Web 2

New Technology-Based Ways to Deliver Professional Development

Marian Thacher, OTAN, mthacher@otan.us

Leslie Petty, lpetty@twmi.



1. Online Workshops


Macromedia/Adobe product



10 Way Online Education Matches, or Surpasses, Face to Face Learning

Article by Mark Kassop

2. Online Courses

CALPRO Online Courses

3. Online Study Groups

Project IDEAL paper on Online Study Groups

4. Online Collaboration


• Professional Development Blogs

Literacy | Tech, by Jeff Carter

Technology for the Adult Education Instructor (a community college in Illinois)

My own thoughts and reflections about adult education and technology

Jan Jarrell’s blog on transitioning adult ESL students to college

David Warlick’s blog on ed tech - K12 focus, but lots of great information

Blog search on Google – search for blog entries on any subject

• Blogs for Students

Teaching with blogs and wikis, from the Minnesota Literacy Council. Good collection of links.

Beginning ESL blog with photos of jobs

Another ESL blog, same teacher

Blog for adult migrant English program in Australia

Barry Bakin’s Blog

BJB’s Blog: Communication class for inmates

David Warlick’s blog on ed tech - K12 focus, but lots of great information

Blog search on Google – search for blog entries on any subject

• Sites for creating your own blog






• Examples of Wikis


Adult Literacy Education

Writing Together

Collecting stories of how technology has helped adult education students

Example of an assignment on a wiki, to summarize various readings for the group

• Sites for creating your own wiki




Video Sharing


The biggest and the most famous of the video sharing sites. It’s probably blocked at your school because there is a lot of “inappropriate” stuff on there, but there are also a lot of interesting and useful videos. Maybe you can get your network administrator to unblock it just for the teacher work station.

Berlitz commercial

Here’s the link to the Berlitz commercial on YouTube

Google Video

Google’s version of YouTube. It has some great features – you can add captions, link to a specific time code in a video, etc. If you search for “technology and adult education” you will find some of the OTAN technology integration videos.


Another video sharing site, nicely organized and easy to browse.

Create your own podcast


Use this free audio recording program to create your own mp3 files. To download Audacity, go to



Internet Archive


A site where you can create your own talk show, have as many people as you want call in, and podcast it live as well as archive it

Article by Apple about podcasting in education

Social Bookmarking


Save your favorites online so they are accessible from anywhere, tag to organize them and also so that others can find them, and see what others are saving

5. Voice over IP


Free computer to computer calls, including conference calls

Also has chat feature

$29.95 per year for unlimited call to any phone in US and Canada

Gizmo Project

Similar to Skype

1.9 cents/minute to call a cell or land line

Yahoo Voice

Works with Yahoo Messenger

Free voicemail

6. Online Groups

Yahoo Groups

Create a Web site for a group, class, program, family, you name it. You automatically have a message board, photos, a calendar, file posting. More and more programs are using Yahoo groups to communicate with teachers, and some teachers are creating them for their classes. Be sure not to make your group public, to avoid receiving a lot of spam and other garbage.

Google Groups

Similar to Yahoo Groups. I haven’t really explored this.

Community Zero

Another community building Web site that has been used by educators.

7. Videoconferencing



D Link

OTAN activities are funded by contract #5000 of the Federal P.L., 105-220, Section 223, from the Adult Education Office, Secondary, Postsecondary, and Adult Leadership Division, California Department of Education. However, the content does not necessarily reflect the position of that department or the U.S. Department of Education


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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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