno |

|might live no longer for themselves, but for him who died and was raised for |murió por todos, por consiguiente, todos murieron; y por todos murió, para que |

|them" (2 Corinthians 5:14-15). |los que viven, ya no vivan para sí, sino para aquel que murió y resucitó por |

| |ellos." (2 Corintios 5:14-15). |

|There is a power called dunamis that comes through the resurrection of Jesus | |

|Christ. In Philippians 3:10, Paul said, “I want to know Him (Christ) and the |Hay un poder llamado dunamis que viene a través de la resurrección de Jesucristo.|

|power of his resurrection.” The word “power” is the Greek word dunamis, which |En Filipenses 3:10, Pablo dijo: "Yo quiero conocerle a Él (Cristo) y el poder de |

|means "to be excellent of soul!" Dunamis is the power that heals our souls of |su resurrección." La palabra "poder" es la palabra griega dunamis, que significa |

|every wound caused by sin. When we partake of both the blood that comes from the|"ser excelente del alma!" Dunamis es el poder que sana nuestras almas de toda |

|cross, and the power (or dunamis) that comes through the resurrection, we will |herida causada por el pecado. Cuando participamos, tanto de la sangre que |

|get a complete healing in our souls of every wound that would beset us, causing |proviene de la cruz, y el poder (dunamis) que viene a través de la resurrección, |

|us to prosper in all respects, be in good health, just as our souls prosper (3 |obtenemos una curación completa en el alma de cada herida que tengamos, haciendo |

|John 1:2). |que podamos prosperar en todos los aspectos, con buena salud, de la misma manera |

| |que nuestras almas prosperan (3 Juan 1:2). |

|The “dumanis” power is the power that resurrectes us with Christ to a new life. | |

|In Christ’s resurrection, we are no longer under the curse of the law. The law |El poder “dumanis” es el poder que nos resucita con Cristo a una nueva vida. En |

|says, obey and you will be blessed. But, Jesus says receive my grace, I have |la resurrección con Cristo, ya no estamos bajo la maldición de la ley. Pero, |

|obeyed so you can be blessed. We have been set free from our own work, and Jesus |Jesús dice, recibe mi gracia, yo he obedecido para que tú puedas ser bendecido. |

|is inviting us to rest on His finished works. But, paradoxically, by resting |Hemos sido liberados de nuestros propios trabajos, y Jesús nos invita a descansar|

|from our own works, we are free to produce the good works God has prepared for us|en sus obra terminadas. Pero, paradójicamente, al descansar de nuestras propias |

|from the foundation of the world (Ephesians 2:8-10). |obras, somos libres para producir las buenas obras que Dios ha preparado para |

| |nosotros desde la fundación del mundo (Efesios 2: 8-10). |

|This is the rest we have been called to. If we do any work for God or our | |

|brothers, it is not because we have to, but because we want to. We are no longer |Este es le descanso al que hemos sido llamados. Si hacemos algún trabajo para |

|slaves of the law, but slaves of love. And not our love for God, but God’s love |Dios o para nuestros hermanos, no es porque tenemos que hacerlo, sino porque |

|for us, for "this is love: it is not that we loved God but that he loved us and |queremos. No somos más esclavos de la ley pero más bien esclavos del amor. Y no |

|sent his Son as the sacrifice that deals with our sins." (1 John 4:10). |nuestro amor por Dios, pero el amor de Dios por nosotros ya que "En esto consiste|

| |el amor: no en que nosotros hayamos amado a Dios, sino en que El nos amó a |

| |nosotros y envió a su Hijo como propiciación por nuestros pecados." (1 Juan |

|Because we behold such an amazing love, we want nothing more than to please our |4:10). |

|Lord, who called us to love others as He has loved us, and in this way, we can |Debido a que contemplamos este amor tan asombroso, queremos nada más que |

|join Paul saying: …as He (Jesus) is, so are we in this world" (1 John 4:17). |complacer a nuestro Señor, que nos llama a amar a los demás a como el nos amó, y |

|This is the new command in the new covenant, in the covenant of His blood: |de esta manera, podemos unirnos a Pablo diciendo: ... como Él (Jesús) es, así |

|“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved |somos nosotros en este mundo "(1 Juan 4:17). Este es el nuevo mandamiento en el |

|you, you also should love one another.” (John 13:34). |nuevo pacto, en el pacto de su sangre: "Os doy un mandamiento nuevo: que os |

| |améis unos a otros. Como yo os he amado, que también os améis unos a otros." |

|V. So, we enter His rest by holding on to His promises because: |(Juan 13:34). |

|"For as many as are the promises of God, they all find their Yes [answer] in Him | |

|[Christ]. For this reason we also utter the Amen (so be it) to God through Him |V. Así que, entramos en su reposo al aferrarnos a sus promesas porque: |

|[in His Person and by His agency] to the glory of God" (2 Corinthians 1:20). |"pues en él se cumplen todas las promesas de Dios. Por esto, cuando alabamos a |

| |Dios, decimos «Amén» por medio de Cristo Jesús" (2 Corintios 1:20). |

|"The Lord will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life. The Lord will keep| |

|your going out and your coming in from this time forth and for evermore" (Psalm | |

|121:7-8). |"El Señor te protege de todo peligro; él protege tu vida. El Señor te protege en |

| |todos tus caminos, ahora y siempre" (Salmos 121:7-8). |

|If we are struggling for our families, we can rest assured in God’s promise that | |

|they are already sanctified and holy by us accepting Jesus as our savior: |Si estamos luchando por nuestros familias, podemos estar seguros de la promesa de|

|"For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife |Dios que ellos ya están santificados y santos por nosotros haber aceptado a Jesús|

|is sanctified by the husband. Else your children would be unclean, but now they |como nuestro salvador: |

|are holy" (1 Corinthians 7:14). |"Pues el esposo no creyente queda santificado por su unión con una mujer |

| |creyente; y la mujer no creyente queda santificada por su unión con un esposo |

| |creyente. De otra manera, los hijos de ustedes serían impuros; pero, de hecho, |

| |[sus hijos] pertenecen al pueblo santo" (1 Corintios 7:14). |

|If you wonder what’s going to happen with our children in the midst of these last| |

|days: |Si usted se pregunta qué va a pasar con nuestros hijos en medio de estos últimos |

|"All your sons shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the prosperity of |días: |

|your sons" (Isaiah 54:13). |"Todos tus hijos serán enseñados por el Señor, y grande será el bienestar de tus |

| |hijos" (Isaías 54:13). |

|If your children are not were you wish they were at this time. They may be apart | |

|from the Lord, in drugs, with the wrong friends, etc., remember this promise: |Si sus hijos no están donde usted quisiera que estén en estos momentos. Quizás |

|"Thus says the Lord: Restrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears, |ellos pueden estar legos del Señor, en las drogas, con los amigos equivocados, |

|for your work shall be rewarded, says the Lord; and [your children] shall return |etc.,. recuerda esta promesa: |

|from the enemy’s land. And there is hope for your future, says the Lord; your |"Así dice el Señor: Reprime tu voz del llanto, y tus ojos de las lágrimas; hay |

|children shall come back to their own country" (Jeremiah 31:16-17). |pago para tu trabajo —declara el Señor—, pues volverán de la tierra del enemigo. |

| |Y hay esperanza para tu porvenir —declara el Señor—, los hijos volverán a su |

|We must determine in our hearts to follow the Lord because He is the only way: |territorio" (Jeremías 31:16-17). |

|"And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day | |

|whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served on the other side|Debemos determinar en nuestros corazones el seguir al Señor, porque Él es el |

|of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell; but as for me|único camino: |

|and my house, we will serve the Lord" (Joshua 24:15). |"Y si no os parece bien servir al Señor, escoged hoy a quién habéis de servir: si|

| |a los dioses que sirvieron vuestros padres, que estaban al otro lado del Río, o a|

|When we are bombarded with news of conflicts, natural disasters, new strains of |los dioses de los amorreos en cuya tierra habitáis; pero yo y mi casa, serviremos|

|drug-resistant viruses, people losing their loved ones in freak accidents, |al Señor" (Josué 24:15). |

|diseases in our bodies or in our love ones, or anything else that may come | |

|against us, God says, “You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the|Cuando nos bombardean con noticias de los conflictos, desastres naturales, nuevas|

|arrow that flies by day, nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the|cepas de virus resistentes a medicamentos, personas que pierden sus seres |

|destruction that lays waste at noonday” (Psalm 91:5–6). Because we have made Him |queridos en accidentes extraños, enfermedades en nuestro cuerpo o en nuestros |

|our dwelling place, angels are watching over us right now (Psalm 91:9–11). Angels|seres queridos, o cualquier otro ataque que venga en contra de nosotros, Dios |

|give heed to the voice of God’s Word, so we should give voice to God’s Word. This|dice, "No tengas miedo a los peligros nocturnos, ni a las flechas lanzadas de |

|means that we should agree with and speak what God’s Word says about His |día, ni a las plagas que llegan con la oscuridad, ni a las que destruyen a pleno |

|preserving and protecting us. Then, angels are sent to minister for us because |sol" ( Salmo 91:5-6 ). Porque lo hemos hecho a Él nuestra morada, los ángeles nos|

|“Are not all angels[a] spirits in the divine service, sent to serve for the sake |están cuidando ahora mismo (Salmo 91:9-11). Los ángeles dan atención a la voz de |

|of those who are to inherit salvation?” (Hebrews 1:14). When danger assails us, |la Palabra de Dios, así que debemos dar voz a la Palabra de Dios. Esto significa |

|we can rest in the fact that a thousand may fall at our side and 10,000 at our |que debemos estar de acuerdo y decir lo que la Palabra de Dios dice acerca de |

|right hand, but it will not come near us! (Psalm 91:7). Remember that God says |nuestra preservación y protección. Entonces, los ángeles son enviados para |

|that we are in this world but we are not of this world. We have His protection |ministrarnos, “Porque todos los ángeles son espíritus al servicio de Dios, |

|because we are of Him and in Him (John 17:14–23). |enviados en ayuda de quienes han de recibir en herencia la salvación” (Hebreos |

| |1:14). Cuando el peligro nos asalta, podemos descansar en el hecho de que pueden |

| |caer mil muertos a nuestra izquierda y diez mil a nuestra derecha, pero a |

| |nosotros nada nos pasará ( Salmo 91:7 ). Recuerda que Dios dice que estamos en |

|We have access by faith into the secret place of the Most High where no evil can |este mundo pero que no somos de este mundo. Tenemos su protección, porque somos |

|touch us, for "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide |de Él y estamos en Él (Juan 17:14-23). |

|under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my | |

|fortress; my God, in Him I will trust.” (PSALM 91:1–2). So There is no need to |Tenemos entrada por la fe en el lugar secreto del Altísimo donde ningún mal nos |

|fear living in the end times because the Lord is our refuge and our fortress. |puede tocar, porque "El que habita al abrigo del Altísimo morará bajo la sombra |

| |del Omnipotente. Diré yo al Señor, Él Esperanza mía, y castillo mío; mi Dios, en |

|VI. Our only work or labor is to labor to enter God’s rest (receive God’s grace |quien confiaré " (Salmo 91:1-2). Así que no hay necesidad de temer que vivimos en|

|through faith): |los ultimos tiempos porque el Señor es nuestro refugio y nuestra fortaleza. |

|"Therefore, while the promise of entering his rest is still open, let us take | |

|care that none of you should seem to have failed to reach it. For indeed the good|VI. Nuestro único trabajo o labor es trabajar para entrar en el reposo de Dios |

|news came to us just as to them; but the message they heard did not benefit them,|(recibir la gracia de Dios a través de la fe): |

|because they were not united by faith with those who listened [Josué y Caleb]. |"Por eso, mientras todavía contamos con la promesa de entrar en ese reposo de |

|For we who have believed enter that rest, just as God has said, “As in my anger I|Dios, debemos tener cuidado, no sea que alguno de ustedes no lo logre. Porque |

|swore, ‘They shall not enter my rest,’” though his works were finished at the |nosotros recibimos el anuncio de la buena noticia, lo mismo que ellos; pero a |

|foundation of the world. For in one place it speaks about the seventh day as |ellos no les sirvió de nada el oírlo, porque no se unieron por la fe con los que |

|follows, “And God rested on the seventh day from all his works.” And again in |habían obedecido al mensaje [Josué y Caleb]. Pero nosotros, que hemos creído, |

|this place it says, “They shall not enter my rest.” Since therefore it remains |entraremos en ese reposo, del cual Dios ha dicho: «Por eso juré en mi furor que |

|open for some to enter it, and those who formerly received the good news failed |no entrarían en el lugar de mi reposo.» Sin embargo, Dios había terminado su |

|to enter because of disobedience, again he sets a certain day—“today”—saying |trabajo desde que creó el mundo; pues en alguna parte de las Escrituras se dice |

|through David much later, in the words already quoted, “Today, if you hear his |del séptimo día: «Dios reposó de todo su trabajo el séptimo día.» Y otra vez se |

|voice, do not harden your hearts.” For if Joshua had given them rest, God would |dice en las Escrituras: «No entrarán en mi reposo.» Pero todavía falta que |

|not speak later about another day. So then, a Sabbath rest still remains for the |algunos entren en ese lugar de reposo, ya que, por haber desobedecido, no |

|people of God; for those who enter God’s rest also cease from their labors as God|entraron los que primero recibieron el anuncio. Por eso, Dios ha vuelto a señalar|

|did from his. Let us therefore make every effort (let us labor in other |un día, un nuevo «hoy», y lo ha hecho hablándonos por medio de lo que, mucho |

|translations) to enter that rest, so that no one may fall through such |tiempo después, David dijo en la Escritura ya mencionada: «Si hoy escuchan |

|disobedience as theirs" (Hebrews 4:1-11). |ustedes lo que Dios dice, no endurezcan su corazón.» Porque si Josué les hubiera |

| |dado reposo a los israelitas, Dios no habría hablado de otro día. De manera que |

| |todavía queda un reposo sagrado para el pueblo de Dios; porque el que entra en |

| |ese reposo de Dios, reposa de su trabajo, así como Dios reposó del suyo. |

| |Debemos, pues, esforzarnos (trabajar) por entrar en ese reposo, para que nadie |

|But how do we labor to enter God’s rest? the next verse in Hebrews 4:12 explains |siga el ejemplo de aquellos que no creyeron" (Hebreos 4:1-11). |

|it, by the word of God: | |

| |¿Pero como nos esforzamos o trabajamos para entrar en el reposo de Dios?, el |

|"For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power [making it active, |próximo verso en Hebreos 4:12, nos explica que es por la palabra de Dios: |

|operative, energizing, and effective]; it is sharper than any two-edged sword, |"Porque la palabra de Dios tiene vida y poder. Es más cortante que cualquier |

|penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] |espada de dos filos, y penetra hasta lo más profundo del alma y del espíritu, |

|spirit, and of joints and marrow [of the deepest parts of our nature], exposing |hasta lo más íntimo de la persona; y somete a juicio los pensamientos y las |

|and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the |intenciones del corazón" (Hebreos 4:12). |

|heart" (Hebrews 4:12). | |

|The Word of God prepares us for every good work He has assigned to us, so let's | |

|us meditate on it day and night: |La Palabra de Dios nos prepara para toda buena obra que Él nos ha asignado, así |

|"All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for |que vamos a meditar en ella día y noche: |

|correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be |"Toda Escritura es inspirada por Dios y útil para enseñar, para reprender, para |

|complete, equipped for every good work" (2 Timothy 3:16-17). |corregir, para instruir en justicia, a fin de que el hombre de Dios sea perfecto,|

| |equipado para toda buena obra" (2 Timoteo 3:16-17). |

|The word of God provides us rest, but to those who have received His Spirit, God | |

|has provided a special language to speak with Him and it is called to speak in |La palabra de Dios nos ofrece descanso, pero a aquellos que han recibido su |

|tongues: |Espíritu, Dios ha provisto un lenguaje especial para hablar con él y se llama a |

|"Nay, but by men of strange lips and with an alien tongue the Lord will speak to |hablar en lenguas: |

|this people, to whom he has said, “This is rest; give rest to the weary; and this|"En verdad, con tartamudez de labios y en lengua extranjera, El hablará a este |

|is repose”; yet they would not hear." (Isaiah 28: 11-12). |pueblo, al cual había dicho: Aquí hay reposo, dad reposo al cansado; y: Aquí hay |

| |descanso. Pero no quisieron escuchar." (Isaías 28: 11-12). |

|The more we pray in the Spirit, the more we allow the power of God to drive out | |

|every fear, stress, worry and anxiety from our lives. We will then see a greater |Cuanto más oramos en el Espíritu, más permitimos que el poder de Dios expulse |

|measure of healing for our body, God's power in our situations and provision for |todos los miedos, el estrés, la preocupación y la ansiedad de nuestras vidas. |

|our every need. |Entonces, veremos un mayor grado de curación para nuestros cuerpos, poder de Dios|

| |en nuestras situaciones y provisión para todas nuestras necesidades. |

| | |

|Remember the Holy Spirit in us and "…God has not given us a Spirit of fear, but |Recuerde que el Espíritu Santo esta en nosotros y "…Dios no nos ha dado un |

|of power and of love and of a sound mind" (2 Timothy 1:7). There is no place for|Espíritu de temor, sino un espíritu de poder, de amor y de buen juicio" (2 |

|fear where the Spirit of the Lord is. |Timoteo 1:7). No hay lugar para el miedo, donde está el Espíritu del Señor. |

| | |

|VII. To enter God’s rest does not mean that we just sit down hoping that the |VII. El entrar en el reposo de Dios no significa que nos sentamos con la |

|world will change once our Lord Jesus comes back for Christ is already here in us|esperanza de que el mundo va a cambiar una vez que nuestro Señor Jesús regrese ya|

|in the form of the Holy Spirit. Instead, to enter God’s rest means that we can |que Cristo está aquí en nosotros en la forma del Espíritu Santo. En cambio, el |

|be confident when we face the giants of our lives, the chanllenges, the |entrar en el reposo de Dios significa que podemos estar seguros cuando nos |

|difficulties, the persecutions, the attacks of the evil one, and move forward |enfrentamos a los gigantes de nuestras vidas, los retos, las dificultades, las |

|replacing the works of the evil one we encounter in this world with the good |persecuciones, los ataques del maligno, y avanzamos remplazando las obras del |

|works God has already predestined us to bring to this world. We accomplish these |maligno en este mundo con las buenas obras Dios ya nos ha predestinado a traer a |

|good works because we are confident that the victory does not depend in our own |este mundo. Logramos estas buenas obras, porque estamos seguros que la victoria |

|abilitities but in God’s finished work in Christ Jesus, because we know that the |no depende en nuestras propias habilidades pero en la obra terminadas de Dios en |

|battle is the Lords (2 Chronicles 20:15). |Cristo Jesús, porque sabemos que la batalla es del Señor (2 Crónicas 20:15). |

| | |

|As a matter of fact, God has predestined us for these good works. Not matter how |De hecho, Dios nos ha predestinado para estas buenas obras. No importa la edad |

|old you are, God has called and has enabled us to walk in these good works. |que tengas, Dios nos ha llamado y nos ha habilitado a caminar en estas buenas |

|Moses was 80 when called to rescue Israel. Joshua was at least 60 and Caleb was |obras. Moisés tenía 80 años cuando fue llamado para rescatar a Israel. Josué era|

|approximately 85 years old when they entered the Promised Land, the symbolic land|por lo menos 60 y Caleb tenía aproximadamente 85 años cuando entraron en la |

|of God’s rest, so your age has nothing to do with your power to walk in God’s |Tierra Prometida, la tierra simbólica del descanso de Dios, por lo que su edad no|

|ordained good works for your life. |tiene nada que ver con su fuerza para caminar en las buenas obras ordenadas por |

| |Dios para su vida. |

|Joshua and Caleb entered God’s rest based on the the old covenant, but we have a |Josué y Caleb entraron el descanzo de Dios basado en el viejo pacto, pero |

|much better covenant than the one they had: if they obeyed all that the Lord had |nosotros tenemos un mejor pacto que ellos: si obedecían todo lo que Jehová había |

|commanded, they would be successful, and that is why they were not able to |mandado, serían exitosos, y es por eso que no fueron capaces de conquistar |

|completely conquer the Promised Land, and why Israel could not hold to it. |completamente la Tierra Prometida, y por qué Israel no pudo mantenerla. Gracias a|

|Thanks be to God that we have a much better covenant. Our success does not depend|Dios que tenemos un mejor pacto. Nuestro éxito no depende de nuestra obediencia, |

|on our obedience, faithfulness or strength. Our success is secured not only in |nuestra fidelidad o nuestra fuerza. Nuestro éxito está asegurado, no sólo en los |

|heavens (salvation) but in this world as well for the kingdom of God is in us- |cielos (la salvación), pero en este mundo, ya que el reino de Dios está entre |

|"Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God |nosotros-"ni dirán: Helo aquí, o helo allí: porque he aquí el reino de Dios está |

|is within you" (Luke 17:21), for as Jesus is so are we on this world. |entre nosotros" (Lucas 17:21), ya que a como Jesús es así somos nosotros en este |

| |mundo. |

|It does not matter if we feel weak, or have fallen short from God’s excellence | |

|since it is in our acknowledgment of our weaknesses that the the power of God is |No importa si nos sentimos débiles, o no hemos estado a la altura de la |

|perfectly manifested through us: |excelencia de Dios ya que al reconocer nuestra debilidades es cuando el poder de |

| |Dios se puede manifestar con perfección en nosotros: |

|"but he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect| |

|in weakness.” I will all the more gladly boast of my weaknesses, that the power |"Y El me ha dicho: Te basta mi gracia, pues mi poder se perfecciona en la |

|of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with |debilidad. Por tanto, muy gustosamente me gloriaré más bien en mis debilidades, |

|weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities; for when I am weak,|para que el poder de Cristo more en mí. Por eso me complazco en las debilidades, |

|then I am strong" (2 Corinthians 12:9-11). |en insultos, en privaciones, en persecuciones y en angustias por amor a Cristo; |

| |porque cuando soy débil, entonces soy fuerte" (2 Corintios 12:9-11). |

|It is through this confidence, that we are actually enabled to walk in the good |Es a través de esta confianza, que verdaderamente somos capacitados para caminar |

|works prepared for us before we were even created: |en las buenas obras preparadas para nosotros desde antes que fuéramos creados: |

| |"Porque por gracia habéis sido salvados por medio de la fe, y esto no de |

|"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; |vosotros, sino que es don de Dios; no por[a] obras, para que nadie se gloríe. |

|it is the gift of God— not the result of works, so that no one may boast. For we |Porque somos hechura suya, creados en Cristo Jesús para hacer buenas obras, las |

|are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God |cuales Dios preparó de antemano para que anduviéramos en ellas" (Efesios 2:8-10).|

|prepared beforehand to be our way of life" (Ephesians 2:8-10). | |

| |»Vosotros sois la luz del mundo; una ciudad asentada sobre un monte no se puede |

|“Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. |esconder. Ni se enciende una luz y se pone debajo de una vasija, sino sobre el |

|Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick, |candelero para que alumbre a todos los que están en casa. Así alumbre vuestra luz|

|and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine |delante de los hombres, para que vean vuestras buenas obras y glorifiquen a |

|before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in |vuestro Padre que está en los cielos. (Mateo 5:14-16). |

|Heaven. (Matthew 5:14-16). | |

| |Si hoy, tu quieres entrar en este descanso, todo lo que tienes que hacer es esto:|

|If today, you want to enter this rest, all you have to do is this: |"Si confiesas con tu boca que Jesús es el Señor y crees en tu corazón que Dios lo|

| |levantó de entre los muertos, serás salvo, porque con el corazón se cree para |

|"if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that |justicia, pero con la boca se confiesa para salvación. La Escritura dice: «Todo |

|God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For one believes with the |aquel que en él cree, no será defraudado», porque no hay diferencia entre judío y|

|heart and so is justified, and one confesses with the mouth and so is saved. 11 |griego, pues el mismo que es Señor de todos, es rico para con todos los que lo |

|The scripture says, “No one who believes in him will be put to shame.” 12 For |invocan; ya que todo aquel que invoque el nombre del Señor, será salvo" (Romanos |

|there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; the same Lord is Lord of all and |10:9-13). |

|is generous to all who call on him. 13 For, “Everyone who calls on the name of | |

|the Lord shall be saved.”" (Romans 10:9-13). | |

| |VIII. Este descanso no significa que usted no tendrá dificultades o desafíos en |

|VIII. This rest does not mean that you will not have difficulties or challenges |esta vida, pero que tienes el poder para triunfar sobre ellos ya que Cristo es tu|

|in this life, but you will be able to triumph over them because Christ is your |victoria, y tu habitas en El. No te sorprendas por los ataques que puedan venir |

|victory and you abide in Him. Do not be surprised at the attacks that may come |por tu compromiso con Jesús. Jesús nos dijo que esto iba a pasar, pero que |

|for your commitment to Jesus. Jesus told us that this would happen but that we |seríamos bendecidos por esto y nuestra recompensa sería grande. Así que, vamos a |

|would be blessed because of this and our reward will be great. So, let’s us in |descansar en sus promesas: |

|rest in His promises: | |

| |"Dichosos ustedes, cuando la gente los insulte y los maltrate, y cuando por causa|

|"How blessed you are when people insult you and persecute you and tell all kinds |mía los ataquen con toda clase de mentiras. Alégrense, estén contentos, porque |

|of vicious lies about you because you follow me! Rejoice, be glad, because your |van a recibir un gran premio en el cielo; pues así también persiguieron a los |

|reward in heaven is great — they persecuted the prophets before you in the same |profetas que vivieron antes que ustedes" (Mateo 5: 11-12). |

|way" (Matthew 5: 11-12). | |

| |Recordemos que nuestros días sobre la tierra son cortos, pero no importa la edad |

|Let’s remember that our days on this earth are short, but not matter how old we |que tengamos, nunca es demasiado tarde para empezar a caminar en las buenas obras|

|are, it is never too late to begin walking in God’s ordained good works. So, let |ordenadas por Dios para nosotros. Axial que únete a en oración diciendo: |

|us unite in prayer saying: |"Enséñanos a contar de tal modo nuestros días, que traigamos al corazón |

| |sabiduría" (Salmos 90:12). |

|"So teach us to count our days that we may gain a wise heart" (Psalm 90:12). | |

| |"Sin embargo, no sabéis cómo será vuestra vida mañana. Sólo sois un vapor que |

|"Yet you do not even know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you |aparece por un poco de tiempo y luego se desvanece" (Santiago 4:14). |

|are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes" (James 4:14). | |

| |Finalmente, creo que los próximos años serán años de gran victoria sobre nuestros|

|Finally, I believe that the coming years will be years of great victory over our |enemigos. Dios nos invita a sentarnos con Él a Su mano derecha (ya que los que |

|foes. God is inviting us to sit down with Him at His right hand (since those who |creen en Cristo están en Él, y como Jesús lo es, así somos nosotros en este |

|believe in Christ are in Him- and as Jesus is, so are we on this world, 1 john |mundo, 1 Juan 4:17), y ver cómo Dios pone a nuestros adversarios bajo nuestros |

|4:17), and watch how he makes our adversaries our footstool; we will rule in the |pies; gobernaremos en medio de nuestros enemigos, porque Jesús es el cetro de |

|midst of our foes because Jesus is the scepter of our strength. What amazing |nuestra fuerza. Que años maravillosos de victoria vivimos! Hoy, los invito a |

|years of victory we live!!! Today, I invite to consider God's finished work, and|considerar la obra consumada de Dios, y caminar conmigo, como Josué y Caleb, a la|

|walk with me, like Joshua and Caleb, into the promised land, the land of His |tierra prometida, la tierra de su reposo. |

|rest. | |

|Since Christ already won, and we are in Christ, why is it that some of us are not|Puesto que Cristo ya ha ganado, y nosotros estamos en Cristo, ¿cómo es que |

|living victorious lives in this world? |algunos de nosotros no estamos viviendo vidas victoriosas en este mundo? |

| |Creo que una de las razones principales es que no entendemos la dimensión de la |

|I believe that one of the main reasons is that we do not understand the dimension|victoria de Cristo y cómo se aplica a nuestras vidas. Para comprender la gran |

|of the victory of Christ and how it applies to our lives. To understand the great|victoria que ya tenemos en Cristo, tenemos que contemplar a Jesús en nuestras |

|victory we already have in Christ, we need to behold Jesus in our daily lives and|vidas cotidianas y esto transformara nuestras mentes: "Por tanto, nosotros todos,|

|this will transform our minds: "And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the |mirando con el rostro descubierto y reflejando como en un espejo la gloria del |

|Lord's glory, are being transformed into His likeness with ever increasing glory |Señor, somos transformados de gloria en gloria en su misma imagen, por la acción |

|which comes from the Lord, Who is the Spirit!" (2 Corinthians 3:18). "Love has |del Espíritu del Señor" (2 Corintios 3:18). "De esta manera se hace realidad el |

|been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of |amor en nosotros, para que en el día del juicio tengamos confianza; porque |

|judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world" (1 John 4:17). |nosotros somos en este mundo tal como es Jesucristo" (1 Juan 4:17). |

| | |

|We behold Jesus by seeing Him in the word. When we see Jesus in the word, our |Contemplamos a Jesús al verlo en la palabra. Cuando vemos a Jesús en la palabra, |

|hearts will be warmed by His presence. We will have joy knowing Jesus is there |nuestros corazones se calientan por medio de su presencia. Vamos a tener la |

|for our every affliction. We can be assured that Jesus will never leave us nor |alegría de saber que Jesús está allí para todas nuestras aflicciones. Podemos |

|forsake us and that we are so closed with Jesus that He sent the Holy Spirit to |estar seguros de que Jesús nunca nos dejará ni nos abandonará y que estamos tan |

|dwell in us. As a beloved child of God, we can look to Jesus for our every need. |cercanos con Jesús porque Él envió al Espíritu Santo a morar en nosotros. Como un|

|We can be assured He will take care of us for the bible says so. The word says we|hijo amado de Dios, podemos mirar a Jesús para todas nuestras necesidades. |

|are made whole through the bodily sacrifice of Jesus (Isaiah 53:5; 1 Peter |Podemos estar seguros que Él cuidará de nosotros porque la Biblia asi lo dice. La|

|2:23-24) and we are made righteous by the Jesus' shed blood. |palabra nos dice que Él nos cura completamente a través del sacrificio corporal |

| |de Jesús (Isaías 53:5; 1 Pedro 2:23-24) y somos hechos justos por la sangre |

| |derramada de Jesús. |

| | |

|"But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: |"Pero fue traspasado a causa de nuestra rebeldía, fue atormentado a causa de |

|the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed" |nuestras maldades; el castigo que sufrió nos trajo la paz, por sus heridas |

|(Isaiah 53:5). |alcanzamos la salud" (Isaías 53:5). |

| | |

|"When he was insulted, he didn't retaliate with insults; when he suffered, he |"y quien cuando le ultrajaban, no respondía ultrajando; cuando padecía, no |

|didn't threaten, but handed them over to him who judges justly. He himself bore |amenazaba, sino que se encomendaba a aquel que juzga con justicia; y El mismo |

|our sins in his body on the stake, o so that we might die to sins and live for |llevó nuestros pecados en su cuerpo sobre la cruz, a fin de que muramos al pecado|

|righteousness - by his wounds you were healed" (1 Peter 2:23-24). |y vivamos a la justicia, porque por sus heridas fuisteis sanados" (1 Pedro |

| |2:23-24). |

| | |

|The second reason we may not be experiencing Jesus’ position of victory in this |La segunda razón por la que no podriamos estar experimentando la posición de |

|world is that we have fallen into a satanic trap, into a form of witchcraft, and |victoria de Jesús en este mundo es que hemos caído en una trampa satánica, en una|

|this is the trap of our presumption of self-righteousness which has nullified in |forma de brujería, y esta es la trampa de la presunción de nuestra propia |

|many areas of our lives the Grace of God: "I do not nullify the grace of God; for|justicia, lo que ha anulado en muchas áreas de nuestras vidas la Gracia de Dios: |

|if justification comes through the law, then Christ died for nothing" (Galatians |"No hago nula la gracia de Dios, porque si la justicia viene por medio de la ley,|

|2:21). So we nullify the grace of God, the resurrection power of Christ in us, |entonces Cristo murió en vano" (Gálatas 2: 21). Así que anulamos la gracia de |

|when we try to be justified by the law. Another way of putting it is that we |Dios, el poder de la resurrección de Cristo en nosotros, cuando tratamos de ser |

|short circuit the power of God flowing through us when we try to be justified by |justificados por la ley. Otra forma de decirlo es que causamos un cortocircuito |

|the law. |en el poder de Dios que fluye a través de nosotros cuando tratamos de ser |

| |justificados por la ley. |

| | |

| |"y ser hallado en El, no teniendo mi propia justicia derivada de la ley, sino la |

|"and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own, based on law, but |que es por la fe en Cristo, la justicia que procede de Dios sobre la base de la |

|that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on|fe, y conocerle a El, el poder de su resurrección y la participación en sus |

|faith; that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his |padecimientos, llegando a ser como El en su muerte" (Filipenses 3:9-10). |

|sufferings, becoming like him in his death" (Philippians 3:9-10). | |

| |La Biblia continua describiendo esta forma de brujería de la siguiente manera: |

|The Bible continues describing this form of witchcraft as follows: "You foolish |"¡Gálatas, duros para entender! ¿Quién los embrujó? En nuestra predicación hemos |

|Galatians! Who has bewitched you? It was before your eyes that Jesus Christ was |mostrado ante sus propios ojos a Jesucristo crucificado. Sólo quiero que me |

|publicly exhibited as crucified! The only thing I want to learn from you is this:|contesten a esta pregunta: ¿Recibieron ustedes el Espíritu de Dios por el |

|Did you receive the Spirit by doing the works of the law or by believing what you|cumplimiento de la ley o por aceptar el mensaje de la fe? ¿Son tan duros para |

|heard? Are you so foolish? Having started with the Spirit, are you now ending |entender, que habiendo comenzado con el Espíritu quieren ahora terminar con algo |

|with the flesh? Did you experience so much for nothing?—if it really was for |puramente humano? ¿Tantas buenas experiencias para nada?... ¡Imposible que hayan|

|nothing. Well then, does God supply you with the Spirit and work miracles among |sido para nada! Cuando Dios les da su Espíritu y hace milagros entre ustedes, |

|you by your doing the works of the law, or by your believing what you heard?" |¿por qué lo hace? No en virtud del cumplimiento de la ley, sino por aceptar el |

|(Galatians 3:1-5). |mensaje de la fe" (Gálatas 3:1-5). |

| |[pic] |

|[pic] |Tratar de usar la ley (nuestra propia justicia) produce un corto circuito similar|

|Trying to use the law (self-righteousness) produces a short circuit similar to |al del diagrama, el cual no permite que el poder de Dios produzca la luz que El |

|the one in this diagram, not allowing the power of God to produce the light that |quiere producir a través nosotros. |

|He wants us to produce through us. | |

| |Otra analogía para entender este corto circuito espiritual es lo que Pablo se |

|Another analogy to understand this spiritual short circuit is what Paul refers as|refiere como el adulterio espiritual, o tratando de ser justificados por la ley |

|spiritual adultery, or trying to be justified by the Law while saying that we are|mientras se dice que somos justificados por la Gracia. Paul básicamente enseña |

|justified by Grace. Paul basically teaches that this is a form of spiritual |que esto es una forma de adulterio espiritual. Así que una gran parte de nosotros|

|adultery. So, a great portion us today in the church may be committing spiritual |hoy en la iglesia puede estar cometiendo adulterio espiritual por el coqueteo con|

|adultery by flirting and spiritually engaging with the Law (believing that we are|y espiritualmente comprometerse con la Ley (creyendo que somos justos por la |

|righteous by obeying certain commands, precepts, rules, because we tithe, fast, |obediencia a ciertos comandos, preceptos, reglas, porque damos el diezmo, |

|go to church Sundays, Wednesdays, some even to daily mass, etc.) while being |ayunamos, vamos a la iglesia los domingos, los miércoles, y algunos vamos incluso|

|already betrothed to and belong to our Lord Jesus Christ. |a misa todos los días, etc.) mientras que ya estamos desposados con y pertenecen |

| |a nuestro Señor Jesucristo. |

| | |

| |"Hermanos, ustedes conocen la ley, y saben que la ley solamente tiene poder sobre|

|"1 Or do you not know, brothers—for I am speaking to those who know the law—that |una persona mientras esa persona vive. 2 Por ejemplo, una mujer casada está |

|the law is binding on a person only as long as he lives? 2 For a married woman is|ligada por ley a su esposo mientras éste vive; pero si el esposo muere, la mujer |

|bound by law to her husband while he lives, but if her husband dies she is |queda libre de la ley que la ligaba a él. 3 De modo que si ella se une a otro |

|released from the law of marriage. 3 Accordingly, she will be called an |hombre mientras el esposo vive, comete adulterio, pero si el esposo muere, ella |

|adulteress if she lives with another man while her husband is alive. But if her |queda libre de esa ley, y puede unirse a otro hombre sin cometer adulterio. 4 Así|

|husband dies, she is free from that law, and if she marries another man she is |también, ustedes, hermanos míos, al incorporarse a Cristo han muerto con él a la |

|not an adulteress. 4 Likewise, my brothers, you also have died to the law through|ley, para quedar unidos a otro, es decir, a aquel que después de morir resucitó. |

|the body of Christ, so that you may belong to another, to him who has been raised|De este modo, podremos dar una cosecha agradable a Dios" (Romanos 7:1-4). |

|from the dead, in order that we may bear fruit for God." (Romans 7:1-4). |Otra razón por la que no podríamos estar experimentando la victoria que ya |

| |tenemos en Cristo en esta vida es que nos hemos puesto límites a la cantidad de |

|Another reason that we may not be experiencing the victory that we already have |gracia, o la cantidad de unción de Dios que podemos recibir. Dios nos va a llenar|

|in Christ in this life is that we have placed limits to the amount of grace, or |la mayor cantidad de aceite, su Espíritu Santo, Sus talentos y su fruto que le |

|amount of anointing from God we can receive. God will fill us with as much oil, |permitamos. La cantidad de unción que recibimos, depende del número de vasijas |

|His Holy Spirit, His talents and fruit as we allow. The amount of anointing we |que le traigamos. Un ejemplo de este principio se encuentra en Eliseo y el aceite|

|get, depends on the number of vessels we bring to him. An example of this |de la viuda: |

|principle is found in Elisha and the Widow’s Oil: |"Y una mujer de las mujeres de los hijos de los profetas clamó a Eliseo, |

| |diciendo: Tu siervo, mi marido, ha muerto, y tú sabes que tu siervo temía al |

|"Now the wife of a member of the company of prophets cried to Elisha, “Your |Señor; y ha venido el acreedor a tomar a mis dos hijos para esclavos suyos. Y |

|servant my husband is dead; and you know that your servant feared the Lord, but a|Eliseo le dijo: ¿Qué puedo hacer por ti? Dime qué tienes en casa. Y ella |

|creditor has come to take my two children as slaves.” Elisha said to her, “What |respondió: Tu sierva no tiene en casa más que una vasija de aceite. Entonces él |

|shall I do for you? Tell me, what do you have in the house?” She answered, “Your |le dijo: Ve, pide vasijas prestadas por todas partes de todos tus vecinos, |

|servant has nothing in the house, except a jar of oil.” He said, “Go outside, |vasijas vacías; no pidas pocas. Luego entra y cierra la puerta detrás de ti y de |

|borrow vessels from all your neighbors, empty vessels and not just a few. Then go|tus hijos y echa el aceite en todas estas vasijas, poniendo aparte las que estén |

|in, and shut the door behind you and your children, and start pouring into all |llenas. Y ella se fue de su lado, y cerró la puerta tras sí y de sus hijos; y |

|these vessels; when each is full, set it aside.” So she left him and shut the |ellos traían las vasijas y ella echaba el aceite. Y sucedió que cuando las |

|door behind her and her children; they kept bringing vessels to her, and she kept|vasijas estuvieron llenas, dijo ella a un hijo suyo: Tráeme otra vasija. Y él le |

|pouring. 6 When the vessels were full, she said to her son, “Bring me another |dijo: No hay más vasijas. Y cesó el aceite. Entonces ella fue y se lo contó al |

|vessel.” But he said to her, “There are no more.” Then the oil stopped flowing. |hombre de Dios. Y él le dijo: Ve, vende el aceite y paga tu deuda, y tú y tus |

|She came and told the man of God, and he said, “Go sell the oil and pay your |hijos podéis vivir de lo que quede" (2 Reyes 4 4:1-7). |

|debts, and you and your children can live on the rest” (2 Kings 4:1-7). | |

|The Grace (ministry of the Spirit) and The Law (ministry of death) are |La Gracia (ministerio del Espíritu) y La Ley (ministerio de muerte) son |

|incompatible and in opposite ends of the spectrum |incompatibles y están en extremos opuestos del espectro |


|THE LAW: YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR |TODA TU MENTE ... y al prójimo como a ti mismo (Mateo 22:37-39). |


| | |



| |4:10). |

| | |

|The Law and Grace are in opposite ends of the spectrum. The Law brags of our love|La ley y la gracia están en extremos opuestos del espectro. La Ley se jacta de |

|for God, while Grace brags of God’s love for us. The Law kills, for it is the |nuestro amor por Dios, mientras que la Gracia se jacta del amor de Dios por |

|ministry of death, while Grace brings life, for it is the ministry of the Spirit.|nosotros. La ley mata, porque es el ministerio de la muerte, mientras que la |

|The Law says you must DO, Grace says it is DONE. The Law says you must be |gracia trae vida, porque es el ministerio del Espíritu. La ley dice debes hacer |

|righteous to see God, while Grace says you are righteous in Christ and are seated|esto, La Gracia dice ya esta hecho. La ley dice que tiene que ser justo para ver |

|with Christ in heavenly places, for as Jesus is so are we in this world (1 John |a Dios, mientras que la Gracia dice ya somos justos en Cristo y estamos sentados |

|4:17). |con Cristo en lugares celestiales, ya que como Jesús es, así somos nosotros en |

| |este mundo (1 Juan 4:17). |

| | |

|The Law, simply put, nullifies Grace. Mixing Grace with The Law is like putting a|La Ley, en pocas palabras, anula la Gracia. El mezclar la Gracia con La Ley es |

|patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment which pulls away from the garment, and |como poner un parche de tela nueva en un vestido viejo que se aleja de la prenda,|

|a worse tear results; or putting new wine into old wineskins which burst the |y hace peor la rotura; o poner vino nuevo en odres viejo haciendo que se rompa el|

|wineskins spilling the wine and ruining the wineskins (Matthew 9: 16-17, Mark 2: |odres, derramando el vino y arruinando el odres (Mateo 9: 16-17, Marcos 2, |

|21-22). It is like mixing hot (representing the fire of the Spirit) with cold |21-22). Es como mezclar caliente con frío, produciendo un espíritu tibio. A lo |

|(representing the coldness of the Law, trying to be perfected by the flesh, see |que Jesús nos advierte: "No eres frío ni caliente Ojalá fueses frío o caliente! |

|Galatians 3:1-5), producing a lukewarm spirit. To which Jesus warns: "You are |Pero por cuanto eres tibio, y no frío ni caliente, estoy por vomitarte de mi |

|neither cold nor hot. I wish that you were either cold or hot. So because you are|boca." (Apocalipsis 3 : 15-17). Es como un hombre de doble ánimo que es inestable|

|lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I’m about to spit you out of my mouth" |en todas sus formas (James: 1: 8; James: 4: 8). |

|(Revelation 3:15-17). Mixing The Law and Grace produces a double-minded man who | |

|is unstable in all its ways (James: 1:8; James: 4:8). | |

| | |

|Trying to add The Law to the perfect recipe of Grace is like putting wild vines | |

|in a stew prepared for the children of God causing it to be poisonous to those | |

|who eat it. A picture of this occurred with Elisha and the sons of the prophets | |

|in 2 kings 4:38-41: "When Elisha returned to Gilgal, there was a famine in the | |

|land. A group of prophets was sitting before him. He said to his servant, “Put on| |

|the big pot and cook some stew for the prophets.” So one of them went out to the| |

|field to gather plants; he found a wild vine and gathered wild gourds from it, | |

|filling his garment. He came and cut them up into the pot of stew, but no one | |

|knew what they were. The stew was served to the men, but as they started to eat | |

|it, they cried out and said, “There is death in that pot, man of God!” They | |

|couldn’t eat it. Elisha said, “Get some flour.” He threw it into the pot and | |

|said, “Serve the people so they can eat.” At that point, there was nothing bad | |

|left in the pot." | |

| | |

|As the analogies above teach, The Law divides, while Grace unites. The Law is | |

|self-righteousness, while Grace is God’s righteousness. The Law is based on fear,| |

|but Grace on love. The Law produces double-mindedness, and is poisonous to our | |

|souls, while Grace produces stability or faithfulness, and is healing to our | |

|souls. |A como la analogías anteriores enseñan, La Ley divide, mientras que la gracia |

| |une. La ley es la justicia propia, mientras que la gracia es la justicia de Dios.|

|In Christ’s resurrection, we are no longer under the curse of the law. The law |La Ley esta basada en miedo, mientras que la gracia en amor. |

|says, obey and you will be blessed. But, Jesus says receive my grace; I have | |

|obeyed so you can be blessed. We have been set free from our own works, and Jesus| |

|is inviting us to rest on His finished works. But, paradoxically, by resting | |

|from our own works, we are free to produce the good works God has prepared for us|En la resurrección con Cristo, ya no estamos bajo la maldición de la ley. Pero, |

|from the foundation of the world (Ephesians 2:8-10). |Jesús dice, recibe mi gracia, yo he obedecido para que tú puedas ser bendecido. |

| |Hemos sido liberados de nuestros propios trabajos, y Jesús nos invita a descansar|

|The Truth is that it is not our love for God or for others which makes us |en sus obra terminadas. Pero, paradójicamente, al descansar de nuestras propias |

|righteous (this is The Law), but His love for us, i.e. His Grace, or unmerited |obras, somos libres para producir las buenas obras que Dios ha preparado para |

|favor. It is based on this TRUTH that we are then free to love one another. |nosotros desde la fundación del mundo (Efesios 2: 8-10). |

|“Those who belong to Christ Jesus are no longer under God’s sentence. I am now | |

|controlled by the law of the Holy Spirit. That law gives me life because of what | |

|Christ Jesus has done. It has set me free from the law of sin that brings death” | |

|(Romans 8:1-2). “This is love [Jesus]: it is not that we loved God but that he | |

|loved us and sent his Son as the sacrifice that deals with our sins” (1 John | |

|4:10). | |

| | |

|While Grace produces UNITY, The Law produces DIVISION. The UNITY which leads to | |

|LIFE and the DIVISION which leads to DEATH is exemplified in the early church. | |

|On the one hand, the true Gospel, God’s Grace produces UNITY, and LIFE shown by | |

|the example of Barnabas in Acts: "The apostles continued to bear powerful witness| |

|to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and an abundance of GRACE was at work | |

|among them all. There were no needy persons among them. Those who owned | |

|properties or houses would sell them, bring the proceeds from the sales, and | |

|place them in the care and under the authority of the apostles. Then it was | |

|distributed to anyone who was in need. Joseph, whom the apostles nicknamed | |

|Barnabas (that is, “one who encourages”), was a Levite from Cyprus. He owned a | |

|field, sold it, brought the money, and placed it in the care and under the | |

|authority of the apostles" (Acts 4: 33-37). | |

| | |

|However, the mixture of Grace and The Law produces a false holiness that leads to| |

|DIVISION and DEATH, exemplified by Ananias and Sapphira: "However, a man named | |

|Ananias, along with his wife Sapphira, sold a piece of property. With his wife’s | |

|knowledge, he withheld some of the proceeds from the sale. He brought the rest | |

|and placed it in the care and under the authority of the apostles. Peter asked, | |

|“Ananias, how is it that Satan has influenced you to lie to the Holy Spirit by | |

|withholding some of the proceeds from the sale of your land? Wasn’t that property| |

|yours to keep? After you sold it, wasn’t the money yours to do with whatever you | |

|wanted? What made you think of such a thing? You haven’t lied to other people but| |

|to God!” When Ananias heard these words, he dropped dead. Everyone who heard this| |

|conversation was terrified. Some young men stood up, wrapped up his body, carried| |

|him out, and buried him. About three hours later, his wife entered, but she | |

|didn’t know what had happened to her husband. Peter asked her, “Tell me, did you | |

|and your husband receive this price for the field?” She responded, “Yes, that’s | |

|the amount.” He replied, “How could you scheme with each other to challenge the | |

|Lord’s Spirit? Look! The feet of those who buried your husband are at the door. | |

|They will carry you out too.” At that very moment, she dropped dead at his feet. | |

|When the young men entered and found her dead, they carried her out and buried | |

|her with her husband" (Acts 5: 1-10). | |

| | |

|So, what has been preventing the church from completely evangelizing the world? | |

|Our lack of UNITY with one another, exemplified by the parable of the good | |

|Samaritan: | |

|“A man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho. He encountered thieves, who stripped | |

|him naked, beat him up, and left him near death. Now it just so happened that a | |

|priest was also going down the same road. When he saw the injured man, he crossed| |

|over to the other side of the road and went on his way. Likewise, a Levite came | |

|by that spot, saw the injured man, and crossed over to the other side of the road| |

|and went on his way. A Samaritan, who was on a journey, came to where the man | |

|was. But when he saw him, he was moved with compassion. The Samaritan went to him| |

|and bandaged his wounds, tending them with oil and wine. Then he placed the | |

|wounded man on his own donkey, took him to an inn, and took care of him. The next| |

|day, he took two full days’ worth of wages and gave them to the innkeeper. He | |

|said, ‘Take care of him, and when I return, I will pay you back for any | |

|additional costs.’ What do you think? Which one of these three was a neighbor to | |

|the man who encountered thieves?” Then the legal expert said, “The one who | |

|demonstrated mercy toward him.” Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.” (Luke | |

|10:30-37). | |

| | |

|The priest represents an apostate spirit infiltrated in the church, one that is | |

|more concerned in appearances, or religious traditions, than in God’s will and | |

|real substance. The Levite represents the spirit of legalism that instills | |

|prejudice into the hearts of believers. These are two of the main spirits | |

|dividing the church today, and preventing it from being unleashed onto the world.| |

| | |

|The church of Christ is unleashed in our UNITY by demonstrating the love of God | |

|in our care and compassion for each other, being the hands and feet of Jesus by | |

|actually DOING what Jesus is calling us to DO for a hurting world who will | |

|recognize Jesus as the Messiah by our UNITY shown in a tangible way by our love | |

|for each other, acting like the good Samaritan and not like the religious and | |

|legalistic people of our days represented by the priest and the Levite (teacher | |

|of the law) in the parable of the good Samaritan. | |

| | |

|…for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. 2 CORINTHIANS 3:6. To the Jews,| |

|the feast of Pentecost is a celebration of the giving of God’s law. It takes | |

|place 50 days after the Passover feast. When God gave the Israelites the Ten | |

|Commandments at Mount Sinai, it was 50 days after they had celebrated their first| |

|Passover and come out of slavery in Egypt. | |

| | |

|But what happened after God gave them the law on the first Pentecost? Three | |

|thousand people died! (Exodus 32:28) Contrast this with another Pentecost in the | |

|New Testament. In the book of Acts, it says that when Pentecost had fully come, | |

|God gave not the law but the Holy Spirit, and what happened? Three thousand | |

|people got saved (Acts 2:41), which goes to show that “the letter [the law] | |

|kills, but the Spirit gives life”! | |

| | |

|The law, which was “written and engraved on stones”, ministered death. It killed | |

|3,000 people. That is why the apostle Paul calls it “the ministry of death” and | |

|“the ministry of condemnation” (2 Corinthians 3:7–9). On the other hand, the | |

|Spirit ministered life—3,000 people got saved. So if you want to be blessed, make| |

|sure that you are on the right mountain. You see, the law was given on Mount | |

|Sinai, but the Spirit on Mount Zion. That is why the Bible says that “you have | |

|not come to the mountain [Sinai] that may be touched and that burned with fire, | |

|and to blackness and darkness and tempest…But you have come to Mount Zion and to | |

|the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of | |

|angels” (Hebrews 12:18, 22). The Lord blesses you out of Zion (Grace, God's | |

|unmerited favor through Christ Jesus) (Psalm 128:5), and not Sinai! | |

| | |

|And now guest what is at the root of the division of the Church? Our | |

|self-righteousness or The Law. A Christian denomination says our doctrine is the | |

|right one for we believe and do this and that, while belittling others, sometimes| |

|even calling them sects, for not being as “righteous” as we are. | |

| | |

|The evil one’s main tactic throughout history has been to cause separation, | |

|beginning with our separation from God when Adam and Eve put their desire for the| |

|knowledge of good and evil (their desire to know the law) above God’s will for | |

|their lives; but in Christ, we have been reconciled “by grace through faith” | |

|(Ephesians 2:8) with God the Father, and we are no longer separated from Him. We | |

|are one with God the Father, and God the Son through the working of Holy Spirit | |

|that lives in every believer. The Holy Spirit is the glory of God and the One | |

|that enables us to be One. | |

| | |

|So how can Christians unite and fulfill Jesus' prayer just before He gave His | |

|life for ours (John 17:20-23)? Through God’s righteousness, His Grace, and not | |

|ours. | |

| | |

|Here is what the Bible says about this most important topic: | |

|"Now if the ministry of death, chiseled in letters on stone tablets, came in | |

|glory so that the people of Israel could not gaze at Moses’ face because of the | |

|glory of his face, a glory now set aside, how much more will the ministry of the | |

|Spirit come in glory?" (2 Corinthians 3:7-8). | |

| | |

|"Those who belong to Christ Jesus are no longer under God’s sentence. I am now |¿Adivine cual es la raíz de la división de la iglesia? Nuestra propia justicia o |

|controlled by the law of the Holy Spirit. That law gives me life because of what |La Ley. Una denominación Cristiana dice nuestra doctrina es la correcta porque |

|Christ Jesus has done. It has set me free from the law of sin that brings death" |creemos y hacemos esto y aquello, mientras menospreciamos a otras aun algunas |

|(Romans 8:1-2). |veces llamándolas sectas por no ser tan justas como las nuestras. |

|"Christ lives in you. So your body is dead because of sin. But your spirit is | |

|alive because you have been made right with God. The Spirit of the One who raised|Una de las tácticas principales del maligno a lo largo de la historia ha sido la |

|Jesus from the dead is living in you. So the God who raised Christ from the dead |de causar la separación, a partir de nuestra separación de Dios cuando Adán y Eva|

|will also give life to your bodies, which are going to die. He will do this by |pusieron su deseo del conocimiento del bien y el mal (su deseo de conocer la ley)|

|the power of his Spirit, who lives in you" (10-11). |por encima de la voluntad de Dios; No obstante, en Cristo, hemos sido |

|"I do not nullify the grace of God; for if justification comes through the law, |reconciliados "por gracia mediante la fe" (Efesios 2:08) con Dios el Padre, y ya |

|then Christ died for nothing" (Galatians 2:21). |no estamos separado de él. Somos uno con Dios el Padre y Dios el Hijo por obra |

| |del Espíritu Santo que habita en cada creyente. El Espíritu Santo es la gloria de|

|"and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own, based on law, but |Dios y El es el que nos permite ser uno. |

|that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on| |

|faith; that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his |Entonces, ¿cómo los Cristianos nos podemos unir y ser repuestas de la oración de |

|sufferings, becoming like him in his death" (Philippians 3:9-10). |Jesús antes de dar su vida por la de nosotros? A través de la justicia de Dios, |

| |su Gracia, y no la nuestra. |

|"You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? It was before your eyes that Jesus| |

|Christ was publicly exhibited as crucified! The only thing I want to learn from |Aquí esta lo que la Biblia dice sobre esta tan importante topico: |

|you is this: Did you receive the Spirit by doing the works of the law or by |"Si el ministerio de muerte grabado con letras en piedras fue con gloria, tanto |

|believing what you heard? Are you so foolish? Having started with the Spirit, are|que los hijos de Israel no pudieron fijar la vista en el rostro de Moisés a causa|

|you now ending with the flesh? Did you experience so much for nothing?—if it |del resplandor de su rostro, el cual desaparecería, ¿cómo no será más bien con |

|really was for nothing. Well then, does God supply you with the Spirit and work |gloria el ministerio del Espíritu?" (2 Corintios 3:7-8). |

|miracles among you by your doing the works of the law, or by your believing what | |

|you heard?" (Galatians 3:1-5). |"Así pues, ahora ya no hay ninguna condenación para los que están unidos a Cristo|

| |Jesús, porque la ley del Espíritu que da vida en Cristo Jesús, te liberó de la |

|Just like in the church of Galatia, some people in today’s church use the fact |ley del pecado y de la muerte" (Romanos 8: 1-2). |

|that the word of God is eternal, and reason that at least part of the Law is | |

|eternal as well (at least the ten commandments), but the Bible is clear that |"Pero si Cristo vive en ustedes, el espíritu vive porque Dios los ha hecho |

|Christ is the end of the Law: "For Christ is the end of the law so that there may|justos, aun cuando el cuerpo esté destinado a la muerte por causa del pecado. Y |

|be righteousness for everyone who believes" (Romans 10:4). |si el Espíritu de aquel que resucitó a Jesús vive en ustedes, el mismo que |

| |resucitó a Cristo dará nueva vida a sus cuerpos mortales por medio del Espíritu |

|Even from before the foundation of the earth, God had a perfect plan for our |de Dios que vive en ustedes" (10-11). |

|lives. Instead of writing the Law in stones, He wanted to put His Law in our |"No hago nula la gracia de Dios, porque si la justicia viene por medio de la ley,|

|minds (by the transformation of our minds) and write it in our hearts (by the |entonces Cristo murió en vano" (Gálatas 2: 21). |

|presence of the Holy Spirit in us). But, this Law was based on His Love for us | |

|(New Covenant, New Law), and not our Love for Him (Old Covenant, Law of Moses). |"y ser hallado en El, no teniendo mi propia justicia derivada de la ley, sino la |

|In the Old Covenant or Old Law, we claim and brag of our love for God, but in the|que es por la fe en Cristo, la justicia que procede de Dios sobre la base de la |

|New Covenant or New Law, we claim and brag of God’s love for us. |fe, y conocerle a El, el poder de su resurrección y la participación en sus |

| |padecimientos, llegando a ser como El en su muerte" (Filipenses 3:9-10). |

|"This is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days,| |

|says the Lord: I will put my laws in their minds, and write them on their hearts,|"¡Gálatas, duros para entender! ¿Quién los embrujó? En nuestra predicación hemos |

|and I will be their God, and they shall be my people" (Hebrews 8:10). |mostrado ante sus propios ojos a Jesucristo crucificado. Sólo quiero que me |

| |contesten a esta pregunta: ¿Recibieron ustedes el Espíritu de Dios por el |

|The law of Moses is good, but if anyone tries to be justified by it, one will |cumplimiento de la ley o por aceptar el mensaje de la fe? ¿Son tan duros para |

|surely fail, for if one breaks even one command, one is guilty of breaking the |entender, que habiendo comenzado con el Espíritu quieren ahora terminar con algo |

|whole law, and no one except Jesus has been able to fulfill the law. One of the |puramente humano? ¿Tantas buenas experiencias para nada?... ¡Imposible que hayan|

|problems we have in the church today is not understanding what is the law of |sido para nada! Cuando Dios les da su Espíritu y hace milagros entre ustedes, |

|Moses, so we tried to continue to be justified by it. |¿por qué lo hace? No en virtud del cumplimiento de la ley, sino por aceptar el |

| |mensaje de la fe" (Gálatas 3:1-5). |

|At first sight, the law of Moses looks very similar to the law of Jesus, but they|Al igual que en la iglesia de Galacia, algunas personas en la iglesia de hoy en |

|are actually very different. The law of Moses is based on our love for God, while|día utilizan el hecho de que la palabra de Dios es eterna, y razonan que al menos|

|the law of Jesus is based on God’s love for us. The law of Moses depends on our |parte de la ley es eterna (por lo menos los diez mandamientos), pero la Biblia es|

|obedience to be made righteous before God, while the law of Jesus is based on His|clara que Cristo es el fin de la ley: "Porque Cristo es el fin de la ley para |

|obedience to make us righteous before God. |justicia a todo aquel que cree" (Romanos 10:4). |

| | |

|Here are some passages to help us understand the law of Moses: |Incluso desde antes de la fundación del mundo, Dios tenía un plan perfecto para |

| |nuestras vidas. En lugar de escribir la ley en piedras, Dios quería poner su ley |

|"He said to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with |en nuestra mente (por la transformación de nuestras mentes) y escribirla en |

|all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first |nuestros corazones (por la presencia del Espíritu Santo en nosotros). Pero, esta |

|commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’|Ley era basada en su amor por nosotros (Nuevo Pacto, Nueva Ley), y no por nuestro|

|40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets” (Matthew 22: |amor por él (Antiguo Pacto, la Ley de Moses). En el Antiguo Pacto, clamamos y |

|37-40). |presumimos de nuestro amor por Dios, pero en el Nuevo Pacto, clamamos y |

|"You do well if you really fulfill the royal law according to the scripture, “You|presumimos del amor de Dios por nosotros. |

|shall love your neighbor as yourself” (James 2:8). |"Porque este es el pacto que yo hare con la casa de Israel después de aquellos |

| |días, dice el Señor: Pondré mis leyes en la mente de ellos, y las escribiré sobre|

|"Owe no one anything, except to love one another; for the one who loves another |sus corazones. Y yo seré su Dios, y ellos serán mi pueblo" (Hebreos 8:10). |

|has fulfilled the law. The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery; You | |

|shall not murder; You shall not steal; You shall not covet”; and any other |La ley de Moisés es buena, pero si alguien trata de ser justificado por ella, uno|

|commandment, are summed up in this word, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” 10 |seguramente fallará, porque si uno rompe un solo mandamiento, uno es culpable de |

|Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore, love is the fulfilling of the law" |quebrantar toda la ley, y nadie más que a Jesús ha sido capaz de cumplir con la |

|(Romans 13: 8-10). |ley. Uno de los problemas que tenemos en la iglesia de hoy es la comprensión de |

| |lo que es la ley de Moisés, por lo que tratamos de seguir siendo justificados por|

|"Above all, maintain constant love for one another, for love covers a multitude |esta. |

|of sins" (1 Peter 4:8). |A primera vista, la ley de Moisés es muy similar a la ley de Jesús, pero en |

| |realidad son muy diferentes. La ley de Moisés se basa en nuestro amor por Dios, |

|"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, |mientras que la ley de Jesús se basa en el amor de Dios por nosotros. La ley de |

|and with all your might" (Deuteronomy 6:5). |Moisés depende de nuestra obediencia para ser hechos justos delante de Dios, |

| |mientras que la ley de Jesús se basa en su obediencia para hacernos justos |

|"You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against any of your people, but |delante de Dios. |

|you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord" (Leviticus 19:18). |He aquí algunos pasajes que nos ayudaran a entender la ley de Moisés: |

| |"Y El le dijo: Amaras al Señor tu Dios con todo tu corazón, y con toda tu alma, y|

|The key to understanding the difference between the old covenant and the new |con toda tu mente. Este es el grande y el primer mandamiento. Y el segundo es |

|covenant is that in the new covenant God redefined the meaning of love: "This is |semejante a éste: Amaras a tu prójimo como a ti mismo. 40 De estos dos |

|love [Jesus]: it is not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son |mandamientos dependen toda la ley y los profetas" (Mateo 22:37). |

|as the sacrifice that deals with our sins" (1 John 4:10). | |

| |"Si en verdad cumplís la ley real[a] conforme a la Escritura: Amaras a tu prójimo|

|"And this is his commandment, that we should believe in the name of his Son Jesus|como a ti mismo, bien hacéis" (Santiago 2:8). |

|Christ and love one another, just as he has commanded us" (1 John 3:23). |"No debáis a nadie nada, sino el amaros unos a otros; porque el que ama a su |

| |prójimo, ha cumplido la ley. Porque esto: No cometerás adulterio, no mataras, no |

|So what is the command 1 John 3:23 refers to? This is the New Law, the New |hurtaras, no codiciaras, y cualquier otro mandamiento, en estas palabras se |

|Command in the New Covenant, in the covenant of His blood: “I give you a new |resume: Amaras a tu prójimo como a ti mismo. 10 El amor no hace mal al prójimo; |

|commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should|por tanto, el amor es el cumplimiento de la ley" (Romanos 13: 8-10). |

|love one another.” (John 13:34). | |

| |"Sobre todo, sed fervientes en vuestro amor los unos por los otros, pues el amor |

|The law of Moses was only a shadow of Christ. Those trying to be justified by it |cubre multitud de pecados" (1 Pedro 4:8). |

|are always conscious of their sins, but those justified by Christ are always | |

|conscious of Christ’s sacrifice for them and not their sins, for all their sins, |"Amarás al Señor tu Dios con todo tu corazón, con toda tu alma y con toda tu |

|past, present and future are covered by His blood. |fuerza" (Deuteronomio 6:5). |

| | |

|"Since the law is only a shadow of the good things to come and not the true form |“No te vengarás, ni guardarás rencor a los hijos de tu pueblo, sino que amarás a |

|of these realities, it can never, by the same sacrifices that are continually |tu prójimo como a ti mismo; yo soy el Señor" (Levítico 19:18). |

|offered year after year, make perfect those who approach. Otherwise, would they | |

|not have ceased being offered, since the worshipers, cleansed once for all, would| |

|no longer have any consciousness of sin?" (Hebrews 10:1-2). | |

| | |

|"Therefore do not let anyone condemn you in matters of food and drink or of | |

|observing festivals, new moons, or Sabbaths. These are only a shadow of what is | |

|to come, but the substance belongs to Christ" (Colossians 2: 16-17). | |

| |"Y este es su mandamiento: que creamos en el nombre de su Hijo Jesucristo, y que |

|Therefore, do not be deceived by those who look “Holy” on the outside, the new |nos amemos unos a otros como El nos ha mandado" (1 Juan 3:23). |

|teachers of the law and new Pharisees. They call Jesus Lord, Lord, but Jesus does| |

|not know them (Matthew 7:22). As in the days Jesus walked upon the earth, these |Así que ¿cuál es el mandamiento al que 1 Juan 3:23 refiere? Esta es la Nueva Ley,|

|false teachers load people down with burdens they can hardly carry, but they will|es el nuevo mandamiento en el Nuevo Pacto, en el pacto de Su sangre: "Os doy un |

|not lift one finger to help them. They claim to know the way, but they really do|mandamiento nuevo: que os améis unos a otros. Como yo os he amado, que también os|

|not know it. |améis unos a otros." (Juan 13:34). |

| | |

|Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except |La ley de Moisés era sólo una sombra de Cristo. Los que tratan de ser |

|through Jesus. He is Love, and His unmerited Love is Grace. No one comes to the |justificados por ella son siempre conscientes de sus pecados, pero los que son |

|Father except through Grace, which we obtain trough faith. If some other spirit |justificados por Cristo estan siempre conscientes del sacrificio de Cristo por |

|tries to replace Jesus’ finished work for our salvation and sanctification, this |ellos y no sus pecados, porque todos sus pecados, pasados, presentes y futuros |

|is the spirit of the anti-Christ (anti does not just mean against, it also means |están cubiertos por Su sangre. |

|in place of). Do not be deceived by the spirit of the anti-Christ, which teaches|"Pues ya que la ley sólo tiene la sombra de los bienes futuros y no la forma |

|a false Gospel. We have been anointed with the Holy Spirit and: |misma de las cosas, nunca puede, por los mismos sacrificios que ellos ofrecen |

| |continuamente año tras año, hacer perfectos a los que se acercan. 2 De otra |

|“As for you, the anointing that you received from him abides in you, and so you |manera, ¿no habrían cesado de ofrecerse, ya que los adoradores, una vez |

|do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all |purificados, no tendrían ya más conciencia de pecado?" (Hebreos 10:1-2). |

|things, and is true and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, abide in | |

|him" (1 John 2:27). | |

| |"Por tanto, que nadie se constituya en vuestro juez con respecto a comida o |

|"But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will |bebida, o en cuanto a día de fiesta, o luna nueva, o día de reposo; cosas que |

|teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you" (John |sólo son sombra de lo que ha de venir, pero el cuerpo pertenece a Cristo" |

|14:26). |(Colosenses 2: 16-17). |

| | |

|"No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, ‘Know the |Por lo tanto, no se deje engañar por los que lucen "Santos" en el exterior, los |

|Lord,’ because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest. For|nuevos maestros de la ley y los nuevos fariseos. Ellos llaman a Jesús: Señor, |

|I will forgive their wickedness |Señor, pero Jesús no los conoce (Mateo 7:22). Al igual que en los días en que |

|and will remember their sins no more.” By calling this covenant “new,” he has |Jesús caminó sobre la tierra, estos falsos maestros cargan a las personan con |

|made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon |cargas que ni ellos mismos pueden llevar, pero no levantan un dedo para |

|disappear" (HEBREWS 8: 11-3). |ayudarlos. Ellos dicen saber el camino, pero en realidad no lo conocen. |

| |Jesús es el Camino, la Verdad y la Vida. Nadie viene al Padre si no es a través |

|"Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will renounce the Faith |de Jesús. Él es Amor, y Su amor inmerecido es su Gracia. Nadie viene al Padre, |

|by paying attention to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, through the |sino por la Gracia, la cual obtenemos a trabes de la fe. Si algún otro espíritu |

|hypocrisy of liars whose consciences are seared with a hot iron. They forbid |intenta reemplazar la obra terminada de Jesús para nuestra salvación y |

|marriage and demand abstinence from foods, which God created to be received with |santificación, éste es el espíritu del anticristo (anti no sólo significa en |

|thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. For everything created by |contra, sino que también significa en lugar de). No se deje engañar por el |

|God is good, and nothing is to be rejected, provided it is received with |espíritu del anticristo, el cual enseña un falso evangelio. Se nos ha ungido con |

|thanksgiving" (1 Timothy 4:1-4). |el Espíritu Santo y: |

| | |

| |"en cuanto a vosotros, la unción que recibisteis de El permanece en vosotros, y |

| |no tenéis necesidad de que nadie os enseñe; pero así como su unción os enseña |

|Some people incorrectly believe that our Faith, that is to say, the Gospel refers|acerca de todas las cosas, y es verdadera y no mentira, y así como os ha |

|to our salvation in Christ (eternal life), but that our sanctification and |enseñado, permanecéis en El" (1 Juan 2:27). |

|subsequent success in this life depends on our obedience to God (and this |"Pero el Consolador, el Espíritu Santo, a quien el Padre enviará en mi nombre, él|

|obedience varies from denomination to denomination) but what does the Bible say |os enseñará todas las cosas y os recordará todo lo que yo os he dicho" (Juan |

|about the true Gospel, which some have renounced? |14:26). |

|"But none of these things move me; neither do I esteem my life dear to myself, if| |

|only I may finish my course with joy and the ministry which I have obtained from | |

|[which was entrusted to me by] the Lord Jesus, faithfully to attest to the good | |

|news (Gospel) of God’s Grace (His unmerited favor, spiritual blessing, and | |

|mercy)" (Acts 20:24). | |

| | |

|And what about our sanctification? Well, we already have it as well as the | |

|wisdom, the righteousness, and the redemption of Christ, but to experience them | |

|in this life, we need to stop trusting in ourselves, and put our Faith in Him |"Pero el Espíritu dice claramente que, en los últimos tiempos, algunos |

|alone, and any other type of faith is unbelief: "He is the source of your life in|apostatarán de la Fe, escuchando a espíritus engañadores y a doctrinas de |

|Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God, and righteousness and |demonios, de hipócritas y mentirosos, cuya conciencia está cauterizada. Estos |

|sanctification and redemption" (1 Corinthians 1:30). |prohibirán casarse y mandarán abstenerse de alimentos que Dios creó para que con |

| |acción de gracias participaran de ellos los creyentes y los que han conocido la |

|So to experience all the riches we already have in Christ, we need to cry out |verdad, porque todo lo que Dios creó es bueno y nada es de desecharse, si se toma|

|like the father of the demon possessed boy, saying: …“I believe; help my |con acción de gracias, ya que por la palabra de Dios y por la oración es |

|unbelief!” (Mark 9:24). |santificado" (1 Timoteo 4:1-4). |

| | |

|The Bible warms us that evil people will come to draw disciples after themselves |Algunas personas creen erróneamente que nuestra Fe, es decir, el Evangelio se |

|instead of drawing them to Jesus. The solution to this attack is also given: to |refiere a nuestra salvación en Cristo (la vida eterna), pero que nuestra |

|hold on to the Word of His Grace, which is able to build us up and give us an |santificación y posterior éxito en esta vida dependen de nuestra obediencia a |

|eternal inheritance: |Dios (y esta obediencia varía de denominación en denominación), pero ¿qué dice la|

| |Biblia acerca del verdadero Evangelio, a la que algunos han renunciado? |

|“28 Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy |"Pero en ninguna manera estimo mi vida como valiosa para mí mismo, a fin de poder|

|Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained |terminar mi carrera y el ministerio que recibí del Señor Jesús, para dar |

|with his own blood. 29 I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in |testimonio solemnemente del Evangelio de la Gracia de Dios" (Hechos 20:24). |

|among you, not sparing the flock; 30 and from among your own selves will arise | |

|men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them. 31 Therefore | |

|be alert, remembering that for three years I did not cease night or day to | |

|admonish every one with tears. 32 And now I commend you to God and to the Word of|¿Y qué decir de nuestra santificación? Bueno, ya la tenemos, así como la |

|his Grace, which is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among |sabiduría, la justicia y la redención de Cristo, pero para experimentarlas en |

|all those who are sanctified” (Acts 20:28-33). |esta vida, tenemos que dejar de confiar en nosotros mismos, y debemos de cree |

| |solamente en Él, y cualquier otro tipo de fe es incredulidad: "Pero Dios mismo |

| |los ha unido a ustedes con Cristo Jesús, y ha hecho también que Cristo sea |

|Remember, we are saved not by our own righteousness, what we think is the right |nuestra sabiduría, nuestra justicia, nuestra santificación y nuestra liberación" |

|way, but His righteousness, his right hand, not ours. In other words, we are |(1 Corintios 1:30-31). |

|saved by Grace, God’s unmerited favor, and not by our works. Many people today |Así que para experimentar toda la riquezas que ya tenemos en Cristo, tenemos que |

|have it backwards, they work to deserve God’s favor, but our works, or |clamar como el padre del muchacho endemoniado, diciendo: ..."Creo; ayúdame en mi |

|righteousness according to the Bible, are like filthy rags before God. Only |incredulidad" (Marcos 9:24). |

|through His Grace, His love, manifested on the cross is that we are made | |

|righteous before God. It is only when we recognize our weaknesses and realize | |

|that we need a savior that God can freely move and act in our lives. "Because if| |

|you acknowledge and confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and in your heart | |

|believe (adhere to, trust in, and rely on the truth) that God raised Him from the| |

|dead, you will be saved" (Romans 10:9). |"28 Por lo tanto, estén atentos y cuiden de toda la congregación, en la cual el |

| |Espíritu Santo los ha puesto como pastores para que cuiden de la iglesia de Dios,|

|Anything other than Jesus is like poison in the pot: |que él compró con su propia sangre. 29 Sé que cuando yo me vaya vendrán otros |

|-2 kings 4:39-41. Stew for the sons of the prophets ...wild vine (herbs)...their |que, como lobos feroces, querrán acabar con la iglesia. 30 Aun entre ustedes |

|is death in the pot...Elisha put flour (a symbol of Christ, the bread of life) |mismos se levantarán algunos que enseñarán mentiras para que los creyentes los |

|...no harm in the pot. |sigan. 31 Estén alerta; acuérdense de que durante tres años, de día y de noche, |

|-Eph. 3:2. Stewardship of God's grace. |no dejé de aconsejar con lágrimas a cada uno de ustedes. 32 »Ahora, hermanos, los|

|-Col. 1:25-26. Stewards of the mystery hidden for ages, now revealed to the |encomiendo a Dios y al mensaje de su amor. Él tiene poder para hacerlos crecer |

|saints. |espiritualmente y darles todo lo que ha prometido a su pueblo santo. 33 No he |

|-1 Cor 15:56. The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. |querido para mí mismo ni el dinero ni la ropa de nadie" (Hechos 20:28-33). |

|-Rom 4:15. The law brings wrath. Where there is no law there is no transgression.| |

|-Rom 5:13. Sin was in the world before the law given but sin is not charged | |

|against anyone's account where there is no law. | |

|-The law is the ministry of death | |

|-The law was a Guardian: Galatians 3:24-26. | |

|-Gal. 5:22: The fruit of the spirit | |

|-The wild vines are worldly and/or “religious” means: | |

|1. Laws/bylaws/rules/guidelines disguise as a way to bring order, bring | |

|uniformity to the body of Christ. Don't eat, don't drink, don't wear, don't get | |

|tattoos, etc. All these based on the external appearance rather than the internal| |

|truths of the Spirit and our hearts. | |

|2. Traditions of men. | |

|3. The keeping of festivals and holidays. | |

|4. Etc…Anything but Christ represents wild vines | |

|When we fail: | |

|"we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them | |

|who are called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28), and "this is love: it is | |

|not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son as the sacrifice that| |

|deals with our sins." (1 John 4:10). | |

|We Have Been Set Free From The Curse Of The Law: | |

| | |

|“10 For all who rely on works of the law are under a curse; for it is written, | |

|“Cursed be everyone who does not abide by all things written in the Book of the | |

|Law, and do them.” 11 Now it is evident that no one is justified before God by | |

|the law, for “The righteous shall live by faith.” 12 But the law is not of faith,| |

|rather “The one who does them shall live by them.” 13 Christ redeemed us from the| |

|curse of the law by becoming a curse for us—for it is written, “Cursed is | |

|everyone who is hanged on a tree”— 14 so that in Christ Jesus the blessing of | |

|Abraham might come to the Gentiles, so that we might receive the promised Spirit | |

|through faith. ” (Galatians 3:10-14). | |

| | |

|But, many may ask what is the law? Jesus Himself summarized it in two | |

|commandments: | |

|“36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” 37 And he said to him, | |

|“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and | |

|with all your mind. 38 This is the great and first commandment. 39 And a second | |

|is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 40 On these two | |

|commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”” (Matthew 22: 36-40). | |

| | |

|The curse comes upon those who do not realize and confess that we are all | |

|sinners. We believe that because we keep most of the commandments, we are better | |

|than others and are self-justified before God; but if we break the least of the | |

|commandments, we break them all, and fall under the curse of the law. And, if we | |

|say that we have no sin, we make God a liar. So, trying to be justified by the | |

|law is a no win situation: | |

| | |

|“7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with | |

|one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. 8 If we say| |

|we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess| |

|our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from | |

|all unrighteousness. 10 If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his| |

|word is not in us.” (1 John 1:7-10). | |

| | |

|This problem was happening since the beginning of the Church, and is probably | |

|happening even more in today’s Church. If not, just look around in the light of | |

|the Truth of the Gospel of Grace, and you will realize how lukewarm some parts of| |

|the Church are, and how it seems like God is spitting us from His mouth, as He | |

|told he would do. | |

| | |

|Since the beginning of the Church, false teachers have come to pervert the Gospel| |

|of Grace, by mixing the Law with Grace, but the Law nullifies Grace. Mixing Grace| |

|with The Law is like putting a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment which | |

|pulls away from the garment, and a worse tear results; or putting new wine into | |

|old wineskins which burst the wineskins spilling the wine and ruining the | |

|wineskins (Matthew 9: 16-17, Mark 2: 21-22). It is like mixing hot (representing| |

|the fire of the Spirit) with cold (representing the coldness of the Law, trying | |

|to be perfected by the flesh, see Galatians 3:1-5), producing a lukewarm spirit. | |

|To which Jesus warns: “You are neither cold nor hot. I wish that you were either | |

|cold or hot. So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I’m about to | |

|spit you out of my mouth” (Revelation 3:15-17). Mixing The Law and Grace produces| |

|a double-minded person who is unstable in all its ways (James: 1:8; James: 4:8). | |

| | |

|“1 O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? It was before your eyes that Jesus| |

|Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified. 2 Let me ask you only this: Did you | |

|receive the Spirit by works of the law or by hearing with faith? 3 Are you so | |

|foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh? 4 | |

|Did you suffer so many things in vain—if indeed it was in vain? 5 Does he who | |

|supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you do so by works of the | |

|law, or by hearing with faith— 6 just as Abraham “believed God, and it was | |

|counted to him as righteousness”? ” (Galatians 3: 1-6). | |

| | |

|To stop living in the curse, we must repent (from the word Greeek Metanoia, to | |

|change one’s Mind [1]), and confess that we are sinners. We must stop trying to | |

|be justified by the Law, and begin abiding in Christ alone, His Grace, not only | |

|for our salvation, but for our sanctification as well. May all those who have | |

|ears, hear what the Spirit is saying. May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be | |

|with you all. Amen. | |

| | |

|Mario A. Jimenez Jerez | |

|A servant in the Grace Revolution | |

| | |

|1. In biblical Greek, metanoeō/μετανοέω and metanoia/μετάνοια signify a “change | |

|of Mind, a change in the trend and action of the whole inner nature, | |

|intellectual, affectional and moral.”…”to express that mighty change in mind, | |

|heart, and life wrought by the Spirit of God.” | |

|(theology). | |

|In Christ, We Are No Longer Slaves To The Fear Of Death: | |

| | |

|In Christ, we are no longer slaves because we are free from the fear of death. If| |

|we live, and believe in Christ, we will never die! This promise is one of the | |

|most powerful in the Bible; it’s the one that has enabled Christians throughout | |

|generations to triumph over evil. It is the truth that enabled our founding | |

|fathers to stand against tyranny and oppression to set this country free and be | |

|blessed among all the nations of the world. | |

| | |

|“Now in putting everything in subjection to him, he left nothing outside his | |

|control. At present, we do not yet see everything in subjection to him. 9 But we | |

|see him who for a little while was made lower than the angels, namely Jesus, | |

|crowned with glory and honor because of the suffering of death, so that by the | |

|grace of God he might taste death for everyone. 10 For it was fitting that he, | |

|for whom and by whom all things exist, in bringing many sons to glory, should | |

|make the founder of their salvation perfect through suffering. 11 For he who | |

|sanctifies and those who are sanctified all have one source. That is why he is | |

|not ashamed to call them brothers, 12 saying, “I will tell of your name to my | |

|brothers; in the midst of the congregation I will sing your praise.” 13 And | |

|again, “I will put my trust in him.” And again, “Behold, I and the children God | |

|has given me.” 14 Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he | |

|himself likewise partook of the same things, that through death he might destroy | |

|the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, 15 and deliver all those | |

|who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery. 16 For surely it is | |

|not angels that he helps, but he helps the offspring of Abraham. 17 Therefore he | |

|had to be made like his brothers in every respect, so that he might become a | |

|merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God, to make propitiation for| |

|the sins of the people. 18 For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he | |

|is able to help those who are being tempted.” (Hebrews 2: 8-18) . | |

| | |

|“Todo lo has sujetado bajo sus pies.” Porque al sujetarlo todo a él, no dejó nada| |

|que no le sea sujeto. Pero ahora no vemos aún todas las cosas sujetas a él. 9 | |

|Pero vemos a Aquél que fue hecho un poco inferior a los ángeles, es decir, a | |

|Jesús, coronado de gloria y honor a causa del padecimiento de la muerte, para que| |

|por la gracia de Dios probara la muerte por todos. 10 Porque convenía que Aquél | |

|para quien son todas las cosas y por quien son todas las cosas, llevando muchos | |

|hijos a la gloria, hiciera perfectopor medio de los padecimientos al autor[a]de | |

|la salvación de ellos. 11 Porque tanto el que santifica como los que son | |

|santificados, son todos de un Padre; por lo cual El no se avergüenza de llamarlos| |

|hermanos, 12 cuando dice: “Anunciare Tu nombre a Mis hermanos, en medio de la | |

|congregacion[b] Te cantare himnos.” 13 Otra vez: “Yo en El confiare.” Y otra vez:| |

|“Aqui estoy, Yo y los hijos que Dios Me ha dado.” | |

|14 Así que, por cuanto los hijos participan de carne y sangre, también Jesús | |

|participó de lo mismo, para anular mediante la muerte el poder de aquél que tenía| |

|el poder de la muerte, es decir, el diablo, 15 y librar a los que por el temor a | |

|la muerte, estaban sujetos a esclavituddurante toda la vida. 16 Porque | |

|ciertamente no ayuda a los ángeles, sino que ayuda a[e] la descendencia[f] de | |

|Abraham.17 Por tanto, tenía que ser hecho semejante a Sus hermanos en todo, a fin| |

|de que llegara a ser un sumo sacerdotemisericordioso y fiel en las cosas que a | |

|Dios atañen, para hacer propiciación por los pecados del pueblo. 18 Pues por | |

|cuanto El mismo fue tentado en el sufrimiento, es poderoso para socorrer a los | |

|que son tentados.” (Hebreos 2:8-18). | |

| | |

|And Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, | |

|though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall| |

|never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25-26). | |

| | |

|Jesús le contestó: “Yo soy la resurrección y la vida; el que cree en Mí, aunque | |

|muera, vivirá, 26 y todo el que vive y cree en Mí, no morirá jamás. ¿Crees esto?”| |

|(Juan 11: 25-26). | |

|Free From The Curse Of Poverty: | |

| | |

|The Old testament teaches us that it is God’s will that no poor be among us | |

|(under the old covenant among Israel, under the new covenant, brothers and | |

|sisters in Christ living under the covenant of Grace). This could not be | |

|accomplished in the old testament because of our disobedience, but it is | |

|absolutely possible under the covenant of Grace because of Jesus’ obedience. The | |

|more we learn what Jesus accomplished for us on the cross, the more we behold Him| |

|and His obedience, the more we are being transformed into His image and His | |

|obedience, thus being able to accomplish what could not be accomplish through the| |

|Law. But, this requires a change of heart, beginning with pastors and | |

|leadership in the church. We tend to believe that people are poor because of the | |

|curse, but we must change this belief with the revelation of God’s unmerrited | |

|favor towards us. | |

| | |

|“4 But there will be no poor among you; for the Lord will bless you in the land | |

|that the Lord your God is giving you for an inheritance to possess— 5 if only you| |

|will strictly obey the voice of the Lord your God, being careful to do all this | |

|commandment that I command you today. 6 For the Lord your God will bless you, as | |

|he promised you, and you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow, | |

|and you shall rule over many nations, but they shall not rule over you.” | |

|(Deuteronomy 15: 4-6). | |

| | |

|“4 De esta manera no habrá pobres entre ustedes, pues el Señor tu Dios te | |

|bendecirá en el país que él te va a dar como herencia, 5 siempre y cuando le | |

|obedezcas y pongas en práctica todos estos mandamientos que yo te he dado hoy. 6 | |

|Sí, el Señor tu Dios te bendecirá, tal como te lo ha prometido, y tendrás para | |

|prestar a muchas naciones, pero tú no tendrás que pedir prestado; dominarás a | |

|muchas naciones, pero ellas no te dominarán a ti.” (Deuteronomio 15: 4-6). | |

| | |

|“18 So now the righteous requirements necessary for life are met for everyone | |

|through the righteous act of one person, just as judgment fell on everyone | |

|through the failure of one person. 19 Many people were made righteous through the| |

|obedience of one person, just as many people were made sinners through the | |

|disobedience of one person. 20 The Law stepped in to amplify the failure, but | |

|where sin increased, grace multiplied even more. 21 The result is that grace will| |

|rule through God’s righteousness, leading to eternal life through Jesus Christ | |

|our Lord, just as sin ruled in death.” (Romans 5: 18-21). | |

| | |

|“18 Así pues, tal como por una transgresión resultó la condenación de todos los | |

|hombres, así también por un acto de justicia resultó la justificación de vida | |

|para todos los hombres.19 Porque así como por la desobediencia de un hombre los | |

|muchos fueron constituidos pecadores, así también por la obediencia de uno los | |

|muchos serán constituidos justos. 20 Y la ley se introdujo para que abundara la | |

|transgresión, pero donde el pecado abundó, sobreabundó la gracia, 21 para que así| |

|como el pecado reinó en la muerte, así también la gracia reine por medio de la | |

|justicia para vida eterna, mediante Jesucristo nuestro Señor.” (Romanos 18: | |

|18-21). | |

|The Vision Of Self-sustainable Places Of Worship | |

| | |

|I just had the pleasure to see a vision I had in 2003 fulfilled before my very | |

|own eyes when I had the opportunity to become part of the "Temple Fitness" | |

|evangelization team with the Sosa brothers, Arthur and Alex.. At our very 1st | |

|call, 10 souls gave their life to Christ, with billions more awaiting to become | |

|alive by the Gospel of Christ. As I have been thanking God for making this | |

|vision come to pass, God gave me another vision, which I termed The Vision Of | |

|Self-Sustainable Places Of Worship. To see the importance of Dreams and Visions | |

|to advance God's kingdom, check out this link: | |

| | |

| | |

|One of the ways many churches fall into the financial traps of this world system | |

|is by the need to build huge churches to house their growing congregations and | |

|the financial bondage that this brings with it. | |

| | |

|I believe that the Holy Spirit is speaking to His people to be free from this | |

|bondage by the renewal of our minds. We are finally realizing that we are the | |

|temples, as the Temple Fitness team teaches, and that what we used to call | |

|“churches” are actually places of worship. The early church knew this very well | |

|because they would meet any where they could, from homes to catacombs due to the | |

|intense persecution they suffered for proclaiming The Way. What made the church | |

|a church was not the physical building, but the people whom individually were | |

|temples of the living God, and collectively were building blocks of the church, | |

|the body of Christ. | |

| | |

|The truth that in the New Testament the temples were no longer physical buildings| |

|but that our bodies were the temples was first introduced by Jesus himself when | |

|he said, “destroy this temple, and in three days, I will rebuild it.” This truth| |

|was reiterated over and over by Paul and the other disciples, and it | |

|revolutionized the early church, allowing to be “unleashed” from the physical | |

|constraints of this material world. | |

| | |

|As our bother Jefferson Bethke, so well put it in his Holy Spirit inspired poem: | |

| “I mean if religion is so great, why | |

|has it started so many wars. Why does it build huge churches, but fails to feed | |

|the poor” Somehow we have fallen into the trap that building the kingdom means | |

|building huge churches, but we have ignored or placed aside the most important | |

|command of all: “love one another as I have loved you” (John 13:34). We have | |

|forgotten the true meaning of building the Kingdom of God. Once again as our | |

|brother Jefferson Bethke reminds us: “Many churches today focus on how to acquire| |

|many, many members, which necessitates large buildings and might be viewed as a | |

|symbol of their success. However, taking care of and serving the poor within | |

|their communities may not be a pressing issue on their agendas, but it is | |

|important to Jesus. As said in Mark 10:21: Jesus looked at him and loved him. | |

|“One thing you lack,” he said. “Go, sell everything you have and give to the | |

|poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” Fortunately, | |

|there are some parts of the body of Christ who carry on this mission, “Two-thirds| |

|of all the hospitals in third world countries are Catholic hospitals. The second | |

|largest provider of social services in the state of Massachusetts is the Catholic| |

|Church.” | |

| | |

|Not matter what, however, it is a practical matter of fact, that as a church | |

|grows, the building where we meet needs to grow with us as well. So what can we | |

|do? The solution may be simpler than we think: Self-Sustainable Places Of | |

|Worship! | |

| | |

|Imagine for a moment, a building or “place of worship” with huge LCD/LED screens | |

|playing Hillsong, Matthew West, Newsboys, Switchfoot and many other praise music | |

|songs while people are working out, taking care of their physical temples, while | |

|renewing their minds, feeding their souls, and praising God at the same time. | |

|The youth, adults, and older adults inviting their peers to work out, but | |

|introducing them to Christ at the same time. A Christian library on one side, a | |

|nutritional club on the other; an area for children to play and learn. Instead of| |

|buying a gym membership, these members use their funds to build the church, and | |

|evangelize the world, for with our unity and love for each other Jesus says that | |

|we will truly evangelize the world (John 17:20-23). Come Wednesday night, Friday| |

|youth night, and Sundays, the easily movable exercise equipment gets replaced by | |

|movable, comfortable chairs, getting ready to worship God as the Body of Christ. | |

|This creates an environment where God is truly worshiped in Spirit and in truths,| |

|were each person understands that we were made in the image of God, a triune | |

|nature composed of body, mind and soul, which in Christ has been completely | |

|restored and harmonized with God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. | |

| | |

|Imagine, once again the church in America and the world, leading the way, being | |

|the element of change that has revolutionized the world, not only being at the | |

|forefront of spiritual health, but also of body and mind restoration. As the | |

|Dean of our Jackson Memorial Memorial/UM Family Medicine program, Dr. Schwartz, | |

|taught us and medical evidence shows, about 80% of all hospital admissions are | |

|preventable, and as the CDC reminds us, the top chronic diseases, heart disease, | |

|stroke, cancer, diabetes, obesity, and arthritis—are the leading causes of death | |

|and disability in the United States, and are all related to poor nutrition and | |

|lack of exercise. | |

| | |

|Now imagine being free to fulfill God’s calling for our churches, being able to | |

|evangelize not only with words, but deed; being able to use the tithes and | |

|offerings to go out and give food and drink to the poor, welcome the strangers | |

|and homeless, cloth the naked, cure the sick, and visit those in prison for in | |

|doing these, we do them to Jesus himself, for he abides in us who believe and | |

|have received him. I believe that this is how the church of Christ will be | |

|unleashed to evangelize the world, and thus herald the second coming of Jesus | |

|Christ to this world. | |

| | |

|I believe that we are about to experience the greatest move of the Holy Spirit | |

|the world has ever seen. To accomplish this move, the Holy Spirit is teaching us| |

|the truth, so we can worship God in Spirit and truth. The Spirit is One and | |

|abides in those who have believed and have received Christ as their savior. The | |

|Spirit is the One that makes us One with God the Father and the Son, and the One | |

|that unites us, and makes us One, the One that allows us to see the importance of| |

|each human being, the One that prompts us to feed the poor, receive the homeless,| |

|help the unemployed, the sick, the suffering, the naked. The Holy Spirit is the | |

|glory that John 17:20-23 speaks about, and the only One that can unite the Body | |

|of Christ. Before Christ, He rested on people and places; after Christ, He abides| |

|in us, the temples of the living God. | |

| | |

|The Truth is that it is not our love for God or for others which makes us | |

|righteous (this is the Law), but His love for us, i.e. His Grace, or unmerited | |

|favor. It is based on this TRUTH that we are then free to love one another. | |

|“Those who belong to Christ Jesus are no longer under God’s sentence. I am now | |

|controlled by the law of the Holy Spirit. That law gives me life because of what | |

|Christ Jesus has done. It has set me free from the law of sin that brings death” | |

|(Romans 8:1-2). “This is love [Jesus]: it is not that we loved God but that he | |

|loved us and sent his Son as the sacrifice that deals with our sins” (1 John | |

|4:10). | |

| | |

|Once we understand God’s love for us, we no longer put physical limitations to | |

|where we gather to worship God. For this reason, I believe that from the get go, | |

|any church that wants to reach its full potential in Christ, should look into the| |

|concept of Self-Sustainable Places Of Worship. I feel that it is my duty to pass| |

|this idea to the church, so it can test it, if it truly comes from God. | |

| | |

|Finally, I would like to end with a quote from one of my heroes, Albert Einstein,| |

|who said: “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting | |

|different results.” We can not expect to just continue to build physical | |

|buildings that sit there most of the time just idly occupying space, like most | |

|“churches” do, and expect a different result, which is to have the financial | |

|freedom to expand the Kingdom of God to all corners of Miami, and the rest of | |

|world. The spiritual battle is intensifying and it will be fought city by city; | |

|each one of us must declare its city for Christ, and must DO our part to shine | |

|Christ's light to our cities, and our world. See our calling here: | |

| | |

| | |

|You can read the letter of the lyric Jefferson Bethke’s poem here: | |

| |

|ed#note-539420 | |

| | |

|If you have not done so, please sign a petition I prepare to protect the | |

|Religious freedom of Floridians here: , or . It| |

|is through this trial, that God has strengthened my character, and what has given| |

|me the boldness to write to you today. As Jesus put it: "How blessed you are | |

|when people insult you and persecute you and tell all kinds of vicious lies about| |

|you because you follow me! Rejoice, be glad, because your reward in heaven is | |

|great — they persecuted the prophets before you in the same way" (Matthew 5: | |

|11-12). | |

| | |

|Mario A. Jimenez Jerez, M.D. | |

| | |

|My Identity in Christ: A Child of The One True King | |

| | |

| | |

|Dreams and Visions: | |

|“My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected | |

|knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of | |

|your God, I also will ignore your children.” Hosea 4:6. | |

| | |

|Every parent is a priest to his/her children, so this applies to all parents. So,| |

|If you want to know what is going on in the world right now, why so many wars, | |

|why so much chaos, why bad things happen to “good” people, why your family is | |

|suffering, why, why, why?… watch this amazing series, perhaps one of the best | |

|spiritual series of all times. | |

| | |

|If you want justice for what happened to your children, your family or yourself, | |

|start by watching this: | |

| | |

| | |

|And continue with the rest of the videos: | |

| | |

| | |

|Teaching notes for all the videos: | |

| | |

| | |

|Christian Family Unity: Jesus' Prayer for His Disciples and The Key to The |La Unidad Familiar Cristiana: La Oración de Jesús por Sus Discípulos y la Clave |

|Evangelization of the World |Para la Evangelización del Mundo |

| | |

|“I pray not only for these followers but also for those who will believe in me |"Mas no ruego sólo por éstos, sino también por los que han de creer en mí por la |

|because of their teaching. Father, I pray that all who believe in me can be one. |palabra de ellos, para que todos sean uno. Como tú, oh Padre, estás en mí y yo en|

|You are in me and I am in you. I pray that they can also be one in us. Then the |ti, que también ellos estén en nosotros, para que el mundo crea que tú me |

|world will believe that you sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave |enviaste. La gloria que me diste les he dado, para que sean uno, así como |

|me. I gave them this glory so that they can be one, just as you and I are one. I |nosotros somos uno: yo en ellos, y tú en mí, para que sean perfeccionados en |

|will be in them, and you will be in me. So they will be completely one. Then the |unidad, para que el mundo sepa que tú me enviaste, y que los amaste tal como me |

|world will know that you sent me and that you loved them just as you loved me” |has amado a mí" (Juan 17:20-23). |

|(John 17:20-23). | |

| |Pero ¿que es unidad? Uno para Todos y Todos para Uno. Es hora de dejar de hablar |

|But what is unity? And, this is unity: One for All, and All for One. It is time |y empezar a actuar en unidad en su lugar. Por el sacrificio de uno solo, |

|to stop talking, and start acting in unity instead. For the sacrifice of the One,|Jesucristo, todos los que lo aceptamos hemos sido salvos y nos hemos convertido |

|Jesus Christ, All who accept Him have been saved and have become part of a |en parte de una familia espiritual, y en una familia, cuando uno sufre, todos |

|Spiritual Family, and in a family, when One suffers, All suffer as well, but most|sufren también, pero lo más importante es unirnos todos para ayudar a aquel que |

|importantly All unite to help the One who is suffering. The pain of One of these |esta sufriendo. Jesús nos enseno que Dios desea nuestra compasión y no nuestros |

|least of my brothers becomes the pain of All, and what we do for them, we do to |sacrificios (Mateo 9:13). |

|Christ as well (Matthew 25:40). Not only that, but unity in love for one another |El dolor de uno de nuestros hermanos aun el de los mas pequeños se convierte en |

|is the key to advancing the Kingdom of God, evangelizing the world, and defeating|el dolor de todos y lo que hacemos por ellos se los hacemos a Cristo mismo (Mateo|

|the evil one. Christian unity is the sign of true Christians. |25:40). No solo esto, pero la unidad en el amor mutuo es la clave para avanzar el|

| |Reino de Dios, la evangelización del mundo, y derrotar al maligno. Unidad de los |

| |cristianos es el signo de los verdaderos Cristianos. |

| | |

|Christ (the One), died for the sins of All, so that All can be freed to love One |Cristo (el Uno), murió por los pecados de Todos, para que Todos podamos ser |

|another. Those who have accepted Christ as their Lord and savior are being |libres de amarnos Unos a los otros. Los que han aceptado a Cristo como su Señor y|

|transformed from glory to glory into the image of Christ (the One) by the renewal|Salvador están siendo transformadas de gloria en gloria en la imagen de Cristo |

|of our minds, so that we All become One in Christ. |(el Uno) por la renovación de nuestras mentes, para que todos nos convirtamos en |

| |uno solo en Cristo. |

|The evil one’s main tactic throughout history has been to cause separation, |Una de las tácticas principales del maligno a lo largo de la historia ha sido la |

|beginning with our separation from God when Adam and Eve put their desire for the|de causar la separación, a partir de nuestra separación de Dios cuando Adán y Eva|

|knowledge of good and evil (their desire to know the law) above God’s will for |pusieron su deseo del conocimiento del bien y el mal (su deseo de conocer la ley)|

|their lives; but in Christ, we have been reconciled “by grace through faith” |por encima de la voluntad de Dios; No obstante, en Cristo, hemos sido |

|(Ephesians 2:8) with God the Father, and we are no longer separated from Him. We |reconciliados "por gracia mediante la fe" (Efesios 2:08) con Dios el Padre, y ya |

|are one with God the Father, and God the Son through the working of Holy Spirit |no estamos separado de él. Somos uno con Dios el Padre y Dios el Hijo por obra |

|that lives in every believer. The Holy Spirit is the glory of God and the One |del Espíritu Santo que habita en cada creyente. El Espíritu Santo es la gloria de|

|that enables us to be One. |Dios y El es el que nos permite ser uno. |

| | |

|Every time we follow the lead of the Holy Spirit for unity in our families and |Cada vez que seguimos la guía del Espíritu Santo por la unidad en nuestras |

|the church, we are answering Jesus’ prayer to God the Father. When the church |familias y la iglesia, estamos respondiendo a la oración de Jesús a Dios Padre. |

|unites in love through the Holy Spirit, we become a living testimony of God’s |Cuando la iglesia se une en el amor a través del Espíritu Santo, nos convertimos |

|love to the world, and as Jesus himself noted, this is how the world will believe|en un testimonio viviente del amor de Dios para el mundo, y como señaló el propio|

|and know that God sent him and that He loves them: “…Then the world will believe |Jesús, así es como el mundo va a creer y saber que Dios lo envió, y que Él los |

|that you sent me… Then the world will know that you sent me and that you loved |ama: “...Entonces el mundo crea que tú me enviaste...para que el mundo conozca |

|them just as you loved me” (John 17:20-23). So, if the world has not yet fully |que tú me enviaste, y que los amaste tal como me has amado" (Juan 17:20-23 ). Así|

|known the love of God for them, it is because of our lack of unity, and |que, si el mundo no ha conocido aún plenamente el amor de Dios para ellos, es |

|therefore, the unity of the church becomes the key to the evangelization of the |debido a nuestra falta de unidad, y por lo tanto, la unidad de la iglesia se |

|world, and the evangelization of the world is one of the main missions of the |convierte en la clave para la evangelización del mundo, y la evangelización del |

|church and pre-requisite of Christ’s second coming. No wonder the evil one has |mundo es una de las principales misiones de la iglesia y el requisito previo de |

|worked so hard to divide Christ’s church. |la segunda venida de Cristo. No es extraño que el maligno haya trabajado tan duro|

| |para dividir a la iglesia de Cristo. |

| | |

|And, one of the main tools the evil one uses to separate Christ’s church is false|Muchas veces dejamos que nuestros "conocimientos o doctrinas" separen el Cuerpo |

|doctrine, any doctrine that does not confess Christ as our Savior (The Gospel). |de Cristo. No debemos olvidar nunca que lo que creemos y lo que entendemos ahora |

|Many times we let these false doctrines in the form of our “knowledge or |es imperfecto porque es incompleto, y no podemos dejar que estas imperfecciones |

|doctrines” separate the Body of Christ. We must never forget that what we believe|nos separen. Al final sólo Jesús, que es amor encarnado, permanece y con Jesús a |

|and what we understand now is imperfect because it is incomplete, and that we can|los que permanecemos en él. Jesús (que es el Amor encarnado) nunca falla! Alabado|

|not let these imperfections separate us. In the end only Jesus, who is LOVE |sea su nombre! La misma elección que Adán y Eva de no tratar de depender de su |

|incarnate, remains and with Him those who remain in Him. Jesus (who is Love |propio conocimiento (su propia justicia), sino de creer en la palabra de Dios, |

|incarnate) never fails!!! Praised be His name!!! The same choice Adam and Eve |esta en frente de nosotros en este día: |

|had of not trying to depend on attaining their own knowledge (their own | |

|righteousness) but to believe in God’s word is before us today: | |

| | |

|“The Lord God took the human and settled him in the garden of Eden to farm it and| |

|to take care of it. The Lord God commanded the human, “Eat your fill from all of |"Entonces el Señor Dios tomó al hombre y lo puso en el huerto del Edén, para que |

|the garden’s trees; but don’t eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and |lo cultivara y lo cuidara. Y ordenó el Señor Dios al hombre, diciendo: De todo |

|evil, because on the day you eat from it, you will die!” (Genesis 2:15-17)...The |árbol del huerto podrás comer, pero del árbol del conocimiento del bien y del mal|

|snake was the most intelligent of all the wild animals that the Lord God had |no comerás, porque el día que de él comas, ciertamente morirás" (Génesis |

|made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say that you shouldn’t eat from any |2:15-17)...Y la serpiente era más astuta que cualquiera de los animales del campo|

|tree in the garden?” The woman said to the snake, “We may eat the fruit of the |que el Señor Dios había hecho. Y dijo a la mujer: ¿Conque Dios os ha dicho: “No |

|garden’s trees but not the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden. God |comeréis de ningún árbol del huerto”? Y la mujer respondió a la serpiente: Del |

|said, ‘Don’t eat from it, and don’t touch it, or you will die.’” The snake said |fruto de los árboles del huerto podemos comer; pero del fruto del árbol que está|

|to the woman, “You won’t die! God knows that on the day you eat from it, you will|en medio del huerto, ha dicho Dios: “No comeréis de él, ni lo tocaréis, para que |

|see clearly and you will be like God, knowing good and evil”” (Genesis 3:1-5). |no muráis.” Y la serpiente dijo a la mujer: Ciertamente no moriréis. Pues Dios |

| |sabe que el día que de él comáis, serán abiertos vuestros ojos y seréis como |

| |Dios, conociendo el bien y el mal” (Génesis 3:1-5). |

|We must decide between holding to what we believe is good and evil (original sin,| |

|the origin of the law) or love. Have you ever asked yourself how many times we |Tenemos que decidir entre aferrarnos a nuestro conocimiento del bien y el mal |

|let our “knowledge” of what is right and wrong separate the body of Christ? And, |(pecado orinal, el origen de la ley) o el amor. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado |

|if we really want to serve Christ, why are not we actively working to make His |cuántas veces dejamos que nuestro "conocimiento" de lo que es correcto o |

|wish for unity of His body our wish as well? |incorrecto separe al cuerpo de Cristo? Y, si realmente queremos servir a Cristo, |

| |¿por qué no estamos trabajando activamente para hacer su deseo por la unidad de |

|Not only should we deeply praying for the unity of the church, but we should also|Su cuerpo nuestro deseo también? |

|ask ourselves, what is Christ calling me to do to achieve unity with our brothers|No solamente deberíamos esta orando profundamente por la unidad de la iglesia, |

|in the faith? What are we doing today to be the answer to the prayer of our Lord |pero también deberíamos de preguntarnos, ¿Qué me esta llamando Cristo a hacer |

|for the unity of his Church? |para lograr la unidad con nuestros hermanos en la fe? ¿Qué estamos haciendo hoy |

| |para ser la respuesta a la oración de nuestro señor para la unidad de su Iglesia?|

| | |

|"Love never ends. But as for prophecies, they will come to an end; as for |"El amor jamás dejará de existir. Un día el don de profecía terminará, y ya no se|

|tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will come to an end. For we know |hablará en lenguas, ni serán necesarios los conocimientos. Porque los |

|only in part and we prophesy only in part; but when the complete comes, the |conocimientos y la profecía son cosas imperfectas, que llegarán a su fin cuando |

|partial will come to an end. When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought|venga lo que es perfecto. Cuando yo era niño, hablaba, pensaba y razonaba como un|

|like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became an adult, I put an end to |niño; pero al hacerme hombre, dejé atrás lo que era propio de un niño. Ahora |

|childish ways. For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to |vemos de manera indirecta, como en un espejo, y borrosamente; pero un día veremos|

|face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully |cara a cara. Mi conocimiento es ahora imperfecto, pero un día conoceré a Dios |

|known. And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of |como él me ha conocido siempre a mí. Tres cosas hay que son permanentes: la fe, |

|these is love." (1 Corinthians 13: 8-13). |la esperanza y el amor; pero la más importante de las tres es el amor" (1 |

| |Corintios 13:8-13). |

| | |

|"This is love [Jesus]: it is not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent |"El amor consiste en esto: no en que nosotros hayamos amado a Dios, sino en que |

|his Son as the sacrifice that deals with our sins" (1 John 4:10). |él nos amó a nosotros y envió a su Hijo, para que, ofreciéndose en sacrificio, |

| |nuestros pecados quedaran perdonados" (1 Juan 4:10). |

| | |

|Division, a fruit of the Evil One. Union, a fruit of the Holy Spirit |División, un fruto del Maligno. Unión, un fruto del Espíritu Santo |

|"Now I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,|"Os ruego, hermanos, por el nombre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, que todos os |

|that all of you be in agreement and that there be no divisions among you, but |pongáis de acuerdo, y que no haya divisiones entre vosotros, sino que estéis |

|that you be united in the same mind and the same purpose. 11 For it has been |enteramente unidos en un mismo sentir y en un mismo parecer. 11 Porque he sido |

|reported to me by Chloe’s people that there are quarrels among you, my brothers |informado acerca de vosotros, hermanos míos, por los de Cloé, que hay contiendas |

|and sisters. 12 What I mean is that each of you says, “I belong to Paul,” or “I |entre vosotros. 12 Me refiero a que cada uno de vosotros dice: Yo soy de Pablo, |

|belong to Apollos,” or “I belong to Cephas,” or “I belong to Christ.” 13 Has |yo de Apolos, yo de Cefas, yo de Cristo. 13 ¿Está dividido Cristo? ¿Acaso fue |

|Christ been divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Or were you baptized in the name|Pablo crucificado por vosotros? ¿O fuisteis bautizados en el nombre de Pablo?" (1|

|of Paul?" (1 Corinthians 1: 10-13). |Corintios 1: 10-13). |

| | |

|"And so, brothers and sisters, I could not speak to you as spiritual people, but |"Así que yo, hermanos, no pude hablaros como a espirituales, sino como a |

|rather as people of the flesh, as infants in Christ. 2 I fed you with milk, not |carnales, como a niños en Cristo. 2 Os di a beber leche, no alimento sólido, |

|solid food, for you were not ready for solid food. Even now you are still not |porque todavía no podíais recibirlo. En verdad, ni aun ahora podéis, 3 porque |

|ready, 3 for you are still of the flesh. For as long as there is jealousy and |todavía sois carnales. Pues habiendo celos y contiendas entre vosotros, ¿no sois |

|quarreling among you, are you not of the flesh, and behaving according to human |carnales y andáis como hombres? 4 Porque cuando uno dice: Yo soy de Pablo, y |

|inclinations? 4 For when one says, “I belong to Paul,” and another, “I belong to |otro: Yo soy de Apolos, ¿no sois simplemente hombres? 5 ¿Qué es, pues, Apolos? Y |

|Apollos,” are you not merely human? 5 What then is Apollos? What is Paul? |¿qué es Pablo? Servidores mediante los cuales vosotros habéis creído, según el |

|Servants through whom you came to believe, as the Lord assigned to each. 6 I |Señor dio oportunidad a cada uno. 6 Yo planté, Apolos regó, pero Dios ha dado el |

|planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. 7 So neither the one who |crecimiento. 7 Así que ni el que planta ni el que riega es algo, sino Dios, que |

|plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth" (1 |da el crecimiento" (1 Corintios 3: 1-7). |

|Corinthians 3: 1-7). | |

| | |

|Now, if we have accepted Christ as our savior, we are a son or a daughter of God.|Ahora bien, si hemos aceptado a Cristo como nuestro Salvador, somos un hijo o una|

|This makes all Christians part of the same family. In Christ Jesus, we have |hija de Dios. Esto nos hace a todos cristianos parte de la misma familia. En |

|become a new creation and a son of God or a daughter of God. 2 Corinthians 5:17, |Cristo Jesús, nos hemos convertido en una nueva creación, en un hijo o una hija |

|“If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, |de Dios. 2 Corintios 5:17: "De modo que si alguno está en Cristo, nueva criatura |

|the new has come.” Galatians 3:26, “In Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, |es: las cosas viejas pasaron; todas son hechas nuevas. Gálatas 3:26 “porque todos|

|through faith.” |sois hijos de Dios por la fe en Cristo Jesús." |

| | |

| |Tenemos fe en Cristo cuando escuchamos Su voz y le seguimos, y Jesús lleva a los |

|We have faith in Christ when we hear His voice and follow Him, and Jesus leads |cristianos a ser uno en Él, para que a través de Jesús, nos convirtiéramos en uno|

|all Christians to be one in Him, so that through Jesus, we become one with the |con el Padre. Así que, si realmente comprendemos nuestra posición espiritual en |

|Father. So, if we truly understand our spiritual position in Christ, we would |Cristo, entenderíamos que somos uno con Dios Padre por medio de Cristo, y esta es|

|understand that we are One with God the Father through Christ, and this is the |la razón por la que el mundo nos odia. Estamos en la misma posición que Jesús |

|reason why the world hates us. We are in the same position Jesus was when the |estaba cuando los Judíos iban a apedrearlo, con la diferencia de que a veces los |

|Jews were going to stone Him, with the difference that at times those who want to|que quieren apedrearnos pueden ser personas "religiosas" que se hacen pasar como |

|stone us could be “religious” people passing as Christian, who are the same who |cristianos, quines son los mismos que están causando la división en el cuerpo de |

|are causing the division in the Body of Christ. But, just like in the last days |Cristo. Pero, al igual que en los últimos días que estamos viviendo, los Judíos |

|which we are living, the Jews (our brothers) will accept in their hearts the true|(nuestros hermanos) aceptarán en sus corazones el verdadero evangelio de Cristo, |

|gospel of Christ, the Grace of God, and this will usher in the peace that they |la gracia de Dios, y esto marcará el comienzo de la paz que ellos y todo el mundo|

|and the whole world have so desperately searched, what the law could never do. |ha buscado tan desesperadamente, lo que la ley no podía hacer. |

| | |

| |"Jesús les respondió: Os lo he dicho, y no creéis. Las obras que yo hago en |

| |nombre de mi Padre, ellas dan testimonio de mí; pero vosotros no creéis, porque |

|"Jesus answered, “I have told you, and you do not believe. The works that I do in|no sois de mis ovejas, como os he dicho. Mis ovejas oyen mi voz y yo las conozco,|

|my Father’s name testify to me; but you do not believe, because you do not belong|y me siguen; yo les doy vida eterna y no perecerán jamás, ni nadie las arrebatará|

|to my sheep. My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me. I give them|de mi mano. Mi Padre, que me las dio, mayor que todos es, y nadie las puede |

|eternal life, and they will never perish. No one will snatch them out of my hand.|arrebatar de la mano de mi Padre. El Padre y yo uno somos. Entonces los judíos |

|What my Father has given me is greater than all else, and no one can snatch it |volvieron a tomar piedras para apedrearlo. Jesús les respondió: —Muchas buenas |

|out of the Father’s hand. The Father and I are one.” The Jews took up stones |obras os he mostrado de mi Padre; ¿por cuál de ellas me apedreáis? Le |

|again to stone him. Jesus replied, “I have shown you many good works from the |respondieron los judíos, diciendo: —Por buena obra no te apedreamos, sino por la |

|Father. For which of these are you going to stone me?” The Jews answered, “It is |blasfemia, porque tú, siendo hombre, te haces Dios. Jesús les respondió: —¿No |

|not for a good work that we are going to stone you, but for blasphemy, because |está escrito en vuestra Ley: “Yo dije, dioses sois”? Si llamó dioses a aquellos a|

|you, though only a human being, are making yourself God.” Jesus answered, “Is it |quienes vino la palabra de Dios (y la Escritura no puede ser quebrantada), ¿al |

|not written in your law, ‘I said, you are gods’? If those to whom the word of God|que el Padre santificó y envió al mundo, vosotros decís: “Tú blasfemas”, porque |

|came were called ‘gods’—and the scripture cannot be annulled— can you say that |dije: “Hijo de Dios soy”? Si no hago las obras de mi Padre, no me creáis. Pero si|

|the one whom the Father has sanctified and sent into the world is blaspheming |las hago, aunque no me creáis a mí, creed a las obras, para que conozcáis y |

|because I said, ‘I am God’s Son’? If I am not doing the works of my Father, then |creáis que el Padre está en mí y yo en el Padre. Intentaron otra vez prenderlo, |

|do not believe me. But if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe |pero él se escapó de sus manos" (Juan 10:25-39). |

|the works, so that you may know and understand that the Father is in me and I am | |

|in the Father.” Then they tried to arrest him again, but he escaped from their | |

|hands." (John 10: 25-39). |"Yo dije: «Vosotros sois dioses y todos vosotros hijos del Altísimo;" (Salmos |

| |82:6). |

|"I say, “You are gods, children of the Most High, all of you;" (Psalm 82:6). | |

| |"¿Acaso no sabéis que sois templo de Dios y que el Espíritu de Dios está en |

|"You should know that you yourselves are God’s temple. God’s Spirit lives in you.|vosotros? Si alguno destruye el templo de Dios, Dios lo destruirá a él, porque el|

|If you destroy God’s temple, God will destroy you, because God’s temple is holy. |templo de Dios, el cual sois vosotros, santo es" (1 Corintios 3:16-17). |

|You yourselves are God’s temple" (1 Corinthians 3: 16-17). | |

| |Ahora, la unidad en nuestras familias y en el Cuerpo de Cristo se logran en el |

|Now, the unity in our families and in the Body of Christ are accomplished the |momento en que al igual que Pablo, reconozcamos nuestras debilidades porque es en|

|moment that like Paul, we recognize our weaknesses, for it is in our weaknesses |nuestras debilidades es que el poder de Dios se perfeccionado: |

|that the power of God is perfected: |"Y El me ha dicho: Te basta mi gracia, pues mi poder se perfecciona en la |

|"But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect|debilidad. Por tanto, muy gustosamente me gloriaré más bien en mis debilidades, |

|in weakness.” I will all the more gladly boast of my weaknesses, that the power |para que el poder de Cristo more en mí. 10 Por eso me complazco en las |

|of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with |debilidades, en insultos, en privaciones, en persecuciones y en angustias por |

|weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities; for when I am weak,|amor a Cristo; porque cuando soy débil, entonces soy fuerte" (2 Corintios |

|then I am strong" (2 Corinthians 12:9-11). |12:9-10). |

| | |

| |No debemos olvidar nunca que la unidad del cuerpo de Cristo es el propósito de |

|We must never forget that the unity of the body of Christ is God’s purpose for |Dios para la verdadera iglesia de Cristo, y aunque esto parezca humanamente |

|the true church of Christ, and even if this seems humanly impossible, do not |imposible, no olvidemos que "... nada es imposible para Dios" (Lucas 1:37). |

|forget that “…nothing is impossible for God” (Luke 1:37). We may face all kinds |Podemos hacer frente a todo tipo de dificultades en el camino, pero recuerda que |

|of hardships along the way, but remember that "we know that in everything God |"sabemos que en todas las cosas interviene Dios para bien, a los que lo aman, los|

|works for good, with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose”|que son llamados conforme a su propósito" (Romanos 8:28), y "esto es amor: no es |

|(Romans 8:28), and "this is love: it is not that we loved God but that he loved |que nosotros hayamos amado a Dios, sino en que él nos amó y envió a su Hijo como |

|us and sent his Son as the sacrifice that deals with our sins" (1 John 4:10). In|el sacrificio que se ocupa de nuestros pecados" (1 Juan 4:10). En otras palabras,|

|other words, our love for God comes from our acknowledgment of His love for us, |nuestro amor por Dios viene de nuestro reconocimiento de su amor por nosotros, y |

|and not the other way around. |no al revés. |

| |El Ejemplo De Unión De La Primera Iglesia: |

|The Example Of Unity Of The Early Church: |"Se mantenían firmes en la enseñanza de los apóstoles, en la comunión, en el |

|"The believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to the community, to|partimiento del pan y en la oración. Todos estaban asombrados por los muchos |

|their shared meals, and to their prayers. A sense of awe came over everyone. God |prodigios y señales que realizaban los apóstoles. Todos los creyentes estaban |

|performed many wonders and signs through the apostles. All the believers were |juntos y tenían todo en común: vendían sus propiedades y posesiones, y compartían|

|united and shared everything. They would sell pieces of property and possessions |sus bienes entre sí según la necesidad de cada uno. No dejaban de reunirse en el |

|and distribute the proceeds to everyone who needed them. Every day, they met |templo ni un solo día. De casa en casa partían el pan y compartían la comida con |

|together in the temple and ate in their homes. They shared food with gladness and|alegría y generosidad, alabando a Dios y disfrutando de la estimación general |

|simplicity. They praised God and demonstrated God’s goodness to everyone. The |del pueblo. Y cada día el Señor añadía al grupo los que iban siendo salvos." |

|Lord added daily to the community those who were being saved." (Acts 2:42-47). |(Acts 2: 42-47). |

| | |

|"Now I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,|"Os ruego, hermanos, por el nombre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, que todos os |

|that all of you be in agreement and that there be no divisions among you, but |pongáis de acuerdo, y que no haya divisiones entre vosotros, sino que estéis |

|that you be united in the same mind and the same purpose. For it has been |enteramente unidos en un mismo sentir y en un mismo parecer. Porque he sido |

|reported to me by Chloe’s people that there are quarrels among you, my brothers |informado acerca de vosotros, hermanos míos, por los de Cloé, que hay contiendas |

|and sisters. What I mean is that each of you says, “I belong to Paul,” or “I |entre vosotros. Me refiero a que cada uno de vosotros dice: Yo soy de Pablo, yo |

|belong to Apollos,” or “I belong to Cephas,” or “I belong to Christ.” Has Christ |de Apolos, yo de Cefas, yo de Cristo. ¿Está dividido Cristo? ¿Acaso fue Pablo |

|been divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Or were you baptized in the name of |crucificado por vosotros? ¿O fuisteis bautizados en el nombre de Pablo?" (1 |

|Paul?" (1 Corinthians 1: 10-13). |Corintios 1: 10-13). |

| | |

|Finally, do not be discouraged if your efforts to unite with other Christians |Por último, no se desanime si sus esfuerzos para unirse con otros cristianos se |

|meets you with all kinds of challenges and disappointments. Our disappointments |encuentra con todo tipo de retos y decepciones. Nuestras decepciones podrían muy |

|could very well be divine appointments!!! I am a living testimony of this truth. |bien ser encargos divinos!!! Yo soy un testimonio vivo de esta verdad. AMEN. |

|AMEN. | |

| |Unida Familiar Mundial: Nuestra misión es promover y avanzar la unidad de las |

|Family Unity Worldwide: Our mission is to promote and advance the unity of |familias, la fundación de las sociedades, en los Estados Unidos y en todo el |

|families, the foundation of societies, in the United States and around the world,|mundo, en base a los principios cristianos de amor, gozo, paz, paciencia, |

|based on the Christian principles of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, |amabilidad, generosidad, fidelidad, humildad y auto-control. |

|generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. | |

|The Lord Uniting His Body Before His Second Coming: |El Señor nos restaura: |

|“I pray not only for these followers but also for those who will believe in me |"¿Se le puede quitar el botín a los guerreros? ¿Puede el cautivo ser rescatado |

|because of their teaching. Father, I pray that all who believe in me can be one. |del tirano? Pero así dice el Señor: Sí, al guerrero se le arrebatará el cautivo, |

|You are in me and I am in you. I pray that they can also be one in us. Then the |y del tirano se rescatará el botín; contenderé con los que contiendan contigo, y |

|world will believe that you sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave |yo mismo salvaré a tus hijos. Haré que tus opresores se coman su propia carne y |

|me. I gave them this glory so that they can be one, just as you and I are one. I |se embriaguen con su propia sangre, como si fuera vino. Toda la *humanidad sabrá |

|will be in them, and you will be in me. So they will be completely one. Then the |entonces que yo, el Señor, soy tu Salvador; que yo, el Poderoso de Jacob, soy tu |

|world will know that you sent me and that you loved them just as you loved me” |Redentor" (Isaías 49:24-26). |

|(John 17:20-23). | |

| | |

|But what is unity? And, this is unity: One for All, and All for One. It is time | |

|to stop talking, and start acting in unity instead. For the sacrifice of the One,| |

|Jesus Christ, All who accept Him have been saved and have become part of a | |

|Spiritual Family, and in a family, when One suffers, All suffer as well, but most| |

|importantly All unite to help the One who is suffering. The pain of One of these | |

|least of my brothers becomes the pain of All, and what we do for them, we do to | |

|Christ as well (Matthew 25:40). Not only that, but unity in love for one another | |

|is the key to advancing the Kingdom of God, evangelizing the world, and defeating| |

|the evil one. Christian unity is the sign of true Christians, and Satan’s worst | |

|nightmare. Christ (the One), died for the sins of All, so that All can be freed | |

|to love One another. Those who have accepted Christ as their Lord and savior are | |

|being transformed from glory to glory into the image of Christ (the One) by the | |

|renewal of our minds, so that we All become One in Christ. We are not longer | |

|under bondage to sin, for we have realized that we are all sinners and and fallen| |

|short of God’s perfect mark, but in Christ we have been reconciled to God and | |

|have become his children. We are no longer bound to external rituals or | |

|traditions, to denomination, to pretense, to trying to look holy, to trying to | |

|reach God by our fasting and prayers, our righteousness, but His righteousness | |

|alone, and become One in His Glory, the Holy Spirit, whom abides in each One of | |

|God's children. | |

| | |

| | |

|Not Fasting, But Justice Says the Lord: | |

| | |

|As God pointed our in the Old testament, and keeps up reminding us today, Not | |

|Fasting, But Justice Says the Lord: “Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose| |

|the bonds of wickedness, to undo the straps of the yoke, to let the oppressed go | |

|free, and to break every yoke?” Isaiah 58:6. | |

| | |

|As in the Old Testament, God is calling all Christians to break the bonds of | |

|wickedness and every yoke. God is not satisfied in our sacrifices but in our | |

|hearts, in our desire and actions to care for each other. As a child of God, when| |

|God allows us to see and experience any evil, it is not because He is mad at us | |

|(because He already took His anger in the body of Christ, the Lamb of God), but | |

|because He knows that He can count on us to fight this evil. | |

| | |

|Isaiah 58 tells us that God is not pleased in our fasting (in other translations | |

|in fasting and prayers) but in our desire to get rid of injustice and evil from | |

|this world. In my case, I had the privilege to experience a very prevalent evil | |

|that is destroying children and families in our cities, and I believe that God | |

|wants you and me to work to replace this evil with good, to be His hands and feet| |

|to help bring His Kingdom and will to this world in this area of life. I invite | |

|you to join me in this fight. Prayers and fasting in this area are appreciated, | |

|but according to God, are not enough. So, if God is asking you to help me, and I | |

|believe He is, ask Him how He wants you to work in this area. | |

| | |

|The evil I am facing is with the existing corruption/incompetence in the | |

|Miami-Dade Family Court system, the same one that in great part is responsible | |

|for the suffering and death of many children in the State of Florida, including a| |

|child named Nubia Barahona (whose innocent blood is still crying out to God, and | |

|who was not even officially counted as one of the 500 innocent children who have | |

|recently died under Florida’s Family Court system care), and who died at the | |

|hands of her foster parents in great part as a consequence of a | |

|corrupt/incompetent system. In my case, the same psychologist, who said Jorge | |

|Barahona, the man who killed Nubia and tortured her brother, was fit to be a | |

|foster parent and whom ignored clear evidence to the contrary, was the same | |

|incompetent psychologist, that hid and manipulated evidence in my case, and | |

|questioned my parental abilities due to my Christian values for having prayed the| |

|Armor of God of Ephesians 6:11-18 with my children, while 3 corrupt/incompetent | |

|judges in the 11th Circuit Family Court selectively enforced the Law, ignored the| |

|facts of this case, and made decisions in favor of their attorney friends. | |

| | |

|"Put on God’s armor so that you can make a stand against the tricks of the devil.| |

|12 We aren’t fighting against human enemies but against rulers, authorities, | |

|forces of cosmic darkness, and spiritual powers of evil in the heavens. 13 | |

|Therefore, pick up the full armor of God so that you can stand your ground on the| |

|evil day and after you have done everything possible to still stand. 14 So stand | |

|with the belt of truth around your waist, justice as your breastplate, 15 and put| |

|shoes on your feet so that you are ready to spread the good news of peace. 16 | |

|Above all, carry the shield of faith so that you can extinguish the flaming | |

|arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the | |

|Spirit, which is God’s word. 18 Offer prayers and petitions in the Spirit all the| |

|time. Stay alert by hanging in there and praying for all believers." (Ephesians | |

|6:11-18). | |

| | |

|"Moses told the people, Fear not; stand still (firm, confident, undismayed) and | |

|see the salvation of the Lord which He will work for you today. For the Egyptians| |

|you have seen today you shall never see again. The Lord will fight for you, and | |

|you shall hold your peace and remain at rest. The Lord said to Moses, Why do you | |

|cry to Me? Tell the people of Israel to go forward! Lift up your rod and stretch | |

|out your hand over the sea and divide it, and the Israelites shall go on dry | |

|ground through the midst of the sea" (Exodus 14:13-16). | |

| | |

|“Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captives of the just be | |

|delivered? For thus says the Lord: Even the captives of the mighty will be taken | |

|away, and the prey of the terrible will be delivered; for I will contend with him| |

|who contends with you, and I will give safety to your children and ease them. And| |

|I will make those who oppress you consume themselves [in mutually destructive | |

|wars], thus eating their own flesh; and they will be drunk with their own blood, | |

|as with sweet wine; and all flesh will know [with a knowledge grounded in | |

|personal experience] that I, the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the | |

|Mighty One of Jacob” (Isaiah 49: 24-26). “How blessed you are when people insult | |

|you and persecute you and tell all kinds of vicious lies about you because you | |

|follow me! Rejoice, be glad, because your reward in heaven is great — they | |

|persecuted the prophets before you in the same way” (Matthew 5: 11-12). | |

| | |

|Please visit and for more details on how to | |

|unite the Body of Christ through the Glory he has given us, the Holy Spirit. | |

|Do Not Be Afraid or Concerned When You Hear About Unity | |

| | |

|Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, | |

| | |

|Do not be afraid or concerned when you hear about Unity. The spirit of the | |

|antichrist is in the church today as it is shown in 1 John 2:18–23, and the | |

|clearest manifestation of it today is portrayed in the division of the Christian | |

|church. The evil one’s main tactic since the beginning of human kind has been | |

|his desire to separate us from God and from each other, thus the division we see | |

|today in the Body of Christ. | |

| | |

|As brother Greg’s message exemplifies (listen to minutes 7:40 to 11:35 of | |

|, The Four Horsemen of the | |

|Apocalypse — II), the evil one is trying to create fears/concerns in our hearts | |

|whenever we hear the words Unity. We need not to fear Unity, but to understand | |

|that in the end times, there will be a false and a true Unity, an antichrist, and| |

|a true Christ, a One World Religion, and a true Christian Unity, and these last | |

|two terms are diametrically opposed to each other. | |

| | |

|One World Religion is a false doctrine that comes right out of the pit of Hell. | |

|Christian Unity is Jesus’ heart and the key to the evangelization of the world, | |

|and it is based on sound doctrine, The Word of God fully manifested in Christ, | |

|which is the Gospel of Christ: the saving act of God due to the work of Jesus on | |

|the cross and resurrection from the dead which brings reconciliation | |

|("atonement") between people and God; The One Way (John 14:6) by which people | |

|from all nations may be restored to a relationship with God, if we choose to stop| |

|living our own way and turn to Jesus in repentance and faith. Many of us today | |

|need to repent (from Greek metanoiein, to change one's mind), and put Christ’s | |

|mind, so that our hearts may stop fearing Christian Unity, but embrace it because| |

|it is Christ’s will for His Body, its true Church. | |

| | |

|Mario A. Jiménez Jerez, M.D. | |

| | |

| |

|he-key-to-the-evangelization-of-the-world/ | |

| | |

| |

|spirit/ | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|"Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist | |

|is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the | |

|last hour. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been | |

|of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be | |

|made manifest, that none of them were of us. But you have an anointing from the | |

|Holy One, and you know all things. I have not written to you because you do not | |

|know the truth, but because you know it, and that no lie is of the truth. Who is | |

|a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist who denies | |

|the Father and the Son. Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either; | |

|he who acknowledges the Son has the Father also" (1 John 2:18–23). | |


| | |

|Have you ever wondered why the early church was so successful evangelizing the | |

|world? | |

| | |

|What happened to some parts of the Christian Church where our numbers have been | |

|progressively declining while other faiths, such as the Muslim faith, have been | |

|greatly increasing over the last decades? | |

| | |

|I believe that the answers to these questions may surprise some of you. The | |

|early church was so successful evangelizing the world because they understood and| |

|obeyed Jesus’ heart, which is for His followers to UNITE in the love for one | |

|another as a result of receiving God’s love in our hearts, His Grace, which is | |

|the true Gospel of Christ. | |

| | |

|As Acts shows: "All the believers were UNITED and shared everything. They would | |

|sell pieces of property and possessions and distribute the proceeds to everyone | |

|who needed them. Every day, they met together in the temple and ate in their | |

|homes. They shared food with gladness and simplicity. They praised God and | |

|demonstrated God’s goodness to everyone. The Lord added daily to the community | |

|those who were being saved.” (Acts 2: 44-47). | |

| | |

|Jesus provided the road map to effective evangelization, and it is called UNITY, | |

|and UNITY comes as a result of the GLORY which we have received, the Holy Spirit:| |

|“I gave them this GLORY so that they can be ONE… they will be completely ONE. | |

|Then, the world will know that you sent me and that you loved them just as you | |

|loved me.” God’s Grace, which is the true Gospel of Christ, produces UNITY in His| |

|followers, and this in return evangelizes the world by showing them how much God | |

|loves them: | |

| | |

|“I pray not only for these followers but also for those who will believe in me | |

|because of their teaching. Father, I pray that all who believe in me can be ONE. | |

|You are in me and I am in you. I pray that they can also be ONE in us. Then, the | |

|world will believe that you sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave | |

|me. I gave them this glory so that they can be ONE, just as you and I are ONE. I | |

|will be in them, and you will be in me. So they will be completely ONE. Then, the| |

|world will know that you sent me and that you loved them just as you loved me” | |

|(John 17:20-23). | |

| | |

|I believe that one of the main reasons we have not been able to evangelize the | |

|world is that we have learned EVANGELIZATION BACKWARDS. We have tried to obey the| |

|great commission, without first being UNITED as a fruit of the Holy Spirit moving| |

|in our lives by the preaching of the true Gospel of Christ, God’s unmerited | |

|favor, God’s Grace. This happened because we have tried to evangelize by | |

|proclaiming a false “gospel,” one mixed with the law, basically putting new wine | |

|into old wine skins, and the wine skin has burst causing all kinds of division in| |

|the church. | |

| | |

|The UNITY which leads to LIFE and the DIVISION which leads to DEATH is | |

|exemplified in the early church. On the one hand, the true Gospel, God’s Grace | |

|produces UNITY, and LIFE shown by the example of Barnabas in Acts: "The apostles | |

|continued to bear powerful witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and an | |

|abundance of GRACE was at work among them all. There were no needy persons among | |

|them. Those who owned properties or houses would sell them, bring the proceeds | |

|from the sales, and place them in the care and under the authority of the | |

|apostles. Then it was distributed to anyone who was in need. Joseph, whom the | |

|apostles nicknamed Barnabas (that is, “one who encourages”), was a Levite from | |

|Cyprus. He owned a field, sold it, brought the money, and placed it in the care | |

|and under the authority of the apostles" (Acts 4: 33-37). | |

| | |

|On the other hand, the mixture of “grace” and the law produces a false holiness | |

|that leads to DIVISION and DEATH, exemplified by Ananias and Sapphira: "However,| |

|a man named Ananias, along with his wife Sapphira, sold a piece of property. With| |

|his wife’s knowledge, he withheld some of the proceeds from the sale. He brought | |

|the rest and placed it in the care and under the authority of the apostles. Peter| |

|asked, “Ananias, how is it that Satan has influenced you to lie to the Holy | |

|Spirit by withholding some of the proceeds from the sale of your land? Wasn’t | |

|that property yours to keep? After you sold it, wasn’t the money yours to do with| |

|whatever you wanted? What made you think of such a thing? You haven’t lied to | |

|other people but to God!” When Ananias heard these words, he dropped dead. | |

|Everyone who heard this conversation was terrified. Some young men stood up, | |

|wrapped up his body, carried him out, and buried him. About three hours later, | |

|his wife entered, but she didn’t know what had happened to her husband. Peter | |

|asked her, “Tell me, did you and your husband receive this price for the field?” | |

|She responded, “Yes, that’s the amount.” He replied, “How could you scheme with | |

|each other to challenge the Lord’s Spirit? Look! The feet of those who buried | |

|your husband are at the door. They will carry you out too.” At that very moment, | |

|she dropped dead at his feet. When the young men entered and found her dead, they| |

|carried her out and buried her with her husband" (Acts 5: 1-10). | |

| | |

|As the passages above show, evangelization can only happen when the true Gospel | |

|is preached; this true Gospel produces UNITY, and UNITY in the Body of Christ | |

|shows the world the love of God for them. This is how the early church | |

|evangelized the world, and how the church of the end times will evangelize the | |

|whole world, and answer Christ’s petition to the Father. The greatest revival | |

|the world has seen is coming and it will happen once the true Gospel is preached | |

|producing the fruit of the Spirit in us, which is LOVE for one another; in other | |

|words, LOVE is UNITY, and UNITY is what will lead to the evangelization of the | |

|world. | |

| | |

|One way to show UNITY is by supporting our persecuted brothers and sisters. Our | |

|support for them shows our love for Christ and for one another, and is the key to| |

|the evangelization of the world. | |

| | |

|Take for example Meriam Yahia Ibrahim, ARRESTED FEBRUARY 2014 IN SUDAN. “On May | |

|15, 2014, a Khartoum court sentenced 27-year-old Sudanese Christian Dr. Meriam | |

|Yahia Ibrahim to death. She was found guilty of both apostasy and adultery. | |

|Initially, Meriam was charged with adultery because of her marriage to a | |

|Christian man, and the apostasy charge was added upon Meriam’s insistence that | |

|she was a Christian.” See more details here: | |

| | |

| | |

|“Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer | |

|adversity, as being yourselves also in the body” (Hebrews 13:3). | |

| | |

|So, what has been preventing the church from completely evangelizing the world? | |

|Our lack of UNITY with one another, exemplified by the parable of the good | |

|samatitan: | |

|“A man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho. He encountered thieves, who stripped | |

|him naked, beat him up, and left him near death. Now it just so happened that a | |

|priest was also going down the same road. When he saw the injured man, he crossed| |

|over to the other side of the road and went on his way. Likewise, a Levite came | |

|by that spot, saw the injured man, and crossed over to the other side of the road| |

|and went on his way. A Samaritan, who was on a journey, came to where the man | |

|was. But when he saw him, he was moved with compassion. The Samaritan went to him| |

|and bandaged his wounds, tending them with oil and wine. Then he placed the | |

|wounded man on his own donkey, took him to an inn, and took care of him. The next| |

|day, he took two full days’ worth of wages and gave them to the innkeeper. He | |

|said, ‘Take care of him, and when I return, I will pay you back for any | |

|additional costs.’ What do you think? Which one of these three was a neighbor to | |

|the man who encountered thieves?” Then the legal expert said, “The one who | |

|demonstrated mercy toward him.” Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.” (Luke | |

|10:30-37). | |

| | |

|The priest represents an apostate spirit infiltrated in the church, one that is | |

|more concerned in apperances, or religious traditions, than in God’s will and | |

|real substance. The Levite represents the spirit of legalism that instills | |

|prejudice into the hearts of believers. These are two of the main spirits | |

|dividing the church today, and preventing it from being unleashed onto the world.| |

| | |

|The church of Christ is unleashed in our UNITY by demonstrating the love of God | |

|in our care and compassion for each other, being the hands and feet of Jesus to a| |

|hurting world who will recognize Jesus as the Messiah by our UNITY shown in a | |

|tangible way by our love for each other, acting like the good Samaritan and not | |

|like the religious and legalistic people of our days represented by the priest | |

|and the Levite (teacher of the law) in the parable of the good Samaritan.  | |

| | |

|Lord, I pray that those who read this message receive a fresh revelation of the | |

|Holy Spirit, of how important the LOVE for one another is, and how this LOVE is | |

|fully manifested in the UNITY of your Body; that we may understand that we are | |

|your Body, your arms reaching, your hands healing, your words teaching, your feet| |

|going, your LOVE showing that JESUS IS THE WAY. | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|"Jesus paid much too high a price for us to pick and choose who should come. We | |

|are the Body of Christ. If we are the Body, why aren't His arms reaching? Why | |

|aren't His hands healing? Why aren't His words teaching? If we are the Body, why | |

|aren't His feet going? Why is His love not showing them there is a way, there is | |

|a way " - Casting Crowns. | |

| | |

|Mario A. Jimenez Jerez, M.D. | |

|A Servant of God Almighty, Saved by Grace and not by works. | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Sources and Statistics: | |

| |

|churches-in-the-united-states/ | |

| | |

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|e-of-church#.U6RbzpRdVIE | |

| | |

|Interesting Statistics about Americans, Church and God. | |

|1- In America, 3500 — 4000 churches close their doors each year. (from the Barna | |

|Study -- ) | |

|2- Churches lose an estimated 2,765,000 people each year to nominalism and | |

|secularism. (from the Barna Study -- ) | |

|3- Usual Sunday church attendance has dropped from 1,606,00 in 1968 to 881,000 in| |

|2005.() | |

|4- Only 21% of Americans attend religious services every week. | |

|() | |

|5- The proportion of the population that can be classified as Christian declined | |

|from 86% in 1990 to 77% in 2001.(American Religion Identification Survey) | |


| | |

|Many times we let our “knowledge or doctrines” separate the Body of Christ, but | |

|we must never forget that what we believe and what we understand now is imperfect| |

|because it is incomplete, and we can not let these imperfections separate us. In | |

|the end only Jesus, who is LOVE incarnate, remains and with Him those who remain | |

|in Him. Jesus (who is Love incarnate) never fails!!! Praised be His name!!! | |

| | |

|“Love never ends. But as for prophecies, they will come to an end; as for | |

|tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will come to an end. For we know | |

|only in part, and we prophesy only in part; but when the complete comes, the | |

|partial will come to an end. When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought| |

|like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became an adult, I put an end to | |

|childish ways. For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to | |

|face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully | |

|known. And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of | |

|these is love." (1 Corinthians 13: 8-13). | |

| | |

|The same choice Adam and Eve had of not trying to depend on attaining their own | |

|knowledge (their own righteousness) but to believe in God’s word is before us | |

|today: “The Lord God took the human and settled him in the garden of Eden to farm| |

|it and to take care of it. The Lord God commanded the human, “Eat your fill from | |

|all of the garden’s trees; but don’t eat from the tree of the knowledge of good | |

|and evil, because on the day you eat from it, you will die!” (Genesis | |

|2:15-17)…The snake was the most intelligent of all the wild animals that the Lord| |

|God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say that you shouldn’t eat | |

|from any tree in the garden?” The woman said to the snake, “We may eat the fruit| |

|of the garden’s trees but not the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden. | |

|God said, ‘Don’t eat from it, and don’t touch it, or you will die.’” The snake | |

|said to the woman, “You won’t die! God knows that on the day you eat from it, you| |

|will see clearly and you will be like God, knowing good and evil”” (Genesis | |

|3:1-5). | |

| | |

|We must decide between holding to what we believe is good and evil (original sin,| |

|the origin of the law) or to believe in God’s love for us which is expressed in | |

|Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Generosity, Faithfulness, Gentleness and | |

|Self-control so that the Body of Christ becomes One in His LOVE: “This is love | |

|[Jesus]: it is not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son as the| |

|sacrifice that deals with our sins" (1 John 4:10). | |

| | |

|Have you ever asked yourself how many times we let our “knowledge” of what is | |

|right and wrong separate the body of Christ? And, if we really want to serve | |

|Christ, why we are not actively working to make His wish for unity of His body | |

|our wish as well? Here is the heart of Christ, His last public prayer to our | |

|Father, His Last Will should be Our Will: “I pray not only for these followers | |

|but also for those who will believe in me because of their teaching. Father, I | |

|pray that all who believe in me can be one. You are in me and I am in you. I pray| |

|that they can also be one in us. Then the world will believe that you sent me. I | |

|have given them the glory that you gave me. I gave them this glory so that they | |

|can be one, just as you and I are one. I will be in them, and you will be in me. | |

|So they will be completely one. Then the world will know that you sent me and | |

|that you loved them just as you loved me” (John 17:20-23). | |

| | |

|I challenge you in your time of prayer to meditate on this (not only should we | |

|deeply pray for the unity of the church, but we should also ask ourselves): | |

|1. What is Christ calling me to do to achieve unity with our brothers in the | |

|faith? (focusing on our doctrines/customs/traditions will not bring unity, but | |

|focusing on the Gospel of Christ will). | |

|2. What are we doing today to be the answer to the prayer of our Lord for the | |

|unity of his Church? | |

| | |

|May the Grace of God always abound in your life. | |

|Check out my personal testimony and call to Christian Unity, One for All, and All| |

|for One; This is Christ’s will for His followers: | |

| | |

|“And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their | |

|testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.” (Revelation 12:11). | |


| | |

|Should Christians seek “peace” and “LOVE” at all cost? Are Christians sinning if | |

|they get angry and upset at this world system? Should not Christians be like | |

|Jesus, and walk humbly to the cross to be crucified? | |

| | |

|As the Lord has allowed me the privilege to suffer for his name (see | |

|), I have been meditating on how God wants me and others | |

|Christians to respond in these last days in the face of the crimes and injustices| |

|we are seeing, and which the Bible prophesies will get even worst. I have come to| |

|the conclusion, that in the name of being humble and meek, some Christians have | |

|erroneously found an excuse to hide their fears, and not raise their voices | |

|against the atrocities and injustices being committed in these last days. They do| |

|not understand that “Whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever | |

|loses their life will preserve it” (Luke 17:33), and that "they have conquered | |

|him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved | |

|not their lives [did not let fear conquer them] even unto death” (Revelation | |

|12:11). | |

| | |

|Many people believe that Christians should not get upset or angry at any cost | |

|because we are supposed to be meek, humble, peacemakers, etc. (Mat 5: 2-11). | |

|After all, are not Christians supposed to “love,” be like Christ and turn the | |

|other cheek, carry our cross, and silently deal with the injustices in this | |

|world? They reason, that if God is in control, we should let Him fix these | |

|things. We should meet in our churches, sing our nice songs, listen to our | |

|inspired sermons until we are either caught up in the rapture or until all this | |

|evil and injustice is magically gone. Unfortunately, some well-meaning Christians| |

|have bought into these lies. | |

| | |

|The Bible tells us that we are supposed to imitate Christ, that we are being | |

|transformed from glory to glory into his image by the renewal of our minds. I | |

|pray that after we read and meditate on His word on this topic, these lies will | |

|disappear, and we will become more like Him, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. | |

| | |

|“And Jesus went into the temple and drove out all who bought and sold in the | |

|sacred place, and He turned over the four-footed tables of the money changers and| |

|the chairs of those who sold doves. He said to them, The Scripture says, My house| |

|shall be called a house of prayer; but you have made it a den of robbers” | |

|(Matthew 21: 12-13). | |

| | |

|"And they came to Jerusalem. And he entered the temple and began to drive out | |

|those who sold and those who bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables | |

|of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons. And he would not | |

|allow anyone to carry anything through the temple. And he was teaching them and | |

|saying to them, “Is it not written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer | |

|for all the nations’? But you have made it a den of robbers.” And the chief | |

|priests and the scribes heard it and were seeking a way to destroy him, for they | |

|feared him, because all the crowd was astonished at his teaching" (Mark 11: | |

|15–18). | |

| | |

|"The Passover of the Jews was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. In the | |

|temple he found those who were selling oxen and sheep and pigeons, and the | |

|money-changers sitting there. And making a whip of cords, he drove them all out | |

|of the temple, with the sheep and oxen. And he poured out the coins of the | |

|money-changers and overturned their tables. And he told those who sold the | |

|pigeons, “Take these things away; do not make my Father's house a house of | |

|trade.” His disciples remembered that it was written, “Zeal for your house will | |

|consume me.” So the Jews said to him, “What sign do you show us for doing these | |

|things?” Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will | |

|raise it up.” The Jews then said, “It has taken forty-six years to build this | |

|temple, and will you raise it up in three days?” But he was speaking about the | |

|temple of his body. When therefore he was raised from the dead, his disciples | |

|remembered that he had said this, and they believed the Scripture and the word | |

|that Jesus had spoken" (John 2: 13-22). | |

| | |

|The Bible is clear that Christ got so angry to the point that he made a whip of | |

|cords, drove the money changers out of the temple. As the passages above show, | |

|this infuriated the chief priests and the scribes and caused them to want to kill| |

|Jesus for they feared Him. What did they feared? His teachings, for Jesus had a | |

|zeal for the house of God, for the temple, and this was symbolic of his greatest | |

|zeal, his people, who are now his temple. | |

| | |

|These same passages also teach us that Jesus equates the physical temple with the| |

|spiritual temple: “Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I| |

|will raise it up…But he was speaking about the temple of his body.” So in the | |

|new covenant, Christians become temples of the living God, see for instance 1 | |

|Corinthians 6: 19-20, and 1 Corinthians 3: 16-17. So, if Jesus was physically | |

|walking on this earth today (and Jesus is because we are in Him, we are His | |

|hands, His feet), he would have the same zeal for his people, his new temple. He | |

|would not tolerate to see the injustices and atrocities being committed against | |

|his people, against his Holy Temple. So, if we are to imitate Christ, should not | |

|Christians be doing the same? | |

| | |

|I believe that many Christians through history have intuitively understood this | |

|parallel and have fought against injustice, wherever it has shown his head. As | |

|Martin Luther King wrote, "Anger at injustice is the political expression of | |

|love." In other words, having faith and love is only part of the equation of | |

|being a Christian. The other part is putting that faith and love into action, by | |

|fighting for justice. | |

| | |

|In the Bible, there is a constant call to seek justice. Jesus got upset at the | |

|Pharisees because they neglected the weightier matters of the law, which He | |

|defined as justice and the love of God. In Isaiah 58, God complains about the | |

|fact that while the people of God are praying and fasting, they are not doing | |

|anything about injustice: | |

|“Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo | |

|the straps of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke? 7 | |

|Is it not to share your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into | |

|your house; when you see the naked, to cover him, and not to hide yourself from | |

|your own flesh? 8 Then shall your light break forth like the dawn, and your | |

|healing shall spring up speedily; your righteousness shall go before you; the | |

|glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard. 9 Then you shall call, and the Lord | |

|will answer; you shall cry, and he will say, ‘Here I am.’ If you take away the | |

|yoke from your midst, the pointing of the finger, and speaking wickedness, 10 if | |

|you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, | |

|then shall your light rise in the darkness and your gloom be as the noonday. 11 | |

|And the Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched | |

|places and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a| |

|spring of water, whose waters do not fail. 12 And your ancient ruins shall be | |

|rebuilt; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; you shall be | |

|called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of streets to dwell in" | |

|(Isaiah 58: 6 - 12). | |

| | |

|So, should Christians just pray for justice (which is one of the keys to letting | |

|His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven, in other words, to advance the | |

|Kingdom of God here on earth), and leave the rest to God? I don’t think so. | |

|Instead, in Hebrews 11: 33-34 among other things, we are reminded that we are | |

|God’s hands for dispensing justice, and God uses us to “administer justice.” I | |

|believe that like the heroes of the Bible in the Old and New testament, in these | |

|last days, Christians through faith are also called to conquer kingdoms, enforced| |

|justice, obtain promises, stop the mouths of lions, quench the power of fire, | |

|escape the edge of the sword, be made strong out of weakness, become mighty in | |

|war, and put foreign armies to flight. | |

| | |

|In other words, we have to “walk our talk” and put our prayers into action, for | |

|“Faith Without Works Is Dead”: | |

|“14 What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not | |

|have works? Can faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is naked and destitute | |

|of daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and | |

|filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what | |

|does it profit? 17 Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead”| |

|(James 2:14-17). | |

| | |

|Lord Jesus, I pray that all who read this meditation may understand that you have| |

|called us to advance your Kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven, that we all | |

|have divine purposes, good works for our lives which you have prepared for us | |

|since the foundation of this world (Ephesians 2: 10). May the grace of the Lord | |

|Jesus be with all, so we may walk with confidence knowing that it is through | |

|Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross that we have been set free to accomplish our | |

|missions in this life, and to enjoy His company for ever and ever. Amen. | |


| | |

|"Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo | |

|the straps of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke?" | |

|Isaiah 58:6 | |

| | |

|As in the Old Testament, God is calling all Christians to break the bonds of | |

|wickedness and every yoke. God is not satisfied in our sacrifices but in our | |

|hearts, in our desire and actions to care for each other. As a child of God, when| |

|God allows us to see and experience any evil, it is not because He is mad at us | |

|(because He already took His anger in the body of Christ, the Lamb of God), but | |

|because He knows that He can count on us to fight this evil. Isaiah 58 tells us | |

|that God is not pleased in our fasting (in other translations in fasting and | |

|prayers) but in our desire to get rid of injustice and evil from this world. | |

| | |

|In my case, I had the privilege to experience a very prevalent evil that is | |

|destroying children and families in our city, and wants us to work to replace | |

|this evil with good, to be His hands and feet to help bring His Kingdom and will | |

|to this world in this area of life. I invite you to join me in this fight. | |

|Prayers and fasting in this area are appreciated, but according to God, are not | |

|enough. So, if God is asking you to help me, and I believe He is, ask Him how He | |

|wants you to work in this area. | |

| | |

|The evil I am facing is with the existing corruption in the Miami-Dade Family | |

|Court system, the same one that in great part is reposnsible for the suffering | |

|and death of many children, including a child named Nubia Barahona, who died at | |

|the hands of her foster parent in great part as a consequence of a corrupt | |

|system. Now this criminal is desperately asking to have his case moved to the | |

|Miami Dade County court system. I know first hand why this guy is asking to have | |

|his case moved here. It is time we start voting for better judges or we will | |

|continue to see these crimes increased, and these criminals go unpunished. | |

|In my case, the same psychologist who said Jorge Barahona was a great parent for | |

|Nubia and Victor Barahona, is the same incompetent psychologist, | |

|, that hid and| |

|manipulated evidence in my case, and questioned my parental abilities due to my | |

|Christian values, while 3 corrupt judges in 11th circuit Family Court ignored the| |

|truth. But they did not count on one thing, that as children of God, we have the | |

|perseverance of Job, the courage of David, and in the end we will be victorious | |

|like Joseph. It's only a matter of time before victory is manifested in this | |

|world for greater is he who is in us than he who is in the world. See details | |

|here: . | |

| | |

|As one of my heroes, Mother Teresa, once said: "[We are] not called to be | |

|successful, [we are] called to be faithful." | |

| | |

| |

|e-20140428_1_murder-trial-carmen-barahona-victor | |

|The Least Common Denominator is THE VOID: | |

| | |

|This memorial day, I happened to stumble over very sad news in yahoo. It was | |

|about a young man, 22 y/o, whom over the weekend had gone on a shooting spree | |

|killing 6 and finally killing himself. I have also noticed what seems to be an | |

|increasing number of these senseless events, and this prompted me to seek for a | |

|minimum common denominator (a.k.a Least Commom Denominator or LCD) among them. | |

|In other words, what is it that all of these senseless murders all share in | |

|common? | |

| | |

|What I noticed is that in all of these individuals there was a VOID or EMPTINESS | |

|in their lives that they tried to fill with what the world had to offer them: | |

|money, possessions, drugs, alcohol, sex, video games, popularity, spirituality, | |

|and the list goes on and on. However, despite all their efforts, nothing could | |

|fill this VOID, for this VOID can only be filled with a personal and intimate | |

|relationship with a loving God through Jesus Christ. | |

| | |

|I believe that these events should be a wake up to all true Christians of the | |

|importance of sharing the Gospel, God’s Grace or unmerited favor, the only thing | |

|that can truly fill our inner most beings. May the Holy Spirit embolden us to | |

|share the God News with a suffering and dying world. AMEN. | |

| | |

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|20140524-story.html | |

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| | |

|to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with | |

|all the fullness of God. EPHESIANS 3:19 | |

| | |

|We would all like to experience more health, abundance and success in our lives. | |

|God, being God, has all of these things, won’t you agree? So to be full of God is| |

|to be full of health, abundance and success. But how does one become full of God?| |

| | |

|In the past, I was told that to be “filled with all the fullness of God”, I had | |

|to fast a certain number of days, pray a certain number of hours and speak in | |

|tongues incessantly! I am not belittling fasting, praying or speaking in tongues,| |

|but to be filled with all the fullness of God is not about what you do. It is not| |

|even about your love for Christ. It is actually about knowing the love of Christ!| |

|No one ever told me that if I knew how much God loves me and focused on His love | |

|for me, I would be full of Him. | |

| | |

|When God made you, He designed you to run at optimal level when you are filled | |

|with His love, like a car that runs at its best when it is filled with the right | |

|kind of petrol or gasoline. When you realize how much God loves you and you feed | |

|on His love for you, you will be supernaturally filled with the fullness of God. | |

| | |

|And to be full of God is to be full of everything God is to you and has for you. | |

|To be full of God is to come to a place of life, health, peace, abundance—total | |

|wellness. | |

| | |

|Also, when you are conscious of how much God loves you and you become filled with| |

|the fullness of God, what follows is the next verse—God doing exceedingly | |

|abundantly above all that you can ask or think, according to the power that works| |

|in you. (Ephesians 3:20) You will experience the tremendous blessings of God | |

|exploding in your life! You will become a blessing magnet! | |

| | |

|So as God’s beloved, continue to be nourished by His love for you, and experience| |

|more health, abundance and success in your life!" | |

| | |

| |

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|Prayer for Kidz ministry: | |

|"Our Father who are in heaven, praised and Holy is your name. Your Kingdom come, | |

|your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, | |

|forgive us our sins as we forgive those who have sinned against us, and do not | |

|let us fall into temptation, but deliver us from evil" (Matthew 6: 9-13). | |

| | |

|So children, who is our Father? (God), so that make us? (brothers and sisters); | |

|So we are a family where God is the Father, the church is the mother, and we are | |

|the children of God, the very own Sons and Daughters of Almighty God. AMEN. | |

| | |

|One day, Jesus was asked who was his family, and he answered: "whoever does the | |

|will of my Father in heaven is my brother, sister, and mother" (Matthew 12: | |

|48-50). | |

| | |

|What is the Father's will or command? Jesus explained: "a new command I give you:| |

|love one another, as I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all | |

|men will know that you are my followers, if you love one another" (John 13: | |

|34-35). | |

| | |

|Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go | |

|hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. John 6:35 | |

| | |

|Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every | |

|word that comes from the mouth of God.'" Matthew 4:4 | |

| | |

|“Dear Lord Jesus, I open my heart, and invite you inside to be my friend, to be | |

|my God, to be my savior. Forgive me of my sins, wash me clean. From this day | |

|forward, I want to follow you all the days of my life. I believe and put my faith| |

|and trust in you. Thank you for dying on the cross for me. In Jesus’ name I pray,| |

|AMEN.” | |


| | |

|As I was meditating on the word of God today, the thought of my oldest son being | |

|recently diagnosed with PTSD and major depression after his forced separation | |

|from our family, and the recent development of him starting to show involuntary | |

|movements of his neck and shoulders bombarded my mind. Through the Satan’s | |

|devices, my children were taken away unjustly for no other reason than for being | |

|a Christian, (see ), to try to derail me from my purpose in | |

|life, but only God has sustained me in His Grace, and his word. | |

| | |

|Through this ordeal, I have realized that like Abraham, I must trust in God’s | |

|promises for in Christ Jesus, all of God's promises come to pass (2 Cor. 1:20), | |

|and that the key to spiritual victory is in God’s word. When thoughts of despair| |

|attack me, I hold on and start to proclaim these promises: | |

| | |

|1. that our children are separated for the service of God: they are Holy and | |

|Sanctified (1 Cor. 7:14); | |

| | |

|2. that all of our children will follow the Lord and great will be their | |

|prosperity (Isaiah 54:13); | |

| | |

|3. that our children will come back to our house, the house of God, as promised | |

|in Jeremiah 31:16-17. | |

| | |

|What was different this afternoon is that right after I had proclaimed His | |

|promises over Satan’s attacks in my family, I opened my e-mail to today’s Grace | |

|Inspiration from Joseph Prince and it exactly coincided with what the Holy Spirit| |

|had put in my heart just minutes before. I believe that this testimony is not | |

|only for my good, but some others in the body of Christ. God bless. May the Grace| |

|of our Lord Jesus be always with you. | |

| | |


| | |

|So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me | |

|void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing | |

|for which I sent it. ISAIAH 55:11 | |

| | |

|Some years back, I had a skin condition which refused to heal. I told God about | |

|it and began to take the Holy Communion believing and confessing that by Jesus’ | |

|stripes I was healed. Nothing happened, or so it seemed. | |

| | |

|But the Lord did not forget about my skin condition. One day, He prompted me to | |

|check my body to see if it was still there. I did so and realized that it had | |

|disappeared! God had not forgotten the Word which I had confessed in faith. | |

| | |

|A couple in the United States who has been hearing me preach on God’s grace began| |

|to catch a revelation of God’s love for them. They started confessing their | |

|righteousness in Christ, and meditating on provision scriptures and declaring | |

|that they were debt-free through Jesus’ finished work. | |

| | |

|Not long after, the wife phoned their mortgage company to make two mortgage | |

|payments on their home. They had a total of about US$80,000 left to pay. To her | |

|utter surprise and delight, she was told that both accounts were at a zero | |

|balance. The company had forgiven both mortgage loans! Indeed, God did not forget| |

|the Word that this couple had spoken in faith. | |

| | |

|Maybe you shared God’s Word with a troubled friend a few years ago. You bump into| |

|him one day and he tells you, “Remember that day? You said something which | |

|transformed my life!” Your mind draws a blank because you have forgotten what you| |

|said. But God did not forget. He remembered what you said that day in faith. | |

| | |

|You see, if the words you confess in faith for yourself or over your loved ones | |

|are God’s own words, He says, “So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;| |

|it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it | |

|shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” Because what is promised to you | |

|is God’s Word, you will see the manifestation of His promise. He will certainly | |

|watch over His Word to perform it! (Numbers 23:19)” | |

| | |

| |

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| | |

|…for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. 2 CORINTHIANS 3:6 | |

| | |

|To the Jews, the feast of Pentecost is a celebration of the giving of God’s law. | |

|It takes place 50 days after the Passover feast. When God gave the Israelites the| |

|Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai, it was 50 days after they had celebrated their | |

|first Passover and come out of slavery in Egypt. | |

| | |

|But what happened after God gave them the law on the first Pentecost? Three | |

|thousand people died! (Exodus 32:28) Contrast this with another Pentecost in the | |

|New Testament. In the book of Acts, it says that when Pentecost had fully come, | |

|God gave not the law but the Holy Spirit, and what happened? Three thousand | |

|people got saved (Acts 2:41), which goes to show that “the letter [the law] | |

|kills, but the Spirit gives life”! | |

| | |

|The law, which was “written and engraved on stones”, ministered death. It killed | |

|3,000 people. That is why the apostle Paul calls it “the ministry of death” and | |

|“the ministry of condemnation”. (2 Corinthians 3:7–9) On the other hand, the | |

|Spirit ministered life—3,000 people got saved. | |

| | |

|My friend, when you come under the law by trying to keep God’s commandments in | |

|order to be blessed, it will lead to death. There will be deadness in your | |

|marriage, ministry, health, career…in your life. But when you depend on the | |

|Spirit of grace, it will lead to life. You will see breakthroughs and miracles | |

|(Galatians 3:5), and manifest the fruit of the Spirit. | |

| | |

|So if you want to be blessed, make sure that you are on the right mountain. You | |

|see, the law was given on Mount Sinai, but the Spirit on Mount Zion. That is why | |

|the Bible says that “you have not come to the mountain [Sinai] that may be | |

|touched and that burned with fire, and to blackness and darkness and tempest…But | |

|you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly | |

|Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels”. (Hebrews 12:18, 22) The Lord | |

|blesses you out of Zion (Psalm 128:5), and not Sinai! | |

| | |

|Beloved, by grace you have been saved through faith. (Ephesians 2:8) Now, | |

|continue in the Spirit of grace. Remain on the right mountain and He will | |

|continue to supply miracles in your life! | |

| | |

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|The Vision of Grace |La Vision de la Gracia |

| | |

|This document was prepared after a dream/vision I had several years ago. This |Quisiera compartir con ustedes un sueño/visión que fue el que un dia me inspiro a|

|changed my life forever, and I hope that it will do the same for you. In my |continuar mis estudios médicos. Este sueño cambió mi vida para siempre. En mi |

|dream, there was a long road, and people were forming two long lines; one to the |sueño, había un largo camino, y personas formaban dos largas líneas; una a la |

|right and the other to the left of the road. It was judgment day, and I had |derecha y la otra a la izquierda del camino. Era el día de juicio final, e |

|initially started to walk on the left side of the road, but then I thought to |inicialmente había comenzado a caminar en el lado del camino izquierdo, pero |

|myself: “I should be at the right, for those at the right side on judgment day |entonces pensé: “Debería estar a la derecha porque los que estén a la derecha en|

|will be saved.” Realizing that I was walking on the left side, and thus the |el día del juicio final se salvarán.” Al darme cuenta que caminaba al lado |

|wrong side of the road, I started to cry and pray for forgiveness. Then, in a |izquierdo, el lado equivocado del camino, comencé a llorar y orar pidiendo |

|moment of complete and utter desperation, I darted out of the line and shoved my |perdón. Luego, en un momento de desesperación completa y absoluta, salí |

|way to the right side of the road, to the line of people who were walking on the |rápidamente de la línea y a empujones me cruce al lado derecho de la carretera, |

|right side; for they, I thought, were heading for salvation. All of a sudden, |en la línea de las personas que caminaban al lado derecho, el lado correcto; |

|two white winged Angels, grabbed me by my shoulders, and pulled me out of the |porque ellos, yo pensé, serian salvos. De repente, dos ángeles con alas blancas,|

|line. I struggled to free myself from the Angels’ grab, but they were way too |me agarraron de mis hombros, y me sacaron de la línea. Luché para librarme de |

|strong. I really did not care if they were Angels; I was even ready to fight |los ángeles, pero eran mucho más fuertes que yo. Realmente no me importó si eran|

|Angels if it meant my salvation, so I fought to free myself with all my strength,|ángeles; estaba dispuesto a luchar contra los mismos ángeles porque estaba |

|with every drop of energy that was in me, for I was fighting for my life; not |luchando por mi salivación. Así que peleé para librarme con todas mi fuerzas, con|

|this life, but eternal life itself. I was not going to give it up that easily. |la ultima gota de energía que había en mí, pues estaba peleando por mi vida; No |

|However, all my effort and struggles were in vain. The Angels pushed me to the |esta vida, sino la vida eterna misma. No iba a darme por vencido tan fácilmente.|

|left side of the road, and I knew I was going to die. |Sin embargo, todo mi esfuerzo y mi lucha fue en vano. Los ángeles me empujaron |

| |para el lado del camino izquierdo, y supe que iba a morir. |

| | |

| |La lucha me había dejado completamente exhausto, y allí yo estaba de rodillas, |

|The struggle had left me completely exhausted, and there I was on my knees with |con mi frente tocando el piso. No podía dejar de llorar y rogar por perdón, pero|

|my forehead touching the floor. I could not stop crying and begging for |era demasiado tarde. Pensé, Dios mío, sé que fui un pecador, pero había pedido |

|forgiveness, but it was too late. I thought, my God, I know that I was a sinner,|perdón, y Jesús me había liberado de mis pecados. ¿Porque estoy ahora aquí, me |

|but I had asked for forgiveness, and Jesus had washed my sins away. Why am I |pregunte? Cuando ya había recobrado mi respiración y mis fuerzas, me puse de |

|here now? As I was catching my breath and regaining strength, I stood up. I |pie. Miré alrededor de mí, y habían muchas personas alrededor vestidas |

|looked around me, and there were many people around wearing white robes. I did |completamente de blanco. No sabia dónde estaba. Habían tantas personas |

|not know where I was. There were so many people around me, but none of them |alrededor, pero ninguna de ellas me dirigía la palabra; ellos miraban hacia el |

|would talk to me; they were all looking straight ahead of them at the same |frente, en la misma dirección. De repente, oí el sonido de una trompeta, y todo |

|direction. All of a sudden, I heard the sound of a trumpet, and I and everyone |el mundo alrededor de mí y yo caímos de rodillas, aun los ángeles mismos. |

|around me felt on their knees, even the Angels. While kneeling down, I managed |Mientras estaba de rodillas, logré levantar la cabeza en un esfuerzo de ver qué |

|to raise my head in an effort to see what was happening. At that moment, I was |ocurría. En ese momento, pude ver un hombre sentado sobre un trono, vestido |

|able to catch a sight of a man sitting on a throne and wearing a white shinning |completamente de blanco resplandeciente. Mientras Él estaba sentado, me di |

|robe. As He sat there, I realized that it was Jesus; his throne was right at the|cuenta que era Jesús; Su trono estaba exactamente al final del camino que yo |

|end of the road I had just walked moments before. I watched in horror for |había caminado momentos antes. Observaba en horror pues el día del juicio final |

|judgment day had come, and for reasons that I still could not completely |había llegado, y por razones que aun no completamente entendía, estaba en el lado|

|understand, I had been caught on the wrong side of the road. |equivocado del camino. |

| | |

| |Inconsolablemente esperando mi condenación eterna, observe a Jesús levantar Su |

|Inconsolably awaiting for my eternal damnation, I saw Him raising His right arm, |brazo derecho, y como si apuntara directamente hacia mí, dijo: “vengan, ustedes |

|and as though pointing it directly to me, He said “Come, you who are blessed by |que han sido bendecidos por mi Padre; tomen su herencia, el reino preparado para |

|my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation|ustedes desde la creación del mundo. Pues tuve hambre y me dieron de comer, tuve |

|of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty |sed y me dieron de beber, era un extraño y me dieron posada, necesité ropa y me |

|and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I |vistieron, estuve enfermo y me cuidaron, estuve preso y me llegaron a visitar.” |

|needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in |Luego, vi a todo el mundo alrededor de mí bailando, cantando, y alabando Su |

|prison and you came to visit me” (Matthew 25:35-36). Then, I saw everyone around|nombre con una alegría exorbitante. No podía creerlo, como si un velo caía de |

|me dancing, singing, and praising His name in exhilarating joy. I could not |mis ojos, entonces podía ver y entender que había estado en el lado correcto |

|believe it, as if a veil had fallen from my eyes, I could see and understand that|desde un comienzo. En ese mismo momento, todo el mundo alrededor de mí |

|I had been on the right side of the road all along. At that very moment, |desapareció, y sentí alguien abrazándome, y murmurando a mis oídos con una voz |

|everyone around me disappeared, and I felt someone hugging me, and He whispered |muy cariñosa: “Mi niño, no te preocupes pues estas conmigo; No importa que tan |

|to my ears with a very loving voice: “my child, do not worry for you are with me;|duro tratastes, yo no te deje ir pues ninguna de mis ovejas se perdió. Sé que |

|not matter how hard you tried, I would not let you go for you are of my flock, |allá en el camino, tratastes de irte por la vía equivocada, pero mis ángeles te |

|and none of my sheep was lost. I know that back there in the road, you tried to |detuvieron. Tu trataste de lograr la salvación siguiendo lo que tu creías era |

|go in the wrong way, but my Angels stopped you. You were trying to attain |correcto, el camino derecho, siguiendo un conjunto de reglas, regulaciones y |

|salvation by following what you thought was the right way, by following a set of |leyes, pero mis caminos no son tus caminos. |

|rules, regulations and laws, but my ways are not your ways. | |

| |La Salvación se obtiene por la Gracia, y no por la Ley. Yo di mi vida para |

|Salvation is attained by grace, and not by the law. I died to set you and your |librarlos de la Ley, a fin de que tu y tus hermanos puedan vivir eternamente. |

|brothers free from the law, so that you and your brothers may live forever. From|Por esta verdad, ustedes deben regocijarse, y deben compartir esta alegría con |

|this truth, you shall be overjoyed, and you should share this joy with those who |aquellos que no me conocen. Por esto les ordené a mis apóstoles que fueran y |

|do not know me. That is why I commanded my apostles to go and share the good |compartieran las buenas nuevas con todas las naciones. Pero no te dejes |

|news with all nations. But, do not be confused by the teachers of the law and |confundir por los maestros de la ley y los nuevos fariseos; Me llaman Señor, |

|new Pharisees; they call me Lord, Lord, but I do not know them. As in the days I|Señor, pero no los conozco. Como en los días que camine sobre la tierra, estos |

|walked upon the earth, these false teachers load people down with burdens they |falsos maestros ponen grandes cargas sobre las personas que ellos apenas pueden |

|can hardly carry but will not lift one finger to help them. They claim to know |cargar, pero no levantan un dedo para ayudarles. Creen saber el camino, pero |

|the way, but they really do not know it. I am the Way and the Truth and the Life.|realmente no lo conocen. Yo soy la verdad y la vida. Nadie viene al Padre excepto|

|No one comes to the Father except through me. I am Love. No one comes to the |a través de mí. Yo soy Amor. Nadie viene al Padre excepto a través del Amor. |

|Father except through Love.” | |

| | |

|After the dream, I felt compelled to come up with this drawing which shows the | |

|connection between Body, Mind, and Soul, for a picture is worth a thousand words.| |

|Because I am not very good at drawing, I used Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man | |

|as an initial template, and I built upon it. The Vitruvian Man represents | |

|humanity, i.e. each one of us, males or females. As the Bible teaches us, we | |

|were made in the image of God, and as Christians, we believe that God is three | |

|distinct Persons, but One True God. Since we were made in His image, we must | |

|also follow a similar pattern. In our case, as Mathew hinted us in Mat 22:37, | |

|our hearts, souls, and minds form a complete human being, our whole being. | |

|Mathew basically tells us that we must love God with our whole being, i.e. our | |

|heart, our soul, and our mind. Our heart represents our flesh, or Body, and it | |

|is equivalent to Jesus since He became flesh and made His dwelling among us (John| |

|1:14). Our Soul is the spiritual part of our being, and is equivalent to the | |

|Holy Spirit. Our Mind is the driving energy or force behind everything we do, | |

|and it is equivalent to the Father. Just like the Father, the Son, and the Holy | |

|Spirit are One, and are in perfect harmony, we must also be one and be in perfect| |

|harmony. We were initially in this perfect harmony, but sin destroyed it. | |

|However, it is trough Jesus, who is Love incarnate, that this original perfect | |

|harmony can be restored. Remember, Jesus is Love; Jesus is the Way; thus, Love | |

|is the Way (A=B; A=C; thus B=C). It is through Love (Jesus) that harmony within | |

|ourselves is restored and we become whole once again. It is only through Love | |

|(Jesus) that humanity has been restored to its original pristine state. When | |

|this original harmony is restored in us, our Minds, Bodies, and Souls become | |

|whole once again. This is represented by the three small circles inside the | |

|bigger circle originally drawn by Leonardo. Notice that in perfect harmony, the | |

|intersection of these three circles form an area where God is at the center. | |

|This means that God must be at the center of our lives for this perfect harmony | |

|to occur. | |

| | |

|In perfect harmony, our minds and our bodies yield the maximum amount of good | |

|fruits (Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and | |

|Self-control), and this is represented by the intersection of the Mind and Body | |

|circles. Similarly, in perfect harmony, our minds are constantly learning God’s | |

|will for our lives; this is represented by the intersection of the Mind and Soul | |

|circles. Also in perfect harmony, our Bodies become perfect temples of God, and | |

|this is represented by the intersection of the Body and Soul circles. Outside | |

|the intersection area of these three circles, but still inside of at least one of| |

|the circles, there are things that help us build our Minds, Bodies, and Souls | |

|(this list is not complete, however). To the right of the Vitruvian Man (who | |

|represents every one of us, humanity), just like in my dream, are warnings that | |

|we must pay attention to, to avoid losing the Way. Just because we might preach | |

|the word of God, prophesy, drive out demons, or even perform many miracles in His| |

|name, it does not mean that He will know us, or that these acts will make us | |

|worthy to enter the kingdom of heaven; only Love makes us worthy to enter the | |

|kingdom of heaven. Also, to the right are hints to help us identify false | |

|prophets. Do not be deceived by them for by their fruit you shall know them. | |

|Now, to the left of the Vitruvian Man is the key to salvation. Here we learn | |

|that God must be at the center of our lives, that it is by His grace (free gift | |

|of God to humankind) that we are saved, and that as a response to His grace, Love| |

|should emanate from within our hearts to our neighbors (all human beings). | |

|Finally, John 3:16 sums it all up: "For God so loved the world that he gave His | |

|one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal | |

|life.” A final warning: this drawing and all that it contains shall not be | |

|considered perfect doctrine for "Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror;| |

|then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even| |

|as I am fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope and Love. But the | |

|greatest of these is Love" (1 Cor. 13: 12-13). | |



|Thoughts About God's and Man's Perfect Harmony |Pensamiento Hacerca de la Harmonia Perfecta de Dios y el Hombre |

| | |

| |Despues de la vision de la gracia, senti que debia de hacer un dibujo, ya que un |

|After the vision of grace, I felt compelled to come up with this drawing, for a |dibujo vale mil palabras. Porque no soy muy buen dibujante, use el dibujo de |

|picture is worth a thousand words. Because I am not very good at drawing, I used|Leonardo da Vinci como un bosquejo inicial, y construi basado en el. |

|Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man as an initial template, and I built upon it. | |

|The law is based on this command: “YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR|La ley esta basada en este mandamiento: “Amaras al Señor tu Dios con todo tu |

|HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND” (Mat 22:37), but Grace is |CORAZON, y con toda tu ALMA, y con toda tu MENTE” (Mateo 22:37), mas la Gracia |

|based on God’s love for us. |esta basada en el amor de Dios por nosotros. |

|The key to understanding the difference between the old covenant and the new | |

|covenant is that in the new covenant God redefined the meaning of love: "This is | |

|love [Jesus]: it is not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son |La clave para entender la diferencia entre el antiguo pacto y el nuevo pacto es |

|as the sacrifice that deals with our sins" (1 John 4:10). |que en el nuevo pacto Dios redefinió el significado del amor: "Este es el amor |

| "And this is his commandment, that we should believe in the name of his Son |[Jesús]: no es que nosotros hayamos amado a Dios, sino en que él nos amó y envió |

|Jesus Christ and love one another, just as he has commanded us" (1 John 3:23). |a su Hijo como el sacrificio que se ocupa de nuestros pecados "(1 Juan 4:10). |

|So what is the command 1 John 3:23 refers to? this is the New Law, the New |"Y este es su mandamiento: que creamos en el nombre de su Hijo Jesucristo, y que |

|Command in the New Covenant, in the covenant of His blood: “I give you a new |nos amemos unos a otros como El nos ha mandado" (1 Juan 3:23). |

|commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should| |

|love one another.” (John 13:34). |Asi que ¿cuál es el mandamiento al que 1 Juan 3:23 refiere? Esta es la Nueva Ley,|

| |es el nuevo mandamiento en el Nuevo Pacto, en el pacto de Su sangre: "Os doy un |

|The law of Moses was only a shadow of Christ. Those trying to be justified by it |mandamiento nuevo: que os améis unos a otros. Como yo os he amado, que también os|

|are always conscious of their sins, but those justified by Christ are always |améis unos a otros." (Juan 13:34). |

|conscious of Christ’s sacrifice for them and not their sins, for all their sins, | |

|past, present and future are covered by His blood. |La ley de Moisés era sólo una sombra de Cristo. Los que tratan de ser |

|“A new heart I will give you, and a new spirit I will put within you; and I will |justificados por ella son siempre conscientes de sus pecados, pero los que son |

|take out of your flesh the heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. 27 And I|justificados por Cristo estan siempre conscientes del sacrificio de Cristo por |

|will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes and be |ellos y no sus pecados, porque todos sus pecados, pasados, presentes y futuros |

|careful to observe my ordinances” (Ezekiel 36: 26-27). |están cubiertos por Su sangre. |

| | |

|"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your |“pondré en ustedes un corazón nuevo y un espíritu nuevo. Quitaré de ustedes ese |

|minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and |corazón duro como la piedra y les pondré un corazón dócil. 27 Pondré en ustedes |

|acceptable and perfect" (Romans 12:2). |mi espíritu, y haré que cumplan mis leyes y decretos” (Ezequiel 36:26). |

| | |

|“Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your Spirit and | |

|soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord |“Y no os adaptéis a este mundo, sino transformaos mediante la renovación de |

|Jesus Christ” (1 Thessalonians 5:23 NASB). |vuestra mente, para que verifiquéis cuál es la voluntad de Dios: lo que es bueno,|

|To harmonize Mat 22:37 with Ezekiel 36: 26-27, 1 Thessalonians 5:23, and other |aceptable y perfecto” (Romanos 12:2). |

|passages that mention similar terms, here Spirit and soul = New Spirit, and BODY=| |

|mind and heart (body’s main organ of response to thoughts). |"Y el mismo Dios de paz os santifique por completo; y vuestro espíritu y vuestra |

| |alma y cuerpo, sea guardado irreprensible para la venida de nuestro Señor |

| |Jesucristo" (1 Tesalonicenses 5:23 NVI). |

|"For the Word that God … is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the |Para armonizar Mat 22:37 con Ezequiel 36: 26-27, 1 Tesalonicenses 5:23, y otros |

|dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] Spirit,… exposing |pasajes que usan terminos similares, aquí Espíritu y alma = Nuevo Espíritu y |

|and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts ((mind)) and purposes of |CUERPO= mente y corazón (organo principal de respuesta del cuerpo a los |

|the heart ((our body’s response to these thoughts))" (Hebrews 4:12). |pensamientos). |

| | |

|1) The Vitruvian Man represents humanity, i.e. each one of us, males or females.|"Porque la palabra de Dios… Es más cortante que cualquier espada de dos filos, y |

|As the Bible teaches us, we were made in the image of God, and as Christians we |penetra hasta lo más profundo del alma y del espíritu…y somete a juicio los |

|believe that God is three distinct Persons, but One True God. Since we were made|pensamientos ((mente)) y las intenciones del corazón ((las respuestas del cuerpo |

|in His image, we must also follow a similar pattern. In our case, as Mathew |a los pensamientos))" (Hebreos 4:12). |

|hinted us in Mat 22:37, our hearts, souls, and minds form a complete human being,| |

|our whole being. Mathew basically tells us that we must love God with our whole |1) El Hombre de Vitruvio representa a la humanidad, es decir, cada uno de |

|being, i.e. our heart, our soul, and our mind. Our heart represents our flesh, |nosotros, hombres o mujeres. Como la Biblia nos enseña, nos hicieron a imagen de |

|or material body, and it is equivalent to Jesus since He became flesh and made |Dios, y como cristianos creemos que Dios es tres personas distintas, pero un |

|His dwelling among us (John 1:14). Our soul is the spiritual part of our being, |único y verdadero Dios. Dado que fuimos hechos a su imagen, nosotros debemos |

|and is equivalent to the Holy Spirit. Our mind is the organ that processes our |seguir un patrón similar. En nuestro caso, como Mateo nos dio a entender en Mateo|

|thoughts, and directs all the other organs of our bodies; since mass and energy |22:37, nuestros corazones, almas y mentes forman un ser humano completo, todo |

|are interchangeable, we can say that the mind is also the driving energy or force|nuestro ser. Mateo básicamente nos dice que debemos amar a Dios con todo nuestro |

|behind everything we do, and it is analogous to the Father. |ser, es decir, nuestro corazón, nuestra alma y nuestra mente. Nuestro corazón |

| |representa nuestra carne o cuerpo material, y es equivalente a Jesús ya que Él se|

| |hizo carne y habitó entre nosotros (Juan 1:14). Nuestra alma es la parte |

| |espiritual de nuestro ser, y es equivalente al Espíritu Santo. Nuestra mente es |

|2) Just like the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are One, and are in |el organo que procesa nuestros pesamientos, y dirigue todos los otros organos del|

|perfect harmony, we must also be one and be in perfect harmony. We were |cuerpo; debido a que la materia y la energia son intercambiables, se puede decir |

|initially in this perfect harmony, but sin destroyed it. However, it is trough |que la mente es la energía o fuerza motriz detrás de todo lo que hacemos, y es |

|Jesus, who is Love incarnate, that this original perfect harmony can be restored.|análogo a Dios Padre. |

|Remember, Jesus is Love; Jesus is the Way; thus, Love is the Way (A=B; A=C; thus | |

|B=C). It is through Love (Jesus) that harmony within us is restored and we |2) Al igual que el Padre, el Hijo y el Espíritu Santo son uno, y se encuentran en|

|become whole once again. It is only through Love (Jesus) that humanity has been |perfecta armonía, también nosotros debemos de ser uno y estar en perfecta |

|restored to its original pristine state. When this original harmony is restored |armonía. Al principio estábamos en esta perfecta armonía, pero el pecado la |

|in us, our minds, bodies, and souls become whole once again. This is represented|destruyó. Sin embargo, es a través de Jesús, que es el Amor encarnado, que esta |

|by the three small circles inside the bigger circle originally drawn by Leonardo |perfecta armonía original se puede restaurar. Recuerde, Jesús es el Amor; Jesús |

|da Vinci. Notice that in perfect harmony, the intersection of these three |es el camino, por lo que Amor es el Camino (A=B; A=C, por lo que B=C). Es a |

|circles form an area where God is at the center. This means that God must be at |través del amor (Jesús) que la armonía dentro de nosotros mismos es restaurada y |

|the center of our lives for this perfect harmony to occur. |volvemos ha ser un solo conjunto una vez más. Es sólo a través del amor (Jesús) |

| |que la humanidad ha sido restaurada a su estado prístino original. Cuando esta |

| |armonía original se restaura en nosotros, nuestras mentes, cuerpos y almas se |

| |convierten uno otra vez más. Esto está representado por los tres pequeños |

| |círculos dentro del círculo grande originalmente dibujado por Leonardo da Vinci. |

|3) Next, pay attention to the colors used for MIND*FATHER=NEW MIND, SOUL*HOLY |Observe que en perfecta armonía, la intersección de estos tres círculos forman |

|SPIRIT=NEW SPIRIT, and HEART(Body)*SON=NEW HEART. Our eyes only have three types |una zona en la que Dios está en el centro. Esto significa que Dios debe ser el |

|of color sensors, called cones. Each cone is designed to see only one of these |centro de nuestras vidas para esta perfecta armonía que se produzca. |

|three colors: Blue, Green, and Red. Blue has the highest level of energy, | |

|followed by the green and the red color respectively. In a perfectly equal |3) A continuación, preste atención a los colores utilizados MENTE*PADRE=NUEVA |

|combination of these colors, that is to say in perfect harmony, what we see is |MENTE, ALMA*ESPÍRITU SANTO=NUEVO ESPÍRITU, y CORAZÓN(Cuerpo)*SON= NUEVO CORAZÓN. |

|pure white light; which is analogous to what happens when the MIND*FATHER=NEW |Nuestros ojos sólo tienen tres tipos de sensores de color, llamados conos. Cada |

|MIND, the SOUL*HOLY SPIRIT=NEW SPIRIT, and the HEART(Body)*SON=NEW HEART are in |cono está diseñado para ver sólo uno de estos tres colores: azul, verde y rojo. |

|perfect harmony within ourselves, and the pure light of God shines in us and |Azul tiene el más alto nivel de energía, seguido por el verde y el color rojo, |

|through us, and the love of God, who is Jesus, is perfectly manifested in us and |respectivamente. En una combinación perfectamente igual de estos colores, es |

|through us for the salvation of the world. |decir, en perfecta armonía, lo que vemos es la luz blanca pura, que es análogo a |


| |ESPÍRITU, y CORAZÓN(Cuerpo)*SON= NUEVO CORAZÓN están en perfecta armonía dentro |

| |de nosotros mismos, y la luz pura de Dios brilla en nosotros y a través de |

|4) In perfect harmony, our minds and our bodies yield the maximum amount of |nosotros, y el amor de Dios, que es Jesús, está perfectamente manifestado en |

|fruit of the Spirit which is love, and this love is expressed in joy, peace, |nosotros y a través de nosotros para la salvación del mundo. |

|patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, and | |

|this is represented by the intersection of the NEW MIND and NEW HEART circles. |4) En perfecta armonía, nuestras mentes y nuestros cuerpos producen el fruto del |

|Similarly, in perfect harmony, our minds are constantly learning God’s will for |Espíritu que es el amor y el amor es expresado en la forma de gozo, paz, |

|our lives; this is represented by the intersection of the NEW MIND and NEW SPIRIT|paciencia, amabilidad, bondad, fidelidad, mansedumbre y dominio de sí mismo, y |

|circles. Also in perfect harmony, our bodies become perfect temples of God, and |esto está representado por la intersección de los círculos de la NUEVA MENTE y |

|this is represented by the intersection of the NEW HEART and NEW SPIRIT circles. |NUEVO CORAZÓN. Del mismo modo, en perfecta armonía, nuestras mentes están |

| |aprendiendo constantemente la voluntad de Dios para nuestras vidas, lo que está |

| |representado por la intersección de los círculos de la NUEVA MENTE y del NUEVO |

| |ESPÍRITU. También en perfecta armonía, nuestros cuerpos se convierten en templos |

| |perfectos de Dios, y esto es representado por la intersección de los círculos del|

|5) Outside the intersection area of these three circles, but still inside of at |NUEVO CORAZÓN y la NUEVA MENTE. |

|least one of the circles, there are things that help us build our minds, bodies, | |

|and souls (this list is not complete, however). |5) Fuera de la zona de intersección de estos tres círculos, pero aún dentro al |

| |meno de uno de los círculos, hay cosas que nos ayudan a construir nuestras |

|6) To the right of the Vitruvian Man (whom represents every one of us, |mentes, cuerpos y almas (esta lista no es completa, sin embargo). |

|humanity), are warnings that we must pay attention to, to avoid losing the Way. | |

|Just because we might preach the word of God, prophesy, drive out demons, or even|6) A la derecha del Hombre de Vitruvio (quien representa a cada uno de nosotros, |

|perform many miracles in His name, it does not mean that He will know us, or that|la humanidad), son advertencias que debemos prestar atención, para no perder el |

|these acts will make us worthy to enter the kingdom of heaven; only Love makes us|camino. El hecho de que podamos predicar la palabra de Dios, profetizemos, |

|worthy to enter the kingdom of heaven, and "This is love: it is not that we loved|expulsemos a los demonios, o incluso realizemos muchos milagros en su nombre, |

|God but that he loved us and sent his Son as the sacrifice that deals with our |esto no significa que Él nos conocera, o que estos actos nos harán dignos de |

|sins" (1 John 4:10). |entrar en el reino de los cielos; sólo el amor nos hace dignos de entrar en el |

| |reino de los cielos y "En esto consiste el amor: no en que nosotros hayamos amado|

| |a Dios, sino en que El nos amó a nosotros y envió a su Hijo como propiciación por|

|Also, to the right are hints to help us identify false prophets. Do not be |nuestros pecados" (1 Juan 4:10). |

|deceived by them for by their fruit (love) you will recognize them. "Not everyone|También, a la derecha hay consejos para ayudarnos a identificar a los falsos |

|who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who |profetas. No se deje engañar por ellos porque por su fruto (amor) los conoceréis.|

|does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, |"No todo el que me dice 'Señor, Señor', entrará en el reino de los cielos, sino |

|'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons |el que hace la voluntad de mi Padre que está en los cielos. Muchos me dirán en |

|and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. |aquel día: 'Señor, Señor, ¿no profetizamos en tu nombre, y en tu nombre |

|Away from me, you evildoers!” (Mat 7: 20-23). To what fruit is the passage |expulsamos demonios e hicimos muchos milagros' Entonces yo les declararé :'Nunca |

|referring? “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, |os conocí Aléjense de mí, hacedores de maldad " (Mateo 7 : 20-23). ¿Ha qué fruta |

|goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is|se refiere el pasaje? "Mas el fruto del Espíritu es amor, gozo, paz, paciencia, |

|no law” (Gal 5: 22-23). And, what is The will of my Father? "A new command I give|amabilidad, bondad, fidelidad, mansedumbre y dominio propio contra tales cosas no|

|you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this|hay ley" (Gal 5: 22-23). Y, ¿cuál es la voluntad de mi Padre? "Un mandamiento |

|all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13: |nuevo os doy: Amaos los unos a los otros. Como yo os he amado, que también os |

|34-35). |améis unos a otros. De este modo todos sabrán que son mis discípulos, si se aman |

| |los unos a los otros" (Juan 13:34-35). |

| | |

|7) Now, to the left of the Vitruvian Man are the keys to salvation. Here we |7) Ahora, a la izquierda del Hombre de Vitruvio estan las claves para la |

|learn that God must be at the center of our lives; that it is by His grace (free |salvación. Aquí aprendemos que Dios debe ser el centro de nuestras vidas, que es |

|gift of God to humankind) that we are saved, and that as a response to His grace,|por su gracia (regalo de Dios a la humanidad) que somos salvos, y que, como |

|Love should emanate from within our hearts to our neighbors (all human beings). |respuesta a su gracia, el amor debe emanar de dentro de nuestros corazones, para |

|Finally, John 3:16 sums it all up: "For God so loved the world that he gave His |nuestros vecinos (todos los seres humanos). Por último, Juan 3:16 lo resume todo |

|one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal |: "Porque tanto amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su Hijo unigénito para que todo |

|life.” A final warning: this drawing and all that it contains shall not be |aquel que en él cree no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna." Una advertencia final:|

|considered a doctrine or a new philosophy. It is just a human attempt to try to |este dibujo y todo lo que contiene no se debe considerar una doctrina o una |

|understand what cannot be completely understood while we are alive on this earth.|filosofía nueva. Es sólo un intento humano para tratar de entender lo que no se |

|It is imperfect because "Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we|puede entender completamente mientras estemos vivos en esta tierra. Esto es |

|shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am|imperfecto porque "Ahora vemos solamente una reflexión pobre, como en un espejo; |

|fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope and Love. But the greatest |entonces veremos cara a cara. Ahora conozco en parte, pero entonces conoceré como|

|of these is Love" (1 Cor 13: 12-13). Only Jesus has achieved this perfection, and|soy conocido. Y ahora estos tres permanecen: fe, esperanza y amor. Pero el mayor |

|it is only through Him that we can achieve it as well. |de ellos es el amor" (1 Cor 13:12-13). Sólo Jesús ha logrado la perfección, y es |

| |sólo a través de Él que podemos lograrlo también. |

|Teachings On Marriage: |Enseñanzas del Matrimonio: |

|"So God created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created|"Creó, pues, Dios al hombre a imagen suya, a imagen de Dios lo creó; varón y |

|him; male and female He created them. And God blessed them and said to them, Be |hembra los creó. Y los bendijo Dios y les dijo: Sed fecundos y multiplicaos, y |

|fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it [using all its vast |llenad la tierra(C) y sojuzgadla; ejerced dominio sobre los peces del mar, sobre |

|resources in the service of God and man]; and have dominion over the fish of the |las aves del cielo y sobre todo ser viviente que se mueve sobre la tierra" |

|sea, the birds of the air, and over every living creature that moves upon the |(Génesis 1:27-28). |

|earth" (Genesis 1:27-28). | |

| | |

|"And did not God make [you and your wife] one [flesh]? Did not One make you and |"Pero ninguno que tenga un remanente del Espíritu lo ha hecho así. ¿Y qué hizo |

|preserve your spirit alive? And why [did God make you two] one? Because He sought|éste mientras buscaba una descendencia de parte de Dios? Prestad atención, pues, |

|a godly offspring [from your union]. Therefore take heed to yourselves, and let |a vuestro espíritu; no seas desleal con la mujer de tu juventud" (Malaquías |

|no one deal treacherously and be faithless to the wife of his youth" (Malachi |2:15). |

|2:15). | |

|The Body of Christ needs a Spiritual “stem cell” transplant |El Cuerpo de Cristo necesita un trasplante Espiritual de "célula madre" |

| | |

| |La última oración pública de Cristo al Padre fue la unidad de la Iglesia, que es|

|Christ’s last public prayer to the Father was the unity of the church, which is |su cuerpo. Como se ha explicado anteriormente, esta unidad es la clave para la |

|his body. As explained previously, this unity is the key to the evangelization of|evangelización del mundo, y la posterior segunda venida de Cristo. Es por eso que|

|the world, and the subsequent second coming of Christ. That’s why Satan has |Satanás ha trabajado tan duro para dividir a la iglesia de Cristo, porque él sabe|

|worked so hard to divide Christ’s church, for he knows that without the unity of |que sin la unidad de la iglesia, no puede haber una verdadera evangelización del |

|the church, there can not be a true evangelization of the world, and thus he can |mundo, y por lo tanto todavía puede permanecer en esta tierra. |

|still remain on this earth. |Satanás es la causa de la división de la iglesia. Ha causado un trastorno |

| |"espiritual" auto-inmune en el cuerpo de Cristo, causando daños a los muchos |

|Satan is the cause of the division of the church. He has caused a “spiritual” |tejidos del cuerpo de Cristo. El Espíritu Santo es como una célula madre en el |

|auto-immune disorder to the body of Christ, causing damage to the many tissues of|cuerpo de Cristo. Él es el Sanador del cuerpo de Cristo. El cuerpo de Cristo, Su |

|the body of Christ. The Holy Spirit is like a stem cell in the body of Christ. |iglesia aquí en la tierra, necesita el poder sanador del Espíritu Santo, al igual|

|He is the Healer of Christ’s body. The body of Christ, His church here on earth, |que un cuerpo enfermo puede necesitar un trasplante de células madre para curarse|

|needs the Holy Spirit’s healing power, just like a sick body may need a stem cell|a sí mismo. La biblia lo pone de esta manera: "nos salvó, no por obras de |

|transplant to heal itself. The bible puts it this way: "He saved us not by works|justicia que nosotros hubiéramos hecho, sino por su misericordia, por el |

|of righteousness which we had done, but according to His mercy, by the washing of|lavamiento de la regeneración y por la renovación en el Espíritu Santo" (Tito |

|regeneration, and by the renewing of the Holy Ghost" (Titus 3:5). |3:5). |

|The Baptism of the Holy Spirit |El Bautismo del Espíritu Santo |

| | |

|The Parable of the Sewer Explained: |Explicación de la parábola del sembrador: |

|18 “Hear then the parable of the sower. 19 When anyone hears the word of the |18 Vosotros, pues, escuchad la parábola del sembrador. 19 A todo el que oye la |

|kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what is |palabra del reino y no la entiende, el maligno viene y arrebata lo que fue |

|sown in the heart; this is what was sown on the path. 20 As for what was sown on |sembrado en su corazón. Este es aquel en quien se sembró la semilla junto al |

|rocky ground, this is the one who hears the word and immediately receives it with|camino. 20 Y aquel en quien se sembró la semilla en pedregales, éste es el que |

|joy; 21 yet such a person has no root, but endures only for a while, and when |oye la palabra y enseguida la recibe con gozo; 21 pero no tiene raíz profunda en |

|trouble or persecution arises on account of the word, that person immediately |sí mismo, sino que sólo es temporal, y cuando por causa de la palabra viene la |

|falls away. 22 As for what was sown among thorns, this is the one who hears the |aflicción o la persecución, enseguida tropieza y cae. 22 Y aquel en quien se |

|word, but the cares of the world and the lure of wealth choke the word, and it |sembró la semilla entre espinos, éste es el que oye la palabra, mas las |

|yields nothing. 23 But as for what was sown on good soil, this is the one who |preocupaciones del mundo y el engaño de las riquezas ahogan la palabra, y se |

|hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and yields, in one case|queda sin fruto. 23 Pero aquel en quien se sembró la semilla en tierra buena, |

|a hundredfold, in another sixty, and in another thirty.” (Matthew 13:18-23). |éste es el que oye la palabra y la entiende, éste sí da fruto y produce, uno a |

| |ciento, otro a sesenta y otro a treinta.” (Mateo 13:18-23). |

|Jesus did not do any miracles until he received the Holy Spirit: |Jesús no hizo ningún milagro hasta que recibió el Espíritu Santo: |

|“21 Now when all the people were baptized, and when Jesus also had been baptized |“21 Y aconteció que cuando todo el pueblo era bautizado, Jesús también fue |

|and was praying, the heaven was opened, 22 and the Holy Spirit descended upon him|bautizado: y mientras El oraba, el cielo se abrió, 22 y el Espíritu Santo |

|in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven, “You are my Son, the |descendió sobre El en forma corporal, como una paloma, y vino una voz del cielo, |

|Beloved; with you I am well pleased.” (Luke 3:21-22). |que decía: Tú eres mi Hijo amado, en ti me he complacido.” (Luke 3:21-22). |

| | |

|Neither did the apostles start their ministry until they received the Holy |Tampoco los apostoles comenzaron su ministerio hasta que recibieron al Espiritu |

|Spirit. This happened in two separate events. |Santo. Esto paso en dos eventos separados. Primero, donde el Espiritu Santo es |

|First, where the Holy Spirit is given to the Apostles: |dado a los apostoles: |

|“21 Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I|“21 Jesús entonces les dijo otra vez: Paz a vosotros; como el Padre me ha |

|send you.” 22 When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, |enviado, así también yo os envío. 22 Después de decir esto, sopló sobre ellos y |

|Receive the Holy Spirit.” (John 20:21-22). |les dijo: Recibid el Espíritu Santo.” (Juan 20:21-22). |

| | |

|Second, where the Power of the Holy Spirit is manifested in and through the |Segundo, donde el poder del Espiritu Santo se manifiesta en y a traves de los |

|Apostles, where the apostles were baptized with the Holy Spirit: |apostoles, donde los apostoles fueron bautizados con el Espiritu Santo: |

|"4 While staying with them, he ordered them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait |"4 Y reuniéndolos, les mandó que no salieran de Jerusalén, sino que esperaran la |

|there for the promise of the Father. “This,” he said, “is what you have heard |promesa del Padre: La cual, les dijo, oísteis de mí; 5 pues Juan bautizó con |

|from me; 5 for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy |agua, pero vosotros seréis bautizados con el Espíritu Santo dentro de pocos |

|Spirit not many days from now.”...8 But you will receive power when the Holy |días."...8 pero recibiréis poder cuando el Espíritu Santo venga sobre vosotros; y|

|Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea|me seréis testigos en Jerusalén, en toda Judea y Samaria, y hasta los confines de|

|and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:4-5,8). |la tierra." (Hechos 1:4-5, 8). |

|The Coming of the Holy Spirit | |

|2 When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. 2 And |La venida del Espíritu Santo |

|suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it |2 Cuando llegó el día de Pentecostés, estaban todos juntos en un mismo lugar. 2 |

|filled the entire house where they were sitting. 3 Divided tongues, as of fire, |De repente vino del cielo un ruido como el de una ráfaga de viento impetuoso que |

|appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. 4 All of them were |llenó toda la casa donde estaban sentados, 3 y se les aparecieron lenguas como de|

|filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit |fuego que, repartiéndose, se posaron sobre cada uno de ellos. 4 Todos fueron |

|gave them ability. |llenos del Espíritu Santo y comenzaron a hablar en otras lenguas, según el |

| |Espíritu les daba habilidad para expresarse. |

|5 Now there were devout Jews from every nation under heaven living in Jerusalem. | |

|6 And at this sound the crowd gathered and was bewildered, because each one heard|5 Y había judíos que moraban en Jerusalén, hombres piadosos, procedentes de todas|

|them speaking in the native language of each. 7 Amazed and astonished, they |las naciones bajo el cielo. 6 Y al ocurrir este estruendo, la multitud se juntó; |

|asked, “Are not all these who are speaking Galileans? 8 And how is it that we |y estaban desconcertados porque cada uno los oía hablar en su propia lengua. 7 Y |

|hear, each of us, in our own native language? 9 Parthians, Medes, Elamites, and |estaban asombrados y se maravillaban, diciendo: Mirad, ¿no son galileos todos |

|residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, 10 Phrygia and |estos que están hablando? 8 ¿Cómo es que cada uno de nosotros los oímos hablar en|

|Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya belonging to Cyrene, and visitors from |nuestra lengua en la que hemos nacido? 9 Partos, medos y elamitas, habitantes de |

|Rome, both Jews and proselytes, 11 Cretans and Arabs—in our own languages we hear|Mesopotamia, de Judea y de Capadocia, del Ponto y de Asia, 10 de Frigia y de |

|them speaking about God’s deeds of power.” 12 All were amazed and perplexed, |Panfilia, de Egipto y de las regiones de Libia alrededor de Cirene, viajeros de |

|saying to one another, “What does this mean?” 13 But others sneered and said, |Roma, tanto judíos como prosélitos, 11 cretenses y árabes, les oímos hablar en |

|“They are filled with new wine.” |nuestros idiomas de las maravillas de Dios. 12 Todos estaban asombrados y |

| |perplejos, diciéndose unos a otros: ¿Qué quiere decir esto? 13 Pero otros se |

| |burlaban y decían: Están borrachos. |

|Peter Addresses the Crowd | |

|14 But Peter, standing with the eleven, raised his voice and addressed them, “Men|Primer sermón de Pedro |

|of Judea and all who live in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and listen to |14 Entonces Pedro, poniéndose en pie con los once, alzó la voz y les declaró: |

|what I say. 15 Indeed, these are not drunk, as you suppose, for it is only nine |Varones judíos y todos los que vivís en Jerusalén, sea esto de vuestro |

|o’clock in the morning. 16 No, this is what was spoken through the prophet Joel: |conocimiento y prestad atención a mis palabras, 15 porque éstos no están |

|17 ‘In the last days it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit |borrachos como vosotros suponéis, pues apenas es la hora tercera del día; 16 sino|

|upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young |que esto es lo que fue dicho por medio del profeta Joel: |

|men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. |17 Y sucedera en los ultimos dias —dice Dios—que derramare de mi Espiritu sobre |

|18 Even upon my slaves, both men and women, in those days I will pour out my |toda carne; y vuestros hijos y vuestras hijas profetizaran, vuestros jovenes |

|Spirit; and they shall prophesy. |veran visiones, y vuestros ancianos soñaran sueños; |

|19 And I will show portents in the heaven above and signs on the earth below, |18 y aun sobre mis siervos y sobre mis siervas derramare de mi Espiritu en esos |

|blood, and fire, and smoky mist. |dias, y profetizarán. |

|20 The sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon to blood, before the |19 Y mostrare prodigios arriba en el cielo y señales abajo en la tierra: sangre, |

|coming of the Lord’s great and glorious day. |fuego y columna de humo. |

|21 Then everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.’ |20 El sol se convertira en tinieblas y la luna en sangre, antes que venga el dia |

|22 “You that are Israelites, listen to what I have to say: Jesus of Nazareth, a |grande y glorioso del Señor. |

|man attested to you by God with deeds of power, wonders, and signs that God did |21 Y sucedera que todo aquel que invoque el nombre del Señor sera salvo. |

|through him among you, as you yourselves know— 23 this man, handed over to you |22 Varones israelitas, escuchad estas palabras: Jesús el Nazareno, varón |

|according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed|confirmado por Dios entre vosotros con milagros, prodigios y señales que Dios |

|by the hands of those outside the law. 24 But God raised him up, having freed him|hizo en medio vuestro a través de El, tal como vosotros mismos sabéis, 23 a éste,|

|from death, because it was impossible for him to be held in its power. 25 For |entregado por el plan predeterminado y el previo conocimiento de Dios, clavasteis|

|David says concerning him, |en una cruz por manos de impíos y le matasteis, 24 a quien Dios resucitó, |

|‘I saw the Lord always before me, for he is at my right hand so that I will not |poniendo fin a la agonía de la muerte, puesto que no era posible que El quedara |

|be shaken; |bajo el dominio de ella. 25 Porque David dice de El: |

|26 therefore my heart was glad, and my tongue rejoiced; moreover my flesh will |Veia siempre al Señor en mi presencia; pues esta a mi diestra para que yo no sea |

|live in hope. |conmovido. |

|27 For you will not abandon my soul to Hades, or let your Holy One experience |26 Por lo cual mi corazon se alegro y mi lengua se regocijo; y aun hasta mi carne|

|corruption. |descansara en esperanza; |

|28 You have made known to me the ways of life; you will make me full of gladness |27 pues tu no abandonaras mi alma en el Hades, ni permitiras que tu Santo vea |

|with your presence.’ |corrupcion. |

|29 “Fellow Israelites, I may say to you confidently of our ancestor David that he|28 Me has hecho conocer los caminos de la vida; me llenaras de gozo con tu |

|both died and was buried, and his tomb is with us to this day. 30 Since he was a |presencia. |

|prophet, he knew that God had sworn with an oath to him that he would put one of |29 Hermanos, del patriarca David os puedo decir confiadamente que murió y fue |

|his descendants on his throne. 31 Foreseeing this, David spoke of the |sepultado, y su sepulcro está entre nosotros hasta el día de hoy. 30 Pero siendo |

|resurrection of the Messiah, saying, ‘He was not abandoned to Hades, nor did his |profeta, y sabiendo que Dios le habia jurado sentar a uno de sus descendientes en|

|flesh experience corruption.’ |su trono, 31 miró hacia el futuro y habló de la resurrección de Cristo, que no |

|32 This Jesus God raised up, and of that all of us are witnesses. 33 Being |fue abandonado en el Hades, ni su carne sufrio corrupcion. |

|therefore exalted at the right hand of God, and having received from the Father | |

|the promise of the Holy Spirit, he has poured out this that you both see and |32 A este Jesús resucitó Dios, de lo cual todos nosotros somos testigos. 33 Así |

|hear. 34 For David did not ascend into the heavens, but he himself says, |que, exaltado a la diestra de Dios, y habiendo recibido del Padre la promesa del |

|‘The Lord said to my Lord, |Espíritu Santo, ha derramado esto que vosotros veis y oís. 34 Porque David no |

|“Sit at my right hand, |ascendió a los cielos, pero él mismo dice: |

|35 until I make your enemies your footstool.”’ |Dijo el Señor a mi Señor: |

|36 Therefore let the entire house of Israel know with certainty that God has made|“Sientate a mi diestra, |

|him both Lord and Messiah, this Jesus whom you crucified.” |35 hasta que ponga a tus enemigos por estrado de tus pies.” |

| |36 Sepa, pues, con certeza toda la casa de Israel, que a este Jesús a quien |

|After hearing the Gospel of Christ, you may have accepted Jesus as your Saviour, |vosotros crucificasteis, Dios le ha hecho Señor y Cristo. |

|and be baptized in water, but you may have not received the Holy Spirit: | |

| | |

|“14 Now when the apostles at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had accepted the word |Después de escuchar el Evangelio de Cristo, puedes haber acepto a Jesús como tu |

|of God, they sent Peter and John to them. 15 The two went down and prayed for |salvador y haber sido bautizado en agua, pero es posible que no hayas recibido al|

|them that they might receive the Holy Spirit 16 (for as yet the Spirit had not |Espíritu Santo: |

|come upon any of them; they had only been baptized in the name of the Lord | |

|Jesus). 17 Then Peter and John laid their hands on them, and they received the |"14 Cuando los apóstoles que estaban en Jerusalén oyeron que Samaria había |

|Holy Spirit.” (Acts 8:14-17). |recibido la palabra de Dios, les enviaron a Pedro y a Juan, 15 quienes |

| |descendieron y oraron por ellos para que recibieran el Espíritu Santo, 16 pues |

|"While Apollos was in Corinth, Paul passed through the interior regions and came |todavía no había descendido sobre ninguno de ellos; sólo habían sido bautizados |

|to Ephesus, where he found some disciples. 2 He said to them, “Did you receive |en el nombre del Señor Jesús. 17 Entonces les imponían las manos, y recibían el |

|the Holy Spirit when you became believers?” They replied, “No, we have not even |Espíritu Santo." (Hechos 8:14-17). |

|heard that there is a Holy Spirit.” 3 Then he said, “Into what then were you | |

|baptized?” They answered, “Into John’s baptism.” 4 Paul said, “John baptized with|"Y aconteció que mientras Apolos estaba en Corinto, Pablo, habiendo recorrido las|

|the baptism of repentance, telling the people to believe in the one who was to |regiones superiores, llegó a Efeso y encontró a algunos discípulos, 2 y les dijo:|

|come after him, that is, in Jesus.” 5 On hearing this, they were baptized in the |¿Recibisteis el Espíritu Santo cuando creísteis? Y ellos le respondieron: No, ni |

|name of the Lord Jesus. 6 When Paul had laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit |siquiera hemos oído si hay un Espíritu Santo[a]. 3 Entonces él dijo: ¿En qué |

|came upon them, and they spoke in tongues and prophesied." (Acts 19:1-6). |bautismo, pues, fuisteis bautizados? Ellos contestaron: En el bautismo de Juan. 4|

| |Y Pablo dijo: Juan bautizó con el bautismo de arrepentimiento, diciendo al pueblo|

| |que creyeran en aquel que vendría después de él, es decir, en Jesús. 5 Cuando |

|To receive the Holy Spirit one first needs to have accepted Christ as his saviour|oyeron esto, fueron bautizados en el nombre del Señor Jesús. 6 Y cuando Pablo les|

|because the world can not receive the Holy Spirit: |impuso las manos, vino sobre ellos el Espíritu Santo, y hablaban en lenguas y |

|"16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, to be with |profetizaban." (Hechos 19:1-6). |

|you forever. 17 This is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, | |

|because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, because he abides with |Para recibir al Espiritu Santo uno necesita primero haber aceptado a Cristo como |

|you, and he will be in you." (John 14:16-17)…26 But the Advocate, the Holy |su salvador ya que el mundo no puede recibir al Espiritu Santo: |

|Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and |"16 Y yo rogaré al Padre, y El os dará otro Consolador para que esté con vosotros|

|remind you of all that I have said to you. |para siempre; 17 es decir, el Espíritu de verdad, a quien el mundo no puede |

| |recibir, porque ni le ve ni le conoce, pero vosotros sí le conocéis porque mora |

|“26 “When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit|con vosotros y estará en vosotros." (Juan 14:16-17)… 26 Pero el Consolador, el |

|of truth who comes from the Father, he will testify on my behalf. 27 You also are|Espíritu Santo, a quien el Padre enviará en mi nombre, El os enseñará todas las |

|to testify because you have been with me from the beginning.” (John 15:26-27). |cosas, y os recordará todo lo que os he dicho. |

| | |

| |“26 Cuando venga el Consolador, a quien yo enviaré del Padre, es decir, el |

|“7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for|Espíritu de verdad que procede del Padre, El dará testimonio de mí, 27 y vosotros|

|if I do not go away, the Advocate[a] will not come to you; but if I go, I will |daréis testimonio también, porque habéis estado conmigo desde el principio.” |

|send him to you.” (John 16:7). |(Juan 15:26-27). |

| | |

|"10 For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for |“7 Pero yo os digo la verdad: os conviene que yo me vaya; porque si no me voy, el|

|everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. 11 Is there anyone among you who, |Consolador no vendrá a vosotros; pero si me voy, os lo enviaré.” (Juan 16:7). |

|if your child asks for a fish, will give a snake instead of a fish? 12 Or if the | |

|child asks for an egg, will give a scorpion? 13 If you then, who are evil, know |"10 Porque todo el que pide, recibe; y el que busca, halla; y al que llama, se le|

|how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father |abrirá. 11 O suponed que a uno de vosotros que es padre, su hijo le pide pan; |

|give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” (Luke 11:10-13). |¿acaso le dará una piedra? O si le pide un pescado; ¿acaso le dará una serpiente |

| |en lugar del pescado? 12 O si le pide un huevo; ¿acaso le dará un escorpión? 13 |

|The coming of the Holy Spirit to the gentiles was proof that God had given us |Pues si vosotros siendo malos, sabéis dar buenas dádivas a vuestros hijos, |

|repentance that leads to life: |¿cuánto más vuestro Padre celestial dará el Espíritu Santo a los que se lo |

| |pidan?" (Lucas 11:10-13). |

|Now the apostles and the believers who were in Judea heard that the Gentiles had | |

|also accepted the word of God. 2 So when Peter went up to Jerusalem, the |La venida de Espiritu Santo a los gentiles es prueba de que Dios nos ha consedido|

|circumcised believers criticized him, 3 saying, “Why did you go to uncircumcised |el arrepentimiento que conduce a la vida: |

|men and eat with them?” 4 Then Peter began to explain it to them, step by step, |Los apóstoles y los hermanos que estaban por toda Judea oyeron que también los |

|saying, 5 “I was in the city of Joppa praying, and in a trance I saw a vision. |gentiles habían recibido la palabra de Dios. 2 Y cuando Pedro subió a Jerusalén, |

|There was something like a large sheet coming down from heaven, being lowered by |los que eran de la circuncisión le reprocharon, 3 diciendo: Tú entraste en casa |

|its four corners; and it came close to me. 6 As I looked at it closely I saw |de incircuncisos y comiste con ellos. 4 Entonces Pedro comenzó a explicarles en |

|four-footed animals, beasts of prey, reptiles, and birds of the air. 7 I also |orden lo sucedido, diciendo: 5 Estaba yo en la ciudad de Jope orando, y vi en |

|heard a voice saying to me, ‘Get up, Peter; kill and eat.’ 8 But I replied, ‘By |éxtasis una visión: un objeto semejante a un gran lienzo que descendía, bajado |

|no means, Lord; for nothing profane or unclean has ever entered my mouth.’ 9 But |del cielo por las cuatro puntas, y vino hasta mí. 6 Cuando fijé mis ojos en él y |

|a second time the voice answered from heaven, ‘What God has made clean, you must |lo observaba, vi cuadrúpedos terrestres, fieras, reptiles y aves del cielo. 7 |

|not call profane.’ 10 This happened three times; then everything was pulled up |También oí una voz que me decía: “Levántate Pedro, mata y come.” 8 Pero yo dije: |

|again to heaven. 11 At that very moment three men, sent to me from Caesarea, |“De ninguna manera, Señor, porque nada impuro o inmundo ha entrado jamás en mi |

|arrived at the house where we were. 12 The Spirit told me to go with them and not|boca.” 9 Pero una voz del cielo respondió por segunda vez: “Lo que Dios ha |

|to make a distinction between them and us. These six brothers also accompanied |limpiado, no lo llames tú impuro.” 10 Esto sucedió tres veces, y todo volvió a |

|me, and we entered the man’s house. 13 He told us how he had seen the angel |ser llevado arriba al cielo. 11 Y he aquí, en aquel momento se aparecieron tres |

|standing in his house and saying, ‘Send to Joppa and bring Simon, who is called |hombres delante de la casa donde estábamos, los cuales habían sido enviados a mí |

|Peter; 14 he will give you a message by which you and your entire household will |desde Cesarea. 12 Y el Espíritu me dijo que fuera con ellos sin dudar. Estos seis|

|be saved.’ 15 And as I began to speak, the Holy Spirit fell upon them just as it |hermanos fueron también conmigo y entramos en la casa de aquel hombre, 13 y él |

|had upon us at the beginning. 16 And I remembered the word of the Lord, how he |nos contó cómo había visto al ángel de pie en su casa, el cual le dijo: “Envía a |

|had said, ‘John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy |Jope y haz traer a Simón, que también se llama Pedro, 14 quien te dirá palabras |

|Spirit.’ 17 If then God gave them the same gift that he gave us when we believed |por las cuales serás salvo, tú y toda tu casa.” 15 Cuando comencé a hablar, el |

|in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I could hinder God?” 18 When they heard |Espíritu Santo descendió sobre ellos, tal como lo hizo sobre nosotros al |

|this, they were silenced. And they praised God, saying, “Then God has given even |principio. 16 Entonces me acordé de las palabras del Señor, cuando dijo: “Juan |

|to the Gentiles the repentance that leads to life.” (Acts 11:11-18). |bautizó con agua, pero vosotros seréis bautizados con el Espíritu Santo.” 17 Por |

| |tanto, si Dios les dio a ellos el mismo don que también nos dio a nosotros |

| |después de creer en el Señor Jesucristo, ¿quién era yo para poder estorbar a |

|"He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself, but he that prophesieth |Dios? 18 Y al oír esto se calmaron, y glorificaron a Dios, diciendo: Así que |

|edifieth the church." (1 Corinthians 14:4). |también a los gentiles ha concedido Dios el arrepentimiento que conduce a la |

| |vida. (Hechos 11:1-18). |

|"Therefore, brethren, covet to prophesy, and forbid not to speak in tongues." (1 | |

|Corinthians 14:39). |"4 El que habla en lenguas, a sí mismo se edifica, pero el que profetiza edifica |

| |a la iglesia." (1 Corintios 14:4). |

|"11 For with stammering lips and another tongue will He speak to this people, 12 | |

|to whom He said, “This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest,” |"39 Por tanto, hermanos míos, anhelad el profetizar, y no prohibáis hablar en |

|and, “This is the refreshing” — yet they would not hear." (Isaiah 28:11-12). |lenguas." (1 Corintios 14:39). |

| | |

| |"11 En verdad, con tartamudez de labios y en lengua extranjera, El hablará a este|

| |pueblo, 12 al cual había dicho: Aquí hay reposo, dad reposo al cansado; y: Aquí |

| |hay descanso. Pero no quisieron escuchar." (Isaías 28:11-12). |


| | |

|As the time of the 2nd coming of our Lord quickly approaches, the Bible teaches | |

|that the persecution of Christians will increase, but “Do not be afraid of what | |

|you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to | |

|test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the | |

|point of death, and I will give you life as your victor's crown” Revelations | |

|2:10. | |

| | |

|This is no longer something happening in some far away country in the Middle | |

|East, Africa, or China, it is now happening in our very own backyard. I am a | |

|living example of this persecution in the USA. | |

| | |

|Just as in the persecution suffered in the 1st centuries, the true disciples of | |

|Christ will be known by one main characteristic, their love for each other. As | |

|Mathew 12: 48-50 puts it, only those who do the will of our Father will be | |

|considered part of Christ’s family and will enter the Promised Land: the new | |

|Heavens and New Earth (see Isaiah 65 among many others), and will receive their | |

|victor’s crown. And this is God’s will for His children: | |

|"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must | |

|love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you | |

|love one another” (John 13: 34-35). | |

| | |

|In the middle of this persecution, we should rejoice because God is in control, | |

|and He is preparing His children for great things. He is appointing His children | |

|for great works: "And not only that, but we also boast in our sufferings, knowing| |

|that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and | |

|character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us [double negative, i.e. | |

|hope appoints], because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the | |

|Holy Spirit that has been given to us" (Romans 5:3-5). | |

| | |

|As Moses and Israel were surrounded by the Egyptian army, they prayed to the | |

|Lord, and Moses spoke to the people reassuring them that the Lord would fight for| |

|them, and that they should remain at rest. Soon after, Moses continued to cry | |

|out to the Lord for help, and I believe that God got a bit upset with Moses | |

|because He told Moses: “Why do you cry to Me? Tell the people of Israel to go | |

|forward!” | |

| | |

|What the Lord said to Moses that day is what He is saying to many Christians | |

|today. Many of us have been crying out to the Lord for specific situations in | |

|our lives; we feel surrounded by our enemies. We have heard the voice of God: | |

|“The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace and remain at rest,” | |

|but have confused remaining at rest with lack of action, so we do not move | |

|forward because we see the Red Seas (difficulties) in our lives blocking our | |

|path. | |

| | |

|To remain at rest means not let the negative circumstances in our lives trouble | |

|our hearts. It means to defeat the power of fear that paralyzes many of us when | |

|confronted with what seem insurmountable circumstances. It means to know that God| |

|is the one that has already given us victory over our enemies, that our success | |

|is independent of our own strength, but fully dependent on His strength (the rod | |

|of our salvation, Jesus Christ). | |

| | |

|After we have prayed and have heard from God, it is time to move forward and | |

|expand God’s Kingdom here on earth so that His will be done on earth as it is in | |

|heaven. We must realize that “everything is possible for one who believes” but | |

|not moving forward is a sign of unbelief in our hearts. So, to see the miracles | |

|that God wants to manifest in our lives (see the Red Sea opened before our very | |

|own lives), we must move forward, and say as the father of the demon possessed | |

|child said, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief” (Mark 9:19-24). | |

| | |

|Based on this truth, I invite you to move forward with me, to lift up the rod of | |

|our Salvation, Jesus Christ, and cross the Red Seas of our lives, and conquer the| |

|Promised Land that awaits for us on the other side. | |

| | |

|God wants to restore our nation in the same way that He wants to restore our | |

|lives. And, in the same way that the restoration of our lives begins with the | |

|restoration of our souls (by the presence of the Holy Spirit in us), the | |

|restoration of our democratic nation will begin by the restoration of its soul. | |

|Please, join me in this restoration by visiting: and | |

|. May God bless you and your family, and may God continue to | |

|bless the United States of America. AMEN. | |

| | |

|"Moses told the people, Fear not; stand still (firm, confident, undismayed) and | |

|see the salvation of the Lord which He will work for you today. For the Egyptians| |

|you have seen today you shall never see again. The Lord will fight for you, and | |

|you shall hold your peace and remain at rest. The Lord said to Moses, Why do you | |

|cry to Me? Tell the people of Israel to go forward! Lift up your rod and stretch | |

|out your hand over the sea and divide it, and the Israelites shall go on dry | |

|ground through the midst of the sea" (Exodus 14:13-16). | |

| | |

|"19 He answered him and said, “O faithless generation, how long shall I be with | |

|you? How long shall I bear with you? Bring him to Me.” 20 Then they brought him | |

|to Him. And when he saw Him, immediately the spirit convulsed him, and he fell on| |

|the ground and wallowed, foaming at the mouth. 21 So He asked his father, “How | |

|long has this been happening to him?” And he said, “From childhood. 22 And often | |

|he has thrown him both into the fire and into the water to destroy him. But if | |

|You can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.” 23 Jesus said to him, | |

|“If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” 24 Immediately| |

|the father of the child cried out and said with tears, “Lord, I believe; help my | |

|unbelief!”” (Exodus 14:13-16). | |

|A short personal testimony for those going through a storm. God is faithful. | |

| | |

|As a personal testimony of God’s power and faithfulness, I am posting an e-mail I| |

|received congratulating me for obtaining the highest grade of all residents in my| |

|medical class. What very few people know is that the same day that I was taking | |

|this national test, the evilone was attacking me with my two older kids, Mario | |

|and Nicole. Every time I tried to answer a question, I would think of the anger I| |

|was feeling for the injustice a judge, my ex’s attorneys, and a purported child | |

|psychologist had committed. It was like I was in the middle of a storm of | |

|emotions and I was drowning in despair. In the middle of the test, I asked God | |

|for His grace, I closed my eyes, and in the eyes of my mind, I could see Jesus | |

|coming to me walking on the water, I fixed my eyes on him, and I immediately felt| |

|energy running in my body, and I could see myself being lifted from the water and| |

|being able to walk on it. | |

| | |

|I would answer a few questions, and then the drowning feeling would come back, | |

|and I would fix my mind’s eyes on Jesus again, and I was able to walk on water | |

|again. This went on for almost the entire test, 240 questions. In the end, | |

|however, God reward me with the highest grade of all doctors in my class. As a | |

|matter of fact, I scored 250 points over my first test, which I believe could be | |

|a national improvement record. My specialty board actually provides examples of | |

|two doctors who in the past had improved by 150 points, and they go ahead and | |

|explain what they had to do to improve by this much. Anyways, there is no real | |

|way to know if I broke the national improvement record, what is important is that| |

|I give the glory and honor to God for His son Jesus Christ, our Savior; to Him be| |

|the honor, the power and the glory, AMEN. | |

| | |

|"And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their | |

|testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death." (Revelation 12:11). | |

| | |

|Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify| |

|your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16). | |

| | |

|The Bible tells us that we were created in Christ Jesus for good works (Ephesians| |

|2: 8-10), and as the passage above explains, that we should let the our light |"Nuestros hermanos lo han vencido con la sangre derramada del Cordero y con el |

|shine before men so they see these good works and glorify our Father in Heaven, |mensaje que ellos proclamaron; no tuvieron miedo de perder la vida, sino que |

|and not for our own glory. For this reason, I want my good works glorify our |estuvieron dispuestos a morir." (Apocalipsis 12:11). |

|Father in heaven. | |

| | |

|Perhaps one of my happiest moments in my life since it brought glory to God, was | |

|when the graduating class of 2013 named me the “Team Player” of the group for my | |

|efforts to help all residents improve academically. In my first year of | |

|residency, I created a study tool and gave it to all residents in the program. | |

|Since the introduction of this study tool, the passing rate of our National Board| |

|Exam went from 66.6% (16/24) from 2007 to 2010 to 100% (20/20) from 2011 to 2013,| |

|and for the first time in a long time all residents in a graduating class passed | |

|in their first attempt all at the same time, as pointed by one of our professors | |

|in the graduation video below. I highly recommend to see the video since it has | |

|good music and it is a lot of fun to watch. | |

| | |

| | |

|Here are also some comments that brought glory to God at University of | |

|Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital Family Medicine Graduation of 2013, for the glory| |

|of our Father in heaven. To Him be the Power, the Honor and the Glory. We can do | |

|all things in Christ who is our strength!!! | |



|The Spiritual Battle |La Batalla Espiritual |

| | |

|“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against|“Porque no estamos luchando contra poderes humanos, sino contra malignas fuerzas |

|the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual |espirituales del cielo, las cuales tienen mando, autoridad y dominio sobre el |

|forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so|mundo de tinieblas que nos rodea. Por eso, tomen toda la armadura que Dios les ha|

|that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after |dado, para que puedan resistir en el día malo y, después de haberse preparado |

|you have done everything, to stand. |bien, mantenerse firmes. |

|Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the |Así que manténganse firmes, revestidos de la verdad y protegidos por la rectitud.|

|breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the |Estén siempre listos para salir a anunciar el mensaje de la paz. Sobre todo, que |

|readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up |su fe sea el escudo que los libre de las flechas encendidas del maligno. Que la |

|the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the |salvación sea el casco que proteja su cabeza, y que la palabra de Dios sea la |

|evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the |espada que les da el Espíritu Santo” (Efesios 6:12-17). |

|word of God” (Ephesians 6:12-17). | |

| | |

|“In the same way, you who are younger, submit yourselves to your elders. All of |“De la misma manera, ustedes los jóvenes sométanse a la autoridad de los |

|you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, “God opposes |ancianos. Todos deben someterse unos a otros con humildad, porque: "Dios se opone|

|the proud but shows favor to the humble.” Humble yourselves, therefore, under |a los orgullosos, pero ayuda con su bondad a los humildes." Humíllense, pues, |

|God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on |bajo la poderosa mano de Dios, para que él los enaltezca a su debido tiempo. |

|him because he cares for you. Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil |Dejen todas sus preocupaciones a Dios, porque él se interesa por ustedes. Sean |

|prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, |prudentes y manténganse despiertos, porque su enemigo el maligno, como un león |

|standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers |rugiente, anda buscando a quien devorar. Resístanle, firmes en la fe, sabiendo |

|throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings” (1 Peter 5:5-9). |que en todas partes del mundo los hermanos de ustedes están sufriendo las mismas |

| |cosas” (1 Pedro 5:5-9). |

| | |

|“When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and authority to |“Jesús reunió a sus doce discípulos, y les dio poder y autoridad para expulsar |

|drive out all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to proclaim the |toda clase de demonios y para curar enfermedades. Los envió a anunciar el reino |

|kingdom of God and to heal the sick” (Luke 9:1-2). |de Dios y a sanar a los enfermos” (Lucas 9:1-2). |

| | |

|“Just like Jesus was tempted, we are also tempted. Most temptations fall in one |“Así como Jesús fue tentado, nosotros también somos tentados. Todas las |

|of three major categories: Pleasure, Power, and Popularity” (Mathew 4:1-11). |tentaciones caen en una de tres categorías: Placer, Poder y Popularidad” (Mateo |

| |4:1-11). |

|Pleasure: The evil one will tempt us with our needs and wants, making us question| |

|if God is even aware or cares about them, and will tells us to take care of them |Placer: El maligno nos tenta con nuestras necesidades y lo que queremos, |

|ourselves, take matters into our own hands. |haciéndonos cuestionar si Dios esta al tanto o si quiera se interesa en esto, y |

|Pleasure: Mathew 4: After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. The|nos dice que resolvamos las cosas nosotros mismo, con nuestras propias manos. |

|tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to |Placer: Estuvo cuarenta días y cuarenta noches sin comer, y después sintió |

|become bread.” Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread |hambre. El maligno se acercó entonces a Jesús para ponerlo a prueba, y le dijo: |

|alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” |Si de veras eres Hijo de Dios, ordena que estas piedras se conviertan en panes. |

| |Pero Jesús le contestó: La Escritura dice: 'No solo de pan vivirá el hombre, sino|

| |también de toda palabra que salga de los labios de Dios.' |

|Power: The evil one will tempt us by challenging us to use whatever powers | |

|(talents, gifts, money, etc,) God has given us for our own glory. |Poder: El maligno también nos tenta retándonos a que usemos los poderes |

|Power: Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest |(talentos, regalos, dinero, etc.) que Dios nos ha dado para nuestra propia |

|point of the temple. “If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down. |gloria. |

|For it is written: “‘He will command his angels concerning you, and they will |Poder: Luego el maligno lo llevó a la santa ciudad de Jerusalén, lo subió a la |

|lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a |parte más alta del templo y le dijo: Si de veras eres Hijo de Dios, tírate |

|stone.’” Jesus answered him, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God |abajo; porque la Escritura dice: 'Dios mandará que sus ángeles te cuiden. Te |

|to the test.’” |levantarán con sus manos, para que no tropieces con piedra alguna.' Jesús le |

| |contestó: También dice la Escritura: 'No pongas a prueba al Señor tu Dios.' |

|Popularity: Finally, the evil one will temp us by offering the popularity of the | |

|world, its splendor, trying to rob God His Glory, and instead making seek our own| |

|glory. But, Jesus defeated all temptations by using the word of God, and we |Popularidad: Finalmente, el maligno también nos tenta ofreciéndonos la |

|should do the same. |popularidad del mundo, su esplendor, tratando de robarle a Dios Su Gloria, y |

|Popularity: Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all |haciéndonos buscar nuestra propia gloria. |

|the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. “All this I will give you,” he | |

|said, “if you will bow down and worship me.” Jesus said to him, “Away from me, |Popularidad: Finalmente el maligno lo llevó a un cerro muy alto, y mostrándole |

|Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’” Then |todos los países del mundo y la grandeza de ellos, le dijo: Yo te daré todo esto,|

|the devil left him, and angels came and attended him. |si te arrodillas y me adoras. Jesús le contestó: Vete, Satanás, porque la |

| |Escritura dice: 'Adora al Señor tu Dios, y sírvele solo a él.' |

|Adapted from: | |

| | |

| |Adaptado de: |

| | |

|Our good deeds have long lasting effects. | |

| | |

|The word of God says that He is faithful to His covenant, and that He keeps his | |

|lovingkindness to a thousandth generation with those who love Him. So every act | |

|of love we do has long lasting effects. | |

| | |

|It is for this reason that I honored my ancestor, Maximo Jerez, by naming my son | |

|with his name. Maximo Jerez took under his winds an adopted little child, and | |

|became his Godfather. Maximo had nothing to gain but the blessings promised by | |

|God in the Bible. He cared and nurtured this child, and his deathbed, he was | |

|honored with some of the greatest poems of his Godson, Ruben Dario, the Prince of| |

|Castilian letters, undisputed father of the modernismo literary movement, one of | |

|the greatest Nicaraguans of all times. Who would had thought that the child he | |

|showed love to would make him one of the immortals? That’s just one of the reason| |

|we must never cease to do good to our neighbors and honor our parents (our | |

|ancestors) for it is the first commandment with a promise. We will not only be | |

|blessed while on earth, but our good deeds will have eternal value: | |

|He (Jerez) who at one time destiny (Él, quien un tiempo el destino) | |

|held him by his hand; (lo llevaba de su mano;) | |

|Republican soul, (alma de republicano,) | |

|girondino heart, (corazón de girondino,) | |

|his divine thought (su pensamiento divino) | |

|consoled him in his quest. (le consolaba en su afán.) | |

|Crazy, they are calling him (Loco diciéndole están) | |

|strange souls to his idea. (almas a su idea extrañas.) | |

|¡Tell Cabañas crazy (¡Decidle loco a Cabañas) | |

|and Morazan and insane! (y demente a Morazán!)… | |

| | |

|And you, Jerez, sleep now (Y tú, Jerez, duerme en tanto) | |

|in the grave that contains you (en la tumba que os contiene,) | |

|until the tender resonate (hasta que tierno resuene) | |

|of the Union in a sweet song (de la Unión el dulce canto;) | |

|until we cover the mantle (hasta que nos cubra el manto) | |

|the dawn of the morning, (de la aurora del mañana,) | |

|then our soul will boasts, (que entonces nuestra alma ufana,) | |

|while the bronze rumbles, (mientras el bronce retumba,) | |

|[your soul] will sing there in your tomb, (cantará allí, en vuestra tumba,) | |

|the Central American Union (la Unión Centroamericana.) | |

| | |

|Is it true? ...I do not know! (¿Será verdad?... ¡Yo no sé!) | |

|My humble harp cries and groans, (Mi arpa humilde llora y gime,) | |

|Oh sublime disciple (¡oh discípulo sublime) | |

|Of Augusto Comte y Litré! (de Augusto Comte y Litré!) | |

|And should I sing to you…For what? (Y te he de cantar… Más ¿qué?) | |

|Even if I embrace the desire, (si aunque me abrace el deseo,) | |

|Oh genius! ... I clearly see: (¡oh genio!..., yo claro veo:) | |

|Impossible is to sing to you; (imposible es que te cante;) | |

|That in the tomb of a giant (que en la tumba de un gigante) | |

|A pygmy should not sing. (no ha de cantar un pigmeo.) | |

| | |

|Let’s honor our forefathers for in this we receive God’s blessings. I would love | |

|to learn about my other blood lines, the Jimenez, the Blen, the Carazo (with | |

|Evaristo Carazo)...if you would like to honor them, so we can learn form them, | |

|please do so. God bless. | |

| | |

|"Know therefore that the LORD your God, He is God, the faithful God, who keeps | |

|His covenant and His lovingkindness to a thousandth generation with those who | |

|love Him and keep His commandments” (Deuteronomy 7:9). | |

| | |

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|.shtml | |

|én_Darío | |

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|na | |

|In Christ, we have already overcome the world | |

| | |

|Beginning of 2014, I posted a message in a Bible website that went like this: | |

|I believe that if we are in Christ, we have already overcome the world, and we | |

|are spiritually sitting in heavenly places with Him. With this truth in mind, | |

|every tribulation that comes our way is just an opportunity to exercise the power| |

|we already have in Christ to replace evil with good, and bring heaven to earth. | |

|What is meant for our harm, God then uses for our good, because of His love for | |

|us, and because we allow Him to direct us to walk in His purpose for our life | |

|(Romans 8:28), which is to destroy the works of the evil one: …“For this purpose | |

|the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil” (1 | |

|John 3:8).  As a matter of fact, the whole creation is waiting for the | |

|manifestation of the son’s and daughters of God: “The whole creation waits | |

|breathless with anticipation for the revelation of God’s sons and daughters” | |

|(Romans 8:19). | |

| | |

|Jesus’ purpose to destroy the works of the devil must be the purpose | |

|of EVERY SINGLE CHRISTIAN. I do not know about you, but I am tired of this guy | |

|lying to us, and giving us the illusion that he is winning. As far as I remember,| |

|greater is Jesus who is in us, than the devil who is in the world, and who has | |

|been already defeated with all his angels. “[God] disarmed the principalities and| |

|powers that were ranged against us and made a bold display and public example of | |

|them, in triumphing over them in Him and in it [the cross]” (Colossians 2:14-15).| |

|Not matter how bad our circumstances can look; this is just a demonic illusion. | |

|We can begin to experience heaven on earth, when we remain in Christ, walking | |

|according to His purpose for our lives. As one of the greatest woman of our | |

|times, Mother Theresa, once said: “we are not called to succeed but to | |

|persevere.” | |

| | |

|Satan’s strategy is to cause us anxiety bringing tribulations to our lives, but | |

|Jesus’ prescription is that we cast all our anxieties on Him, laying them at the | |

|feet of the cross.  When we believe, like Joshua and Caleb did, that not matter | |

|how big our adversaries look, God has already given them into our hands, we can | |

|walk fearlessly and conquer the promise land (bring heaven to earth: "thy kingdom| |

|come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven).  For we conquer him [Satan] | |

|by the blood of the Lamb, the word of our testimony, for we do not cling to life | |

|even in the face of death (Revelation 12:11). | |

| | |

|“Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, so that he may exalt | |

|you in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you. | |

|Discipline yourselves, keep alert. Like a roaring lion your adversary the devil | |

|prowls around, looking for someone to devour. Resist him, steadfast in your | |

|faith, for you know that your brothers and sisters in all the world are | |

|undergoing the same kinds of suffering. And after you have suffered for a little | |

|while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, | |

|will himself restore, support, strengthen, and establish you. To him be the power| |

|forever and ever. Amen” (1 Peter 5:6-11).  | |

| | |

|A sister in Christ wrote a few days later after I posted the previous message: | |

|“Mario, I say this in love .. I agree with you that Jesus is greater than any | |

|demon, however, if we walk with confidence in Christ and are walking in the | |

|Spirit, we are able to draw strength from Him in trials and tribulations. Not | |

|everything is necessarily demonic, but we should also not be ignorant to | |

|spiritual warfare either. One last thing, Jesus’s purpose is not to destroy the | |

|devil because He has already conquered the world .. the purpose of every | |

|Christian according to the Scriptures is the Great Commission .. He came that | |

|they might understand why .. Our superior commandment is to love everyone, which | |

|is perhaps the greatest challenge above all .. hope this helps.” | |

| | |

|To which I replied: | |

|Dear Sister, I say this also in love to you and the body of Christ, His Church.  | |

|All good things come from God, but all bad things from evil (our flesh, the | |

|world, Satan). God never wishes or designs anything bad for his children, but bad| |

|things happen to Christians who wholeheartedly follow the Lord (if not, just look| |

|at Paul or the other disciples in the bible; or probably your own life or my | |

|life).  Those who follow the Lord will be persecuted, and this persecution is at | |

|its roots of a demonic design. | |

|Jesus is in every single Christian who has given his/her life to Him, and we are | |

|in the process of being transformed into His image by the renewal of our minds | |

|when we study the word of God with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.  | |

|Christians, spiritually, are just like Jesus, so the Bible teaches us that we are| |

|seated with Him in heavenly places, that we are more than conquerors, etc.  The | |

|problem is that to bring the spiritual to the natural our minds need to be | |

|transformed by the spiritual reality we already have, and then by faith, we take | |

|this truth and start walking in the works God has already prepared for us since | |

|before we were even born. | |

| | |

|A personal example perhaps could help here. In my teens, a long time ago :), God | |

|had placed in my heart His desire for me to serve Him as a doctor, after seeing | |

|my dad suffer several heart attacks in his mid-forties from preventable | |

|diseases—high blood pressure, bad cholesterol, unmanaged stress. In the natural | |

|it looked impossible for I was an illegal alien, “a wet bag” some might call it, | |

|who had just crossed the Mexican border from my native country, Nicaragua.  But I| |

|knew in my heart that this desire to serve was coming from God. About ten years | |

|ago, I had a revelation of God’s grace in my life, which renewed my mind, and | |

|allowed me to move in faith to what God had already prepared for me from the | |

|beginning. Now, I just finished my specialization and I am serving the Lord where| |

|he wanted me to serve from the beginning.  God is a gentleman. He calls us but | |

|does not force us. He puts His desires in our hearts, but it is us that make the | |

|decision to study His word, so that our minds can be renewed, and our faith can | |

|be increased, for it’s by hearing His voice that we grow in faith.  | |

| | |

|In other words, we must do our parts. God has already done His by sending His | |

|only begotten Son that whomsoever believes in Him be saved, and this salvation | |

|begins here on earth when we receive Him in our hearts; that is why Jesus said | |

|that His Kingdom was within us. Jesus was once asked when the kingdom of God | |

|would come. The kingdom of God, Jesus replied, is not something people will be | |

|able to see and point to. Then came these striking words: “Neither shall they | |

|say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you” (Luke | |

|17:21). | |

| | |

|Dear brothers and sister, what I am going to say next is probably one of the most| |

|important truths in the Bible.  I ask that the Holy Spirit would reveal this | |

|truth in our hearts. The “purpose of every Christian according to the Scriptures | |

|is the Great Commission,” but according to the Bible, this Great Commission will | |

|only be accomplished when Jesus’ followers unite, when we let our pitiful | |

|differences aside and unite not in our love for God (the law, or our traditions, | |

|or our way of “worshiping”, or etc.), but his love for us (grace).  When the | |

|world looks at the division of the body of Christ, they laugh at our hypocrisy, | |

|for if Christian really wanted to obey Jesus, we would be tirelessly working to | |

|make His wishes come true: “Father, I pray that all who believe in me can be | |

|one.” | |

| | |

|Perhaps even worst than our witnessing to the world is the fact that Satan knows | |

|that his time will not come until the body of Christ unites. That‘s why he has | |

|worked so hard to create divisions among us. He knows the Bible fairly well, and | |

|remembers Jesus’ last public prayer to the Father:  “I pray not only for these | |

|followers but also for those who will believe in me because of their teaching. | |

|Father, I pray that all who believe in me can be one. You are in me and I am in | |

|you. I pray that they can also be one in us. Then the world will believe that you| |

|sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me. I gave them this glory so | |

|that they can be one, just as you and I are one. I will be in them, and you will | |

|be in me. So they will be completely one. Then the world will know that you sent | |

|me and that you loved them just as you loved me” (John 17:20-23). | |

| | |

|The evil one’s main tactic throughout history has been to cause separation, | |

|beginning with our separation from God when Adam and Eve put their desire for the| |

|knowledge of good and evil (their desire to know the law) above God’s will for | |

|their lives; but in Christ, we have been reconciled “by grace through faith” | |

|(Ephesians 2:8) with God the Father, and we are no longer separated from Him. We | |

|are one with God the Father, and God the Son through the working of Holy Spirit | |

|that lives in every believer.  The Holy Spirit is the glory of God and the One | |

|that enables us to be One.  | |

| | |

|Every time we follow the lead of the Holy Spirit for unity in our families and | |

|the church, we are answering Jesus’ prayer to God the Father.  When the church | |

|unites in love through the Holy Spirit, we become a living testimony of God’s | |

|love to the world, and as Jesus himself noted, this is how the world will believe| |

|and know that God sent him and that He loves them: “…Then the world will believe | |

|that you sent me… Then the world will know that you sent me and that you loved | |

|them just as you loved me” (John 17:20-23).  So, if the world has not yet fully | |

|known the love of God for them, it is because of our lack of unity, and | |

|therefore, the unity of the church becomes the key to the evangelization of the | |

|world, and the evangelization of the world is one of the main missions of the | |

|church and pre-requisite of Christ’s second coming. No wonder the evil one has | |

|worked so hard to divide Christ’s church. | |

| | |

|Now, I am not only preaching this, but by the grace of God, I am doing all in my | |

|power to bring the body of Christ to the knowledge of this truth. For this work, | |

|I have been persecuted and ridiculed by men, and even my own family, but I am not| |

|here to serve men, but God.  I have come to understand that we are called to | |

|serve and not to be served.  For most of my Christian life, I used to go to | |

|church to receive from God, and the place where I received the most from Him, I | |

|called “my church.” About ten years ago when I received the revelation of the | |

|grace of God, I realized that it is not about what I receive, but what I give. | |

|This freed me from my own selfish views, from calling “my church” the place where| |

|I could receive the most from, and opened the doors to the realization that it is| |

|not about “my church” but His Church.  That I and every single Christian is | |

|called to serve His Church, and that His Church is constituted by all those who | |

|have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and this includes Catholics, | |

|Orthodoxs, Lutherans, Anglicans, Baptists, Christian Fundamentalists, | |

|Evangelicals, Pentecostals, Methodists, Adventists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons,| |

|and the list goes on up to 41,000 according to Center for the Study of Global | |

|Christianity (CSGC). | |

| | |

|So, as you can see, the division is great; Satan’s work has been relentless for | |

|he knows his time is approaching fairly fast, and he has taken a last stand, and | |

|as long as he can divide us, he will continue to rule in this world.  I do not | |

|know about you brothers and sisters, but I am fed up with him and his lies.  I | |

|have taken my stand, and it is in Christ, covered by the blood of Jesus, and I | |

|know that many of you have done the same for I can tell by your testimony, which | |

|is a product of the fruit of the Spirit, which is LOVE.  We conquer him [Satan] | |

|by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony, for we do not cling to| |

|life even in the face of death (Revelation 12:11). God bless you always. AMEN. | |

|Even The Theory Of Relativity Predicts The Existence of God As The Bible | |

|Describes Him. | |

| | |

|Before I became a family physician, I did my undergraduate studies in Electrical | |

|Engineering at FIU, graduating Cum Laude by the grace and glory of God despite | |

|extreme circumstances which included the lost 3 years of high school from | |

|escaping a civil war, and having to “illegally” cross the USA-Mexican border to | |

|avoid having to fight for a communist government that was forcing me to war | |

|against my own family. I practiced as a digital communications engineer for | |

|about 12 years, while saving to complete my medical studies. I have always loved| |

|science and math, and the more I learn, the more I see God’s hand in His | |

|creation. So, science and God are not in opposition. God is the creator of | |

|science. If they seem to be in opposition to our faith, it is because we still | |

|do not have a complete knowledge of God’s truths, “for our knowledge is | |

|fragmentary (incomplete and imperfect)” (1 Corinthians 13). Not only that, we | |

|need the Holy Spirit to properly understand the knowledge that we already have, | |

|so for a non-believer to speak about these things is mere foolishness. | |

| | |

|So, as I was recently reading about one of the man I admire the most in this | |

|life, Albert Einstein, the Holy Spirit guided me to a clearer understanding of | |

|God’s word, and how, science is just barely finding out what the Bible has | |

|described all along, | |

| | |

|According to the Bible, God is light (1 John 1:5), and is best known as I AM | |

|(Exodus 3:14); He is the God of the NOW, the present and that is why God is the | |

|same yesterday, today and tomorrow (Hebrews 13:8). | |

| | |

|"And God said to Moses, I AM WHO I AM and WHAT I AM, and I WILL BE WHAT I WILL | |

|BE; and He said, You shall say this to the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you!" | |

|(Exodus 3:14). | |

| | |

|Now, according to Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity, if anyone travels in | |

|space at the speed of light, time stands still. So, since God is light itself, | |

|He travels at the speed of light, and for Him time stands still. He is always in | |

|the NOW. He is the God of the NOW. Praise be to God because he reveals His | |

|truths to all those who humbly seek Him, to those who understand that all | |

|knowledge and wisdom come from Him. Please, see this video to better understand | |

|this truth: | |

| |

|G-R8LGy-OVs&v=xvZfx7iwq94 | |

| | |

|Share this with your kids to foster and cultivate in them a love for God and | |

|science. Science does not deny God, but helps to understand Him. God bless you | |

|brothers and sisters in Christ. | |

| | |

|Einstein's Theory Of Relativity Made Easy. Excellent videos explaining our | |

|universe, The beauty of God's creation shown in the theory or relativity: | |

| | |

| | |

|Time Dilation | Einstein's Relativity | |

| |

|30KfPtHec4s&v=G-R8LGy-OVs | |

| | |

|Space-Time And The Speed Of Light | Einstein's Relativity | |

| |

|G-R8LGy-OVs&v=xvZfx7iwq94 | |

| | |

|E = mc² | Einstein's Relativity | |

| |

|xvZfx7iwq94&v=uTO1kxxlkpw | |

|Just like Joseph was a type of Jesus, John was a type of Benjamin | |

| | |

|I was just reading a book name “the Benjamin Generation” when I could not help | |

|but noticed the parallels between John and Benjamin, the brother of the same | |

|mother as Joseph. Just like Joseph was a type of Jesus | |

|(, | |

|), John was a type of | |

|Benjamin. Here, I present some of the parallels between them. Why is this | |

|important you might ask? The law is represented by the bondwoman, Hagai, while | |

|Grace is represented by the freewoman, Sarah (Galatians 4:21–31). Because all of | |

|us who have received the revelation of the unmerited favor of God are children of| |

|the same Spiritual mother, Grace, which in the Bible is not only represented by | |

|Sarah, but by two other women: Rachael, and Mary (Sarah- "lady" or "princess." | |

|Rachael was a type of Sarah, and her name means "sheep; one with purity." Mary | |

|was a type of Sarah too, and her name means “beloved” and she was full of grace, | |

|Luke 1: 28: “And the angel being come in, said unto her: Hail, full of grace, the| |

|Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women). | |

| | |

|1. John was the youngest of the 12 apostles, while Benjamin was the youngest of | |

|the 12 sons of Jacob (Israel). | |

| | |

|2. John sat at the right hand of Jesus | |

|(), | |

|while Benjamin was the “son of my right hand” (Genesis 35:18). Remember that now | |

|all who have received His grace through faith are seated with Christ (Psalm | |

|110:1-3; 1 john 4:17) for God "…raised us up with him and seated us with him in | |

|the heavenly places in Christ Jesus" (Ephesians 2:6). | |

| | |

|3. John was the disciple whom Jesus loved (John 20:2, John 13:23; note however | |

|that Jesus loved all the disciples, but the one that acknowledged this love was | |

|John for in the only instances that this is mentioned is in John’s book), while | |

|Benjamin was the brother whom Joseph and his father loved. | |

| | |

|4. John had the same mother as Jesus (John 19:26-27, have you ever questioned why| |

|Jesus just before dying said these words? I believe that this has a prophetic | |

|meaning for the Grace generation), while Benjamin had the same mother as Joseph).| |

| | |

|Notice also, how John is the only one of Jesus’ disciples that stays with Jesus | |

|until the end, while all the other disciples ran away. John bragged of Jesus’ | |

|love for Him (Grace), while Peter (“the rock”, represents the Law) bragged of his| |

|love for Jesus but denied him. In the same way, those us who are righteous by | |

|Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, stay close to Him until the end, but those who | |

|chose to remain under the Law will always end up denying the Lord. | |

| | |

|Jacob had a total of twelve sons born to him, in a definite order. That order | |

|would later be significant in God's design for the breastplate of judgment for | |

|the high priests of Israel. | |

|Name | |

|Born | |

|Mother | |

|Name means | |

|Authority | |

| | |

|Reuben | |

|2246 AM (1759 BC) | |

|Leah | |

|see a son | |

|Genesis 29:32 | |

| | |

|Simeon | |

|2247 AM (1757 BC) | |

|Leah | |

|God has heard | |

|Genesis 29:33 | |

| | |

|Levi | |

|2248 AM (1756 BC) | |

|Leah | |

|joining | |

|Genesis 29:34 | |

| | |

|Judah | |

|2249 AM (1755 BC) | |

|Leah | |

|to praise | |

|Genesis 29:35 | |

| | |

|Dan | |

|2249 AM (1755 BC) | |

|Bilhah | |

|judged | |

|Genesis 30:5-6 | |

| | |

|Naphtali | |

|2250 AM (1754 BC) | |

|Bilhah | |

|my struggle | |

|Genesis 30:7-8 | |

| | |

|Gad | |

|2251 AM (1753 BC) | |

|Zilpah | |

|troop, company | |

|Genesis 30:10-11 | |

| | |

|Asher | |

|2252 AM (1752 BC) | |

|Zilpah | |

|happy | |

|Genesis 30:12-13 | |

| | |

|Issachar | |

|2252 AM (1752 BC) | |

|Leah | |

|reward, recompense | |

|Genesis 30:17-18 | |

| | |

|Zebulun | |

|2253 AM (1751 BC) | |

|Leah | |

|gifts, honor | |

|Genesis 30:19-20 | |

| | |

|Joseph | |

|2259 AM (1745 BC) | |

|Rachel | |

|God shall add | |

|Genesis 30:23-24 | |

| | |

|Benjamin | |

|2266 AM (1739 BC) | |

|Rachel | |

|son of my right hand | |

|Genesis 35:16-18 | |

| | |

|In addition to these, Jacob had a daughter, Dinah, by his wife Leah. Her birth | |

|occurred about 2254 AM (1750 BC. Genesis 30:21 | |

|The sons went on to found the Twelve Tribes of Israel except that Levi was not | |

|included in that list and in place of Joseph were his two | |

|sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, thereby keeping a full twelve. | |

| | |

|The Allegory of Hagar and Sarah: | |

|21 Tell me, you who desire to be subject to the law, will you not listen to the | |

|law? 22 For it is written that Abraham had two sons, one by a slave woman and the| |

|other by a free woman. 23 One, the child of the slave, was born according to the | |

|flesh; the other, the child of the free woman, was born through the promise. 24 | |

|Now this is an allegory: these women are two covenants. One woman, in fact, is | |

|Hagar, from Mount Sinai, bearing children for slavery. 25 Now Hagar is Mount | |

|Sinai in Arabia[a] and corresponds to the present Jerusalem, for she is in | |

|slavery with her children. 26 But the other woman corresponds to the Jerusalem | |

|above; she is free, and she is our mother. 27 For it is written, | |

|“Rejoice, you childless one, you who bear no children, | |

|burst into song and shout, you who endure no birth pangs; | |

|for the children of the desolate woman are more numerous | |

|than the children of the one who is married.” | |

|28 Now you,[b] my friends,[c] are children of the promise, like Isaac. 29 But | |

|just as at that time the child who was born according to the flesh persecuted the| |

|child who was born according to the Spirit, so it is now also. 30 But what does | |

|the scripture say? “Drive out the slave and her child; for the child of the slave| |

|will not share the inheritance with the child of the free woman.” 31 So then, | |

|friends,[d] we are children, not of the slave but of the free woman. (Galatians | |

|4:21-31). | |

| | |

|From the Benjamin Generation book: | |

|“Here, Paul said that these two women symbolize two mountains, which represent | |

|the two covenants. Hagar represents the old covenant, which is the law or the Ten| |

|Commandments. And Sarah represents the new covenant, which is grace. Now, the law| |

|is from Mount Sinai. And what does Paul say that the law or the Ten Commandments | |

|produces? Freedom? No, he says that the law produces bondage! On the other hand, | |

|grace is from the heavenly Jerusalem and grace brings freedom. | |

| | |

|It was not Abraham but Sarah who could not produce children. And both of them | |

|tried to help God keep His promise to them that they would bear a son. When Sarah| |

|gave her bondmaid Hagar to Abraham, Ishmael was born. Hagar, who represents the | |

|law, | |

|produced Ishmael who “was born according to the | |

|flesh”. (Galatians 4:23) | |

| | |

|If you want to inherit the promises of God, don’t trust in your human | |

|performance. Instead, look to His promises. Can you see from this passage what | |

|the flesh represents? The flesh represents self-effort or human strength. Ishmael| |

|was born according to the flesh. In other words, he was born out of human effort.| |

|Now, | |

|note what Paul said about human effort — “… those who are in the flesh cannot | |

|please God.” (Romans 8:8) | |

| | |

|What Paul means is that God is not pleased when we trust in our human strength. | |

|Sarah, on the other hand, gave birth to Isaac, not through the flesh, not through| |

|human effort, but through the Spirit. By that time, Abraham was very old and his | |

|body was as good as dead. And Sarah, who was barren, had become doubly barren. No| |

|amount of human effort could have produced a child for Abraham and Sarah. It was | |

|in that moment when no amount of self-effort or human strength could achieve | |

|results that Isaac was born. He was born through the Spirit, through God’s | |

|promise. It pleases God when we trust in His promises. | |

| | |

|If you want to inherit the promises of God, don’t play around with the law, don’t| |

|trust in your human performance. Instead, look to His promises. Under grace, the | |

|barren can rejoice for the desolate will have many more children than she who has| |

|a | |

|husband. (Galatians 4:27) | |

| | |

|That’s why Paul concluded in Galatians 4:30 that we are to cast out the | |

|bondwoman. What does he mean? He is telling us to remove the law. Don’t play | |

|around with the law. Don’t listen to people who preach the law. The law brings | |

|death. When the law was first given, 3,000 people died. (Exodus 32:28) But the | |

|Spirit | |

|gives life. When God poured out His Spirit on Pentecost, 3,000 people were born | |

|again! (Acts 2:41) | |

| | |

|By showing us how Sarah and Hagar represent the two covenants, Paul set a | |

|precedent for the use of types and symbols. In the same way, God is painting a | |

|picture of Benjamin as a symbol or type of the endtime church. And I believe He | |

|did it because He wants us to know that before Jesus comes again, He | |

|will raise up a generation of grace, a generation who knows His unmerited favor | |

|And all that is possible because Jesus became the Son of sorrow so that we can be| |

|sons of God’s right hand, sons of His favor” | |


| | |


| | |

|1. In Ac 20:24, Paul speaks of the ministry he had received from the Lord | |

|Jesus... | |

|"to testify to the gospel of the grace of God." | |

| | |

|2. The word "gospel" means "good news", and "grace" means "unmerited favor"; so | |

|Paul was given the ministry to proclaim the good news... | |

|a. That GOD has provided a way of salvation for sinners | |

|b. And that HE had done this without requiring merit on the part of sinners! | |

| | |

|3. In this lesson we shall summarize the "The Gospel Of The Grace Of God" under | |

|these three headings: | |

|a. The "need" for grace | |

|b. The "provision" of grace | |

|c. The "reception" of grace | |

| | |

|[Before we can begin to appreciate why the grace of God is good news, we must | |

|understand...] | |

| | |


| | |


|1. "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" - Ro 3:23 | |

|2. "For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is | |

|guilty of all." - Jm 2:10 | |

|3. "For the wages of sin is death..." - Ro 6:23 | |

|4. "But your iniquities have separated you from your God; and your sins have | |

|hidden His face from you, so that He will not hear." - Isa 59:2 | |

|5. "But we are all like an unclean thing, and all our righteounesses are like | |

|filthy rags;" - Isa 64:6 | |

| | |


|1. FIRST: We must all plead guilty! | |

|a. Every accountable person has sinned | |

|b. We can never demand entrance into heaven because we are somehow good enough | |

|c. Even the very best of us is without merit in God's sight! | |

|2. SECOND: Our sins have alienated us from God! | |

|a. By our transgressions, we lose that precious relationship with God | |

|b. We experience "spiritual" death, or separation from God; which if left | |

|unchecked, will result in eternal separation from God (i.e., hell) | |

|c. While in this state of "spiritual" death, we are dead to God; our prayers are | |

|not heard - cf. 1Pe 3:12 | |

|3. THIRD: As sinners, we cannot accomplish the removal of our guilt on our own! | |

|a. We cannot run away from this guilt | |

|b. We cannot work our way out of this guilt | |

| | |

|[So don't be self-deceived by notions of our own goodness. We are sinners in | |

|need of salvation! | |

| | |

|It is fair to say, then, that the FIRST requirement of salvation is recognition | |

|of our true guilt. Once we acknowledge our sinfulness, we are in a position to | |

|appreciate...] | |

| | |


| | |


|1. Because God loved us, He sent His Son to die that we might have eternal life -| |

|Jn 3:16; 1Jn 4:9 | |

|2. Because God loved us, He made His Son a "propitiation" for our sins - 1Jn 4:10| |

|a. A "propitiation" is a sacrifice designed to appease | |

|b. Therefore God has offered His Son as a sacrifice designed to appease Himself, | |

|which leads to a related point... | |

| | |


|1. To satisfy His justice, God provided redemption through the blood of His Son -| |

|Ro 3:24-26 | |

|2. God's grace therefore functions in this way: | |

|a. God's justice requires an appropriate sacrifice for sin | |

|b. Because He loves us, He provided His Son as a sacrifice for sin | |

|c. God recognizes the death of Jesus on the cross as a suitable ransom for our | |

|sins, paid in full! | |

| | |

|[So to satisfy both His justice and His love, God has graciously provided | |

|salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ. What we cannot earn, God has provided! | |

| | |

|But the provision of grace is not unconditional (otherwise all would be saved). | |

|Therefore we need to consider...] | |

| | |


| | |


|1. For Jesus is "the author (or source) of eternal salvation to all who obey | |

|Him," - He 5:9 | |

|2. Freedom from sin comes when one is willing to obey from the heart - Ro 6:17-18| |

|3. Such obedience involves: | |

|a. Trusting in Jesus as the Son of God who died for your sins | |

|- Jn 3:16 | |

|b. Confessing your faith before men - Ro 10:9-10 | |

|c. Repenting of your sins - Ac 17:30 | |

|d. Culminating with being buried with Christ in baptism for the remission of your| |

|sins - Mk 16:15-16; Ac 2:38; 22:16 | |

| | |


|1. Salvation is by grace, and "not by works of righteousness which we have done" | |

|- Tit 3:4-5a | |

|2. But by God's mercy, He saves us "through the washing of regeneration and | |

|renewing of the Holy Spirit" - Tit 3:5b | |

|a. When a penitent sinner, who trusts in Jesus, is baptized into Christ.... | |

|1) He or she is united with Christ by baptism into His | |

|death, and therefore rises to walk in newness of life | |

|- cf. Ro 6:3-8 | |

|2) He or she is "clothed" with Christ, able to enjoy all | |

|the blessings made possible by Jesus' death and | |

|resurrected life! - cf. Ga 3:26-27; He 7:24-25 | |

|b. Through such a "washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit", one | |

|is truly "born again of the water and the Spirit!" - cf. Tit 3:5; Jn 3:5 | |

| | |


| | |

|1. God has ordained... | |

|a. ...that through faith and repentance | |

|b. ...culminating with baptism into Christ...we might receive the wonderful grace| |

|of God! | |

| | |

|2. Why don't more people respond to God's saving grace? | |

|a. It may be some do not understand the "need" for grace | |

|1) They consider themselves good, moral people | |

|2) Yet, in nearly every example of salvation in the book of Acts, those being | |

|saved were deeply religious and very moral already! | |

|3) But as Isaiah said, "all our righteounesses are like filthy rags"! | |

|b. It may be some are not aware of the "provision" of grace | |

|1) They may think that they are too sinful to receive God's grace | |

|2) Yet God desires all to be saved, and has provided Jesus "a ransom for all" - | |

|cf. 1Ti 2:3-6 | |

|c. It may be that some have not been taught the proper "reception" | |

|of grace | |

|1) Many are told to "Say the sinner's prayer", but are not told what Jesus and | |

|His apostles commanded people to do to receive God's saving grace | |

|2) People need to listen to Christ and His apostles, not modern preachers! - cf. | |

|Mk 16:15-16; Ac 2:36-38; 22:16 | |

| | |

|3. We saw at the beginning of our study that Paul's ministry was..."to testify to| |

|the gospel of the grace of God." (Ac 20:24) | |

| | |

|4. So we have sought to do in this study; and in closing we add the words of | |

|Peter... | |

| | |

|"testifying that this is the true grace of God in which | |

|you stand." (1Pe 5:12) | |

| | |

|Dear friends, what is your relationship to the grace of God? Have you received | |

|the gospel of the grace of God? Are you standing in the true grace of God? | |

| | |

|NOTE: This outline has borrowed heavily from a small tract entitled "The Gospel | |

|Of The Grace Of God" by Leslie Diestelkamp. The tract can be ordered from | |

|Florida College Bookstore (800-922-2390). | |

|"Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings; for it is well for the| |

|heart to be strengthened by grace..." (Hebrews 13:9). | |

| | |

|God does not want our hearts full of worries and fears, tossed and turned by | |

|every challenge that comes our way. He wants our heart at rest and established by| |

|His grace. When you think that the victories to our challenges depend on our | |

|ability to obey God, then our hearts are not at rest. They will be full of | |

|worries and anxieties. Why? Because we can never obey God perfectly. | |

| | |

|But when we depend on God’s grace, that is, His undeserved, unmerited favor, the | |

|opposite happens, our hearts become established. When you know that the only | |

|thing that qualifies you to receive God’s blessings is faith in the finished work| |

|of Christ, our hearts becomes established. Then, we will walk without the fear of| |

|our troubles swallowing us up. We will walk with full assurance that His | |

|blessings will be manifested in our life. | |

| | |

|Under the old covenant, we receive God’s blessings only if we keep all His laws. | |

|(Deuteronomy 28:1–2) If we sin and fail to keep even one law, we will be | |

|disqualified from receiving His blessings. But today, under the new covenant, our| |

|sins no longer disqualify us because God Himself has said, “For I will be | |

|merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will | |

|remember no more.” (Hebrews 8:12) | |

| | |

|So let our hearts be established by God’s grace. Because of His grace, we have | |

|full access to His blessings. We no longer have to worry about whether we are | |

|good enough. We can stand firm on the promises made in His Word and enjoy His | |

|blessings today because Jesus has paid the price. Our part is only to believe and| |

|receive! | |

| | |

|Adapted from Joseph Price | |

|The Holy Spirit | |

|Much of modern-day Christianity sees the born-again experience as all there is to| |

|salvation. Many Christians oppose the belief that there is a separate experience | |

|of being filled with the Holy Spirit, and they especially oppose the validity of | |

|the gifts of the Holy Spirit for today’s believers. | |

|That type of belief puts them in conflict with the book of Acts and the very | |

|teaching of Jesus. Those who experience the power of the Holy Spirit today are | |

|labeled as fanatics or heretics. But what does the Bible have to say? What did | |

|Jesus say about this? | |

|On the night before Jesus’ crucifixion, He made one of the most astounding | |

|statements of His whole ministry. John 16:7 records these words: | |

|“Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for | |

|if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will | |

|send him unto you.” | |

|Grasp what Jesus is saying!  | |

| | |

|Jesus said it is more beneficial for us to have the ministry of the Holy Spirit | |

|than it was to have Jesus present with us in His physical body! | |

| | |

|Most Christians are totally shocked by this. They would give anything to have | |

|Jesus present in His physical body. How could anything be better than to | |

|physically see, hear, and touch Him? | |

|Jesus knew His disciples would be shocked by His statement, so | |

|He prefaced it with the words, “I tell you the truth.” As hard as it may be to | |

|understand, the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer is better| |

|than the earthly ministry of Jesus. | |

|This is not to take anything away from His ministry on this earth. Without Jesus | |

|coming to the earth and accomplishing what He did, there could be no ministry of | |

|the Holy Spirit. The whole plan of God hinges on the redemptive work of Christ. | |

|But, once His work was done, it was actually to our advantage to have Jesus | |

|return to His Father and send the Holy Spirit to take His place. Therefore, we | |

|shouldn’t lessen the preeminence of Jesus, but we should increase the importance | |

|of the Holy Spirit’s ministry. | |

|Most Christians don’t realize how involved the Holy Spirit is in everything that | |

|the Lord does. They do not ascribe nearly enough importance to the Holy Spirit | |

|and what He is doing in the earth today. In Genesis 1:1-2, the Bible says, | |

|“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without| |

|form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God| |

|moved upon the face of the waters.” | |

|In the beginning, God created all the elements needed for His creation. Then, | |

|everything else was formed from what had already been created. All the essential | |

|ingredients were in place. But nothing happened without the Spirit of God. | |

|Notice specifically that the Spirit of God (the Holy Spirit) moved upon the face | |

|of the waters. The English word moved was translated from the Hebrew word | |

|“rachaph.” It literally means “to brood.” This is describing the manner of a hen | |

|sitting on her eggs to hatch them. | |

|The Holy Spirit was brooding over the creation of God just waiting to bring forth| |

|whatever God the Father said. When the Lord said “Let there be light” (Gen. 1:3),| |

|then the power of the Holy Spirit brought that light into being. Likewise, with | |

|everything the Lord created and made, it was the power of the Holy Spirit that | |

|brought it all into existence. | |

|God the Father conceived it. Jesus spoke it. And the Holy Spirit was the power | |

|that performed it. Everything God did in His creation was accomplished through | |

|the power of the Holy Spirit. When God the Father was ready to bring Jesus into | |

|the earth, He took the spoken Word (Jesus), the Holy Spirit brooded over Mary (a | |

|virgin), and she conceived Jesus’ physical body. | |

|This perfectly illustrates the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the | |

|Holy Spirit. They are one. In fact, they are so much one that they can’t operate | |

|independent of each other. They are a team. Jesus didn’t do any miracles or start| |

|His public ministry until after He had been anointed with the Holy Spirit. | |

|If Jesus couldn’t, or wouldn’t, operate independently of the Holy Spirit, neither| |

|should we. No one can have an effective life or ministry without the power of | |

|God’s Holy Spirit working in him or her. This fact can’t be argued by anyone who | |

|truly believes the Bible is God’s Word. The Scriptures are replete with proof | |

|that it is “not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the LORD of | |

|hosts” (Zech. 4:6). | |

|So, why is there so much debate over this issue? The sad truth is that denial of | |

|the ministry and power of the Holy Spirit is a convenient theology. Believing | |

|that miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit don’t operate today excuses powerless | |

|living. If it’s true that the Holy Spirit is still willing to move as in biblical| |

|times (and it is true), then there is no excuse for living lives so far removed | |

|from the victory portrayed in God’s Word. | |

| | |

|The number one reason people resist the ministry of the Holy Spirit is because it| |

|exposes the lack of power in their lives. And once exposed, it demands a change. | |

|In an attempt to avoid responsibility for change, they change the Scriptures | |

|instead of themselves. Of course, it’s not that blatant, but there is a | |

|predisposition against the ministry of the Holy Spirit, so the Scripture is | |

|twisted to support their views. | |

|It’s now politically correct to say that alcoholics are not responsible for their| |

|actions, depression is a chemical imbalance, and homosexuality is genetic. We’ve | |

|even had lawsuits where overweight people sue fast-food chains for their obesity.| |

|No one wants to admit that their lives are the result of their choices and | |

|actions. It’s appealing to think that someone else is at fault for their messed | |

|up lives. Sadly, the lack of personal responsibility in our society has crept | |

|into the attitudes of the church. | |

|But, the ultimate attempt to avoid responsibility is when we place the blame on | |

|God. This goes all the way back to Adam when he said, “It’s that woman that YOU | |

|gave me” (Gen. 3). He passed the “buck” to the woman and then ultimately blamed | |

|God. But God’s judgment shows that He held Adam responsible for his own actions. | |

|Another group of Christians willingly accept a limited ministry of the Holy | |

|Spirit as their comforter and consoler, but they still deny His miraculous power.| |

|That’s convenient, the benefits without the responsibility. These are usually the| |

|ones who also believe there isn’t a second experience with the Holy Spirit beyond| |

|being born again. They may be sincere in their beliefs, but they are sincerely | |

|wrong. | |

|There are many clear examples in Scripture where a miraculous encounter with the | |

|Holy Spirit enabled believers to live supernatural lives. Jesus taught about two | |

|separate experiences in the believer’s life. | |

|In John 20:28, Thomas confessed Jesus as his Lord and God. That made him “saved” | |

|according to Romans 10:9-10. Yet, the Lord told Thomas and all the disciples to | |

|tarry in Jerusalem until they received the power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:4). | |

|The reason Jesus told them to wait on the baptism of the Holy Spirit was because | |

|they didn’t have it yet. Look what happened to the disciples once they received | |

|that power. They were changed men. | |

|Jesus said it this way in Acts 1:8, | |

|“But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye | |

|shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, | |

|and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” | |

|After the Day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus’ disciples, they| |

|were powerful. They faced persecution and death fearlessly. What made the | |

|difference? By Jesus’ own words, it was the baptism of the Holy Spirit. | |

|In Acts 8, Philip preached to the Samaritans, and the whole city believed on | |

|Jesus and was baptized in water. They were saved. But Acts 8:15-16 says, | |

|“Who, when they [the apostles] were come down, prayed for them [the Samaritans], | |

|that they might receive the Holy Ghost: (For as yet he was fallen upon none of | |

|them: only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus)” (brackets mine). | |

|This is a very clear example of people being born again but still needing to | |

|receive the Holy Spirit. This can also be witnessed in Acts 19. Paul found | |

|disciples who were not baptized in the Holy Spirit. He prayed for them, and they | |

|spoke with tongues. | |

|Spirit filled, but no tongues! | |

|There are other believers who acknowledge a second experience with the Holy | |

|Spirit which releases power, but they refuse the part of speaking in tongues, or | |

|at least say it’s not for everyone. But the baptism of the Holy Spirit is like a | |

|pair of tennis shoes: It always comes with tongues. | |

|I guess it’s possible to have the baptism of the Holy Spirit and not speak in | |

|tongues, but why wouldn’t you want to? If you’re afraid, don’t be! There’s no | |

|reason to fear; you’re in full control. I’m not speaking in tongues as I write | |

|this, because it’s up to me to decide when I speak in tongues. It’s the same for | |

|you. You’ll control when you speak in tongues. | |

|Maybe there’s something else that is holding you back. I know from experience | |

|that a person whose understanding of this gift isn’t right can stifle it. I did. | |

|In my case, a denomination had instilled such fear in me that I was afraid I | |

|would get something from the devil. It wasn’t until later that I learned the Lord| |

|wouldn’t let that happen (Luke 11:13). | |

|Whether you’re not sure or just having a problem receiving, my teaching | |

|entitled The Holy Spirit will answer your questions and set you free to receive | |

|this powerful gift. My life was completely changed when I received the Holy | |

|Spirit. If it were not for that, you would never have heard of Andrew Wommack. | |

|Here is a little of my personal story; it may help you. In 1957 I was born again | |

|at the age of eight. I loved God and served Him to a degree, but was basically | |

|powerless. I prayed six months for my Dad to be healed, but he died when I was | |

|only twelve years old. As a young man, I was introverted, timid, and so shy I | |

|couldn’t look people in the face when talking to them. | |

|There wasn’t any difference between me and an unbeliever in terms of visible | |

|results. If I would have been arrested for being a Christian, there wouldn’t have| |

|been enough evidence to convict me. | |

|Then, on March 23, 1968, I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. My life was | |

|transformed instantly. Before the baptism of the Holy Spirit, I was in fear; | |

|afterward, I was as bold as a lion (Prov. 28:1). My love for the Lord went | |

|through the roof. It wasn’t me living anymore, but Christ was living through me. | |

|My life wasn’t perfect then and still isn’t now. But receiving the baptism of the| |

|Holy Spirit opened up a whole new, dynamic relationship with the Lord. You would | |

|never have heard of me if I hadn’t received the second work of the Holy Spirit, | |

|which the Bible calls the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It’s my desire to see you | |

|experience that same power of the Holy Spirit and the gifts that come with it. | |

| | |

|By Andrew Wommack | |

| | |

|What Is The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit? | |

| | |

| | |

|Speaking In Tongues | |

| | |

| | |

|What Is A Christian? | |

| | |

| | |

|What's Next? | |

| | |

|"I want all of you to speak in tongues.." Paul, in 1Corinthians 14:5 | |

| | |

|If we believe Paul’s words, then we must admit that there is such an experience | |

|as being moved by God’s holy Spirit to speak in a language that we have not | |

|learned. The Scriptures bear witness to the presence of this experience among | |

|both Jewish and Gentile believers. | |

| | |

|A few years after the initial outpouring of the Spirit baptism on the Jews at | |

|Pentecost, God began admitting Gentiles into His kingdom through the baptism with| |

|the holy Spirit. This grace is recorded in Acts 10:45-46: “All the believing Jews| |

|who came with Peter were astonished because the gift of the holy Ghost was poured| |

|out on the Gentiles also, for they heard them speaking in tongues and praising | |

|God.” Later, another group of disciples began speaking in tongues when they | |

|received the Spirit: “And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the holy Ghost | |

|came on them, and they spoke in tongues and prophesied” (Acts 19:6). These were | |

|not isolated events; on the contrary, the context of Acts 19 suggests that Paul | |

|was surprised that these believers had not already received the Holy Spirit | |

|baptism. Further, in all his letters which speak of the subject, Paul speaks of | |

|this blessing as if it were a normal part of life in Christ. | |

| | |

|In reality, there is no life without the language of the Spirit, for receiving | |

|the holy Spirit and speaking in tongues are indissolubly united as two parts of | |

|one experience in Christ. The moment one receives the holy Spirit baptism, he is | |

|moved by the Spirit to make “groanings which cannot be uttered” by man. This is | |

|true in every case, as Jesus explained to Nicodemus (Jn. 3:8). When all the | |

|evidence is rightly divided, it becomes clear that every person who receives the | |

|holy Spirit baptism speaks in tongues (or has “stammering lips”) when he receives| |

|it and that if one has not done so, then he has no basis on which to claim that | |

|he has received the Spirit of God. | |

| | |

|Jesus said, “When the Comforter is come, whom I will send to you from the Father,| |

|even the Spirit of truth, which proceeds from the Father, HE will testify of me” | |

|(Jn. 15:26). Paul would later write, “The Spirit ITSELF bears witness with our | |

|spirit that we are the children of God” (Rom. 8:16). The Comforter’s “testimony” | |

|mentioned by Jesus and the Spirit’s “witness” mentioned by Paul both refer to | |

|speaking in tongues. So, a prime purpose of speaking in tongues is to distinguish| |

|those who have truly believed and repented from those who have not. | |

| | |

|Speaking in Unknown Tongues: “Let him who speaks in an unknown tongue pray that | |

|he may interpret. For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prays, but my | |

|understanding is unfruitful. What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I | |

|will pray with the understanding also. I will sing with the spirit, and I will | |

|sing with the understanding also.” 1Cor. 14:13-15 | |

| | |

|Those who received the holy Ghost when it was first poured out spoke in tongues | |

|languages that were unknown to them, but were well known to the Jews who had | |

|traveled from great distances to Jerusalem to observe the Feast of Pentecost. The| |

|visiting Jews marveled that the disciples spoke fluently in foreign tongues or | |

|languages. They asked, “Are not all these who are speaking Galileans? Then how is| |

|it that each of us hears our own native language?” | |

| | |

|Speaking in Tongues Foretold: Long before Jesus suffered and died to make the | |

|holy Ghost available to men, God had chosen tongues as the sign of this New | |

|Covenant; and He announced His choice through the prophets. Through Zephaniah | |

|(3:9) God promised, “For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that | |

|they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to serve Him with one consent.” | |

|Through Isaiah (28:11-12), He said, “For with stammering lips and another tongue | |

|will He speak to this people, to whom He said, ‘This is the Rest wherewith you | |

|may cause the weary to rest’, and ‘This is the Refreshing’, yet they would not | |

|hear.” When a sinner hears someone speaking in tongues, the call of the Spirit is| |

|to his heart, not to his head; it is to his feelings, not to his understanding. | |

| | |

|“There appeared to them cloven tongues like fire, and it rested upon each one of | |

|them. And they were all filled with the holy Spirit and began to speak in other | |

|tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.” Acts 2:3-4 | |

|Speaking in Tongues - God’s Purpose | |

|Referring to Isaiah’s words, Paul wrote, “In the law it is written, ‘With men of | |

|other tongues and other lips will I speak unto this people, and yet for all that | |

|they will not hear Me, saith the Lord.’ Wherefore”, Paul concludes, “tongues are | |

|for a sign . . . to them that believe not” (1Cor. 14:21-22). Notice Paul’s words,| |

|“tongues are for a sign”, and then ask yourself, “A sign of what?” Clearly, | |

|tongues are God’s designated sign of the way of eternal life. A singular beauty | |

|of the New Testament is that God Himself, through the Spirit, speaks when He | |

|enters our hearts. In this covenant, we are not dependent upon men to tell us | |

|when we are born again. | |

| | |

|Long ago, my father dreamed he was carrying the crucified Lord to a cemetery to | |

|bury him. As he was lowering Jesus into the grave, Jesus opened his eyes and | |

|raised his hands, and both of them were holding money. Then Jesus spoke. “Take | |

|this,” he said. “This cannot be buried with me.” Obeying the Lord, my father took| |

|the money from his hands and saw that in one hand was twenty-eight dollars and | |

|eleven cents, while in the other hand was eleven dollars and twenty-eight cents. | |

|As he stared at the money, the twenty-eight dollars and eleven cents changed into| |

|the word “Isaiah”, and the eleven dollars and twenty-eight cents changed into the| |

|word “Matthew”. When he awoke, he knew the Lord had shown him something of | |

|remarkable value from those two books. He took his Bible and turned with great | |

|anticipation to Isaiah 28:11 and to Matthew 11:28, wondering what this revelation| |

|should mean. | |

| | |

|In Matthew 11:28-29, he found Jesus pleading with his people, “Come unto me all | |

|you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you REST. Take of my yoke and| |

|learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find REST for your | |

|souls.” Then he read from Isaiah 28:11-12, “For with stammering lips and another | |

|tongue will He speak unto this people. To whom He said, ‘THIS IS THE REST | |

|wherewith you may cause the weary to REST, and this is the Refreshing,’ yet they | |

|would not hear.” | |

| | |

|Speaking in tongues is a misunderstood blessing, but it is part of the reason | |

|Jesus suffered and died. How can it not be of God? Is it not clear that only | |

|those who have repented and have received the holy Spirit baptism with the | |

|evidence of speaking in tongues have found this REST which God promised to His | |

|people? Speaking in tongues enables God’s children to pray more effectively. Paul| |

|wrote, “Likewise the Spirit helps our infirmities. For we know not what we should| |

|pray for as we ought, but the Spirit itself makes intercession for us with | |

|groanings which cannot be uttered” (Rom. 8:26). | |

| | |

|Speaking in Diverse Tongues - A Gift of the Spirit | |

|In his list of a few gifts of the Spirit (1Cor. 12), Paul mentions the gift of | |

|“diverse tongues.” This is not the same thing as speaking in tongues when one | |

|receives the holy Ghost. It is an added measure, a deeper walk in the Spirit for | |

|those who already speak in tongues, just as the “gift of faith” is for those who | |

|already have faith. It should be noted that Paul never says that “speaking in | |

|tongues is a gift.” He knew better. The gift is “diverse tongues”. Multitudes | |

|have received the holy Ghost baptism and speak in tongues, but only a few in our | |

|time have received the gift of “diverse tongues”. | |

| | |

|Many a person has excused his lack of the Spirit by teaching that speaking in | |

|tongues is a thing of the past, or is merely a gift that only a few saints | |

|receive. Don’t swallow that poison, my friend. It is the gift of “diverse | |

|tongues” that is given only to some, but as for speaking in tongues, every member| |

|of the body of Christ has that blessing. | |

| | |

|Speaking in tongues (or “stammering lips”) is God’s sign of the new birth as | |

|every born again person speaks in tongues beginning the moment the Spirit enters.| |

|If you have not received this experience, please do not take this message as a | |

|belittling of your faith in Jesus. It is not. There were sincere followers of | |

|Christ in the days of the apostles who did not receive the holy Ghost until | |

|someone came along and “taught them the way of God more perfectly.” The baptism | |

|of the Holy Spirit is for you, and so are we. Source: | |

| | |

|The leaven of the Pharisees is the doctrine of legalism...The leaven of the | |

|Sadducees is the doctrine of humanism. By Joseph Prince: NO LEAVEN (FALSE | |


|‘No grain offering which you bring to the Lord shall be made with leaven, for you| |

|shall burn no leaven nor any honey in any offering to the Lord made by fire. | |

|LEVITICUS 2:11 | |

| | |

|When I was a young Christian, I heard of an illustration for Psalm 23 about | |

|shepherds who sometimes break the legs of sheep which habitually stray, so as to | |

|teach them not to stray. That erroneous teaching—“The Lord is my Shepherd, He | |

|breaketh my legs”—stuck with me for years, causing me needless fear of God’s | |

|punishment when I felt that I had strayed from Him. Such erroneous teachings are | |

|what God’s Word refers to as “leaven”. That is why Jesus cautioned His disciples,| |

|“Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees.” (Matthew| |

|16:6) The leaven of the Pharisees was their doctrine of legalism, which judges | |

|and condemns people who fail to keep God’s laws. The leaven of the Sadducees was | |

|their doctrine of humanism, which discounts the supernatural and teaches that | |

|everything can be explained away using reasoning or science. | |

| | |

|When God told His people in Leviticus 2:11, “No grain offering which you bring to| |

|the Lord shall be made with leaven,” we are reminded that how we appreciate | |

|Jesus, our grain offering, must not be mixed with wrong teachings. For example, | |

|when we talk about “suffering with Christ” (Romans 8:17), we must know that it is| |

|not about suffering sicknesses or lack, things which Jesus has redeemed us from, | |

|but suffering persecution, scorn and rejection for His name’s sake, which we are | |

|likely to face as good Christians. | |

| | |

|My friend, what you believe about Jesus is important because the Holy Spirit | |

|bears witness only to the truth. (John 16:13) So ask Him to unveil the beauty of | |

|Christ and the perfection of His finished work to you when you read God’s Word. | |

|Find out from the Word how Christ has redeemed you from every curse and paid for | |

|you to enjoy all of God’s blessings with His sacrifice at the cross. Beloved, get| |

|rid of any leaven in your believing. Believe and declare that you are healed, not| |

|sick; abundantly supplied, not in lack; and forever righteous in Christ. And when| |

|you start believing and confessing God’s truths, the anointing of the Holy Spirit| |

|will be released for the breakthrough you need! Source: | |

| |

|0e2a0cf | |

|Andrew Murray (9 May 1828 – 18 January 1917) was a South African writer, teacher,|Andrew Murray ( 9 mayo 1828 hasta 18 enero 1917 ) fue un escritor sudafricano , |

|and Christian pastor. Murray considered missions to be "the chief end of the |maestro y pastor cristiano . Murray considera misiones para ser " el fin |

|church." Andrew Murray wrote to interpret the Scriptures in such a way that |principal de la iglesia. " Andrew Murray escribió a interpretar las Escrituras de|

|Christians were free to believe and experience the grace of God. He believed that|tal manera que los cristianos eran libres de creer y experimentar la gracia de |

|God had done everything necessary for people to live rich, productive, meaningful|Dios. Él creía que Dios había hecho todo lo necesario para que la gente viva |

|lives that participated in the life of God. The obstacles to such lives included |vidas ricas y productivas y significativas que participaron en la vida de Dios . |

|half-hearted surrender to God, a lack of confidence in the anointing of the |Los obstáculos para una vida tan incluyeron la rendición a medias a Dios, una |

|Spirit, and a deep-rooted skepticism about the power of prayer. |falta de confianza en la unción del Espíritu, y un profundo escepticismo sobre el|

| |poder de la oración. |

|One of his most popular books, With Christ in the School of Prayer, takes New | |

|Testament teachings about prayer and illumines them in 31 "lessons" designed to |Uno de sus libros más populares , con Cristo en la Escuela de Oración , toma las |

|help the reader move past shallow, ineffectual prayer into a fuller understanding|enseñanzas del Nuevo Testamento acerca de la oración y los ilumina en 31 |

|of the work God has called them to do. According to Murray, the church does not |"lecciones ", diseñado para ayudar al lector a dejar atrás poco profunda , la |

|realize that "God rules the world by the prayers of his saints, that prayer is |oración ineficaz en una comprensión más completa de la obra de Dios ha llamado |

|the power by which Satan is conquered, that by prayer the church on earth has |que hagan. Según Murray , la iglesia no se da cuenta de que "Dios gobierna el |

|disposal of the powers of the heavenly world." |mundo por las oraciones de sus santos , que la oración es el poder por el cual |

| |Satanás es vencido , que por la oración de la iglesia en la tierra tiene la |

| |eliminación de los poderes del mundo celestial. " |

|The balance of Grace and Faith: | El balance de la Gracia y la Fe: |

| | |

|(Romans 3:27). Save by Faith, a gift of God, Grace. |(Romanos 3:27). Guarde por la fe, don de Dios, la Gracia. |

|(James 2:24-26). Faith without works is dead. It may lead to trying to earn God’s|(Santiago 2:24-26). La fe sin obras es muerta. Todo ello puede conducir a tratar |

|favor. |de ganar el favor de Dios. |

| | |

|(Ephesians 2:5, 8-9). By grace we are saved. Saved by grace through faith, not |(Efesios 2:5, 8-9). Por gracia somos salvos. Salvados por gracia mediante la fe, |

|works. |no por obras. |

|Grace is a free gift, but we accept it by faith; The whole world has been given |La gracia es un don gratuito, pero lo aceptamos por la fe; El mundo entero se ha |

|Grace, but not the whole world has accepted it; some have not even heard of this |dado la gracia, pero no todo el mundo lo ha aceptado, algunos ni siquiera han |

|free gift of salvation, or what they have heard is not the true gospel, which is |oído hablar de este regalo de la salvación, o lo que han oído, no es el verdadero|

|the gospel of grace. |evangelio, que es el evangelio de la gracia. |

| | |

|"even when we were dead through our trespasses, made us alive together with |"aun estando nosotros muertos en pecados, nos dio vida juntamente con Cristo (por|

|Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up with him, and made us sit|gracia sois salvos). Juntamente con él nos resucitó, y asimismo nos hizo sentar |

|with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the coming ages he might|en los lugares celestiales con Cristo Jesús, para mostrar en los siglos venideros|

|show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. |las abundantes riquezas de su gracia en su bondad para con nosotros en Cristo |

|For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not your own doing, |Jesús, porque por gracia sois salvos por medio de la fe; y esto no de vosotros, |

|it is the gift of God— not because of works, lest any man should boast" |pues es don de Dios. No por obras, para que nadie se gloríe," (Efesios 2:5-9). |

|(Ephesians 2:5-9). |La fe viene por el oír y el oír la palabra de Dios, así también la fe no viene de|

|Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God, so faith does not come from |nosotros también, sino de Dios. |

|us also, but from God. | |

|The Bible is clear that our success is not dependent on our obedience (if we were| |

|able to obey God in all He required, we would not need Jesus; if we disobey in | |

|one thing, we disobey the whole law). It is by His obedience that we are made | |

|righteous before God, and it’s in the understanding of God’s unconditional love | |

|that we respond by obeying God, and not the other way around. | |

| | |

|To think that our success depends on our obedience opens the door for Satan’s | |

|condemnation, and just what happened to Israel. We are supposed to learn from | |

|their mistakes, and one of their greater mistakes was to think that their success| |

|depended on their obedience. For instance, they saw Jesus heal and do many mighty| |

|miracles on the Sabbath and they wanted to kill him. The put their own | |

|righteousness above God’s love for His children. They could not understand that | |

|God’s love for us is greater than the law. The law was meant to serve us and not| |

|the other way around. | |

| | |

|Our disobedience affects our fellowship (which is restored when we confess our | |

|trespasses) but not our success, because if we are in Christ, we are already | |

|victorious and reign in this life. | |

| | |

|These are greatly powerful teachings on God’s grace. You will be greatly blessed | |

|by revelation of God's infinite love in our lives: | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

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| | |

|The result of trying to be successful in this life depending on our obedience is | |

|chronic stress, and the Biblical Solution to this Stress is to enter God’s Rest. | |

|God Wants You Well (By Andrew Wommack) |Dios Quiere Que Usted Este Sano ( Por Andrew Wommack ) |

| | |

|Jesus used miracles … to prove He could forgive sin (Mark 2:10-12). God used them|Jesús usó los milagros ... para probar que Él podía perdonar los pecados (Marcos |

|to authenticate Jesus and His message (Heb. 2:3-4). Jesus told His followers that|2:10-12 ) . Dios los utiliza para autenticar a Jesús y su mensaje (Hebreos 2:3-4 |

|they would do the same works He had done (John 14:12). He said that the preaching|) . Jesús dijo a sus seguidores que harían las mismas obras que Él había hecho |

|of His Word would be confirmed by signs and wonders (Mark 16:20). |(Juan 14:12 ) . Dijo que la predicación de su Palabra sería confirmada con |

|So why aren’t we seeing greater manifestations of His healing? Aren’t people |señales y prodigios (Marcos 16:20). Entonces ¿por qué no estamos viendo mayores |

|still suffering from sickness? Doesn’t Jesus love people today just as much as He|manifestaciones de su curación? ¿Porque personas todavía sufren de la |

|did when He walked the earth? Don’t believers still need to see demonstrations of|enfermedades? ¿Qué Jesús no ama a la gente hoy en día tanto como lo hizo cuando |

|His power? |estuvo en la tierra? No creyentes todavía tienen que ver demostraciones de su |

| |poder ? |

|YES! Not only do we need the healing power of God today, but God wants to release|SÍ! No solo necesitamos el poder sanador de Dios hoy , pero Dios quiere liberar |

|that power. Hallelujah! However, healing isn’t up to God alone. It isn’t God who |ese poder. ¡Aleluya! Sin embargo, la curación no depende de Dios solamente. No es|

|decides who gets healed and who doesn’t. That’s a radical statement, but it’s |Dios quien decide quién se cura y quien no lo hace. Esa es una declaración |

|true. And herein lies some of the greatest obstacles to receiving God’s healing |radical, pero es verdad. Y aquí radica algunos de los mayores obstáculos para |

|power. |recibir el poder sanador de Dios. |

| | |

|One of the worst doctrines in the body of Christ is the belief that God controls |Una de las peores doctrinas en el cuerpo de Cristo es la creencia de que Dios |

|everything that happens. Fundamentalists/Evangelical Christians believe that God |controla todo lo que sucede . Fundamentalistas/ evangélicos cristianos creen que |

|either controls or allows everything, and that Satan has to get His permission |Dios controla o permite todo, y que Satanás tiene que pedirle permiso antes de |

|before he can do anything. |que pueda hacer nada. |

| | |

|That’s a convenient theology because it absolves the individual of any personal |Eso es una teología conveniente porque absuelve al individuo de toda |

|responsibility. That’s also the reason for its popularity. I know this may shock |responsabilidad personal. Esa es también la razón de su popularidad. Sé que esto |

|some people, but it’s true: That belief will kill you. God’s will doesn’t |puede sorprender a algunas personas, pero es la verdad: Esa creencia te matará. |

|automatically come to pass. We have to believe and cooperate with God to receive |La voluntad de Dios no pasa automáticamente. Tenemos que creer y cooperar con |

|what He has provided for us, including our own salvation. |Dios para recibir lo que Él ha provisto para nosotros, incluyendo nuestra propia |

| |salvación. |

|Second Peter 3:9 says it isn’t God’s will for anyone to perish: |Segunda de Pedro 3:9 dice que no es la voluntad de Dios para que nadie se pierda:|

|“The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but |"El Señor no retarda su promesa, según algunos la tienen por tardanza, sino que |

|is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all |es paciente para con nosotros, no queriendo que ninguno perezca, sino que todos |

|should come to repentance.” |procedan al arrepentimiento. " |

| | |

|That’s as plain as the Scripture can make it. It is not God’s WILL for anyone to |Eso es tan claro como la Escritura puede hacerlo. No es la voluntad de Dios que |

|perish, but they do. In fact, Jesus said more people would enter through the |nadie se pierda, pero lo hacen. De hecho, Jesús dijo que más gente entrar por la |

|broad gate unto destruction than enter through the narrow gate unto life (Matt. |puerta ancha a la destrucción, que entrar por la puerta estrecha a la vida (Mateo|

|7:13-14). God doesn’t force salvation on people. |7:13-14 ) . Dios no obliga a la salvación de las personas. |

|People don’t have to ask Jesus to save them; they just need to believe the |La gente no tiene que pedirle a Jesús para salvar a ellos, sino que sólo hay que |

|nearly-too-good-to-be-true news that their sins are already forgiven and receive |creer las noticias casi demasiado-bueno-a-ser-cierto que sus pecados ya han sido |

|their salvation (Acts 16:31). The same thing is true of healing: God has already |perdonados y reciben su salvación (Hechos 16:31 ). Lo mismo es verdad de la |

|healed everyone, just as He has already paid for the forgiveness of everyone’s |sanidad: Dios ya ha sanado a todos, así como Él ya ha pagado por el perdón de los|

|sins. |pecados de todos. |

| | |

|Healing is already an accomplished work. First Peter 2:24 says, |La curación es ya una obra cumplida. Primera de Pedro 2:24 dice, |

|“Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead |"Quien llevó él mismo nuestros pecados en su cuerpo sobre el madero, para que |

|to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.” |nosotros, estando muertos a los pecados, vivamos a la justicia; y por cuyas |

|Jesus isn’t healing people today—healing was given 2,000 years ago in Jerusalem |heridas fuisteis sanados." Jesús no está curando a la gente de hoy - la curación |

|when He took those stripes on His back. He hasn’t, and won’t, receive any more |fue dada hace 2.000 años en Jerusalén cuando tomó esas heridas en su espalda. No |

|stripes. People today only receive through faith what has already been |lo ha hecho, y no recibira más heridas. La gente de hoy sólo reciben por fe lo |

|accomplished by Jesus thousands of years ago. |que ya ha sido logrado por Jesús hace miles de años . |

| | |

|The Scriptures don’t tell us to pray for the sick, in the sense that we are |Las Escrituras no nos dicen de orar por los enfermos, en el sentido de que no |

|powerless to minister healing to them. It’s just the opposite: Jesus told US to |tenemos poder para ministrar sanidad a ellos. Es justo lo contrario: Jesús nos |

|HEAL the sick (Matt. 10:1, 8; Luke 9:1, and 10:9). There’s a big difference |dijo que sanaramos a los enfermos (Mateo 10:1, 8 ; Lucas 9:1 , y 10:9 ). Hay una |

|between asking the Lord to heal people and healing them. |gran diferencia entre pedirle al Señor que sane a la gente y sanarlos . |

| | |

|Most Christians today are appalled at what I’ve just said. They think, Who do you|La mayoría de los cristianos hoy en día están horrorizados por lo que acabo de |

|think you are? Well, without Jesus, I am nothing (John 15:5), but the good news |decir. Piensan: ¿Quién crees que eres? Bueno, sin Jesús, no soy nada (Juan 15:5),|

|is that I’m not without Jesus! He will never leave me nor forsake me (Heb. 13:5).|pero la buena noticia es que yo no estoy sin Jesús! Él nunca me dejará ni me |

|Hallelujah! Therefore, I can say with the Apostle Peter, “Such as I have give I |abandonará ( Hebreos 13:5). ¡Aleluya! Por lo tanto, puedo decir con el apóstol |

|thee” (Acts 3:6). |Pedro: " Tal como yo tengo, te doy " (Hechos 3:6 ) . |

| | |

|This is what Peter said when he ministered to the lame man in Acts 3. Peter |Esto es lo que dijo Pedro cuando él ministró al hombre cojo en Hechos 3. Peter no|

|didn’t pray for this man. He didn’t say, “O God, we can do nothing without You. |oró por este hombre. Él no dijo : "Oh Dios, no podemos hacer nada sin Ti. Por |

|Please heal this man if it is Your will.” It’s always God’s will to heal (3 John |favor, sana a este hombre, si es tu voluntad." La sanación es siempre la voluntad|

|2). We don’t ask and then wait and see. That’s not believing His Word. Instead of|de Dios ( 3 Juan 2). No pedimos y luego esperamos ver. Eso no es creer en Su |

|beggars, we need to become believers who, knowing God’s will, use our authority |Palabra. En lugar de mendigos, tenemos que ser los creyentes que, conociendo la |

|to heal. |voluntad de Dios, utilizamos nuestra autoridad para sanar. |

| | |

|Talking and acting like that today will get us kicked out of most churches. After|Hablando y actuando asi hoy en día nos llevaria a que nos echaran fuera de la |

|all, who do we think we are? That’s not the way many Christians believe it’s |mayoría de las iglesias . Después de todo, ¿quién pensamos que somos? Esa no es |

|done. And that’s one of the main reasons we don’t see more of the healing power |la forma en que muchos cristianos creen que se bede hacer. Y esa es una de las |

|manifest that Jesus provided. |principales razones por la que no vemos más que el poder curativo que Jesús |

| |proveyó manifestandose. |

|I have prayed for thousands of people in my meetings across the country, and I | |

|have yet to see every person healed. It might be a problem in the heart of the |Yo he rogado por miles de personas en mis reuniones en todo el país, y todavía |

|one receiving prayer, or it might be something I don’t understand in regards to |tengo que ver a cada persona sanada. Puede ser que sea un problema en el corazón |

|that particular person. But one thing I know for sure—it’s not God. |de la persona que recibe la oración, o podría ser algo que no entiendo en lo que |

| |respecta a esa persona en particular. Pero una cosa que sé con seguridad - que no|

| |es Dios. |

|Spirit, Soul, And Body. By Andrew Wommack | |

| | |

|I just returned from an overseas flight where Jamie and I were upgraded to | |

|business class. The seats made out into a flat bed. It was wonderful. It really | |

|reduces jet lag. As I was drifting off to sleep, I thought about John Wesley who | |

|traversed the Atlantic in the hold of a ship. It took him a couple of months one | |

|way, and the conditions were terrible. My flight from London to Denver took nine | |

|hours, and I had luxuries he couldn’t have imagined. | |

| | |

|All of this is possible because of knowledge. Man hasn’t created anything new; | |

|he’s just discovered the laws that the Lord established from the beginning. “Bird| |

|brains” have been flying from the start. The same is true with communications, | |

|electricity, computing, and a host of other modern breakthroughs. Man is just | |

|discovering the laws God created. | |

| | |

|Although mankind has made huge discoveries that have totally changed the way we | |

|live, it seems like we know less about ourselves than previous generations. While| |

|our ancestors didn’t have all the modern conveniences, they had a peace and | |

|strength that eludes most today. As our knowledge of our natural world has | |

|increased, our knowledge of spiritual things has decreased. In man’s arrogance, | |

|he blindly believes all of life’s problems can be solved by himself. But there | |

|can be no peace without if there isn’t peace within. | |

| | |

|There is a whole universe that man in all his wisdom is ignorant of. That is the | |

|world of the spirit. And I’m not just talking about the spiritual realm outside | |

|of us but also the spiritual being inside of every person. We aren’t evolved | |

|animals; we were created in God’s image and likeness (Gen. 1:26). We are spirit | |

|beings. The ultimate way to control bad behavior isn’t by more laws, metal | |

|detectors, or social engineering; it’s changing the hearts of people, one at a | |

|time. Only Jesus can do that. | |

| | |

|Yet sadly, even many Christians have lost this spiritual point of view. Very few | |

|Christians know who they are in the spirit. In fact, they have been taught by | |

|religion that they are sinners by nature—just the opposite of what the Bible | |

|teaches. | |

| | |

|It’s true that we were all born sinners (Ps. 51:5) and had the nature of the | |

|devil working in us (Eph. 2:2-3). But when we came to Christ and received | |

|salvation, we became a new person in the spirit. | |

| | |

|If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; | |

|behold, all things are become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17 | |

| | |

|This isn’t talking about your body. If you were a man before you accepted Christ,| |

|you were still a man afterwards. Your body didn’t change. And your soul, which is| |

|what the Bible calls the mental-emotional part of you, didn’t automatically | |

|change either. It’s subject to change, but you have to renew your mind to | |

|experience change in your mind and emotions. | |

| | |

|But in the spirit, you became a brand-new species of being. Your spirit is | |

|totally new. There isn’t an old sin nature left in you. | |

| | |

|I know this comes as a complete shock to many of you who have been indoctrinated | |

|in the-old-nature-versus-the-new-nature theology. Most Christians have been | |

|taught to believe that after salvation, they are still the same at their core, | |

|and they live the rest of their lives trying to restrain this old nature. They | |

|believe they have two natures. That’s schizophrenic, and it produces Christians | |

|who are nothing like Christ. | |

| | |

|Paul dealt with this issue in Romans 6. He had so powerfully proved in the | |

|preceding chapters that God deals with us by grace through faith that the logical| |

|question was, “Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?” (Rom. 6:1). Of | |

|course this is not what Paul was saying, and he gave two reasons in this chapter | |

|that Christians should live holy. | |

| | |

|The first reason Paul gave simply says, How shall we, that are dead to sin, live | |

|any longer therein? Romans 6:2 | |

| | |

|What a radical statement! This is not believed by the majority of Christians | |

|today. They believe that they are alive to sin and that it is with much effort, | |

|frustration, and failure that they battle this sin nature the rest of their | |

|lives. That’s not what Paul believed. | |

| | |

|Paul said that once we are baptized into Christ (Rom. 6:3), we experience a death| |

|to our old sin nature. It’s dead. It’s gone. It doesn’t exist anymore. | |

| | |

|I can just hear people saying, “What!? Are you crazy? I still struggle with many | |

|sins. I’m not dead to sin.” | |

| | |

|I will admit that Christians still sin. Paul made mention of this in this very | |

|chapter and dealt with it in more detail in Romans 7. But our nature has been | |

|changed. The only reason we still sin is because we don’t know these truths (John| |

|8:32). | |

| | |

|Our minds are similar to computers in the sense that they can be programmed. And | |

|once programmed, they will continue to function as programmed until we reprogram | |

|them. We were all born in sin, and our old sin nature programmed our minds how to| |

|be selfish, bitter, angry, how to lust, etc. When we are born again (John 3:3), | |

|we become totally new in our spirits. This old nature has been completely changed| |

|(2 Cor. 5:17). It’s not in the process of becoming new; it’s already as pure and | |

|perfect as Jesus (1 John 4:17, 1 Cor. 6:17, and Eph. 4:24). | |

|--"This is how love has been perfected in us, so that we can have confidence on | |

|the Judgment Day, because we are exactly the same as God is in this world" (1 | |

|John 4:17). | |

|--"The one who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with him" (1 Corinthians | |

|6:17). | |

|-- "And put on the new nature (the regenerate self) created in God’s image, | |

|[Godlike] in true righteousness and holiness" (Ephesians 4:24). | |

| | |

|Paul called this resurrection life. In Romans 6:5, he said: For if we have been | |

|planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness | |

|of his resurrection. | |

| | |

|But in the very next verse, he said we have to know something in order to | |

|experience this. The first thing he mentioned is that “our old man is crucified | |

|with [Christ]” (Rom. 6:6, brackets mine). This isn’t something that has yet to | |

|happen or that has to happen over and over; it’s a done deal. In our new, | |

|born-again spirits, we are dead to sin. | |

| | |

|Then Paul said, That the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we | |

|should not serve sin. Romans 6:6. | |

|-- "If we were united together in a death like his, we will also be united | |

|together in a resurrection like his. 6 This is what we know: the person that we | |

|used to be was crucified with him in order to get rid of the corpse that had been| |

|controlled by sin. That way we wouldn’t be slaves to sin anymore" (Romans 6:5-6).| |

| | |

|Our sin nature is dead and gone, but it left behind a body. That body is the | |

|carnal mind. It will still function as programmed until we reprogram it. That’s | |

|what the Bible calls the renewing of the mind. Our lives are transformed by the | |

|renewing of our minds (Rom. 12:2). | |

|-- "Don’t be conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the | |

|renewing of your minds so that you can figure out what God’s will is—what is good| |

|and pleasing and mature" (Romans 12:2). | |

| | |

|Therefore, victory in the Christian life is as simple as renewing our minds to | |

|who we are and what we have already received in Christ. It’s not the struggle of | |

|two natures inside of us; we are the way we think (Prov. 23:7). If we see | |

|ourselves as old sinners, saved by grace, then we will continue to struggle with | |

|sin. But when we see the total change that took place in our nature, we will | |

|manifest that change in our actions. | |

|-- "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. As one who reckons, he says to you, | |

|eat and drink, yet his heart is not with you [but is grudging the cost]" | |

|(Proverbs 23:7). | |

| | |

|When we see ourselves as being part devil, we act like it. But when we see who we| |

|are in Christ—i.e., in our born-again spirits—we become like Him (2 Cor. 3:18 and| |

|1 John 3:2). The way we see ourselves becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. | |

|--"All of us are looking with unveiled faces at the glory of the Lord as if we | |

|were looking in a mirror. We are being transformed into that same image from one | |

|degree of glory to the next degree of glory. This comes from the Lord, who is the| |

|Spirit" (2 Corinthians 3:18). | |

|--"Dear friends, now we are God’s children, and it hasn’t yet appeared what we | |

|will be. We know that when he appears we will be like him because we’ll see him | |

|as he is" (1 John 3:2). | |

| | |

|This is the dominant revelation the Lord has used to change my life. I had a | |

|life-altering encounter with the Lord on March 23, 1968. The Lord used that to | |

|get my attention and show me there was so much more. But it’s the revelation I | |

|received from the Word on who I have become in my spirit that has made the | |

|biggest impression and lasting change in my life. It has totally changed my | |

|identity. | |

| | |

|I call this revelation Spirit, Soul & Body. That’s not a catchy phrase, but it’s | |

|descriptive of the way the Lord revealed these truths to me. I’ve come to know | |

|I’m a spirit being who has a soul and lives in a body. But the real me is my | |

|spiritual person. And it’s in the spirit that I’ve been totally changed and made | |

|just like Jesus. | |

| | |

|Since God is a Spirit and He deals with me on the basis of who I am in the spirit| |

|(John 4:24), this has changed everything. I now worship God based on who I am in | |

|the spirit and not on who I am in my flesh; i.e., how I act or feel. I now | |

|understand how our holy God can truly love me, because in my born-again spirit, | |

|I’m totally righteous and holy (Eph. 4:24). My spirit is His workmanship (Eph. | |

|2:10). | |

| | |

|--"God is a Spirit (a spiritual Being) and those who worship Him must worship Him| |

|in spirit and in truth (reality)" (John 4:24). | |

|--"For we are God’s [own] handiwork (His workmanship), [a]recreated in Christ | |

|Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned| |

|beforehand) for us [taking paths which He prepared ahead of time], that we should| |

|walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to | |

|live]" (Ephesians 2:10). | |

| | |

|I’ve discovered that I’m redeemed from the Law because the Law wasn’t made for a | |

|righteous man (1 Tim. 1:9). The Law was given to show us our need for salvation, | |

|but it couldn’t save us (Rom. 3:19-21). But what the Law couldn’t do, Jesus did | |

|(Rom. 8:3-4), and I’m now the righteousness of God in Christ (2 Cor. 5:21). | |

| | |

|--"knowing this: that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the | |

|lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for the unholy and | |

|profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers" (1 | |

|Timothy 1:9). | |

|-- "Now we know that whatsoever things the law saith, it saith to those who are | |

|under the law, that every mouth may be stopped and all the world may become | |

|guilty before God. Therefore by the deeds of the law, no flesh shall be justified| |

|in His sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin. But now the righteousness | |

|of God apart from the law is manifested, being witnessed by the Law and the | |

|Prophets" (Romans 3:19-21). | |

|-- "For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God, | |

|sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin | |

|in the flesh, that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who | |

|walk not according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit" (Romans 8:3-4). | |

| | |

|This entitles me to everything God is and has. I have His authority to use, and | |

|to the degree that I’ve done this, I’ve experienced miraculous results. I’m so | |

|excited about this that I’m trying to let the whole world know these truths. | |

|--"God caused the one who didn’t know sin to be sin for our sake so that through | |

|him we could become the righteousness of God" (2 Corinthians 5:21). | |

|More on Spirit, Soul, And Body | |

| | |

|Man is made up of physical material, the body, that can be seen and touched. But | |

|he is also made up of immaterial aspects, which are intangible -- this includes | |

|the soul, spirit, intellect, will, emotions, conscience, and so forth. These | |

|immaterial characteristics exist beyond the physical lifespan of the human body | |

|and are therefore eternal. | |

| | |

|These immaterial aspects -- the spirit, soul, heart, conscience, mind and | |

|emotions -- make up the whole personality. The Bible makes it clear that the soul| |

|and spirit are the primary immaterial aspects of humanity, while the body is the | |

|physical container that holds them on this earth. | |

| | |

|The Body (Greek, "soma") | |

|This is the entire material or physical structure of a human being -- it is the | |

|physical part of a person. | |

| | |

|The Apostle Paul, writing to the Romans again connects the body, the mind (soul) | |

|and the spirit. | |

| | |

|Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a | |

|living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of | |

|worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the | |

|renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which | |

|is good and acceptable and perfect (Romans 12:1-2 NASB). | |

| | |

|For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body (1 Cor.| |

|6:20). | |

| | |

|The Soul (Greek, "psyche") | |

|Genesis 2:7 states that Man was created as a "living soul." The soul consists of | |

|the mind (which includes the conscience), the will and the emotions. The soul and| |

|the spirit are mysteriously tied together and make up what the Scriptures call | |

|the "heart." | |

| | |

|The writer of Proverbs declares, " Watch over your heart with all diligence, for | |

|from it flow the springs of life." (Prov. 4:23 NASB). We see here that the | |

|"heart" is central to our emotions and will. | |

| | |

|But a natural (psuchikos -- soulish) man does not accept the things of the Spirit| |

|of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because | |

|they are spiritually appraised (1 Cor. 2:14 NASB). | |

| | |

|Paul, looking intently at the Council, said, "Brethren, I have lived my life with| |

|a perfectly good conscience before God up to this day" (Acts 23:1 NASB). | |

| | |

|The Spirit (Greek " Pneuma") | |

|In Numbers 16:22, Moses and Aaron, "…fell upon their faces and said, 'O God, God | |

|of the spirits of all flesh, when one man sins, will you be angry with the entire| |

|congregation?'" This verse names God as the God of the spirits that are possessed| |

|by all humanity. Notice also that it mentions the flesh (body) of all mankind, | |

|connecting it with the spirit. | |

| | |

|Another key verse that describes the separation between soul and spirit is | |

|Hebrews 4:12: | |

| | |

|For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, | |

|and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and | |

|marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart (Heb. 4:12 | |

|NASB). | |

| | |

|We see in this passage of Scripture that the soul and spirit can be divided -- | |

|and that it is the Word of God that pierces our heart to bring the division of | |

|soul and spirit, something that only God can do. | |

| | |

|As human beings, we live eternally as a spirit, we have a soul, and we dwell in a| |

|body. We can rejoice with the Psalmist and declare, | |

| | |

|For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother's womb. I will give | |

|thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works,| |

|and my soul knows it very well (Ps. 139:13-14 NASB). | |

| | |

| |

|hreeParts.aspx | |

| | |

|A new heart I will give you, and a new spirit I will put within you; and I will | |

|take out of your flesh the heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. 27 And I| |

|will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes and be | |

|careful to observe my ordinances Ezekiel 36: 26-27. | |

| | |

|"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your | |

|minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and | |

|acceptable and perfect" (Romans 12:2). | |

| | |

|“Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and | |

|soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord | |

|Jesus Christ” (1 Thessalonians 5:23 NASB). To harmonize Mat 22:37 with Ezekiel | |

|36: 26-27, and 1 Thessalonians 5:23, here Spirit and soul = New Spirit, and body=| |

|mind and heart. | |

| | |

| | |

|Jesus Made Us Right With God |Jesús nos hizo bien con Dios |

| | |

|I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper… |Me levantaré a David renuevo justo, y reinará un rey y prosperar ... El profeta |

|The Prophet Jeremiah |Jeremías |

| | |

|Doesn't it make sense that becoming a Christian is all about Christ and not about|¿No tiene sentido de que ser cristiano tiene que ver con Cristo y no sobre |

|us? Jesus came into the world, born of a virgin girl named Mary and without sin. |nosotros ? Jesús vino al mundo , nacido de una virgen llamada María , sin pecado.|

|He is God's first born Son, promised to Abraham long ago, whose birth we |Él es el Hijo primogénito de Dios , prometida a Abraham hace tiempo, cuyo |

|celebrate on Christmas day. It is all about the righteous One, Jesus Christ, |nacimiento celebramos el día de Navidad . Es todo sobre el Justo , Jesucristo, |

|coming to the earth as a sinless sacrifice to take our place on the cross, to |que viene a la tierra como un sacrificio sin pecado de tomar nuestro lugar en la |

|make us right with God and to give us His righteousness. |cruz, para hacernos bien con Dios y para darnos su justicia. |

| | |


| | |

|God's plan has always centered around sacrifice. A sacrifice is the offering of |El plan de Dios siempre se ha centrado en el sacrificio. Un sacrificio es el |

|something precious to God so we can find favor. In the Old Testament, the blood |ofrecimiento de algo precioso para Dios para que podamos encontrar favor. En el |

|of animal sacrifices was offered to obtain favor with God. But these offerings |Antiguo Testamento , se le ofreció la sangre de los sacrificios de animales para |

|did not make the person completely right with God. Only by Jesus Christ coming to|obtener el favor de Dios . Pero estas ofertas no hacían a la persona |

|earth to be the perfect sacrifice for the wrongs of mankind, could man become |completamente bien con Dios. Sólo por medio de Jesucristo viene a la tierra para |

|righteous. |ser el sacrificio perfecto por los males de la humanidad , el hombre podía llegar|

| |a ser justos . |

|The writer of Hebrews says, "But Christ being come an high priest of good things | |

|to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle…Neither by the blood of goats |El escritor de Hebreos dice: "Pero estando ya presente Cristo , sumo sacerdote de|

|and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the |los bienes venideros , por un tabernáculo mayor y más perfecto ... y no por |

|holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us" (9:11,12). |sangre de machos cabríos ni de becerros, sino por su propia sangre, entró una vez|

| |para siempre en el lugar Santísimo, habiendo obtenido eterna redención " ( |

|The Lord came looking for Adam and Eve in the garden after they sinned, but they |9:11,12 ) . |

|hid themselves from His presence in fear. God desired an intimate relationship, | |

|but their sin separated them from Him. Since that day, mankind has been running |El Señor vino a buscar a Adán y Eva en el jardín después de que pecaron , sino |

|from a loving relationship with God (See Diagram #2). |que se escondieron de Su presencia en el miedo. Dios desea una relación íntima , |

| |pero su pecado los separó de él. Desde ese día , la humanidad ha estado huyendo |

|The first sacrifice in Scripture is related to this Fall in the Garden of Eden. |de una relación de amor con Dios (ver el diagrama # 2). |

|Adam's relationship with God was broken, so, "Unto Adam also and to his wife did | |

|the LORD God make coats of skin, and clothed them" (Genesis 3:21). The blood of |El primer sacrificio en las Escrituras se relaciona con esta caída en el Jardín |

|an animal was shed to cover the sins of Adam and his wife. He wanted peace with |del Edén. Relación de Adán con Dios estaba rota, así : "Hasta hombre y á su mujer|

|Adam; but in fear, Adam still felt God would judge him harshly. |tenía el SEÑOR Dios túnicas de pieles, y los vistió" ( Génesis 3:21). La sangre |

| |de un animal fue derramada para cubrir los pecados de Adán y su esposa. Él quería|

|This kind of fear does not come from God, but was passed to us through Adam. The |la paz con Adán , pero con miedo , Adam todavía sentía que Dios le iba a juzgar |

|Apostle Paul told Timothy, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear and |con dureza. |

|timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline" (2 Tim-othy 1:7 NLT). The |Este tipo de miedo no viene de Dios, pero fue pasado a nosotros a través de Adán.|

|spirit of fear from the evil one is the root of our unbelief today. We think, |El apóstol Pablo le dijo a Timoteo: " Porque no nos ha dado un espíritu de temor |

|"How could God love me? Why would He want a relationship with me?" Regardless of |y timidez , sino de poder , amor y dominio propio" ( 2 Tim- othy 01:07 NVI) . El |

|our thoughts, God desires a loving, trusting and personal relationship with each |espíritu de temor del mal es la raíz de nuestra incredulidad hoy. Pensamos: " |

|of us. |¿Cómo puede Dios amarme? ¿Por qué querría una relación conmigo ? " |

| |Independientemente de nuestros pensamientos , Dios desea una relación de amor , |

| |de confianza y personal con cada uno de nosotros . |

|Fear must be conquered in order to have a relationship with God and others. Fear | |

|is the root of deception, negative emotions and actions. The Lord desires our |El miedo debe ser conquistada con el fin de tener una relación con Dios y los |

|deliverance from sin, fear and unbelief through His power and love. He has made |demás . El miedo es la raíz del engaño , emociones y acciones negativas. El Señor|

|available for each of us a stable life, but our fearful nature must be dealt with|desea que nuestra liberación del pecado , el miedo y la incredulidad a través de |

|by the cross. As fear is removed from our lives, an open and honest relationship |Su poder y amor. Él ha puesto a disposición de cada uno de nosotros una vida |

|with God will follow. The torment will leave as we finally understand that God |estable , pero nuestra naturaleza temerosa debe tratado por la cruz. Como se |

|loves us and desires us to have a trusting relationship with Him. |quita el miedo de nuestras vidas , una relación abierta y honesta con Dios |

| |seguirá. El tormento se irá ya que por fin entendemos que Dios nos ama y desea |

|GOD'S PLAN IS GOOD NEWS |tener una relación de confianza con él. |

| | |

|It was Jesus Christ who came to earth, took our inherent sin from Adam upon |PLAN DE DIOS ES BUENA NOTICIA |

|Himself, and made us right with God. This was God's plan from the beginning of | |

|time. We must ask God to reveal His plan to us, so we can trust in His having |Fue Jesucristo quien vino a la tierra , tomó nuestro pecado inherente de Adán |

|made us righteous through the work of His Son on Calvary's cross. In other words,|sobre sí mismo , y nos hizo bien con Dios. Este era el plan de Dios desde el |

|we must trust or have faith in Jesus Christ. |principio de los tiempos . Debemos pedir a Dios para revelar Su plan para |

| |nosotros, para que podamos confiar en su haber nos hizo justos a través de la |

|In the Old Testament, it was God's plan for men to seek the priest at the |obra de su Hijo en la cruz del Calvario. En otras palabras, tenemos que confiar o|

|tabernacle. This made it possible for their sins to be covered by the blood of |tener fe en Jesucristo. |

|animals, so a relationship with God could follow. Today, it is God's plan that we| |

|come directly to God for His forgiveness and righteousness. This is possible |En el Antiguo Testamento , era el plan de Dios para los hombres a buscar al |

|because Jesus, our High Priest, has made the way into God's presence through His |sacerdote en el tabernáculo. Esto hizo posible que sus pecados sean cubiertos por|

|own blood. "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace [ability], that|la sangre de los animales , por lo que una relación con Dios podrían seguir. Hoy,|

|we may obtain mercy, and find grace [ability] to help in time of need" (Hebrews |es el plan de Dios que venimos directamente a Dios por su perdón y justicia . |

|4:16, emphasis added). |Esto es posible porque Jesús, nuestro Sumo Sacerdote, ha hecho que el camino a la|

| |presencia de Dios por medio de su propia sangre. " Acerquémonos, pues, |

|We are not to be afraid of our Heavenly Father. "God is our refuge and strength, |confiadamente al trono de la gracia [ capacidad ] , que para alcanzar |

|a very present help in trouble… Therefore we will not fear" (Psalm 46:1,2a). He |misericordia y hallar gracia [ habilidad ] para el oportuno socorro" ( Hebreos |

|has provided for our righteousness. We have the ability to stand in God's |4:16, énfasis añadido). |

|presence without a sense of sin, fear, guilt or inferiority. This relationship is| |

|unattainable through our good works or acts of self righteousness. This is really|No debemos tener miedo de nuestro Padre Celestial. "Dios es nuestro amparo y |

|Good News to those of us who all our lives tried to obtain acceptance through our|fortaleza , nuestro pronto auxilio en las tribulaciones ... Por lo tanto , no |

|performance. We are accepted by God because of the works of Jesus, and "…we are |temeremos " ( Salmo 46:1,2 a) . Él ha provisto para nuestra justicia. Tenemos la |

|his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before |capacidad de estar en la presencia de Dios sin el sentido del pecado , el miedo ,|

|ordained that we should walk in them" (Ephesians 2:10). |la culpa o inferioridad . Esta relación es inalcanzable a través de nuestras |

| |buenas obras o actos de auto justicia. Esto es realmente una buena noticia para |

|Many of us today feel that we serve an angry God. This is not true! God is not |aquellos de nosotros que toda nuestra vida trataron de obtener la aceptación a |

|angry at you, He loves you enough to send His Son to the cross in your place. |través de nuestro desempeño. Somos aceptados por Dios a causa de las obras de |

|"Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to|Jesús , y " ... somos hechura suya , creados en Cristo Jesús para buenas obras, |

|be the propitiation [satisfaction] for our sins" (1 John 4:10, emphasis added). |las cuales Dios preparó de antemano para que anduviésemos en ellas" ( Efesios |

|You have healing, deliverance, protection, soundness, safety and all the promises|2:10). |

|of God because of Jesus satisfying your debt with God. This is the Good News! Is | |

|there any question that He loves you? |Muchos de nosotros hoy en día sienten que servimos a un Dios enojado . Esto no es|

| |cierto ! Dios no está enojado contigo , él te ama lo suficiente como para enviar |

|Jesus came to earth among legalistic Pharisees. Like many of us, they were trying|a su Hijo a la cruz en tu lugar. " En esto consiste el amor: no en que nosotros |

|to obtain right standing with God through their rules, laws and good deeds. Jesus|hayamos amado a Dios , sino en que él nos amó a nosotros , y envió a su Hijo en |

|proclaimed Good News to people who were loaded down with religious burdens, |propiciación [ satisfacción ] por nuestros pecados" ( 1 Juan 4:10 , énfasis |

|saying, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach|añadido) . Usted tiene sanidad, liberación , protección , la solidez , la |

|the gospel [Good News] to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to|seguridad y todas las promesas de Dios a causa de Jesús que cumplan su deuda con |

|preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set |Dios. Esta es la Buena Noticia ! ¿Hay alguna duda de que Él te ama ? |

|at liberty them that are bruised. To preach the acceptable year of the Lord" | |

|(Luke 4:18,19, emphasis added). When is "…the acceptable year of the Lord?" If |Jesús vino a la tierra a los fariseos legalistas. Como muchos de nosotros , que |

|this message is speaking to you, it is right now! |estaban tratando de obtener personería bien con Dios a través de sus normas, las |

| |leyes y las buenas obras. Jesús proclamó la Buena Nueva a las personas que fueron|

|The people of Jesus' day knew that Good News had come to deliver them from the |cargados con cargas religiosas , diciendo: "El Espíritu del Señor está sobre mí, |

|curse of the law. At last, the truth had come to set them free from a debt that |por cuanto me ha ungido para dar buenas nuevas [ Buenas Noticias ] a los pobres ,|

|they were unable to pay. The truth of this Good News has come now to set you free|sino que me ha enviado a sanar a los quebrantados de corazón, a pregonar libertad|

|from the debt you are unable to pay. As the old hymn goes, "What can wash away my|a los cautivos, y vista a los ciegos, a poner en libertad a los oprimidos . |

|sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus." |predicar el año agradable del Señor " (Lucas 4:18,19 , énfasis añadido) . ¿Cuándo|

| |es "... el año de gracia del Señor ? " Si este mensaje te está hablando , es |


| | |

|The Prophet Jeremiah prophesied the coming of the Lord 2600 years ago, saying, |La gente de la época de Jesús sabían que buena nueva llegó para librarlos de la |

|"Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will raise unto David a righteous |maldición de la ley. Por fin , la verdad había venido a liberarlos de una deuda |

|Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper and shall execute judgment and justice|que no podían pagar. La verdad de esta Buena Nueva ha llegado ahora a liberarte |

|in the earth. In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: |de la deuda que no puede pagar . Como dice el viejo himno dice: " ¿Qué puede dar |

|and this is the name whereby he shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS" |perdón ? Nada más que la sangre de Jesús. " |

|(23:5,6, emphasis in the original). In Hebrew, He is called our | |

|"Jehovah-Tseed-Kay-Noo" or "The-LORD-Is-My-Righteousness." Jesus Christ, our |JESÚS ES NUESTRA JUSTICIA |

|Branch of righteousness, came to be our righteous King. | |

| |El profeta Jeremías profetizó la venida del Señor, hace 2.600 años , diciendo: " |

|Jesus Christ came to do the will of His Father. God's will was for His Son to |He aquí que vienen días, dice Jehová, en que levantaré a David renuevo justo, y |

|come and make us righteous as prophe-sied. Jesus came saying in John, "My Father |reinará un rey , y prosperará y hará juicio y justicia en la tierra en sus días |

|worketh hith-erto and I work" (5:17); "…I seek not mine own will, but the will of|será salvo Judá , e Israel habitará confiado . y este es el nombre con el cual le|

|the Father which hath sent me" (5:30); and "…I do nothing of myself … I do always|llamarán: SEÑOR , JUSTICIA NUESTRA " ( 23:5-6 , énfasis en el original ) . En |

|those things that please him" (8:28,29). His purpose was to go to the cross and |hebreo, Él es llamado nuestro " Jehová- Tseed - Kay- Noo " o " El - Señor -Is- |

|become the righteousness for all who believe. |My- justicia . " Jesucristo, nuestro Renuevo de justicia , vino a ser nuestro Rey|

| |justo . |

|Jesus came to save a lost world badly in need of righteousness. The Apostle Paul | |

|tells of our condition and solution, saying, "For all have sinned; all fall short|Jesucristo vino a hacer la voluntad de Su Padre. Voluntad de Dios era que Su Hijo|

|of God's glorious standard. Yet now God in his gracious kindness declares us not |para venir y hacernos justos como Prophe - sied . Jesús vino diciendo en Juan : |

|guilty. He has done this through Christ Jesus, who has freed us by taking away |"Mi Padre trabaja hith - erto y yo trabajo " ( 05:17 ), " ... porque no busco mi |

|our sins. For God sent Jesus to take the punishment for our sins and to satisfy |voluntad, sino la voluntad del Padre que me envió no " ( 5:30 ), y " ... nada |

|God's anger against us. We are made right with God when we believe that Jesus |hago por mí mismo ... yo hago siempre lo que le agrada" ( 8:28,29 ) . Su |

|shed his blood, sacrificing his life for us" (Romans 3:23-25a NLT). |propósito era ir a la cruz y ser justicia para todos los que creen . |

| | |

|We can now enter into the rest that God has provided righteously through Jesus |Jesús vino para salvar a un mundo perdido una gran necesidad de justicia. El |

|alone. We can cease from our own labor for righteousness, and enter into His rest|apóstol Pablo habla de nuestra condición y la solución , diciendo: " Por cuanto |

|as the writer of Hebrews reminds us, "For he that is entered into his rest, he |todos pecaron , y todos están a la altura de la norma gloriosa de Dios Sin |

|also has ceased from his own works, as God did from his. Let us labour therefore |embargo, ahora que Dios en su bondad graciosa declara no nos culpable Lo ha hecho|

|to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief" |por medio de Cristo Jesús, el cual nos ha librado . . . . quitando nuestros |

|(Hebrews 4:10,11). |pecados para que Dios envió a Jesús para tomar el castigo por nuestros pecados y |

| |para satisfacer la ira de Dios contra nosotros estamos bien con Dios cuando |

|Over and over in the Holy Scriptures, it is confirmed that we cannot obtain |creemos que Jesús derramó su sangre , sacrificando su vida por nosotros " |

|righteousness by our own labor. Jesus Christ came to make us righteous with God |(Romanos 3 : NLT 23 -25a ) . |

|2000 years ago. We are to pray that all unbelief will depart, so that faith may | |

|reign in our hearts. |Ahora podemos entrar en el reposo que Dios ha provisto con justicia por medio de |

| |Jesús solo. Podemos dejar de nuestro propio trabajo , para justicia , y entrar en|

|WHO IS GOD? |su reposo como el escritor de Hebreos nos recuerda: " Porque el que ha entrado en|

| |su reposo, también ha reposado de sus obras, como Dios de las suyas . Veamos por |

|God is our righteousness. "Even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to |lo tanto , entrar en aquel reposo, para que ninguno caiga en semejante ejemplo de|

|him for righteousness" (Galatians 3:6). Abraham looked ahead and saw his promised|incredulidad " ( Hebreos 4:10,11 ) . |

|seed, Jesus Christ, come to pass by faith. This was credited to him as | |

|righteousness. |Una y otra vez en las Sagradas Escrituras , se confirma que no podemos obtener la|

| |justicia por nuestra propia mano de obra. Jesucristo vino para hacernos justos |

|The Apostle Paul wrote, "And be found in him [Christ], not having mine own |con Dios hace 2000 años. Estamos orando para que toda incredulidad partirá , para|

|righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of |que la fe pueda reinar en nuestros corazones. |

|Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith" (Philippians 3:9, emphasis | |

|added). |¿Quién es Dios ? |

| | |

|In the Apostle Paul's letter to the Romans, he wrote, "Therefore, being justified|Dios es nuestra justicia. " Así Abraham creyó a Dios, y le fue contado por |

|[made righteous] by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ… |justicia " ( Gálatas 3:06 ) . Abraham miró hacia adelante y vio a su simiente |

|Much more then, being now justified [made righteous] by his blood, we shall be |prometida , Jesucristo, llegar a pasar por la fe. Esto le fue contada por |

|saved from wrath through him" (5:1,9, emphasis added). |justicia. |

| | |

|Through an abundance of Scriptures, it is evident that Jesus made us right with |El apóstol Pablo escribió: " Y ser hallado en él [ Cristo ] , no teniendo mi |

|God. This is not only Good News, but the greatest news. Therefore, "…let us offer|propia justicia, que es por la ley , sino la que es por la fe de Cristo, la |

|the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving|justicia que es de Dios por la fe" ( Filipenses 3 : 9 , énfasis añadido) . |

|thanks to his name" (Hebrews 13:15). | |

| |En la carta del apóstol san Pablo a los Romanos , él escribió: " Justificados, |

| |pues, [ hechos justos ] por la fe, tenemos paz para con Dios por medio de nuestro|

| |Señor Jesucristo ... Pues mucho más, estando ya justificados [ hechos justos ] |

| |por su sangre , seremos salvos de la ira por medio de él " ( 5:1,9 , énfasis |

| |añadido) . |

| | |

| |A través de una gran cantidad de escrituras , es evidente que Jesús nos hizo bien|

| |con Dios. Esto no sólo es buena noticia , pero la mejor noticia . Por lo tanto , |

| |" ... vamos a ofrecer el sacrificio de alabanza a Dios continuamente , es decir ,|

| |fruto de labios que confiesan su nombre" ( Hebreos 13:15). |

|Christian Survival Kit-Introduction: by Andrew Wommack. |Botiquin de Primeros auxilios Cristianos- Introducción: Por Andrew Wommack. |

| | |

|In 1987, a number of my friends were in critical situations. One man had terminal|En 1987, varios de mis amigos estaban en situaciones críticas. Un hombre tenía |

|cancer. During a trip, he became so sick that he was hospitalized, and the |cáncer terminal. Durante un viaje, se hizo tan enfermo que tuvo que ser |

|doctors said he would never live through the night. After hanging on for a week, |hospitalizado y los médicos dijeron que nunca iba a vivir a través de la noche. |

|the doctors allowed him to rent an ambulance and come home. |Después colgarse a la vida por una semana, los médicos le permitieron alquilar |

| |una ambulancia y volver a casa . |

| | |

|His wife called me and said, "He's not expected to live through the night, and he|Su esposa me llamó y me dijo: "No esperamos que viva a través de la noche, y |

|wanted you to pray." She put the phone to his ear, and I said, "Don't you dare |quería el queria que oraras ." Le puso teléfono en la oreja, y le dije:" No te |

|die until I get there." I went over to see this man, along with my associate Don |atrevas a morir hasta que yo llegue ." Fui a ver a este hombre, junto con mi |

|Krow. We began ministering to him nearly daily for about three months. We would |colega Don Krow. Comenzamos a ministranle casi a diario durante unos tres meses. |

|go by and just share the good news of God's Word with him. |Pasabamos y simplemente compartiamos las buenas nuevas de la Palabra de Dios con |

| |él. |

| | |

|It was amazing what the Word did. When we first saw him, he couldn't move or even|Fue increíble lo que la Palabra hizo. La primera vez que lo vimos, no podía |

|hold a phone to his ear. Finally, he began walking around, eating, and even |moverse o incluso llevar a cabo un teléfono pegado a la oreja . Finalmente , |

|getting about in the car. The Word of God worked. All I did was share very basic |comenzó a caminar, comer , e incluso obtener dentro del automóvil . La Palabra de|

|principles from the Word with him. |Dios obró . Todo lo que hice fue compartir principios básicos de la Palabra con |

| |él. |

|During this same period of time, a woman in Monument, Colorado called. She was | |

|critically ill and was supposed to have surgery in three days. She was given no |Durante este mismo período de tiempo, una mujer en Monument, Colorado, dijo . |

|chance of living without surgery and less than a 5 percent chance of living with |Ella estaba gravemente enfermo y se supone que tiene la cirugía en tres días. Se |

|it. I shared the same truths with her and she lived. Praise the Lord!! |le dio ninguna oportunidad de vivir sin cirugía y una probabilidad de menos del 5|

| |por ciento de los que viven con él . He compartido las mismas verdades con ella y|

|Here were two totally different people. The man, already baptized in the Holy |ella vivía. ¡Alabado sea el Señor ! |

|Ghost, fervently seeking the Lord; while the other had never even heard of the | |

|Holy Ghost. Two totally different people, with totally different circumstances, |Aquí había dos personas totalmente diferentes . El hombre, ya bautizados en el |

|yet both of them needed the same truths from God's Word. I had taken many |Espíritu Santo , con fervor la búsqueda del Señor , mientras que el otro había |

|different things the Lord had taught me and applied all of them to these crisis |oído nunca hablar del Espíritu Santo . Dos personas totalmente diferentes, con |

|situations, and the results were miraculous. |circunstancias totalmente diferentes , sin embargo, ambos necesitan las mismas |

| |verdades de la Palabra de Dios. Yo había tomado muchas cosas diferentes que el |

|I began to pray about this, "Lord, it would sure be nice if all these different |Señor me había enseñado y aplicado a todos a estas situaciones de crisis , y los |

|truths were compiled in one place in the Bible. Then I could just teach people |resultados fueron milagrosos. |

|from those scriptures on what to do in a crisis situation." The Lord answered | |

|that prayer by leading me to John 14, 15, and 16. |Comencé a orar acerca de esto, "Señor, seguro que sería bueno si todos estos |

| |diferentes verdades fueron compilados en un solo lugar en la Biblia. Entonces yo |

|What you're reading is the result of what the Lord taught me through those |podría enseñar a la gente de esas escrituras sobre qué hacer en una situación de |

|scriptures. May God bless you in reading it. |crisis. " El Señor le respondió que la oración por los que me lleva a Juan 14 , |

| |15 y 16 . |

|Chapter 1 | |

|Don't Panic — Believe |Lo que estás leyendo es el resultado de lo que el Señor me ha enseñado a través |

| |de esas escrituras . Que Dios los bendiga en leerlo. |

|What is the first thing you should do in a crisis situation? | |

| |                                                  Capítulo 1 |

|One day as I was reading John 14, 15, and 16, the Lord began to give me the |                                      No se asuste - Believe |

|answer to this question. In John 16:1, Jesus says, "These things have I spoken | |

|unto you, that ye should not be offended." According to Mark 4:17, when a person |¿Cuál es la primera cosa que debe hacer en una situación de crisis? |

|is offended, Satan takes the Word of God from them. | |

| |Un día, mientras estaba leyendo Juan 14 , 15 y 16 , el Señor comenzó a darme la |

|In other words, when you are offended, the Word of God stops releasing its |respuesta a esta pregunta. En Juan 16:01 , Jesús dice: " Estas cosas os he |

|life-giving power in your life. When you take offense, when you get hurt, the |hablado a vosotros, para que no fueseis ser ofendido . " De acuerdo a Marcos |

|Word stops operating. The Lord said, "These things [John 14, 15, and 16] have I |04:17 , cuando una persona se siente ofendido , Satanás toma la Palabra de Dios |

|spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended." |de ellos. |

| | |

|Jesus said this to His disciples the night before His crucifixion. In John |En otras palabras, cuando se sienten ofendidos , la Palabra de Dios se detiene la|

|13:32-33, Jesus said He knew all things that were going to come upon Him. He knew|liberación de su poder de dar vida en su vida. Cuando usted toma la ofensiva, |

|all things that were going to come upon His disciples too. He was totally aware |cuando uno se lastima , la Palabra deja de funcionar . El Señor dijo: "Estas |

|of the situation. He came to His disciples to give them some last-minute |cosas [ Juan 14 , 15 y 16 ] os he hablado a vosotros, para que no fueseis |

|instructions before the most trying time they'd ever experienced in their lives. |sentirse ofendidos ". |

|It surpasses anything that you or I ever have or ever will encounter. | |

| |Jesús dijo esto a sus discípulos la noche antes de su crucifixión . En Juan |

|These disciples were literally the people Jesus was going to use to establish His|13:32-33 , Jesús dijo que sabía todas las cosas que iban a venir sobre él. Él |

|church and overthrow Satan's kingdom. Therefore, I believe Satan threw every bit |sabía todas las cosas que iban a venir a Sus discípulos también. Él era |

|of discouragement, doubt, confusion, and torment he had against them. It was a |totalmente consciente de la situación . Él vino a sus discípulos para darles |

|crisis time. They had forsaken families, careers — everything — for Jesus. And |algunas instrucciones de última hora antes de la hora más difíciles que jamás |

|they were in a situation that was going to test their faith, that Jesus was the |había experimentado en su vida . Supera cualquier cosa que usted o yo alguna vez |

|Messiah even. |o nunca se encontrará . |

| | |

|Jesus said, "I'm speaking these things to you that you should not be offended." |Estos discípulos fueron , literalmente, la gente que Jesús iba a utilizar para |

|In other words, if the disciples had taken heed to what Jesus told them here, |establecer su iglesia y derrocar el reino de Satanás . Por lo tanto , creo que |

|they would not have been offended. They could have rejoiced during that very |Satanás lanzó cada poco de desaliento , la duda , la confusión, y el tormento que|

|trying time. |tenía en su contra. Fue una época de crisis. Habían abandonado a familias, |

| |carreras - todo - para Jesús. Y estaban en una situación que se iba a poner a |

|So John 14, 15, and 16, in capsule form, is everything you need to know in a |prueba su fe , que Jesús era el Mesías aún . |

|crisis when your faith is being tested. If this doesn't apply to you at this | |

|moment, hang on — it will. Every one of us needs to know this. We need to be |Jesús dijo: " Yo hablo estas cosas para que usted no debe sentirse ofendido . " |

|schooled in these precautions before the crisis hits. When a crisis hits, your |En otras palabras, si los discípulos hubieran hecho caso a lo que Jesús les dijo |

|very first reaction — the first thing you do when Satan attacks — usually |aquí , no habrían sido ofendidos . Podrían haber alegrado durante este momento |

|determines the outcome. |muy difícil . |

| | |

|The Fires of Adversity |Así que Juan 14 , 15 y 16 , en forma de cápsula , es todo lo que necesita saber |

| |en una crisis cuando se está probando su fe. Si esto no se aplica a usted en este|

|Not long ago, I was reading a book called Terror at Tenerife. |momento , espera - que lo hará. Cada uno de nosotros tiene que saber esto. |

| |Necesitamos ser educados en estas precauciones antes de que llegue la crisis. |

|It reminded me of what we're talking about here. This man, Norman Williams, was |Cuando una crisis golpea , su primera reacción - lo primero que haces cuando |

|in the accident on the Canary Islands in which two huge 747s crashed on the |Satanás ataca - por lo general determina el resultado . |

|runway and burned. Only a few people out of 500 or more escaped. The rest were | |

|killed. |Los fuegos de la adversidad |

| | |

|It was miraculous how Williams got out. He looked at the people on either side of|No hace mucho tiempo , yo estaba leyendo un libro llamado Terror en Tenerife. |

|him, and it was so hot, the flesh just melted off of them. They became skeletons | |

|instantly. He said that people who were normally nice — little old ladies sixty |Me recordó de lo que estamos hablando aquí. Este hombre, Norman Williams, estuvo |

|or seventy years old — yelled things so vile it was unbelievable. He couldn't |en el accidente en las Islas Canarias en la que dos enormes 747 se estrelló en la|

|describe it. The things that were hidden deep in their hearts came out in a |pista y quemados . Sólo unas pocas personas de 500 o más se escaparon . El resto |

|crisis situation and bothered him more than anything else. |fueron asesinados. |

| | |

|But what came out of his mouth was different — he'd been seeking the Lord. He had|Fue milagroso cómo Williams salió. Él miró a la gente a ambos lados de él, y |

|agreed with his mother before he left on the trip that he'd be safe. The first |hacía mucho calor , la carne se evapora fuera de ellos . Se convirtieron en |

|thing to come out of his mouth was his faith that God would protect him. He had a|esqueletos instante. Dijo que las personas que normalmente eran agradables - |

|huge fireball come right at him, but he wasn't burned. Then a landing gear came |ancianitas sesenta o setenta años de edad - le gritaron cosas tan viles que era |

|flying at him. He just caught the thing and threw it off. There was an explosion |increíble. No podía describirlo. Las cosas que estaban ocultas profundamente en |

|right above his head, and the plane, ten feet high at that point, was torn open. |sus corazones salieron en una situación de crisis y le molestaban más que |

|He jumped up right through that hole, even though he was fifty years old and |cualquier otra cosa . |

|overweight. God supernaturally delivered him. | |

| |Pero lo que salió de su boca fue diferente - que había estado buscando al Señor .|

|Norman Williams didn't have time to sit back and ask, "Now let's see, what should|Había acordado con su madre antes de irse en el viaje que él estaría a salvo . Lo|

|I do in this situation?" |primero que hay que salir de su boca era su fe en que Dios lo protegería . Tenía |

| |una enorme bola de fuego vienen directamente a él , pero él no se quemó . A |

| |continuación, un tren de aterrizaje llegó volando hacia él . Él acaba de coger la|

| |cosa y lo tiró fuera . Hubo una explosión justo encima de su cabeza, y el avión, |

| |tres metros de altura en ese punto, se rasgó abierto. Saltó a la derecha a través|

| |de ese agujero, a pesar de que tenía cincuenta años y con sobrepeso. Dios |

| |sobrenaturalmente lo entregó . |

| | |

| |Norman Williams no tuvo tiempo de sentarse y preguntar: " Ahora vamos a ver , |

| |¿qué debo hacer en esta situación ? " |

|First Things Last | |

| |Primero lo Último |

|Your first reaction is going to determine the outcome in a crisis situation. | |

|Seldom do we have the luxury of sitting back and looking at things. The attitude |Su primera reacción va a determinar el resultado de una situación de crisis. |

|you have when Satan comes against you is going to determine the final result. If |Pocas veces tenemos el lujo de sentarse y ver las cosas. La actitud que usted |

|you can get a hold of this truth, it will revolutionize your life. I've been |tiene cuando Satanás viene contra usted va a determinar el resultado final. Si |

|teaching this everywhere I go, and I've seen more results out of it than anything|usted puede conseguir un asimiento de esta verdad, que va a revolucionar su vida.|

|I've ever taught. It's based on simple truths from the Word, but if you get |He estado enseñando esto por todas partes que voy, y me he visto más resultados |

|established in them, they'll keep you from being offended, and the Word of God |de lo que todo lo que he enseñado. Se basa en simples verdades de la Palabra, |

|will produce in your life. |pero si a establecerse en ellos, te van a evitar ser ofendido , y la Palabra de |

| |Dios producirá en su vida. |

|In John 14:1, Jesus says, "Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, | |

|believe also in me." |En Juan 14:01 , Jesús dice: " No se turbe vuestro corazón . Creéis en Dios , |

| |creed también en mí " |

|Now this is so simple that you can miss it. It's very profound, however. The | |

|first thing you have to do when Satan comes against you is to make the decision |Ahora bien, esto es tan simple que se puede perder. Es muy profundo , sin |

|that you are not going to let your heart be troubled. |embargo. Lo primero que tienes que hacer cuando Satanás viene contra ti es tomar |

| |la decisión de que no va a dejar que se turbe vuestro corazón . |

|If you were to diagram this sentence, the understood subject is "you." You let | |

|not your heart be troubled. God gave you the choice. God gave you power over your|Si se va a diagramar esta frase, el sujeto entiende es "usted". Dejas No se turbe|

|heart. |vuestro corazón. Dios le dio a elegir . Dios te dio el poder sobre su corazón. |

| | |

|Again, this is so simple we often miss it. The vast majority of people I deal |Una vez más , esto es tan sencillo que a menudo te lo pierdas. La gran mayoría de|

|with who are attacked by Satan don't really understand this. A lot of them |la gente con la que trato , que son atacados por Satanás no entiendo muy bien |

|believe that in a given situation, there is no way that they can help but to be |esto. Muchos de ellos creen que en una situación dada , no hay manera de que |

|depressed and discouraged. They justify emotions that are contrary to God's Word.|puedan dejar de estar deprimido y desanimado. Justifican las emociones que son |

|But this is a command as much as any other command in the Word — as much as "thou|contrarias a la Palabra de Dios. Pero esto es una orden , tanto como cualquier |

|shalt not commit adultery, thou shalt not steal, and thou shalt not kill." It is |otro comando en la palabra - tanto como " no cometerás adulterio , no robarás , y|

|a direct command from the Lord! |no matarás ". Es una orden directa del Señor ! |

|So the very first thing you have to do is say, "I am not going to let my heart be|Así que la primera cosa que tienes que hacer es decir: "Yo no voy a dejar que se |

|troubled." |turbe mi corazón. " |

| | |

|Depression — Getting Christians Down |Depresión - Conseguir los cristianos de Down |

| | |

|As I travel, the biggest problem I encounter in the body of Christ is |En mis viajes , el mayor problema que me encuentro en el cuerpo de Cristo es el |

|discouragement and depression. At least three-fourths of the people I deal with |desánimo y la depresión. Por lo menos tres cuartas partes de las personas con las|

|constantly battle these emotions. There is no excuse for it — there are reasons, |que trato luchan constantemente estas emociones. No hay excusa para ello - hay |

|but no excuses. |razones, pero no hay excusas. |

| | |

|We've gotten to the point that we think these kinds of emotions are normal. A lot|Hemos llegado al punto en que creemos que este tipo de emociones son normales. |

|of people try to resist and walk in victory, for a brief period of time. They |Muchas personas tratan de resistir y caminar en victoria , por un breve período |

|have bounds, or limits, to how far they'll go in believing God. When certain |de tiempo. Tienen límites, ni límites , a lo lejos que van a ir en creer a Dios .|

|things happen, such as someone dying, they say, "Well, how could you expect |Cuando suceden ciertas cosas , como alguien que muere , dicen, " Bueno, ¿qué se |

|anybody not to be discouraged or not to grieve?" |podía esperar a nadie a no ser desalentado o no para llorar ? " |

| | |

|Well, I guarantee you the Lord Jesus Christ has borne our sorrows and carried our|Bueno, te garantizo que el Señor Jesucristo ha cargado con nuestros dolores y |

|griefs! That's not to say that you don't miss a person, but there is no |cargó con nuestros dolores ! Eso no quiere decir que usted no se pierda una |

|justification for getting into grieving which becomes destructive. |persona, pero no hay ninguna justificación para entrar en duelo que se vuelve |

| |destructiva. |

|Who's in Control Here? | |

| |¿Quién está en control aquí ? |

|We have an authority as believers that most Christians have missed. Satan doesn't| |

|have any control over your heart and circumstances — he cannot control you unless|Tenemos una autoridad como creyentes que la mayoría de los cristianos han perdido|

|you let him. In Deuteronomy 30:19, God speaks through Moses, "I call heaven and |. Satanás no tiene ningún control sobre el corazón y las circunstancias - él no |

|earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, |puede controlar a menos que lo dejaste . En Deuteronomio 30:19 , Dios habla por |

|blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may |medio de Moisés: " Al cielo ya la tierra por testigos hoy contra vosotros, que os|

|live." |he puesto delante la vida y la muerte , la bendición y la maldición: escoge pues |

| |la vida, para que vivas tú y tu simiente . " |

|If you were to diagram this sentence, "you" is again the implied subject: | |

|therefore, you choose life. God gave you the choice over your heart. This is |Si se va a diagramar esta frase , "usted" de nuevo es el tema implícito : por lo |

|powerful, but again, people have missed it and have allowed themselves to justify|tanto, a elegir la vida. Dios le dio a elegir sobre su corazón . Esto es de gran |

|feelings and emotions that are contrary to God's Word. |alcance , pero una vez más , la gente ha perdido y han permitido a sí mismos para|

|For example, we say, "Sure, I'm supposed to love my brother and sister, and I'm |justificar los sentimientos y emociones que son contrarias a la Palabra de Dios. |

|supposed to walk in love." We try to do that at church and sometimes in the |Por ejemplo , se dice : "Claro, se supone que debo amar a mi hermano y hermana, y|

|world. But everybody has one person who really gets under their skin. So we |yo tengo que caminar en el amor . " Tratamos de hacer eso en la iglesia y, a |

|justify feelings that are contrary to what God commanded us to do. We say, "Well,|veces en el mundo. Pero todo el mundo tiene una persona que realmente se pone en |

|God can't expect me to love that person." |su piel. Así justificamos sentimientos que son contrarias a lo que Dios nos ha |

| |mandado a hacer. Nosotros decimos : "Bueno , Dios no puede esperar que yo amo a |

|A Marriage of Convenience? |esa persona. " |

| | |

|In my marriage counseling, people invariably say to me, "But look what this |Un matrimonio de conveniencia ? |

|person did," and they begin to tell me all the terrible things their mate has | |

|done. The purpose of this is to justify their feelings. They say, "I know I'm not|En mi terapia de pareja , la gente siempre me dice: " Pero mira lo que esta |

|supposed to be depressed and discouraged. I know I'm not supposed to be angry, |persona hizo", y empiezan a decirme todas las cosas terribles que su pareja ha |

|but look what they did." |hecho. El propósito de esto es para justificar sus sentimientos . Ellos dicen: " |

| |Yo sé que no debo de estar deprimido y desanimado. Sé que no tengo que estar |

|What they're really saying is, "Well, this justifies my feelings, this justifies |enojado, pero mira lo que hicieron. " |

|my depression, this justifies my actions." But there is nothing that justifies | |

|our being less than what God called us to be. |Lo que realmente están diciendo es : "Bueno, esto justifica mis sentimientos , lo|

| |que justifica mi depresión , lo que justifica mis acciones. " Pero no hay nada |

|It doesn't matter what comes your way — death, physical problems, financial |que justifique nuestro ser menos de lo que Dios nos ha llamado a ser . |

|problems, relationship problems — whatever the devil is fighting you with. God | |

|has given you the ability to overcome it. But you have to choose. If you identify|No importa lo que viene a tu manera - la muerte, problemas físicos , problemas |

|with discouragement, doubt, and depression, you set a precedent that will enslave|financieros, problemas de relación - sea cual sea el maligno que usted está |

|you the rest of your life. |luchando con . Dios te ha dado la capacidad para superarlo. Pero usted tiene que |

| |elegir . Si te identificas con el desaliento , la duda y la depresión , se |

|A Lot of Knowledge Can Be a Dangerous Thing |establece un precedente que esclavizar al resto de su vida. |

| | |

|You can take all I'm ministering in John 14, 15, and 16, you can learn about |Una gran cantidad de conocimiento puede ser algo peligroso |

|faith, you can learn about confession, you can learn everything the Bible says. | |

|Yet, in your heart, if you've taken offense, if you've been hurt, if you submit |Usted puede tomar todo lo que estoy ministrando en Juan 14 , 15 y 16 , usted |

|to feelings of depression or discouragement, you'll wipe out everything good. |puede aprender acerca de la fe , usted puede aprender acerca de la confesión , |

|Nothing is going to work. |usted puede aprender todo lo que dice la Biblia . Sin embargo , en su corazón, si|

| |usted ha tomado la ofensiva, si usted ha sido herido , si usted envía a |

|That's why some people can take all the steps people outline for them, memorize |sentimientos de depresión o desánimo , podrás acabar con todo lo bueno. Nada va a|

|them and carry them out, but if their hearts are discouraged to begin with, it |trabajar . |

|won't work. They never were standing in faith. | |

| |Es por eso que algunas personas pueden tomar todos los pasos que las personas |

|Again, the first thing you have to do is grab a hold of your emotions and say, |describen para ellos, memorizarlas y llevarlas a cabo , pero si sus corazones |

|"In the name of the Lord, this thing is not going to get me." You have the |están desalentados , para empezar , no va a funcionar. Ellos nunca estaban de pie|

|ability to do that. The Bible says that He set before you a choice. He even tells|en la fe. |

|you which choice to make. So, obviously, we have the ability to choose. It's a | |

|lie that you cannot control your emotions. |Una vez más , lo primero que tienes que hacer es agarrar una bodega de sus |

| |emociones y diga: " En el nombre del Señor, la cosa no va a por mí. " Usted tiene|

|Our generation has been saying that you can't pen up feelings and emotions, you |la capacidad de hacer eso. La Biblia dice que Él os ponga delante de una |

|need to vent these things and let them out. This psychology has had a greater |elección. Incluso usted qué opción tomar cuenta . Así que, obviamente , tenemos |

|impact on the church than most of us realize. I agree that you aren't supposed to|la capacidad de elegir . Es una mentira que no puede controlar sus emociones. |

|bury things and let them fester. But you are supposed to get delivered of them, | |

|reject them, and resist them. Giving vent to emotions that are contrary to what |Nuestra generación ha estado diciendo que no se puede pen sentimientos y |

|God tells you is not a positive thing. It's a negative thing that allows Satan to|emociones , es necesario ventilar estas cosas y dejarlas salir . Esta psicología |

|have freedom in your life. |ha tenido un mayor impacto en la iglesia que la mayoría de nosotros nos damos |

| |cuenta . Estoy de acuerdo que no se supone que enterrar las cosas y dejar que se |

|As a Man Thinks... |pudran . Pero se supone que llegan a su destino de ellos , rechazarlos , y se |

| |resisten a ellos. Dando rienda suelta a las emociones que son contrarias a lo que|

|Proverbs 23:7 says that as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Are you |Dios dice que no es una cosa positiva. Es una cosa negativa que permite que |

|depressed? You've been thinking about things that depress you. Are you sick? |Satanás tenga la libertad en su vida. |

|You've thought about things that make you sick. Are you discouraged? You've been | |

|thinking about things that are discouraging. |Como un hombre piensa ... |

| | |

|You may not have said, "Well, I want to be sick." But your thinking is sick, and |Proverbios 23:07 dice que a medida que un hombre piensa en su corazón , tal es él|

|that's the reason you are sick. You may not have said "I want to be poor," but |. ¿Está deprimido ? Usted ha estado pensando acerca de las cosas que deprimen . |

|your thinking is poor, and that's the reason you're poor. You may not have said |¿Está usted enfermo ? Usted ha pensado en las cosas que hacen que usted se |

|"I want to be depressed," but you're thinking on depressing things, and that's |enferme. ¿Está desanimado ? Usted ha estado pensando en cosas que son |

|the reason you're depressed. |desalentadores. |

| | |

|We are 100 percent what we have chosen to be. It is vital that we understand |Puede que no hayas dicho: "Bueno , yo quiero estar enfermo". Pero su pensamiento |

|this. You cannot say that a person is 100 percent a product of their environment |está enfermo, y esa es la razón por la que está enfermo . Puede que no hayas |

|because I can show you people whose parents were alcoholics or drug addicts or |dicho " quiero ser pobre", pero su pensamiento es pobre , y esa es la razón por |

|child abusers, and they chose to go the other direction and live victorious |la que eres pobre . Puede que no hayas dicho " quiero estar deprimido ", pero |

|lives. As a matter of fact, some of them say, "Whatever happens, I'll never be |estás pensando en cosas deprimentes , y esa es la razón por la que está deprimido|

|what I've seen." And they do it. |. |

| | |

|Therefore, our experiences are a results of our choices, not our environments. |Estamos 100 por ciento de lo que hemos elegido ser . Es vital que entendamos |

|Environment is a factor, but our choice is the deciding factor. |esto. No se puede decir que una persona es de 100 por ciento , producto de su |

| |medio ambiente, ya que puedo mostrar a la gente cuyos padres eran alcohólicos o |

|Unbelief, fear, and panic are choices. Wrong choices. There may be many reasons |drogadictos o abusadores de niños , y decide ir en otra dirección y vivir vidas |

|we have been taught to respond that way, but ultimately, the decision is ours. |victoriosas . Como cuestión de hecho, algunos de ellos dicen : " Pase lo que pase|

| |, nunca voy a ser lo que he visto . " Y lo hacen . |

|A Fork in the Road — Choose One | |

| |Por lo tanto , nuestras experiencias son un resultado de nuestras elecciones , no|

|You can react two ways when a crisis hits you. You can choose to be encouraged or|nuestros ambientes . El medio ambiente es un factor, pero nuestra elección es el |

|discouraged. You do not have to be defeated in a crisis. You do not have to fear.|factor decisivo. |

|You do not have to be depressed. | |

| |La incredulidad , el miedo y el pánico son opciones . Las decisiones equivocadas |

|Even many churches preach that you have mountain tops and valleys in your |. Puede haber muchas razones que nos han enseñado a responder de esa manera , |

|relationship with the Lord — up and down, up and down. But you don't have to be |pero en última instancia , la decisión es nuestra. |

|that way. If you're not having a great time with the Lord, if your relationship | |

|isn't a constant upward trend, it's not because God makes it that way, it's |Un Tenedor en el camino - Elija Uno |

|because you've followed wrong thinking. You believed a lie, and you allowed your | |

|emotions to go up and down. You're following your emotions instead of following |Usted puede reaccionar de dos maneras cuando una crisis que golpea . Usted puede |

|your faith. |optar por ser alentados o desalentados . Usted no tiene que ser derrotado en una |

| |crisis. Usted no tiene que temer. Usted no tiene que estar deprimido . |

|So the first thing you have to do in a crisis situation is grab a hold of your | |

|emotions, grab a hold of your heart, and set it in the direction you want it to |Incluso muchas iglesias predican que tiene cimas de las montañas y valles en su |

|go. Don't allow circumstances to dictate how you feel and how you're going to |relación con el Señor - arriba y abajo, arriba y abajo. Pero usted no tiene por |

|react. That's pivotal. It's important that the moment something comes against |qué ser así . Si usted no está teniendo un gran tiempo con el Señor, si su |

|you, you make a decision right then. |relación no es una tendencia constante al alza , no es porque Dios lo hace de esa|

| |manera , es porque usted ha seguido el pensamiento equivocado. Usted creyó una |

|Thou Hypocrite! |mentira, y usted permitió que sus emociones suben y bajan . Usted está siguiendo |

| |sus emociones en lugar de seguir su fe. |

|That decision does not have to be based on how you feel. You may feel | |

|hypocritical in saying, "I'm going to praise God even though I feel depressed." |Así que lo primero que tiene que hacer en una situación de crisis es agarrarnos |

|You may think, "Well, I'd be a hypocrite if I went ahead and acted like |de sus emociones , tomar una bodega de su corazón, y lo puso en la dirección que |

|everything's okay." |quiere que vaya . No permita que las circunstancias dicten cómo se siente y cómo |

| |vas a reaccionar. Eso es fundamental. Es importante que el momento surge algo en |

|You're actually a hypocrite when you go on your feelings because the true you, |contra de usted , usted toma una decisión en ese momento. |

|your spirit (the born-again part of you), is rejoicing with joy unspeakable and | |

|full of glory all the time (1 Pet. 1:8). There is always love, joy, peace, |¡Hipócrita ! |

|long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance in your | |

|spirit (Gal. 5:22-23). |Esta decisión no tiene que basarse en cómo se siente. Usted puede sentirse |

| |hipócrita al decir : "Yo voy a alabar a Dios a pesar de que me siento deprimido .|

|So the decision depends on which self you consider to be the real you. If you |" Usted puede pensar , " Bueno, yo sería un hipócrita si me fui por delante y |

|consider the emotional part of you to be the real you, you're a hypocrite for |actuaba como si todo estuviera bien. " |

|acting differently. But if you see yourself in Christ Jesus, recognize that you | |

|are a new creature, and look at yourself through the word of God, the true you, |En realidad eres un hipócrita cuando se va de sus sentimientos, porque el |

|the spirit, will come out. |verdadero usted, su espíritu (la parte del nuevo nacimiento de usted), se alegra |

| |con gozo inefable y lleno de gloria todo el tiempo ( 1 Ped. 1:08 ) . Siempre hay |

|Your spirit never gets depressed, it never gets discouraged, it never gets |amor, gozo, paz , paciencia , benignidad, bondad , fe, mansedumbre y templanza en|

|fearful. If you feel anything contrary to that, you're a hypocrite — from God's |su espíritu (Gálatas 5:22-23 ) . |

|standpoint — if you go by those feelings. For example, somebody says something | |

|that hurts your feelings. What are you going to do? You've got a choice. You can |Así que la decisión depende de lo que uno mismo considera usted que es el |

|either get down and gripe and complain about it, or you can grow up and forgive |verdadero tú . Si se tiene en cuenta la parte emocional de ustedes que es el |

|the person. |verdadero tú , eres un hipócrita por actuar de manera diferente. Pero si usted se|

| |ve en Cristo Jesús , reconozca que usted es una nueva criatura, y mírate a través|

|Train Up a Child... |de la palabra de Dios, el verdadero tú, el espíritu , va a salir. |

| | |

|That's what we're really dealing with here — growing up. The same principles used|Su espíritu nunca se deprime , nunca se desanima , nunca se vuelve temeroso. Si |

|for child training apply here. Most of us never grew out of doing whatever we |usted siente cualquier cosa contraria a eso, usted es un hipócrita - desde el |

|felt like as children. But it doesn't have to be that way. |punto de vista de Dios - si vas por esos sentimientos. Por ejemplo , alguien dice|

| |algo que hace daño a los sentimientos. ¿Qué vas a hacer? Usted tiene una |

|Take children, for example. We give them certain responsibilities and they do |elección. Usted puede bajar y quejarse y quejarse de ello , o puede crecer y |

|them. We don't care whether they feel like doing them or not. There are some |perdonar a la persona . |

|things you just have to do. You just have responsibilities. I teach my kids that.| |

|We've adopted that attitude as far as work goes — we have to get up and go to |Instruye al niño ... |

|work. There are other things we have to do — pay taxes, obey the law, pay our | |

|bills, etc. But in our relationship with the Lord, we've gone back to being like |Eso es lo que realmente estamos tratando aquí - mientras crecía. Los mismos |

|children in a lot of ways. |principios utilizados para la formación del niño se aplican aquí. La mayoría de |

| |nosotros nunca surgió de hacer lo que nos sentimos como cuando eran niños. Pero |

|You don't feel happy? Well, grow up! Who cares how you feel? Stop caring how you |no tiene por qué ser así . |

|feel — you are blessed (Eph. 1:3). You've got the joy of the Lord inside of you. | |

|You can choose to be happy if you want to be happy. You can choose to be blessed.|Lleve a los niños , por ejemplo. Les damos ciertas responsabilidades y que las |

|You can choose to be excited about the Lord if you want to be. |hacemos . No nos importa si les da la gana de hacer o no. Hay algunas cosas que |

|Some people may be thinking, "Now, wait a minute. You don't know my situation. I |simplemente tienes que hacer. Sólo tienes responsabilidades. Enseño a mis hijos |

|agree with what you're saying, but sometimes you just can't overcome." Well |que . |

|again, you're putting your experience, your natural feelings, above what God's |Hemos adoptado esta actitud en lo que va el trabajo - hay que levantarse e ir a |

|Word says. God gave us a command to not let our hearts be discouraged, to not let|trabajar. Hay otras cosas que tenemos que hacer - pagar impuestos , obedecer la |

|them be troubled. You can do that. God would be unjust to command us to do |ley, pagar nuestras cuentas , etc, pero en nuestra relación con el Señor, que |

|something that we don't have the power to do. |hemos vuelto a ser como niños en un montón de maneras. |

| | |

|In Deuteronomy 28:45-47, the Lord said He was bringing judgement on the children |Usted no se siente feliz? Bueno, crecer! A quién le importa cómo te sientes ? |

|of Israel "because thou servedst not the LORD thy God with joyfulness, and with |Deje de preocuparse de cómo se siente - le bendicen ( Ef. 1:03 ) . Tienes el gozo|

|gladness of heart, for the abundance of all things." He held them accountable for|del Señor en tu interior. Usted puede elegir para ser feliz si quieres ser feliz.|

|their emotions! |Usted puede elegir para ser bendecidos . Usted puede elegir para ser |

| |entusiasmados con el Señor si quieres ser . |

|In John 16:33, Jesus said, "In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of |Algunas personas pueden estar pensando : "Ahora , espera un minuto . Usted no |

|good cheer; I have overcome the world." In this one verse Jesus made it clear |sabe mi situación. Estoy de acuerdo con lo que dices , pero a veces simplemente |

|that His command to be of good cheer was not just for the good times. But even in|no puede superar. " Pues una vez más, usted está poniendo su experiencia, sus |

|tribulation, be of good cheer!! |sentimientos naturales , por encima de lo que dice la Palabra de Dios. Dios nos |

|You can and must control your emotions! |dio una orden de no dejar que nuestros corazones se desanimen , no dejar que |

| |ellos se angustien. Usted puede hacer eso . Dios sería injusto para nosotros |

|Can God Handle C-C-C-Cancer? |mandar a hacer algo que no tenemos el poder para hacerlo . |

| | |

|You've got to recognize that God has given you power over any situation. A lot of|En Deuteronomio 28:45-47 , el Señor dijo que estaba trayendo juicio sobre los |

|people can walk in faith if they have a cold or a cough, but if it's cancer, |hijos de Israel " por cuanto no serviste al SEÑOR tu Dios con alegría y con gozo |

|that's different. But there is no difference in the sight of God. If they tell |de corazón, por la abundancia de todas las cosas. " Él llevó a cabo los |

|you that you are going to die of cancer, you can make a choice not to let your |responsables de sus emociones ! |

|heart be troubled. | |

| |En Juan 16:33 , Jesús dijo: "En el mundo tendréis aflicción, pero confiad, yo he |

|I could give testimony after testimony after testimony of people who have done |vencido al mundo . " En este versículo Jesús dejó en claro que su mandamiento a |

|this. Any situation that you find yourself in, I guarantee I can find somebody |tener buen ánimo no era sólo para los buenos tiempos. Pero aun en la tribulación |

|who has faced the same situation and has come through it with flying colors. And |, sed de buen ánimo ! |

|if you don't know somebody, you can go to God's Word and can find someone in a |Usted puede y debe controlar sus emociones ! |

|situation that was equal to or worse than yours, and yet they came through. | |

| |Puede manejar el Dios C- C -C- el cáncer? |

|If you're depressed, if you're discouraged, no matter what's happening to you — | |

|and I make that statement without any reservations — it's because you've chosen |Hay que reconocer que Dios le ha dado poder sobre cualquier situación. Mucha |

|to submit to those feelings. You've made the wrong choices. |gente puede caminar en la fe si tienen un resfriado o tos , pero si se trata de |

| |cáncer, eso es diferente. Pero no hay ninguna diferencia en los ojos de Dios . Si|

|No Condemnation |te dicen que vas a morir de cáncer , se puede tomar una decisión que no se turbe |

| |vuestro corazón. |

|Now some people will think, "Well, that condemns me." But it shouldn't. It should| |

|convict you and encourage you at the same time because if you're the one who made|Podría dar testimonio después del testimonio tras testimonio de personas que han |

|the wrong choices, you can change everything by making the right choices. |hecho esto. Cualquier situación que te encuentras en , te garantizo que puedo |

| |encontrar a alguien que se ha enfrentado a la misma situación y ha llegado a |

|This doesn't condemn me. It blesses me because if some things are just too big |través de él con gran éxito. Y si usted no sabe a alguien, usted puede ir a la |

|for God, I'm in bad shape. All I can do is learn to roll with the punches, have |Palabra de Dios y puede encontrar a alguien en una situación que era igual o peor|

|people show pity for me, and feel sorry for myself. But if God has an answer, and|que la tuya , y sin embargo, llegó a través . |

|if the only reason I'm experiencing the difficulty is because I made wrong | |

|choices, that blesses me — because I can change me. I can't change God, but I can|Si usted está deprimido, si estás desanimado, no importa lo que te está pasando -|

|change me. |y hago esa afirmación sin reservas - es porque usted ha elegido para presentar a |

| |esos sentimientos. Usted ha tomado las decisiones equivocadas . |

|When you ask some people how they are, they immediately begin to tell you every | |

|bad thing that has happened to them — "I don't feel so good and the kids are sick|Ninguna condenación |

|and my rent's late" and on and on. What they are doing is justifying their | |

|feelings. They actually get some kind of glory out of telling you how bad they |Ahora, algunas personas van a pensar : "Bueno, que me condena . " Pero no |

|feel. A person like that is never going to break out until they make a choice |debería. Se debe condenar y animaros a la vez porque si eres el que hizo las |

|that they're going to be different. |decisiones equivocadas , puede cambiarlo todo por tomar las decisiones correctas |

| |. |

|Let the Weak Say... | |

| |Esto no me condenan . Se me bendice porque si algunas cosas son simplemente |

|Instead of being a weakling, you can choose to be strong in the Lord. Joel 3:10 |demasiado grande para Dios , estoy en mal estado. Todo lo que puedo hacer es |

|says, "Let the weak say, I am strong." You can choose victory. You can identify |aprender a lidiar con los golpes , la gente se mostrará piedad por mí, y sentir |

|with victory. Isaiah 54:17 says, "No weapon that is formed against thee shall |lástima por mí mismo . Pero si Dios tiene una respuesta, y si la única razón por |

|prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt |la que estoy experimentando la dificultad se debe a que he hecho elecciones |

|condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their |equivocadas , que me bendice - porque puedo cambiarme . No puedo cambiar a Dios ,|

|righteousness is of me, saith the LORD." If that's the truth, then how can we |pero yo me puedo cambiar. |

|justify being defeated, or justify the fear we feel? We cannot justify it. | |

| |Cuando le preguntas a algunas personas como son , de inmediato comienzan a |

|The answer is to recognize that we've made a wrong choice. The answer is to |decirle todo lo malo que les ha sucedido - "No me siento muy bien y los niños |

|repent and to begin saying that it's not the problem, it's not these people, it's|están enfermos y finales de la renta " y sigue y sigue . Lo que están haciendo es|

|not that circumstance, which is causing all of my problems. That's the "Adam |justificar sus sentimientos. Ellos realmente reciben algún tipo de gloria fuera |

|syndrome," where Adam said it's that woman that God gave him. He pushed the blame|de decirte lo mal que se sienten. Una persona así nunca va a salir hasta que se |

|off on Eve, then tried to put it on God (Gen. 3:12). |haga una elección que ellos van a ser diferentes. |

| | |

|Some people do the same thing. "Well, it's the flu season," they say. "The bug's |Deje que el débil Say ... |

|going around." In other words, it's that bug's fault instead of your fault for | |

|making a wrong choice. Or, to put it another way, it's God — "God, why have you |En lugar de ser un hombre débil , usted puede elegir para ser fuertes en el Señor|

|allowed this thing?" |. Joel 3:10 dice : "Que diga el débil : Fuerte soy. " Usted puede elegir la |

| |victoria. Usted puede identificar con la victoria . Isaías 54:17 dice: " Ninguna |

|God did not allow the problems in your life. The bug is not your problem. Other |arma forjada contra ti prosperará, y condenarás toda lengua que se levante contra|

|people are not your problem. Your mate isn't your problem. The people at work |ti en juicio tú condenarás Esta es la herencia de los siervos de Jehová, y su |

|aren't your problem. The economy is not your problem. You are your problem. |justicia de por mí, dijo . Jehová " . Si esa es la verdad , entonces ¿cómo |

| |podemos justificar de ser derrotado , o justificar el miedo que sentimos ? No |

|I was teaching on this one Sunday in church. When I said "There is no |podemos justificarla. |

|justification for your depression," a woman sitting behind one of the pastors | |

|said "Unless you have a chemical imbalance." Some people try to push it off on |La respuesta es reconocer que hemos hecho una elección equivocada. La respuesta |

|chemical imbalances in the body. That's not your problem either. |es arrepentirse y comenzar diciendo que no es el problema , no es esta gente , no|

| |es esa circunstancia , que está causando todos mis problemas. Ese es el "síndrome|

|If you have a chemical imbalance, then get healed! There is no justification for |de Adán", donde Adam dijo que es esa mujer que Dios le dio. Empujó la culpa fuera|

|being less than what God told us to be. It is my opinion that even those who |en la víspera , luego trató de ponerla en Dios (Génesis 3:12). |

|really do have a chemical imbalance have thrown that balance off through wrong | |

|thinking. |Algunas personas hacen la misma cosa . " Bueno, es la temporada de gripe ", dicen|

| |. " El error va por ahí . " En otras palabras, no es culpa de ese error en lugar |

|Again, there is no condemnation in this. God loves you. You can go to be with the|de su culpa por hacer una elección equivocada. O, para decirlo de otra manera, es|

|Lord depressed, defeated, and discouraged if you want to. God still loves you. He|Dios - "Dios , ¿por qué has permitido esto? " |

|is not condemning you — and neither am I. | |

| |Dios no permitió que los problemas en su vida. El error no es su problema. Otras |

|I'm saying that if you want victory, it's available. But it starts with you |personas no son su problema. Tu pareja no es tu problema. Las personas en el |

|making a choice. It starts with you recognizing that no weapon formed against you|trabajo no son su problema. La economía no es su problema. Usted es su problema. |

|can prosper, unless you choose to let it prosper (Is. 54:17). | |

| |Yo estaba enseñando en éste domingo en la iglesia . Cuando dije " No hay |

|God gave you the choice over life and death. If you are experiencing death |justificación para su depresión , " una mujer sentada detrás de uno de los |

|instead of life, it's because you made a wrong choice. God will not make the |pastores dijo que " A menos que tengas un desequilibrio químico . " Algunas |

|choice for you. Satan cannot make the choice for you. If you aren't healthy, |personas tratan de empujarlo fuera de desequilibrios químicos en el cuerpo. Ese |

|happy, and prospering, it's because you've made wrong choices. |no es tu problema. |

| | |

|Problems or Choices — Take Your Pick |Si usted tiene un desequilibrio químico , a continuación, ser sanado ! No hay |

| |ninguna justificación para ser menos de lo que Dios nos dijo que seamos . Es mi |

|Like any ministry, we've had financial problems from time to time. But I live by |opinión que incluso aquellos que realmente tienen un desequilibrio químico han |

|the same thing I'm teaching you. I don't think I brought these problems on |arrojado que el equilibrio fuera a través del pensamiento equivocado. |

|specifically by what I did, but as I grow older in the Lord and get wiser, I'm | |

|sure I'll make better decisions that will avoid many of these problems. |Una vez más, no hay condenación en este . Dios te ama . Usted puede ir a estar |

| |con el Señor deprimido , derrotado y desanimado si quieres . Dios todavía te ama.|

|However, I've made some critical choices, and one thing I've chosen is not to let|Él no está condenando a usted - y yo tampoco |

|my heart be troubled. People on my staff have come to me saying, "You must not | |

|have gotten the full picture — you don't understand how bad this is," because it |Estoy diciendo que si quieres la victoria , está disponible . Pero empieza con |

|hasn't bothered me. |usted de tomar una decisión . Comienza con usted reconociendo que ninguna arma |

| |forjada contra ti puede prosperar , a menos que decida dejarlo prosperar (Is. |

|But I understand exactly how bad it is. |54:17 ) . |

| | |

|If you begin to walk in these principles and choose not to let your heart be |Dios le dio a elegir sobre la vida y la muerte. Si usted está experimentando la |

|troubled, I guarantee you it's going to upset people. People will think you're a |muerte en lugar de la vida, es porque usted ha hecho una elección equivocada . |

|"brick short of a load." Your elevator doesn't go all the way to the top. You're |Dios no va a hacer la elección para usted. Satanás no puede tomar la decisión por|

|one donut short of a dozen. They'll think something is wrong with you because you|ti. Si no está sano , feliz y próspera , es porque usted ha hecho malas |

|aren't acting normal. |decisiones . |

| | |

|But praise God, we aren't supposed to be normal! God made us to be a supernatural|Los problemas o elecciones - Tome su selección |

|people. | |

| |Al igual que cualquier ministerio , hemos tenido problemas financieros de vez en |

|Seek the Lord — or Get Ready! |cuando . Pero yo vivo por el mismo que te estoy enseñando . No creo que me trajo |

| |estos problemas en particular por lo que hice , pero a medida que envejezco en el|

|When a crisis hits, you need to be prepared. You need to have your heart ready. |Señor y consigo más sabio , estoy seguro de que voy a tomar mejores decisiones |

|I've been meditating on a scripture lately in 2 Chronicles 12. This is the story |que eviten muchos de estos problemas . |

|of King Rehoboam, Solomon's son. He started out good. He started seeking God, but| |

|he turned out bad and actually got into idolatry. It says, "And he did evil, |Sin embargo , he hecho algunas decisiones críticas , y una cosa que he elegido es|

|because he prepared not his heart to seek the LORD" (verse 14). |no dejar que se turbe mi corazón. La gente en mi personal han venido a mí |

| |diciendo: " Usted no debe haber conseguido el cuadro completo - usted no entiende|

|Rehoboam didn't want to do evil. He started out doing the right thing, but he |lo mal que esto es , " porque no me ha molestado . |

|gravitated toward evil because he didn't prepare his heart to seek the Lord. He | |

|didn't commit himself. He had a desire to do it, but his heart was on other |Pero entiendo exactamente lo malo que es . |

|things. It wasn't single upon the Lord. | |

| |Si usted comienza a caminar en estos principios y optar por no dejar que se turbe|

|When you come into a crisis situation, if you haven't chosen to seek the Lord, if|vuestro corazón , le garantizo que va a molestar a las personas . La gente va a |

|you haven't already made some decisions, your heart is going to gravitate toward |pensar que eres un "corto de ladrillo de una carga. " Su ascensor no ir todo el |

|fear. It's going to gravitate toward depression, toward negativism, toward |camino hasta la cima . Eres uno corto rosquilla de una docena. Van a pensar que |

|defeat. You've got to commit yourself. You've got to fix your heart so that no |algo está mal con usted, porque usted no está actuando normal. |

|matter what the devil does, you're going to walk in victory. You're going to keep| |

|your eyes on the Lord. |Pero gracias a Dios, no se supone que es normal! Dios hizo que seamos un pueblo |

| |sobrenaturales. |

|Your attitude should be, "Satan, you can't do enough to keep me from thinking on | |

|the Lord!" If you haven't made that commitment, you're a problem waiting to |Buscad al Señor - o Get Ready ! |

|happen — and it's going to come. | |

| |Cuando una crisis golpea , tienes que estar preparado. Usted necesita tener el |

|The Great Melting Pot — Vietnam |corazón dispuesto . He estado meditando en una escritura últimamente en 2 |

| |Crónicas 12 . Esta es la historia del rey Roboam , hijo de Salomón. Él empezó |

|When I went through the service, I only heard one good thing from a chaplain the |bien . Empezó a buscar a Dios , pero él resultó malo y realmente se metió en la |

|whole time I was there. Most of the chaplains I had weren't born again. The day |idolatría. Dice: " Y él hizo lo malo , porque no dispuso su corazón para buscar a|

|we got our orders to go to Vietnam, grown men began to cry. It was a tragic |Jehová " (versículo 14 ) . |

|situation. | |

| |Roboam no quería hacer el mal. Empezó haciendo lo correcto , pero gravitó hacia |

|This chaplain came in to console everybody. He said that the Army and its |el mal , porque no dispuso su corazón para buscar al Señor. Él no se comprometió |

|experiences, including Vietnam, was a fire. It will melt you. But you'll fit into|. Tenía el deseo de hacerlo, pero su corazón estaba en otras cosas. No era |

|whatever mold you've picked for yourself. That was a true statement. |soltero en el Señor. |

| | |

|Because I had already set my heart on the Lord, I was determined that I was going|Cuando usted entra en una situación de crisis , si no se ha elegido a buscar al |

|to go all the way for God. All the pressures, all the horror I went through, |Señor , si aún no lo ha hecho algunas decisiones , tu corazón va a gravitar hacia|

|drove me that much more to the Lord. When I came out of Vietnam, I was stronger |el miedo. Se va a gravitar hacia la depresión, hacia el negativismo , hacia la |

|than horseradish! I was walking with the Lord, the joy of the Lord was in my |derrota. Tienes que comprometerte . Tienes que arreglar tu corazón para que no |

|heart, and I was a thousand miles further in my Christian walk. |importa lo que hace el maligno, que vas a caminar en victoria . Usted va a |

| |mantener sus ojos en el Señor . |

|A lot of other soldiers didn't have that experience. There were many who weren't | |

|necessarily evil. They probably had never done anything bad to speak of back in |Su actitud debe ser : "Satanás , no puede hacer lo suficiente para que deje de |

|the States. But put under that kind of pressure, with no restraints upon them, |pensar en el Señor ! " Si usted no ha hecho ese compromiso , tienes un problema |

|with everybody else doing it, these good, moral people, these churchgoers, these |que espera para suceder - y va a venir . |

|upstanding citizens, went the other route. | |

| |El Gran Melting Pot - Vietnam |

|One after another, I saw them go in to prostitutes, get drunk, take dope, and do | |

|every other terrible thing. It was because their hearts weren't already fixed. |Cuando pasé por el servicio , sólo he oído una cosa buena de un capellán todo el |

|They hadn't prepared them. |tiempo que estuve allí . La mayoría de los capellanes que tenía no han nacido de |

| |nuevo. El día que nos dieron nuestra orden de ir a Vietnam, los hombres adultos |

|Swaying Like the Psalms |se echó a llorar . Fue una situación trágica . |

| | |

|In Psalm 42, the writer is talking about all his problems. He says that as the |Este capellán vino a consolar a todos. Él dijo que el Ejército y sus experiencias|

|deer pants after the water brook, so his soul pants after God (verse 1). He says |, entre ellos Vietnam, fue un incendio. Se derretirá usted. Pero usted cabrá en |

|that he desires only God, and the reason he desires God is that things aren't |cualquier molde que hayas elegido para ti . Esa fue una declaración verdadera . |

|going well for him. In verse 5, he says, "Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and | |

|why art thou disquieted in me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him for |Porque yo ya había puesto mi corazón en el Señor , yo estaba decidido que iba a |

|the help of his countenance." |ir todo el camino a Dios. Todas las presiones, todo el horror que pasé, me llevó |

| |mucho más al Señor. Cuando salí de Vietnam, que era más fuerte que el rábano |

|In other words, right in the middle of his complaint, he says, "Why am I |picante ! Yo estaba caminando con el Señor, la alegría del Señor estaba en mi |

|discouraged, why is my soul cast down? I can hope in God. I've got a covenant |corazón , y yo estaba a mil millas más lejos en mi caminar cristiano . |

|with God. He's on my side. Why should I be discouraged?" | |

| |Una gran cantidad de otros soldados no tenía esa experiencia. Hubo muchos que no |

|Then he goes back to complaining and ends the chapter with "Why art thou cast |eran necesariamente malos . Ellos probablemente nunca habían hecho nada malo que |

|down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope thou in God: for I |hablar de vuelta en Estados Unidos . Pero puesto bajo ese tipo de presión , sin |

|shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God." |restricciones sobre ellos , con todo el mundo lo hace, estas personas buenas y |

| |morales , estos practicantes , estos ciudadanos ejemplares , fueron la otra ruta |

|In chapter 43, he complains again. Finally, in verse 5, he says, "Why art thou |. |

|cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope in God: for I | |

|shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God." |Uno tras otro , los vi ir a las prostitutas , se emborrachan , toman drogas , y |

| |hacer cualquier otra cosa terrible. Fue debido a que sus corazones no estaban ya |

|Here is the writer of these psalms talking about all the frustrations that are |fijados . No les habían preparado . |

|coming his way, but he had to constantly remind himself, "Why am I discouraged?" | |

|You need to ask yourself that same question. |Balanceándose como los Salmos |

| | |

|Why are we discouraged like people who don't have a God? How could we ever go |En el Salmo 42 , el escritor está hablando de todos sus problemas. Él dice que, |

|back to the level of discouragement and despair we had before we were born again,|como el ciervo brama después el arroyo de agua , por lo que los pantalones del |

|after God has done so many great things for us? |alma después de Dios (versículo 1 ) . Él dice que él desea solamente Dios, y la |

| |razón por la que Dios desea es que las cosas no van bien para él. En el versículo|

|We need to recognize that it's not God who doesn't have power. It's not God who |5 , dice: " ¿Por qué te abates , alma mía, y por qué te turbas dentro de mí la |

|is not faithful. We are the problem. |esperanza en Dios; ? ? Porque aún he de alabarle por la ayuda de su rostro . " |

| | |

|We've missed it in the very first thing Jesus commanded His disciples to do — |En otras palabras , justo en el medio de su queja, él dice: " ¿Por qué estoy |

|we've let our heart be troubled, and we feel justified in doing it. Then we |desanimado , ¿por qué se echa mi alma abajo? Que puedo esperar en Dios. Tengo un |

|wonder why we aren't prospering, why we're sick, why we're depressed. We haven't |pacto con Dios. Él está de mi lado . ¿Por qué yo estar desanimado ? " |

|even chosen life. We've chosen death. | |

| |Luego vuelve a quejarse y termina el capítulo con " ¿Por qué te abates , alma |

|David Humbles Himself |mía, y por qué te turbas dentro de mí la esperanza en Dios; ? ? Porque aún he de |

| |alabarle , que es la salud de mi rostro , y mi Dios. " |

|In 1 Samuel 30, David had been anointed to be king thirteen years before the text| |

|was written. For thirteen years, David had prospered. God had used him to kill |En el capítulo 43 , se queja de nuevo. Finalmente , en el versículo 5 , dice: " |

|Goliath. The entire land of Israel was seeking after him — they were crying that |¿Por qué te abates , alma mía, y por qué te turbas dentro de mí la esperanza en |

|David had killed tens of thousands, while Saul had killed only thousands. |Dios : ? ? Porque aún he de alabarle , que es la salud de mi rostro , y Dios mío!|

|David had the support of the entire nation. He had been anointed by God and |. " |

|called to be king. | |

| |Aquí es el autor de estos salmos que hablan de todas las frustraciones que vienen|

|Saul had lost the anointing of God. He was tormented by an evil spirit. Saul was |a su manera, pero tenía que recordar constantemente a sí mismo: " ¿Por qué estoy |

|doing everything wrong, costing the children of Israel much bondage and hardship |desanimado ? " Usted necesita hacerse la misma pregunta. |

|because of his disobedience. | |

| |¿Por qué estamos desanimados como las personas que no tienen un Dios ? ¿Cómo |

|During this period, David had been anointed to be king, but instead of doing |podríamos volver al nivel del desaliento y la desesperación que teníamos antes de|

|anything to further his cause, David humbled himself. God supernaturally |que naciéramos de nuevo, después de que Dios lo ha hecho muchas cosas buenas para|

|delivered Saul into his hands. Saul went into a cave where David and his men were|nosotros? |

|hiding, to take a nap during the heat of the day. David's men told him, "God has | |

|delivered him into your hands — kill him!" |Tenemos que reconocer que no es Dios, que no tiene poder. No es Dios quien no es |

| |fiel . Nosotros somos el problema . |

|But David wouldn't do it. Rather, he submitted himself to Saul, caused himself a | |

|lot of hardship, was driven out of his country, and had to live among his |Nos hemos perdido en la primera cosa que Jesús mandó a sus discípulos a hacer - |

|enemies. Once, in a foreign land, his enemy said, "This is the one they say is |hemos dejado que se turbe nuestro corazón, y nos sentimos justificados en |

|king over the land." |hacerlo. Entonces nos preguntamos por qué no están prosperando , ¿por qué estamos|

| |enfermos , por lo que estamos deprimidos. Ni siquiera hemos escogido la vida . |

|So to protect himself, David had to act like a crazy man, letting spit run off |Hemos elegido la muerte. |

|his beard and scratching on the walls like an animal. | |

| |David se humilla |

|The king said, "This man is crazy. How can he do me any damage?" Can you imagine | |

|how David felt? He was probably tempted to say to himself, "So you're the great |En 1 Samuel 30 , David había sido ungido para ser rey trece años antes fue |

|man of faith, the one who has the anointing of God. You're the one God has called|escrito el texto. Durante trece años, David había prosperado . Dios lo había |

|to be king, and you're having to act crazy just to save your life!" |usado para matar a Goliat. Toda la tierra de Israel estaba buscando después de él|

| |- que estaban llorando , que David había matado a decenas de miles , mientras que|

|David Was "Pitiless" |Saúl había matado sólo miles . |

| |David tenía el apoyo de toda la nación. Él había sido ungido por Dios y llamado a|

|David had been through discouragement after discouragement while running from |ser rey. |

|Saul. He had 600 men who had come with him — all criminals, convicts and | |

|murderers who had to flee Israel to save their lives. He had the scum of the |Saúl había perdido la unción de Dios . Estaba atormentado por un espíritu |

|earth as his army. |maligno. Saúl estaba haciendo todo mal , costando a los hijos de Israel mucho |

| |servidumbre y privaciones a causa de su desobediencia. |

|Satan could have discouraged David in a big way. | |

| |Durante este período, David había sido ungido para ser rey, pero en vez de hacer |

|Once, in the midst of it all, David and his men came back to his town of Ziklag |algo para promover su causa, David se humilló . Dios sobrenaturalmente entregó a |

|to find that the Amalekites had invaded his city, taken away the women and the |Saúl en sus manos. Saúl entró en una cueva donde David y sus hombres estaban |

|children, burned the houses, and carted off everything valuable as spoil. |escondidos , para tomar una siesta durante el calor del día . Los hombres de |

|Think of it. For thirteen years, David had been faithful to God. He hadn't done |David le dijeron: " Dios lo ha entregado en sus manos - matarlo " |

|anything wrong, and yet adversity struck at him over and over again. | |

| |Pero David no quiso hacerlo. Más bien, se sometió a Saúl , causada a sí mismo un |

|When we've done something wrong, most of us think we deserve our problems. We |montón de dificultades , fue expulsado de su país, y tuvo que vivir en medio de |

|brought it on ourselves. But when we've done well and the devil hits us |sus enemigos. Una vez , en una tierra extranjera , dijo que su enemigo , " Este |

|broadside, most of us feel justified in griping, complaining, and having a "pity |es el que dicen es el rey de la tierra . " |

|party." | |

| |Así que para protegerse a sí mismo , David tuvo que actuar como un loco , dejando|

|But that's just the opposite of what David did. |que la saliva ejecutar la barba y arañazos en las paredes como un animal. |

| | |

|He could have felt justified in being depressed. In 1 Samuel 30:3-6, it says "So |El rey dijo: "Este hombre está loco . ¿Cómo puede hacerme daño ? " ¿Te imaginas |

|David and his men came to the city, and, behold, it was burned with fire; and |lo que David sintió ? Probablemente tuvo la tentación de decirse a sí mismo : " |

|their wives, and their sons, and their daughters, were taken captives. Then David|Así que tú eres el gran hombre de fe, el que tiene la unción de Dios . Usted es |

|and the people that were with him lifted up their voice and wept, until they had |el que Dios ha llamado a ser rey, y que está teniendo que actuar loco justo para |

|no more power to weep. And David's two wives were taken captives... And David was|salvar su vida! " |

|greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all | |

|the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters." |David era " despiadado " |

| | |

|On top of losing his wives, children, and home, David was getting ready to be |David había pasado por el desánimo tras el desaliento mientras huía de Saúl. Él |

|stoned — by the very people he had been responsible for, the people he had fed |tenía 600 hombres que habían venido con él - todos los criminales, convictos y |

|for five years, those he had faithfully taken care of. They were going to stone |asesinos que tuvieron que huir de Israel para salvar sus vidas. Tenía la escoria |

|him for something that wasn't his fault! |de la tierra como su ejército. |

| | |

|Most of us would have said, "That's the last straw. I quit. I'm going to have a |Satanás pudo haber desalentado a David en una gran forma . |

|pity party." We would have felt justified in doing that. | |

| |Una vez , en medio de todo esto, David y sus hombres regresaron a su ciudad de |

|But look at the rest of verse 6, "But David encouraged himself in the Lord his |Siclag al encontrar que los amalecitas habían invadido su ciudad, llevaron a las |

|God." If David chose to encourage himself in a situation like that, we can choose|mujeres y los niños , quemaron las casas y arrastraron fuera de todo lo valioso |

|to encourage ourselves no matter what comes against us. |botín. |

| |Piense en ello . Durante trece años, David había sido fiel a Dios. Él no había |

|David chose to do it. And notice, it says he encouraged himself. |hecho nada malo , y sin embargo, la adversidad le golpeó una y otra vez . |

| | |

|He didn't just say, "Lord, I'm asking you to send somebody to encourage me." |Cuando hemos hecho algo mal , la mayoría de nosotros pensamos que nos merecemos |

|You need to recognize that God has given you authority over your own heart. You |nuestros problemas. Lo trajimos con nosotros mismos . Pero cuando lo hemos hecho |

|can choose life or death. You can choose to be encouraged or discouraged. You're |bien y el maligno nos golpea de costado , la mayoría de nosotros nos sentimos |

|the one who makes the choice. David chose to encourage himself. |justificados en quejarse , quejarse, y que tiene un " partido de la compasión . "|

| | |

|The first step — and nothing else can happen until this — is to choose life. |Pero eso es justo lo contrario de lo que hizo David . |

|Nothing else will work until you do this. Nothing else will work until you say | |

|with the psalmist, "Why am I discouraged? Why am I cast down? God is on my side. |Pudo haberse sentido justificado estar deprimido . En 1 Samuel 30:3-6 , que dice |

|I choose God. I choose life. I'm going to come through this thing somehow or |" Así que David y sus hombres llegaron a la ciudad , y he aquí que estaba quemada|

|other." |con fuego , y sus mujeres , y sus hijos , y sus hijas habían sido llevados |

| |cautivos Entonces David . y el pueblo que con él estaba alzaron su voz y lloraron|

|Until you make that choice, no other choices can be made. |, hasta que les faltaron las fuerzas para llorar las dos mujeres de David fueron |

| |llevados cautivos ... Y David se angustió mucho, . porque el pueblo hablaba de |

|Three Men Make a Burning Choice |apedrearlo, pues el alma de todo el pueblo fué angustiada , cada uno por sus |

| |hijos y por sus hijas " . |

|Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego made the choice. In Daniel 3, Nebuchadnezzar said| |

|in effect, "Okay, I'll give you one last chance — bow or burn." |Además de perder a su esposa , los hijos y el hogar , David estaba a punto de ser|

| |lapidada - por la misma gente que había sido responsable , las personas a las que|

|They said, "O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter" |había alimentado durante cinco años , a los que había tomado fielmente cuidado. |

|(verse 16). In other words, "You haven't intimidated us one bit. We don't care. |Iban a apedrearlo por algo que no era su culpa! |

|Our God is able to deliver us, and He will deliver us, but if even He doesn't | |

|deliver us, we aren't going to serve your God." Their hearts weren't troubled. |La mayoría de nosotros nos han dicho: " Eso es el colmo. Renuncio. Voy a tener un|

|In Daniel 6, Daniel was thrown into the lion's den. There is no account of him |partido de la compasión . " Nos hubiera creído con derecho a hacer eso. |

|screaming or yelling as he was thrown in, clawing to get out. His heart wasn't | |

|troubled. It was already fixed. |Pero mira el resto del versículo 6 : "Pero David se fortaleció en Jehová su Dios.|

|People who say "Well, I know I'm supposed to walk in love, but look at what they |" Si David eligió para alentar a sí mismo en una situación como esa , podemos |

|did" will always be in a mess because Satan is constantly going to send people |elegir para alentar a nosotros mismos , no importa lo que viene contra nosotros. |

|across their paths to do something wrong. If you say certain circumstances | |

|justify walking out of love, being discouraged, being depressed, then you're |David eligió hacerlo . Y fíjense , se dice que se fortaleció . |

|going to be unloving, depressed, and discouraged the rest of your life, because | |

|Satan will always have someone or something to send your way. |No se limitó a decir: " Señor , te pido que enviar a alguien para animarme ". |

| |Es necesario reconocer que Dios te ha dado autoridad sobre su propio corazón. |

|Hanging on the cross, Jesus turned to the very people crucifying Him and said, |Usted puede elegir la vida o la muerte. Usted puede optar por ser alentados o |

|"Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34). Stephen, in |desalentados . Usted es el que toma la decisión . David decidió animarse . |

|Acts 7:60, did the same thing. He said "Lord, lay not this sin to their charge" | |

|when they were stoning him to death. If they can do that, we can do that. The |El primer paso - y nada más puede pasar hasta que esto - es elegir la vida. Nada |

|Lord has given us that ability. |más va a trabajar hasta que lo haga . Nada funcionará hasta que usted dice con el|

| |salmista: " ¿Por qué estoy desanimado ? ¿Por qué estoy abatido ? Dios está de mi |

|You can choose to love the very people who hate you. It doesn't matter what has |lado . Elijo Dios. Elijo la vida. Voy a venir a través de esta cosa de alguna |

|been done to you. It doesn't matter how you were brought up. It doesn't matter |manera u otra . " |

|how you've been abused. There is no justification for being discouraged and | |

|depressed. There are reasons for it, but no justification. |Hasta que tomar esa decisión , no hay otras opciones se pueden hacer. |

| | |

|That's good news. That puts the responsibility on you. It may not feel good, but |Tres hombres marcan la quema de Elección |

|if you'll think about it a little bit, it will feel better. It will grow on you. | |

|After all, you can do something about yourself. |Sadrac, Mesac y Abed-nego hicieron la elección . En Daniel 3 , dijo a |

| |Nabucodonosor en efecto, " Está bien, te voy a dar una última oportunidad - . |

| |Arco o quemarse " |

| | |

| |Ellos dijeron: " Nabucodonosor, diciendo: No es necesario que te respondamos |

| |sobre este asunto " (versículo 16 ) . En otras palabras , "Tú no nos has |

| |intimidado un poco. No nos importa . Nuestro Dios es capaz de librarnos , y Él |

| |nos va a entregar, pero si aun no nos entregan , no vamos a servir a su Dios. " |

| |Sus corazones no estaban preocupados . |

| |En Daniel 6 , Daniel fue arrojado al foso de los leones . No existe una causa de |

| |él gritando o gritar mientras era tirado, arañando para salir . Su corazón no |

| |estaba preocupado . Ya fue corregido. |

| |La gente que dice : "Bueno , yo sé que tengo que caminar en el amor , pero mira |

| |lo que hicieron " siempre será un lío porque Satanás está constantemente va a |

| |enviar a la gente a través de sus caminos para hacer algo malo . Si dices ciertas|

| |circunstancias justifican caminando por amor, desanimarse , al ser presionado, |

| |entonces usted va a estar falto de amor , deprimido y desalentado el resto de su |

| |vida, porque Satanás siempre tendrá a alguien o algo para enviar a su manera. |

| | |

| |Colgado en la cruz, Jesús se dirigió a la misma gente crucificarlo y dijo: " |

| |Padre, perdónalos, porque no saben lo que hacen" ( Lucas 23:34 ) . Esteban, en |

| |Hechos 7:60 , hizo lo mismo . Él dijo : "Señor, no tomes en cuenta este pecado a |

| |su cargo " cuando lo apedreaban a muerte. Si pueden hacer eso , podemos hacer |

| |eso. El Señor nos ha dado esa capacidad. |

| | |

| |Usted puede optar por amar a la misma gente que te odia . No importa lo que se ha|

| |hecho para usted. No importa cómo te criaron . No importa la forma en que ha sido|

| |víctima de abuso. No hay justificación para desanimarse y deprimido . Hay razones|

| |para ello , pero no hay justificación. |

| | |

| |Esas son buenas noticias . Eso pone la responsabilidad sobre usted. Puede que no |

| |se siente bien, pero si usted piensa en ello un poco , se sentirá mejor. Crecerá |

| |en usted. Después de todo, usted puede hacer algo acerca de ti mismo . |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Capítulo 2 |

| |¿Cuál es su perspectiva ? |

| | |

| |Primeros Auxilios en el Cordero |

| | |

|Chapter 2 |Repasemos por un momento lo que hemos cubierto en el capítulo anterior . Yo creo |

|What's Your Perspective? |que en Juan 14 , 15 y 16 , el Señor nos ha dado un resumen breve, concisa de lo |

| |que tenemos que hacer en una situación de crisis para ganar. |

|First Aid on the Lamb | |

| |En Juan 16:01 , Jesús dijo: "Estas cosas os he hablado a vosotros, para que no |

|Let's review for a moment what we covered in the previous chapter. I believe that|fueseis ser ofendido . " En otras palabras, Él dijo estas cosas para que la |

|in John 14, 15 and 16, the Lord has given us a brief, concise summary of what we |Palabra de Dios seguiría trabajando . Esto se correlaciona con Marcos 04:17 , |

|need to do in a crisis situation to win. |donde el Señor les dijo a sus discípulos que si llegaran a ser ofendidos , la |

| |Palabra dejaría de trabajar para ellos. |

|In John 16:1, Jesus said, "These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should | |

|not be offended." In other words, He spoke these things so that the Word of God |El Señor les dijo a sus discípulos lo que debe hacer en su situación de crisis, y|

|would continue to work. This correlates with Mark 4:17, where the Lord told His |también se aplica a la nuestra. Empezamos con John 14 . La primera parte del |

|disciples that if they became offended, the Word would stop working for them. |versículo 1 dice: " No se turbe vuestro corazón. " La segunda parte dice: " |

| |Creéis en Dios, creed también en mí. " Hablamos acerca de tomar el control de sus|

|The Lord told His disciples what to do in their crisis situation, and it also |emociones , cómo no entrar en pánico . El primer paso es tomar un asimiento de ti|

|applies to ours. We started with John 14. The first part of verse 1 says, "Let |mismo , para tomar la decisión , "yo no voy a estar preocupado por esto. " Usted |

|not your heart be troubled." The second part says, "Ye believe in God, believe |hace que al creer en Dios, al ejercer su fe. |

|also in me." We talked about taking control of your emotions, how not to panic. | |

|The first step is to grab a hold of yourself, to make the decision, "I am not |Lo que vamos a tratar en este capítulo , Juan 14:2-3 , es lo que creo que es el |

|going to be troubled by this thing." You do that by believing in God, by exerting|siguiente paso en el proceso. Es lo que le permite a su fe para operar. |

|your faith. |Dice: " En la casa de mi Padre muchas moradas hay ; si así no fuera, yo os lo |

| |hubiera dicho; porque voy a preparar un lugar para ti Y si me fuere y os |

|What we'll deal with in this chapter, John 14:2-3, is what I believe to be the |preparare lugar, vendré otra vez , y . . os tomaré a mí mismo , para que donde yo|

|next step in the process. It is what allows your faith to operate. |estoy, vosotros también estéis . |

|It says, "In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have| |

|told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for |"¿De dónde Mi Enseñanza ? " |

|you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye | |

|may be also. |En primer lugar, permítanme reiterar que el Señor me dio esta enseñanza , ya que |

| |había estado tratando con las personas en situaciones de crisis . Me encontré con|

|"Whence My Teaching?" |que Juan 14 , 15 y 16 era exactamente lo que había estado diciendo a ellos. El |

| |Señor había condensado todo lo que tenemos que hacer en estos tiempos difíciles y|

|First, let me reiterate that the Lord gave me this teaching because I'd been |lo puso en estos versículos de la Escritura . |

|dealing with people in crisis situations. I found that John 14, 15 and 16 was |Yo estaba entusiasmado con estas escrituras , pero, francamente , tuve que saltar|

|exactly what I had been telling them. The Lord had condensed everything that we |los versículos 2 y 3 en un primer momento debido a que no " encajan". Yo no sabía|

|need to do in these trying times and put it into these verses of Scripture. |lo que estaba diciendo el Señor . Yo podría relacionarse con el primer verso : |

|I was excited about these scriptures, but frankly, I had to skip verses 2 and 3 |"No se turbe vuestro corazón. Usted tiene la autoridad , por lo que creer en |

|at first because they didn't "click." I didn't know what the Lord was saying. I |Dios. " |

|could relate to the first verse, "Don't let your heart be troubled. You have the | |

|authority, so believe in God." |Luego , en el versículo 6 , que dice que Jesús es el camino, la verdad, y la vida|

| |en nuestra situación de crisis. Eso significa que usted tiene que poner énfasis |

|Then, in verse 6, it says that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life in our |en la Palabra de Dios , en una relación personal con él . Después de eso , se |

|crisis situation. That means you have to put emphasis on the Word of God, on a |habla acerca del ministerio del Espíritu Santo , la forma de permanecer en Él , y|

|personal relationship with Him. After that, it talks about the ministry of the |así sucesivamente. |

|Holy Spirit, how to abide in Him, and so forth. |Todo encajaba , excepto los versículos 2 y 3 . ¿Se quiere decir que el Señor |

|Everything fit except verses 2 and 3. Did they mean that the Lord was preparing |estaba preparando a los discípulos para la derrota, hablando de los cielos , " |

|the disciples for defeat, talking about heaven, "pie-in-the-sky-by-and-by" and |castillos en el cielo - por - y -by" y " Más adelante lo sabremos todo. "? Eso no|

|"Further along, we'll know all about it."? That didn't seem consistent with all |parecía coherente con el resto de las cosas que el Señor estaba compartiendo con |

|the other things that the Lord was sharing with them. I didn't understand. |ellos. Yo no entendía . |

| | |

|One Day, Brawtha, One Day... |One Day , Brawtha , One Day ... |

|Part of the reason I felt that way was because the church I was brought up in had|Parte de la razón me sentía de esa manera era porque la iglesia me crié en mí |

|prejudiced me on the subject. They didn't believe in victory in this present |había prejuicios sobre el tema. No creían en la victoria en la vida presente . |

|life. All the victory, they said, was going to be in the future when we went to |Toda la victoria , dijeron, iba a ser en el futuro , cuando fuimos a estar con el|

|be with the Lord. But in this life, they were sick, they were poor, they were |Señor . Pero en esta vida , estaban enfermos , eran pobres , fueron derrotados . |

|defeated. They suffered the same things the world did and believed that all the |Sufrieron las mismas cosas que el mundo hizo y cree que todos los que el Señor |

|Lord did was to comfort them in it. There was no victory. |hizo fue a consolar a ellos en la cruz . No hubo victoria. |

| | |

|So we sang songs like "When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing it will|Así cantamos canciones como " Cuando todos lleguemos al cielo , lo que es un día |

|be." We talked about the "sweet by and by," but the "nasty here and now" had no |de regocijo será. " Hemos hablado de la "de dulce y por ", pero el " desagradable|

|victory at all! |aquí y ahora" no tenía la victoria en absoluto! |

| | |

|Because of that, I reached the point that when we talked about heaven, I felt it |Debido a eso, llegué al punto de que cuando hablamos de los cielos , me pareció |

|was a kind of escape. It was in effect saying, "Well, we aren't going to make it |que era una especie de escape. Era , en efecto, diciendo: "Bueno , no vamos a |

|down here, but someday, it'll all be worth it." I came to resent that kind of |hacerlo aquí, pero algún día, todo habrá valido la pena. " Vine a resentir ese |

|thing, and I rebelled against it. (Eventually, the Lord helped me realize that |tipo de cosas , y me rebelé contra ella. ( Con el tiempo , el Señor me ayudó a |

|even though that message was abused, there was still a truth in it. In 1 |comprender que a pesar de que el mensaje ha sido abusado, todavía había una |

|Thessalonians 4:18, for example, Paul talks about the resurrection and our |verdad en ella . En 1 Tesalonicenses 4:18, por ejemplo, Pablo habla de la |

|gathering together unto the Lord in the air. He says, "Wherefore comfort one |resurrección y nuestra reunión con el Señor en el aire. Él dice: "Por tanto, |

|another with these words." It can be a comfort.) |alentaos los unos a los otros con estas palabras. " Puede ser un consuelo. ) |

| | |

|So as I read John 14:2-3, it looked like, instead of preparing them for battle |Así que al leer Juan 14:2-3 , parecía que , en lugar de prepararse para la |

|and overcoming the devil, the Lord was preparing them for defeat by talking about|batalla y vencer al maligno , el Señor los estaba preparando para la derrota por |

|heaven. I couldn't grasp it until I saw that what the Lord was really talking |hablar de los cielos. No podía comprenderlo hasta que vi que lo que el Señor |

|about here was perspective. |estaba hablando realmente de aquí fue la perspectiva. |

| | |

|Let's read it again. John 14:2 says, "In my Father's house are many mansions: if |Leamos de nuevo. Juan 14:02 dice: "En la casa de mi Padre muchas moradas hay ; si|

|it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you." Verse 3 |así no fuera, yo os lo hubiera dicho; porque voy a preparar un lugar para |

|says, "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive |vosotros . ". El versículo 3 dice: " Y si me fuere y os preparare lugar, vendré |

|you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also." |otra vez , y os tomaré a mí mismo , para que donde yo estoy, vosotros también |

| |estéis . " |

|Remember that in John 14:1, Jesus told them, when they enter into a crisis | |

|situation, they must make a decision: Do not let your heart be troubled. Take the|Recuerda que en Juan 14:01 , Jesús les dijo , cuando entran en una situación de |

|authority you've got and control your emotions, instead of letting them control |crisis , tienen que tomar una decisión: No se turbe vuestro corazón. Tome la |

|you. Believe in God. Operate in faith. That's the victory that overcomes the |autoridad que tienes y controlar sus emociones , en lugar de dejar que te |

|world. |controle. Creer en Dios. Operar en la fe. Esa es la victoria que vence al mundo .|

| | |

|It All Depends on Your Perspective |Todo depende de su perspectiva |

| | |

|But right in the midst of that, He refers them back to heaven. The Lord showed me|Pero justo en el medio de eso , les remite a los cielos. El Señor me mostró que |

|that the purpose of that was so that if they couldn't see anything positive in |el propósito de que era para que si no podían ver nada positivo en sus |

|their circumstances now, they could turn their attention to something that was |circunstancias ahora , podrían poner su atención en algo que era positivo. |

|positive. | |

| |Él animaba a mirar a las promesas del futuro. Él quería que ellos tuvieran la |

|He was encouraging them to look to the promises of the future. He wanted them to |esperanza por lo que, independientemente de lo que encontraron hoy , no perderían|

|have hope so that regardless of what they encountered now, they would not lose |su perspectiva. |

|their perspective. | |

| |En otras palabras, " ¿Y si fracaso ? ¿Qué pasa si mi fe no funciona? ¿Qué pasa si|

|In other words, "What if I fail? What if my faith doesn't work? What if I'm not |no estoy curado ? " En una situación de crisis , Satanás siempre le golpeará con |

|healed?" In a crisis situation, Satan will always hit you with that kind of "what|ese tipo de " ¿qué pasaría si ? " pensando. |

|if?" thinking. | |

| |La persona promedio tratando de operar en la fe no se enfrentará a estos |

|The average person trying to operate in faith will not confront these thoughts. |pensamientos. Van a tratar de ignorarlos. Van a decir : "No, yo no voy a pensar |

|They'll try to ignore them. They'll say, "No, I'm not going to think about |en la derrota. " |

|defeat." | |

| |Pero la Biblia no nos enseña a ignorar al maligno , sino que nos enseña a |

|But the Bible doesn't teach us to ignore the devil; it teaches us to resist the |resistir al maligno , y entonces él huirá de nosotros ( Santiago 4:7 ) . He |

|devil, and then he'll flee from us (James 4:7). I've found, in dealing with some |encontrado , en el tratamiento de algunas personas, que en realidad les hace bien|

|people, that it actually does them good to sit down and say, "All right, what |a sentarse y decir: " Muy bien, ¿y si? " |

|if?" |" ¿Qué pasa si no recibo mi sanidad ? ¿Y si pierdo todo mi dinero ? ¿Qué pasa si |

|"What if I don't receive my healing? What if I lose all my money? What if I die?"|me muero ? " Yo claramente les digo , " Es la voluntad de Dios para sanar , pero |

|I clearly say to them, "It is God's will to heal you, but what if you don't |¿qué pasa si usted no responde correctamente? ¿Y si su fe no está en el lugar que|

|respond properly? What if your faith isn't at the place it should be?" |debería ser? " |

| | |

|It shocks people at first. But the truth is, if you die, you win. If you live, |Esto choca a la gente al principio. Pero la verdad es que si usted muere , usted |

|you win. You can't lose for winning. When you look at it that way, it takes the |gana. Si usted vive , usted gana. No se puede perder para ganar. Cuando usted lo |

|bite out of the fear Satan is tormenting you with. I believe that's what the Lord|mira de esa manera , toma la mordedura del miedo a Satanás te atormenta con . Yo |

|was telling the disciples in this crisis. |creo que eso es lo que el Señor le estaba diciendo a los discípulos en esta |

| |crisis. |

|They were plagued with thoughts like, "What's going on? What do all these things | |

|mean? What's going to happen to us?" Jesus said, "Look, just take your attention |Ellos estaban plagados de pensamientos como , " ¿Qué está pasando ? ¿Qué |

|off of that, and think that if worse comes to worse, even if you're totally |significan todas estas cosas? ¿Qué va a pasar con nosotros? " Jesús dijo: " Mira,|

|defeated in this life, you've got a place assured in heaven." |acaba de tomar su atención fuera de eso , y creo que si las cosas se ponen peor, |

|This will cause the peace of God to settle in. It will cause what the Lord |incluso si usted está totalmente derrotado en esta vida, tienes un lugar |

|instructed us to do in John 14:1 to come to pass — not let our hearts be |asegurado en el cielo. " |

|troubled. You'll think, "This isn't such a big deal. If worse comes to worse, |Esto hará que la paz de Dios para resolver pulg Esto causará lo que el Señor nos |

|even if the devil kills me, I've still got salvation. I'm still going to miss |instruyó a hacer en Juan 14:01 a suceder - no dejar que nuestros corazones se |

|hell. I'm still going to heaven." That's not bad. |preocupen . Usted pensará , "Esto no es una cosa muy importante . Si las cosas se|

| |ponen peor, incluso si el maligno me mata, todavía tengo salvación. Todavía voy a|

|If you could stop and think about that — that it doesn't matter what you go |perder el infierno. Todavía voy a cielo " . Eso no es malo . |

|through in this life, you've already been delivered from the worst thing — it | |

|would settle your heart. |Si pudiera dejar de pensar en eso - que no importa lo que usted va a través de |

| |esta vida, que ya ha sido liberado de lo peor - que se conformaría con su |

|You could rejoice in that. You could take comfort in it. It could help still your|corazón. |

|heart and let the peace of God return to you. In other words, what you're doing | |

|is putting things into perspective. |Se podía regocijarse en eso. Usted podría tomar consuelo en ella . Podría ayudar |

| |aún tu corazón y dejar que la paz de Dios volverá a vosotros . En otras palabras,|

|Satan loves to blow things out of perspective. He loves to make you think that |lo que está haciendo es poner las cosas en perspectiva . |

|yours is the worst problem anyone has ever faced in this life. He loves to make | |

|you sing that old song "Nobody knows the trouble I've seen." |A Satanás le encanta volar las cosas fuera de perspectiva. Le encanta hacer que |

| |usted piensa que el suyo es el peor problema que nadie jamás se ha enfrentado en |

|It's So Bad Here (I Love It) |esta vida. Le encanta hacerte cantar esa vieja canción "Nadie sabe los problemas |

| |que he visto. " |

|Somehow, Christians take pride in thinking their problems are worse than anyone | |

|else's. When I go to some cities, people tell me, "This place is bad. It's hard |Es tan malo Aquí ( I Love It ) |

|to minister the Gospel here." They'll tell me things like, "This is the occult | |

|capital of the United States. There's more witchcraft and demonic stuff going on |De alguna manera , los cristianos se sienten orgullosos al pensar que sus |

|here than anywhere else." The amusing thing is that every place I go, the |problemas son peores que cualquier otra persona. Cuando voy a algunas ciudades, |

|Christians tell me that! |la gente me dice , "Este lugar es malo . Es difícil para ministrar el Evangelio |

| |aquí . " Ellos me dicen cosas como: " Esta es la capital oculto de los Estados |

|Christians seem to rejoice in thinking that their town is the worst place on |Unidos. Hay más cosas de brujería y demoníaco pasando aquí que en cualquier otro |

|earth. We don't consciously think this, but I believe it's because it gives us an|. " Lo divertido es que cada lugar que voy, los cristianos me diga eso! |

|excuse for being ineffective! Of course, Satan loves it. He loves to make you | |

|think that you're in a hard situation. He loves to make you think your town is |Cristianos parecen regocijarse en el pensamiento de que su ciudad es el peor |

|unreachable. He loves to make you think that your financial crisis is the worst |lugar en la tierra. Nosotros no pensamos conscientemente esto, pero creo que es |

|since the dawn of history. He loves to make you think that your cancer is so bad |porque nos da una excusa para ser ineficaz ! Por supuesto , Satanás le encanta. |

|that no one has ever been healed of it. |Le encanta hacer que usted piensa que usted está en una situación difícil . Le |

| |encanta hacer que usted piensa que su ciudad es inalcanzable. Le encanta hacer |

|This is the reason testimonies can be so encouraging and build your faith. They |que usted piensa que su crisis financiera es la peor desde los albores de la |

|show you that there's another person who had the same thing you do (or worse) and|historia. Le encanta hacer pensar que su cáncer es tan malo que nadie ha sido |

|yet lived through it. You start to think, "If it will work for them, maybe it |curado de la misma. |

|will work for me." It changes your perspective. | |

| |Esta es la razón testimonios pueden ser tan alentador y construir su fe. Te |

|Instead of becoming so "tunnel-visioned" that every time you see a glimmer of |muestran que hay otra persona que tenía el mismo que tú (o peor) , y vivió a |

|light at the end of the tunnel you're convinced it's another train, you begin to |través de él . Usted comienza a pensar: " Si va a trabajar para ellos, tal vez va|

|have hope of a better day. You begin to consider other things. |a trabajar para mí. " Cambia tu perspectiva. |

| | |

|What If I Fail? Great! |En lugar de estarlo "tunnel- Visioned " que cada vez que ve un rayo de luz al |

| |final del túnel estás convencido de que es otro tren , usted comienza a tener la |

|One of those other things is: If worse comes to worse, even if you fail, you |esperanza de un día mejor. Usted comienza a pensar en otras cosas. |

|really haven't failed if you're standing on the Word and believing God. There is | |

|no disgrace in going down fighting. I've had to consider this in my own ministry.|¿Y si fracaso ? Great! |

| | |

|The Lord called me to the ministry, and I've been sharing His Word since 1968. |Una de esas cosas es : Si las cosas se ponen peor, incluso si usted falla, usted |

|I've been traveling and on the radio since 1976 and on television since 2000. |realmente ha fallado no si usted está parado en la Palabra y creer en Dios . No |

|We've had some great things happen, but we've also had a lot of attacks. I've had|hay vergüenza en ir peleando . He tenido que considerar esto en mi propio |

|a lot of financial problems, which I'd like to say didn't exist. I wish I had a |ministerio . |

|different testimony, but the truth is that we've been on the verge of closing | |

|down several times. |El Señor me llamó al ministerio , y he estado compartiendo Su Palabra desde 1968.|

| |He estado viajando y en la radio desde 1976 y en la televisión desde 2000. Hemos |

|There was a time I had so many problems in my ministry that I turned it over to |tenido algunas grandes cosas suceden, pero también hemos tenido muchos ataques . |

|several businessmen. One was my pastor, who had a net worth of over $1,500,000 |He tenido un montón de problemas financieros, lo que me gustaría decir que no |

|before he was 30. I just turned it over to them. They came in, set up some sound |existe. Me gustaría tener un testimonio diferente, pero la verdad es que hemos |

|business procedures, and began to find out what was wrong. |estado a punto de cerrar varias veces. |

|After a few months, they reported to me, "It's all over. You can't make it. It's | |

|even beyond God's help." They told me I was going to have to shut the ministry |Hubo un tiempo en que tenía tantos problemas en mi ministerio que le dio la |

|down. It just failed. |vuelta a varios hombres de negocios. Uno de ellos era mi pastor , que tenía un |

| |patrimonio neto de más de $ 1.500.000 antes de los 30 . Yo sólo le di la vuelta a|

|I couldn't handle that. I didn't want to consider that possibility. I had fears |ellos. Entraban, configurar algunos procedimientos de negocio de sonido, y |

|and doubts about failure, but I didn't want to face them. Yet it was finally |comenzaron a averiguar lo que estaba mal . |

|presented to me in a way that I couldn't avoid. I had to make a decision. I had |Después de unos meses , se informó a mí, " ¡Eso es todo . No puede hacerlo . Es |

|to consider my options. |incluso más allá de la ayuda de Dios . " Me dijeron que me iba a tener que cerrar|

| |el ministerio hacia abajo. Se acaba de fallar . |

|The most important thing to me was my relationship to God, then my relationship | |

|with my wife and family, then after that, the ministry. I realized that the |No podía soportarlo. Yo no quería tener en cuenta esa posibilidad. Tuve temores y|

|ministry really wasn't the most important thing in my life. I had been happy |dudas sobre el fracaso, pero yo no quería enfrentarse a ellos . Sin embargo, |

|before I was in ministry, and I could be happy without it if I had to face that. |finalmente fue presentado a mí de una manera que no podía evitar. Tuve que tomar |

|This set me free. I discovered that there could be life after ministry. I could |una decisión. Tuve que considerar mis opciones. |

|be happy. I could still lead people to the Lord. It really didn't matter. I | |

|wasn't tunnel-visioned, thinking only about the ministry, I had a relationship |La cosa más importante para mí era mi relación con Dios , entonces mi relación |

|with God. I had a good relationship with my wife and family. |con mi esposa y su familia , después de eso, el ministerio. Me di cuenta de que |

| |el ministerio realmente no era lo más importante en mi vida. Yo había sido feliz |

|I began to consider what life would be without the ministry, and I actually got |antes de que yo estaba en el ministerio, y que podría ser feliz sin él si tuviera|

|excited. I began to think, "This would be great. I wouldn't have to deal with all|que enfrentarse a eso. |

|of these people's problems. I wouldn't have to deal with financial crises. I |Esto me puso en libertad. Descubrí que no podía haber vida después de ministerio.|

|wouldn't have to travel and be gone so much. I wouldn't have to go through all |Yo podría ser feliz. Todavía podía llevar a la gente al Señor. En realidad no |

|the pressures. I could just be loving God." |importaba. Yo no era un túnel visioned , pensando sólo en el ministerio , tuve |

| |una relación con Dios . He tenido una buena relación con mi esposa y mi familia .|

|I realized that my relationship with God and my family would have skyrocketed | |

|without the ministry! I actually got excited. |Empecé a considerar cómo sería la vida sin el ministerio , y en realidad me |

| |emocioné . Empecé a pensar : "Esto sería genial. Yo no tendría que lidiar con |

|Of course, the Lord told me that wasn't what He had called me to do and that we |todos los problemas de estas personas. Yo no tendría que hacer frente a las |

|were going to make it. So I stood and believed God. That was around 1985, and I'm|crisis financieras. Yo no tendría que viajar y estar fuera tanto. I no tendría |

|still in the ministry. We are prospering now. We are growing. We still have |que pasar por todas las presiones. tan sólo pudiera estar enamorado de Dios. " |

|challenges, but we're meeting them. | |

| |Me di cuenta de que mi relación con Dios y mi familia habría disparado sin el |

|What I'm saying is that it helped me to confront the question "What if?" I began |ministerio ! De hecho, me emocioné . |

|to put it all into perspective. I've touched more people in the last 10 or 15 | |

|years than I ever thought I would. I've made an impact. Even if I were to fail, I|Por supuesto , el Señor me dijo que no era lo que él había pedido que haga y que |

|wouldn't have failed because I was doing what God told me to do. It ministered |íbamos a hacer. Así que me levanté y creía que Dios . Eso fue alrededor de 1985 ,|

|peace to me. |y todavía estoy en el ministerio. Estamos prosperando ahora . Estamos creciendo .|

| |Todavía tenemos problemas , pero los vamos a encontrar . |

|Don't Worry...Be Happy? | |

| |Lo que estoy diciendo es que me ayudó a enfrentar la pregunta " ¿Qué pasa si ? " |

|I believe this is what the Lord was saying to His disciples in John 14. He's |Empecé a poner todo en perspectiva . He tocado a más personas en los últimos 10 o|

|giving them commands that seem so unreasonable. How could you keep your heart |15 años de lo que nunca pensé que lo haría . He hecho un impacto. Incluso si yo |

|from being troubled in a crisis situation? How could you have faith in God when |fuera a fallar, yo no habría fallado porque estaba haciendo lo que Dios me dijo |

|everything is caving in around you, and your world is falling apart? |que hiciera. Se atendió la paz para mí. |

|Well, if all else fails and you can't see anything positive in your situation, | |

|just sit back and start thinking about the promises God has given you about |No se preocupe ... sea feliz ? |

|heaven. Start thinking, "Devil, if you kill me, praise God, I'm going to be with | |

|the Lord." |Creo que esto es lo que el Señor le estaba diciendo a sus discípulos en Juan 14 .|

| |Les está dando órdenes que parecen tan poco razonable. ¿Cómo puedes evitar que el|

|When the Salvation Army lists obituaries in their newsletter, they say that |corazón está turbado en una situación de crisis? ¿Cómo puedes tener fe en Dios |

|people like Colonel so and so and General so and so were "promoted to glory." |cuando todo está derrumbando a su alrededor, y su mundo se cae a pedazos ? |

|That changes the whole perspective. It makes it a positive statement like, "Hey, |Bueno, si todo lo demás falla y no se puede ver nada positivo en su situación, |

|they got to go be with the Lord — that's what it's all about." |simplemente sentarse y empezar a pensar en las promesas que Dios le ha dado |

| |acerca del cielo . Empezar a pensar , " Maligno, si me matas , alaba a Dios , voy|

|Paul had this perspective in Philippians 1:23-24: "For I am in a strait betwixt |a estar con el Señor. " |

|two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better: | |

|Nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more needful for you." |Cuando el Ejército de Salvación enumera obituarios en su boletín de noticias , |

| |que dicen que la gente como el coronel tal y tal y tal y tal general fueron " |

|If the devil had come to him and said "Paul, I'm going to kill you," he could |promovidos a la gloria. " Eso cambia toda la perspectiva . Esto hace que sea una |

|have replied "So what? Big deal." As a matter of fact, he even said one time, |declaración positiva como: " Oye, que tengo que ir con el Señor - . Eso es lo que|

|"But we had the sentence of death in ourselves" (2 Cor. 1:9). |se trata todo esto " |

| | |

|In other words, he had already died to himself. He was so alive to the Lord, so |Pablo tenía esta perspectiva en Filipenses 1:23-24 : " Por lo cual estoy puesto |

|ready to meet Him, that if you said "Renounce your faith or I'll kill you," that |en estrecho entre dos, teniendo deseo de partir y estar con Cristo, lo cual es |

|would have been no pressure to him at all. He had things in perspective. He |mucho mejor : Empero quedar en la carne es más necesario por causa de vosotros . |

|recognized that to die and go to be with the Lord was better. |" |

| | |

|Let's say you're fighting a terminal disease, and Satan says, "I'm going to |Si el maligno había venido a él y le dijo : "Pablo, te voy a matar", podría haber|

|destroy you, I'm going to defeat you." First of all, that is not so. You've got |respondido " ¿Y qué? Gran cosa . " Como cuestión de hecho, él incluso dijo una |

|promises that can overcome that. John 14, 15 and 16 will help you overcome, but |vez : "Pero teníamos la sentencia de muerte en nosotros mismos " ( 2 Cor . 1:09 )|

|you also need to sit down and consider those fears Satan is fighting you with. |. |

| | |

|Instead of ignoring your fears and denying that they exist, just sit down and |En otras palabras , él ya había muerto para sí mismo. Estaba tan lleno de vida al|

|say, "All right, so what if I do die? I've got promises that God is going to |Señor , tan dispuesto a recibirle, que si usted ha dicho " Renuncie a su fe o te |

|receive me." If you fail financially, so what? If your ministry collapses, so |mato ", que habría habido ninguna presión para él en absoluto . Tenía las cosas |

|what? If you lose your home, so what? You believe that God is going to transcend |en perspectiva . Reconoció que morir e ir a estar con el Señor era mejor. |

|all those things and bring you to heaven. | |

| |Digamos que estás luchando contra una enfermedad terminal, y Satanás dice: " Voy |

|God looks at things differently than men do. We're so carnal at times that we |a destruir, voy a derrotar a usted. " En primer lugar, eso no es así . Tienes |

|don't even take into account a person's heart. God is not like that. I believe |promesas que pueden superar eso. Juan 14 , 15 y 16 le ayudará a superar , pero |

|the Lord looks at some of things we consider failure and, from heaven, cheers us |también hay que sentarse y considerar esos temores que Satanás está luchando con |

|on. |. |

| | |

|He would be clapping and praising some people just because they tried. It's |En lugar de ignorar sus miedos y negar que existen, simplemente sentarse y decir:|

|better to try and to fail than to aim at nothing and hit it. I'd rather shoot for|" Muy bien, ¿y qué si lo hago morir? Tengo promesas que Dios me va a recibir. " |

|the stars and, if I miss, make the moon. I'd accomplish more than someone who |Si no económicamente, ¿y qué? Si su ministerio se derrumba, ¿y qué? Si usted |

|says "I don't want to do anything because I might fail" and never gets off the |pierde su casa, ¿y qué? Tú crees que Dios va a trascender todas esas cosas y te |

|ground. I believe that God views things that way. |llevará al cielo. |

| | |

|When we begin to put things in God's perspective, suddenly everything changes. It|Dios ve las cosas de manera diferente que los hombres. Estamos tan carnal a veces|

|begins to dissipate fear. |que ni siquiera se tiene en cuenta el corazón de una persona. Dios no es así. |

| |Creo que el Señor examina algunas de las cosas que consideramos fracaso y , desde|

|Fear and Faith Don't Mix |el cielo , nos anima sucesivamente. |

| | |

|Fear, of course, is the opposite of faith. Fear opposes faith. Just a tiny amount|Él estaría aplaudiendo y alabando a algunas personas simplemente porque trataron |

|of faith is enough to supply any need you have. It doesn't take big faith to |. Es mejor intentar y fracasar que apuntar a nada y lo golpeó . Prefiero disparar|

|receive miracles from God, but it has to be pure. It cannot be mixed with |a las estrellas y , si se me olvida , hago la luna. Me gustaría lograr más que |

|anything else. |alguien que dice: "Yo no quiero hacer nada porque yo podría fracasar" y nunca se |

| |fuera de la tierra. Yo creo que Dios ve las cosas de esa manera. |

|Many people have to build up huge amounts of faith because they have so much | |

|unbelief, fear, and doubt warring against them. If you allow those levels of |Cuando empezamos a poner las cosas en la perspectiva de Dios , de repente, todo |

|unbelief in your life, then it will take a huge amount of faith to overcome. An |cambia. Se comienza a disipar el miedo. |

|easier way is to simply pull the plug on unbelief! When you do that, you'll find | |

|out that a little mustard seed of faith is enough for anything that you need. It |El miedo y la fe no se mezclan |

|doesn't take great faith, it takes pure faith, with nothing counterbalancing it. | |

|For example, if the doctor suddenly tells you you're going to die, and those |El miedo , por supuesto, es lo contrario de la fe. El temor se opone a la fe. |

|words generate fear in you, you have to deal with that fear, or your faith won't |Sólo una pequeña cantidad de fe es suficiente para abastecer a cualquier |

|operate. It's not that it doesn't work, but it's counterbalanced. That's the |necesidad que usted tenga. No se necesita gran fe para recibir milagros de Dios ,|

|reason that when Jesus raised Jairus' daughter from the dead, He told Jairus, |pero tiene que ser puro . No se puede mezclar con cualquier otra cosa . |

|"Fear not: believe only" (Luke 8:50). | |

| |Mucha gente tiene la acumulación de grandes cantidades de la fe , porque tienen |

|In other words, "Get rid of your fear and just believe." |tanta incredulidad , temor y duda que se rebela contra ellos. Si permite que los |

| |niveles de incredulidad en su vida, entonces se necesitará una gran cantidad de |

|Many of you have released your faith and yet nothing happened. It's perplexing |fe para vencer . Una forma más fácil es simplemente tirar del enchufe en la |

|when you know that you really have faith. You know that God heals, and yet you |incredulidad ! Cuando haces eso , te darás cuenta de que una pequeña semilla de |

|don't see your faith work. One reason that happens is that other things |mostaza de la fe es suficiente para cualquier cosa que necesite. No se necesita |

|neutralize your faith and keep it from producing. |mucha fe , se necesita fe pura , sin nada que contrarrestar . |

| |Por ejemplo , si el médico de repente te dice que vas a morir, y esas palabras |

|Very seldom do people deal with unbelief. They just try to build faith. You have |generar miedo en ti , tienes que tratar con ese miedo , o tu fe no funcionará . |

|to work on both angles. You can't allow fear to run rampant in your life and |No es que no funciona , pero está compensado . Esa es la razón de que cuando |

|expect faith to overcome it. That's not the way that God intended you to |Jesús resucitó a la hija de Jairo de entre los muertos , Él le dijo a Jairo: " No|

|function. |temas, cree solamente " (Lucas 08:50 ) . |

| | |

|When a crisis hits, the first thing Satan does is try to put fear on you. Fear |En otras palabras, " Deshazte de tu miedo y simplemente creer . " |

|comes up and says, "You're going to die. Did you hear what the doctor said?" | |

|You've got to be able to deal with that fear before your faith will operate. |Muchos de ustedes se han dado a conocer su fe y, sin embargo no pasó nada. Es |

| |desconcertante cuando usted sabe que usted realmente tiene fe. Tú sabes que Dios |

|Get Fear in (under) Perspective |sana , y sin embargo no ve su obra la fe. Una razón por la que sucede es que |

| |otras cosas neutralizan su fe y previenen que esta produzca . |

|One way of dealing with it is to do what Jesus told His disciples to do — think | |

|about heaven. If you do that enough, you'll say, "So what? What if I do die? Big |Muy rara vez Cómo tratan a las personas con incredulidad. Ellos sólo tratan de |

|deal." When you look at it from God's standpoint, life on earth is very short. |edificar la fe . Hay que trabajar en ambos ángulos. No se puede permitir que el |

|What's really important? The most important thing is your soul. Jesus said, "For |miedo por todas partes en su vida y esperar la fe para superarla. Esa no es la |

|what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own |forma que Dios quiso que usted pueda funcionar . |

|soul?" (Mark 8:36). | |

| |Cuando una crisis golpea , lo primero que Satanás hace es tratar de poner el |

|What does it matter if you have all of this world's goods, excellent physical |miedo en ti. El miedo se acerca y dice: " Te vas a morir. ¿Has oído lo que dijo |

|health, lots of friends and everything else, if you die and go to hell? Those |el doctor? " Tienes que ser capaz de hacer frente a ese miedo antes de que su fe |

|things really don't matter in the end. |funcionará . |

| | |

|If you look at the flip side of that coin — the positive side — you can ask, |Obtenga Miedo en ( bajo ) Perspectiva |

|"What does it matter if for some reason I don't get healed and I do die? I'll go | |

|to be with the Lord. I'll be better off." |Una forma de tratar con ella es hacer lo que Jesús dijo a sus discípulos a hacer |

| |- pensar en el cielo. Si lo haces lo suficiente , que va a decir , " ¿Y qué? ¿Qué|

|If you think about heaven, you can actually reach a place where, like Paul, |pasa si muero? Gran cosa . " Cuando se mira desde la perspectiva de Dios , la |

|you'll say, "I really want to depart and be with Christ, but I guess I'll stay |vida en la tierra es muy corto. |

|around for your sake" (Phil. 1:23-24). |Lo que es realmente importante? Lo más importante es su alma. Jesús dijo: "Porque|

| |¿qué aprovechará al hombre , si ganare todo el mundo , y perdiere su alma? " |

|How many of us have ever reached a point where we long to be with the Lord so |(Marcos 08:36 ) . |

|much that we have to use faith just to stay here? Not many. Why is that? Because | |

|not many of us have gotten God's perspective. |¿Qué importa si usted tiene todos los bienes de este mundo , la salud física |

| |excelente, un montón de amigos y todo lo demás , si usted se muere y va al |

|When you're really walking with the Lord, the thought of having no more |infierno? Esas cosas realmente no importan al final. |

|inadequacies, of knowing all things as you are known, of being totally in the | |

|presence of God. All of that should be more appealing to us than living on this |Si nos fijamos en la otra cara de la moneda - el lado positivo - se puede |

|earth. |preguntar: " ¿Qué importa si por alguna razón que no me curé y me muero iré a |

| |estar con el Señor yo ? . 'll estar mejor " . |

|Now I'm not minimizing living here or reverting to the old mentality that "I'm | |

|just suffering for Jesus, and it's all going to be worth it someday." I believe |Si se piensa en el cielo, en realidad se puede llegar a un lugar donde, al igual |

|that we're to live a victorious life now. I live in victory now. I'm having a |que Pablo , que va a decir , "Tengo muchas ganas de partir y estar con Cristo , |

|great time now. But living now, as good as it gets, isn't as good as it will be |pero supongo que me quedaré todo por tu bien " ( Fil. 1 : 23-24). |

|in heaven. When you put things in that perspective, it will take fear away. | |

| |¿Cuántos de nosotros hemos llegado a un punto en el que anhelamos estar con el |

|Dying to Be with the Lord |Señor tanto que tenemos que usar la fe solo para estar aquí ? No muchos. ¿Por |

| |qué? Debido a que no muchos de nosotros hemos tenido la perspectiva de Dios . |

|I was dealing with a man once who was afraid he was going to die. I told him, | |

|"You aren't going to die. God's Word says you'll live. By His stripes you're |Cuando usted está realmente caminar con el Señor , la idea de no tener más |

|healed." But his fear still remained. |insuficiencias , de saber todas las cosas a medida que se conocen , de estar |

| |totalmente en la presencia de Dios. Todo eso debe ser más atractivo para nosotros|

|Finally I said, "All right, what if you do die? You get to be with the Lord. |que vivimos en este mundo . |

|What's wrong with that? Why are you afraid of going to be with the Lord?" We | |

|started talking about heaven and about what it would be like. All of a sudden, |Ahora no estoy minimizando viviendo aquí o volviendo a la vieja mentalidad de que|

|that fear was gone. |" sólo estoy sufriendo por Jesús, y todo va a valer la pena algún día. " Creo que|

| |estamos para vivir una vida victoriosa ahora . Yo vivo en la victoria ahora . |

|That didn't mean he stopped believing. You're still supposed to believe, but fear|Estoy teniendo un gran tiempo. Pero vivir ahora , tan bueno como se pone, no es |

|leaves when you consider the options. It's not as bad as Satan makes you think. |tan buena como lo será en el cielo. Al poner las cosas en esa perspectiva , |

|If you're dealing with financial problems, Satan will try to tell you that you'll|tomará el miedo de distancia . |

|be a failure the rest of your life. | |

| |Morir para estar con el Señor |

|Nearly every millionaire I've read about had more than one bankruptcy. They | |

|failed. But it was only temporary. |Que estaba tratando con un hombre una vez que temía que iba a morir. Yo le dije: |

| |" Usted no se va a morir. Palabra de Dios dice que usted vive. Por sus llagas que|

|People who really succeed big also fail big. Babe Ruth, the home run king, was |estás curado. " Pero su miedo aún permanecía . |

|tremendous in hitting home runs. But he also had more strikeouts than anyone | |

|else. He didn't bunt or go for singles. It was either a home run, or he would |Al final le dije : "Muy bien , ¿y si mueres ? Tienes la oportunidad de estar con |

|fall flat on his face. That's one reason he made so many home runs — he wasn't |el Señor . ¿Qué hay de malo en eso ? ¿Por qué tienes miedo de ir a estar con el |

|afraid to fail. |Señor ? " Empezamos a hablar sobre el cielo y sobre lo que sería como . De |

| |repente , ese miedo se había ido. |

|Peter "Failed" Jesus | |

| |Eso no quería decir que dejó de creer . Todavía se supone que debes creer , pero |

|Luke 22 is a powerful lesson about failure. This one involves Peter. In verse 31,|el miedo se vaya cuando usted considera las opciones. No es tan malo como Satán |

|Jesus says, "Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may |te hace pensar . |

|sift you as wheat" (That's the New Testament counterpart of Job). Verse 32 says, |Si usted está tratando con problemas financieros , Satanás tratará de decirle que|

|"But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou are |usted va a ser un fracaso el resto de su vida. |

|converted, strengthen thy brethren." | |

| |Casi todos los millonarios que he leído sobre tenía más de una bancarrota. |

|Notice that Satan had desired to sift Peter like wheat, but Jesus prayed for him.|Fracasaron . Pero fue sólo temporal. |

|Do you think Jesus' prayers were answered? Do you think Jesus ever prayed for | |

|something that didn't come to pass? I believe His prayers were answered. |Las personas que realmente logran grandes también fallan grande. Babe Ruth, el |

|But Peter denied the Lord three times. So, was Jesus' prayer unanswered? |rey de los jonrones , fue tremendo en conectar jonrones . Pero también tenía más |

|No, I believe Peter failed by our standards, but not by God's. I don't believe |ponches que nadie. Él no palmear o ir a los solteros. O era un jonrón, o que se |

|God measures failure in the same way we do. Peter failed, but his faith didn't |cayera de bruces . Esa es una razón por la que hizo tantos jonrones - que no |

|fail. His actions failed, but his faith didn't fail. He still retained his faith |tenía miedo a fallar. |

|in the Lord. | |

| |Peter " Failed" Jesús |

|Many times, Satan will tell you that you're going to fail. But what is failure? | |

|Is it defeat? |Lucas 22 es una poderosa lección sobre el fracaso. Éste implica Pedro. En el |

| |versículo 31 , Jesús dice: " Simón, Simón, he aquí Satanás os ha pedido para que |

|In the military, you can lose a battle without losing the war. |usted, que usted puede tamizar el trigo " ( Esa es la contraparte en el Nuevo |

| |Testamento de Job ) . El versículo 32 dice: "Pero yo he rogado por ti, que tu fe |

|We've become totally success-oriented, but the world measures success opposite |no falte: y tú son , confirma a tus hermanos. " |

|the way God does. The world measures it by what you can see, what you can put in | |

|the bank, what you can drive down the street. But God doesn't measure success |Note que Satanás había deseado para zarandear a Pedro como el trigo , pero Jesús |

|that way. I believe God looked at Peter's heart, and even though Peter failed |oró por él . ¿Cree usted que las oraciones de Jesús fueron contestadas ? ¿Crees |

|outwardly, God didn't consider him a failure. |que Jesús nunca oró por algo que no suceda ? Creo que sus oraciones fueron |

| |contestadas . |

|The Acid Test |Pero Pedro negó al Señor tres veces. Por lo tanto, fue la oración de Jesús sin |

| |respuesta ? |

|When you're facing a crisis, that's the acid test. You need to put things in |No, creo que Pedro falló por nuestros estándares , pero no por la de Dios. No |

|God's perspective and say, "So what if I fail? I haven't really failed in God's |creo que Dios mide el fracaso de la misma manera que lo hacemos. Pedro falló , |

|eyes." |pero su fe no falló . Sus acciones fracasaron, pero su fe no fallaron . Todavía |

|When I considered having to shut the ministry down, I sat down and thought, |conserva su fe en el Señor. |

|"Well, the ministry isn't everything God has for me. I could quit this. I could | |

|go back to pouring cement and lead people to the Lord doing that. I'd still be |Muchas veces , Satanás le dirá que usted va a fallar. Pero, ¿qué es el fracaso? |

|blessed." |¿Es la derrota ? |

| | |

|That was a tremendous victory in my life. I didn't tie success to things. My |En el ejército, se puede perder una batalla sin perder la guerra. |

|success was in having the Lord. I began to look at the broader picture. I still | |

|had the Lord, I still had love, I still had joy. |Nos hemos convertido en totalmente orientada hacia el éxito , pero el mundo mide |

| |el éxito frente a la forma en que Dios hace. El mundo mide por lo que se puede |

|I enjoyed the Lord when I was just pouring cement. We led many people to the |ver, lo que puede poner en el banco, lo que puede conducir por la calle . Pero |

|Lord. It was just a tremendous time. I could go back to doing that right now. I |Dios no mide el éxito de esa manera. Yo creo que Dios miró el corazón de Pedro , |

|don't have to be a preacher to minister. That's powerful, because it defines |ya pesar de que Peter no fuera, Dios no lo considero un fracaso . |

|success as it really is. | |

| |La prueba de fuego |

|What is success? Success is knowing the Lord. | |

| |Cuando estás frente a una crisis , esa es la prueba de fuego . Tienes que poner |

|If you're born again, if you have the hope of eternal redemption, if you know |las cosas en la perspectiva de Dios y decir: "¿Y qué si fracaso? Realmente no he |

|you're going to be with the Lord, if you know all your sorrows and tears will be |fallado en los ojos de Dios . " |

|wiped away, Satan can't defeat you. He can't dangle that fear of failure over |Cuando consideré tener que cerrar el ministerio abajo, me senté y pensé: "Bueno ,|

|you. |el ministerio no es todo lo que Dios tiene para mí. Yo podría dejar esto. Pudiera|

| |volver a verter cemento y llevar a la gente al Señor haciendo que . todavía |

|Regardless of what he does, you're going to win. It's important to put things in |estaría bendecido " . |

|the perspective of eternity. | |

| |Esa fue una tremenda victoria en mi vida. No me ato el éxito a las cosas. Mi |

|I've seen people who had miraculous conversions. They were alcoholics or drug |éxito fue en tener el Señor . Comencé a mirar el panorama más amplio. Yo todavía |

|addicts, their spouses had left them, they'd lost their jobs, their lives were |tenía el Señor , todavía tenía el amor , aún tenía gozo. |

|falling apart. Yet God did a great miracle and brought them completely out of it.| |

|Then two to three years later, they get caught up in some problem, say, a $100 |Me gustó el Señor cuando estaba vertiendo cemento. Hemos llevado a muchas |

|bill they can't pay. Now they're ready to renounce their faith. Their whole world|personas al Señor. Era sólo una gran cantidad de tiempo . Yo podría volver a |

|is coming to an end. They can't stand it. |hacer eso ahora mismo. Yo no tengo que ser un predicador de ministrar . Eso es de|

| |gran alcance, ya que define el éxito como lo que realmente es . |

|That's not rational. Someone like that shouldn't fall apart after God has done | |

|such great miracles in their life. Their present problem shouldn't taint |¿Qué es el éxito? El éxito es conocer al Señor . |

|everything else. They've lost their perspective. | |

| |Si usted ha nacido de nuevo, si usted tiene la esperanza de la redención eterna ,|

|In my denominational church, we used to sing a song: "Count your many blessings, |si usted sabe que va a estar con el Señor , no sé si todas tus penas y lágrimas |

|name them one by one, count your many blessings, see what God has done." Its |serán borrados , Satanás no puede derrotar . Él no puede colgar de que el miedo |

|purpose was to put things into perspective. |al fracaso sobre ti. |

| | |

|Sometimes we get so zeroed in on one negative fact that we forget all the great |Independientemente de lo que haga, usted va a ganar. Es importante poner las |

|miracles God has done. Satan gets us to thinking that this is the greatest |cosas en la perspectiva de la eternidad. |

|problem that ever existed. | |

| |He visto a personas que tenían conversiones milagrosas. Ellos eran alcohólicos o |

|Yet, if you'll draw back from it and look at it in perspective, it's nothing |adictos a las drogas , sus cónyuges les habían dejado , que habían perdido sus |

|compared to what God has already done in your life. If God has already healed you|puestos de trabajo , sus vidas estaban cayendo a pedazos . Sin embargo, Dios hizo|

|of cancer, a cold should not defeat you. |un gran milagro y los llevó por completo de ella. |

| |Entonces dos o tres años más tarde, se quedan atrapados en algún problema, por |

|If God has delivered you from hell, you should not struggle with doubt that He |ejemplo, un billete de 100 dólares que no pueden pagar. Ahora están listos para |

|won't deliver you from the problems of this life. |renunciar a su fe . Todo su mundo está llegando a su fin. No pueden soportarlo. |

| | |

|Failure to put problems into perspective will give you tunnel vision. You can't |Eso no es racional. Alguien así no debe derrumbarse después de que Dios lo ha |

|afford that. One way of overcoming it is by thinking about eternity and |hecho tan grandes milagros en su vida. Su problema actual no debe manchar todo lo|

|recognizing that our big problems really aren't that important. A thousand years |demás. Han perdido su perspectiva. |

|from now in eternity, everything will look different. | |

| |En mi iglesia denominacional , solíamos cantar una canción: " Cuenta tus |

|It's like adolescence. Do you remember when you first had puppy love? It was |bendiciones , nombrarlos uno por uno , cuente sus bendiciones , mira lo que Dios |

|earth-shattering. It was a huge thing. You'd just die if it didn't work out. Yet |ha hecho. " Su objetivo era poner las cosas en perspectiva. |

|when it was all over, you found out that it wasn't really big or important at | |

|all. That's one of the problems of adolescents — they blow things out of |Algunas veces estamos tan concentrado en un hecho negativo que nos olvidamos de |

|proportion. They don't see things the way that they really are. It's the same |todos los grandes milagros que Dios ha hecho . Satanás nos lleva a pensar que |

|with adolescent Christians. |este es el problema más grande que jamás haya existido . |

| | |

|One thing you can do to counter that is to keep things in the perspective of |Sin embargo , si vamos a dibujar la espalda de él y lo mira en perspectiva , no |

|eternity. When you do, it will take care of fear. |es nada comparado con lo que Dios ya ha hecho en su vida. Si Dios ya te ha sanado|

| |de cáncer , un resfriado no debería derrotar . |

| | |

| |Si Dios te ha librado del infierno , no se debe luchar con la duda de que Él no |

| |te librará de los problemas de esta vida. |

| | |

|What Were You When I Found You? |El que los problemas en perspectiva le dará una visión de túnel . Usted no puede |

| |permitirse eso. Una forma de superar es por pensar en la eternidad y el |

|Again, take the crisis in our ministry. When I considered it, one of the fears I |reconocimiento de que nuestros grandes problemas no son realmente tan importante.|

|had was that I was going to be labeled a "failure." I didn't want to be a |Mil años a partir de ahora en la eternidad , todo será diferente . |

|failure. I certainly didn't want other people to perceive me as a failure. This | |

|was a real pressure on me. |Es como la adolescencia. ¿Recuerdas la primera vez que tuviste amor adolescente ?|

| |Fue estremecedor . Era una cosa enorme . Sólo morirías si no funcionó . Sin |

|Then the Lord asked me, "What were you when I got a hold of you?" |embargo, cuando todo había terminado , se enteró de que no era realmente grande o|

|Boy, I was a failure. I was a college dropout, I was going nowhere, I had |importante en absoluto. Ese es uno de los problemas de los adolescentes - que |

|nothing. Any good thing that's happened in my life, I can attribute directly to |volar las cosas fuera de proporción. Ellos no ven las cosas de la forma en que |

|God. I haven't earned anything. I don't deserve it. I'm not trained. It's all |realmente son. Es lo mismo con los cristianos adolescentes. |

|been what God has done in my life. | |

| |Una cosa que usted puede hacer para contrarrestar eso es mantener las cosas en la|

|Then God said to me, "So what have you got to lose? By yourself, you're already a|perspectiva de la eternidad. Cuando lo haga, se hará cargo del miedo. |

|failure." That set me free! | |

| | |

|I'd allowed myself to think I'd attained something, but in reality, I was a | |

|failure. It was God in me who made any success of my life whatsoever. He had done| |

|it before, and He could do it again if that was His will. When I saw that, it | |

|took all the pressure off. I didn't have to fear being a failure — I already was.| |

|That put things into perspective. | |

| |¿Qué estaba usted cuando le encontré ? |

|A young woman, who was a friend of mine, had been told by the doctors that she | |

|was going to die of cancer. When she first told me about it, I began to laugh. I |Una vez más, tener la crisis en nuestro ministerio. Cuando consideré que , uno de|

|said, "Cancer's no problem with God! It's no harder to heal cancer than it is to |los temores que tenía era que yo iba a ser etiquetado como un "fracaso". |

|heal a cold." |Yo no quiero ser un fracaso. Desde luego, no quiero que otras personas me |

| |perciben como un fracaso. Esta fue una verdadera presión sobre mí. |

|She knew all of that, but she was so "zeroed in" on her problem that things had | |

|gotten out of proportion. She had forgotten that God already had done great |Entonces el Señor me preguntó: " ¿Qué estabas cuando me dieron una bodega de |

|miracles of healing in her life. This cancer had become so big, it looked bigger |usted ? " |

|than God. |Chico, yo era un fracaso. Yo era un desertor de la universidad , me voy a ninguna|

| |parte , no tenía nada . Cualquier cosa buena que ha pasado en mi vida , puedo |

|By my laughing about it and comparing it to a cold, it put things into |atribuir directamente a Dios. No he ganado nada. No me lo merezco. Yo no estoy |

|perspective for her. It shrunk the problem down to where she could handle it. All|entrenado . Todo ha sido lo que Dios ha hecho en mi vida. |

|of a sudden, the fear was gone. Her faith worked, and she was healed of it | |

|completely. |Entonces Dios me dijo: " Entonces, ¿qué tienes que perder? Por ti mismo , usted |

| |ya es un fracaso. " Eso me libre ! |

|The doctors had told her she would be dead in just a few weeks without surgery, | |

|and even with surgery, they only gave her a 50 percent chance of living. That has|Me dejé creo que me alcancé algo, pero en realidad, yo era un fracaso. Era Dios |

|been ten years and three children ago, and she is doing fine. |en mí quien hizo ningún éxito de mi vida en absoluto. Lo había hecho antes, y Él |

| |podría hacerlo de nuevo si era su voluntad. Cuando vi eso, se tomó toda la |

|In a crisis situation, you've got to put things into perspective. |presión . |

| |Yo no tenía que temer ser un fracaso - que ya era. Eso puso las cosas en |

|Many of you are facing a crisis right now. If you'd look back, you'd see the |perspectiva . |

|great things God has done in your life already. Maybe you've been healed of a | |

|terminal disease. Maybe you've been delivered out of a terrible financial crisis.|Una mujer joven , que era amigo mío, había sido informado por los médicos que se |

|Maybe your marriage was on the rocks and God resurrected it. |iba a morir de cáncer. La primera vez que me lo contó , me eché a reír . Le dije:|

| |"no hay problema de cáncer con Dios ! No es más difícil de curar el cáncer de lo |

|If you'd think about what God has already done, it would make your current crisis|que es para curar un resfriado. " |

|seem small in comparison. I've experienced that in my own life. I have doctors' | |

|reports to prove that I was healed of incurable diseases. I've seen God heal |Ella sabía todo eso, pero estaba tan " se concentró en " en su problema que las |

|others. I've seen Him open blind eyes. I've seen Him raise the dead. |cosas habían salido de proporción. Se había olvidado de que Dios ya había hecho |

| |grandes milagros de sanidad en su vida. Este tipo de cáncer se había vuelto tan |

|Little Big Problem |grande, que parecía más grande que Dios. |

| | |

|Yet there are times when, somehow or other, I'm caught off guard. Satan or |Por mi riendo de él y comparándolo con un resfriado , es poner las cosas en |

|someone else will hit me with a problem, and all of sudden it looks big. It blows|perspectiva para ella. Se encogió el problema hasta donde ella podía manejar la |

|itself out of proportion. So I'll go back and remember how God handled things |situación. De repente , el miedo se había ido. Su fe trabajaba, y ella fue sanada|

|bigger than this, and soon it shrinks that problem down to size. It puts it in |de él por completo . |

|perspective. All of a sudden I see that this is nothing for God. | |

| |Los médicos le habían dicho que estaría muerto en tan sólo un par de semanas sin |

|It's ridiculous for someone who has been healed of an incurable disease to |cirugía, e incluso con la cirugía , sólo le dio una probabilidad del 50 por |

|despair of being healed of the flu or a cold. If you compare the two, it just |ciento de los que viven . Eso ha pasado diez años y tres hijos hace , y ella está|

|doesn't make sense. Yet it happens. I know people who've seen miraculous |haciendo bien. |

|interventions of God suddenly stumble over something insignificant because they | |

|don't put it into proper perspective. |En una situación de crisis , hay que poner las cosas en perspectiva. |

| | |

|In 2 Peter 3:1, Peter says, "I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance." |Muchos de ustedes se enfrentan a una crisis en estos momentos. Si miramos hacia |

|Putting yourself in remembrance is a way of keeping perspective on things. Few |atrás , verían las grandes cosas que Dios ha hecho en tu vida ya. Tal vez usted |

|days go by that I don't think back to 1968 when God supernaturally intervened in |ha sido curado de una enfermedad terminal. Tal vez usted ha sido librado de una |

|my life. I could spend weeks telling you the miracles that I've seen. I think on |terrible crisis financiera . Tal vez su matrimonio estaba en las rocas y que Dios|

|those things, and it gives me a better perspective on current situations. I |lo resucitó . |

|think, "This is nothing! It's a piece of cake compared to what I've been | |

|through." |Si piensas en lo que Dios ya ha hecho , sería hacer que su crisis actual parece |

| |pequeña en comparación. He experimentado en mi propia vida. Tengo informes |

|Several years ago, a good friend of mine came to be the general manager of our |médicos para probar que fui sanado de enfermedades incurables . He visto a Dios |

|ministry. He had managed several banks, so he was well-acquainted with financial |sanar a otros . Lo he visto abrir los ojos ciegos . Lo he visto resucitar a los |

|problems. Then he came and saw all the bills that we had. |muertos . |

| | |

|Our income can fluctuate as much as $40,000 a month! We don't sell our materials |Little Big Problema |

|— we give them away. Our finances depend solely on people's giving, and that can | |

|vary greatly. It's totally beyond our control. |Sin embargo, hay ocasiones en que , de alguna manera u otra , estoy atrapado con |

| |la guardia baja . Satanás o alguien más me golpeó con un problema, y ​​de repente |

|When he saw the situation, he was overwhelmed and nearly lost his faith! He was |se ve grande . Sopla en sí fuera de proporción. Así que voy a volver atrás y |

|bothered. He would tell me about the situation, and I'd say, "Well, God is going |recordar cómo Dios maneja las cosas más grandes que esto, y pronto se contrae ese|

|to supply." He didn't feel like I was getting the picture. If I really understood|problema en su sitio. Pone en perspectiva. De repente veo que esto no es nada |

|the situation, I'd be more disturbed about it. Finally, I had to sit him down and|para Dios. |

|say, "Look, I understand your concern, and I understand this is something new to | |

|you. It looks like a gigantic figure to you." (At the time we needed about |Es ridículo para alguien que ha sido curado de una enfermedad incurable a la |

|$12-15,000 — immediately.) |desesperación de ser sanados de la gripe o un resfriado. Si se comparan los dos ,|

| |simplemente no tiene sentido. Sin embargo, sucede . Conozco personas que han |

| |visto las intervenciones milagrosas de Dios de repente tropieza con algo |

| |insignificante , ya que no lo ponen en la perspectiva correcta . |

|Try to Remember... | |

| |En 2 Pedro 3:01 , Pedro dice: " Me despierto con exhortación vuestro limpio |

|"It looks impossible," I told him, "but I can remember when we had a board |entendimiento de la memoria. " |

|meeting, and there was nothing to discuss! It was all over. We'd have to turn out|Ponerse en memoria es una forma de mantener la perspectiva sobre las cosas. Pocos|

|the lights if God didn't provide a miracle. So we didn't discuss anything, we |días pasan que no pienso volver a 1968 cuando Dios sobrenaturalmente intervino en|

|just asked God for a miracle. |mi vida. Podría pasar semanas diciéndote los milagros que he visto . Yo creo en |

| |esas cosas , y me da una mejor perspectiva de las situaciones actuales . Yo |

|"Right then, my mother called and told me that a church of 300 people had sent us|pienso, " Esto no es nada ! Es un pedazo de pastel en comparación con lo que yo |

|an offering of $60,000! It didn't solve all of our indebtedness, but it took the |he pasado. " |

|pressure off. It was a miracle from God." | |

| |Hace varios años , un buen amigo mío vino a ser el gerente general de nuestro |

|I said to him, "I remember that. I've seen God come through many times. I'm not |ministerio. Se las había arreglado varios bancos , por lo que fue bien informado |

|saying that we don't have a crisis, but I know it'll be taken care of." |de los problemas financieros . Luego se acercó y vio a todos los proyectos de ley|

|The reason I remained calm was because of my perspective. I'd already been |que teníamos. |

|through this. He didn't have that track record. He didn't have the same reference| |

|point I had. But after several years in the ministry, he was able to handle |Nuestro ingreso puede fluctuar tanto como $ 40,000 al mes ! Nosotros no vendemos |

|things better. |nuestra materia - les damos de distancia . Nuestras finanzas dependen |

| |exclusivamente de las donaciones de la gente, y que pueden variar en gran medida |

|Again, the first two steps are found in John 14:1, "Let not your heart be |. Es totalmente fuera de nuestro control . |

|troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me." But to exercise those areas, | |

|you must put things into perspective. |Cuando vio la situación, se sintió abrumado y casi perdió su fe ! Él estaba |

| |molesto . Él me hablaba de la situación , y me gustaría decir: "Bueno , Dios va a|

|One way to do that is to look back and see the many miraculous things God has |proveer. " No se sentía como si estuviera recibiendo la imagen . Si realmente |

|done in your life. If you take your focus off the problem and think about what |entendí la situación , me gustaría ser más perturbado al respecto. Finalmente , |

|God has done and how blessed you are, it will make the current crisis seem like a|tuve que sentarme y decir: "Mira , entiendo tu preocupación, y entiendo que esto |

|piece of cake. You'll know that God is well able to handle it. |es algo nuevo para usted. Parece una figura gigantesca en su caso. " (En el |

| |momento que necesitábamos sobre 12-15.000 $ - . Inmediatamente) |

|But what if you're in a crisis that supersedes anything you've ever dealt with, | |

|and you can find nothing to draw on? You can always go to God's Word. It will | |

|show you people who've been through much worse things than you're going through | |

|now. You can draw on the Word. That's another way of changing your perspective. | |

|If you look at the lives of these people in the Word of God, it will help. | |

| | |

|And if you don't have either past experience or knowledge of the Word to draw on,|Try to Remember ... |

|just do what John 14:2-3 says — think about heaven. Think, "It doesn't matter | |

|what I'm going through. If worse comes to worse, I still win because I'll go |"Parece imposible", le dije , " pero puedo recordar cuando tuvimos una reunión de|

|straight to be with the Lord." |la junta , y no había nada que discutir ! Todo había terminado . Tendríamos que |

| |apagar las luces si Dios no proporcionó una milagro. Así que no discutimos nada ,|

|Start looking at scriptures about heaven and the reward. |sólo le pedimos a Dios por un milagro. |

| | |

|Moses used this in his life. Hebrews 11:26 says, "For he had respect unto the |" En ese momento, mi madre me llamó y me dijo que una iglesia de 300 personas que|

|recompense of the reward." |nos había enviado una ofrenda de $ 60.000 ! No resolvía toda nuestra deuda , pero|

| |tomó la presión. Fue un milagro de Dios . " |

|That is the reason he was able to suffer affliction and identify with Hebrew | |

|slaves rather than cling to a position of royalty in the household of Pharaoh. |Yo le dije: "Me acuerdo de eso. He visto a Dios venir a través de muchas veces. |

|The word "recompense" means to pay back. In other words, whatever you suffer down|No estoy diciendo que no tenemos una crisis, pero sé que va a ser atendido . " |

|here, even if your faith fails, there will be a time when you're going to stand |La razón por la que quedé tranquilo fue a causa de mi perspectiva. Ya había |

|before God and be rewarded. |pasado por esto . Él no tenía que historial. No tuvo el mismo punto de referencia|

| |que tenía. Pero después de varios años en el ministerio , fue capaz de manejar |

|I believe God will reward you even if your effort wasn't 100 percent, even if it |las cosas mejor. |

|didn't get you the success you were promised in this life. | |

| |Una vez más, los dos primeros pasos se encuentran en Juan 14:01 , " No se turbe |

|It is no disgrace to die believing God. It is no disgrace to have financial |vuestro corazón ; creéis en Dios, creed también en mí. " Pero el ejercicio de |

|failure or be sick or have your life fall apart — as long as you're standing and |esas áreas, debe poner las cosas en perspectiva. |

|believing God. | |

| |Una forma de hacerlo es mirar hacia atrás y ver las muchas cosas milagrosas que |

|None of us is perfect, and I believe God judges things differently than we do. So|Dios ha hecho en su vida. Si usted toma su foco del problema y pensar en lo que |

|have respect unto the recompense of the reward. Put things into perspective. |Dios ha hecho y lo bendecido que eres, que hará que la crisis actual parece ser |

|It will seem like all the sufferings of this present life are not worthy to even |un pedazo de pastel . Usted sabrá que Dios es perfectamente capaz de manejar la |

|be compared to the glory that is going to be revealed in us (Romans 8:18). When |situación. |

|you do that, it's impossible for your heart to be troubled. | |

| |Pero lo que si usted está en una crisis que supera cualquier cosa que alguna vez |

|You need to do that in a crisis. You need to look beyond your current situation. |ha tratado con , y usted puede encontrar nada que recurrir a ? Siempre se puede |

| |ir a la Palabra de Dios. Se le mostrará las personas que han pasado por cosas |

|F-Stop Worry |mucho peores de lo que está pasando ahora . Puede dibujar en la Palabra. Esa es |

| |otra manera de cambiar tu perspectiva. Si nos fijamos en la vida de estas |

|When you're using a camera with a manual focus, you could be looking at a flower |personas en la Palabra de Dios , que le ayudará . |

|or another object. You can focus on it, or you can point your camera in the same | |

|direction and focus beyond the flower, or this side of the flower. |Y si usted no tiene ya sea la experiencia pasada o el conocimiento de la Palabra |

|You can watch that flower blur and fade out so that even when you're pointed |para aprovechar, simplemente hacer lo que dice Juan 14:2-3 - pensar en el cielo. |

|directly at it, you can see other things. You can see the background or |Piensa : " No importa lo que yo estoy pasando. Si las cosas se ponen peor , |

|foreground. Using this same technique, you can actually take a picture through a |todavía gano porque voy a ir directamente a estar con el Señor . " |

|wire fence and cause the wire to disappear by focusing on the object in the | |

|background. |Comience a buscar en las escrituras acerca del cielo y de la recompensa. |

| | |

|In the same way, there's a right way to look at your problem, and there's a wrong|Moisés usó esto en su vida. Hebreos 11:26 dice : "Porque porque tenía puesta la |

|way. You can focus on that problem so much that you lose sight of everything |mirada en el galardón . " |

|else. You can forget that God is alive, that God can intervene in your situation.| |

| |Esa es la razón por la que fue capaz de ser maltratado y se identifican con los |

|You can become so zeroed in on that problem that it brings doubt and unbelief |esclavos hebreos en lugar de aferrarse a una posición de la realeza en la casa de|

|upon you. Or you can look at the same situation, put it into perspective, change |Faraón. |

|your focus, and see God, who is able to handle that situation. |La palabra " recompensa " significa que devolver. En otras palabras , lo que |

| |usted sufre aquí abajo, incluso si tu fe falla, habrá un momento en el que vas a |

|There's an example of this in 2 Corinthians 4:16-18. Here Paul gives us |estar delante de Dios y ser recompensado . |

|tremendous insight into his own relationship with the Lord and how he was able to| |

|respond to crises. He says, "For which cause we faint not; but though our outward|Yo creo que Dios recompensará a usted, incluso si su esfuerzo no fue del 100 por |

|man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. For our light affliction, |ciento , aunque no le llegó el éxito que le prometieron en esta vida. |

|which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight| |

|of glory; While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which|Es una desgracia que morir creyendo en Dios . No es ninguna vergüenza para tener |

|are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which |una insuficiencia financiera o estar enfermo o tener su vida se desmorona - |

|are not seen are eternal." |siempre y cuando usted está de pie y creyendo Dios. |

| | |

|Paul said a mouthful here. In verse 17, he says "our light affliction." Why did |Ninguno de nosotros es perfecto , y creo que Dios juzga las cosas de manera |

|he say his affliction was light? Is it because he didn't have problems? |diferente que nosotros. También lo han hecho respecto a la mirada en el galardón |

|Some people think that. They think that if you're really walking with the Lord, |. Ponga las cosas en perspectiva. |

|you won't have problems. Actually, it's the opposite. |Parecerá como todos los sufrimientos de la vida presente no son dignos de |

| |siquiera ser comparado con la gloria que va a ser revelada en nosotros (Romanos |

|Look at Paul. He said the Apostles were set forth to be the least of everyone. |8:18) . Cuando haces eso , es imposible que su corazón se turbó . |

|They were set forth unto death (1 Cor. 4:9). They had more problems, more | |

|afflictions, and more persecutions than anyone else. |Tienes que hacer que en una crisis . Usted tiene que mirar más allá de su |

| |situación actual. |

|In this same letter, Paul talks about the problems he was having. In 2 | |

|Corinthians 11:21-23, he says, "I speak as concerning reproach, as though we had |F -Stop Worry |

|been weak. Howbeit whereinsoever any is bold, (I speak foolishly,) I am bold | |

|also. Are they Hebrews? so am I. Are they Israelites? so am I. Are they the seed |Cuando usted está utilizando una cámara con un enfoque manual, usted podría estar|

|of Abraham? so am I. Are they ministers of Christ? (I speak as a fool) I am |buscando a una flor o de otro objeto. Usted puede centrarse en ella, o se puede |

|more." |apuntar la cámara en la misma dirección y el enfoque más allá de la flor, o de |

| |este lado de la flor. |

|Paul's 'Lite' Afflictions |Usted puede ver que la falta de definición de la flor y el fundido de salida de |

| |modo que incluso cuando usted está apuntando directamente en él, usted puede ver |

|In other words, he is talking like a lost man would talk. Since they weren't |otras cosas. Usted puede ver el fondo o en primer plano . Utilizando esta misma |

|listening to the Spirit, he'd reason with them in the flesh. |técnica , usted puede tomar una foto a través de una cerca de alambre y hacer que|

| |el hilo que desaparezca , centrándose en el objeto en el fondo. |

|In effect he's saying, "I'm talking like a lost man would. Since you want a list | |

|of my qualifications, I'll give them to you." And how did he verify his |De la misma manera , no hay una manera correcta de mirar a su problema, y hay un |

|qualifications? He began to list the things he had suffered for the cause of |camino equivocado. Usted puede centrarse en ese problema tanto que se pierde de |

|Christ. |vista todo lo demás. Usted puede olvidar que Dios está vivo , que Dios puede |

| |intervenir en su situación. |

|He says in verse 23, "In labours more abundant, in stripes above measure." | |

|Now remember, this is some of his "light affliction" he was writing about in this|Puede llegar a ser tan concentrado en el problema que trae la duda y la |

|same book. He had stripes above measure. That means beyond his ability to count. |incredulidad sobre vosotros . O se puede ver en la misma situación, ponerlo en |

| |perspectiva , cambiar su enfoque y ver a Dios , que es capaz de manejar esa |

|Have you ever been beaten so many times you couldn't count them? |situación. |

|He goes on to say, "In prisons more frequent." | |

|How many times have you been thrown into prison? |Hay un ejemplo de esto en 2 Corintios 4:16-18 . Aquí Pablo nos da tremenda visión|

|In Acts 16, Paul was beaten mercilessly in Philippi, cast into prison, and put in|de su propia relación con el Señor y cómo fue capaz de responder a las crisis. Él|

|stocks like a common criminal. When did that last happen to you? |dice: " Por tanto, no desmayamos ; . Antes aunque este nuestro hombre exterior se|

|Then he says, "In deaths oft." |va desgastando , el interior no obstante se renueva de día en día Porque esta |

| |leve tribulación , que no es más que una momentánea produce en nosotros un cada |

|He doesn't expound on that, but I believe this is in reference to Acts 14, where |vez más excelente peso y eterno de gloria ; no mirando nosotros las cosas que se |

|he was in Lystra and Derbe. Paul was stoned and left for dead. The scripture |ven, sino las que no se ven : . pues las cosas que se ven son temporales, mas las|

|doesn't say that he was dead, but he was so close that those who were trying to |que no se ven son eternas " |

|kill him were satisfied that he was dead (verse 19). | |

| |Pablo dijo con la boca llena aquí . En el versículo 17 , que dice " esta leve |

|The disciples stood around him and prayed that God would raise him up — and God |tribulación . " ¿Por qué dijo su aflicción fue la luz ? ¿Es porque él no tenía |

|didn't take six months to do it! The next day he walked something like twenty-two|problemas ? |

|miles to the next town and began to preach the Gospel. That was miraculous. |Algunas personas piensan que . Ellos piensan que si usted está realmente caminar |

| |con el Señor, que no tendrá problemas. En realidad, es todo lo contrario. |

|In verse 24, he says, "Of the Jews five times received I forty stripes save one."| |

|In other words, he'd received thirty-nine lashes five different times. |Mira Pablo. Dijo que los Apóstoles fueron expuestos a ser el menor de todos. |

|"Thrice was I beaten with rods," he says in verse 25. |Ellos se establecieron hasta la muerte ( 1 Cor . 04:09 ) . Ellos tenían más |

| |problemas, más aflicciones y persecuciones más que nadie. |

|They took rods and beat the bottom of his feet and legs, often to the point that | |

|bones were broken. If God hadn't supernaturally healed him, it could have maimed |En esta misma carta , Pablo habla acerca de los problemas que tenía . En 2 |

|him for life. |Corintios 11:21-23 , que dice : "Hablo cuanto á la afrenta , como si nosotros |

| |hubiésemos sido flacos . Pero en lo que otro tuviere osadía (hablo con locura), |

|Then he says, "Once I was stoned." (This was talking about Lystra or Derbe, which|también yo tengo osadía . ¿Son hebreos? Yo también . ¿Son israelitas? yo también |

|I just cited.) |¿Son descendientes de Abraham ? yo también ¿Son ministros de Cristo ? (hablo como|

| |un loco ), yo más . " |

|Verse 25 continues, "Thrice I suffered shipwreck." | |

|He was a prisoner onboard a ship when he suffered shipwreck. He knew it wasn't |Pablo aflicciones ' Lite ' |

|God who did it, yet because of his stand for the Gospel, he was forced into it | |

|anyway. |En otras palabras, él está hablando como un hombre perdido hablaría . Ya que |

| |ellos no estaban escuchando al Espíritu, que había razonar con ellos en la carne.|

|Next he says, "A night and a day I have been in the deep." | |

| |En efecto, él está diciendo, "Estoy hablando como un hombre perdido sería . |

|In other words, he literally had to float out on the open ocean for |Puesto que usted desea una lista de mis calificaciones , voy a darles a ustedes .|

|one-and-a-half days. |" ¿Y cómo comprobar sus calificaciones? Empezó a enumerar las cosas que había |

| |sufrido por la causa de Cristo. |

|In verses 26-28, he says, "In journeyings often, in perils of water, in perils of| |

|robbers, in perils by mine own countrymen, in perils by the heathen, in perils in|Él dice en el verso 23 : "En trabajos más abundante ; en azotes sin medida . " |

|the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils among |Ahora recuerde, esto es parte de su " leve tribulación " que estaba escribiendo |

|false brethren; In weariness and painfulness, in watchings often, in hunger and |en este mismo libro . Tenía azotes sin medida. Eso significa que más allá de su |

|thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness. Beside those things that are |capacidad de contar . |

|without, that which cometh upon me daily, the care of all the churches." He | |

|didn't even explain the emotional stress of being responsible for the churches! |¿Alguna vez ha golpeado tantas veces que no podía contar con ellos ? |

| |Él va a decir: " En las prisiones más frecuentes. " |

|Whatever you and I have suffered, Paul had it worse. Yet, in 2 Corinthians 4:17, |¿Cuántas veces has sido echado en la cárcel ? |

|this man says, "For our light affliction, which is but for a moment." |En Hechos 16 , Pablo fue golpeado sin piedad en Filipos , echado en la cárcel , y|

|How could the man say it was a light affliction? Again, it's his perspective. |puesto en un cepo como un criminal común. ¿Cuándo fue la última le suceda a usted|

|It is not because he didn't have problems. Paul was more justified in being |? |

|discouraged, depressed, upset, and angry than you and I have ever thought of |Entonces dice: " En las muertes , muchas veces. " |

|being. | |

| |No exponer en eso, pero creo que esto es en referencia a Hechos 14 , donde estuvo|

|How Are You? (Don't Tell Me) |a Listra y Derbe. Pablo fue apedreado y dejado por muerto . La escritura no dice |

| |que estaba muerto , pero él estaba tan cerca que los que estaban tratando de |

|We all know people who, when you ask then how they are, they just dump on you. It|matarlo estaban satisfechos de que estaba muerto (versículo 19 ) . |

|seems like they always have such a heavy burden, such a rough time in life, such | |

|a terrible ordeal. It seems like they never have anything go their way. They are |Los discípulos le rodearon y oraron para que Dios lo levantará - y Dios no tomó |

|negative, negative, negative. |seis meses para hacerlo! Al día siguiente entró algo así como veintidós millas a |

| |la siguiente ciudad y comenzó a predicar el Evangelio. Eso fue un milagro. |

|Perhaps you're like that, and you say, "But it's the truth. I just can't help it.| |

|That's the way it is." |En el versículo 24 , dice: " De los Judios cinco veces he recibido cuarenta |

| |azotes menos uno . " En otras palabras, que había recibido cuarenta azotes menos |

|Paul had circumstances that were worse than yours, and yet he said his |cinco veces diferentes . |

|afflictions were "light." How can we scripturally justify talking about our heavy|" Tres veces he sido azotado con varas ", dice en el versículo 25 . |

|burdens, our great loads, our huge problems, when they're actually less? | |

|There is no justification. You may find justification in the eyes of man, but not|Tomaron varillas y golpearon a la parte inferior de sus pies y piernas , a menudo|

|from God's perspective. |hasta el punto de que se rompieron los huesos. Si Dios no hubiera |

| |sobrenaturalmente lo sanó , podría haberle mutilado de por vida. |

|If you say that you have anything but a light affliction, your perspective is | |

|wrong. Your faith is wrong. Your focus is wrong. You're looking at the problem |Entonces dice: "Una vez fui apedreado . " (Esto se refería a Listra y Derbe , que|

|instead of the answer. |acabo de citar . ) |

| | |

|Paul sets the example to show you how the Lord can deliver you. God can become |El versículo 25 continúa: " Tres veces he padecido naufragio . " |

|real in your life. You can put things into perspective and start realizing that |Él era un prisionero a bordo de un buque , cuando sufrió un naufragio . Sabía que|

|nothing is impossible with God. |no era Dios quien lo hizo, sin embargo por su soporte para el Evangelio , se vio |

| |obligado a ella de todos modos. |

|Vietnam — Before, During, and After | |

| |Siguiente , dice, " Una noche y un día he estado en lo profundo. " |

|I had an experience with the Lord on March 23, 1968, when I was eighteen years | |

|old. It revolutionized my life, and I fell so in love with the Lord. The Lord |En otras palabras, que, literalmente, tuvo que flotar en el océano abierto para |

|became so important to me. It was like focusing on that flower — I just zeroed in|un día y medio . |

|on the Lord, and He was all I could see. Everything else was blurred. My focus | |

|was on Jesus. |En los versículos 26-28 , dice, "En caminos muchas veces , peligros de agua , |

| |peligros de ladrones, peligros de los de mi nación, peligros de los gentiles , |

|Jesus was the totality of my life. He still is today, but emotionally this was |peligros en la ciudad , peligros en el desierto, en peligros en el mar , peligros|

|such a dramatic experience it just overwhelmed me. |entre falsos hermanos ; en trabajo y fatiga , en muchos desvelos , en hambre y |

| |sed, en muchos ayunos, en frío y en desnudez y además de otras cosas que están |

|It was just a short period of time later that I got drafted and sent to Vietnam. |fuera, que sobre mí se agolpa cada día, la atención . de todas las iglesias " . |

|I had some hard times there and suffered a great deal of loneliness. I had a |Ni siquiera explicar el estrés emocional de ser responsables de las iglesias ! |

|great desire to be used of God, but I saw so much ungodliness that I felt like I | |

|just wasn't effective. I had to deal with that, but as a whole, I came out of |Lo que tú y yo hemos sufrido, Pablo tuvo peor. Sin embargo, en 2 Corintios 4:17 ,|

|Vietnam unscathed. I came out a thousand times stronger in my relationship with |este hombre dice, " Porque esta leve tribulación , que no es más que un momento. |

|the Lord. I came out without any of the psychological problems that other people |" |

|had. |¿Cómo puede el hombre decir que fue una leve tribulación ? Una vez más , es su |

| |perspectiva. |

|Over 58,000 U.S. soldiers died in Vietnam. Since that time, over 79,000 Vietnam |No es porque él no tenía problemas. Pablo estaba más justificada en desanimarse ,|

|vets have committed suicide! This is the largest suicide rate of any segment in |deprimido, molesto y enojado que tú y yo nunca he pensado en ser . |

|our society. Vietnam vets have over a 95 percent divorce rate. And the statistics| |

|go on and on. |¿Cómo es usted? ( No me diga ) |

| | |

|Yet I had no negative effects at all. I actually grew in the Lord tremendously |Todos conocemos a personas que , cuando se pregunta entonces cómo son, |

|during the time I was in Vietnam. I knew I was blessed, but I didn't realize just|simplemente vierten sobre usted. Parece que siempre tienen una carga tan pesada ,|

|how blessed I really was until nearly twenty years later. |un momento tan difícil en la vida , un terrible calvario . Parece que nunca |

| |tienen nada ir a su manera. Son negativo , negativo, negativo. |

|In about 1988, a man in Chicago gave me a copy of a book about Vietnam. I had | |

|never read anything about the Vietnam war. I just wasn't interested. This book |Tal vez usted es así, y usted dice, "pero es la verdad. Simplemente no puedo |

|had twelve testimonies about people who went through horrible, horrible |evitarlo. Esa es la manera que es. " |

|experiences there but found complete freedom through the Lord when they got home.| |

| |Pablo tenía circunstancias que eran peores que la tuya, y sin embargo, dijo que |

|The man who gave me the book had his story in there, and he autographed the book |sus aflicciones eran " luz". ¿Cómo podemos justificar bíblicamente hablando de |

|for me. So I read it. |nuestras cargas pesadas, nuestros grandes cargas , nuestros grandes problemas , |

| |cuando en realidad son menos? |

|I really became interested in the book because three of the soldiers mentioned in|No hay ninguna justificación . Usted puede encontrar justificación en los ojos |

|the book were in the same division I was in! They were talking about places that |del hombre , pero no desde la perspectiva de Dios . |

|I had been. I was actually on one of the landing zones (LZ's) just a few days | |

|before the experience that one of these men was relating in the book. This hill |Si usted dice que usted tiene algo más que una leve tribulación , tu perspectiva |

|was overrun by the Viet Cong, and this man related the horrifying details very |es erróneo. Su fe es erróneo. Su enfoque es erróneo. Se encuentra en el problema |

|vividly. |en lugar de la respuesta. |

| | |

|Although I missed the worst of the experience, the day I was there, we took |Pablo da el ejemplo para mostrar cómo el Señor puede liberarte . Dios puede |

|something like twenty mortar rounds in an area no bigger than eighty feet long |llegar a ser real en su vida. Usted puede poner las cosas en perspectiva y |

|and twenty feet wide. I was in the thick of this fighting, yet it didn't even |empezar a darse cuenta de que nada es imposible para Dios. |

|register with me. | |

| |Vietnam - Antes , durante y después |

|Firebase Heaven | |

| |Tuve una experiencia con el Señor el 23 de marzo de 1968, cuando tenía dieciocho |

|Do you know what I was thinking about during that time? I praying for those men. |años. Revolucionó mi vida, y me quedé tan enamorada del Señor. El Señor llegó a |

|I was trying to share the Gospel with them, thinking about them instead of |ser tan importante para mí. Era como centrándose en esa flor - Sólo se concentró |

|myself. |en el Señor , y Él era todo lo que podía ver . Todo lo demás era borrosa . Mi |

| |atención se centró en Jesús. |

|I remember another situation where we were on red alert when it looked like our | |

|hill was about to be overrun by the Viet Cong. We could see muzzle fire from the |Jesús era la totalidad de mi vida. Él todavía es hoy, pero emocionalmente fue una|

|enemy weapons coming up the hill. I briefly thought about being killed, but my |experiencia tan dramática que sólo me abrumó. |

|thoughts immediately went to the North Vietnamese soldiers. | |

| |Era sólo un corto período de tiempo después de que me reclutaron y enviaron a |

|I began to think, "God, I know where I'm going, but in all probability, the |Vietnam. He tenido algunos momentos difíciles allí y sufrí mucho de la soledad. |

|Vietnamese who were fighting us would go directly to hell if they were killed." |Yo tenía un gran deseo de ser usado por Dios , pero vi tanta impiedad que me |

|I had no fear of death whatsoever. I found myself praying for the Viet Cong who |sentí como yo no era eficaz. Tuve que lidiar con eso, pero en su conjunto, salí |

|were coming against us. "God, somehow reveal yourself to them," I asked. I knew |de Vietnam ileso. Salí mil veces más fuerte en mi relación con el Señor. Salí sin|

|they were experiencing fear just like the U.S. troops were, and I was praying for|ninguno de los problemas psicológicos que otras personas tenían. |

|them. | |

| |Más de 58.000 soldados estadounidenses murieron en Vietnam. Desde entonces, más |

|That kind of attitude won't make you a very good soldier, but it certainly did |de 79.000 veteranos de Vietnam se han suicidado ! Esta es la mayor tasa de |

|keep me from dwelling on my own problems. |suicidios de cualquier segmento de nuestra sociedad. Veteranos de Vietnam tienen |

| |más de una tasa de divorcio del 95 por ciento. Y las estadísticas siguen y siguen|

|Because of my perspective — because I was so zeroed in on the Lord — I felt as if|. |

|I were in a bubble. I didn't experience the same emotions, the same terror, and | |

|fear, yet I was in the thick of the fighting. I wasn't in it as much as some of |Sin embargo, yo no tenía efectos negativos en absoluto. De hecho, me crié en el |

|the "grunts," the "ground pounders" who were always out on patrol, but there were|Señor enormemente durante el tiempo que estuve en Vietnam. Yo sabía que estaba |

|a lot of times I could have been killed in the fighting. |bendecido , pero no me di cuenta de lo bendecidos realmente lo era hasta casi |

| |veinte años después. |

|I saw in the book the perspective of a man who was in the same location I was, at| |

|the same time, recounting the same circumstances, yet he was an unbeliever at |En alrededor de 1988 , un hombre en Chicago me dio una copia de un libro sobre |

|that time. The terror, the fear, the anguish that he felt came across in that |Vietnam. Nunca había leído nada sobre la guerra de Vietnam . Yo simplemente no |

|book. I only felt it twenty years after I'd been there — reading this book! I was|estaba interesado . Este libro tuvo doce testimonios acerca de personas que |

|overcome with emotion. I suddenly knew what others must have gone through. It |pasaron por experiencias horribles horribles allí, pero encontrar una completa |

|began to dawn on me how supernaturally God had protected me. |libertad a través del Señor cuando llegaron a casa . |

| | |

|I just wasn't conscious of things the other people were. Do you know why? It was |El hombre que me dio el libro tuvo su historia en allí, y autografió el libro |

|the fact that I was completely focused on Jesus. I was thinking of Him so much |para mí. Así que lo leí. |

|that I honestly didn't think about myself. I didn't think about the situation. I | |

|was thinking of other people. |Me interesé en el libro porque tres de los soldados mencionados en el libro se |

| |encontraban en la misma división que estaba en ! Estaban hablando de los lugares |

|It was my perspective. |que yo había estado . Yo estaba en realidad en una de las zonas de aterrizaje (LZ|

| |del ) tan sólo unos días antes de la experiencia de que uno de estos hombres |

|If I had sat down and thought about being on the opposite side of the world, |estaba contando en el libro. Este cerro fue invadido por el Viet Cong, y este |

|uprooted from the people I love, facing death, I would have been as depressed and|hombre relató los detalles horripilantes muy vívidamente. |

|terrified as anyone. But because I was focused on Jesus, my thoughts didn't run | |

|in that direction. |Aunque me perdí lo peor de la experiencia, el día que estuve allí , nos tomó unos|

| |veinte proyectiles de mortero en una superficie que no exceda de ochenta pies de |

|That is what Paul is saying. Paul went through adversity that you or I can't |largo y seis metros de ancho. Yo estaba en el medio de esta lucha, sin embargo, |

|imagine, yet he was able to say it was a "light affliction." |ni siquiera se registra en mí . |

| | |

|I am not saying this to condemn anyone. Please understand that. But if you feel |Firebase Cielo |

|that your situation is terrible, if you are overwhelmed with a feeling of tragedy| |

|in your life, you have lost perspective. You aren't looking at things properly. |¿Sabes lo que estaba pensando en ese momento? Yo orando por aquellos hombres . Yo|

|From God's perspective, there is no problem. He doesn't even have to lift His |estaba tratando de compartir el Evangelio con ellos , pensando en ellos en vez de|

|hand to solve your problem. God can move one little finger and deal with your |a mí mismo . |

|situation! | |

| |Recuerdo otra situación en la que estábamos en alerta roja cuando parecía que |

| |nuestra colina estaba a punto de ser invadida por el Viet Cong . Pudimos ver el |

| |fuego cañón de las armas de los enemigos que vienen hacia la colina. Pensé |

| |brevemente de ser asesinado , pero mis pensamientos de inmediato a los soldados |

| |de Vietnam del Norte . |

| | |

| |Empecé a pensar : "Dios , sé a dónde voy , pero con toda probabilidad , los |

| |vietnamitas que nos combatían iría directamente al infierno si ellos perdieron la|

| |vida. " |

| |No tenía miedo a la muerte que sea. Me encontré orando por el Viet Cong que |

| |venían contra nosotros. " Dios , de alguna manera revela a sí mismo a ellos", le |

|Why Doesn't God ________ (fill in)? |pregunté . Yo sabía que ellos estaban experimentando el miedo al igual que las |

| |tropas de EE.UU. fueron , y yo estaba rezando por ellos. |

|Someone might be saying, "Then why doesn't He do it?" It's because He's going to | |

|flow through you. |Ese tipo de actitud no le hará un muy buen soldado , pero sin duda me hizo dejar |

| |de insistir en mis propios problemas. |

|Ephesians 3:20 says "According to the power that worketh in us." | |

|That doesn't mean that the burden of producing victory is on you, but you do have|Debido a mi punto de vista - porque estaba tan concentrado en el Señor - me sentí|

|to believe. When you're operating in fear, you're really thinking that your |como si estuviera en una burbuja. Lo que no tuvimos las mismas emociones , el |

|problem is bigger than God. How do you avoid that? By not letting your heart be |mismo terror y el miedo , pero yo estaba en el fragor de la lucha. Yo no estaba |

|troubled. You can recognize that God gave you a choice. You have authority. You |en él tanto como algunos de los " gruñidos ", los " cañones de tierra " que |

|can exercise it. You can believe God and put things into perspective. You can |siempre estaban de patrulla , pero había un montón de veces que pude haber muerto|

|think, "This no big deal." |en los combates. |

| | |

|One of the scriptures found throughout the Bible is "And it came to pass." This |Vi en el libro de la perspectiva de un hombre que estaba en el mismo lugar que |

|isn't a true application of that scripture, yet it ministers to me. I just say, |era, al mismo tiempo , contando las mismas circunstancias, sin embargo, él era un|

|"Satan, it's going to come to pass." |no creyente en ese momento. El terror , el miedo , la angustia que sentía se |

| |encontró en ese libro. Yo sólo sentí que veinte años después de que había estado |

|In other words, the reason it came was so it could pass! It's just temporary. |allí - la lectura de este libro! Me invadió la emoción. De repente supe lo que |

|It's not going to last. That helps me put whatever it is, into perspective. I |otros deben haber pasado por . Comenzó a darme cuenta de cómo de manera |

|think about all the other times it looked like there was no way out, yet I came |sobrenatural que Dios me había protegido. |

|through, and it helps me. | |

| |Yo no era consciente de las cosas a las otras personas eran . ¿Sabes por qué ? |

|That's what Paul was doing. He says in 2 Corinthians 4:17 that it was a light |Fue el hecho de que estaba completamente centrado en Jesús. Yo estaba pensando en|

|affliction. Then he gives us two reasons why it was a light affliction. In verse |lo mucho que yo sinceramente no pensé en mí mismo. Yo no pienso en la situación. |

|17, he says it is "but for a moment." |Yo estaba pensando en otras personas. |

| | |

|This is exactly what John 14:2-3 says. Paul is thinking about eternity, about |Fue mi perspectiva. |

|heaven, about forever. The life we live down here is so short compared to | |

|eternity. Yet because of the pressure, because of the afflictions, some people |Si me había sentado y pensé en estar en el lado opuesto del mundo , desarraigado |

|are willing to renounce their faith in God and go in a different direction |de la gente que quiero , frente a la muerte , yo habría sido tan deprimido y |

|because they just can't stand it. It's dragged on too long, they say. |asustado como cualquiera. Pero como yo estaba concentrado en Jesús, mis |

| |pensamientos no corrieron en esa dirección. |

|A person who says something like that has lost their perspective. | |

| |Eso es lo que Pablo está diciendo . Paul pasó por la adversidad que usted o yo no|

|One of the things you need to do is remember that it doesn't matter if Satan |podemos imaginar, sin embargo, fue capaz de decir que era una " leve tribulación |

|fights you from now until the day you go to be with the Lord. No problem — it's |. " |

|just a moment in the light of eternity. | |

| |No estoy diciendo esto para condenar a nadie . Por favor, entienda eso. Pero si |

|Get that perspective. Begin to reference things from God's viewpoint. |usted siente que su situación es terrible, si usted está abrumado con un |

|I've talked to some people about getting into the Word of God and building their |sentimiento de tragedia en su vida, usted ha perdido la perspectiva . Usted no |

|faith up. |está viendo las cosas correctamente. |

| |Desde la perspectiva de Dios , no hay ningún problema . Ni siquiera tiene que |

|"That's going to take a year!" they say. "That's unacceptable". |levantar su mano para resolver su problema. Dios puede mover un dedo meñique y |

|So what do they do? They don't get into God's word. They don't build themselves |hacer frente a su situación ! |

|up, and two, three, or four years from then, they've still got the same problems,| |

|if not worse. | |

| |¿Por qué Dios no ________ (llene ) ? |

|If they'd put things into perspective, they would have said, "So what if it takes| |

|a year? It's worth it." And in a year's time, they would have been there. They |Alguien podría decir : "Entonces, ¿por qué no lo hace? " Es porque Él va a fluir |

|would have been experiencing victory. You can't get there any faster than by |a través de usted. |

|starting right now! | |

| |Efesios 3:20 dice: " De acuerdo con el poder que actúa en nosotros. " |

|One reason that Paul could say his affliction was light was because he recognized|Eso no significa que la carga de la producción de la victoria está en usted , |

|that it was but for a moment. It just was a brief period of time compared to the |pero usted tiene que creer . Cuando usted está trabajando en el miedo , en |

|eternity he'd be spending with God. |realidad está pensando que su problema es más grande que Dios. ¿Cómo evitar esto?|

| |Por no dejar que se turbe vuestro corazón . Se puede reconocer que Dios le dio a |

| |elegir . Usted tiene autoridad. Puede ejercerlo. Usted puede creer en Dios y |

| |poner las cosas en perspectiva. Usted puede pensar , "Esto no es gran cosa . " |

|Turn Your Problem Inside Out | |

| |Uno de los pasajes de las Escrituras que se encuentran a lo largo de la Biblia es|

|Many times our problem is bigger on the inside of us than the outside. It's the |" Y aconteció . " Esto no es una verdadera aplicación de esa escritura , sin |

|way we view it that's the real problem, not the physical thing itself. |embargo, a los ministros a mí. Acabo de decir , "Satanás , que va a suceder . " |

| | |

|I've talked to many people who were in a crisis and could see no way out. It was |En otras palabras , la razón por la que llegó fue por lo que podría pasar ! Es |

|because they were held captive in their own thoughts, that is, in their fears, in|sólo temporal. No va a durar. Eso me ayuda a poner lo que sea, en perspectiva. |

|their imaginations. Once I shared these truths with them, they got free on the |Pienso en todas las otras veces parecía que no había forma de salir , sin |

|inside. Then handling the problem became almost incidental. |embargo, yo vine a través, y me ayuda . |

| | |

|But until we see it as an easy problem, it is big. It's a stronghold. But it's a |Eso es lo que estaba haciendo Pablo. Él dice en 2 Corintios 4:17 que era un leve |

|stronghold first on the inside of our minds before it's a stronghold in the |tribulación . Entonces él nos da dos razones por las que era un leve tribulación |

|physical realm. |. En el versículo 17 , que dice que es " sólo por un momento . " |

| | |

|If you can deal with that inner image, if you can gain victory there, then |Esto es exactamente lo que dice Juan 14:2-3 . Pablo está pensando en la |

|victory in the natural is assured. |eternidad, sobre el cielo , por siempre . La vida que vivimos aquí abajo es tan |

| |corta comparada con la eternidad . Sin embargo, debido a la presión , a causa de |

|The second thing that Paul used to put his afflictions into perspective is found |las aflicciones , algunas personas están dispuestas a renunciar a su fe en Dios e|

|in verse 18: "While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things |ir en una dirección diferente, ya que simplemente no puede soportarlo. Se |

|which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things |prolongó mucho tiempo , dicen. |

|which are not seen are eternal." | |

| |Una persona que dice algo así como que ha perdido su perspectiva. |

|He didn't focus — or look — upon the problem. Paul makes it very clear that | |

|anything you can see — a tumor on your body, what's in your checkbook, or your |Una de las cosas que hay que hacer es recordar que no importa si Satanás lucha |

|child in trouble &mdash is temporal, that is, temporary or subject to change. |desde ahora hasta el día en que va a estar con el Señor. No hay problema - es |

| |sólo un momento a la luz de la eternidad. |

|That means that all of your problems are subject to change. But the things that | |

|you can't see — things in the spiritual world — are eternal and not subject to |Saca esa perspectiva. Comenzar a hacer referencia a las cosas desde la |

|change. |perspectiva de Dios . |

| |He hablado con algunas personas en entrar en la Palabra de Dios y la construcción|

|Jesus is eternal. Truth is eternal. The Word of God is eternal. Paul chose to |de su fe hacia arriba. |

|focus on these things instead of physical things. You can look at a situation in | |

|a positive way if you can see the promises of God concerning that situation. |" Eso va a tomar un año ! " que dicen. "Eso es inaceptable" . |

|For example, let's say you're faced with a divorce. Instead of focusing on the |Entonces, ¿qué es lo que hacen ? Ellos no se meten en la palabra de Dios . No |

|problem until it becomes bigger than God, you need to see God's promises that He |construyen a sí mismos , y dos , tres, o cuatro años a partir de entonces, |

|will comfort you, that you can intercede to sanctify your mate, that you can |todavía tengo los mismos problemas , si no peor . |

|believe for reconciliation. All of those things can be found in the Word. And | |

|they are eternal. |Si les gustaría poner las cosas en perspectiva , habrían dicho: " ¿Y qué si se |

| |tarda un año ? Vale la pena . " Y al cabo de un año , habrían estado allí. Ellos |

|Elisha Looks Down on His Problem |han estado experimentando la victoria. No se puede llegar más rápido que al |

| |comenzar ahora mismo! |

|You need to look beyond your problem and see the eternal spiritual truth. This is| |

|what gave Elisha peace in the midst of his crisis (2 Kin. 6). |Una razón por la que Pablo pudo decir su aflicción fue la luz era porque él |

| |reconoció que era sólo por un momento . Simplemente fue un breve período de |

|The king of Syria had come to kill him. He woke up one morning, and he and his |tiempo en comparación con la eternidad que estaría gastando con Dios. |

|servant went out on the walls of the city (Dothan). The king of Syria had massed | |

|his army around the city. Thousands and thousands of soldiers surrounded them, | |

|and here were Elisha and his servant just staring down at them. | |

| |Encienda su problema Inside Out |

|It looked impossible. They knew why the armies were there. Elisha, by prophecy, | |

|had been giving the king of Israel secret battle plans of the king of Syria, and |Muchas veces nuestro problema es más grande por dentro de nosotros que el |

|he'd been found out. |exterior. Es la manera de ver lo que es el problema real, no la propia cosa |

| |física . |

|So there they were, on the wall of the city. Elisha's servant Gehazi looked at | |

|the things that could be seen, the army with all its horses and chariots, and his|He hablado con muchas personas que se encontraban en una crisis y podría ver |

|reaction was one of panic: "Alas, my master! how shall we do?"(verse 15), or |ninguna salida. Era porque estaban cautivos en sus propios pensamientos , es |

|"What in the world are we going to do?" He threw up his hands. It was hopeless. |decir, en sus miedos, en sus razonamientos . Una vez que he compartido estas |

| |verdades con ellos, llegaron libre en el interior. Entonces manejar el problema |

|Do you know what Elisha did? He was in the same situation. He saw the same |llegó a ser casi incidental. |

|armies, the same horses, the same chariots, and yet he saw something that Gehazi | |

|didn't see. He saw the spiritual world, and he said, "Fear not: for they that be |Pero hasta que lo vemos como un problema fácil , es grande. Es una fortaleza. |

|with us are more than they that be with them" (verse 16). |Pero es una plaza fuerte por primera vez en el interior de nuestras mentes antes |

| |de que sea una fortaleza en el reino físico. |

|Someone who operates only in physical truth, in temporal things, would say, | |

|"That's a lie." You could count the Syrian army out there by the tens of |Si usted puede hacer frente a esa imagen interna , si se puede obtener la |

|thousands. Then Elisha counted himself his servant and said, "One, two." |victoria allí, entonces la victoria en lo natural está asegurado. |

|Most people would say "You're crazy, Elisha. You're not dealing with a full | |

|deck." |La segunda cosa que Pablo utiliza para poner sus aflicciones en perspectiva se |

| |encuentra en el versículo 18 : " No mirando nosotros las cosas que se ven, sino |

| |las que no se ven : porque las cosas que se ven son temporales, pero la cosas que|

|Chariots of Fire...See? |no se ven son eternas " . |

| | |

|That's the reason that when you confess that you're healed, yet everyone sees |No se enfocó - o buscar - en el problema . Pablo deja muy claro que cualquier |

|that your nose is running, your sinuses are stopped up, and you're coughing and |cosa se ​​puede ver - un tumor en su cuerpo, lo que está en su chequera , o su hijo|

|wheezing, they'll say "You're just fooling yourself. This positive confession |en problemas por vuestro servicio es temporal, es decir, temporal o sujetos a |

|stuff is nothing but a lie." |cambios. |

| | |

|In fact, it is a lie if you see only the things that are temporal! But the truth |Eso significa que todos los problemas están sujetos a cambios . Pero las cosas |

|is that there is a whole other world of spiritual reality out there. |que usted no puede ver las cosas - en el mundo espiritual - son eternas y no está|

| |sujeto a cambios. |

|True, some people have misused confession and thought, "If I will just say that | |

|it's so when it really isn't so, then it'll become so." Now that is wrong |Jesús es eterno. La verdad es eterna . La Palabra de Dios es eterno . Paul optó |

|thinking. That's denial. |por centrarse en estas cosas en lugar de las cosas físicas . Usted puede mirar en|

| |una situación de una manera positiva si se puede ver las promesas de Dios en |

|However, if you don't deny that you have physical problems but speak the greater |relación con esa situación. |

|spiritual truth, then the physical problem will have to bow to the spiritual |Por ejemplo , digamos que usted está frente a un divorcio. En lugar de centrarse |

|reality. |en el problema hasta que se vuelve más grande que Dios , usted necesita ver a las|

| |promesas de Dios que Él te consolará , que puede interceder para santificar a su |

|If you're using it that way, positive confession is not a lie. It's the truth. |compañero , que se puede creer por la reconciliación. Todas esas cosas se pueden |

|In the face of this hopeless situation, Elisha said, "They that be with us are |encontrar en la Palabra. Y ellos son eternos. |

|more than they that be with them." Gehazi had a major problem understanding this,| |

|so Elisha said, "LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see" (verse 17). |Eliseo mira hacia abajo en su problema |

|The Lord opened up his eyes so that he could see into the spiritual world. | |

|The armies of Syria were still there (the problem hadn't disappeared), but there |Usted tiene que mirar más allá de su problema y ver la verdad espiritual eterna .|

|were also chariots and horses of fire surrounding them on the mountains! In other|Esto es lo que dio a Eliseo la paz en medio de su crisis ( 2 Rey . 6 ) . |

|words, the angels of God were encamped around them. | |

| |El rey de Siria había venido a matarlo. Se despertó una mañana, y él y su siervo |

|Now when did those angels arrive? When the young man opened his eyes and saw |salió en las paredes de la ciudad ( Dothan ) . El rey de Siria había concentrado |

|them? No, they were there before, but he didn't have the ability to perceive it. |su ejército alrededor de la ciudad . Miles y miles de soldados los rodearon , y |

|Elisha hadn't seen the angels either, but he believed the promises of God and |aquí fueron Eliseo y su siervo justo la mirada fija en ellos. |

|knew that they were there. | |

| |Parecía imposible. Ellos sabían por qué los ejércitos estaban allí. Eliseo , por |

|That's why Elisha could say, "Fear not." In other words, "This is no big problem,|profecía , había estado dando el rey de los planes de batalla secreta de Israel |

|Gehazi. It's just a light affliction. Having a hundred thousand men come to kill |del rey de Siria, y que había sido descubierto. |

|you is no big deal." | |

| |Así que allí estaban, en la pared de la ciudad. De Eliseo siervo Giezi miró a las|

|He was looking at things that couldn't be seen. He was standing on the promise of|cosas que se podían ver , el ejército con todos sus caballos y carros, y su |

|God that the angel of the Lord encamps around about those who fear Him and He |reacción fue de pánico : "¡ Ah, señor mío ¿cómo vamos a hacer? " (Versículo 15 ) |

|delivers them. David had already written that in Psalm 34:7. He was standing on |, o " Lo que en el mundo vamos a hacer? " Él levantó las manos . Fue inútil. |

|the Word of God. Because of that, it didn't matter if the mightiest nation on the| |

|face of the earth came and tried to kill him. They couldn't do a thing. |¿Sabes lo que hizo Eliseo ? Él estaba en la misma situación. Vio a los mismos |

| |ejércitos , los mismos caballos, los mismos carros, y sin embargo, vio algo que |

|Elisha walked out, raised his hand up and prayed to the Lord, "Smite this people,|Giezi no vio . Él vio el mundo espiritual, y él dijo: " No temas , porque los que|

|I pray thee, with blindness." (verse 18) The Lord blinded the entire army of |están con nosotros son más que los que están con ellos " (versículo 16 ) . |

|Syria. | |

| |Alguien que opera sólo en la verdad física , en las cosas temporales , diría: " |

|Then Elisha told them to take each other by the hand and walk into captivity. |Eso es una mentira. " Usted puede contar el ejército sirio por ahí por las |

|Thus, a single prophet captured one of the most powerful armies on earth — all |decenas de miles de personas. Entonces Eliseo contaba a sí mismo a su siervo y le|

|because of his perspective. He was able to see things that weren't in the |dijo: " Uno, dos . " |

|natural, but in the spiritual. |La mayoría de la gente diría " Estás loco, Eliseo. No estamos tratando con una |

| |cubierta completa. " |

|That's what Paul is saying in 2 Corinthians 4:17. One of the reasons he could say| |

|that he had a "light affliction" was because he didn't look at what everyone else| |

|was looking at. He didn't acknowledge only the physical world, but he looked at |Carros de fuego ... ¿ven? |

|the unseen, spiritual world, recognizing that it was eternal. Everything you see | |

|here is just temporary. |Esa es la razón de que cuando usted confiesa que está curado , pero todo el mundo|

| |ve que la nariz está en marcha, sus senos están tapados , y estás tos y |

|It's Settled! |sibilancias , que van a decir " Sólo estás engañando a ti mismo. Este positivo |

| |cosas confesión no es más que una mentira " . |

|If you have a physical problem, it's just temporary, it's subject to change. But | |

|the truth that "By whose stripes ye were healed" (1 Pet. 2:24) cannot change. It |De hecho , es una mentira si ves sólo las cosas que son temporales ! Pero la |

|is the Word of God. It is settled forever (Ps. 119:89). Heaven and earth will |verdad es que no es un mundo completamente diferente de la realidad espiritual |

|pass away, but God's Word will not pass away(Mark 13:31). |que hay. |

| | |

|When you begin to get that perspective, you're on your way to a miracle. You will|Es cierto que algunas personas han abusado confesión y pensé: " Si me limitaré a |

|see the power of God manifest in your life. |decir que es así que cuando en realidad no es así, entonces va a llegar a serlo. |

| |" Ahora que es un pensamiento erróneo. Eso es negación. |

|Faith is more than attitude, but it begins with an attitude. If your attitude is | |

|one of fear, you're not going to see the power of God manifest in your life. |Sin embargo , si no niega que tiene problemas físicos, pero habla el mayor verdad|

|You've got to deal with your attitude. It begins by putting things into |espiritual, entonces el problema físico tendrá que ceder a la realidad espiritual|

|perspective. |. |

| | |

|Stop looking at things and saying, "Oh, this is terrible. My whole life is |Si usted lo está utilizando de esa manera , la confesión positiva no es una |

|ruined. What will I do?" Recognize that it's just for a moment. |mentira. Es la verdad . |

| |Frente a esta situación desesperada, dijo Eliseo: " los que están con nosotros |

|Look at what God has already done in your life. Look at the Bible's positive |son más que los que están con ellos. " Giezi tuvo un problema importante entender|

|examples. If all else fails, look at heaven, and think about how God is going to |esto, así que Eliseo dijo: " Señor , te ruego que abras sus ojos , para que vea "|

|bless you for all eternity. Look not at the physical things but at the unseen |(versículo 17 ) . El Señor abrió los ojos para que pudiera ver en el mundo |

|things, the promises of God. |espiritual . |

| |Los ejércitos de Siria seguían allí (el problema no ha desaparecido ) , pero |

|Find a promise in the Word of God that counters the negative circumstances you're|también había carros y caballos de fuego que les rodea en las montañas! En otras |

|in and dwell upon it. Focus on it. Remember that "as he [a man] thinketh in his |palabras, los ángeles de Dios estaban acampados alrededor de ellos. |

|heart, so is he" (Prov. 23:7). | |

| |Ahora bien, cuando llegaron los ángeles? Cuando el joven abrió los ojos y los vio|

|What you focus your attention on is what you will be dominated by. If you look at|? No, ellos estaban allí antes, pero él no tiene la capacidad para percibirlo. |

|natural truth alone, you may intellectually acknowledge the power of God, but if |Eliseo no había visto a los ángeles tampoco, pero él cree en las promesas de Dios|

|you aren't focusing on it, your problem is going to dominate you. |y sabía que estaban allí . |

| | |

|You can't focus on something without it having an inroad into your life! If you |Por eso Eliseo pudo decir: " No temas . " En otras palabras, " Este no es un gran|

|aren't thinking on God's promises, it's impossible for you to operate in faith. |problema, Giezi . Es sólo una leve tribulación . Tener cien mil hombres vienen a |

|You are going to be the way you think. |matarte no es gran cosa . " |

| | |

|Think on the negative, the problem, and you're going to be full of the problem. |Estaba mirando a las cosas que no se podían ver . Estaba de pie en la promesa de |

|Think on the answer, and you'll be full of hope, full of faith, full of love and |Dios de que el ángel de Jehová acampa alrededor de los que le temen y los libra .|

|joy and peace. You'll be able to say with Paul that it is a light affliction. Get|David ya había escrito que en el Salmo 34:7 . Estaba de pie en la Palabra de |

|your attention off the problem and onto the answer. |Dios. Debido a eso, no importaba si la nación más poderosa sobre la faz de la |

| |tierra llegó y trató de matarlo . No podían hacer nada. |

|What You Pray Is What You Get | |

| |Eliseo salió , levantó la mano y oró al Señor , " que hieras a esta gente, te |

|We call a lot of things prayer that aren't really prayer. |ruego, con la ceguera. " (versículo 18 ) El Señor cegó a todo el ejército de |

| |Siria . |

|Sometimes when people come into a crisis, they've been conditioned to tell God | |

|every rotten thing that's happening to them. I've heard people pray like this in |Entonces Eliseo les dijo que sí de la mano y caminar en cautiverio. Por lo tanto |

|churches: "O God, I need help — the doctor said says I'm sick and that I'm going |, un solo profeta capturado uno de los ejércitos más poderosos de la tierra - |

|to die." They go on and on about how bad their situations are. |todo por su perspectiva. Él fue capaz de ver cosas que no estaban en lo natural, |

| |sino en lo espiritual. |

|Or they say, "O God, what's going to happen to my children? They'll be on drugs | |

|soon. God, what's going to happen to my mate? He's so bad. O Lord, we don't have |Eso es lo que Pablo dice en 2 Corintios 4:17 . Una de las razones que él podía |

|any insurance. They can't even bury me. I'm so poor."And on and on and on. |decir que tenía una " leve tribulación " se debía a que no se veía en lo que todo|

| |el mundo estaba mirando. No reconocía sólo el mundo físico, pero miró el mundo |

|They recount every negative thing in their lives. They spend forty-five minutes |espiritual invisible , reconociendo que era eterno. Todo lo que ves aquí es sólo |

|talking about the problem, then end up by saying, "O Lord, help me in Jesus' |temporal. |

|name, Amen." | |

| |Está decidido ! |

|In other words, they spend forty-five minutes on the negative, five seconds on | |

|the positive, and then they wonder why prayer isn't working. That's not prayer. |Si usted tiene un problema físico , es sólo temporal , es sujeto a cambios . Pero|

|That's complaining. |la verdad de que " por cuya herida fuisteis sanados " ( 1 Ped. 2:24 ) no puede |

| |cambiar. Es la Palabra de Dios. Según reiterada siempre (Salmo 119:89 ) . El |

|Charles Capps was praying once, and the Lord spoke to him, "What are you doing?" |cielo y la tierra pasarán , pero la Palabra de Dios no pasarán (Marcos 13:31 ) . |

|He said, "I'm praying." God said, "No, you're not. You're complaining." It really| |

|set him straight on what prayer is and what it isn't. |Cuando usted comienza a conseguir ese punto de vista, usted está en su camino a |

| |un milagro. Va a ver el poder de Dios manifestado en su vida. |

|Prayer is not an opportunity to tell poor, misinformed God about your terrible | |

|situation. You don't have to tell God what the doctor says. You don't have to |La fe es más de actitud, pero comienza con una actitud. Si su actitud es de |

|tell God what your bank account is. You don't have to tell God how your kids are |miedo, usted no va a ver el poder de Dios manifestado en su vida. |

|rebelling. You don't have to recount every negative thing in your life. |Hay que hacer frente a su actitud. Se empieza por poner las cosas en perspectiva.|

| | |

|God knows what's going on with you more than you do. |Deja de ver las cosas y decir: " Oh , esto es terrible . Toda mi vida está |

| |arruinada . ¿Qué voy a hacer? " Reconocer que es sólo por un momento. |

|Prayer is an opportunity to ask for help. You should spend five seconds stating | |

|the problem and forty-five minutes praising God for the answer. |Miren lo que Dios ya ha hecho en su vida. Mira los ejemplos positivos de la |

| |Biblia. Si todo lo demás falla , mirar el cielo, y pensar en cómo Dios va a |

|God has a provision for your problem before you even had the problem. Jesus |bendecir por toda la eternidad . No mires las cosas físicas, sino en las cosas |

|already died to produce your healing. By His stripes you were healed — that's |que no se ven , las promesas de Dios . |

|past tense (1 Pet. 2:24). God already made the provision, whatever your need is, | |

|before you ever had the need. |Encontrar una promesa en la Palabra de Dios que contrarresta las circunstancias |

| |negativas que está y moran en él. Centrarse en ella. Recuerde que " como él [ un |

|Whatever You Do, Don't Pray! |hombre ] su pensamiento en su corazón, tal es él " (Proverbios 23:07 ) . |

| | |

|Some of us would be better off to stop praying the way we pray. |Lo que se centran su atención en es lo que va a ser dominado por . Si nos fijamos|

| |en la verdad natural por sí sola , es posible reconocer intelectualmente el poder|

|Prayer is not wrong. But what we often call prayer is wrong because it makes us |de Dios , pero si no se está centrando en él , el problema va a dominarte . |

|focus on the negative and gives the devil more opportunity in our lives. | |

| |No puede concentrarse en algo sin que tenga una incursión en su vida! Si usted no|

|Prayer should be an opportunity to commune with God in faith, talking about what |está pensando en las promesas de Dios , es imposible que usted pueda operar en la|

|He can do instead of the negative circumstance. |fe. Usted va a ser la forma de pensar. |

| | |

|That's what the Lord was telling His disciples in John 14:2-3. Perspective is |Piense en lo negativo, el problema, y usted va a estar lleno del problema. Piense|

|critically important. If you continue to think about the problem, meditate on the|en la respuesta, y se le llena de esperanza, lleno de fe , lleno de amor, alegría|

|problem, talk about the problem, pray the problem, you're going to have the |y paz. Usted será capaz de decir con Pablo que es un leve tribulación . Obtenga |

|problem — because as a man thinks in his heart, so is he (Prov 23:7)! |su atención del problema y en la respuesta. |

| | |

|You'll have that principle work in your life whether you want it to or not. Even |Lo que pides es lo que obtienes |

|though you've made the decision to not let your heart be troubled and to believe | |

|in God (John 14:1), you are going to be what you think on. |Llamamos a un montón de cosas que la oración no son realmente oración. |

| | |

|If you continue to think on the problem, it will negate the power of your faith. |A veces, cuando las personas entran en una crisis, que han sido condicionados |

|You will be unable to fulfill John 14:1 unless you get your attention off the |para decirle a Dios todo lo podrido que está pasando con ellos. He escuchado |

|problem. You've got to focus on the Lord. |gente ora así en las iglesias : "¡Oh Dios , necesito ayuda - dijo el médico dice |

| |que estoy enferma y que me voy a morir . " Ellos siguen y de lo mal que sus |

|Again, I'm not saying to ignore the situation, I'm saying exactly the opposite. |situaciones son . |

|If the devil tells you that you're a total failure, that you're going to die, | |

|that it's all over, just say, "So what?" |O dicen: "Oh Dios, ¿qué va a pasar con mis hijos? Van a estar en las drogas |

| |pronto. Dios, ¿qué va a pasar con mi pareja? Es tan malo. Oh Señor, no tenemos |

|Think about it for a moment, and if worse comes to worse, you'll have a mansion |ningún tipo de seguro . Ellos no puede ni siquiera que me entierren . soy tan |

|in heaven. The Lord Jesus has promised to make one special for you. Whatever you |pobre . " y así una y otra vez. |

|have to endure down here, whatever the devil fights you with, you'll win anyway. | |

| |Cuentan cada cosa negativa en sus vidas. Pasan cuarenta y cinco minutos hablando |

|Get that kind of attitude. Then whatever problem Satan is fighting you with, |sobre el problema , y luego terminar diciendo : "Oh Señor , ayúdame en nombre de |

|you'll overcome. |Jesús , Amén . " |

| | |

|Rom 8:6 says, "For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded |En otras palabras , pasan cuarenta y cinco minutos en los negativos, cinco |

|is life and peace." |segundos en el positivo , y luego se preguntan por qué la oración no está |

| |funcionando. Eso no es oración. Eso está en las protestas. |

|What I'm talking about here — focusing on the Word of God instead of your problem| |

|— is being spiritually minded. If you do that, the Bible says it will be life and|Charles Capps rezaba una vez, y el Señor le dijo, " ¿Qué estás haciendo ? " Él |

|peace to you. |dijo: " Estoy orando . " Dios dijo: " No, no lo eres. Te quejas . " Realmente lo |

| |puso de frente lo que la oración es y lo que no lo es. |

|You can't die thinking positively, praising God for His provision. To die, to | |

|have Satan defeat you, you have to be stayed on the negative circumstances. If |La oración no es una oportunidad para decirle a los pobres , Dios mal informados |

|you look beyond the problem and focus on your answer, it will produce victory in |sobre su situación terrible . Usted no tiene que decirle a Dios lo que dice el |

|you. |doctor. Usted no tiene que decirle a Dios lo que su cuenta bancaria está . Usted |

| |no tiene que decirle a Dios cómo sus hijos se están rebelando . Usted no tiene |

|When I reach a place where all my care is cast over on the Lord (1 Pet. 5:7), it |que contar cada cosa negativa en su vida. |

|really won't matter. If I win, that's great, that's what I expected. But even if | |

|the devil beats me, it's no big deal because there is life after my problem. I'm |Dios sabe lo que está pasando con usted más de lo que haces. |

|going to make it. Even if it means physical death, I'm going to be with the Lord.| |

|If your perspective is right, 1 Peter 5:7 will show it. Is all your care cast on |La oración es una oportunidad para pedir ayuda. Usted debe pasar cinco segundos |

|the Lord? Or is it heavy, oppressive and burdensome and resting on you? If it is |indicando el problema y cuarenta y cinco minutos alabando a Dios por la respuesta|

|— and I'm not saying this to condemn you — you have not yet gotten a hold of this|. |

|message. You don't have it in perspective. | |

| |Dios tiene una disposición para su problema , incluso antes de haber tenido el |

|If you are fretful about it, worried about it, anxious about it, if you are |problema . Jesús ya murió para producir su curación. Por sus llagas fuisteis |

|telling people how bad it is, you haven't put it into perspective. |sanados - eso es tiempo pasado (1 Pedro 2:24 . ) . Dios ya hizo la disposición, |

| |cualquiera que sea su necesidad es , antes de que hayas tenido la necesidad . |

|Begin now to move from a position of defeat, focusing on your problem, to a | |

|position of victory where you recognize that in Christ Jesus, you are more than a|Hagas lo que hagas , no oran ! |

|conqueror (Rom. 8:37). | |

| |Algunos de nosotros sería mejor dejar de orar de la manera que oramos . |

|Chapter 3 | |

|Knowing God |La oración no es un error. Pero lo que a menudo llamamos oración está mal porque |

| |nos hace enfocarnos en lo negativo y le da al maligno más oportunidades en |

|Conquest Takes Confrontation |nuestras vidas. |

| | |

|I'm confident that if we took the things the Lord ministered to His disciples in |La oración debe ser una oportunidad para estar en comunión con Dios en la fe, |

|John 14 and implemented them in our lives, there'd be no reason for us to succumb|hablando de lo que él puede hacer en lugar de la circunstancia negativa. |

|to problems — ever. We may not be able to prevent problems from coming, but we | |

|can prevent them from winning! We can be more than conquerors through Him that |Eso es lo que el Señor le estaba diciendo a Sus discípulos en Juan 14:2-3 . La |

|loves us — in every case. |perspectiva es de importancia crítica. Si continúa a pensar en el problema, |

| |meditar sobre el problema, hable sobre el problema, rezar el problema, vas a |

|Paul said, "Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in |tener el problema - porque como un hombre piensa en su corazón , tal es él |

|Christ." (2 Cor. 2:14). The Christian life is, or should be, a life of victory. |(Proverbios 23:07 ) ! |

|It's not victory without effort, however. In fact, once you become a Christian, | |

|there will be tremendous effort. The stronger you become in the Lord, the |Vas a tener que trabajar principio en su vida si usted lo quiere o no. A pesar de|

|stronger the battle becomes. If you haven't realized that, I may be bursting your|que usted ha tomado la decisión de no permitir que se turbe vuestro corazón y |

|bubble, but it needs to be burst. |creer en Dios (Juan 14:01 ) , que van a ser lo que usted piensa en . |

|You must recognize that God didn't call us to avoid the devil. You should be | |

|seeking out the devil to destroy him and his works, not avoiding him. You should |Si continúa a pensar en el problema , se negará el poder de su fe. Usted no será |

|go on the attack. If you are looking for a place where there is no opposition, |capaz de cumplir con John 14:01 a menos que obtenga su atención del problema. Hay|

|you need to die and go to heaven. But here on earth crises will hit. |que centrarse en el Señor . |

|The first thing you do when a crisis hits is to let not your heart be troubled. | |

|You need to get a hold of yourself and recognize your power of choice. The second|Una vez más, no estoy diciendo que hacer caso omiso de la situación, lo que estoy|

|thing is to put things into perspective. That's what Jesus was doing when He |diciendo exactamente lo contrario. Si el maligno te dice que eres un fracaso |

|talked about heaven. He was saying, "Look, guys, if you choose life, then build |total, que te vas a morir, de que todo ha terminado , acaba de decir : " ¿Y qué? |

|yourself up in faith. That should do it. But even if it doesn't, even if you |" |

|lose, you'll still win. One way or another, you're going to come through this | |

|thing victorious. All the problems you've had down here will be nothing compared |Piense en esto por un momento, y si las cosas se ponen peor, usted tendrá una |

|to the glories God has waiting for you." |mansión en el cielo. El Señor Jesús ha prometido hacer uno especial para usted. |

| |Lo que usted tiene que aguantar aquí, cualquiera que sea el maligno que usted |

|I believe these teachings are some of the most needed things in the body of |lucha con , podrás ganar de todos modos . |

|Christ today. Our surroundings, our nation, our world, are so negative. They are | |

|defeat-minded, depression-minded, criticism-minded. If you don't have a positive |Recibe ese tipo de actitud . Entonces cualquier problema que Satanás está |

|attitude to counter that with, these things are going to overcome you. You can't |luchando con , podrás superar . |

|just ignore them and have them go away. You literally must take the truth and | |

|oppose doubt and unbelief with it. |Rom 8:06 dice: " Porque el ocuparse de la carne es muerte ; . Pero el ocuparse |

| |del Espíritu es vida y paz" |

|God Knows...Thomas Doubts | |

| |Lo que estoy hablando aquí - se centra en la Palabra de Dios en lugar de su |

|We shared a tremendous amount of truth in John 14:1-3. The next thing Jesus said |problema - es ser de mente espiritual . Si usted hace eso , la Biblia dice que |

|to His disciples is verse 4, which says, "And whither I go ye know, and the way |será la vida y paz a vosotros . |

|ye know." Jesus knew people better than they knew themselves. The Bible says that| |

|the Lord knows what is in the heart of man (1 Sam. 16:7). Jesus proved on |No puedes morir pensando positivamente , alabando a Dios por Su provisión . Morir|

|innumerable occasions that He saw right into a person's heart. Jesus knew His |, para tener la derrota de Satanás , usted tiene que ser mantenido en las |

|disciples. He knew that their thinking was still muddled. He knew they weren't |circunstancias negativas . Si se mira más allá del problema y centrarse en su |

|acting correctly. |respuesta, que producirá la victoria en usted. |

| | |

|When He said "And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know" (verse 4), that was |Cuando llego a un lugar donde toda mi atención se echa sobre el Señor ( 1 Ped. |

|a true statement, because they knew Him. Then Thomas said to Jesus, "Lord, we |5:07 ) , lo que realmente no importa. Si gano , eso es genial , eso es lo que yo |

|know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?" (verse 5). Then, verse|esperaba. Pero incluso si el maligno me pega , que no es gran cosa, porque hay |

|6 says that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, but He knew that they |vida después de mi problema. Voy a hacerlo . Incluso si eso significa la muerte |

|didn't understand this. |física , voy a estar con el Señor . |

| |Si su punto de vista es correcto, 1 Pedro 5:7 se demostró. Es toda vuestra |

|I believe Jesus was talking about God, about faith, and about how a lot of people|ansiedad echado en el Señor ? ¿O es pesada, opresiva y pesada, y descansando en |

|throw away their faith. Many people think they're operating in faith, when the |su vida? Si lo es - y no estoy diciendo esto para condenarlos - que aún no ha |

|truth is they aren't operating in faith at all. A lot of us are simply going |conseguido un asimiento de este mensaje. Usted no tiene en perspectiva. |

|through the motions. We're dead inside. | |

| |Si usted está inquieto al respecto, preocupado por eso , ansioso en ello, si |

|Me — A Doubting Thomas? |usted está diciendo a la gente lo malo que es , usted no ha puesto en |

| |perspectiva. |

|Stop and think about this. In a church meeting, we all come, supposedly to | |

|believe the Lord. We come to hear from God. We put our best spiritual foot |Comience ahora a moverse desde una posición de derrota, se centra en el problema,|

|forward when we're at church. We believe — or we pretend that we believe. But out|a una posición de la victoria en la que reconoce que en Cristo Jesús, usted es |

|in the world when the devil attacks us, we respond differently. If we're honest, |más que vencedor ( Rom. 8:37) . |

|we'll admit that we've done the same thing Thomas did many times. | |

|Thomas, in effect, was saying, "Lord, what you said isn't true. It's a lie. We do|Capítulo 3 |

|not know where you're going, so how can we know the way?" We think, "That's |Conocer a Dios |

|terrible. How dare Thomas contradict the Lord Jesus and say He was wrong!" But | |

|how many times have you said something like, "Well, I know God's Word says that |Conquest toma Confrontación |

|by His stripes I am healed, but I'm still sick." That's different, right? Wrong! | |

|The only difference is that you said it instead of Thomas, and we're more lenient|Estoy seguro de que si nos tomamos las cosas que el Señor ministró a Sus |

|on ourselves than others in circumstances like this. |discípulos en Juan 14 y las implantó en nuestras vidas, no habría ninguna razón |

| |para que nosotros sucumbimos a los problemas - de la historia. Puede que no |

|It's the exact same thing Thomas did. The Lord has said certain things in His |seamos capaces de evitar que los problemas que viene, pero sí podemos evitar que |

|Word. For example, He said that Jesus became poor so that we through His poverty |ganar ! Podemos ser más que vencedores por medio de aquel que nos ama - en todos |

|might be made rich (2 Cor. 8:9), that He blessed us with all spiritual blessings |los casos . |

|in heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Eph. 1:3), that nothing shall by any means | |

|harm us (Luke 10:19). These things have already been done. They're in the Word. |Pablo dijo: " Pero gracias a Dios, el cual nos lleva siempre en triunfo en Cristo|

| |Jesús . " ( 2 . Corintios 02:14 ) . La vida cristiana es , o debería ser, una |

|God said it, but what do we say? We say, "Lord, that's not right. Anybody can |vida de victoria . No es la victoria sin esfuerzo, sin embargo . De hecho , una |

|look at my bank account and tell I'm not rich. Anybody can see from these |vez que usted se convierte en un cristiano , habrá un tremendo esfuerzo . Cuanto |

|symptoms that I'm sick. Anybody can look at my circumstances and tell that I'm |más fuerte te vuelves en el Señor , más fuerte será la batalla se vuelve . Si no |

|not blessed." That's calling God a liar...nothing less. |se han dado cuenta de que se me puede estallar su burbuja, pero hay que ser |

| |reventado. |

|Everything the Lord ever said is 100 percent true. But because Thomas couldn't |Usted debe reconocer que Dios no nos ha llamado para evitar que el maligno . |

|perceive it in the physical realm, he rejected it and said, "Lord, what you're |Usted debe estar buscando al demonio a él ya sus obras, no evitando destruirlo. |

|saying isn't true." We do the same thing. |Hay que ir al ataque. Si usted está buscando un lugar donde no hay oposición , |

|Fact vs. Truth |tiene que morir e ir al cielo. Pero aquí en la crisis de la tierra va a golpear .|

| |Lo primero que se hace cuando una crisis golpea es dejar que no se turbe vuestro |

|One thing we must recognize in a crisis situation is the difference between what |corazón . Usted necesita conseguir un asimiento de ti mismo y reconocer su poder |

|is true and what is truth. Certain things are true from a physical perspective, |de elección. La segunda cosa es poner las cosas en perspectiva . Eso es lo que |

|but there is an overriding spiritual truth. This is what Jesus was ministering. |Jesús estaba haciendo cuando Él habló de los cielos. Él estaba diciendo , "Mira ,|

|People always go by what's happening in the physical realm. If all you do is |chicos , si elige la vida , y luego elaborar en la fe . Eso debería hacerlo. Pero|

|acknowledge that, you'll never be able to operate in the truths of God's Word |incluso si no lo hace, incluso si usted pierde, usted todavía ganar. Una forma u |

|because they'll always cross each other. They'll be contrary to each other a lot |otra , usted va a venir a través de esta cosa victorioso. Todos los problemas que|

|of the time, usually most of the time. |ha tenido hasta aquí serán nada en comparación con la gloria que Dios ha que le |

| |esperan " . |

|The world of the flesh and the world of the spirit are enmity against each other | |

|(Gal. 5:17). They're at war. |Creo que estas enseñanzas son algunas de las cosas que más se necesitan en el |

| |cuerpo de Cristo hoy . Nuestro entorno , nuestra nación , nuestro mundo, son tan |

|We often make the mistake of exalting physical truth over spiritual truth. We |negativos . Son de la derrota de mente , la depresión de mente , la autocrítica |

|hold what we can see, taste, hear, smell, and feel to be more real than what |de mente . Si usted no tiene una actitud positiva para contrarrestar eso con |

|God's Word says. But one of the things you must do in a crisis is go back to |estas cosas van a superar ti. No puedes simplemente ignorarlos y hacer que |

|God's Word, humble yourself, and say, "Father, forgive me for exalting natural |desaparezcan. Usted, literalmente, debe tomar la verdad y oponerse a la duda y la|

|"truth" over your truth. Whatever your Word says is true. If I don't understand |incredulidad con él. |

|it, please explain it to me." | |

| |God Knows ... Thomas Dudas |

|But that's not what the disciples did. Thomas countered Jesus, saying, "Lord, we | |

|don't know where you're going, so how can we know the way?" Then Jesus turned to |Compartimos una enorme cantidad de verdad en Juan 14:1-3 . Lo siguiente que dijo |

|him and said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the |Jesús a sus discípulos es el versículo 4 , que dice: "Y sabéis a dónde voy |

|Father, but by me. If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and |conozco, y sabéis el camino . " Jesús sabía que la gente mejor que ellos |

|from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him" (verses 6-7). |conocieron . La Biblia dice que el Señor sabe lo que está en el corazón del |

|Then Philip said, "Lord, shew us the Father, and it will suffice us" (verse 8). |hombre ( 1 Sam . 16:07 ) . Jesús demostró en innumerables ocasiones que vio a la |

|Philip did the same thing Thomas did. He said, "Lord, what you say is not true. |derecha en el corazón de una persona. Jesús sabía que Sus discípulos. Él sabía |

|We haven't seen the Father." Jesus just said that they had seen the Father, and |que su pensamiento seguía confusa . Él sabía que no estaban actuando |

|this time Philip contradicted Him. |correctamente. |

| | |

|Ask and Ye Shall Be (1) Answered (2) Rebuked |Cuando dijo: " Y sabéis a dónde voy sabéis , y os la manera sé " (versículo 4 ) ,|

| |que era una afirmación verdadera , porque le conocían . Entonces Tomás le dijo a |

|Later, in verse 22, it says, "Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot, Lord, how is it|Jesús : "Señor , no sabemos a dónde vas; ? Y ¿cómo podemos saber el camino " |

|that thou will manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world?" This is the |(versículo 5 ) . Entonces , el versículo 6 dice que Jesús es el camino, la verdad|

|third question, but the questioner wasn't rebuked this time. The Lord simply |y la vida , pero sabía que no entienden esto. |

|explained it. There was a difference in the intent of the question. Two of the | |

|questioners had said, "Lord, you're wrong. How could that be?" Although phrased |Yo creo que Jesús estaba hablando acerca de Dios, acerca de la fe , y de cómo |

|as questions, they were still motivated out of unbelief. It was rebellion, |mucha gente tire su fe. Muchas personas piensan que están operando en la fe, |

|opposition to what God had said. |cuando la verdad es que no están operando en la fe en absoluto. Muchos de |

| |nosotros estamos simplemente pasando por las propuestas de resolución . Estamos |

|The third question, asked by Judas, was simply, "Lord, I don't disbelieve you, |muertos por dentro. |

|but how will you do this?" It was for information. Those kinds of questions are | |

|good. When you have a crisis, questions usually come fast. What's happening? Why |Me - A Tomás el incrédulo ? |

|is it happening? What will the outcome be? | |

| |Deténgase y piense acerca de esto. En una reunión de la iglesia , que todos |

|You must make sure you never question the integrity of God's Word, God's |lleguemos , supuestamente para creer que el Señor . Venimos a escuchar a Dios . |

|faithfulness to you, or the things God has spoken to you. God has said He will |Pusimos nuestro mejor pie adelante espiritual cuando estamos en la iglesia. |

|never leave us nor forsake us (Heb. 13:5). So don't ask, "God, where are you?" |Creemos - o pretendemos que creemos . Pero en el mundo cuando el maligno nos |

|That's unbelief. You aren't going to get a positive response from God out of |ataca , respondemos de manera diferente. Si somos honestos, admitiremos que hemos|

|that. You'll be rebuked. Similarly, the Bible says that only good and perfect |hecho lo mismo que Thomas hizo muchas veces. |

|gifts come from above (James 1:17) and that Satan is the one who brings problems |T |

|(John 10:10). |homas , en efecto, estaba diciendo: " Señor, ¿qué has dicho no es cierto. Es una |

| |mentira . No sabemos a dónde vas , ¿cómo podemos saber el camino? " Pensamos: " |

|So don't say, "God, why did you do this?" or you're headed for trouble. The Bible|Eso es terrible. ¿Cómo se atreve Thomas contradice el Señor Jesús y decir que |

|says Jesus became poor so we could become rich (2 Cor. 8:9). So don't ask, "God, |estaba equivocado! " Pero, ¿cuántas veces has dicho algo como : "Bueno , sé que |

|why am I poor?" That's doubt and unbelief. |la Palabra de Dios dice que por sus llagas he sido sanado , pero todavía estoy |

| |enfermo. " Eso es diferente , ¿no? ¡Mal! La única diferencia es que usted dijo |

|However, if you question it by saying, "God, what is going on? I know you're |que en lugar de Tomás, y estamos más indulgentes con nosotros mismos que otros en|

|faithful. I know your Word is truth. I know you'd never do anything wrong. Is |circunstancias como esta . |

|there something I haven't learned?" If it's that kind of question, for | |

|information, that's positive. There is a godly type of questioning. |Es exactamente lo mismo que Thomas hizo. El Señor ha dicho ciertas cosas en Su |

| |Palabra. Por ejemplo, Él dijo que Jesús se hizo pobre , para que por su pobreza |

|When You're Up to Your Ears in Alligators... |fuésemos enriquecidos ( 2 Cor . 8:09 ) , que nos bendijo con toda bendición |

|When people come into crises, one of the first things they do is start |espiritual en los lugares celestiales con Cristo Jesús (Efesios 1:3) , que nada |

|questioning the things they've held as foundational truths. For instance, if you |será de ninguna manera nosotros ( Lucas 10:19 ) daño. Estas cosas ya se han |

|believe in healing, if you've been professing healing, if you've been telling |hecho. Están en la Palabra. |

|other people about healing, if you've prayed and been healed yourself or seen | |

|others healed, and suddenly sickness comes upon you, then Satan will try to |Dios lo dijo, pero ¿qué nos dice? Decimos: " Señor , eso no es correcto . |

|broadside you. You try to release your faith, you pray, you quote the Word, but |Cualquiera puede ver mi cuenta de banco y decirles que no soy rico. Cualquiera |

|if you don't see the sickness leave in thirty minutes or an hour or a day, you |puede ver de estos síntomas que estoy enfermo. Cualquiera puede mirar en mis |

|begin to question. |circunstancias y decirle que no soy bendecido " . Eso está llamando mentiroso a |

| |Dios ... nada menos. |

|You think, "This isn't working the way it should." Then there are questions. Is | |

|this really true? Is it really God's will to heal every time? Have I been wrong |Todo lo ha dicho el Señor es 100 por ciento cierto. Pero debido a que Thomas no |

|in what I'm saying? Questions like this are going to come. If you don't know how |podía percibirlo en el reino físico , lo rechazó y dijo: " Señor , lo que dices |

|to handle them, your faith can be shipwrecked (1 Tim. 1:19). |no es cierto. " Nosotros hacemos lo mismo. |

| |Realidad y Verdad |

|How do you deal with these questions? You must make a commitment. In Romans 3:4, | |

|it says, "Let God be true, but every man a liar" You need to get to a point where|Una cosa que debemos reconocer en una situación de crisis es la diferencia entre |

|you can exalt spiritual truth over physical truth. You need to exalt what God's |lo que es verdadero y lo que es verdad. Ciertas cosas son ciertas desde una |

|Word says, taking it as a more sure word than what you can see, taste, hear, |perspectiva física , pero hay una verdad espiritual de primer orden. Esto es lo |

|smell, and feel. That's easy to say, but not easy to do. It is a lifetime |que Jesús estaba ministrando . Las personas siempre van por lo que está |

|process. That's maturity in the Christian life. |sucediendo en el reino físico . Si todo lo que hacemos es reconocer que , usted |

| |nunca será capaz de operar en las verdades de la Palabra de Dios, porque ellos |

|...It's No Time to Think of Draining the Swamp |siempre se cruzan entre sí . Van a ser contrarias entre sí una gran parte del |

|When you enter a crisis, if you haven't been applying yourself to the Word of |tiempo , por lo general la mayor parte del tiempo. |

|God, if you're waiting until the storm hits before you try to build your house, | |

|you're going to be in trouble. That's all there is to it. Sometimes the storm is |El mundo de la carne y el mundo del espíritu son enemistad contra sí (Gálatas |

|so severe that you can't build your house in the midst of it. You have to run |5:17 ) . Están en guerra. |

|next door and find someone who's already built their house and weather the storm | |

|there. Sometimes you're going to need help to survive. You'll have to wait until |A veces cometemos el error de la exaltación de la verdad física sobre la verdad |

|it's over and start re-establishing yourself in the Word of God. |espiritual. Tenemos lo que podemos ver , gustar, oír, oler , sentir y ser más |

| |real que lo que dice la Palabra de Dios. Pero una de las cosas que debe hacer en |

|You need to make a decision that God's Word is greater than what you can see, |una crisis es volver a la Palabra de Dios , se humilla , y decir : "Padre , |

|taste, hear, smell, or feel. In other words, what you experience in the physical |perdóname por exaltar natural" verdad " sobre su verdad. Sea cual sea su Palabra |

|realm. What I'm talking about is a simple principle in God's Word, but few |dice es cierto . Si yo no ' entiendo que , por favor, que me lo explique . " |

|Christians ever get a hold of it. Most of us are more dominated by the physical | |

|than we are by the spiritual. Yet you can soften your heart, you can sensitize it|Pero eso no es lo que hicieron los discípulos. Thomas respondió Jesús, diciendo: |

|to the things of God so that what God says becomes more real to you than what you|"Señor, no sabemos a dónde vas , ¿cómo podemos saber el camino? " Entonces Jesús |

|see. |se volvió hacia él y le dijo: "Yo soy el camino, la verdad , y la vida: . Nadie |

| |viene al Padre, sino por mí Si me conocieseis, á mi Padre conoceríais también: y |

|For some of you, this may sound far out. You may think, "I'm not sure this guy is|desde ahora conocerlo , y lo han visto " (versículos 6-7). |

|dealing with reality." It depends on which segment of reality you're talking |Entonces Felipe dijo: " Señor, muéstranos al Padre , y nos basta " (versículo 8 )|

|about. If all you acknowledge is physical reality, you may think I'm crazy. But |. Felipe hizo lo mismo Thomas hizo. Él dijo: " Señor , lo que dices no es cierto.|

|when you begin to look at things from God's perspective, it's just common sense. |Nosotros no hemos visto al Padre . " Jesús acaba de decir que habían visto al |

|Everything we can see was created out of something we can't see, according to |Padre , y esta vez Felipe le contradijo . |

|Hebrews 11:3: "Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the | |

|word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do |Pregunta y seréis ( 1 ) respondió ( 2 ) reprendió |

|appear." | |

| |Más adelante, en el versículo 22 , que dice : "Judas le dijo: no el Iscariote: |

|Things that are seen — this book, your chair, the walls of your house — come from|Señor, ¿qué hay porque te habrá de manifestar a nosotros y no al mundo ? " Esta |

|something that you can't see. They didn't come from nothing. God didn't make |es la tercera pregunta, pero la pregunta no fue reprendido este momento. El Señor|

|something out of nothing. God took spiritual substance and made physical |simplemente lo explicó . Hubo una diferencia en la intención de la pregunta . Dos|

|substance out of it. |de los interrogadores habían dicho: "Señor , te equivocas . ¿Cómo puede ser eso? |

| |" Aunque expresado en forma de preguntas , aún estaban motivados por la |

|Isn't that simple? There's a spiritual world out there, but because we can't see |incredulidad. Fue la rebelión , la oposición a lo que Dios había dicho. |

|it or contact it through our physical senses, we don't acknowledge it. The Word | |

|of God is a perfect representation of spiritual truth, what's already there in |La tercera pregunta, hecha por Judas , fue simplemente : "Señor, yo no te creen, |

|the spirit realm. If you don't understand this, you can't operate in faith. |pero ¿cómo vas a hacer esto?" Fue por la información. Ese tipo de preguntas son |

| |buenas. Cuando usted tiene una crisis , las preguntas suelen venir rápido. ¿Qué |

|Because people don't understand it, a lot of them think that you have to confess |está pasando ? ¿Por qué ocurre ? ¿Cuál será el resultado? |

|the Word to release the ability of God. They say, "I'm saying that it's so when | |

|it isn't so in order for it to be so." They think that through confessing |Usted debe asegurarse de que nunca duda de la integridad de la Palabra de Dios , |

|something, they actually make it happen. |la fidelidad de Dios para ti , ni las cosas que Dios ha hablado . Dios ha dicho |

| |Él nunca nos dejará ni nos ( Heb. 13:5) abandonará. Así que no pregunte , "Dios, |

|Confession doesn't make anything happen. All confession does is take something |¿dónde estás? " Esa es la incredulidad. Usted no se va a conseguir una respuesta |

|that's already present in the spiritual realm and, by speaking it, release it |positiva de parte de Dios fuera de eso. Usted será reprendido . Del mismo modo , |

|into the physical realm. You aren't creating it. You aren't making God do |la Biblia dice que sólo buenos y perfectos dones vienen de lo alto ( Santiago |

|something. If you say "By the stripes of Jesus, I am healed," that will not make |1:17 ) y que Satanás es el que trae problemas (Juan 10:10). |

|God heal you. No, you've already been healed, according to 1 Peter 2:24. It's an | |

|accomplished fact. It's already done. Your confession just brings what's already |Así que no diga , " Dios, ¿por qué has hecho esto ? " o te diriges a los |

|a reality in the spirit realm into the physical realm. |problemas. La Biblia dice que Jesús se hizo pobre por lo que podría llegar a ser |

| |ricos ( 2 Cor . 8:09 ) . Así que no te pregunto : "Dios, ¿por qué soy pobre ? " |

|God did it 2,000 years ago. It's already provided. It's already there. But it's |Esa es la duda y la incredulidad. |

|in the spiritual world, and your body is in the physical world. It doesn't do you| |

|any good as long as it stays in the spiritual realm. Your body is physical, and |Sin embargo, si lo cuestionas , diciendo: " Dios, ¿qué está pasando? Sé que eres |

|it needs physical results. So how do you get it from the spiritual world to the |fiel . Sé que tu Palabra es verdad. Sé que nunca haría nada malo. ¿Hay algo que |

|physical world? |no he aprendido? " Si se trata de ese tipo de preguntas , para información, eso |

| |es positivo . Hay un tipo piadoso de cuestionamiento . |

|Faith is Substance | |

|You believe. "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of |Cuando estás hasta las orejas en Cocodrilos ... |

|things not seen," according to Hebrews 11:1. It doesn't say faith is the evidence|Cuando las personas entran en crisis , una de las primeras cosas que hacen es |

|of things that don't exist! Faith is the evidence of things that do exist; they |empezar a cuestionar las cosas que he mantenido como verdades fundamentales . Por|

|just exist in the unseen world. They are spiritual reality. Faith takes from the |ejemplo , si usted cree en la curación , si usted ha estado profesando la |

|spiritual world and brings it into the physical world. |curación, si usted ha estado diciendo a la gente acerca de la sanidad , los demás|

| |si usted ha orado y sido sanado a sí mismo oa visto sanados, y de repente |

|Jesus said in John 14:4, "Where I'm going you know and the way you know." But |enfermedad viene a usted, entonces Satanás tratará de andanada usted. Intenta |

|with their little minds, the disciples couldn't comprehend what He was saying. |liberar su fe , orando, usted cita la Palabra, pero si usted no ve la baja por |

|Since they didn't understand it, they said, "Jesus, you must be wrong." You need |enfermedad en treinta minutos o una hora o un día , se empieza a cuestionar . |

|to recognize that God's Word is smarter than you'll ever hope to be. If you live | |

|to be 110, you'll never begin to approach the wisdom of God. You need to make a |Usted piensa, " Esto no está funcionando como debería . " Luego están las |

|decision: "God, your Word is true." |preguntas. ¿Es esto realmente cierto ? ¿Es realmente la voluntad de Dios para |

| |sanar todas las veces? ¿He sido malo en lo que estoy diciendo? Preguntas como |

|When God says that you are healed by the stripes of Jesus, is that a true |esta van a venir . Si usted no sabe cómo manejarlos , su fe puede naufragar ( 1 |

|statement or not? Some of us say, "I know the Word says that, but my body says |Tim . 1:19). |

|I'm not healed. Oh, I wish I could be healed." Are you saying that? Then you're | |

|calling God a liar. It's simple — it's is so simple you have to have someone help|¿Cómo lidiar con estas preguntas? Usted debe hacer un compromiso . En Romanos |

|you misunderstand it! |03:04 , que dice, "Sea Dios veraz, y todo hombre mentiroso " Necesitas para |

| |llegar a un punto donde se puede exaltar la verdad espiritual sobre la verdad |

|We've come up with elaborate ways of rationalizing our failures so that it |física. Es necesario exaltar lo que dice la Palabra de Dios , tomándolo como una |

|doesn't throw the blame on us. But when we make these statements of doubt, we're |palabra más segura de lo que puedes ver, probar , oír, oler y sentir . Eso es |

|basically calling God a liar. We're doing the same thing Thomas did because we're|fácil de decir, pero no es fácil de hacer. Es un proceso de toda la vida. Esa es |

|exalting our own reasoning, our own feelings, our own senses, above what God's |la madurez en la vida cristiana. |

|Word says. If you do that, you're never going to prosper or have your needs met | |

|or get healed or make it through a crisis, because Satan always will put emotions|... Es tiempo de pensar de secar el pantano |

|and events on you that make it look like God's Word isn't true. |Al entrar en una crisis , si no se ha estado aplicando a sí mismo a la Palabra de|

| |Dios, si estás esperando hasta que llegue la tormenta antes de tratar de |

|You must get to the place where you exalt God's Word and believe it more than you|construir su casa, usted va a estar en problemas. Eso es todo lo que hay que |

|believe the physical realm. |hacer . A veces, la tormenta es tan grave que no se puede construir su casa en el|

| |medio de ella. Tienes que correr al lado y encontrar a alguien que ya ha |

|Aerobics for the Senses |construido su casa y capear el temporal allí. A veces vas a necesitar ayuda para |

|The Bible says in Hebrews 5:13-14,"For every one that useth milk is unskilful in |sobrevivir. Vas a tener que esperar hasta que termine y empiece a re- |

|the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. But strong meat belongeth to them |establecimiento de sí mismo en la Palabra de Dios. |

|that are of full age [this is talking about maturity], even those who by reason | |

|of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil." |¡Tienes que tomar una decisión que la Palabra de Dios es mayor que lo que se |

| |puede ver , saborear, escuchar, oler , o sentir . En otras palabras, lo que se |

|These scriptures say that you can actually reprogram your mind, your senses and |experimenta en el reino físico . Lo que estoy hablando es de un principio simple |

|your emotions to discern good and evil, instead of constantly having them go in |en la Palabra de Dios, pero pocos cristianos alguna vez conseguir un asimiento de|

|the other direction. When your feelings say "I hurt. Who cares what God's Word |él . La mayoría de nosotros estamos más dominada por la física de lo que somos |

|says?" you can actually get them to acknowledge God's Word. You can renew your |por lo espiritual. Sin embargo, usted puede ablandar su corazón , puede |

|mind so that it doesn't always have to drag you toward the devil and away from |sensibilizar a las cosas de Dios a fin de que lo que Dios dice se hace más real |

|God's Word. You can even renew your senses so that they will begin to start |para ti que lo que se ve . |

|bearing witness to God's truth. | |

| |Para algunos de ustedes , esto puede sonar muy lejos . Usted puede pensar , "No |

|Of course, until you get a renewed body, you can never totally trust your senses |estoy seguro de que este chico está tratando con la realidad. " Depende de qué |

|so that they become the leading part of your personality. But you can get to the |segmento de la realidad que estás hablando . Si lo único que reconoce es la |

|point they aren't constantly screaming doubt and unbelief at you. |realidad física , usted puede pensar que estoy loco. Pero cuando empiezas a ver |

| |las cosas desde la perspectiva de Dios , es sólo sentido común. Todo lo que |

|How do you do that? There are several ways, but the two primary ways are found in|podemos ver se ha creado a partir de algo que no podemos ver , de acuerdo a |

|Matthew 17:19-21. Jesus had just cast a demon out of a boy, and the disciples |Hebreos 11:03 : " Por la fe entendemos que el universo fue formado por la palabra|

|asked Him, "Why could not we cast him out?" Jesus said, "Because of your |de Dios, de modo que lo que se ve fue hecho de lo que no sí parecen " . |

|unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed,| |

|ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall |Las cosas que se ven - este libro, la silla , las paredes de su casa - vienen de |

|remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you." Finally He says, "Howbeit this|algo que no se puede ver . Ellos no vienen de la nada. Dios no hizo algo de la |

|kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting." |nada . Dios tomó la sustancia espiritual e hizo sustancia física fuera de él. |

| | |

|Jesus is not saying that this kind of demon goes out only by prayer and fasting. |¿No es así de simple? Hay un mundo espiritual que hay, pero ya que no podemos ver|

|There are no demons who need more than the name of Jesus to be cast out. You can |ni comunicarse con ella a través de nuestros sentidos físicos , que no lo |

|fast and pray until you wither to nothing, and it will not increase your power |reconocen . La Palabra de Dios es una representación perfecta de la verdad |

|against the devil one iota. Faith in the name of Jesus alone is what accomplishes|espiritual , lo que ya está ahí , en el reino espiritual. Si usted no entiende |

|the miracle. But fasting and prayer will cast out the kind of unbelief Jesus was |esto , no se puede operar en la fe. |

|talking about. It will eliminate what I call human, or natural, unbelief. | |

| |Porque la gente no lo entiende , muchos de ellos piensan que usted tiene que |

|Thou I Don't Speak in Tongues... |confesar la Palabra de liberar la capacidad de Dios. Ellos dicen: " Estoy |

|There is an unbelief that comes from a heart being hardened toward God. For |diciendo que es por lo que cuando no es así con el fin de que sea así . " Ellos |

|example, let's say someone had a bad experience with Pentecostals. At one time, |piensan que a través de la confesión de algo, que en realidad hacen que suceda . |

|they were exposed to preaching about the baptism of the Holy Spirit, speaking in | |

|tongues, miracles, etc. But then they saw some Pentecostal do something really |La confesión no hace nada te pase . Toda confesión hace es tomar algo que ya está|

|wild, something irresponsible, something that offended them and they rejected it.|presente en el ámbito espiritual y , al hablar , suelte en el reino físico. Usted|

| |no se crea. Usted no está haciendo Dios haga algo. Si usted dice " Por las llagas|

|So they hardened themselves and said, "I hate that. I don't want anything to do |de Jesús , estoy curado ", que no hará que Dios te sane. No, ya has sido sanado ,|

|with it." They turned away from tongues and gifts of the Spirit altogether. Now |de acuerdo a 1 Pedro 2:24 . Es un hecho consumado. Ya está hecho . Su confesión |

|they're in a state of unbelief, but it's an unbelief by choice. They hardened |sólo trae lo que ya es una realidad en el reino espiritual en el reino físico . |

|themselves, so it's actually a rebellious kind of unbelief. It can eventually | |

|wreck a person's life. |Dios lo hizo hace 2.000 años. Ya está provisto . Ya está ahí. Pero es en el mundo|

| |espiritual , y su cuerpo está en el mundo físico. No le hace ningún bien , |

|But say another person is seeking God with their whole heart, believes in the |siempre y cuando se mantenga en el ámbito espiritual . Su cuerpo es físico , y |

|baptism of the Holy Ghost, and desires it. It's not that they're rebellious; they|necesita resultados físicos . Entonces, ¿cómo lo consigue desde el mundo |

|long for it, but they can't seem to get it. Some people have been tarrying for |espiritual al mundo físico ? |

|the Holy Ghost for thirty years! That can come through wrong doctrine. Or it can | |

|come because a person never gets beyond the realm of feelings. They're hung up on|La fe es sustancia |

|their feelings, waiting for an experience. And because they haven't felt or seen |Usted cree . " La fe es la certeza de lo que se espera, la convicción de lo que |

|anything, they can't believe. |no se ve ", de acuerdo a Hebreos 11:01 . No dice que la fe es la convicción de lo|

| |que no existen ! La fe es la evidencia de las cosas que existen , sino que sólo |

|Their physical senses have become so dominant over them, they can't get beyond |existen en el mundo invisible . Ellos son la realidad espiritual. La fe lleva |

|that. They can't believe for anything they can't see, taste, hear, smell, or |desde el mundo espiritual y lo pone en el mundo físico. |

|feel. That's what I call a natural type of unbelief. Everybody has it. Nobody | |

|naturally believes God. You have to exercise your senses to believe God. It's |Jesús dijo en Juan 14:04 , "Donde yo voy ustedes saben y la forma en que sabes. "|

|like a muscle. You have muscles in your body, but none of them are naturally huge|Sin embargo, con sus pequeñas mentes , los discípulos no podían comprender lo que|

|and bulging. If you leave them alone and do nothing, they'll atrophy. They don't |estaba diciendo . Ya que ellos no lo entendieron , me dijeron : "Jesús , debe |

|naturally grow, they decay. |estar equivocado. " Es necesario reconocer que la Palabra de Dios es más |

| |inteligente de lo que nunca la esperanza de ser . Si usted vive para ser 110 , |

|In the same way, your senses will dominate you if you don't make a deliberate |que nunca comience a acercarse a la sabiduría de Dios. ¡Tienes que tomar una |

|effort to exercise them. |decisión: " Dios, tu palabra es verdad. " |

| | |

|This natural type of unbelief is what the Lord is talking about in Matthew 17. |Cuando Dios dice que usted es sanado por las llagas de Jesús, es que una |

|The disciples believed that God could do miracles — they had cast out demons |afirmación verdadera o no? Algunos de nosotros decimos : "Yo sé que la Palabra |

|themselves. But in this case, they weren't able to see deliverance. I believe the|dice eso, pero mi cuerpo me dice que no estoy curado . Oh , me gustaría poder ser|

|reason the disciples had unbelief was because the epileptic boy fell on the |sanado . " ¿Me estás diciendo eso? Entonces usted está llamando a Dios mentiroso |

|ground, wallowed, and foamed at the mouth (Luke 9:42). If you've ever seen an |. Es muy sencillo - es tan simple que usted tiene que tener alguien le ayude a |

|epileptic attack right in front of you, it will send goose bumps up and down your|entenderlo mal ! |

|spine. Fear will assault you. | |

| |Nosotros hemos llegado con formas elaboradas de racionalizar nuestros fracasos |

|Prayer and Fasting Works Miracles |para que no tira la culpa a nosotros. Pero cuando hacemos estas declaraciones de |

|It made their senses stand at attention. They said, "It's not working. This guy |duda , básicamente estamos llamando a Dios mentiroso . Estamos haciendo lo mismo |

|is getting worse instead of better." Their senses dominated them. They had a |que Thomas hizo porque estamos exaltando nuestro propio razonamiento , nuestros |

|natural unbelief that stopped them from seeing a miracle. Jesus said to them, |sentimientos , nuestros propios sentidos , por encima de lo que dice la Palabra |

|"All you need is a little bit of faith, but your unbelief was opposing it." He |de Dios. Si usted hace eso , usted nunca va a prosperar o tener sus necesidades |

|said, "You can't get rid of this kind [in other words, this kind of natural |satisfechas o se sana o hacerlo a través de una crisis, porque Satanás siempre |

|unbelief] except by prayer and fasting." |poner las emociones y los acontecimientos en usted que hacer que se vea como la |

| |Palabra de Dios no es cierto. |

|Now why does prayer and fasting work? Basically, it works because it brings your | |

|senses under control of your spirit and exalts spiritual truth above natural |Usted debe llegar al lugar donde os levantáis la Palabra de Dios y cree más de lo|

|truth. |que cree que el mundo físico. |

| | |

|Your body is not the way you may have pictured it. It is not as strong as you |Aerobic para los sentidos |

|think. Your body literally does what you tell it to do. It is not evil in itself.|La Biblia dice en Hebreos 5:13-14 , " Y todo aquel que participa de la leche es |

|Likewise, your emotions and senses are not evil in themselves. Satan will tempt |inexperto en la palabra de justicia, porque es niño , pero sólido es la carne a |

|them, and if you yield your senses to him, they can become instruments for evil. |los que han alcanzado madurez [ esto está hablando de madurez ] . , para los que |

|But your body and your senses in themselves are not evil or good. They're amoral.|por el uso tienen los sentidos ejercitados en el discernimiento del bien y del |

|They're natural. |mal. " |

| | |

|God gave you your body and senses. It's the way you use them that corrupts you. |Estas escrituras dicen que en realidad se puede reprogramar su mente , sus |

|It's like a child. A child has certain tendencies to be self-centered, |sentidos y sus emociones para discernir el bien y el mal , en lugar de tener que |

|pleasure-seeking, rebellious, etc. Those things in themselves aren't bad unless |constantemente ir en la otra dirección . Cuando sus sentimientos dicen " me duele|

|you let them become dominant. You've got to direct them. You've got to channel |. A quién le importa lo que dice la Palabra de Dios? " en realidad se puede |

|them in the right direction. Your body, your carnal nature (what the New |conseguir que reconocen la Palabra de Dios. Usted puede renovar su mente para que|

|Testament calls the flesh), is the same way. |no siempre tiene que arrastrarte hacia el maligno y de la Palabra de Dios. Usted |

| |puede incluso renovar sus sentidos para que puedan comenzar a comenzar a dar |

|So how do you bring it under control? One way is by prayer and fasting. |testimonio de la verdad de Dios . |

|But most people have the wrong impression here. For example, people fast as an | |

|act of law, to make God do something. Typically, it goes like this: They pray and|Por supuesto , hasta que obtenga un cuerpo renovado , nunca se puede confiar |

|nothing happens. Then they think, "I don't know why the Lord hasn't heard my |totalmente sus sentidos para que sean la parte principal de su personalidad. Pero|

|prayer, but I've prayed and nothing's happened yet." Then they go to church and |se puede llegar al punto en que no están constantemente gritando duda e |

|get somebody to agree with them. Still nothing happens. So they say, "If all else|incredulidad en usted. |

|fails, I'll go on a fast until I get my answer." What they're saying is, "I don't| |

|know why God hasn't answered my prayer, but He'll answer it when I get into a |¿Cómo se hace eso ? Hay varias formas , pero las dos formas principales se |

|fast. |encuentran en Mateo 17:19-21 . Jesús acababa de expulsar un demonio de un niño , |

| |y los discípulos le preguntaron: " ¿Por qué nosotros no pudimos echarlo fuera? " |

|Hungering After God |Jesús dijo: " Por vuestra poca fe ; porque de cierto os digo , que si tuviereis |

|In other words, a fast becomes a lever or a pry bar on God. People think, "I |fe como un grano de mostaza, diréis a este monte: Pásate de aquí allá , y se |

|don't know why God is not budging, but this'll do it. Fasting will get Him. When |pasará; y nada hay imposible a vosotros " . Finalmente dice: " Pero este género |

|He sees me about to waste away, I know that regardless of how upset He is with |no sale sino con oración y ayuno . " |

|me, He'll have mercy. Surely He'll move on my behalf when I'm about to die." We | |

|play on God's sympathy. |Jesús no está diciendo que este tipo de demonio sale sólo con oración y ayuno . |

| |No hay demonios que necesitan algo más que el nombre de Jesús para ser echada |

|That kind of fasting will get you nothing but hungry. It does not accomplish a |fuera . Usted puede ayunar y orar hasta que se marchitan a la nada , y no va a |

|thing. Fasting doesn't give you any more "pull" with God — He doesn't love you a |aumentar su poder contra el maligno ni un ápice . La fe en el nombre de Jesús |

|bit more if you fast or don't fast, or if you pray or don't pray. If you never |solamente es lo que logra el milagro. Pero el ayuno y la oración echará fuera el |

|fasted or prayed again, God's love toward you would still be the same. He doesn't|tipo de incredulidad que Jesús estaba hablando. Eliminará lo que yo llamo humana |

|change. God doesn't keep a chart with the hours you've spent praying and fasting |o natural, la incredulidad. |

|and then, when you reach a certain level, He assigns you "priority mail" and has | |

|to answer your prayer! |Tú no hablo en lenguas ... |

| |Hay una falta de fe que viene de un corazón está endurecido hacia Dios. Por |

|God doesn't operate that way. You don't influence His attitude or actions toward |ejemplo , digamos que alguien tenía una mala experiencia con los pentecostales . |

|you through your acts. God loves you because He is love. Prayer and fasting don't|En un momento, fueron expuestos a predicar sobre el bautismo del Espíritu Santo, |

|move Him. |el hablar en lenguas , milagros , etc, pero luego se vio alguna Pentecostal hacer|

| |algo realmente salvaje , algo irresponsable , algo que los ofendió y se rechazó. |

|But prayer and fasting does move you. Suppose your senses dominate you to the | |

|point that when God's Word says "By whose stripes ye were healed" (1 Pet. 2:24), |Así que ellos se endurecieron , y dijeron: "No me gusta eso. Yo no quiero tener |

|your body rebels and says, "No, I'm not healed. I hurt." How are you going to get|nada que ver con eso. " Ellos se apartaron de las lenguas y los dones del |

|that body to submit itself to greater spiritual truth? |Espíritu en conjunto. Ahora están en un estado de incredulidad, pero es una falta|

| |de fe por elección. Se endureció a sí mismos , por lo que es en realidad una |

|Some of us are totally dominated by our bodies. Our bodies say, "Eat!" and we |especie de rebeldía de la incredulidad. Con el tiempo, puede arruinar la vida de |

|say, "How much?" We do whatever it tells us to. Most of us can look in the mirror|una persona. |

|and see more than enough evidence that we're not doing well in this area (there | |

|are some skinny gluttons out there, too). If your body has dominated you, if you |Pero decir que otra persona está buscando a Dios con todo el corazón , cree en el|

|indulge your flesh, remember what Hebrews 5:14 says — that by reason of use we |bautismo del Espíritu Santo, y la desea . No es que ellos son rebeldes , sino que|

|have our senses exercised to discern both good and evil. You've got to exercise |anhelan , pero parece que no pueden conseguirlo . Algunas personas han sido |

|your senses. It's by reason of use. |tardanza por el Espíritu Santo durante treinta años! Eso puede venir a través de |

| |la doctrina equivocada. O puede venir porque una persona nunca llega más allá del|

|Down, Body, Down! |ámbito de los sentimientos . Están colgadas en sus sentimientos , en espera de |

|If you've been living a self-indulgent life, if you've given your flesh |una experiencia. Y debido a que no han sentido o visto nada , que no pueden creer|

|everything it asks for, and then suddenly the devil puts cancer on you so that |. |

|fear, panic, and pain set in, you may say, "All right, I'm taking authority over | |

|you, body and emotions." Then your body responds, "Who are you to tell me what to|Sus sentidos físicos se han vuelto tan dominante sobre ellos , no pueden ir más |

|do? I tell you when to eat, how much to eat, what to eat — and you do it. And now|allá de eso. No pueden creer en algo que no pueden ver, saborear , oír, oler , o |

|you're going to control me?" Your body's going to rebel. You're going to have |sentir. Eso es lo que yo llamo un tipo natural de la incredulidad. Todo el mundo |

|warfare. It is possible to win if you're desperate enough, but if you haven't |lo tiene . Nadie cree naturalmente Dios. Usted tiene que ejercitar sus sentidos |

|been disciplining yourself, most of the time you'll lose. |para creer a Dios . Es como un músculo. Usted tiene músculos en su cuerpo , pero |

| |ninguno de ellos es natural enorme y abultada . Si los dejas solos y no hacer |

|How can you deal with that? A fast is a tremendous way. Your appetite is one of |nada , van a atrofian . No crecen naturalmente , se desintegran . |

|the strongest drives you have. People will kill over hunger. Eating is one of the| |

|temptations the devil used against Eve. It's a strong urge. |De la misma manera , sus sentidos dominarán usted si usted no hace un esfuerzo |

| |deliberado para ejercerlos. |

|When you start on a fast and your flesh hasn't been brought under subjection, it | |

|will rebel. You may have heard someone talk about seeing three angels and five |Este tipo natural de la incredulidad es lo que el Señor está hablando en Mateo 17|

|visions and getting words from God and all these things during a fast. You may |. Los discípulos creyeron que Dios podía hacer milagros - se habían echado fuera |

|think, "This is wonderful. I'm going to fast. I want to see angels. I want to |demonios mismos . Pero en este caso , no eran capaces de ver la liberación. Creo |

|have visions. I want to have God do something special for me." |que la razón los discípulos tuvieron la incredulidad se debía a que el niño |

| |epiléptico cayendo en tierra , se revolcaba , y espuma por la boca ( Lucas 9:42 )|

|So you go on a fast, and by noon the first day, you're cranky, you're irritable, |. Si alguna vez has visto un ataque epiléptico justo en frente de usted , enviará|

|you're headachy, you feel like you're wasting away. You think, "Some vision this |la piel de gallina y en la columna vertebral . Miedo voluntad asalto usted. |

|is!" | |

| |La oración y el ayuno hace milagros |

|Of course, medically speaking, it doesn't hurt you to fast. One day a week is |Hizo sus sentidos colocan en la atención . Ellos dijeron: " No está funcionando .|

|actually good for you. It will purge your body of poisons. If you're drinking |Este hombre está empeorando en vez de mejorar . " Sus sentidos ellos dominados . |

|water, you can go forty days or more before you begin to starve. Before forty |Tenían una incredulidad natural que les impedía ver a un milagro. Jesús les dijo:|

|days, it's your appetite, not your body, that is starving. If you thought you |" Todo lo que necesitas es un poco de fe, pero su incredulidad se oponía a ello. |

|were dying of hunger before sundown the first day, you were wrong. That was your |" Él dijo: " Usted no puede deshacerse de este tipo [ en otras palabras, este |

|flesh rebelling. |tipo de incredulidad natural] sino con oración y ayuno. " |

| | |

|Not by Pie Alone |Ahora ¿por qué la oración y el ayuno trabajo? Básicamente, funciona porque trae |

|So your body begins to rebel. It cries out, "Give me some food, or I'm going to |sus sentidos bajo control de su espíritu y exalta la verdad espiritual por encima|

|die!" What do you do now? You have to start drawing on the spirit man to sustain |de la verdad natural. |

|you. When Jesus was tempted by the devil, He told him, "Man shall not live by | |

|bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God" (Matt. |Su cuerpo no es la manera que usted pudo haber imaginado . No es tan fuerte como |

|4:4, where he quotes Deut. 8:3). When He said that, He was not just |crees. Tu cuerpo hace , literalmente, lo que le dices que haga. No es malo en sí |

|spiritualizing a scripture. Your spirit can actually give physical strength to |mismo . Del mismo modo, las emociones y los sentidos no son malas en sí mismas . |

|your body. |Satanás tentar a ellos, y si cedes tus sentidos para él, que puede llegar a ser |

| |instrumentos para el mal. Pero su cuerpo y sus sentidos en sí mismos no son malos|

|Of course, that's not a long-term solution. God made your body to be fed by |o buenos. Son amorales . Son naturales . |

|eating. But the spirit can literally quicken your mortal flesh (Rom. 8:11). The | |

|spirit can give you physical strength when your body and emotions are going wild.|Dios te dio su cuerpo y los sentidos. Es la manera de usarlos que corrompe . Es |

|But you'll have to deny the flesh and draw on the spirit man. The spirit man |como un niño. Un niño tiene ciertas tendencias a ser egocéntricos , la búsqueda |

|literally begins to sustain you physically. It begins to sustain you emotionally.|del placer , rebelde, etc Esas cosas en sí mismas no son malas a menos que se les|

|It begins to sustain you mentally. You literally live off the reserves in your |deja vuelven dominantes . Tienes que dirigirlos . Tienes que canalizarlas en la |

|spirit man. You take your focus away from the physical realm. |dirección correcta . Su cuerpo, su naturaleza carnal ( lo que el Nuevo Testamento|

| |llama a la carne) , es de la misma manera . |

|Every time you lust for an apple pie and you deny it, you're taking your | |

|attention off the physical realm. You cannot think of food all day long and |Entonces, ¿cómo ponerlo bajo control? Una forma es mediante la oración y el |

|succeed in a fast. You can't go about your normal business all day long and |ayuno. |

|succeed in a fast because your normal business constantly draws you back to |Pero la mayoría de la gente tiene la impresión equivocada aquí . Por ejemplo , |

|indulging the flesh. The only way to succeed on a prolonged fast is to withdraw, |las personas rápidas como un acto de la ley , para hacer que Dios haga algo. Por |

|take your attention off food, off things, off problems, and put it on the Lord. |lo general, dice así : Ellos oran y no pasa nada . Entonces piensan : "Yo no sé |

|When you do that, you're denying the flesh. |por qué el Señor no ha escuchado mi oración, pero yo he orado y nada ha sucedido |

| |todavía . " Luego van a la iglesia y llegar a alguien que está de acuerdo con |

|Leggo Me, Body! |ellos. Aún no pasa nada. Por eso se dice : "Si todo lo demás falla , voy a ir en |

|The flesh begins losing its grip on you. If the flesh says "You've got to feed |un ayuno hasta que consiga mi respuesta. " Lo que están diciendo es: "Yo no sé |

|me, or I'm going to die," you say, "Nope, we're going three days." Your flesh |por qué Dios no ha contestado mi oración , sino que voy a responder que cuando me|

|says, "Three days? I can't!" You say, "Shut up or I'll raise it." "Oh, I'm going |meto en un ayuno. |

|to die!" "All right, four days." "Four days! I'm going die for sure." "Five | |

|days." Soon, that flesh will be quiet. It will say, "I'd best shut up." |Hambre Después de que Dios |

| |En otras palabras, el ayuno se convierte en una palanca o una palanca en Dios. La|

|You'll get to a point that your spirit man says "Jump," and your flesh will say |gente piensa : "Yo no sé por qué Dios no se budging , pero esto lo harán. Ayuno |

|"How high?" When your spirit man says "Raise your hands," instead of saying, |obtendrá él. Cuando Él me ve a punto de perder lejos , sé que a pesar de lo mal |

|"What's everybody going to think of me?" you'll raise your hands. When your |que Él está conmigo , él ' ll tenga misericordia . Seguramente él moverá en mi |

|spirit man says "Stay awake and pray" and you want to go to bed, you'll stay up |nombre cuando estoy a punto de morir " . Jugamos en la simpatía de Dios. |

|and pray. | |

| |Esa clase de ayuno le dará nada más que hambre. No lograr nada. El ayuno no le |

|You'll literally break the control of the flesh through a fast. When you first go|otorga ninguna más " tirón" con Dios - Él no te ama un poco más rápido o si no |

|on a fast, you feel terrible — all your irritability, carnality, and anger rises |ayunan , o si usted ora o no ora . Si nunca han ayunado o oró de nuevo, el amor |

|to the surface. You think, "This is the pits. I was better off before I started. |de Dios hacia usted seguiría siendo la misma . Él no cambia . Dios no mantiene |

|I was better off being carnal than this." When you experience those things, |una tabla con las horas que usted ha pasado orando y ayunando y luego , cuando |

|that's when a fast is doing the most good! That's when you're flushing that |llegue a un cierto nivel, Él le asigna " correo urgente " y tiene que responder a|

|poison, all that carnality, all that fleshliness out of you. If you want to |su oración! |

|persist, you'll have to work through all of that. You'll have to put the flesh | |

|down. |Dios no funciona de esa manera. Usted no influyen en su actitud o acciones hacia |

| |usted a través de tus actos . Dios te ama porque Él es amor. La oración y el |

|But when you come through it, you'll have ten times as much power as you had |ayuno no le mueven . |

|before. There are going to be results. | |

| |Pero la oración y el ayuno que se desplace . Supongamos que tus sentidos te |

|O Lord, I...z-z-z-z-z-z. |dominan a tal punto que cuando la Palabra de Dios dice: " Por cuya herida |

|The same thing is true of prayer. If you pray a godly prayer, it denies your |fuisteis sanados " ( 1 Ped. 2:24 ) , tu cuerpo se rebela y dice: " No, yo no |

|flesh. Your flesh does not enjoy praying. To persist in prayer, you have to put |estoy curado . Me duele . " ¿Cómo se va a conseguir ese cuerpo a someterse a una |

|down your desires in the physical world. You have to become spiritually minded. |mayor verdad espiritual ? |

| | |

|In a teaching entitled Hardness of Heart, I show how your heart becomes sensitive|Algunos de nosotros estamos totalmente dominados por nuestros cuerpos. Nuestros |

|to whatever you focus your attention on. If you focus your attention on the |cuerpos dicen : "Come ! " y decimos: " ¿Cuánto? " Hacemos lo que nos dice que |

|spirit man through prayer, fasting, studying the Word, etc., it becomes more real|debemos . La mayoría de nosotros puede mirar en el espejo y ver más que |

|to you than the physical. You'll reach a place that when God says He supplies all|suficiente evidencia de que no estamos haciendo bien en esta área ( hay algunos |

|your need according to His riches in glory (Phil 4:19) but your bank book is |glotones flacos por ahí , también). Si tu cuerpo te ha dominado , si usted |

|overdrawn, you'll question the physical before you question the Word. You'll say,|disfrutar de su carne , recuerde lo que dice Hebreos 5:14 - que por la costumbre |

|"This can't be true," because the spirit realm has become more real to you than |que tenemos nuestros sentidos ejercitados en el discernimiento del bien y del |

|the physical. You'll realize that what God says is more true than anything you |mal. Usted tiene que ejercitar sus sentidos. Es en razón de su uso. |

|can see. | |

| |Abajo , Cuerpo , abajo ! |

|Many think that's just a pipe dream, that it's not dealing with reality, but it |Si usted ha estado viviendo una vida auto-indulgente , si usted ha dado su carne |

|is. God and what He says can become more real to you than what you see. That's |todo lo que pide , y de repente el maligno pone cáncer en usted para que el miedo|

|the way a victorious Christian walks. |, el pánico y el dolor establecido , usted puede decir: " Todo bien, estoy |

| |teniendo autoridad sobre ti , el cuerpo y las emociones " . Luego, su cuerpo |

|When God says you're prospering, you're prospering. When my wife and I started in|responde , " ¿Quién eres tú para decirme lo que yo te diga cuándo comer , cuánto |

|the ministry, we were poor as church mice. We were so poor we couldn't pay |comer , qué comer - . ? Y que hago Y ahora me vas a controlar " Su cuerpo va a |

|attention. We didn't have any food — we were literally starving. Yet God's Word |rebelarse. Usted va a tener guerra . Es posible ganar si eres lo suficientemente |

|said that I was blessed, that all of my needs were supplied. When we didn't have |desesperada, pero si usted no ha estado disciplinando a sí mismo , la mayoría de |

|two pennies to rub together, someone would ask us how we were doing, and I'd say,|las veces usted perderá . |

|"We're blessed!" I believed I was blessed. I talked like I was blessed. I | |

|expected to be blessed. |¿Cómo se puede hacer frente a eso? Un ayuno es una manera tremenda . Su apetito |

| |es una de las unidades más fuertes que tiene. La gente va a matar más de hambre. |

|We could have gone on food stamps many times. When Jamie was eight months |Comer es una de las tentaciones que el maligno usó contra Eva. Es un fuerte |

|pregnant with our first son, Joshua, we went for two weeks without food of any |impulso . |

|kind. All we had was water. Imagine a forced fast at eight months pregnant! The | |

|devil was telling us, "You're going to kill that child." |Cuando se inicia en un rápido y su carne no se ha puesto bajo sujeción, que se |

| |rebelarán . Usted puede haber oído a alguien hablar acerca de ver a tres ángeles |

|I couldn't explain it in the natural. I couldn't tell you why we were in that |y cinco visiones y obtener palabras de Dios y todas estas cosas durante un ayuno |

|situation, but I knew it was all subject to change. I was looking at the things |. Usted puede pensar , " Esto es maravilloso . Voy a ayunar. Quiero ver a los |

|that couldn't be seen, and we just kept going. And praise God, we came through |ángeles. Quiero tener visiones. Quiero tener a Dios hacer algo especial para mí .|

|it. |" |

|Sometimes I lose patience with people who say things like, "I tried to believe | |

|God, but it's been two weeks, and I haven't got my answer." |Así que ir en ayuno, y para el mediodía del primer día , estás de mal humor , |

| |estás irritable, estás con dolor de cabeza , te sientes como si estuvieras |

|My Mind Is Unfruitful |perdiendo lejos . Piensas: "Algunos visión es esto! " |

|Faith does not come without effort. There were times when I literally had to shut| |

|my mind off because if I let it think, it would have flooded me with unbelief. |Por supuesto , médicamente hablando , no te ha hecho daño a ayunar . Un día a la |

|There was nothing in the natural that even remotely lined up with the Word of |semana es en realidad bueno para usted. Se limpiará el cuerpo de venenos . Si |

|God. Once, when Jamie and I were at the breaking point, I literally thought we |está el agua potable , se puede ir cuarenta días o más antes de empezar a morir |

|couldn't go for another twenty-four hours. We were ready to renounce the Lord, |de hambre . Antes de los cuarenta días, es el apetito , no su cuerpo, que se |

|our faith, everything. |muere de hambre . Si pensabas que estabas muriendo de hambre antes de la puesta |

| |del sol el primer día, te equivocaste . Esa fue su rebelarse carne. |

|I'd been in the house praying several hours that day, waiting on a miracle in the| |

|mail. When the mail came, I ran out and looked. There were only bills. I knew |No por Pie Sola |

|that if I allowed my mind to think freely, I was going to reject prosperity. What|Por lo que su cuerpo comienza a rebelarse. Grita : "Dame un poco de comida , o me|

|did I do? I started praying in tongues, because when you pray in tongues, it is |voy a morir! " ¿Qué hacer ahora? Tienes que empezar a dibujar en el hombre |

|your spirit that prays not your mind (1 Cor. 14:14). I wasn't going to let my |espiritual para sostenerte . Cuando Jesús fue tentado por el maligno , Él le |

|mind pray. I was going to let my spirit pray. |dijo: " El hombre no vivirá sólo de pan , sino de toda palabra que sale de la |

| |boca de Dios " (Mateo 04:04 , donde cita Deut. 08:03 ) . Cuando dijo esto, Él no |

|So I started praying in tongues, but my mind was still thinking. I literally had |sólo estaba espiritualizando una escritura . Su espíritu puede dar realmente la |

|to start screaming at the top of my lungs. I screamed for over two hours in |fuerza física de su cuerpo. |

|tongues. If my mind got louder, I'd get louder. I finally just out-yelled my | |

|mind! After two hours, my spirit finally gained pre-eminence. People often say, |Por supuesto , eso no es una solución a largo plazo. Dios hizo su cuerpo para ser|

|"I tried that and it didn't work." But they didn't really try hard, or it would |alimentado por el consumo . Pero el espíritu puede vivificar , literalmente, su |

|have worked. |carne mortal (Romanos 8:11). El espíritu puede darle la fuerza física cuando el |

| |cuerpo y las emociones van salvajes. Pero usted tendrá que negar la carne , y |

|Don Krow — A Walking Miracle |aprovechará el hombre espiritual . El hombre espiritual , literalmente, comienza |

|My associate minister, Don Krow, is a good example. He came to Seagoville, Texas,|a sostener físicamente . Empieza a sostener emocionalmente. Empieza a sostener |

|when I was ministering there. I had first met him at a Bible study a year or two |mentalmente . Usted, literalmente, vive fuera de las reservas en el hombre |

|before. He received the baptism of the Holy Ghost through some other people and, |espiritual . Usted toma su foco lejos de la realidad física . |

|for a while, went back to Oklahoma. He got sick, and while he was in the | |

|hospital, he had a high fever and literally lost his mind. He lost his ability to|Cada vez que la lujuria de un pastel de manzana y lo niegas , eres la necesidad |

|remember. He wasn't able to think or focus. He was addicted to the drugs they had|de quitar el reino físico. No se puede pensar en la comida todo el día y tener |

|given him. |éxito en un ayuno. No se puede seguir con su actividad normal durante todo el día|

| |y tener éxito en un ayuno porque su negocio normal, constantemente te atrae de |

|The devil told him there was no hope, that he'd never be worth anything again. He|nuevo a caer la carne. La única manera de tener éxito en un ayuno prolongado es |

|came back to Seagoville, and I spent two weeks just spoon-feeding him the Word, |retirarse , toma de prestar atención a los alimentos, en otras cosas , de los |

|day and night, day and night. Finally, he said, "Well, I know that but...." He |problemas , y lo puso en el Señor . Cuando haces eso , estás negando la carne. |

|was threatening suicide. | |

| |Leggo Me, cuerpo! |

|After two weeks, we rented a house and put him up. I said, "You know what the |La carne comienza a perder su control sobre ti. Si la carne dice " Tienes que |

|Word says. It's up to you to choose" (Deut. 30:19). And I said, "You either kill |darme de comer , o voy a morir", usted dice: " No, vamos tres días. " Su carne |

|yourself, or get on with it. I'll be back in three days to check on you." I |dice: " Tres días ? ¡No puedo! " Usted dice: " Cállate o te planteo . " " Oh , me|

|walked out. He got mad. For three days he prayed in tongues. He didn't eat. He |voy a morir ! " " Está bien, cuatro días. " " Cuatro días ! Estoy die ir con |

|didn't sleep much. He made a decision that he was going to believe God. And God |seguridad. " " Cinco días ". Al poco tiempo, que la carne va a estar en silencio |

|supernaturally healed his mind. He came out stronger than horseradish, |. Se dirá: " Será mejor que callar . " |

|ministering to everything that moved! | |

| |Podrá llegar a un punto que su hombre espiritual dice "Jump ", y su carne va a |

|Don chose life. He renewed his mind. He got to the point that it didn't matter |decir " ¿Qué tan alto ? " Cuando su hombre espiritual dice "Levanten sus manos , |

|what his mind was telling him. He couldn't even remember from one moment to the |" en lugar de decir , "¿Qué está todo el mundo va a pensar de mí? " usted levanta|

|next, but he knew God's Word was true. God restored his mind. |sus manos. Cuando su hombre espiritual dice: " Velad y orad " y quiere ir a la |

| |cama , te quedarás y orar. |

|Don is a walking miracle today. But for three days and three nights, he went | |

|through torment, speaking in tongues and submitting his flesh to the things of |Usted, literalmente, romper el control de la carne a través de un rápido. La |

|God. He said, "I am healed. I don't care what the doctor says. I don't care what |primera vez que va en un rápido, se siente horrible - todo su irritabilidad, la |

|I think. I don't care what I feel. God says I'm healed and that's it!" |carnalidad , y la cólera se eleva a la superficie. Usted piensa, "Esto es de lo |

|It worked. We all can do that. We can exalt God's word above all things. |peor . Estaba mejor antes de empezar . Mejor me iba siendo carnal que esto. " |

| |Cuando usted experimenta esas cosas , que es cuando un ayuno está haciendo el |

|Knowing God |mayor bien ! Eso es cuando usted está lavado ese veneno , todo lo que la |

|When we come into a crisis situation, we need to go to God and say, "God, I have |carnalidad , todo lo que carnalidad de ti . Si desea conservar , usted tendrá que|

|a lot of knowledge in my head. I know intellectually that by the stripes of Jesus|trabajar a través de todo eso. Vas a tener que poner la carne hacia abajo. |

|I'm healed, but I don't know it in my heart. I'm having trouble with it. God, I | |

|want to know you. I want to know your Word." |Pero cuando se llega a través de él , tendrá diez veces más energía que tenía |

| |antes . No van a ser los resultados . |

|A lot of Christians know Jesus, but they don't know Jesus. If we really knew the | |

|Lord, we wouldn't be susceptible to so much doubt and fear. |Oh Señor, I. .. z -z- z - z -z- z. |

| |Lo mismo es verdad de la oración. Si rezas una oración piadosa , niega su carne. |

|Do you know why we're afraid we're going to fail? Because we don't really know |Su carne no goza de la oración. Persistir en la oración, usted tiene que poner |

|God. If you had a true revelation of God, it would be impossible for you to doubt|sus deseos en el mundo físico . Usted tiene que convertirse en una mente |

|that God was going pull you through. A person who's having problems with doubt is|espiritual . |

|a person who's having problems knowing God. You may not identify with that, but | |

|it is true. |En una enseñanza titulada dureza de corazón , muestro cómo tu corazón se vuelve |

| |sensible a lo que usted se centra su atención en . Si usted se centra su atención|

|I may know you as an acquaintance, but I don't really know you. I don't know what|en el hombre espiritual mediante la oración , el ayuno , el estudio de la |

|you'll do under pressure. I don't know what you'll do in a crisis. But there are |Palabra, etc , se hace más real para usted que la física. Usted podrá llegar a un|

|other people I know. I mean I know them. I could tell you what those people would|lugar que cuando Dios dice que Él provee todo que os falta conforme a sus |

|do. For example, if you told me that my wife was out cheating on me when I'm out |riquezas en gloria (Filipenses 4:19 ), pero su libreta bancaria está sobregirada |

|of town, you're just barking up the wrong tree, because I know my wife. |, te cuestionas lo físico antes de cuestionar la Palabra. Usted dirá : "Esto no |

| |puede ser verdad", porque el reino de los espíritus ha vuelto más real para ti |

|Some people think, "You're crazy. You can't know for sure what your wife is |que lo físico . Te darás cuenta de que lo que Dios dice es más cierto que |

|doing." They may think that because they didn't know their wives (or maybe they |cualquier cosa que usted puede ver . |

|do know their wives, and they aren't like Jamie). But, I know Jamie, and I know | |

|what she'll do in a given situation. You can't discredit Jamie to me because I |Muchos piensan que es sólo un sueño , que no está lidiando con la realidad, pero |

|know her. She has some weaknesses, but that's not one of them. I know her. |lo es. Dios y lo que Él dice que puede llegar a ser más real para ti que lo que |

| |se ve . Esa es la forma camina un cristiano victorioso. |

|When Satan comes up and says "God isn't going to heal you," the reason we fall | |

|for it so easily is that we don't really know God. If we understood the love, the|Cuando Dios dice que está prosperando , que está prosperando . Cuando mi esposa y|

|compassion and the mercy of God, we could never, never, never doubt Him. |yo comenzamos en el ministerio, éramos pobres como ratones de iglesia . Éramos |

|People who say "I've asked God to heal me, but I'm not healed" have said a |tan pobres que no podíamos pagar la atención. No teníamos ningún alimento - |

|mouthful. They've said they don't really know God. They've said they don't have a|estábamos literalmente muriendo de hambre . Sin embargo, la Palabra de Dios dice |

|revelation of who God is. They've said they need to go back and just come to know|que tengo la suerte , que todas mis necesidades fueron suministrados . Cuando no |

|God. |teníamos dos peniques para frotar juntos , alguien nos preguntaba cómo estábamos |

| |haciendo , y me gustaría decir: " Tenemos la bendición ! " Yo creía que estaba |

|We need to get to the place where we exalt spiritual truth above natural truth. |bendecido . Hablé como si estuviera bendecido. Que esperaba para ser bendecidos .|

|We need to get to where we know "the God of the Word" instead of just the Word of| |

|God. We need to let the Word of God paint a picture for us of who God is and, |Podríamos haber ido en cupones de alimentos muchas veces. Cuando Jamie tenía ocho|

|through that revelation, have fellowship with Him and know Him. |meses embarazada de nuestro primer hijo, Joshua , fuimos durante dos semanas sin |

|If you do that, I guarantee Satan will not be able to hit you with discouragement|alimentos de cualquier tipo . Todo lo que teníamos era agua. Imagine una forzada |

|and depression. Once you get a heart revelation that God loves you, you'll be |rápido a los ocho meses de embarazo ! El maligno nos estaba diciendo , " ¿Vas a |

|able to resist the devil. |matar a ese niño. " |

| | |

|God's Love Paralyzed |No podía explicarlo en lo natural. No podría decir por qué estábamos en esa |

|I was teaching in a church one time. A man was there with his daughter, who was |situación, pero yo sabía que era todo sujeto a cambios . Yo estaba mirando las |

|in a wheelchair. She was 12 years old. I was teaching that it was not God who put|cosas que no se podían ver , y seguí adelante . Y alabado sea Dios , que vino a |

|troubles on us, made us sick, kept us poor, etc. This man got mad and left the |través de él . |

|service. The people who brought him said to him, "At least wait and talk to this |A veces pierdo la paciencia con la gente que dice cosas como: " Traté de creer en|

|guy and ask him what he meant. Maybe you misunderstood him." |Dios , pero han pasado dos semanas, y no tengo mi respuesta. " |

| | |

|So this fellow stayed after the service. I went out there to talk to him. Boy, he|Mi entendimiento queda sin fruto |

|was hot . He started saying, "You're saying it's the devil who made my daughter |La fe no viene sin esfuerzo. Hubo momentos en que literalmente tuve que cerrar mi|

|like this? But it was God! God made her like this. It was God's will. He's |mente , porque si lo dejo pensar, me hubiera inundado con incredulidad. No había |

|getting glory out of this situation." |nada en el medio natural que incluso revestida de forma remota con la Palabra de |

| |Dios. Una vez, cuando Jamie y yo estábamos en el punto de ruptura , que , |

|I know why he was saying this. It was a defense mechanism. It absolved him of any|literalmente, pensé que no podía ir por otras veinticuatro horas. Estábamos |

|responsibility. He wasn't able to cope with it. He couldn't just ask, "Is there |dispuestos a renunciar al Señor , nuestra fe , todo. |

|something that we can do? Are we really believing God? Are we wrong?" Rather than| |

|confront that, he pushed off all the blame on God. A lot of people do that. |Yo había estado en la casa de oración de varias horas de ese día , a la espera de|

| |un milagro en el correo. Cuando llegó el correo, salí corriendo y miré . Sólo |

|I was trying to be compassionate toward him but he was mad. He'd quote scriptures|había facturas. Yo sabía que si yo permití que mi mente a pensar libremente, que |

|to show that God had put this on her. I'd quote scriptures to show that he |iba a rechazar la prosperidad. ¿Qué he hecho ? Comencé a orar en lenguas , porque|

|hadn't. We weren't getting anywhere. It was an impasse. I finally figured I had |cuando usted ora en lenguas , es su espíritu que no reza su mente ( 1 Cor . |

|nothing to lose, so I just said, "What's the matter with you? Don't you love your|14:14). Yo no iba a dejar que mi mente orar. Iba a dejar que mi espíritu ora . |

|daughter? What kind of father are you? Do you want your daughter to be a | |

|paraplegic, just sitting in a wheelchair not conscious of anything for the rest |Así que empecé a orar en lenguas , pero mi mente aún estaba pensando. |

|of her life?" |Literalmente tuve que empezar a gritar en la parte superior de mis pulmones. |

| |Grité más de dos horas en lenguas. Si mi mente se hizo más fuerte , me ponía más |

|He was mad before — now he got furious. He screamed, "I'd give anything to heal |fuerte. Finalmente, sólo fuera grité mi mente! Después de dos horas , mi espíritu|

|my daughter! If I could, I'd sell everything I've got. I'd do anything if there |finalmente ganó preeminencia . La gente suele decir , "He intentado eso y no |

|were an operation that could cure her. If I could, I'd become like she is so she |funcionó . " Pero en realidad no se esfuerzan , o que hubieran trabajado . |

|could become like me." He started crying. He was really upset. | |

| |Don Krow - un milagro andante |

|Then I said, "And you think God, who has all power and all might, loves her less?|Mi ministro asociado , Don Krow , es un buen ejemplo . Él vino a Seagoville , |

|That's exactly what God came to do. He became what we were so that we could be |Texas , cuando estaba ministrando allí. Lo había conocido por primera vez en un |

|what He is. You don't know the love of God." That man could argue doctrine with |estudio de la Biblia de un año o dos antes . Él recibió el bautismo del Espíritu |

|me, but when I started talking about the love of God, he didn't have a leg to |Santo a través de otras personas y , por un tiempo, regresó a Oklahoma. Él se |

|stand on. |enfermó , y mientras estaba en el hospital, él tenía una fiebre alta y |

| |literalmente perdido la cabeza. Él perdió su capacidad de recordar . No era capaz|

|If this human father, whose love is corrupted, would literally die for his |de pensar o concentrarse . Él era adicto a las drogas que le habían dado . |

|daughter and take her place, how could he doubt the willingness of God to heal | |

|her? How could he think that God had put that thing on her to teach her |El maligno le dijo que no había esperanza , que él nunca sería digno de cualquier|

|something? He couldn't — it's just inconsistent. |cosa de nuevo. Volvió a Seagoville , y pasó dos semanas sólo le da de comer la |

| |Palabra, día y noche , día y noche . Finalmente, dijo : "Bueno , yo sé eso, pero |

|God, Speak to Me...God? God? |.... " Él estaba amenazando con suicidarse . |

|That lie would be totally unbelievable if people knew God. Satan couldn't | |

|discredit God if we had a revelation of who He is. We're operating in |Después de dos semanas , alquilamos una casa y le pusimos . Le dije: " ¿Sabes lo |

|intellectual ideas instead of a heartfelt experience, a revelation of God. We |que dice la Palabra. Depende de usted para elegir " ( Deut. 30:19 ) . Y yo dije: |

|need to get a revelation of who God is. We need to come to know Him personally. |" O lo matas , o seguir adelante con ella . Vuelvo en tres días para ver cómo |

|That's what Jesus was saying in John 14. "Guys," He said, "you think you know the|estás . " Salí . Se enojó . Durante tres días , oraba en lenguas. No comía . No |

|way. You know the way, but you don't know THE WAY. I am the way." They wanted to |durmió mucho . Él tomó una decisión que iba a creerle a Dios . Y Dios |

|see the Father, and the Father had been living with them, eating with them, and |sobrenaturalmente sanó a su mente. Salió más fuerte que el rábano picante , |

|sleeping with them for three-and-a-half years! They hadn't perceived Him. They |atendiendo a todo lo que se movía ! |

|had missed Him because He wasn't in a form they recognized. | |

| |Don eligió la vida . Renovó su mente. Llegó al punto de que no importaba lo que |

|Some of you want a word from God. You say, "O God, speak to me," and the Bible is|su mente le estaba diciendo . Ni siquiera podía recordar que de un momento a |

|right there in your hand. God has spoken to you. The written Word of God is a |otro, pero sabía que la Palabra de Dios era verdad. Dios restauró su mente. |

|more sure word of prophecy than any audible voice. You couldn't ask for more. We | |

|have our Bible on our table and say, "God, where are you?" He's right there, |Don es un milagro andante hoy. Pero durante tres días y tres noches , pasó por el|

|where He's always been! Pick it up, blow the dust off the thing, and read it! The|tormento , el hablar en lenguas y la presentación de su carne a las cosas de |

|Bible is God speaking to us. It is God's Word. We need to exalt it. |Dios. Él dijo: " Estoy curado . No me importa lo que dice el doctor. No me |

| |importa lo que pienso. No me importa lo que siento. Dios dice que estoy curado y |

|You can do that. You can lose your own life, your own senses, your own wisdom, |eso es todo ! " |

|and get to the place where it's only God's Word that makes sense to you. This |Funcionó. Todos podemos hacer eso. Podemos exaltar la Palabra de Dios por encima |

|carnal world doesn't make sense anymore to me. It's God's Word that makes sense. |de todas las cosas. |

|Everything else is screwed up. It's not God's Word that is screwed up — it's the | |

|rest of the world! Get a hold of that. |Conocer a Dios |

| |Cuando entramos en una situación de crisis , tenemos que ir a Dios y decir: " |

|You can renew your mind to think that way. You'll get to where God's Word is |Dios, tengo mucho conocimiento en mi cabeza. Ya sé intelectualmente que por las |

|greater than anything — greater than the word of a doctor, the word of a lawyer, |llagas de Jesús estoy curado , pero no sabemos en mi corazón . estoy teniendo |

|the word of a Ph.D., whoever. It doesn't matter what they have — if it's contrary|problemas con él . Dios, quiero conocerte. quiero saber tu Palabra " . |

|to God's word, it's ignorance. It's a fool who is speaking. We have a lot of | |

|educated fools. If they don't speak the Word, it's because there isn't any truth |Muchos cristianos conocen a Jesús , pero ellos no conocen a Jesús . Si realmente |

|in them. The Scripture says that (Is. 8:20). |sabíamos que el Señor , que no sería susceptible a tanta duda y el miedo. |

| | |

|We need to get to the place that God's Word becomes everything to us. Through the|¿Sabes por qué tenemos miedo vamos a fracasar? Debido a que no se sabe muy bien a|

|Word, we'll come into a heartfelt revelation of who God is. If you'll exalt God's|Dios . Si tuvieras una verdadera revelación de Dios , sería imposible para que |

|Word in a crisis, if you'll fast and pray to get your body under control, if |dudes de que Dios iba tirar a través. Una persona que está teniendo problemas con|

|you'll ignore what your senses are telling you, it will deal a death blow to |la duda es una persona que está teniendo problemas para saber Dios. El usuario no|

|Satan's work in your life. |puede identificar con eso, pero es cierto . |

| | |

|It may take time to do this, but believe me, it'll be worth it. |Yo te conozca como un conocido , pero yo realmente no lo sabes. No sé lo que va a|

| |hacer bajo presión. No sé lo que va a hacer en una crisis. Pero hay otras |

| |personas que conozco. Quiero decir que yo los conozco. Me di cuenta de que lo que|

| |esas personas iban a hacer. Por ejemplo, si usted me dijo que mi esposa me estaba|

| |engañando a mí cuando estoy fuera de la ciudad , sólo estás ladrando al árbol |

| |equivocado , porque sé que mi esposa. |

| | |

|Chapter 4 |Algunas personas piensan: " Estás loco. No se puede saber a ciencia cierta lo que|

|The Word |su esposa está haciendo. " Ellos pueden pensar que debido a que no sabían que sus|

| |esposas (o tal vez ellos no conocen a sus esposas , y ellos no son como Jamie ) .|

|In the last chapter, I alluded to the importance of going by the Word of God more|Pero , sé Jamie , y sé lo que va a hacer en una situación dada . No se puede |

|than anything else — more than your fears, more than "expert" opinion, more than |desacreditar a Jamie a mí, porque yo la conozco. Ella tiene algunas debilidades ,|

|what your family thinks, etc. In this chapter, I want to stress that truth in a |pero eso no es uno de ellos. La conozco . |

|major way. | |

| |Cuando Satanás se acerca y dice : "Dios no va a curarte , " la razón nos dejamos |

|Try Again, Thomas |engañar tan fácilmente es que no se sabe muy bien a Dios . Si entendiéramos el |

|In John 14:4, Jesus said that His disciples knew where He was going and they knew|amor , la compasión y la misericordia de Dios , podríamos nunca, nunca, nunca lo |

|the way. But Thomas didn't believe this. He knew Jesus, but he didn't recognize |dudo . |

|that Jesus was the way. He didn't know the answer. |La gente que dice " Le he pedido a Dios que me cure , pero yo no estoy curado " |

| |han dicho con la boca llena . Ellos han dicho que realmente no conocen a Dios. |

|What Jesus said was true. Thomas should have said, "Jesus, you know more than |Ellos han dicho que no tienen una revelación de quién es Dios. Ellos han dicho |

|I'll ever know. Explain to me how I know the way. Explain to me what I don't |que necesitan para volver atrás y acaba de llegar a conocer a Dios. |

|know." That's the way we should approach the Word. We should say, "God, your Word| |

|says that I'm healed. I believe it. So why does my body hurt? Please explain to |Tenemos que llegar al lugar donde exaltamos la verdad espiritual por encima de la|

|me." God will explain it to you and tell you what to do. |verdad natural. Tenemos que llegar hasta donde sabemos "el Dios de la Palabra " |

| |en lugar de la Palabra de Dios. Tenemos que dejar que la Palabra de Dios pintar |

|But when you're exalting what you see, hear, taste, smell, and feel above God's |un cuadro para nosotros de quién es Dios y , a través de esa revelación, en |

|Word, you're saying, "God, you're wrong. This is the way I am. I can feel it." If|comunión con Él y conocerlo. |

|you do that, you're in trouble. And you won't come out of that trouble until you |Si lo haces , te garantizo que Satanás no va a ser capaz de golpear con el |

|exalt God's Word above everything else. |desánimo y la depresión. Una vez que obtenga una revelación corazón que Dios le |

| |ama, usted será capaz de resistir al maligno . |

|In 2 Peter, the Apostle is writing to the church at large. He's trying to | |

|convince people that what he's saying is not something out of his own heart. He |Amor Paralizado de Dios |

|says, "This isn't me speaking. It's God speaking." He's trying to get people to |Yo estaba enseñando en una iglesia de una vez. Un hombre estaba allí con su hija,|

|listen to the voice of God. How did he do that? |que estaba en una silla de ruedas . Ella tenía 12 años . Yo enseñaba que no era |

| |Dios quien puso problemas en nosotros , nos hizo enfermos , nos mantuvo pobre, |

|Not like people do today. People today are so carnal that if someone were to |etc Este hombre se enojó y abandonó el servicio. Las personas que lo llevaron le |

|advertise over radio and television "I've had a vision. God appeared to me, and |dijeron: "Por lo menos esperar y hablar con este chico y le pregunta a qué se |

|told me to share this vision with you at the First Intergalactic Christian Church|refería . Quizá lo entendió mal . " |

|on December 5th and 6th," you couldn't hold the people. They'd pack the place out| |

|because they'd want to hear something directly from God. |Así que este hombre se quedó después del servicio. Fui allí para hablar con él. |

| |Chico, que estaba caliente. Comenzó diciendo: " ¿Estás diciendo que es el maligno|

|The Visible Voice of God |quien hizo que mi hija así ? Pero fue Dios ! Dios la hizo así. Era la voluntad de|

|Peter was trying to convince people that what he was telling them was directly |Dios. Él está haciendo gloria salir de esta situación . " |

|from God. In 2 Peter 1:16-18, he says, "For we have not followed cunningly | |

|devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord |Yo sé por qué decía esto . Era un mecanismo de defensa . Se lo absolvió de toda |

|Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty. For he received from God the |responsabilidad . Él no fue capaz de hacer frente a ella . No podía preguntar: " |

|Father honour and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent |¿Hay algo que podamos hacer? ¿Realmente estamos creyendo a Dios? ¿Estamos mal? " |

|glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. And this voice which |En lugar de enfrentarse a eso, él se apartó toda la culpa a Dios. Mucha gente lo |

|came from heaven we heard, when we were with him in the holy mount." |hace. |

| | |

|Peter was referring to the transfiguration. He said, "I was with Jesus — I saw |Yo estaba tratando de ser compasivo con él, pero él estaba loco . Había citar |

|Him radiating light. A cloud came over Him, the Shekinah glory of God like in the|escrituras para demostrar que Dios había puesto esto en ella. Me gustaría citar |

|Old Testament. The glory came over Him, and an audible voice from heaven said, |las escrituras para demostrar que él no tenía . No conseguíamos en cualquier |

|'This is my dear Son.'" |lugar. Era un callejón sin salida . Finalmente me di cuenta que no tenía nada que|

| |perder, así que me dijo: "¿Qué es lo que te pasa ? ¿No amas a tu hija? ¿Qué clase|

|Now that's strong. When people first read that, they probably thought, "Boy, we'd|de padre eres ? ¿Desea que su hija sea un parapléjico , sentado en un silla de |

|better listen to this guy. He was with Jesus. He heard the audible voice of God. |ruedas no es consciente de nada por el resto de su vida? " |

|He saw things we haven't seen. He's got a revelation." But in verse 19, Peter | |

|says,"We have also a more sure word of prophecy." What could be more sure than |Él estaba loco antes - ahora él se puso furioso . Gritó : " Daría cualquier cosa |

|the visible glory and audible voice of God from heaven? |para curar a mi hija ! Si pudiera , me gustaría vender todo lo que tengo. Haría |

| |cualquier cosa si no hubiera una operación que podría curarla. Si pudiera, me |

|Verse 20 tells us: "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of |gustaría llegar a ser como ella es por lo que ella podría ser como yo " . Él se |

|any private interpretation." The thing that is more sure than an audible voice or|puso a llorar . Estaba realmente molesto . |

|a visible manifestation of God is Scripture — the written Word of God. I can't | |

|overemphasize this. It's critically important. |Entonces le dije: " ¿Y crees que Dios, que tiene todo el poder y toda la |

| |fortaleza, la ama menos? Eso es exactamente lo que Dios vino a hacer. Llegó a ser|

|We need to exalt the written Word of God above any visible manifestation. If I |lo que fuimos para que podamos ser lo que es . Usted no sabe la el amor de Dios "|

|had a meeting at your church and called you up from the audience and said "Joe or|. Ese hombre podría argumentar doctrina conmigo, pero cuando empecé a hablar |

|Mary, anything you want tonight, God says He'll give it to you," I guarantee that|sobre el amor de Dios, él no tenía una pierna para estar de pie. |

|you'd go out of there excited, telling everybody what God had said. You'd hardly | |

|be able to contain your enthusiasm. |Si este padre humano , cuyo amor está corrompido , literalmente morir por su hija|

| |y tomar su lugar , ¿cómo iba a dudar de la voluntad de Dios que la sanara ? ¿Cómo|

|Did you know God's Word promises that exact same thing in several places? |iba a pensar que Dios había puesto esa cosa con ella para enseñarle algo? Él no |

|However, most of us don't exalt God's Word to that place. If we had to choose |podría - es sólo inconsistente. |

|between two doors, one marked "visible manifestation" and the other marked "Word | |

|of God," most of us would choose the visible manifestation every time. "Give me |Dios , háblame ... Dios? Dios? |

|an experience," we'd say. But did you know that an experience is inferior to the |Esa mentira sería totalmente increíble si la gente supiera Dios. Satanás no podía|

|Word of God? That's what Peter is saying. There is a greater blessing on |desacreditar a Dios si tuviéramos una revelación de lo que Él es . Estamos |

|believing the Word than there is on seeing a visible manifestation and then |operando en ideas intelectuales en lugar de una experiencia sentida , una |

|believing. |revelación de Dios. Necesitamos una revelación de quién es Dios. Tenemos que |

| |llegar a conocerlo personalmente . |

|Jesus Shows His Hand |Eso es lo que decía Jesús en Juan 14 . " Chicos, " Él dijo, " usted cree que sabe|

|In John 20, the disciples were telling Thomas about the resurrection of Jesus. |el camino. Ya sabes el camino, pero usted no sabe el camino. Yo soy el camino . "|

|Thomas replied to them, "Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, |Ellos querían ver al Padre , y el Padre habían estado viviendo con ellos , comer |

|and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, |con ellos , y dormir con ellos durante tres años y medio ! Ellos no lo habían |

|I will not believe" (verse 25). Eight days later, Jesus appeared and said to |percibido. Ellos lo habían perdido por no estar en una forma que reconocieron . |

|Thomas, "Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand |Algunos de ustedes quieren una palabra de Dios . Usted dice : "Oh Dios , háblame |

|and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing" (verse 27). |", y la Biblia está ahí mismo en la mano. Dios ha hablado. La Palabra escrita de |

|Thomas fell down saying, "My Lord and my God" (verse 28). |Dios es una palabra profética más segura que cualquier voz audible . No se podía |

| |pedir más. Tenemos nuestra Biblia en la mesa y decir : "Dios, ¿dónde estás? " |

|Jesus looked at him and said, "Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast |Está justo ahí, donde Él siempre ha sido ! Cógelo , sople el polvo de la cosa, y |

|believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed" (verse 29).|lo leyó ! La Biblia es Dios que nos habla . Es la Palabra de Dios. Tenemos que |

|In other words, Jesus said there is a greater blessing on believing God's word |hacerla prevalecer . |

|than on experiencing a supernatural manifestation. | |

| |Usted puede hacer eso . Usted puede perder su propia vida, sus propios sentidos ,|

|I'm not telling you to turn down anything from God. Many powerful men in the word|de su propia sabiduría , y llegar al lugar en el que sólo la Palabra de Dios que |

|of God had visible manifestations, but their hearts weren't on them. They were |tenga sentido para usted. Este mundo carnal no tiene sentido más que yo. Es la |

|seeking God. If God gives you a visible manifestation, don't reject it. But don't|Palabra de Dios que tiene sentido. Todo lo demás es jodido . No es la Palabra de |

|seek it. Get to the point that you exalt God's Word above everything else. Until |Dios que se atornilla para arriba - es el resto del mundo ! Obtener una bodega de|

|you get to that place, you aren't going to be capable of handling a visible |eso. |

|manifestation. It would ruin you. It would destroy you. | |

| |Usted puede renovar su mente para pensar de esa manera. Vas a llegar a donde la |

|That's the reason we don't get more of them. We'd start following visions and |Palabra de Dios es más grande que cualquier otra cosa - mayor que la palabra de |

|just run wild. Satan can counterfeit visions, but he can't counterfeit the Word |un médico, la palabra de un abogado, la palabra de un Ph.D., quien sea. No |

|of God. The Word of God is superior to all of Satan's wisdom, and there is no way|importa lo que tienen - si es contrario a la palabra de Dios , que es la |

|he can touch it. He can give you a dream. He can give you goose bumps. He can |ignorancia. Es un tonto que está hablando. Tenemos un montón de tontos educados .|

|give you an angelic vision. He can give you messages that can fool you if you |Si ellos no hablan de la Palabra , es porque no hay ninguna verdad en ellos . La |

|don't know the Word, but he can't counterfeit the Word of God. |Escritura dice que (Is. 08:20 ) . |

| | |

|The Word of God is superior to everything else. |Tenemos que llegar al lugar que la Palabra de Dios se convierte en todo para |

| |nosotros. A través de la Palabra, vamos a llegar a una revelación sincera de |

|Our senses go against that. In John 14:8, the disciples were saying, "Lord, show |quien es Dios . Si usted levantáis la Palabra de Dios en una crisis, si vas a |

|us the Father and that'll be enough for us." Jesus replied, "Have I been with you|ayunar y orar para obtener su cuerpo bajo control , si usted ignora lo que sus |

|this long, and you still don't know Me?" They knew Jesus, but they didn't really |sentidos le están diciendo , que será un golpe de muerte a la obra de Satanás en |

|know Jesus. They hadn't fully discerned Him. They didn't recognize who He was. |su vida. |

|They were looking at Him from a physical, natural viewpoint. They hadn't | |

|perceived the spiritual truth about Him. They hadn't had a revelation of who |Puede tomar tiempo para hacer esto, pero créanme , va a valer la pena . |

|Jesus really was. | |

| | |

|Where's My Name in the Bible? | |

|One time, David Engles was preaching at a meeting and I was there. I went up to | |

|talk to him after the meeting was over and was standing in line. The fellow in |Capítulo 4 |

|front of me had a huge Bible under his arm. He walked up and said, "Brother |La Palabra |

|Engles, I've just been told I have cancer. Do you have any scriptures or a word | |

|from God that He will heal me?" So David Engles rattled off Isaiah 53:5, Matthew |En el último capítulo , me referí a la importancia de ir por la Palabra de Dios |

|8:17, 1 Peter 2:24, and 3 John 2 to him — all of the major healing scriptures. He|más que cualquier otra cosa - más de sus temores , más de la opinión "experta" , |

|said, "I know all of those. Do you have anything specifically for me?" |más de lo que piensa su familia, etc En este capítulo , quiero hincapié en que la|

| |verdad de una manera importante . |

|I thought, "What does this guy want, a scripture with his name engraved on it?" | |

|God's Word is God speaking to us. God's Word is the answer for you, it's the |Inténtelo de nuevo , Thomas |

|answer for me, it's the answer for everyone. |En Juan 14:04 , Jesús dijo que sus discípulos sabían a donde iba y sabían el |

| |camino. Pero Thomas no creía esto. Él conocía a Jesús , pero que no reconoció que|

|Many times people come forward at my meetings, and I'll pray for them. The Lord |Jesús era el camino. No sabía la respuesta. |

|often gives me discernment about a problem they have. For example, when a person | |

|is just weary and about to give up, I'll say something like, "I see that you're |Lo que Jesús dijo era verdad. Thomas debería haber dicho: " Jesús , tú sabes más |

|weary, that you're ready to quit and give up." That person will begin to cry and |que yo jamás sabré . Explíqueme cómo me conozco el camino. Explicarme lo que no |

|say, "That's of God," which, of course, it is (after all, it's a gift of the |sé . " Ese es el camino que debemos abordar la Palabra. Debemos decir: " Dios, tu|

|Spirit). Then I'll give them Hebrews 12:1-2, but I'll put it into my own |Palabra dice que estoy curado . Yo lo creo. Así que ¿por qué mi cuerpo duele? Por|

|terminology. I'll say, "Thus saith the Lord, the reason you're weary is because |favor, me explique . " Dios va a explicar a usted y le dirá lo que debe hacer . |

|you haven't been looking at Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith. If you | |

|keep your attention stayed on Him, you won't be weary." The person will say, |Pero cuando se está exaltando lo que se ve , oír , saborear, oler y sentir por |

|"That's a word from God just for me," and they'll go out of there all excited. |encima de la Palabra de Dios , que está diciendo : "Dios, te equivocas . Esta es |

|All I did was paraphrase Hebrews 12:1-2, which they have available to them all |la manera que soy . Puedo sentirlo . " Si haces eso , estás en problemas . Y no |

|the time. They won't read it, yet they'll receive it if it comes through someone |vas a salir de ese problema hasta que os levantáis la Palabra de Dios por encima |

|with their eyes closed saying, "Thus saith the Lord." I'll use it to bless |de todo lo demás. |

|people, but that's carnal and immature. We ought to grow up and get beyond that. | |

|God will use it, and I don't feel bad about doing it, but it's a shame to have to|En 2 Pedro , el Apóstol escribe a la iglesia en general . Él está tratando de |

|have spoken over you something that's already in your Bible. God has given you |convencer a la gente de que lo que está diciendo no es algo fuera de su propio |

|the answer. |corazón. Él dice: " Esto no me está hablando. Está hablando a Dios. " Él está |

| |tratando de hacer que la gente para escuchar la voz de Dios. ¿Cómo hizo eso ? |

|The problem is that we aren't taking God's answer, meditating on it, and making | |

|it ours. We're crying out to God for something else. Any time you're in a crisis,|No como la gente hace hoy en día. La gente hoy en día son tan carnal que si |

|you'll be tempted to say, "O God, what do I do? I need a special word from you. |alguien fuera a anunciar por la radio y la televisión "He tenido una visión. Dios|

|God, say something to me." We get desperate for a Word from God. The first thing |se apareció a mí, y me dijo que compartir esta visión con usted en la primera |

|you should say is "I've already got the answer. It's in my Bible somewhere." Then|iglesia cristiana Intergalactic el 5 y 6 de diciembre , " no se podía mantener a |

|pore into the Word of God. Take every scripture you've heard of on that subject |la gente. Habían empacar el lugar porque querrían oír algo directamente de Dios. |

|and look it up. Meditate on it. Don't expect God to speak something special to | |

|you when He's already spoken it in His Word. That's a more sure word of prophecy |La voz visible de Dios |

|than anything God could speak to you. |Peter estaba tratando de convencer a la gente de que lo que les estaba diciendo |

| |era directamente de Dios. En 2 Pedro 1:16-18 , dice, "Porque nosotros no hemos |

|Time Travel: 30 A.D. |seguido fábulas artificiosas , cuando nos dio a conocer a usted el poder y la |

|Sometimes people think, "If only I'd lived in the days of Jesus, if only I'd been|venida de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, sino que fuimos testigos oculares de su |

|one of His disciples, if only I'd seen all those great miracles, I'd have been |majestad. Porque él recibió de Dios Padre honra y gloria, cuando una tal voz fue |

|powerful. You couldn't have stopped me." No, actually I believe it would have |a él enviada de la magnífica gloria: Este es mi Hijo amado , en quien tengo |

|been harder to believe in Jesus if you were one of His twelve disciples than it |complacencia . y esta voz enviada del cielo, nos escucharon , cuando estábamos |

|is now. Why? For one thing, familiarity breeds contempt. "A prophet is not |con él en el santo monte " . |

|without honour, but in his own country, and among his own kin" (Mark 6:4). When | |

|you're familiar with a person and you know his or her human side, it's harder to |Pedro se refería a la transfiguración. Él dijo: "Yo estaba con Jesús - lo vi |

|believe. It's actually easier to visualize Jesus now, sitting at the right hand |irradiando luz Una nube se apoderó de él , la gloria Shekinah de Dios como en el |

|of God with all His power and glory, than it would be if He were walking on |Antiguo Testamento La gloria se apoderó de él , y una voz audible desde el cielo |

|earth. |dijo:" Este es mi . . amado Hijo. ' " |

| | |

|The Bible says that some have entertained angels unaware (Heb. 13:2). I think |Eso sí que es fuerte. Cuando la gente lee eso, probablemente pensaron : "Muchacho|

|many of us have seen angels and didn't recognize them because they're very plain |, será mejor que escuchar a este tipo . Él estaba con Jesús. Él escuchó la voz |

|looking. They can disguise themselves as people. In Phoenix, a strange man walked|audible de Dios . Vio cosas que no hemos visto . Él tiene una revelación. " Pero |

|in during one of our meetings. He looked like a drunk, a derelict. He was huge, |en el versículo 19 , Pedro dice: " Tenemos también la palabra profética más |

|he had tattoos all over him, and he rode a motorcycle. This fellow knew more of |segura . " ¿Qué podría ser más seguro que la gloria visible y la voz audible de |

|the Bible than anybody I've ever seen in my life. He could talk to anybody. He'd |Dios desde el cielo ? |

|be over there talking to somebody, then he'd be over here talking to somebody. I | |

|didn't see him walk from place to place &mdash he was just everywhere! |El versículo 20 nos dice : "Entendiendo primero esto , que ninguna profecía de la|

| |Escritura es de interpretación privada . " Lo que es más seguro que una voz |

|He led many people to the Lord that night. He may have been an angel. I wouldn't |audible o una manifestación visible de Dios es la Escritura - la Palabra escrita |

|have thought an angel had B.O., wore a leather jacket, and had tattoos, but I |de Dios. No puedo enfatizar esto. Es de importancia crítica . |

|really believe he was an angel. I believe God delights in manifesting Himself in | |

|ways that it takes faith to perceive. In Isaiah 53:2, it says that Jesus had no |Debemos exaltar la Palabra escrita de Dios por encima de cualquier manifestación |

|special form or comeliness that we should desire Him. Physically, Jesus was very |visible. Si tuviera una reunión en su iglesia y te llamé desde la audiencia y |

|ordinary. I believe it took more faith for the disciples to believe in Jesus than|dijo: " Joe , o María, todo lo que quieras esta noche, Dios dice que va a dar a |

|it does for us because they had to look beyond the physical and see into the |usted ", le garantizo que usted iría de allí emocionados , diciendo a todos lo |

|spirit realm to perceive who He was. |que Dios había dicho. Difícilmente sería capaz de contener su entusiasmo. |

| | |

|The Disciple Andrew (Wommack) |¿Sabía usted que la Palabra de Dios promete que exactamente lo mismo en varios |

|I had a dream some time ago. In it, I was one of the Lord's disciples. It was |lugares? |

|real — I dream in technicolor! I was there when He raised Jairus' daughter from |Sin embargo , la mayoría de nosotros no exaltan la Palabra de Dios a ese lugar . |

|the dead. I remember the thrill of it — we were just running down the road, so |Si tuviéramos que elegir entre dos puertas, una marcada " manifestación visible "|

|excited. There wasn't any "holy" or religious thing about it. We were |y la otra marcada como " Palabra de Dios", la mayoría de nosotros elegir la |

|celebrating, and our hands were in the air. We had also fed the 5,000. I was |manifestación visible en todo momento. "Dame una experiencia", diríamos . Pero |

|right there when it all happened. |¿sabía usted que una experiencia es inferior a la Palabra de Dios? Eso es lo que |

| |dice Pedro. Hay una mayor bendición en creer la Palabra de la que hay en ver una |

|Right in the midst of this, Jesus turned around, stuck His finger in my face, and|manifestación visible y luego creer . |

|asked, "But who do you say that I am?" This was the same thing He asked the | |

|disciples in Matthew 16. I knew the answer. Peter said, "You are the Christ, the |Jesús muestra su mano |

|Son of the living God" (verse 16). But when Jesus asked me that, I just looked at|En Juan 20 , los discípulos estaban diciendo Thomas acerca de la resurrección de |

|Him. He was as plain as day. I could see the miracles and relate to them. By His |Jesús. Thomas les respondió: " Si no veo en sus manos la señal de los clavos y no|

|actions, by the Word of God, and by the witness of my heart, I knew that He was |meto mi dedo en el lugar de los clavos y no meto mi mano en su costado , no |

|the Son of God, but my flesh said that He was just a man. When I finally said, |creeré " (versículo 25 ) . Ocho días después, Jesús se le apareció y le dijo a |

|"You are the Christ," it took more faith than I'd ever had to muster in my life. |Tomás: " Pon aquí tu dedo, y mira mis manos : y alarga acá tu mano y métela en mi|

| |costado : y no seas incrédulo , sino creyente " (versículo 27 ) . Thomas cayó |

|Jesus' disciples knew Him, but they didn't really know Him. They knew Him as a |diciendo: "¡Señor mío y Dios mío " (versículo 28 ) . |

|man. In 2 Corinthians 5:16, Paul says that we knew Christ once in the flesh, but | |

|now we know Him that way no more. In other words, we knew Jesus once as a |Jesús lo miró y dijo: " Tomás, porque me has visto, creíste; bienaventurados los |

|physical man, but we didn't perceive who He was. Even Peter, who said that He was|que no vieron, y creyeron " (versículo 29 ) . En otras palabras, Jesús dijo que |

|the Christ, didn't always relate to Him that way. Peter vacillated back and forth|hay una mayor bendición en creer la palabra de Dios que en experimentar una |

|between seeing Him as a man and perceiving who He really was. |manifestación sobrenatural . |

|The same thing happens to us. We lose sight of the Word of God. We forget how | |

|powerful it is. We forget that Jesus is the Word, the Word is God, and the Word |Yo no estoy diciendo que rechazar nada de Dios . Muchos hombres poderosos en la |

|created the heavens and the earth (John 1:1-3). The Word created your body, and |palabra de Dios tenían manifestaciones visibles , pero sus corazones no estaban |

|if you speak the Word in faith, your body has to respond to it. The Bible says |en ellos. Ellos estaban buscando a Dios . Si Dios le da una manifestación visible|

|that when Jesus comes back, He's going to destroy His enemies with the Word of |, no lo rechace. Pero no buscarla. Llegar al punto que os levantáis la Palabra de|

|His mouth (Rev. 19:15). I don't believe He's going to create some kind of nuclear|Dios por encima de todo lo demás. Hasta llegar a ese lugar, usted no va a ser |

|blast. I don't believe He's going to unleash angels to kill everybody. I don't |capaz de manejar una manifestación visible. Sería arruinar. Sería destruirte. |

|believe He's going to speak anything new. I believe He is going to speak the | |

|written Word of God. |Esa es la razón por la que no conseguimos más de ellos. Empezábamos siguientes |

| |visiones y justo en el desenfreno . Satanás puede falsificar visiones , pero él |

|When Jesus was being tempted by Satan, He said, "It is written." He could have |no puede falsificar la Palabra de Dios. La Palabra de Dios es superior a toda la |

|said "La, la, la," and that would have been Scripture — anything He said would |sabiduría de Satanás , y no hay forma de que pueda tocarlo. Se le puede dar un |

|have been Scripture. But He went back and quoted the Old Testament from |sueño. Él le puede dar la piel de gallina . Se le puede dar una visión angelical.|

|Deuteronomy 8:3. Why? Because He couldn't improve on it. The Word of God is |Él le puede dar mensajes que pueden engañar a usted si usted no sabe la palabra ,|

|perfect in every way, and even Jesus could not improve on it. All He did was |pero él no puede falsificar la Palabra de Dios. |

|quote the Word. | |

| |La Palabra de Dios es superior a todo lo demás. |

|"And His Name Is the Word of God..." | |

|I believe that when Jesus comes again, He's going to quote scriptures from the |Nuestros sentidos van en contra de eso. En Juan 14:08 , los discípulos estaban |

|book of Revelation, and that that will destroy His enemies and bring in the reign|diciendo : "Señor , muéstranos al Padre y eso será suficiente para nosotros. " |

|of righteousness. The same Word we now have between the covers of our Bible will |Jesús le respondió: " ¿He estado con ustedes tanto tiempo, y todavía no me |

|be greater than all of the nuclear bombs, "Star Wars" weapons, poison gas, or |conoces ? " Ellos conocían a Jesús , pero que en realidad no conocen a Jesús . No|

|anything else the world can throw at Him. The Word is powerful — we don't begin |habían plenamente lo discernido . No reconocieron quién era . Ellos lo miraban |

|to recognize how powerful it is. We're sitting here waiting on God to give us |desde un punto de vista físico natural . Ellos no habían percibido la verdad |

|something, and it's right in our laps. |espiritual acerca de él. No habían tenido una revelación de quién era realmente |

| |Jesús . |

|We're far below where God wants us to be. People are not meditating on the Word | |

|day and night. We all want the benefits of God without getting into the Word of |¿Dónde está mi nombre en la Biblia? |

|God. We don't take heed to it. We'd rather sit down and watch the bad news on |En una ocasión , David Engles estaba predicando en una reunión y yo estaba allí .|

|television than to read the good news of the Scripture. Something is wrong when |Fui a hablar con él después de la reunión había terminado y estaba de pie en la |

|we spend more time in the world than in the Word. God does not intend it to be |fila. El compañero de delante de mí tenía una enorme Biblia bajo el brazo. Él se |

|that way. |acercó y dijo : "Hermano Engles , me acaban de decir que tengo cáncer . ¿Tiene |

| |alguna Escrituras o una palabra de Dios que Él me sanará ? " Así que David Engles|

|You shouldn't ever get out of the Word — that alone would prevent a lot of |recitó Isaías 53:5 , Mateo 08:17 , 1 Pedro 2:24 , y 3 Juan 2 a él - todas las |

|crises. But if a crisis comes, you need to turn off the television, go back to |principales escrituras de sanación . Él dijo: "Yo sé todo eso. ¿Tienes algo |

|the Word, and saturate yourself in it. If you're sick, don't lay in bed with your|específicamente para mí ? " |

|feet propped up, popping pills, and watching television. Get into the Word. | |

|A friend of mine, Joe Ney, was holding a meeting once and was extremely sick. |Yo pensé: " ¿Qué quiere ese tipo, un texto con su nombre grabado en él ? " La |

|Instead of going to bed and "suffering through," he got up, but he was too sick |Palabra de Dios es Dios que nos habla . La Palabra de Dios es la respuesta para |

|to stand up too. So he lay on the floor, put his Bible in front of him, and for |usted, es la respuesta para mí, es la respuesta para todos . |

|twelve hours pushed it around the room with his nose, saying, "By the stripes of | |

|Jesus I am healed." That's how hard it was for him to do — but he came out |Muchas veces las personas se sometan a mis reuniones , y voy a orar por ellos. El|

|healed. |Señor a menudo me da el discernimiento acerca de un problema que tienen. Por |

|No Pain, No Gain |ejemplo, cuando una persona es simplemente cansados ​​ya punto de darse por vencido|

|If that's what you have to do to get into the Word of God, do it. We think, |, voy a decir algo así como: "Veo que estás cansado , que está listo para salir y|

|"That's a little fanatical, isn't it? You don't have to be like that." The woman |darse por vencido. " Esa persona va a empezar a llorar y decir: " Eso es de |

|in Mark 5 could have been more reserved, but she wouldn't have been healed. She |Dios", que, por supuesto , es (después de todo , es un don del Espíritu Santo ) .|

|touched the hem of Jesus' garment and was ridiculed because of how desperate she |Entonces yo les voy a dar Hebreos 12:1-2 , pero lo voy a poner en mi propia |

|was. She probably had to crawl on her hands and knees to touch Him. Yet the Bible|terminología . Voy a decir , " Así dice el Señor , la razón de que estés cansado |

|says that for twelve years, she had wasted all of her money and suffered many |es porque no has estado buscando en Jesús, el autor y consumador de nuestra fe. |

|things of many physicians (verse 26). |Si mantiene su atención permaneció en él , no será cansado " . La persona va a |

|Some medical practices today are barbaric. Yet nobody thinks anything of going |decir: " Eso es una palabra de Dios para mí ", y que va a salir de allí todo |

|through that kind of torture in the name of science. But if it takes any effort |emocionado. |

|at all to pray or get into the Word of God, people won't do it. We put ourselves |Todo lo que hice fue paráfrasis Hebreos 12:1-2 , que tienen a su disposición todo|

|through sheer agony to follow the ways of men, yet we expect God to work |el tiempo. No van a leerlo , pero que van a recibir si se trata a través de una |

|automatically! |persona con los ojos cerrados diciendo: "Así dice el Señor. " Lo usaré para |

| |bendecir a la gente , pero eso es carnal e inmaduro. Tenemos que crecer y llegar |

|I was talking to a man once in Germany. He said, "I don't understand it. Either |más allá de eso. Dios va a usar , y no me siento mal por hacerlo, pero es una |

|you're healed or you aren't. It doesn't seem like you should have to stand on the|pena tener que haber hablado sobre algo que ya está en su Biblia. Dios te ha dado|

|Word of God." But it doesn't work that way in the natural, and it doesn't work |la respuesta . |

|that way in the supernatural. There's a place for standing. There's a place for | |

|fighting the good fight of faith, to speak the Word of God regardless of what |El problema es que no estamos tomando la respuesta de Dios , meditando en él, y |

|happens. |lo que es nuestro. Estamos clamando a Dios para algo más. Cada vez que usted está|

| |en una crisis, usted tendrá la tentación de decir: " Oh Dios, ¿qué hago ? |

|It begins by getting into the Word. It's going to take some effort. Satan will |Necesito una palabra especial de usted . Dios , decir algo a mí. " Nos |

|fight you to keep you out of God's Word. He will give you more things to do than |desesperamos por una palabra de parte de Dios . Lo primero que se debe decir es "|

|you ever could do. It's never going to be convenient to study God's Word. It's |Yo ya tengo la respuesta. Está en la Biblia en alguna parte. " Luego de poros en |

|never going to be convenient to know it frontwards and backwards. It's never |la Palabra de Dios. Tome cada escritura que has oído hablar de sobre ese tema y |

|going to be convenient to pray. If you're waiting for a convenient time, you |mirar hacia arriba . Medita en él. No espere que Dios le hable algo especial para|

|might as well quit now, because it will never come. |usted cuando Él ya ha hablado en Su Palabra. Esa es una palabra profética más |

| |segura que cualquier cosa que Dios podía hablar con usted. |

|We Interrupt This Broadcast... | |

|It won't even be fun at first. But after you get your mind renewed, it will be |Tiempo del viaje: 30 dC |

|more fun. It will be more fun than watching the junk on television. For me, it's |A veces la gente piensa, " Si hubiera vivido en los días de Jesús, si sólo |

|not fun to watch television any more. I watch it a little bit, but after a while,|hubiera sido uno de sus discípulos , aunque sólo había visto todas las grandes |

|it just isn't fun. A little bit goes a long way! |maravillas , habría sido de gran alcance. Usted podría no me han dejado " . No, |

| |en realidad creo que hubiera sido más difícil de creer en Jesús , si usted fuera |

|After a while, the Word of God will be fun. It's fun to have joy, peace, and the |uno de sus doce discípulos de lo que es ahora . ¿Por qué? Por un lado, la |

|anointing of God. It feels good. Watching people cursing, stealing, killing, and |familiaridad engendra desprecio. " No hay profeta sin honra sino en su propia |

|committing adultery is not fun. If you're used to that, if your mind is corrupted|tierra , y entre sus parientes " (Marcos 06:04 ) . Cuando usted está |

|by all that, when you start into the Word of God, it's not going to be fun. |familiarizado con una persona y conoces su lado humano , es más difícil de creer.|

|You'll have to retrain yourself. But you can do it. |En realidad es más fácil visualizar a Jesús ahora , sentado a la diestra de Dios |

| |con todo su poder y gloria , de lo que sería si estuviera caminando sobre la |

|A person who has gorged themselves on sweets all of their life won't think |tierra. |

|anything else is good. But that can change. For a long time, my wife and I didn't| |

|use any sweets at home except honey. She even cooked with it. There was no sugar |La Biblia dice que algunos hospedaron ángeles sin darse cuenta (Hebreos 13:02 ) .|

|of any kind in the house. We got to a place where we couldn't tolerate anything |Creo que muchos de nosotros hemos visto ángeles y no reconocerlos porque son muy |

|with sugar. When you change your diet and begin to eat healthy food, you get to |mirando llano. Pueden disfrazarse de personas. En Phoenix, un hombre extraño |

|where an orange is as sweet as you stand. You can't stand food with sugar in it. |entró durante una de nuestras reuniones. Parecía un borracho, un abandonado . Él |

|You condition yourself to the way you eat. That's where you are. |era enorme , tenía tatuajes por todo su cuerpo , y él montó una motocicleta. Este|

| |hombre sabía más de la Biblia que nadie que haya visto en mi vida. Podía hablar |

|...for a Special Word from God |con nadie. Él estaría por allí hablando con alguien , entonces él estaría aquí |

|Emotionally and intellectually, it's the same way. If you feed on junk all the |hablando con alguien . Yo no lo veo pasar de un lugar a otro y mdash él sólo |

|time, it begins to be appealing. It's the norm. That's where you are. We're so |estaba por todas partes! |

|polluted today that if we don't have access to all the garbage on television, we | |

|get bored. But you can renew yourself. You can separate yourself. At first, it |Él llevó a muchas personas al Señor esa noche. Él pudo haber sido un ángel. Yo no|

|will be hard, but after a while, the Word of God will begin to taste better and |habría pensado un ángel tenía BO , llevaba una chaqueta de cuero , y tenía |

|better to you. In Psalm 19:10, it says that God's Word is "more to be |tatuajes, pero realmente creo que era un ángel . Yo creo que Dios se deleita en |

|desired...than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the |la manifestación de sí mismo en formas que toma la fe de percibir. En Isaías 53:2|

|honeycomb." You can get to a place where reading God's Word is the most exciting |, que dice que Jesús no tenía forma especial o de hermosura que le deseemos . |

|thing you do. |Físicamente , Jesús era muy común. Creo que tuvo más fe que los discípulos a |

| |creer en Jesús de lo que hace por nosotros , porque tenían que ver más allá de lo|

|If you haven't reached that place, you haven't begun to mature in the Word of |físico y ver en el reino espiritual para percibir quién era . |

|God. You need to reach a place to where God's Word is exciting, where it's your | |

|meditation day and night. That's the beginning. |El Discípulo Andrew ( Wommack ) |

| |Tuve un sueño hace algún tiempo. En él, yo era uno de los discípulos del Señor . |

|When you're in a crisis situation — especially — shut down everything and get |Era real - Yo sueño en technicolor ! Yo estaba allí cuando resucitó a la hija de |

|into God's Word. The Bible says in Romans 8:6, "For to be carnally minded is |Jairo de entre los muertos . Recuerdo la emoción de ella - sólo estábamos |

|death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace." Spiritually minded is |corriendo por la carretera, muy emocionada. No había ningún " santo" o algo |

|Word minded. John 6:63 says "The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, |religioso al respecto. Estábamos celebrando , y palparon nuestras manos estaban |

|and they are life." God's Word is spirit and life. So when you're thinking God's |en el aire. También habíamos alimentado el 5000 . Yo estaba allí cuando sucedió |

|Word, you're spiritually minded. The Bible says that will produce life and peace.|todo. |

| | |

|If you're depressed, you haven't been keeping your mind on the Word of God. If |Justo en el medio de esto, Jesús se volvió , metió el dedo en la cara , y le |

|you're discouraged, you haven't been keeping your mind on the Word of God. If |preguntó: " Y vosotros ¿quién decís que soy yo ? " Este fue el mismo que Él |

|you're defeated, you haven't been keeping your mind on the Word of God. If you're|preguntó a los discípulos en Mateo 16 . Yo sabía la respuesta. Pedro dijo: " Tú |

|sick, you haven't been keeping your mind on the Word of God. The Word will |eres el Cristo , el Hijo del Dios viviente " (versículo 16 ) . Pero cuando Jesús |

|produce only life and peace. Isn't that simple? As a man thinks in his heart, so |me preguntó eso, sólo lo miró. Era tan claro como el día . Pude ver los milagros |

|is he (Prov. 23:7). |y relacionarse con ellos. Por sus acciones , por la Palabra de Dios y por el |

| |testimonio de mi corazón , yo sabía que él era el Hijo de Dios, pero mi carne |

|Sow Wheat, Reap Wheat |dije que él era sólo un hombre. Cuando por fin le dije: " Tú eres el Cristo ", se|

|I used to pastor farmers. I learned some very simple things from those farmers. |tardó más fe que nunca había tenido que reunir en mi vida. |

|There are laws that govern their lives: they plant wheat, they get wheat. They | |

|plant soybeans, they get soybeans. They plant weeds, they get weeds. Yet, the God|Los discípulos de Jesús lo conocían , pero que en realidad no lo conocen . Ellos |

|who created those natural laws also created spiritual laws. Actually, spiritual |lo conocían como un hombre . En 2 Corintios 5:16, Pablo dice que conocer a Cristo|

|law supercedes natural law. Spiritual laws are more accurate, more steadfast, and|de una vez en la carne, pero ahora le conocemos de esa manera nunca más. En otras|

|more certain than natural laws. |palabras , sabíamos que Jesús una vez como un hombre físico , pero no percibimos |

| |que Él era . Incluso Pedro , quien dijo que Él era el Cristo, no siempre se |

|Yet most people have the concept that natural laws are absolute and that |refería a él de esa manera. Peter vaciló ida y vuelta entre verlo como un hombre |

|spiritual things are subject to change. It's exactly the opposite. Natural things|y percibir quién era Él realmente . |

|are subject to change, while spiritual things are eternal (2 Cor. 4:18). There |Lo mismo nos sucede a nosotros . Perdemos de vista la Palabra de Dios. Nos |

|are spiritual laws. For example, "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also |olvidamos de lo poderoso que es . Nos olvidamos de que Jesús es el Verbo , la |

|reap" (Gal. 6:7). There are people who say, "I'm sick. I'm having financial |Palabra es Dios , y el Verbo creó los cielos y la tierra (Juan 1:1-3 ) . La |

|problems. I'm having marital problems. But honest, it's not anything I've done. |Palabra creado su cuerpo, y si usted habla la Palabra en la fe, su cuerpo tiene |

|I've done everything right. It must just be God's will." That's not so. |que responder a la misma. La Biblia dice que cuando Jesús regrese , Él va a |

| |destruir a sus enemigos con la palabra de su boca (Apocalipsis 19:15 ) . No creo |

|You don't plant wheat and get corn. You don't plant the Word of God and get |que Él va a crear algún tipo de explosión nuclear. No creo que él va a dar rienda|

|sickness. You don't plant the Word of God and get depression, defeat, sorrow, |suelta a los ángeles a matar a todos. No creo que Él va a hablar nada nuevo. Yo |

|anger, and all those kinds of things. If those things are operating in your life,|creo que Él va a hablar la Palabra escrita de Dios. |

|you haven't been meditating on God's Word. Out of the abundance of the heart, the| |

|mouth speaks, says Matthew 12:34. If you're speaking anger, strife, fear, |Cuando Jesús fue tentado por Satanás, Él dijo: " Escrito está. " Él pudo haber |

|jealousy, and things like that, it's because you've been meditating on it in |dicho " La, la, la ", y eso habría sido la Escritura - cualquier cosa que Él dijo|

|abundance. |habría sido la Escritura. Pero Él regresó y citó el Antiguo Testamento en |

| |Deuteronomio 08:03 . ¿Por qué? Porque Él no podía mejorar en él . La Palabra de |

|Go back and make sure you're sowing the right thing. You shouldn't wait until a |Dios es perfecto en todos los sentidos, e incluso Jesús no pudo mejorar en él . |

|crisis situation comes, but if it does come, go back and make sure every thought,|Todo lo que hizo fue citar la Palabra. |

|every desire, every emotion you've sown lines up with God's Word. Anything that | |

|doesn't, pull it up. Root it out. |" Y su nombre es la Palabra de Dios ..." |

| |Yo creo que cuando Jesús regrese , Él va a citar Escrituras en el libro de |

|God's Word is ultimate truth. That's what Jesus was telling His disciples. In |Apocalipsis , y eso que va a destruir a sus enemigos y llevar en el reinado de la|

|John 14:4, He said, "And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know." Then Thomas |justicia. La misma Palabra que ahora tenemos entre las tapas de nuestra Biblia |

|said, "Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?" (verse|será más grande que todas las bombas nucleares , las armas de "Star Wars ", el |

|5) In verses 6-7, "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: |gas venenoso , o cualquier otra cosa del mundo puede lanzar en él. La Palabra es |

|no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. If ye had known me, ye should have |poderosa - que no comenzamos a reconocer lo poderoso que es . Estamos sentados |

|known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him." Notice|aquí esperando en Dios que nos dé algo, y es justo en nuestro regazo . |

|what Jesus said here. He didn't say, "Wouldn't it be nice to know the Father and | |

|see Him? "He said from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him" (verse 7). |Estamos muy por debajo de donde Dios quiere que seamos . Las personas no están |

|That's a declarative statement, a statement of fact. |meditando en la Palabra día y noche . Todos queremos que los beneficios de Dios ,|

| |sin entrar en la Palabra de Dios. Nosotros no prestamos atención a la misma. |

|Then Philip said, "Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it |Preferimos sentarnos y ver las malas noticias en la televisión que leer las |

|sufficeth us" (verse 8). In other words, "Wrong again, Jesus. We don't know the |buenas nuevas de la Escritura. Algo está mal cuando pasamos más tiempo en el |

|Father." That's a blatant contradiction of God's Word, but we do the exact same |mundo que en la Palabra. Dios no quiere que sea así. |

|thing. In 2 Timothy 3:16-17, it says "All scripture is given by inspiration of | |

|God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction|Usted no debe nunca salir de la Palabra - que solo evitaría un montón de crisis .|

|in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto |Pero si la crisis llega , tiene que apagar la televisión , ir de nuevo a la |

|all good works." |Palabra, y saturar a ti mismo en él. Si usted está enfermo , no estaba en la cama|

| |con los pies apoyados , tomando pastillas , y ver la televisión . Entra en la |

|The Word of God...and Then Some |Palabra. |

|Notice the word "perfect." That means there is no plan B or plan C. You don't |Un amigo mío , Joe Ney, se celebrará una reunión de una vez y era extremadamente |

|have to learn by "hard knocks." You don't have to get it by special revelation. |enfermo. En vez de ir a la cama y " sufrimiento a través de ", se levantó, pero |

|You don't have to have an angel teach it to you. You don't need anything else. |estaba demasiado enferma para levantarse también. Así que él estaba en el suelo ,|

|God's Word will make you perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. God's|puso su Biblia delante de él , y durante doce horas lo empujó por la habitación |

|Word will supply you with everything. |con la nariz , diciendo: " Por las llagas de Jesús soy sano . " Eso es lo difícil|

| |que era para él hacerlo - pero él salió curada . |

|Yet, most of us don't believe that. Most of us don't turn to God's Word to supply|No Pain, No Gain |

|us with everything. Most of us don't go to God's Word for every answer in our |Si eso es lo que tienes que hacer para entrar en la Palabra de Dios , hazlo. |

|lives. Most of us use God's Word as kind of a foundation, a basic principle, but |Pensamos : "Eso es un poco fanático, ¿no? Usted no tiene que ser así. " La mujer |

|for day-to-day living, we think we need more than that. That's not true. |en Marcos 5 podría haber sido más reservado, pero ella no se habría sanado. Ella |

| |tocó el borde del manto de Jesús y fue ridiculizado por lo desesperado que |

|God's Word has an answer for everything. Everything you will ever deal with is |estaba. Probablemente tuvo que arrastrarse sobre sus manos y rodillas para |

|found in God's Word. Jesus was saying, "I'm everything. If you've seen me, you've|tocarle . Sin embargo, la Biblia dice que desde hacía doce años , había perdido |

|seen the Father. If you know me, you know the Father." The disciples said, "No, |todo su dinero y sufrido mucho de muchos médicos (versículo 26 ) . |

|Lord, that's not enough. Give us one more thing &mdash a visible look at the |Algunas prácticas médicas hoy son bárbaras . Sin embargo, nadie cree nada de |

|Father — and that will satisfy us." |pasar por ese tipo de tortura en nombre de la ciencia. Pero si se necesita ningún|

| |esfuerzo en absoluto para orar o entrar en la Palabra de Dios, la gente no lo |

|If you put a carrot on a stick and hang it out in front of a horse's head, that |hará . Nos ponemos a través de pura agonía de seguir los caminos de los hombres ,|

|horse will go for it. But every time he takes a step, the carrot moves. It's |sin embargo, esperamos que Dios actúe de forma automática! |

|always just out of reach, and it keeps on moving. That's the way the devil is. |Yo estaba hablando con un hombre una vez en Alemania. Él dijo: "Yo no lo entiendo|

|The devil always tells you, "If you just had this or that from the Lord, if you |. Ya sea que usted está curado o no está . No parece como que debe tener que |

|just had this experience, if you just had that vision, if you just had this |pararse en la Palabra de Dios. " Pero no funciona de esa manera en lo natural, y |

|dream, if God would just do this for you." He's always dangling something in |que no funciona de esa manera en lo sobrenatural . Hay un lugar para estar de pie|

|front of you, telling you that you need more. But you don't need anything else. |. Hay un lugar para pelear la buena batalla de la fe , para hablar la Palabra de |

|The Word of God will make you perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. |Dios, sin importar lo que suceda. |

| |Empieza por entrar en la Palabra. Va a tomar un poco de esfuerzo . Satanás le |

|Let me emphasize that. You don't need anything more than the Word of God! |luchará para mantenerlo fuera de la Palabra de Dios. Él te dará más cosas que |

|God's Word has a complete answer for you, whoever you are and whatever your |hacer que lo que pueda hacer. Nunca va a ser conveniente estudiar la Palabra de |

|circumstances. The problem is that we don't know what the Word says. And the |Dios. Nunca va a ser conveniente para saberlo frontwards y hacia atrás. Nunca va |

|things we do know, we don't meditate on. We let them slip so that we lose the |a ser conveniente para orar. Si usted está esperando el momento oportuno , que |

|revelation of it. God's Word is powerful, but it's something you can't understand|también podría renunciar ahora , porque nunca llegará. |

|just mentally. You have to let it soak down inside of you. It has to take root |Interrumpimos esta transmisión ... |

|before it begins to release power. |Ni siquiera va a ser divertido al principio. Pero después de recibir su mente |

| |renovada , será más divertido. Será más divertido que ver a la basura en la |

|Whatsoever You Sow, Leave It! |televisión. Para mí , no es divertido ver la televisión nunca más. Lo veo un |

|Again, it's like a seed. You don't just scatter seed and reap a harvest ten |poco, pero después de un tiempo , simplemente no es divertido . Un poco va un |

|minutes later. It must have time to germinate, to put roots down, to get |largo camino! |

|nourishment from the soil. You can't plant it one day, dig it up the next day to |Después de un tiempo , la Palabra de Dios va a ser divertido. Es divertido tener |

|see if anything happened, then plant it again. You have to leave it there. |la alegría , la paz y la unción de Dios . Se siente bien . Viendo a la gente |

|Likewise, the Word of God is something that has to abide (John 15:7). You can't |maldiciendo , robar, matar y cometer adulterio no es divertido. Si estás |

|get all pumped up on the Word of God on Sunday, then Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, |acostumbrado a eso, si tu mente está corrompida por todo eso, al iniciar en la |

|Thursday, Friday, and Saturday go out and root it up, then come back on Sunday |Palabra de Dios , no es va a ser divertido . Vas a tener que capacitar a ti mismo|

|and plant it again. It doesn't work that way. The reason most people don't |. Pero usted puede hacerlo . |

|experience victory is because the Word never takes root inside of them. It |Una persona que ha hartaron de dulces todos de su vida no va a pensar otra cosa |

|touches them and they'll get excited about it, but they won't abide in it. They |es buena. Pero eso puede cambiar. Durante mucho tiempo, mi esposa y yo no fui a |

|won't allow it to stay and germinate. |ninguno dulces en casa , excepto la miel. Ella incluso cocinado con él. No había |

| |azúcar de ningún tipo en la casa. Llegamos a un lugar donde no podíamos tolerar |

|The Word of God must become everything to us. It's a more sure Word of prophecy |cualquier cosa con azúcar. Al cambiar su dieta y empezar a comer alimentos |

|than an angel or a vision or a dream or anything else that may come our way. Paul|saludables, a llegar a donde es tan dulce como se pone de pie una naranja. No se |

|says in Galatians 1:8 that if anyone preaches anything except the Word of God he |puede parar alimentos con azúcar . Usted condicionarse a la forma de comer . Ahí |

|preached — even an angel of God — let him be accursed. Then he repeats it. If |es donde usted se encuentre. |

|something is contrary to God's Word, just curse it. God's Word is the only |... por una palabra especial de Dios |

|absolute truth. |Emocional e intelectualmente , es de la misma manera . Si usted alimenta de |

| |basura todo el tiempo , comienza a ser atractivo . Es la norma. Ahí es donde |

| |usted se encuentre. Estamos tan contaminados hoy que si no tenemos acceso a toda |

|Aw Come On, Are You Really The Messiah? |la basura en la televisión, que se aburren . Pero usted puede renovarse . Puede |

|Let's look at Matthew 11. John the Baptist had just been cast into prison. John |separarse . Al principio será difícil , pero después de un tiempo , la Palabra de|

|sent two of his disciples to Jesus to ask, "Art thou he that should come, or do |Dios comenzará a probar mejor y mejor para usted. En el Salmo 19:10 , que dice |

|we look for another?" (verse 3). Now this is an amazing statement. To get its |que la Palabra de Dios es " más que desear ... que el oro, sí, más que mucho oro |

|impact, you have to recognize that John the Baptist had announced four times |afinado; Y dulces más que miel y el panal . " Se puede llegar a un lugar donde la|

|publicly that Jesus was the Messiah. He said this with all the confidence and |lectura de la Palabra de Dios es la cosa más emocionante que haces. |

|authority he could muster. He believed it with all of his heart. He had said, "He|Si no ha llegado a ese lugar , usted no ha comenzado a madurar en la Palabra de |

|that sent me to baptize with water, the same said unto me, Upon whom thou shalt |Dios. Es necesario llegar a un lugar donde la Palabra de Dios es emocionante, |

|see the Spirit descending, and remaining on him, the same is he which baptizeth |donde es su día de la meditación y de la noche . Ese es el principio. |

|with the Holy Ghost" (John 1:33). |Cuando estás en una situación de crisis - en especial - apagar todo y entrar en |

| |la Palabra de Dios. La Biblia dice en Romanos 8:06 : " Porque el ocuparse de la |

|So John not only had the witness of the Spirit in his heart but also a visible |carne es muerte , pero el ocuparse del Espíritu es vida y paz. " Espíritu es la |

|sign. God had told him that when he saw this happen, it would be the Messiah. |Palabra de mente . Juan 6:63 dice: " Las palabras que yo os he hablado , son |

|John knew beyond a doubt who Jesus was, and he proclaimed it to the world. When |espíritu y son vida . " La Palabra de Dios es espíritu y vida. Así que cuando |

|Jesus' ministry began to prosper at the expense of his own, he even said, "He |usted está pensando en la Palabra de Dios , eres una mente espiritual . La Biblia|

|must increase, but I must decrease" (John 3:30). |dice que va a producir la vida y la paz. |

| |Si usted está deprimido , no ha estado al tanto de su mente en la Palabra de |

|John the Baptist was a tremendous man, a tremendous example of a servant. Jesus |Dios. Si estás desanimado , no has estado guardando su mente en la Palabra de |

|said that among those born of women, none were greater than John (Luke 7:28). In |Dios. Si estás derrotado , no has estado guardando su mente en la Palabra de |

|other words, John the Baptist was greater than any Old Testament saint who ever |Dios. Si usted está enfermo , no has estado guardando su mente en la Palabra de |

|lived — greater than Abraham, David, Elijah, Elisha, Jeremiah, Daniel, whoever — |Dios. La Palabra producirá sólo la vida y la paz. ¿No es así de simple? Como un |

|not to mention any of the pagan heroes. |hombre piensa en su corazón , tal es él (Proverbios 23:07 ) . |

| |Siembra de trigo , trigo Reap |

|John was a powerful man of God, and he knew beyond any shadow of a doubt who |Solía ​​agricultores pastor . Aprendí algunas cosas muy simples de esos |

|Jesus was. So now John is in prison and, by all evidence, had been there at least|agricultores. Hay leyes que rigen sus vidas : se siembra trigo , que reciben |

|a year or two. During this time, he began to doubt. He doubted so much that he |trigo. Ellos plantan soja , que reciben la soja. Plantan malezas , consiguieron |

|sent two of his disciples to ask if Jesus was really the Christ or if there was |malas hierbas . Sin embargo , el Dios que creó las leyes naturales también |

|another that they should look for. |crearon leyes espirituales . En realidad, la ley espiritual reemplaza a la ley |

| |natural. Las leyes espirituales son más precisos , más firme y más seguro que las|

|This was serious. The greatest man who ever lived up to that point was now |leyes naturales. |

|doubting everything! For thirty years, John the Baptist had been living in the |Sin embargo, la mayoría de la gente tiene el concepto de que las leyes naturales |

|wilderness preparing for this ministry. He had spent only six months in ministry |son absolutos y que las cosas espirituales están sujetos a cambios . Es |

|and then was thrown into prison. In six months he had revolutionized not only the|exactamente lo contrario. Las cosas naturales están sujetos a cambios , mientras |

|Jewish nation but people from all the nations around it. He literally shook |que las cosas espirituales son eternas ( 2 Cor . 4:18). Hay leyes espirituales. |

|continents in six months' time, proclaiming the coming of the Messiah. The fire |Por ejemplo, " Todo lo que el hombre siembre, eso también segará " (Gálatas 6:7).|

|of God burned in his heart. For a man like that to be shut up in prison must have|Hay personas que dicen: "Estoy enfermo . Estoy teniendo problemas financieros. |

|been hard on him. It must have grated on him day and night. |Estoy teniendo problemas maritales . Pero honesto , no es nada de lo que he |

| |hecho. He hecho todo bien. Simplemente debe ser la voluntad de Dios . " Eso no es|

|Messiah: Servant, Priest or King? (choose one) |así . |

|Also, most people did not have a proper understanding of the Messiah. The Jews |Usted no se planta trigo y obtener maíz. Usted no se planta la Palabra de Dios y |

|thought He was going to set up a kingdom immediately — perhaps by force. They |obtener la enfermedad . Usted no se planta la Palabra de Dios y obtener la |

|didn't understand the church age, the end times, or the "suffering servant" of |depresión , la derrota, la tristeza , la ira y todo ese tipo de cosas . Si las |

|Isaiah. It wasn't clear. So it's possible that John the Baptist thought Jesus was|cosas están funcionando en su vida, usted no ha estado meditando en la Palabra de|

|going to establish a physical kingdom, and now, two years later, it wasn't |Dios. Porque de la abundancia del corazón, habla la boca , dice Mateo 12:34 . Si |

|working out. He probably had a lot of confusion, a lot of questions. |estás hablando ira , contiendas , el miedo , los celos, y cosas por el estilo , |

| |es porque has estado meditando sobre ella en abundancia. |

|All of these things came to bear on John so that he actually began to doubt that |Volver atrás y asegurarse de que está sembrando lo correcto. Usted no debe |

|Jesus was the Messiah. When his disciples finally went to Jesus to ask Him, He |esperar hasta que llegue a una situación de crisis, pero si llega, volver atrás y|

|answered, "Go and shew John again those things which ye do hear and see." (Matt. |asegurarse de que cada pensamiento, cada deseo, cada emoción que has sembrado se |

|11:4). In Luke chapter 7, the same story, it says that after they asked Jesus |alinea con la Palabra de Dios. Todo lo que no hace, tire de él hacia arriba. |

|this question, He didn't reply for a whole hour. In this hour, He opened blind |Erradicarlo . |

|eyes, unstopped deaf ears, healed lame men, and performed all kinds of miracles. |La Palabra de Dios es la verdad última. Eso es lo que Jesús estaba diciendo a sus|

|Then, after an hour, He came back to them and said,"Go your way, and tell John |discípulos. En Juan 14:04 , Él dijo: " Y sabéis a dónde voy sabéis , y sabéis el |

|what things ye have seen and heard; how that the blind see, the lame walk, the |camino . " Entonces Tomás le dijo : "Señor , no sabemos a dónde vas; ? Y ¿cómo |

|lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, to the poor the gospel |podemos saber el camino " (versículo 5 ) En los versículos 6-7 , "Jesús le dijo: |

|is preached. And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me" (verses |Yo soy el camino, la verdad y la vida : . nadie viene al Padre, sino por mí Si me|

|22-23). |conocieseis, á haber sabido que mi Padre conocierais: . y desde ahora le conocéis|

| |, y le habéis visto " Note lo que Jesús dijo aquí . Él no dijo: " ¿No sería bueno|

|When I first read this, it didn't seem that Jesus' response met John's need at |saber el Padre y verlo ? ", Dijo desde ahora le conocéis , y le habéis visto " |

|all. John the Baptist had a serious need, and Jesus said in effect, "Just go tell|(versículo 7 ) . Esa es una afirmación declarativa, una declaración de hecho . |

|him what you've seen and that he's blessed if he's not offended." It didn't look |Entonces Felipe dijo: " Felipe le dijo : Señor, muéstranos el Padre , y nos basta|

|adequate, especially when Jesus went on and on about John after his disciples had|" (versículo 8 ) . En otras palabras: " Te equivocas de nuevo , Jesús. No sabemos|

|gone. He asked, "What did you go out into the wilderness to see? Somebody wearing|el Padre. " Eso es una contradicción flagrante de la Palabra de Dios, sino que lo|

|nice clothes? You don't find that in the desert. Reeds swaying in the wind? You |hacen exactamente lo mismo . En 2 Timoteo 3:16-17 , dice que " Toda la Escritura |

|don't find that in the desert. You went out to see the anointing of God. This man|es inspirada por Dios , y útil para enseñar, para reprender, para corregir, para |

|was a prophet and more than a prophet. There has never been a greater man than |instruir en justicia, que el hombre de Dios sea perfecto , enteramente preparado |

|John the Baptist" (verses 24-28). |para toda buena obra . " |

| |La Palabra de Dios ... y Algo Más |

|He said some powerful things about John. I thought, "Wouldn't it have comforted |Note la palabra " perfecto". Eso significa que no hay un plan B o un plan C. No |

|John if he could have heard all these nice things? Why didn't He send that |tienes que aprender por " golpes duros ". Usted no tiene que hacerlo por |

|message to John instead of the one He did?" |revelación especial. Usted no tiene que tener un ángel enseña a usted. Usted no |

| |necesita nada más. La Palabra de Dios te hará perfecto, enteramente preparado |

| |para toda buena obra. La Palabra de Dios le proveerá de todo. |

| |Sin embargo , la mayoría de nosotros no cree eso. La mayoría de nosotros no |

|Andrew Who? |recurren a la Palabra de Dios que nos proveen de todo. La mayoría de nosotros no |

|I can relate to that. Once, I was in a convention at Fort Worth. All the big |van a la Palabra de Dios por todas las respuestas en nuestras vidas. La mayoría |

|names were there — hundreds of them. Everybody was big except me. Nobody knew who|de nosotros usamos la Palabra de Dios como una especie de fundación, un principio|

|I was. Nobody cared. People were giving money to these big ministries. We needed |básico , pero para la vida del día a día , creemos que necesitamos más que eso. |

|money as badly as any of them. I was having a pity party. |Eso no es cierto . |

| |La Palabra de Dios tiene una respuesta para todo . Todo lo que tendrá que hacer |

|I was in a huge auditorium filled with 2,000 people. They were singing and |frente se encuentra en la Palabra de Dios. Jesús estaba diciendo : "Yo soy todo. |

|praising the Lord. Then they said to go around and hug somebody. Bob Nichols, the|Si me has visto , has visto al Padre. Si me conoces , sabes que el Padre. " Los |

|pastor of the host church, came directly back to me and started hugging me and |discípulos le dijeron : "No, Señor , eso no es suficiente Danos una cosa más por |

|just wouldn't let go. It wasn't a "charismatic" hug — this man started crying and|vuestro servicio un aspecto visible del Padre - . . Y eso nos va a satisfacer " |

|telling me that God loved me and he loved me. It was really God. There was no way|Si usted pone una zanahoria en un palo y lo cuelga en el frente de la cabeza de |

|he could have known what my situation was. He really ministered to me. |un caballo , el caballo va a ir a por ello . Pero cada vez que da un paso , los |

| |movimientos de la zanahoria . Es siempre fuera de su alcance , y se mantiene en |

|I can see that it would have ministered to John the Baptist to have Jesus, whom |movimiento . Esa es la forma en que el maligno es . El maligno siempre le dice : |

|the whole nation was clamoring after, say something like, "Don't you people know |"Si usted acaba de tener tal o cual parte del Señor , si usted acaba de tener |

|who John the Baptist is? He's a great man of God. No Old Testament saint is |esta experiencia , si usted acaba de tener esa visión , si usted acaba de tener |

|greater than John." It seems that would have blessed John a lot more than what |este sueño, si Dios acaba de hacer esto para usted. " Siempre está colgando algo |

|Jesus actually said. I was meditating on this, thinking, "God, why did you do |en frente de usted , que le dice que necesita más . Pero usted no necesita nada |

|this?" |más. La Palabra de Dios te hará perfecto, enteramente preparado para toda buena |

| |obra. |

|Then the Lord showed me the answer. In Isaiah 35 there is a prophecy about the |Quisiera hacer hincapié en eso. Usted no necesita nada más que la Palabra de |

|Messiah. Verses 3-6 tell some of the things that will happen when the Messiah |Dios! |

|comes. It says, "Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees. Say |La Palabra de Dios tiene una respuesta completa para ti , quienquiera que seas , |

|to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will |y cualesquiera sean tus circunstancias. El problema es que no sabemos lo que dice|

|come with vengeance, even God with a recompense; he will come and save you. Then |la Palabra. Y las cosas que sí sabemos , que no meditan en . Dejamos que se |

|the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be |deslizan por lo que perdemos la revelación de la misma. La Palabra de Dios es |

|unstopped. Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb |poderosa , pero es algo que no se puede entender sólo mentalmente. Hay que dejar |

|sing: for in the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the desert." |reposar hasta dentro de ti. Tiene que tomar la raíz antes de que comienza a |

| |liberar el poder. |

|John the Baptist was familiar with Isaiah. When asked who he was he said, "I'm |Todo lo que se siembra , Leave It ! |

|the voice of one crying in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord," which|Una vez más , es como una semilla. Usted no sólo se esparce la semilla y cosechar|

|came directly from Isaiah 40. These were some of the scriptures God used to call |una cosecha diez minutos más tarde . Debe tener tiempo para germinar , para echar|

|John the Baptist into the ministry, to tell him what he was supposed to do, and |raíces , para obtener alimento de la tierra . No se puede plantar un día, |

|to tell him what the Messiah would do when He came. |desenterrarlo al día siguiente para ver si pasaba algo , y luego plantar de |

| |nuevo. Tienes que salir de allí. Del mismo modo , la Palabra de Dios es algo que |

|Again, I Say Unto You... |tiene que cumplir (Juan 15:07 ) . Usted no puede conseguir todos bombeado sobre |

|So what was Jesus doing when He didn't give John the Baptist a special answer and|la Palabra de Dios, el domingo , a continuación, Lunes , Martes , Miércoles , |

|just performed the miracles? In one hour's time, Jesus fulfilled everything |Jueves , Viernes , Sábado y salir a la raíz hacia arriba , y luego volver el |

|written in Isaiah 35. Then He told the disciples, "Go back and tell John that you|domingo y otra vez plantarla . No funciona de esa manera. La razón por la mayoría|

|see blind eyes opened, deaf ears opened, the lame man leap as a hart, and streams|de las personas no experimentan la victoria se debe a que la Palabra no se |

|breaking out in the desert." In other words, "Go back and tell John the Word of |arraiga en el interior de ellos . Les toca y van a tirar cohetes , pero no van a |

|God is being fulfilled!" He was saying in effect, "John, you're blessed if you'll|permanecer en ella . No van a permitir que se quede y germinar . |

|believe what God's Word says." He actually gave John the greatest answer He could|La Palabra de Dios debe llegar a ser todo para nosotros. Es una palabra profética|

|give — He referred him back to the Word of God instead of giving him some cheap, |más segura que un ángel o una visión o un sueño o cualquier otra cosa que pueda |

|emotional thrill that would last only for a short time. |venir a nuestra manera. Pablo dice en Gálatas 1:08 que si alguien predica otra |

| |cosa que la Palabra de Dios que predicó - incluso un ángel de Dios - sea anatema |

|He referred him back to the Word of God because that is God's best. Jesus told |. Luego se repite. Si hay algo que es contrario a la Palabra de Dios, tal y |

|John, "You're blessed if you'll believe and not be offended." I believe John knew|maldecirlo . La Palabra de Dios es la única verdad absoluta. |

|exactly what Jesus was doing. He recognized the Scriptures, and I believe he went|Aw Come On , es usted realmente el Mesías? |

|out with a shout. |Echemos un vistazo a Mateo 11 . Juan el Bautista había sido echado en la cárcel .|

| |Juan envió a dos de sus discípulos a Jesús para preguntarle: " ¿Eres tú aquel que|

|There are times you and I come crying to the Lord for an answer when God's Word |había de venir, o debemos esperar a otro ? " (versículo 3 ) . Ahora bien, esto es|

|already has an answer for us. God's Word has everything we need, but we close it |una declaración asombrosa . Para obtener su impacto , hay que reconocer que Juan |

|up and pray, "O God, speak to me." I believe it is love that God isn't speaking |el Bautista había anunciado cuatro veces públicamente que Jesús era el Mesías. Lo|

|to us. I believe God wants us to get to the point that we don't live off milk. He|dijo con toda la confianza y la autoridad que pudo reunir . Él creía con todo su |

|wants us to get into the meat of the Word. God is trying to get us back to the |corazón . Él había dicho: "El que me envió a bautizar con agua, aquél me dijo: |

|Word of God. It is mercy that He's not speaking to us and giving us what we ask. |Sobre quien vieres descender el Espíritu y que permanece sobre él, ése es el que |

| |bautiza con el Espíritu Santo" (Juan 01:33 ) . |

|When I first got turned on to the Word, I heard stories about Kenneth Hagin |Así que Juan no sólo tenía el testimonio del Espíritu en su corazón, sino también|

|having had a visitation from God. He had fire burn in his hands, and when he put |un signo visible. Dios le había dicho que cuando vio que esto suceda , sería el |

|his hands on other people, the fire jumped onto them. Others saw angels come into|Mesías. Juan sabía más allá de toda duda de quién era Jesús, y él lo proclamó al |

|the room. I heard about these things and began seeking them. I started praying, |mundo. Cuando el ministerio de Jesús comenzó a prosperar a expensas de las |

|"God, I want to see angels. I want to see visions. I want you to do something |propias, incluso dijo , " Él debe crecer , y que yo disminuya " (Juan 03:30 ) . |

|special for me." |Juan el Bautista fue un tremendo hombre, un gran ejemplo de un siervo . Jesús |

| |dijo que entre los nacidos de mujer , ninguno fue mayor que Juan (Lucas 7:28) . |

|Then the Lord began to show me that the Word of God is more powerful than all |En otras palabras, Juan el Bautista era mayor que cualquier santo del Antiguo |

|these things. |Testamento que haya vivido - mayor que Abraham , David, Elías, Eliseo , Jeremías,|

| |Daniel , quien - por no hablar de alguno de los héroes paganos. |

| |Juan era un hombre poderoso de Dios , y sabía más allá de cualquier sombra de |

|Roman vs. Israeli Faith |duda de quién era Jesús . Así que ahora Juan está en la cárcel y , por todas las |

|In Matthew 8, a Roman centurion came to Jesus for his servant to be healed. Jesus|pruebas , había estado allí al menos un año o dos . Durante este tiempo, él |

|said, "I will come and heal him" (verse 7). The centurion said, "Lord, I am not |comenzó a dudar . Dudaba mucho que envió a dos de sus discípulos a preguntar si |

|worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my |Jesús era realmente el Cristo, o si había otra que deben buscar. |

|servant shall be healed. For I am a man under authority, having soldiers under |Esto iba en serio. El hombre más grande que jamás haya vivido hasta ese momento |

|me: and I say to this man, Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh;|ya estaba dudando de todo! Durante treinta años , Juan el Bautista había estado |

|and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it" (verses 8-9). |viviendo en el desierto preparándose para este ministerio. Había pasado sólo seis|

|The Bible says that Jesus marvelled saying, "I have not found so great faith, no,|meses en el ministerio y luego fue echado en la cárcel . En seis meses había |

|not in Israel" (verse 10). Only two times in the Word of God did Jesus marvel — |revolucionado no sólo la nación judía , pero la gente de todas las naciones a su |

|one time at this man's faith and the other at His disciples' unbelief! He |alrededor. Él literalmente sacudió continentes dentro de seis meses , proclamando|

|marvelled that people could be so full of unbelief and that they could be so full|la venida del Mesías. El fuego de Dios ardía en su corazón. Para un hombre como |

|of faith. This man's faith didn't have anything to do with the physical. He |él para ser encerrado en la cárcel debe haber sido muy duro para él. Debe haber |

|didn't have to see anything, feel anything, touch anything. All he needed was a |rallado en él día y noche. |

|Word. "Jesus, you just give the word and it's done," he said. |Mesías Siervo , sacerdote o rey ? (elija uno) |

| |Además, la mayoría de la gente no tenía una comprensión adecuada del Mesías. Los |

|That's the highest form of faith there is. Contrast that with John 20:27, where |Judios pensó que iba a establecer un reino inmediatamente - tal vez por la |

|Thomas had to physically see Jesus' hands and side before he would believe. |fuerza. Ellos no entienden la era de la iglesia , los tiempos del fin , o el |

|The highest way God will ever communicate with you is through the written Word of|"siervo sufriente" de Isaías. No estaba claro . Así que es posible que Juan el |

|God. That is a more sure word of prophecy than an angel, a dream, a gift of the |Bautista pensó que Jesús iba a establecer un reino físico, y ahora, dos años más |

|Spirit or anything else. Yet most people have not elevated God's Word to that |tarde , no fue funcionando. Probablemente tenía una gran confusión , un montón de|

|status. We're making the same mistake that the disciples made — we have the Word |preguntas . |

|with us, but we don't recognize the importance of the Word. |Todas estas cosas llegaron a influir en John para que en realidad comenzó a dudar|

| |de que Jesús era el Mesías. Cuando sus discípulos finalmente fueron a Jesús para |

|Meditate Day and Night? |preguntarle , él respondió: " Id y haced saber a Juan las cosas que oís y ver. " |

|Many of us who have had God's Word revealed to us don't meditate in it the way we|(Mateo 11:04 ) . En Lucas capítulo 7 , la misma historia , se dice que después de|

|should. We aren't planting it and letting it germinate inside us. You must reach |que le preguntaron a Jesús esta pregunta , Él no respondió durante una hora |

|a place to where God's Word literally dominates and controls you. If that seems |entera . En esta hora , Él abrió los ojos ciegos , oídos los sordos , sanó cojos |

|out of character for you, if it seems impossible, then you won't prosper. You |, y realiza todo tipo de milagros. Luego , después de una hora , él volvió a |

|must see that it is possible for you. |ellos y les dijo : " Id, y haced saber a Juan lo que habéis visto y oído: que los|

| |ciegos ven , los cojos andan , los leprosos quedan limpios, los sordos oyen, los |

|When I say that you have to be dominated by the Word, that needs some |resucitan muertos, a los pobres es anunciado el evangelio . Y bienaventurado es |

|explanation. You do not have to be reading the Word day and night. I spent a few |el que no halle tropiezo en mí "(vv. 22-23). |

|hours reading the Word today, but there are some days I don't read the Word at |Cuando leí por primera vez de esto, no parece que la respuesta de Jesús se reunió|

|all. But that doesn't mean I'm not in the Word. I've put so much of the Word |necesidad de John en absoluto. Juan el Bautista tenía una gran necesidad , y |

|inside of me that I meditate on it constantly. I get some of the greatest |Jesús dijo en efecto: " Sólo tienes que ir a decirle lo que has visto y que ha |

|revelations I ever get from God without opening the Bible. You can be in the Word|bendecido si no está ofendido. " No parecía adecuada, especialmente cuando Jesús |

|all day long no matter what you're doing. |fue y seguir sobre John después de que sus discípulos se habían ido . Él |

| |preguntó: " ¿Qué salisteis a ver al desierto ? Alguien vistiendo ropa bonita ? |

|Of course, you can't do that until you first put the Word inside of you. You |Usted no encuentra que en el desierto. Cañas meciéndose en el viento ? Usted no |

|can't bring back to your remembrance what you never put into remembrance! You |encuentra que en el desierto. Saliste a ver la unción de Dios . Este hombre era |

|need to begin to meditate God's Word. It's not how much you know. Sometimes, I've|un profeta y más que profeta . nunca ha habido un hombre más grande que Juan el |

|taken one verse and read it over and over for a month's time. It just ministered |Bautista " (versículos 24-28) . |

|to me so much I couldn't read or think about anything else. I got more benefit |Dijo algunas cosas importantes acerca de Juan. Yo pensé: " ¿No hubiera consolado |

|out of reading that one verse for a month than many other times when I read |a John si podría haber oído todas estas cosas buenas ? ¿Por qué no enviar ese |

|chapter after chapter after chapter. It's not how much you know. It's how well |mensaje en lugar del que lo hizo con John? " |

|you know what you know. | |

| | |

|Can't Get There from Here |Andrew Quién ? |

|When I first got turned on to the Lord, He showed me some visions. These were not|Me identifico con eso. Una vez , yo estaba en una convención en Fort Worth. Todos|

|open visions but simply desires of my heart, what it was like to serve God and |los grandes nombres estaban allí - cientos de ellos. Todo el mundo era grande , |

|how He wanted me to change people's lives. Here I was from Podunk Corner, Texas. |menos yo . Nadie sabía quién era yo. A nadie le importaba . La gente estaba dando|

|I had left college, and everyone told me that I'd be a total flop. I was drafted |dinero a estos grandes ministerios. Necesitábamos el dinero tanto como cualquiera|

|as soon as I quit school. It looked like I was going to die in Vietnam. I had a |de ellos. Estaba teniendo un partido de la compasión . |

|vision of God using me, yet it looked like I was a million miles off. |Yo estaba en un enorme auditorio lleno de 2.000 personas. Ellos estaban cantando |

| |y alabando al Señor . Entonces dijeron a circundar y abrazar a alguien. Bob |

|I remember kneeling at my bed one day saying, "God, what shall I do? How do get |Nichols, el pastor de la iglesia anfitriona , vino directamente hacia mí y empezó|

|from where I am to where I'm supposed to be?" It looked impossible. Then the Lord|a abrazarme y simplemente no lo soltaba . No fue un abrazo "carismático" - este |

|spoke to me, "This Bible has everything you need to know." I flipped it open and |hombre empezó a llorar y me dijo que Dios me amaba y que me amaba. Fue realmente |

|found that it makes me perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works (2 Tim. |Dios. No había manera de que pudiera haber sabido cuál era mi situación. Él |

|3:17). I based my life on that. |realmente me ministraba . |

| |Puedo ver que habría servido a Juan el Bautista para que Jesús, a quien todo el |

|I'm still not where I need to be. I haven't arrived, but I have left! I know I'm |pueblo clamaba después , diga algo como: " ¿No te la gente sabe que Juan el |

|going in the right direction. The Word of God works. Everything you need is in |Bautista es ? Él es un gran hombre de Dios. No Viejo santo Testamento es más |

|the Word of God. If you're ignorant of the Word of God, you're going to be a |grande que Juan " . Parece que tendría beato Juan mucho más de lo que en realidad|

|failure. There is no excuse for being ignorant. We just haven't elevated God's |dijo Jesús. Estaba meditando sobre esto, pensé: " Dios, ¿por qué has hecho esto ?|

|Word to its proper place. |" |

| |Entonces el Señor me mostró la respuesta. En Isaías 35 hay una profecía sobre el |

|In John 14, Jesus was ministering to His disciples about the importance of |Mesías . Los versículos 3-6 describen algunas de las cosas que van a suceder |

|understanding and recognizing what they had — He was the Word made flesh and |cuando llegue el Mesías. Dice: " Fortalecer las manos cansadas , afirmad las |

|dwelt among them. Jesus is the Word. |rodillas endebles Decid a los de corazón temeroso, Sean fuertes , no temáis : he |

| |aquí que vuestro Dios viene con retribución , incluso a Dios con una recompensa ,|

|God's Word says you're healed. Your body says you're not. Sadly, we often believe|y vendrá . . . y ahorrar Entonces los ojos de los ciegos serán abiertos, y los |

|our bodies more than we believe God's Word. We need to reverse that so that God's|oídos de los sordos se abrirán Entonces el cojo saltará como un ciervo, y la |

|Word is more real to us than what our bodies tell us. You can do that. I've been |lengua del mudo cantará en el desierto brotarán aguas , y torrentes en la soledad|

|in so many places where everything in the natural says it wouldn't work. Yet |" . |

|God's Word had become more real to me than the natural. I just said, "I can't |Juan el Bautista estaba familiarizado con Isaías. Cuando se le preguntó quién era|

|understand it. That can't be because God's Word says this." I literally could not|, dijo, "Yo soy la voz de uno que clama en el desierto : Preparad el camino del |

|believe it because it didn't line up with God's Word. It worked. God brought me |Señor ", que vino directamente de Isaías 40 . Estas fueron algunas de las |

|through it. Once, I had an incurable disease, with a doctor's report to prove it.|Escrituras que Dios usó para llamar a Juan el Bautista en el ministerio , que le |

|Two days later, the same doctor confirmed that I didn't have it. I knew God's |dijera lo que tenía que hacer, y que le dijera lo que el Mesías haría cuando Él |

|Word, and I knew that was not what God promised me. I just couldn't believe it. I|vino. |

|couldn't believe I was sick because God's Word didn't say I was sick. I've seen | |

|it work for me on many, many occasions, and it will work for you. But it all |Una vez más, os digo ... |

|starts with putting the Word of God first place in your life. |Entonces, ¿qué estaba haciendo Jesús cuando Él no le dio a Juan el Bautista una |

| |respuesta especial y sólo realizó los milagros ? En el tiempo de una hora, Jesús |

| |cumplió todo lo escrito en Isaías 35 . Entonces Él les dijo a los discípulos: " |

| |Id y contad a Juan lo que ves ojos ciegos abiertos, abrieron los oídos sordos , |

| |el cojo saltará como un ciervo, y arroyos rompiendo en el desierto . " En otras |

| |palabras : "Id y contad a Juan se está cumpliendo la Palabra de Dios ! " Él |

| |estaba diciendo en efecto, " John , eres bendecido si vas a creer lo que dice la |

| |Palabra de Dios. " Él realmente le dio a Juan la mayor respuesta que podía dar - |

| |Le devuelve a la Palabra de Dios en lugar de darle un poco de emoción barata , |

| |emocional que iba a durar sólo por un corto tiempo. |

| |Le devuelve a la Palabra de Dios , porque eso es lo mejor de Dios . Jesús le dijo|

| |a Juan: " Ustedes son bendecidos si vas a creer y no ser ofendido. " Creo que |

| |Juan sabía exactamente lo que Jesús estaba haciendo. Reconoció las Escrituras , y|

| |creo que él salió con un grito. |

| |Hay veces que usted y yo venga a llorar al Señor por una respuesta cuando la |

| |Palabra de Dios ya tiene una respuesta para nosotros . La Palabra de Dios tiene |

| |todo lo que necesitamos, pero lo cerramos y orar: " Oh Dios , háblame ". Creo que|

| |es el amor que Dios no nos está hablando . Yo creo que Dios quiere que lleguemos |

| |al punto de que no vivimos de la leche. Él quiere que nos metemos en la carne de |

| |la Palabra . Dios está tratando de hacernos volver a la Palabra de Dios. Es la |

| |misericordia que Él no está hablando a nosotros y nos da lo que pedimos . |

| |Cuando llegué por primera vez la vuelta a la Palabra , he oído historias acerca |

| |de Kenneth Hagin haber tenido una visitación de Dios. Tenía quemaduras de fuego |

| |en sus manos, y cuando él puso sus manos sobre otras personas , el fuego saltó |

| |sobre ellos. Otros vieron ángeles entran en la habitación. Oí hablar de estas |

| |cosas y comencé la búsqueda de ellos. Comencé a orar : "Dios , quiero ver a los |

| |ángeles . Quiero ver visiones. Quiero que hagas algo especial para mí. " |

| |Entonces el Señor empezó a mostrarme que la Palabra de Dios es más poderoso que |

| |todas estas cosas. |

| |Vs Romano Fe israelí |

| |En Mateo 8 , un centurión romano se acercó a Jesús para su criado para ser |

| |sanado. Jesús dijo: " Yo iré a curarlo " (versículo 7 ) . El centurión dijo: |

| |"Señor , no soy digno de que entres bajo mi techo; solamente di la palabra , y mi|

| |criado sanará Porque también yo soy hombre bajo autoridad, y tengo soldados bajo |

| |mis órdenes . Y digo a éste: Ve, y va; y al otro: Ven , y viene; ya mi siervo : |

| |Haz esto , y lo hace " (versículos 8-9). |

| |La Biblia dice que Jesús se maravilló diciendo: "No he hallado tanta fe , no, no |

| |en Israel " (v. 10 ) . Sólo dos veces en la Palabra de Dios también hizo Jesús |

| |maravilla - una vez en la fe de este hombre y el otro a la incredulidad de sus |

| |discípulos ! Se maravilló de que la gente pudiera ser tan lleno de incredulidad y|

| |de que podían ser tan lleno de fe . La fe de este hombre no tiene nada que ver |

| |con lo físico. Él no tenía que ver nada, sentir nada , tocar nada. Todo lo que |

| |necesitaba era una palabra . " Jesús, que acaba de dar la palabra y se ha hecho",|

| |dijo. |

| |Esa es la forma más elevada de la fe que hay. Compárese eso con Juan 20:27 , |

| |donde Thomas tuvo que ver físicamente las manos y el costado de Jesús antes de |

| |que él iba a creer . |

| |La forma más elevada Dios alguna vez en contacto con usted es a través de la |

| |Palabra escrita de Dios. Esa es una palabra profética más segura que un ángel , |

| |un sueño, un don del Espíritu, o cualquier otra cosa. Sin embargo, la mayoría de |

| |la gente no ha elevado la Palabra de Dios para esa condición. Estamos cometiendo |

| |el mismo error que los discípulos hicieron - tenemos la Palabra con nosotros, |

| |pero no nos damos cuenta de la importancia de la Palabra. |

| |Meditar día y noche ? |

| |Muchos de nosotros que hemos tenido la Palabra de Dios nos revela no meditar en |

| |ella la forma en que debería. No estamos sembrando y dejando que germine en |

| |nuestro interior. Usted debe llegar a un lugar donde la Palabra de Dios domina y |

| |controla literalmente. Si eso parece fuera de lugar para ti, si parece imposible,|

| |entonces no prosperará. Usted debe ver que es posible para ti. |

| |Cuando digo que usted tiene que ser dominado por la Palabra, que necesita un poco|

| |de explicación. Usted no tiene que ser la lectura de la Palabra día y noche . |

| |Pasé un par de horas leyendo la Palabra de hoy, pero hay algunos días que no leo |

| |la Palabra en absoluto. Pero eso no quiere decir que no estoy en la Palabra. He |

| |puesto mucho de la Palabra dentro de mí que es ella mi meditación constante . |

| |Tengo algunas de las más grandes revelaciones que he recibo de Dios sin necesidad|

| |de abrir la Biblia. Puedes estar en la Palabra durante todo el día , no importa |

| |lo que estás haciendo . |

| |Por supuesto, usted no puede hacer eso hasta que primero ponga la Palabra dentro |

| |de ti. No se puede traer de vuelta a la memoria lo que nunca puso en el recuerdo |

| |! Usted necesita comenzar a meditar la Palabra de Dios. No es lo mucho que sabes |

| |. A veces, me he tomado un versículo y lo leí una y otra vez por el tiempo de un |

| |mes . Simplemente me ministraba tanto que no sabía leer ni pensar en otra cosa . |

| |Tengo más provecho de la lectura de un versículo que desde hace un mes que muchos|

| |otros momentos en los que leer el capítulo tras capítulo tras capítulo . No es lo|

| |mucho que sabes . Es lo bien que sabe lo que sabe . |

| |No se puede llegar desde aquí |

| |Cuando llegué por primera vez prendí al Señor , Él me mostró algunas visiones . |

| |Estos no estaban abiertos visiones , sino que simplemente los deseos de mi |

| |corazón, lo que era para servir a Dios y cómo Él quería que yo cambiara las vidas|

| |de las personas. Aquí estaba yo de Podunk Corner, Texas. Había dejado la |

| |universidad, y todo el mundo me dijo que yo sería un fracaso total. Fui reclutado|

| |en cuanto me dejé la escuela . Parecía que iba a morir en Vietnam. Tuve una |

| |visión de Dios usarme , pero parecía como si yo fuera un millón de millas de |

| |distancia. |

| |Me acuerdo de rodillas en mi cama una día diciendo : "Dios, ¿qué he de hacer? |

| |¿Cómo adquieren desde donde estoy hacia donde se supone que debo ser ? " Parecía |

| |imposible. Entonces el Señor me habló , " Esta Biblia tiene todo lo que necesitas|

| |saber. " Lo abrí y encontré que me hace perfecto, enteramente preparado para toda|

| |buena obra ( 2 Tim . 3:17 ) . He basado mi vida en eso. |

| |Todavía no estoy donde necesito estar . Yo no he llegado, pero lo que me queda ! |

| |Sé que voy en la dirección correcta . La Palabra de Dios obra . Todo lo que |

| |necesitas está en la Palabra de Dios. Si eres ignorante de la Palabra de Dios, |

| |que va a ser un fracaso. No hay excusa por ser ignorante . Sólo que no hemos |

| |elevado la Palabra de Dios a su lugar apropiado . |

| |En Juan 14 , Jesús estaba ministrando a sus discípulos acerca de la importancia |

| |de la comprensión y el reconocimiento de lo que tenían - Él era el Verbo hecho |

| |carne , y habitó entre ellos. Jesús es la Palabra . |

| |La Palabra de Dios dice que está curado. Tu cuerpo dice que no eres . |

| |Lamentablemente , a menudo que nuestros cuerpos más de lo que creemos la Palabra |

| |de Dios. Tenemos que revertir eso para que la Palabra de Dios es más real para |

| |nosotros que lo que nuestros cuerpos nos dicen . Usted puede hacer eso . He |

| |estado en tantos lugares donde todo en lo natural dice que no funcionaría . Sin |

| |embargo, la Palabra de Dios se había vuelto más real para mí que el natural. Que |

| |acabo de decir , "No puedo entenderlo. Eso no puede ser , porque la Palabra de |

| |Dios dice esto. " Yo, literalmente, no lo podía creer , ya que no se alinea con |

| |la Palabra de Dios. Funcionó. Dios me trajo a través de él . Una vez , tuve una |

| |enfermedad incurable, con el informe de un médico para probarlo. Dos días más |

| |tarde, el mismo médico me confirmó que no lo tenía . Sabía que la Palabra de Dios|

| |, y yo sabía que no era lo que Dios me prometió . Yo no podía creerlo. Yo no |

| |podía creer que estaba enfermo, porque la Palabra de Dios no dijo que estaba |

| |enfermo . He visto que funcione para mí en muchas, muchas ocasiones, y va a |

| |trabajar para usted. Pero todo comienza con poner la Palabra de Dios en primer |

| |lugar en su vida . |

|“Gideon said to Him, ‘o my lord, if The Lord is with us, why then has all this | |

|happened to us?’” Judges 6:13 | |

| | |

|Do you ever find yourself wondering about why you’re going through such a rough | |

|time when God’s promises are supposed to protect you? I know I have. I mean | |

|you’ve prayed, you’ve read the bible, you’ve come to church, you’ve serve on a | |

|team, you’ve given your offerings, and still things keep going sideways. I’ve | |

|been there. And that’s exactly what happened to Gideon. The Midianites were | |

|taking the Israelites to school. They were stealing their cattle they were | |

|raiding their villages and to add insult to injury they would let their camels | |

|eat all the crops. The Israelites were so afraid that they started hiding in | |

|caves. Even Gideon was hiding when the angel came to talk to him. And as we read | |

|the whole account in the bible, we see that eventually Gideon realizes that | |

|because he hasn’t recognized his position in The Lord, he was allowing the enemy | |

|to steal and destroy what was rightfully his. He had forgotten that he had the | |

|power of The Lord with him. | |

| | |

|Does this sound familiar to you? Do you feel like nothing is going right? That | |

|you are surrounded by enemies that want to destroy you? Do you ever just want to| |

|give up and go hide in a cave? (With me I want to just go to a deserted island). | |

|When this happens is because we also like Gideon forget who we are in Christ. We | |

|don’t take hold of the power He won on the cross and then gave to us. Instead we | |

|rather throw a pity party and be the guest of honor. Friends let me remind you | |

|this morning that the victory is ours, but we need to take it. So this morning | |

|identify your enemies, take up all the weapons you have been given and fight the | |

|battles with your Commander in Chief in His rightful place. Remember He only | |

|knows victory, and the victory is yours for the taking. | |

| | |

|AMEN. And, now Jesus turns to us and says: “You have strength, the power of my | |

|resurrection, so go and rescue your family, your neighborhood, your city, your | |

|country, your world, and my church from the power of the evil one. He has been | |

|defeated. Am I not personally sending you?” | |

| | |

|Just a word of warning, don’t let the evil one short circuit this power in us. I| |

|believe that one of the main reasons many of us may not be experiencing the power| |

|of his resurrection is that we have fallen into a satanic trap, into a form of | |

|witchcraft, and this is the trap of our presumption of self-righteousness which | |

|has nullified or short circuited, in many areas of our lives the Grace of God. As| |

|Paul said it, "I do not nullify the grace of God; for if justification comes | |

|through the law, then Christ died for nothing" (Galatians 2:21). So we nullify | |

|the grace of God, the resurrection power of Christ in us, when we try to be | |

|justified by the law. Another way of putting it is that we short circuit the | |

|power of God flowing through us when we try to be justified by the law. | |

|-- "and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own, based on law, but | |

|that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on| |

|faith; that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his | |

|sufferings, becoming like him in his death" (Philippians 3:9-10). | |

| | |

|The Bible continues describing this form of witchcraft as follows: "You foolish | |

|Galatians! Who has bewitched you? It was before your eyes that Jesus Christ was | |

|publicly exhibited as crucified! The only thing I want to learn from you is this:| |

|Did you receive the Spirit by doing the works of the law or by believing what you| |

|heard? Are you so foolish? Having started with the Spirit, are you now ending | |

|with the flesh? Did you experience so much for nothing?—if it really was for | |

|nothing. Well then, does God supply you with the Spirit and work miracles among | |

|you by your doing the works of the law, or by your believing what you heard?" | |

|(Galatians 3:1-5). | |

| | |

|So, let’s go take the Promised Land with the resurrection power that is in us, | |

|being careful not to short circuit and nullify this power with our own | |

|self-righteousness, but having Jesus’ righteousness through faith. God bless you| |

|and your families. | |

| | |

|Here is a good explanation on the power that is in us: | |

| |

|anding-the-power-of-his-resurrection/382493911792935 | |

| | |

|Understanding The Power Of His Resurrection! | |

| | |

|Men become outstanding by their levels of understanding. The power of His | |

|resurrection is the highest realm of power, and it is accessible by knowledge. | |

|Philippians 3:10 says: That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, | |

|and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death. | |

|Recognize that power is in degrees and the anointing is in levels. Ezekiel | |

|47:1-10 paints a very graphic picture of the realms of power and the levels of | |

|anointing. Note that rivers in scriptures symbolize the power of God, and the | |

|highest realm of power is the power of His resurrection. | |

|According to Ephesians 1:18-23, this power is not just the exclusive preserve of | |

|the apostles, evangelists, pastors and teachers alone; it is available to | |

|everyone that believes. It re-positions believers. When you encounter this power | |

|as a believer, you are supernaturally re-positioned. He sets you far above where | |

|you used to live. | |

|You are re-positioned far above all situations and circumstances of life. It | |

|re-positions you far above all principalities, powers, dominion, etc. No wonder, | |

|Paul said, “That I may know Him, because there is power in His resurrection that | |

|is not available somewhere else” (Philippians 3:10). | |

|The resurrection power is the fullness of His power. It is more than enough for | |

|the greatness of His plan and purpose for your life. It is more than enough to | |

|re-position you for supernatural greatness, impact and exploits. | |

|So, from Ephesians 1:18-23, we discover that the power of His resurrection is | |

|exceeding great power. It is His mighty power which is available to all of us who| |

|believe. So, there is a difference between the Holy Ghost and the power of His | |

|resurrection. | |

|Paul wrote, after he had been baptized and praying in the Holy Ghost more than | |

|anybody else, that he flowed in the Spirit. But he came to discover by | |

|revelation, that there is the ultimate of His power called the power of His | |

|resurrection. I pray today that everyone reading this message, will have a life | |

|encounter with the power of His resurrection! | |

|The power of His resurrection is the ultimate in the school of power, and is | |

|available to everyone that believes, including you. | |

|Psalms 66:3 says: Say unto God, How terrible art thou in thy works! through the | |

|greatness of thy power shall thine enemies submit themselves unto thee. So, there| |

|is His power and there is the greatness of His power. Also, Paul was describing | |

|the resurrection power as exceeding greatness of His power towards us who believe| |

|(Ephesians 1:19). My prayer today, is that no one goes without a live encounter | |

|with the power of His resurrection! | |

|What Are The Manifestations of This Power? | |

|We recognize from scripture that the resurrection power is the source of a number| |

|of blessings that we require in our lives. Let us consider some of them: | |

|1. In His resurrection power lies our justification: Resurrection marks the end | |

|of our condemnation. Romans 4:25 says: Who was delivered for our offences, and | |

|was raised again for our justification. It brought an end to all demonic | |

|accusations against us. That means, in His resurrection power lies our | |

|justification from all generational curses and satanic assaults. There is | |

|therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not | |

|after the flesh, but after the Spirit (Romans 8:1). | |

|Satan has no more audience from God against you! Every condemnation you have | |

|suffered hitherto comes to an end today! | |

|2. In the power of His resurrection lies our sanctification: Sanctification is | |

|one of the blessings of His resurrection. Therefore we are buried with him by | |

|baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory | |

|of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life (Romans 6:4). So, | |

|His resurrection entitles us to walking in the newness of life. How? | |

|For sin shall not have dominion over you… (Romans 6:14). His resurrection | |

|destroyed the dominion of sin, so we can walk in the newness of life. That means,| |

|we can invoke the power of His resurrection for our sanctification. He died unto | |

|sin once, so men and women that believe can walk in the newness of life forever. | |

|So, we have the blessedness of sanctification all inherent in the power of His | |

|resurrection. | |

|3. It is the gateway to the empowerment of the Holy Ghost: The power of His | |

|resurrection is the gateway to the empowerment of the Holy Ghost. John 7:37-39 | |

|says: In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, | |

|saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believeth | |

|on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living | |

|water. (But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should | |

|receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet | |

|glorified.) | |

|So, you need to connect with the empowerment of the Holy Ghost, through the | |

|resurrection of Jesus. | |

|4. In the power of His resurrection lies the giftings of the Holy Ghost: We have | |

|the general gifts of the Holy Ghost contained in 1 Corinthians 12:4, 7. Also, we | |

|have principal gifts in Ephesians 4:8-13. These gifts are to enable us replicate | |

|Christ bodily, and come to the fullness of His status. They are not limited to | |

|the altar alone; businessmen and professionals do make use of principal gifts in | |

|their various endeavours. | |

|Also, He gave gifts of the Spirit unto men (Ephesians 4:8), sequel to His | |

|resurrection. These gifts are for the perfecting of the saints to bring them into| |

|the realms of dominion. | |

|So, there is a positioning of the saints in different facet of life to bring | |

|Kingdom dominion to bear on the earth. Resurrection is the gateway to the realms | |

|of the gift of men in the Body of Christ. By the dominion of His gifting, you | |

|will never be found at the same place you used to be again! | |

|5. Physical transformation: In the power of His resurrection lies our physical | |

|transformation and fitness. The resurrection power is a quickening power. | |

|Romans 8:11 says: But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead | |

|dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your | |

|mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. When it flows into you, your | |

|liver, kidney, lungs, your heart, etc, are being transformed! | |

|John 6:63 says: It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: | |

|the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. The Spirit | |

|of resurrection can be called “the Spirit of life,” because He brought life out | |

|of the realms of death. Also, the Bible says that the resurrection power is a | |

|quickening force. He wires you up supernaturally for uttermost fitness. You just| |

|become fit inexplicably! His resurrection power carries genes of supernatural | |

|transformation. | |

|A man like Paul the apostle, walked in that realm. He knew what is in the power | |

|of His resurrection. I tell you, he had dominion over death. There are some | |

|people reading this message today, who can’t be taken away at will by death. They| |

|decide when they are ready to go! | |

|6. Access to realms of unlimited revelation: It is one of the many blessings in | |

|the power of His resurrection. Luke 24:45 says: Then opened he their | |

|understanding, that they might understand the scriptures. When He came out from | |

|the grave, He opened their understanding, that they might understand the | |

|scriptures. | |

|I decree the release of that resurrection power, which will lunch you into | |

|another realm of revelation, in the Name of Jesus! | |

|The power of His resurrection brings along with it access to deep realms of | |

|spiritual understanding – revelation, which will always provoke revolution. I | |

|mean a forceful turnaround in the lives of people. | |

|How did it come about? Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded | |

|up the ghost. And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top | |

|to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; | |

|And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, | |

|And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, | |

|and appeared unto many (Matthew 27:50-53). | |

|His resurrection destroys the veil that covers our hearts, so that our spiritual | |

|understanding can blossom. When that happens, everything around us blossoms. | |

|Please, understand that in the power of His resurrection is your access to the | |

|realm of unlimited revelation. | |

|What does that offer us? | |

|♣ Ø It makes us men and women of impact. …But the people that do know their God | |

|shall be strong, and do exploits (Daniel 11:32). | |

|♣ Ø Deep revelation confers dominion. The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my | |

|right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. | |

|The Lord shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion: rule thou in the midst | |

| | |

|of thine enemies. Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power… | |

|(Psalms 110:1-3). His rod means, His Word. Revelation is the master key to | |

|the realms of dominion. | |

|♣ Ø It offers access to strange places of glory and honour on the earth (2 | |

|Corinthians 3:13-18). Anyone operating this power never goes backwards. He goes | |

|from glory to glory. | |

|♣ Ø It grants us access to the deep things of God concerning our lives (John | |

|16:13). | |

|Beginning from this day, the doors of revelation will open wider by the day in | |

|your life! The power of His resurrection is our access to realms of unlimited | |

|revelations, unlimited insights and mental transformation. | |

| | |

|7. The reality of our dominion : In the power of His resurrection lies our | |

|access to dominion. Matthew 28:20 says: Teaching them to observe all things | |

|whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end| |

|of the world. Amen. | |

|Also Psalms 45:3-5 says: Gird thy sword upon thy thigh, O most mighty, with thy | |

|glory and thy majesty. And in thy majesty ride prosperously because of truth | |

|and meekness and righteousness; and thy right hand shall teach thee terrible | |

|things. Thine arrows are sharp in the heart of the king's enemies; whereby the | |

|people fall under thee. So, the greater our insights, the greater our dominion. | |

|8. It is the Gateway to the glorification of the saints: Inside the power of His | |

|resurrection is our glorification. By this understanding, we won’t be found among| |

|the dead (Luke 24:5; Proverbs 21:16). | |

|By the power in His resurrection, our spiritual understanding blossoms, and we | |

|escape the pit of death (Job 33:21-25). By this understanding, God wipes away | |

|all our tears (Isaiah 25:6-9). So, inside the power of resurrection lies our | |

|glorification. | |

|Resurrection means the opening of a new chapter. So, I decree the opening of a | |

|new chapter in your life today! Jesus Is Lord! Glory! | |

|The Fatherless Generation | |

|63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes (US Dept. Of Health/Census) – 5 | |

|times the average. | |

|90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes – 32 times the| |

|average. | |

|85% of all children who show behavior disorders come from fatherless homes – 20 | |

|times the average. (Center for Disease Control) | |

|80% of rapists with anger problems come from fatherless homes –14 times the | |

|average. (Justice & Behavior, Vol 14, p. 403-26) | |

|71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes – 9 times the average.| |

|(National Principals Association Report) | |

|Father Factor in Education - Fatherless children are twice as likely to drop out | |

|of school. | |

| | |

|Children with Fathers who are involved are 40% less likely to repeat a grade in | |

|school. | |

|Children with Fathers who are involved are 70% less likely to drop out of school.| |

|Children with Fathers who are involved are more likely to get A’s in school. | |

|Children with Fathers who are involved are more likely to enjoy school and engage| |

|in extracurricular activities. | |

|75% of all adolescent patients in chemical abuse centers come from fatherless | |

|homes – 10 times the average. | |

|Father Factor in Drug and Alcohol Abuse - Researchers at Columbia University | |

|found that children living in two-parent household with a poor relationship with | |

|their father are 68% more likely to smoke, drink, or use drugs compared to all | |

|teens in two-parent households. Teens in single mother households are at a 30% | |

|higher risk than those in two-parent households. | |

| | |

|70% of youths in state-operated institutions come from fatherless homes – 9 times| |

|the average. (U.S. Dept. of Justice, Sept. 1988) | |

|85% of all youths in prison come from fatherless homes – 20 times the average. | |

|(Fulton Co. Georgia, Texas Dept. of Correction) | |

|Father Factor in Incarceration – Even after controlling for income, youths in | |

|father-absent households still had significantly higher odds of incarceration | |

|than those in mother-father families. Youths who never had a father in the | |

|household experienced the highest odds. A 2002 Department of Justice survey of | |

|7,000 inmates revealed that 39% of jail inmates lived in mother-only households. | |

|Approximately forty-six percent of jail inmates in 2002 had a previously | |

|incarcerated family member. One-fifth experienced a father in prison or jail. | |

| | |

|Father Factor in Crime - A study of 109 juvenile offenders indicated that family | |

|structure significantly predicts delinquency. Adolescents, particularly boys, in | |

|single-parent families were at higher risk of status, property and person | |

|delinquencies. Moreover, students attending schools with a high proportion of | |

|children of single parents are also at risk. A study of 13,986 women in prison | |

|showed that more than half grew up without their father. Forty-two percent grew | |

|up in a single-mother household and sixteen percent lived with neither parent | |

| | |

|Father Factor in Child Abuse – Compared to living with both parents, living in a | |

|single-parent home doubles the risk that a child will suffer physical, emotional,| |

|or educational neglect. The overall rate of child abuse and neglect in | |

|single-parent households is 27.3 children per 1,000, whereas the rate of overall | |

|maltreatment in two-parent households is 15.5 per 1,000. | |

| | |

|Daughters of single parents without a Father involved are 53% more likely to | |

|marry as teenagers, 711% more likely to have children as teenagers, 164% more | |

|likely to have a pre-marital birth and 92% more likely to get divorced | |

|themselves. | |

| | |

|Adolescent girls raised in a 2 parent home with involved Fathers are | |

|significantly less likely to be sexually active than girls raised without | |

|involved Fathers. | |

| | |

|43% of US children live without their father [US Department of Census] | |

|90% of homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes. [US D.H.H.S., | |

|Bureau of the Census] | |

|80% of rapists motivated with displaced anger come from fatherless homes. | |

|[Criminal Justice & Behaviour, Vol 14, pp. 403-26, 1978] | |

|71% of pregnant teenagers lack a father. [U.S. Department of Health and Human | |

|Services press release, Friday, March 26, 1999] | |

|63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes. [US D.H.H.S., Bureau of the | |

|Census] | |

|85% of children who exhibit behavioral disorders come from fatherless homes. | |

|[Center for Disease Control] | |

|90% of adolescent repeat arsonists live with only their mother. [Wray Herbert, | |

|“Dousing the Kindlers,” Psychology Today, January, 1985, p. 28] | |

|71% of high school dropouts come from fatherless homes. [National Principals | |

|Association Report on the State of High Schools] | |

|75% of adolescent patients in chemical abuse centers come from fatherless homes. | |

|[Rainbows f for all God’s Children] | |

|70% of juveniles in state operated institutions have no father. [US Department of| |

|Justice, Special Report, Sept. 1988] | |

|85% of youths in prisons grew up in a fatherless home. [Fulton County Georgia | |

|jail populations, Texas Department of Corrections, 1992] | |

|Fatherless boys and girls are: twice as likely to drop out of high school; twice | |

|as likely to end up in jail; four times more likely to need help for emotional or| |

|behavioral problems. [US D.H.H.S. news release, March 26, 1999] | |

|Census Fatherhood Statistics | |

|64.3 million: Estimated number of fathers across the nation | |

|26.5 million: Number of fathers who are part of married-couple families with | |

|their own children under the age of 18. | |

|Among these fathers - | |

|22 percent are raising three or more of their own children under 18 years old | |

|(among married-couple family households only). | |

|2 percent live in the home of a relative or a non-relative. | |

|2.5 million: Number of single fathers, up from 400,000 in 1970. Currently, among | |

|single parents living with their children, 18 percent are men. | |

|Among these fathers - | |

|8 percent are raising three or more of their own children under 18 years old. | |

|42 percent are divorced, 38 percent have never married, 16 percent are separated | |

|and 4 percent are widowed. (The percentages of those divorced and never married | |

|are not significantly different from one another.) | |

|16 percent live in the home of a relative or a non-relative. | |

|27 percent have an annual family income of $50,000 or more. | |

|85 percent: Among the 30.2 million fathers living with children younger than 18, | |

|the percentage who lived with their biological children only. | |

|11 percent lived with step-children | |

|4 percent with adopted children | |

|< 1 percent with foster children | |

|Recent policies encourage the development of programs designed to improve the | |

|economic status of low-income nonresident fathers and the financial and emotional| |

|support provided to their children. This brief provides ten key lessons from | |

|several important early responsible fatherhood initiatives that were developed | |

|and implemented during the 1990s and early 2000s. Formal evaluations of these | |

|earlier fatherhood efforts have been completed making this an opportune time to | |

|step back and assess what has been learned and how to build on the early | |

|programs’ successes and challenges.While the following statistics are formidable,| |

|the Responsible Fatherhood research literature generally supports the claim that | |

|a loving and nurturing father improves outcomes for children, families and | |

|communities. | |

| | |

|Children with involved, loving fathers are significantly more likely to do well | |

|in school, have healthy self-esteem, exhibit empathy and pro-social behavior, and| |

|avoid high-risk behaviors such as drug use, truancy, and criminal activity | |

|compared to children who have uninvolved fathers. | |

|Studies on parent-child relationships and child wellbeing show that father love | |

|is an important factor in predicting the social, emotional, and cognitive | |

|development and functioning of children and young adults. | |

|24 million children (34 percent) live absent their biological father. | |

|Nearly 20 million children (27 percent) live in single-parent homes. | |

|43 percent of first marriages dissolve within fifteen years; about 60 percent of | |

|divorcing couples have children; and approximately one million children each year| |

|experience the divorce of their parents. | |

|Fathers who live with their children are more likely to have a close, enduring | |

|relationship with their children than those who do not. | |

|Compared to children born within marriage, children born to cohabiting parents | |

|are three times as likely to experience father absence, and children born to | |

|unmarried, non-cohabiting parents are four times as likely to live in a | |

|father-absent home. | |

|About 40 percent of children in father-absent homes have not seen their father at| |

|all during the past year; 26 percent of absent fathers live in a different state | |

|than their children; and 50 percent of children living absent their father have | |

|never set foot in their father’s home. | |

|Children who live absent their biological fathers are, on average, at least two | |

|to three times more likely to be poor, to use drugs, to experience educational, | |

|health, emotional and behavioral problems, to be victims of child abuse, and to | |

|engage in criminal behavior than their peers who live with their married, | |

|biological (or adoptive) parents. | |

|From 1995 to 2000, the proportion of children living in single-parent homes | |

|slightly declined, while the proportion of children living with two married | |

|parents remained stable. | |

|Voluntary incompetence: | |

| | |

|This is not about our righteousness because we are all sinners and have fallen | |

|short of the glory of god but about overcoming evil with good by jesus' | |

|righteousness, his grace which moves us to give our lives for those we love just | |

|as He did for us. | |

| | |

|A very dysfunctional family court system where institutions that are supposed to | |

|protect children such as DCF are actually used as tools of harassment and | |

|manipulation which end up hurting the children they are supposed to protect. | |

| | |

|We vote for judges to uphold the law not to selectively enforce it. But what do | |

|we do when they are trampling on it to favor their friends and end up hurting | |

|innocent children by their actions? We vote them out! | |

|For me this is no longer only about my kids but about the many children who are | |

|suffering as a direct consequence of these judges. | |

| | |

|.voluntary incompetence: | |

|Judge Pedro Echarte, judge Mindy Glazer, judge Scott Bernstein, judges who at | |

|their best are incompetent and at their worst are part of a sophisticated racket | |

|to extort money from innocent victims. They are part of a clique, best friends | |

|that you recognize easily by a common factor: they all won their last elections | |

|without anyone running against them because this clique controls what attorneys | |

|can run in different races and the funding of these races. Let the people get | |

|signatures to nominate candidates in all judicial races. These judges are bullies| |

|that abuse their power and who think they are above the law. | |

| | |

|Incompetent, biased, bullies in the form of judges and so call experts in the | |

|Miami-Dade court system legally extorting money from innocent victims in a | |

|legalized racket, but I value the cross greater than my lost, and not matter what| |

|happens nothing can separate me and my children from the love of God. What looks | |

|like disappointments in the naturals are nothing less than divine appointments. | |

| | |

|-Some judges act so incorrectly that they completely deny the rule of law in our | |

|society and their excuses to inappropriately favor their friends are an insult to| |

|intelligence: Echarte refusing to hear independent DCF psychologist report | |

|arguing that it was done one day before his order. | |

| | |

|-Judge Glazer gives emergency order claiming DCF report when DCF case still open,| |

|not notifying me of hearing and not allowing me to have any legal representation | |

|in the illegal telephonic hearing she conducted. | |

| | |

|- Judge Pedro Echarte: basically, the Court aided and abetted in the legal | |

|kidnapping of my children and forced me to pay a ransom in the form of my ex's | |

|attorney fees, | |

|psychological reports with the Psychologist recommended by my ex's attorneys | |

|(Vanessa archer- see Nubia and Victor Barahona for information about this | |

|psychologist: | |

|), Guardian at| |

|Litem, and Supervised visits. | |

| | |

|-Judge Scott Bernstein, a confessed homosexual, claims to stand against bigotry | |

|but becomes a Christian bigot himself by supporting the opinion that somehow my | |

|Christian beliefs prevent me from freely seeing my children. Contrary to all | |

|common sense, he forced me to undergo a second evaluation with a psychologist I | |

|had reported to the board of psychology instead of accepting an independent | |

|psychologist from DCF. | |

| | |

|-Unless the Court can irrefutably prove from nonbiased sources that I pose some | |

|kind of danger to my children, I respectfully refuse to comply with any order | |

|that does not allow me unrestricted access to my children and is in violation of | |

|my free exercise of religion and my parental rights. | |

| | |

|-I have seen my children | |

|under supervision for almost a year and it is fairly clear by now that I pose no | |

|danger to my children. To force me to continue to see my children under | |

|supervision, not only doesn't make any sense, but it's a violation of my | |

|constitutional rights and only benefits a small number of individuals who are | |

|profiting from the legal kidnapping of my children: attorneys, Psychologists, | |

|visitation supervisors, and judges who get reelected by making decisions that | |

|unnecessarily extend and complicate the legal process to enrich the pockets of | |

|attorneys who most likely have contributed to their election campaigns, or judges| |

|who do so as an unspoken rule to keep the Family Court system with a constant | |

|flow of funds and jobs. | |

|For how much money would the family court system lose if judges would actually do| |

|their jobs efficiently and would follow the rule of law instead of their own best| |

|interest and/or of their associates and friends? | |

| | |

|-So, I refuse to continue to | |

|see my children under supervision because I have done so for almost a year, and | |

|it's clear by now that I pose no danger to my children. So, it would be foolish | |

|for me to continue to behave the same way and expect to obtain a different | |

|outcome. Only fools continue to behave the same way and expect to obtain | |

|different results. | |

| | |

|ratejudge:mario123 | |

|Judge Mindy Glazer violated due process rights. Conducted an Emergency | |

|telephonic hearings without proper notice to parties. Emergency hearing based on | |

|an alleged DCF report on a case that had not even been closed. Defendant had no | |

|legal representation as direct result of this judge trampling on the rule of law | |

|and making a mockery of the legal process. It is time citizens vote her out. Not| |

|only that, outside the courts, she is as bad, if not worse. Judge Glazer, you | |

|are a disgrace to our legal system, and your actions are an insult to human | |

|intelligence. The time to vote you out of court is closer than what you can | |

|imagine. Better start looking for another job. | |

| | |

|Dear friends and family, | |

|I have been praying and asking the Holy Spirit for wisdom in the situation with | |

|my two older children. As you may know, for 2 years, I searched for my kids | |

|after my ex had absconded with them in Nicaragua. By the grace of God, I was able| |

|to recover 50/50 shared custody of them for almost a year; my children were | |

|slowly adapting to their new environment, attending therapies on a weekly basis; | |

|my son was doing very well in school, and was even honored as student of | |

|the month. Then, in a series of unbelievable events my children were taken away | |

|from me once again, in what I have termed “legal kidnapping.” Since then, I have | |

|been ordered by these individuals to pay a “ransom” for my children just to be | |

|able to continue to see them with supervision, and I have done so for almost a | |

|year just to try to find an amicable way to get my children back; however, recent| |

|events have made me reevaluate my strategy in trying to get unrestricted access | |

|to my children. | |

| | |

|The new strategy I call: bring the children home; it is based on one of God’s | |

|promises: "Thus says the Lord: Restrain your voice from weeping and your eyes | |

|from tears, for your work shall be rewarded, says the Lord; and your children | |

|shall return from the enemy’s land. And there is hope for your future, says the | |

|Lord; your children shall come back to their own country" (Jeremiah 31: 16-17). | |

| | |

|In the new strategy, instead using God’s money to continue to pay the ransom, I | |

|will use it to shed light to the darkness where these individual abide to legally| |

|kidnap their victims. I know that I can count with your prayers and unrestricted| |

|support. If you have any friends in the media who may help me bring light to | |

|these issues, I would greatly appreciate if can put me in contact with them. | |

| | |

|Here is how the “legal kidnapping” occurred: | |

|- On July 20, 2013, Judge Mindy Glazer violated my due process rights by | |

|conducting an emergency telephonic hearings without proper notice. The emergency | |

|hearing was based on an alleged Department of Children and Families (DCF) report | |

|on a case that had not even been closed, so there was not any such report. In the| |

|hearing, I had no legal representation as direct result of this judge trampling | |

|on the rule of law and making a mockery of the legal process. Here is some more | |

|information about her: | |

|, | |

| | |

| | |

| | |


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