
Week from May 11th to 15thSocio Emotional Skills pag 61 It is considered to be emotionally intelligent if you have these abilities.1. The ability to recognize own emotions2. The ability to relate to others’ emotions3. The ability to actively listen to others4. The ability to actively participate in interpersonal communication and understand thenonverbal cues of behavior5. The ability to control one’s thoughts and feelings6. The ability to effectively manage emotions and express them in a socially acceptable way7. The ability to receive criticisms positively and benefit from them8. The power to forgive, forget, and move on rationallyAnswer the following questions.1. Can you recognize your own emotions?2. Do you have the ability to listen to people?3. Can you read nonverbal communication?4. Do you get angry easily?5. Can you control yourself when you get angry? Marco Polo: The first global citizen pag. 62Read the article.Nowadays, it is easy to be a global citizen as the internet has removed the barriers and madeeveryone closer to each other. However, in the times of Marco Polo, it was more difficult to be aglobal citizen.Marco Polo (1254-1324) was a Venetian merchant that traveled across Asia at the height of theMongol Empire. He first set out at age 17 with his father and uncle, traveling across what they knewlater as the Silk Road. When he reached China, Marco Polo entered the court of powerful Mongolruler Kublai Khan, who dispatched him on trips to help administer the realm. Marco Polo remainedabroad for 24 years. He became famous for his travels thanks to a popular book he co-authoredwhen he was in a Genoese prison.Reading Comprehension pag 63Answer the following questions. Write (T) for true or (F) for false.1. Marco Polo was born in China. T F2. He began his first trip in the year 1275 T F3. It was the most important moment of the Chinese Empire. T F4. He wrote a book when he was in jail. T F5. Marco polo lasted on the boat 24 years. T FVocabulary BuilderMatch the words from the text to the correct definition. Use different colors1. ruler a piece of land, region or territory2. global begin a journey3. merchant worldwide4. height the most important point5. set out a governor, a king or a president6. realm someone who sells different productsParts of speech Complete the tableWord Part of Speech Meaningruler noun a governor, a king or a presidentglobalmerchantheightset outrealmDid you know that…?? Christopher Columbus sailed to the New World with a copy of Marco Polo’s“Travels” in tow. He believed he was going to Asia, Columbus marked up the bookwith notes in preparation for a meeting with Kublai Khan’s descendant.Portfolio Assessment pag 64Reasons why YouTube is better than televisiónMillennials are turning to other forms of entertainment and YouTube is at the forefrontby Ryan Baillie | University of Virginia | Sep 25, 2017YouTube is an ever-evolving platform that has increased in popularity since its developmentin 2005. In 2017, YouTube has expandedtremendously and has been recognized as aninfluential social platform to millions around theworld. These reasons below will explain whyYouTube today has taken over television andhas become a better source of entertainmentand influence.Since I began watching YouTube as my mainsource of entertainment and informationaround the beginning of middle school, I have come across many channels whose creators Ihave felt a personal connection to. On YouTube,there is a much stronger link between thecreator and his audience because their poweris derived from the audience. Most channels arenot sponsored or supported by other networks.The creators rely solely on their audience whichbring in the views and the views, combined withadvertising, are how the creators make theirmoney. On television, the cast and creatorsare paid directly by the network that they aretelevised on. Personally, I love this connectionwith the YouTubers that I watch on a consistentbasis that are grateful and ever so thankful fortheir audience.We’ve all been on YouTube with the intent onwatching a specific video and found ourselveshours later lost but captivated by the vast worldwithin it. The diversity within the platform isincredible. Channels can focus on my differentcategories from gaming to beauty, vlogging toreaction videos, and even channels focused onnews within the YouTube community. Answer the following questions in completesentences:1. What reasons does the author give to support the idea that YouTube channels aremore reliable than television? 2. Would you like to create a YouTube channelyourself? Why or why not?64Read the article once again. Analyze it using the chart below.What?s the main ideaof the article?What does theauthor do to catchthe readers’ attention?What informationdoes he use inthe introduction?What facts does he useto show that YouTube isbetter than Television?What examples doeshe use to supporthis ideas?To what conclusiondoes the author getin the end?.Diversity to this extent cannot be found within televisionand is a reason many millennials and upcominggenerations are slowly switching to YouTube tobinge watch while they lay awake at night oruse to procrastinate homework or something ofgreater importance.I’d be lying if I said neither my friends nor myselfhave had the idea of creating a YouTube channelin hopes of gaining an toenjoy the process and create videos with theright intentions, not to make money and gainrecognition. Many YouTubers have gainedexposure through their love of creating videos audience and creatingentertaining content. YouTube provides anytype of person with this opportunity. You don’thave to be an incredible actor, be the funniestperson around, or have the best equipment.You just have to have an idea and pursuethat idea wholeheartedly. It is importantand has earned them a comfortable living aswell as a dream job.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________65 ................

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