
6945549-97278Family Faith SessionsNovember: Morality 0Family Faith SessionsNovember: Morality 4606506-94891Social Attendance Credit Opportunities00Social Attendance Credit Opportunities2268747-94891Faith Practice Attendance Credit Opportunities00Faith Practice Attendance Credit Opportunities17253-94891Service Attendance Credit Opportunities00Service Attendance Credit Opportunities2263140118110Children’s Faith Formation Ideas Memorize Act of ContritionSong Link Video Prayer Link To help you memorizeGrace Before Meals Prayer ASL Sign Language Version Click Here (upload video) Beatitudes Video -whole family The Beatitudes Video? 1st-2nd Beatitudes Video 5-6What are Virtues? Video 1-4HYPERLINK ""Virtues: Catholic Central- 5-6Corporal Works of Mercy VideoSpiritual Works of Mercy VideoWhy we go to Confession videoCelebrate All Saints Day or All Souls day. All Saints Day is a Holy Day of obligation, Mass does not count as an Explore Four CreditYouth Ministry IdeasAttend A New Light Shines Advent Event 11/29, 12/6, 12/13 & 12/20Complete the Virtues, Works of Mercy, and Morality Practice and Reflection (document link below!) Go to Confession! 00Children’s Faith Formation Ideas Memorize Act of ContritionSong Link Video Prayer Link To help you memorizeGrace Before Meals Prayer ASL Sign Language Version Click Here (upload video) Beatitudes Video -whole family The Beatitudes Video? 1st-2nd Beatitudes Video 5-6What are Virtues? Video 1-4HYPERLINK ""Virtues: Catholic Central- 5-6Corporal Works of Mercy VideoSpiritual Works of Mercy VideoWhy we go to Confession videoCelebrate All Saints Day or All Souls day. All Saints Day is a Holy Day of obligation, Mass does not count as an Explore Four CreditYouth Ministry IdeasAttend A New Light Shines Advent Event 11/29, 12/6, 12/13 & 12/20Complete the Virtues, Works of Mercy, and Morality Practice and Reflection (document link below!) Go to Confession! 22860118110Children’s Faith Formation IdeasSVdP November Clothing Drive Link Holiday Food Drive LINKAngel Tree (late Nov, see bulletin)A New Light Shines Advent Event 11/29,12/6,12/13 & 12/20Corporal Work of Mercy Checklist (Choose 2 sections and completed)Spiritual Works of Mercy Checklist Youth Ministry IdeasSign up to lead or participate in A New Light Shines Advent Event 11/29, 12/6, 12/13 & 12/20St. Vincent DePaul (SVdP) November Clothing Drive Holiday Food Drive Angel Tree (See Bulletin in late November) 00Children’s Faith Formation IdeasSVdP November Clothing Drive Link Holiday Food Drive LINKAngel Tree (late Nov, see bulletin)A New Light Shines Advent Event 11/29,12/6,12/13 & 12/20Corporal Work of Mercy Checklist (Choose 2 sections and completed)Spiritual Works of Mercy Checklist Youth Ministry IdeasSign up to lead or participate in A New Light Shines Advent Event 11/29, 12/6, 12/13 & 12/20St. Vincent DePaul (SVdP) November Clothing Drive Holiday Food Drive Angel Tree (See Bulletin in late November) 4610911116812Children’s Faith Formation IdeasMusic: Listen to through monthHYPERLINK ""Change My Heart of God Open the Eyes of my Heart LordBuild my Life Pumpkin Prayer Carving ActivityGrace Before Meals Activity Link Kneeler Craft (GOOD ONE!!)Corporal Works of Mercy Craft Feast Day Fun-choose a saint and complete activitySolemnity of Christ the King FPSolemnity of Christ the King Craft and CAKE IDEAYouth Ministry IdeasListen to the song Build My Life throughout the month and write a Reflection about the way it encourages you to live different. Attend A New Light Shines Advent Event 11/29, 12/6, 12/13 & 12/20 Perforrm a Corporeal Work of Mercy (Youth Ministry document below!) 00Children’s Faith Formation IdeasMusic: Listen to through monthHYPERLINK ""Change My Heart of God Open the Eyes of my Heart LordBuild my Life Pumpkin Prayer Carving ActivityGrace Before Meals Activity Link Kneeler Craft (GOOD ONE!!)Corporal Works of Mercy Craft Feast Day Fun-choose a saint and complete activitySolemnity of Christ the King FPSolemnity of Christ the King Craft and CAKE IDEAYouth Ministry IdeasListen to the song Build My Life throughout the month and write a Reflection about the way it encourages you to live different. Attend A New Light Shines Advent Event 11/29, 12/6, 12/13 & 12/20 Perforrm a Corporeal Work of Mercy (Youth Ministry document below!) 6974732116813Children’s Faith Formation (K-6)Foundations for Thriving in Parenthood- Epis #4 Virtue: For Parents. Great video about morality and virtues habits and why they are importantGod’s Dream for You: Matthew Kelly: Parent and Older child. Younger ones may not understand.A Catholic Moral VisionYouth Ministry (7-12) Please watch A Catholic Moral Vision. A written reflection on what stood out from this video and/or any questions you have from it will count as an Explore 4 Credit in the category of your choice! Simply indicate which category you want it to count toward on your Reflection Form Family FormationYoutube series: The Chosen (7 episodes, 45 minutes each) potraying Gospel stories. The first episode may be too intense for youger ages, but the other 6 are lively and appropriate for all ages.?00Children’s Faith Formation (K-6)Foundations for Thriving in Parenthood- Epis #4 Virtue: For Parents. Great video about morality and virtues habits and why they are importantGod’s Dream for You: Matthew Kelly: Parent and Older child. Younger ones may not understand.A Catholic Moral VisionYouth Ministry (7-12) Please watch A Catholic Moral Vision. A written reflection on what stood out from this video and/or any questions you have from it will count as an Explore 4 Credit in the category of your choice! Simply indicate which category you want it to count toward on your Reflection Form Family FormationYoutube series: The Chosen (7 episodes, 45 minutes each) potraying Gospel stories. The first episode may be too intense for youger ages, but the other 6 are lively and appropriate for all ages.?6977063116205004606636122266001385512226700226521812226600-330200194310Students in grades K-6 must be accompanied by an adult at all service, social, and faith practice events unless marked *. Some service attendance opportunities are available only for Youth Ministry students in grades 7-12. Parents are encouraged to volunteer during classes.00Students in grades K-6 must be accompanied by an adult at all service, social, and faith practice events unless marked *. Some service attendance opportunities are available only for Youth Ministry students in grades 7-12. Parents are encouraged to volunteer during classes. ................

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