COMPETENCY: 3.00 Explain economic foundations relevant to the marketing industry

OBJECTIVE: 3.01 Explain the concept of economics. (Economics is the study of how to meet unlimited

wants and needs of a society with its limited resources.)

EQ? What are the 4 phases of the business cycle?

Warm-Up: (15 minutes)

You are in charge of the entertainment at a wedding reception. During the 2 hour event - there will be eight romantic songs the performer(s) will sing that should include the top 8 romantic songs of all time, as you will have a range of people attending from grandparents down to small children. Remember - most grandparents are not that into hip-hop and rapping. You can save that until they leave. List your 8 songs and artist if known. (your marketing skills will help you decide the most appropriate selections – marketing = message to an audience = who is the audience? = customized message)

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

7. 8.




Activity 1: Student will view 3.01 ppt. slides from Class website on Quia to complete the matching activity which follows (USE SLIDES No. 39, 40, 41, 42) Economic Foundations. Fill in the appropriate Letter in the blank in front of the terms (Depression, Prosperity, Recession, Recovery): (20 min.)

Teacher’s note: I think of the 4 phases of the business cycle as the cycles a person goes through when they have the flu : you are flat on your black in bed (depression), you get up and start watching some TV (recovery), Soon you start to feel great and things are back to normal (prosperity), after several months you may start getting the sniffles again and start to feel bad (recession), your symptoms continue to grow until you are flat on your back in bed again. This will happen over and over again in your life)

|A |Economic slowdown | |Depression |

|B |Production of concert mdse. decreases | |Depression |

|C |Highest period of economic growth | |Prosperity |

|D |Increased consumer spending | |Prosperity |

|E |Poverty can result | |Prosperity |

|F |Reduced unemployment | |Prosperity |

|G |Gradual increase in leisure time activities | |Prosperity |

|H |Lowest point of attendance in leisure activities | |Recession |

|I |Rise in unemployment | |Recession |

|J |Beach Boys schedule come-back tour | |Recession |

|K |Rolling Stones take year off from touring | |Recession |

|L |Red Box rentals increase | |Recovery |

|M |Duke Blue Devils merchandises sells at an all-time high | |Recovery |

|N |DPAC has season of most sell-outs ever | |Recovery |

|O |Low employment | |Recovery |


Activity 2: Have discussion as to why someone in marketing would need to know which phase of the business cycle we are in. People in marketing have to beware of what stage we are in. They must be flexible according to whom they are marketing to. You would not be pushing BMW’s during a recession or depression. In a recession you may be pushing a good used car and in a depression, car sales would almost die due to lack of income.

During prosperity, people who make a living by commissioned sales would be doing really well due to the fact that the nation would be at almost full employment – everyone one who wants a job has a job. Luxury items would be selling well – which means higher commissions.

During a recession, people would become more focused on clipping coupons, dine at home on as regular basis, watch movies at home instead of going to a theater, etc. Think of any changes your family has made during the recession we have been in. Identify which phase we are in by the item/service being promoted below (Prosperity, Depression, Recession, Recovery): (15 minutes)

1. Take family to eat at P.F. Chang’s at Southpoint – order what you want__________________

2. Family dines at home – The entrée may be a dish featuring Hamburger Helper ____________

3. Family’s summer vacation is camping at National Park _____________________

4. Family goes to Disney World and stays in a hotel on the grounds _________________

5. Family goes to NC Beach and stays at Motel 6 _____________________

Activity 3: Students take a closer look at the music of the Great Depression. Mrs. Herman will show the students a video on YouTube featuring what was considered to be the Anthem of the Great Depression. The song was part of a 1932 musical New Americana released right before FDR election (1932). FDR is known for his “New Deal” which brought jobs to Americans. Ms. Herman will divide the students into four groups. Students will read and analyze the lyrics. (40 minutes) youTube Rudy Vallee version

Group 1: Dylan* Alan Courtney Ayomide Ronnie

Group 2 Jared* Justice Neiah Roberto Anthony Tim

Group 3 Brandee* Ashawntia E. Garcia Jasmine Ezekiel

Group 4 Grant* Nick Tessa Mirikal Jeanette Stephanie * = team leader

The team leader will appoint one person in the group to be the scribe – to be taking notes on the answers of the group. That person will need to be sure and put down all names of team members so everyone gets credit.


World War I Rush to have a railroad system crossing the U.S. – ease of movement from coast to coast

Wealthy businessmen trying to outdo each other by building skyscrapers in NYC - - Empire State Bldg and Chrysler Bldg. 1930 avg unemployment 8.9% 1932 avg. 24.1% unemployment

Homelessness Starvation Disillusionment Loss of morale Soup Kitchens/Bread Lines

Following the American Dream

The group is to answer the following questions:

1.What is the author of this song writing about? (Analyze each verse)







2.What feelings and/or opinions is the singer describing?

3.Does this song seem to resemble progress or decline? Why?

4. What do you make of the expression “Yankee Doodle Dum”?

5. Did the image of men wearing signs asking for work look familiar? What do we see in Durham? How do you think the people asking for help in Durham got into their financial situation?

6. What are some examples of songs we hear today that express political and/ or social feelings?

7. What is the difference between disillusionment and pessimism. Which do you think Americans were feeling back in the Depression and what do you think they are feeling in our current economy?

8. What do you think is meant by the American Dream? How do you think the current presidential candidates are representing the American Dream?

DISCUSSION (Including comprehension of the Essential Question)

Activity 4: The election of FDR in 1932 brought hope to Americans (view Happy Days are here again on youtube – Frank Crooner version) watch?v=gqsT4xnKZPg


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